Athens gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1814-18??, February 17, 1814, Image 2

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■ ■ -jm , . . tR * I'm*** an* fW* tb « ?•?#»! i jiiid to'*Rch c'Rottive ?«tie lioeiti vn* *. in lieu of thv botmty srrhf by Uv/ ? v, bo -boll b* rnlislrd into of th » it e and . j. ° r v “next, to .fern‘for tnc ’ tern- ©I fiy© years ©: during; the wjuv -*t itayrlf cuoff, of phi, 4um f drcd *&a\}pti i twenty -B/e' ; i»c paid <ro tbe fife re cruit ; twenty^ v> *hu* ht Hall be fttiACfc'r.'d and bnvc JtjdWu military coypff;, «*h<s bUy HoK ,J| ‘* on the expiration of hi* term ni y , tvv ’s? ‘ or wlieit be shall be Hditferi bis and shnh fbortm* ver he entitle n>thd||£iir<ty of >M,.” hundred ts of b'id* a-s heretofore established by tar* “* ? Sec. 2,’That evfry notM-commU* * siOfted officer, soMkr, or other jpHk &on, who shall recruit an able bfxhed for the sej yic#, shall be fh-4 to receive foi^... everjr efTccme aUie bocited .man* reormted fey Itim *dW the day of ©ext, for the term of five; years, ordwiug the war, *s4’ mustertdVand between the a’jf*is ©f'eighteen skid fortymve, the sum oi dg^£|l|M: Pruiiikd r.tvcrib?iess% Thai ibis f<.£utaka,;£n ( far as respects the age oi shall not expend rtithik%*s, «W those, a w ky the secret* t- a.; ■;T ***c. * hot alter’the of i£pzs erght hundred ap i-Courtsen, the taopth if pay of the cers, tnu&cuir*, prints, un* cm, bombardiers* ‘ kurros*fc4 wppyfyi: hu'iv-Ms, sc.%r*, fcdtfers arid blacksmiths. .arh© lute lasted, or should hereafter-epUbt th the ser vice oi* trhes United Stated |Baif thir* * i?iec the tnntmuunr.e of the vrar^be tween the United States of Aitova and their territories, and the Tubed Kingdom o! C*reat BiitaTu and lr©» land end the dependenci«s theceotV he Ha fniiovrs. v iz ;. to each aerjeapln uujor and tptarter mkvter% ittjeapT. fourteen ddiats ; to each scrje*ut and principal musieia». tkhtjeeti Urs ; to each corporal, twelve dol lars ; to each musician, eleven dol lars ; to each, private, driver hnm bardier» matrhvs, :unna r ’ and miner, ten dollars’, to esun ar.tiCicer, dler> taPrier and. bJ*chsmiti., not at* taehtd to the quarter master gene* yirl’s* and ordnatice dcpai'Unei.4fe r .fif teen d^Jla-fs*-”- -• .•;; “ ■ f *h• * fS*,*;. 4* I’hat t’verv • ndn-CQWtm?> fiOned cr/ musiciah and privat®, has been recruited iti the regu lar aritiy of the* United States, under the auUiOE 1- y of the act of.