Newspaper Page Text
j;otcK»way ;Country, ytfiere I went <
with generai Buckner t left
this with the hope of being able to
rfemaiq there# and hold the country ;
but our'hopes are in some measure
blasted* for we had the misfortune
to lose general Harris—-he was killed
it is supposed by a party of negroes
who way laid and shot him on the
5 Inst, He was the whole support
of the cause. It would have fallen
long since- had it not besn for the
great exertions made by hint.
“ It is a great pify, that that coun
try is’ not settled, for it is one of the
finest in the world,—-the lands are ve
ry rich.”
\CjT We published in part of our
last impression, a letter fron Col.
1 fawkins to a gentle m in in this place
dated Creek Agency 3• st May, sta
ting that information had been re
ceived lrom John Sqddam, a respec- {
table half breed chief who H veS low \
down on the Chatahooche river* of
the arrival at the mouth of the Appa
lachicola in Florida, of two thousand
British who were building j
houses and had called upon the.indi-,
uns to join them, which all the towns
had done. The news it is said is be
lieved by their Chiefs, who are very
uneasy and have sent an intelligent
Indian down the river to ascertain
The substance of the above infor
mation is communicated in a letter i
of the same date to the editors of
this paper. A few days will deter
-fciine the* truth or incorrectness of it.
Georgia Journal •
Baltimore, May 24. *
44 Gen. Smith is said to have - re-‘
iv_d a lettejr from our agent in’
I, melon, which gives an opinion
that the British government as a*
preliminary to peace will require us
to abandon the {iast India trade undf
the fisheries*’
from the New York E „ Post of M&f IS
* *, ZOOM,
By the British army under Lieutenant •
General Graham . ,
from the London Gazette
Extraordinary of Mti ‘ch last. ,
Bosenbaal. March 9.
‘I gave you an account, m a for
mer letter, of two unsuccessful at
tempts to take Antwerp by assault,
*»nd to capture or burn trit fleet,
‘there. We failed because our force/
rt Was ; wholly inadequate, and because
*ipnr allies the Prussians had Ulterior;
pursue. A few days ago.
We got a large supply of military
stiWgs lifer wit ha tpiahtity df
Congreve Kockets, some of which
played off with very fine effect
%rbtti the ramparts of Williamstadt,
in presence of our gallant comman
der Sir T* Graham. All the formi
•tlable materiel of war moved on to
“the advance of our ariny. and we fe
eeited*a recent reinforcement of twO
line reg’ts, the Ist royals, hnd the
31st from Straistmd. Every one ex-.
pected that another attack on the .
ffetl Would immediately take place,
and were anticipating the most fa
vorable result, when, this rhorning,
the arrival of a number of wbunded
men gave us to understand that the
attack was made, not upon Antwerp-,
But upon Bergerr-o p-Zoom. Ber
gvn-op Zoom is one of the strongest
towns in Europe. In former cam
"jaigns the French (l think in 1743)
art tempted to carry it by assault ;
tfcey were repulsed and left about a 4
Thousand of their men dead on the
g-keis, Marshal Saxe, however, re
frerwed the attempt, and took it by
stratagem. f We were encouraged
fd expect success, because it was
known that the French garrison
wished to evi«cuatyit, and to throw
itself into Antwerp ; and also that
‘the town’s people were all ’in our
’ interest. T|ie British army there
fbre adyar ed fr6m ife canton men:
«m the 6th and 7th, towards Ant
Werp, the head quarters being a-
Culm bout. On the Bth it suddenly
marched to Fort Lillo and Bergen-
i all these places’ being
eniy a fewliours march from eactv
oilier, the 1 object proposed ’to be at
tacked was given out to be fort i>‘tlto,*
which lies between Bergen and Ant
wfrrp. The former )>lace, however,
was only forked, and the real attach.
« was made on Bergen-op-Zoom oo
the same night.n Bergen is on ..
>*sing ground or hill, one
in the country, protected Syu mansa
cm the southeast and watered by
the little riVer Zoom, Wmch *s and
- into dykes and canalsP-’ Oa
the west it is washed/by a btanen <u
Scheldt. The assault was maefe
by two brigades stmoltaneoq*iy, o »
the horth side next Tnolen, and th
*outb east ‘The brave rtu jor gene
rat Skevrett, the intreprd defends
ms Tarilfa, commanded the attaca.
He had some ti ave before broke a» ,
leg by a fall from his ffilrse ; fron
Which He was not recovered. F»» v
other brigade was conducted by Ma, •
Cen. Gore.—it consisted of the is
guardsidst royals, and 44m. wit i
detachment of the ?lst. J it trave.*-
;eJ a frozen morass* cleared. the eif*« i
’ r vJernenrts anti chevausC de frize, and
a'ed tlie ramparts; they actually
7>t in the town uadi sewered. The”
other brigade, of the 55th,
661 h and 3Sd, andfsome of the 21st
H )d 37th, also assaulted by-escalade, *
bat was vigorously opposed. The
enemy raised up the ladders from
the top of the ramparts with hooks,
an.i dashed down the men upon the
frozen ditches ; the gates* however
were forced open from the inside,
and the greater part of the assailants
entered. The garrison, though sur
prised Was not thrown into confu
sion ; it rallied, lined the houses on
each side the street, and enfiladed
them With grape jjipt and howitzer
shells. Ihe guards were drawn up,
and prepared to fire by platoons,
when they were ordered to throw
out their priming, and to charge.—•
They advanced at the pas de charge
but they met nothing but showers of
grape, canister-shot bullets;
Alidost all the brigade was laid -
prostrate ; nor did the other brig- i
ade suffer less, though they only j
gained the ramparts; th short, it *
was very like the Buehos Avres bu
siness, inly that no blame can pos- <
sibiy attach to our b*rave veteran <
Commander: ih fact, nothing could s ,
be better planned than the attack* or
more heroically executed.” The two
leaders, Generals Gore and Skerret.
were literally pierced with b tils
The first fell dead on of slam,
but gen. Skerret has survived, fhly
corps, now began to retreat; but here
the enemy feeling his strength and
his vantage ground, shut the gates.
Manv threw themselves ov#r the
ramparts but the greater part re
mained-in the town killed, wounded
and prisoners. To interceipt the re*
treat the French opened the sluices,
wnicii flooded the dykes over the ice.
l nree lines of works, and three *
Curses of duykes had the ’retreaters jj
.o pass, under showers of -round and L
and shell before they Could :
he safe ; yet wonderful to tell, hum- !
hers of wounded men, with balls in ■
their bodies, got over afl ; and huru
bbers .also were ‘drowned ib- the at-’
tempt. It was a moonlight night,
but occasionally t clou led ; no blue
lights &c. were exhibited ; but the
aim was no 1 less sure, iiorlhe fire less
destructive. Os about ‘ 4,506 mm
engaged in the aSsaiilt, it is said, ■
that not 1500 escaped. We trust, I
however, the lbss will turn oilt not J
near so great. > The enemy will
boast of having taken two pair Os co
lours, but there , was n6 honor lost—
they were lost only*!when their gal- ,
lant defenders ceased to
The enemy’s general# Whose nartu I
have not yet learnt, behaved with
He sent a‘flag Os truce to
propose giving Up the Worst Wound
ed meh, which proposal wa, accept
ed, and between six and seven hun
dred were delivered to $s at the Ant
werp gate. Such has been the re
sult of w;hat I hope WiH prove the
last sacrifice to Moloch.
London, Allarch il.
iThe Dover, Pene|ope and Ceylon,
with the naval officers, seven hun
dred seamen, and the volunteer ar
tificers on board, from the several
dock yards* went down to Sc. Hele
na on Saturday morning, with H. A!
store ship Abundance, and several
transports, having On board the
frames of two frigates Os S2 guns
each, two brigs of war, apd every
description of naVal stores, for the
equipment of a numerous and most
eificieiH flotilla, for the lakes of Ca
nada. The Spencer 74, capt. Rag- ‘
get, has the convoy in charge ; and
she will sail with the whole of the
ships the moment the Fuega and
Thanes appear in sight* from Guern
sey* whither they sailed on Monday
last, to take troops on board for the
same service. General Couran, late,
in command at Gosport, is embark
ed in the Dover, to join sir George
Prevost. Four post ‘captains* * eigh t
lieutenants and 14 midshipmen, are
going out to command under Sir,
lames Veo.