* the Bth Aprii, ;!BU. ?cC. may be W-cnikud for thb unu of Ivw cy during the war ; and that every officer, musician mui p r ;vatr rec ruited u«d<?f the &U --thiiritv of m a* t of 2fth Januaiw, VftU,• enTttMf :BfeCi may be re -enlist-, t# for’ fsve yt/urs or -during the‘^ir. * f. I'haJt the »r •g|©Uitd a, s*; yiittisic’a-ps and re-udiued under theu«thority nf, the preceding senior fihall bv entitkd to the alio wed* tn this act to recruits for five years oi iUtniV/f th© w• •/• •* * ‘• y?f’ CP<!s«cfo*h requires the siptztur'e of ixc prt srt'deM *<? a • hiroKi'Pvsn ns ‘ ’ •* f Sr,'..; BE AU-CJU AR r ERS, fls>r CuMfc- v, , • • j * ~.* , v - r*:';Sf ; had tl»c'<»«** of informing ;*•»» ."•.„ , Latter-of the 31st <t{t, }or warded hv M-v Windless, [Express] of an K VX\«.-. i .computed ’ M n f a into the enemy’s eotwitry w,tit the new raised Vohmtem frwft T -nnessect -I *»i ctrdere.t .those troops to form » F* ;,w v ‘.ff the itfth msc- w»t ** f : Until tits Hthn atetr number.«Bn* <>ffi<ser j *»<*»« across -hi ntet ro gr«* , s on the m-st■ «a-y l Whored remainder W »7 !•>**. ‘'Stingof the Artillery company; ‘!’ .J. w. ntaumie’ ‘one com* WIl “ J ittfact WW? K~SB iiXZE* **f ?ZL gjKw each* aHd a otMi# qf ‘l . iis. i Jtfiv ehr U«aded • *%» *ss «**&■ M f 4U- hi* »**«• and *ht. -suß fc.adwjj - !he Said i-ta ► ,„jvcr.u«e‘H * ipotiw-. _.airjj's vrmco. iojijlooced N&Arf • -t.i: ft.rthcrinto-t»e . mt *itfc thia. «>'••! ..i t .( hv «dtm oiaer . ..nsidtrahl'e §.**’ , Ki®, v ... r e* ttitptu^Hto the lllllCt «*«*'*&* The its WH&BF* thi* description «#SJ “ w ?P? ; Hgß&ra tuo-«ei«s>l*. a'raa !-; “ 4AC I*;:;’ Aboiu'lt* 6 clock i fired at amid ur tvl the next g&S'the spies whom fturtibd with the in tUctv was „a itirge feciiijratf *at the dia mile’s, who fro rp ; tWr wlM>f>pl»g seemed ‘to be a^romeh*— One el these Indian in ,1 had great assur ed, miS tW’fche/ wese ; ’ thoir ‘wcroe.n anu,rih!d.v.en> artd thaX iKe'wkrriovs'vroald ejths? ! masc«- their .srn 01 ***** .«v:V fore Seiog prepare# at & mihm%, , remained %v . th% ||ej i attack- be di he. ssr jf totitfttbv- artery i&iflj sci **ht .t&%. jcdv6t v it. v Qo-tip sting the m n” at.d its sUtigah, t’«; UeoerjU it mo*t.prudt?>t;fo return to my euca&pjner.(4itii guard the irJU* ‘ try *>« yisdam of ibfs • step M *«#&*<^covt reel—*s■»■ half ; aft ikmraffey. H*yjviurh \cv Gamp. & gonlljArrAbfc;. i#f£t"©f;#£e , iii fepperchce op ftiy sgjsC |fok ttiid * p/*'r bty .«jf bad been 05? *,pkkef t;uaH jj£e nigbi before* and were i#st» ifn sc the yim*iauy.ilhey: fj&j)i ‘&vs& up .n; sdSne-r-f wiv.