The frigates going out in frame,
are to be Called Psyche and Prompter
the brigs Calibre and Gosshawk.—
The Victoria and another frigate, are
ready for launching on the lakes.-*.
The regular enlistment of surgeons,
pursers* masters* &c. for the new
vessels, has been fixed by the admi
»• ally, and the oflicers are going out
a the present fleet.
. 1 bat gallant and judicious officer*
-nr George Collier, has also sailed
Cir the American station, in the Le
ader, anew ship* of the same ton
nage and force in every respect* as
viie large American frigates., He
v ill take under his convoy a body of
oops, which had embarked in
transports atiCo-k.
On Wednesday last, the 18th insU
o the arrival of the brig Regent*
l in j: ranee, at %|Jdy Hook, “she
- Vtfs j uisucd in clos| chase by the
ceivititi a 1 ligate. Commodore Lew.
jt g? td the gyyn flotilla oar that
1 her danger* made
r saS! with a dinsfonfcf *.l of i its boats.
proceeded towards* the Trigate until
he was three miles without the Re
gent, ar>d prepared for an engage
ment. The wind at N* W. and
tide at ebb* driving his vessels direct
ly out when he reached within gun
*fchot distance of the enemy, be came
to anchor in line cS 1 battle* and fired
two gun*?to windward as an invita
tation for her to coipe on The ‘fri
gate, however, declined the combat
and stood off, whlfrt com. Lewis
gave her 40*or 50 shot, many of
Which struck in different directions
about her, and some went beyond
ber—in thet-presence of many hun
dred Spectators on Hie beach* who
were thus disappointed in seeing the
efficacy of gun-boa’js to an \
effectual and decisive test on this ■
occasion* and under circumstances,
too, favorable td tbe frigate, and du*
advantageous to the operation of our
jgalant little marine. ir-CW.
New Y .k, May 19.
The fast sailing letter of marque
brig Regent, capt. Bartlett, arrive.-
yesterday afternoon. She sailed
from Nantz on the 9th of April, and
after a four hours beating chase yes
terday morning off tht Hook by the
Belvidera* reached our harbor in tri
umph. ,
Cipt. Bartlett bkihg hurried awiy
brought no papers, but brings a full
confirmation of the news per the
Ida from Rochelle, and the Fair A
diencah from Liverpool, differing
however, in some particulars* He
e.ates, that,
t’hb ’combined -armies of Russia,
Prussia, and Sweden* alter three day *
h ltd fighting, under the walls of Pa
ris, /the 28th, 29th and 3QthJ en
tered that city on the 31st by capitu
That there was ho other accou v
except that it Was reported that 20,.
000 men only had entered. Pans
’U ider Hhe com nand of Beniadotte -
prince royal of Sweden Who kep
them hndersevere discipline—That f
they do not pretend to give a
ter, but that the French nation has
liberty to choose One for themselves.
: That the general fieres
!ford says he same at Bordeaux. J
That the French Emperor was -it
Fohtambleku. with Ad,soo men.
That tff E mpress, /four months
gone ih pregnancy ) the king of
Rome, and the court, had'retired to
That Lyons on the 21st
of March— »that Fhoulousc, arid most
part of the south of. France .were no
longer in possession of the French.
That the people pf ,France were
generally pleased with the idea of
having anew ruler—and that the
excise officers of the Napoleon Code
were afraid to perform their duty,
the having put them at
defiance* r .
. *■ .*• w ‘
* . •;. ... “” ,
The following is an extract'of a
Utter by the above vessel,, to a gen
tleman in this city, dated about 30
miles from Nantz, ht the mouth of
the river. . v * “ v
Paimb&uf, Abril 10, 1'314.
*‘The fine city of Paris was deli
vered to the Russians On the 22d of
March. The news of the day is, that
the Emperor has te&ken his capital,
at the head of 200.000 mcft. v
’ ‘ .- n , 3 :A]
Politicians doubt it.
The above letter contains an ac
count of the cruize and arrival at
Nantz of the # French privateer Cleo
patra. She sailed from Newport,
. (a. i .) some time last winter, had
made nine prizes, one of them a
large Spanish ship mounting 12 9
pounders and 40 men* taken by
boarding. This prize has also ar
rived at Nantz. estimated to bfc \Vorth
two millions of francs.