-avthey belie'.*»»s ba#'(j* rd- hint Ukc Uso . iraep and *tyrtk ih e it*: j&ft. s f «dfc?«tfy;.‘ but• .tCro<|g^.>bm€- flustaky >vfcirii*l did not t)U.r|pbsci^y;iv-;!i^t ; .. iri'ty fouffplldwped''iti:r},waspfibrtg whoni vvtrt ih': old u : *-FbCcWi ,\Vi?h thtpe, hu*ev*; ? , \>{ j nn>mediate- ‘ : *v cpiiimi;i>ccii *4i.n utu -k. upon tfrd i !m iiapfe of ‘;tie : w.fcikH i.t*nie .’ j*de i3O &Clre:t ■ jhiljo «ngjhs *■ fyank.” tg*'3iyY am* 10-tgwjyte • Uie tjei.|yaty ob^y '’ and -‘n ilk mcirVat of’ iU <x£cji»gft» what, !%*» pectkdb cut thy h.Ad’.ijj'tcijdeH,. thte aU*ck : «£i ; ibs right ara *t „ and expectipg to and» i -.c t’ all my >4 • • kion ‘-.hi 4»cac-t -yd afcafck; mV >- # gaia and *£th their trUis’ force* bn ti^nk, which they hk£ ‘ftoptd: 4 aaid in t hey yki-t -u■••■?•■*. - * fefcd c.'i> 4 S|rihv|P and the rhe at-. - | ■ ‘gUg g Jijfcard •.. iet% an and o?.1 ect 4 ; cbptr'F^gUh^’ .fee with ftstdii »ibir»g .'ijj# 4 e^djkiyge cig. mg tiliftg’ rhcvim-u*. :.•* cUitrgttd ‘- ia^i!a<c‘^r^.,li^vlvkl?iis*V lyl’He &&■&s* tied*'’ uk were JurbUtd ayconu dm aal^mv^ • tartly U/wtifc ; ,i*ft : ! 4ad ’ til fffrdtre?« * with, t and .’ brd^rbd.thtt,cha : tik. , <md_ Gql*.ttVtdifc and .bis, /aga.a diacmguhiitei !:herbl*efvds> - :-‘k mgankima Can. .b'Mn# . 1 r ! arhbJf’t.jhMtif’ oyti support’ and \vho h>d o*p ’ w , :;»l4ij?iputp*)w hek'riag- v’ijws v ys| !M ‘^k'-had fyk«s_ to :pt ■■ i 6crt i 4>im-l4fc^‘*bJ : 0 rksctpitr^o ; jf.itd^ v f iViik'd -liy <Jkekv #fi hundred •-pf ,^ik « »io Rooh jl« hf; ‘ : bogee thx, : Viharge it-’sd, ttuv;eniefey routed ,tlt« : ,»L’biu •three yQiki*, .and .%tfctm -dain who *M, bo‘dy]j*iiKt. ?'<«•>. aict-dek ’ ■ ‘kiUeclt^^thek 4fafVnf brc*i, m- 4 ai\d:'bumtl and jay camp id’lk fordliech',:•;••• oreparett to ,rfa|»r}-'fcfiy 4t%fek wl ich «»««!< .'*>= , the tiight, dtteirnvntng-tu cojTkitkusce o- no. irn r £ the, day* cauke» : «o* sci/ryed to ’ make *, -anch y m.jdswfe s.-a* i Had npt w iK o\it’p>repar«d or •a p-rrmanent i cc-i-1- ; . dtr'td i t vvo »*sfe v -: ckis-i'.’ v:k an^idppf^fea^«|ffa^,. :V : hf*d- indeed I tOMxipg | I'kidUti >lb)nf>r,* V #d b hpt- »aty bI pyndrdt •c to v-ikaorb jfet.. i^Teqeis&affi’ [’ y ’ un vny^ichbntipmeiitand lptauiebii*’ ■ r •* ,y» ; ’ Sor stui bpriluo,’ ! he tefp -striaiaiy [Hk^^i|d. ; . !t% tstuvn, ‘tcv.iikrJ ti\i -appeal’-.;. %r\Cf «T4t,\yo-a:• J jn?p|t|iUtei^ wt tiieaW . oL Ujp my Uhd defneiibirnitt He’cw which the ecikin^ - toT; rbcti-ye>y^ % ■ of ray ivtii'Vj?jv,t^by rXh&rtiihfftp i\vo_,d#^-a?j4'-:j fU .id--»v%bk t w|] tlm ->e*n -Q'ty_ i •'• •;;;..