The empress, senate, and minis
ters of state, with the officers of their
different departments, left Paris to
gether.—-iVa*. Advocate*
i Charleston Gazette-Extra,
‘J£ „ May 26. .
Extract of a letter from PARIS to
• a gentleman in this City, dated
APRIL Bth, W 4.
‘ Asa vessel is on the p<*int of de
parting from Bordeaux to the United
States of America I hastes to in
form of the late great and splen
did Victory which his Mijesty the
Emperor has gained. We have be
held enter our capital the Emperors
of Germany and Russia, and the
King of Prussia— 6*as prisoners off Par
withal! their Suite compo
sed of 30.000 men, among whom
, are a great many officers of distinc
tion. Since the .4th of February last
to the present day, the Emperor lias
been heaping laurels on bjs head.
Os all the barbarous enemies that
\ have entered France, I trust that not
one may return |o tell of their de
feat, or of our victory. Our young
men dT the military shools can,hard
ly be restrained from going out to
meet their toss. U you were to see
’ them yob would imagine they litre
“ Xh“ thirteen strong places which
the enemy have left in their rear,
have been doubly garrisoned, and an
army of 64,000 men will cut oif their
retreat, r ihe army of the brave An*
get au wuo is near Lyons is march
ing rapidly towards them. Hiey
will soon find themselves surrounded
by 160)000 men—-all that- France
possesses, in choice troops The
Hotal des Invalids has been adorned
with above one hundred standards
of our enemies since the commence 4
ment of this terrible campaign/’,,
The above extcact is given exactly
as we found it. to the impartial pub
lic. The contents of the letter from
Which it indrawn are of so important
a nature, that tfie strongest, proofs
of its authenticity can alone warrant
belief. i
We have good reason for believ*
irtg that information. very little, if
any-thing short of oflicial, has been
received sci this city tjy the Regent,
ol the emperor of Austria having
united his force* to that of his son
m-law, the emperor of France) and
declared against the allies.
Phil% l/cm% Prttu
GEORGIA, Y Court of Ordinary^
> Adjourned Session*,
Clark County,, J 6 th June , 1814,
Vl/N the petition of Isaac Middle
brooks, Jun. praying that the execu
tors of John Maxey, deceased, may
t>e directed to make titles to him of.
in, and to a tract ot land in fee sim
ile. lying iir Wilkinson County to
thetone of two lots, either No. 61 in
the fifth) or No. 4 in the fifteenth
districts, the choice of which lot
was left Xy> the said Isaac Middle*
brooks, which lie hereby signifies to
be lot No. 61. Agreeabty to a bond ]
made by the said Maxey in his life
time to the said Middlebrooks, a co
py of which is here filed in the coon.
It is ordered that the executors of
the said Maxey make titles accorJ
nigly in pursuance of the provisions j
oi an act of this state in such cases 1
made, unless cause be shewn against
the same at a court to be held in
Said county ol- Clark on the first
Monday in September next.
A true copy from the Minutest
THAT attendance will be given
at the following named places, on
the following days by the Collector
of the Internal Revenue for the fifth
collection district of Georgia, via
On Wednesday the 13th of July
next, in the townbf O
glethorpe county-a-Friday 15th of
July) in the town of Madison, Mor
gan county—Saturday, the lfith of
July, in the town of W .tkinsville*
Clark county, of which all persons
who have not entered thei’r carriages,
and those who have bonds out for
internal duty, and those who wish
to take license for distilling, or for
merchandizing, or retailing foreign
domestic spirits, may avail them
selves of this notice.
C. R. 5. G. D. G.
May $6, 1814.
Ibo hereby forwarn all persons
’ from trading with my Wife Fanny
T hompson for any species of proper
ty how rn my possession, or any thing
whatever touching my interest, suth
as goods, wares or merchandize, or
ip fact having any dealing v#th her
- concerning my affairs) as I wilVnot
be responsible for any of her con
tracts, she having Withdrawn herself
from my bed and board without
having the least shadow of provoca
Clark county , June 6, 1814. ,
-« i !... I ■ -* 1.. T. •
ALL those indebted to the Sub
scriber for tuition, will oblige him
* 7 by calling on Mr. Josiah Newton or
’ M . Golding and making payment
as soon as possible.