*:> wtie l At p v gUe;H^4hi^»i; jNjn J - .bAd ’ U fcere*i ♦&; . pJJkfSUs *j &Ma hiti fy vw&uid, - Geperai f^ki|4 -.t|tr v&i&p&jMiie •:’ yfeHa e#to. •■dait . nee# % -ti«sc V l s&mz ‘pty ’ retnfh v _ % m.U’ch vfjjlfi-«»i>9 Irfe Itq^^i^yimougt ... . h^psbU^| ; ’;;% ■ Xori ?S«d : ||B-y aitd k4\if..g, ‘iduitker r pass..%}ihQ ‘*&&,**?.£ dkejf ~4',:tpt- ‘f> ac# hhuk ’ mibl , hUbHUor. a > ! p;-s«t;d «jr» ‘ .'po<;trdi attacked, I defat . rftuied % p>sa ,at %other rpuih-4'%^ to nwn tcrardingly* exffe* by the: signs ,of the mg^ t ‘wfS.itfc, X«"» <%&> a*?o« 1 tuovni the \rmihtieu%<rsr ihtvmieri- ft* rear guard:, t-.)uei!. ai wet! at TANARUS/ *%ht nutd \tfii coliim * *id i ~ o 1 - leading *S*b 4* \»«hkl Hdi>* *>, diaitl? lon its nfarpm T-*-’ 1 issue Tr fteneral ordev, mj| out the manner *rr one «lien yhctrW- W4O formed the e vent of un or the fronts? rear, or on the flanks, al*l *»*<* ptttfcubri/ t.auttdxd the office is i»> %U h«id 4 ioim ;ic< T ordmgfy, «tht >iftu*i five |Wbrd tihppM be Gi'.'The front fua,* and hail crowed, Min _ vp«ri tjtj fiaofca cpHu&nvthe Vuuy*- •ded .wjprtt cyer* and ine Ninet y i\\- the act oi eMerirtg the creek, >vhcu “'an <darm gun was tte&rtl recrl 11:eu vithenk e*.va even ’ with ; pjw.£iue,,c.ijctsi*’ injr with t*if vmoosu or, tbs j»f. Girt^'&GfrdViV, Itf&re&flhw ; in ‘ v r*-'hAd- t&zfc ihctii dtt “$& X hab CM Cevdi .it ibe head i- c centre ? u..- | ; 'rewr%raffe^/,4y>idgft;. coining I Perkins arid .»tsc f J?fjkb* Coh stnntr>v ; hOffeii f she ground, i to hg:*e_ | tag: lM jzpti ‘.bit. ,cohni'.m cm thjf• ..creok ; ,r • - ,to«i f.cU-v.-, ~;■ : •• Lth&r .jSmra?;,• ; Hr ‘V>y f‘^pFtfhr^ivtiid.^jr't ?! w>:i> yii-pi ■ I . the wi>s Wf gfv%E&>’ C&LG C* t rtV».*f . U-Ga' fornr-,. vr.A a ie’-v .-nd !i been’ freed!"’ I : be|.-.yd- ; ihc ; j'bi& ‘coCiiinhV of tl*s* s-b&r gyrai <\ s*£/. give way* Thj? vHa:r?fut > Wad disastrous ia the ext eerne* I-.: it'drew it the gresfebr p<wi I of the centre column,. icavioj:; not I more than 35 merv, w‘io being so .jtcq a by Col. CirroU, ma ntained t ground as tong as it \y«ts possible manualn it, andubeought coctt ! tion and confusroiv into the ceji It, m the army, a consternation which - r , not easily remove!, and a r is.oy tv. o.niee. There* ;wa* left o ,i>c *w^»- •^E»4 y 9fi| etctiWa txpectat A r sc( sirt>rtc • ;wb # p ,co?7.,n'i.smckrd th^ ! ’ ui ; tilkry .-cotm*, ;>ahy , l . •• .‘inre^a] IM'U wiislstftic «y« w ju»'r<fhf*. slit poferi* • )'gai.lira’ ti-e irony’ A |e tec f. dlVw-'fej^..;«.yxhc bill *o(i \ l qntil flpKie*!****. vsms& uaving I tnsm%h H £&, ayrf I ; :, | .tbk'Eu : ’ tk , ‘ of 4 rf«s -%g||jg^r 1 ’f.Jtfbei s.r|k«rralitig the v fhftGilihWnre.i* and .th bfesiope r V4'K s thli 2- f ofe, v v% v '-Ue£it*. isxfk jvhVhM ehe gai- ■ aheie. et?w- |mfled ! otu the ‘fevsf.hwuesVst & Used i* &% u >>.Vi4 l.^og k hwynuiut, used his !»ujm-. f s fo£t 4i a fancmr, *k?*ts the aod iackiOA 1 ivdng sis sci? . I dischargee, her .-**•;. A.rr£»strorrg,. just • fltfeer *"2flislfretpbX tit 1 .w:h ‘n Ha:.-/ :-t ..- 1 ■■i ; t Tcnoe-ase c? - !VfK>?tySVQ&?-t vii- Call « exclaHiiii't'g’ as &kv>oor ‘falhxtt* *wc ts jo*<*.uj *£?* t^‘4r.r^n ? !|"A. ; 'hoo-n.thi'i- time, a ntwher ci*o«*ed the thtercA Irtoi the chac>, • ‘ Gordon,, of t r .t •ISfiuvAm-v. ‘1- U'i«fcsir : and ■m ‘Kf fcMi C*r.K'a*r Afev »w; pufaiM;* tht h »’«’ w »a «w<*«r- Viur, Vt»r»vrift,r f!:e « P.f-l t*. **^ r fc V-^ fteH* Thu w ( .t I S^*e4 ; W theit , y elbs, - l #*S|^ ’& * feolihgs if imkdt -Gs ’ %y e - •/.>. :’- -; - c? ff a* *‘d j^V» r *ht. t/c.h : uf..rt:«-. ;> Gh ,-rdor. - arA saved the H*.’ *i ■• kiA- suldEil’ b«->iUir.g hi* • ;i; - f bh Jwo*4hd«’-4 f |a*fto. 15 the for ‘|fW- Hmvfoviykvjp [ r Tentiey-s-r, ‘wto* b«*r G : a||ed faiUcr of I after the 4| hir. I vijvnrt’ tr** j Hjfcrgjtnfer «•» MtcurMc-.n, V)f> ucupt Mswwiw t®v t tisaiy ;i Unit d*«f TV .4C fc.H nwue- ; *» . * ijiory. Biro ot the wfjht* *"**.-,-^’ p ms *C*l> . Qsvrks who cax&tfc^i: * <*:\c tefiim coiiitf*ft ut the i # ! ’ ‘o ll .*» the |iy»tii* *>V hi* hi'mg * “J 11 Wi\rh\<% *us» ioiMtfya hf cf jus nicu> iH*.ciYe«i £. * vouhtl i« his of **’ }><** ti we .died, . ‘' K •T*’ t- vii ’ Ihrtit severi! jrnVi* 4C Uilstl a«<i 74.-Vrunwit-f!, % oi Haft since. dfcd* • iil 'i;:: S evueTujy ear-rii* be 4C«;*i*v l 4> j iy wcertai,w<|t,J.d> Jfrf r '#W “W* f*wrpiifedft*£ t tail | iimist !*it-comsioyt-utljr abort ci the ■ u n»}i? and, 1 fteir'wcwd* ; cAh.cmlvjAr it tktbett? lor Uic unions* #iu: tebc<i *>£ .Vear-guaro iw \h anawr />f the S4ih insfom i hiiik cotSd vilely have said Hist ou *rxnf oi’ ao.Uth.. evee Actefi with m«re ,'ami bray<M.y if uai|i*vipb»s* ed and ; iv«cxp»:tVei*c«u atf they were* tlicii Cv>ivdv;t U\ the seven} ahga^* , ,the’ S‘id couid Dot h»Y . .fei’en, passed b^ t i Nome* of, *n coot^ ••• !h t :'..rc jif.rr C .;ie'tv nr “djcmKei* UHc'ui; v/th num, cuargy’. Du tb* i-, sik ‘fhe*SrefiMs of ; ’ ■ .;;u, and i •;.. ;• • ha w j jo*i their ■ : >i« c*iuc.