- ? ; M. W. DOBBINS
April 28.
Those having demands against
the estate of William Harvie. de*
ceased, will piesent them properly
, authenticated within the time pre
scribed by all who are in
debted to the estate are requested to
/ make ipiniediate payments to
or :
James Meriwether,
March 31.1814. E xecutors.
A most excellent JENNY—En
quire of the FHatera bcUoL ‘ *
‘*'■ NWE itfonHis from the dftt* C
hereof application will be to
he Honorable Inferldr Court of
Clark County for leaf* to »*li too
Real Estate of the late Col. Pete*
Randolph, deceased, or as much
thereof as is situate in the said conn*
ty ; for the benefit of the heirs and
THOMAS W. C< 88,
Adm. cum. te>t» annexo*
March 21. 1814. .
On Friday the 1 7th d.q 9/ June next,
at the iate dwelling house of J <hik
Harrietts deceased , of Clark county ,
on a Credit of*ten months, $j the •”
highest bidde *\ part f the pc nal
property of said deceased***
Consisting of horses, cattle,
A goats, geese, an 80 gallon still*
a cotton gin, saw mill irons, survey
or’s compass and chain, one box of
pane glass and several other articles
too tedious to mention.
Notes with approved security will
he required op all sums exceeding:
three dollars*
> Administrator
May sth, 1814., -
x / • **;
*********** il, 1 in m** . >1 , H 1
Will be sold\
■Oft the First luesday in July next , at
the Court-House in Jackson county
agreeable to an order of the Inferiof
- Court of said M eto jnifc
SE'V-EN l'Y-FiVij- acres Os land,
more or less, joining the town of
Jefferson, being part of the t ai
tate Os John Clark, deceased—sos
the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said deceased. , N
7 JOHN CLARK, Adminis rat or*
May S« -. 1 814.
sjsaMs -
™ i h JHpr * }
WILL ml sold
On the 25th day of June next, at the
house of Owen \>uUock of Clark
County ,
TWO Negroes, Bert and Torn,
the property of Morning SpvilloCxj
deceased—for the benefit of the neirt *
of said det eased.
peter Williamson,
Administrators •
May*?-: ‘
Mr ‘ mm m ‘ - nflf
-* ■. J . » •%"’ yS> ‘ 1
NiNfe months after date applies-*
tiOn will be made to the Honorable
Court of Ordinary Os Madison coun
ty, for leave to sell one tract of land,
containing one hundred and tbrtv a*
cres> more, or less, lying in the conn*
ty of Oglethorpe, on th<; waters of
Cloud’s creek, adjoining Job FaUon*
dyce«sefi, Lewis Lester and Others*
and lot No. 2 It, twelfth district of
Baldwin* nptr Jasper—sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of ‘
Hardy Sanders, deceased
Guardian .
March ir, 181 4.
1 H gjt f $
m mmi n m 1 ‘■■■w'i mk ■«fi ■ mi*** PIIM
Franklin Comity, y ‘ >
.Inferior C*vß+, February Ter#)
MU* /
■ O N the ffeition of Hudson Moil
stating to the court that some time
ago, he was possessed of a receipt,
given to him by James M. fhuruitHi
for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars,
which was in discharge of a hote
which he had executed to said Fhiir
mofi, and which was payable on the
23th of December, 1804, whicn re
ceipt he has lost or mislaid so that
it cannot be found. A copy of which •
as well as he ‘ceil recollect is in thp
words and figures following—
April 17th, 1609-.
Then received of Hudson Moss
Two Hundred Holtafs in payment
for a certain note tliOl the said Moss
gave to me—l say received by me,
Test—Garland Latte.
by t'.c Court, that the foregoing co
py of receipt be established in ieu
Os the oitgmal unless cause bes wit
to the contrary Within the time in
scribed by the statute in such sea
made and provided.
A true copy taken from the mnutes*’
* May sth, 814.
At this Office, some neat plain
homespun, either white* striped or
colored. Subsetibers'to the Gazette
who live sufficiently near, and who
v lift avail themselves of this oppor
tUtfity of making their first payment,
will by so doing confer an obligation..
7* Cash will be given tor a tew a
well unued or dieted deer or shceM
S»1U»« , iJH.