-’i, am* »:ere ir-nrv thSi«- OuU dt§ tjUao ai|jJ|Y •rfcc-ps .1 littil ever. •fiwsti.^/^ut ■ p 2 d&nliiO&’tftjyo*; j; VuV*- *Sr akogethefr • io/km* very re/, trfe »cj| o ■ ight mhc*‘ ascribed ••ti. {hc.wairt ’ t|j .;'u\ iw any in,the, isH'Oi *> 80, ou e»4) dtj&isMMl 1 * . hVva mar.fft&Ull * to Mta ••"form th’Hr cfoiy- .*■■> fcne# \ “ .’ , ■ ; 7 Ail the est ret* wikcfc vera design** . ed to be produced by tlijA euarsimi., ;,\x ts belioied/nn’f been produced It ,; fc *rt ivuat:k WmX ‘■• - i\i nivij'oa :i that btttt itr(!rcatf’.i-i Fioyo isopera tijig ott sb t enll j'.bfpJAn>f the T»Ua|« s/ 1 sjv p*.-.-wt | HfVii he «•'&.•■’ ftjftttjtate ‘ i. • i>4£>.n iv&ut ••in h)s Iflvor* ot the dos beer/.* diV- [ -the gokfttfcncf ‘tHwfe b&s *| , • fijoni tk (kiqx# V*t CT <i>v -v i*» K - **-’■” ‘ *os Iruop*'*d*<6> , ; -,*% *ijiU# <s jt|P&ik ( ’ J ’ ■” ftehtita&tiyv , Miij>t«f«dU ( , fc'to.f ~ cfc‘iUs|sjf l|to weft _ ®np^°* ‘-' f 'H ‘.-V tv tlH»’ pS? ’ >,* • ‘ ■**fc#irß’^ce ; v: t*’nX44 .¥«;£ th«y be cj'i?v«rir 1 ft : %*jD’f..^'^!r- *r9‘wW :- it*, ‘<f [;■ $ t2>:’yi|h’ •■■<*; -.. ; «’&’ .immediate?*/ <v« revive | * “KW * “Ifcv* W* y i<* sr*.4ie th«- 4’ r v ! >itl tv* rtis.vtk fvetti th'u> . 5 : |p||^ ,":;vv jit : .. bv. i-TMt* t» fttvc Imretu*’- •*• , <ii v * Oitf Gwn ‘ » • *,tf.t!> «{-.v meaMiri 1 . .1 • 3 • rv ■•<* whfc Lhe t;N3*;>r H %*■ ‘■ *;• j (l _• £».? ‘ < ’: »’*iVl 1 i .’V'■■«<■ ‘- * f i% ?. *5 . V‘.«’ ..Vd iArti i()\s ; .-?>< f , f. *• f - s „ 1. „ **•’ V*J 'XESQtiU liQ& . / ■ . >'• »•’ u;’ ,'i .• ■.i : i . • r -'si;v, ‘ I , «*a C*p•-..*■ oi''»<r -v- ... r ty-'v K’si • • *'•••’ *"i'V./’ ’ ‘ ••’ , r ,if ‘■• tt*-r I 4 f>J itrtCii‘K (■'■■’” ! *'.*-‘ttzitt i me rieiiu- r i wm > . i - *>, m truest zv, ■’ ‘ r V ■ r?:iu ...’•• *i'.-i; : <--. p . fact - onnm-,n: M _»• W ‘i r £T*% H* 4kU>* pw»i ■■■ of- ‘*• ‘ ‘ v || VjO’ tli- eoek*r’ *ii oCutk. J| cHtim.' : sf C< ■-v’ t a:'* J m"■ v ,<t -’ * ~ J *M| • I cMmfa tht v&pw&is. <& and ..’ nH iSI’ ulteiO- -< v ■ j|| c i £asuu» i« ajrr*a ; «*-e rhir &e a 1 S &J it . r. * i'. r V■ • • * he 1 , J*S i I lit .d'M’'--- ‘£* S-v ■ ■ •;■ -Si. : V. fbe df.atl’ ni’ *k dirivi ff. B-v; . ~ J&3■**:?(< *'*> - fl X&st!sS‘ MA’ V ‘d •*».,— +? ‘ *« HH - ■ l ’*4 A-iift.f , ■ ■ ■■ -1»1 I I !u‘-JiPd*'i4’ ijci r .<|i BB :,’ ; Asv*t 1 ; aiiii yr -*r “h*i <••«. M. ..;• • li) iM • : 'Hfe»tv* vo Aia , ; yr, B b;- | JH ■»• ‘C'4tanci i \mi :» .by hv’ /»> vk* eb ?.u-i tUar,