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FOL. /,
y ~?ySfe , ‘*’' t: J& < *’'*'-* !&'*sw£’ - ‘■'• £j|jbOl
Ur fifofl&E br M-riCItXEZL. :
• fatf The Annual Sußscrip-teiv will be.
THiiM dollars, half ia advance.. /, «
Subscribers living on', of the State wtU
’ ‘C. pay the whole subscription upon the dcU
j very ox the first number. ‘ #
CS. No Subscription? will be received for
less than one year; and no paper shall be
* discontinued unt l arrearages are paid
jspi. Advertisements will be inserted at the
’ • xemomary rates.
tfpj* Getters addressed to the Em*
■ Xoiti must be fQst paid .
T/i* f dlou'ing are re
quested a>tdauthorize l to receive Sub
script i <;? and give receipts fo r fit's
sdp:r, viz
y Watkinhtll'i Or. Wm. YVrigtit &
mri Joseph Vfdis., TANARUS, y !
“Jackson county., Capt. Boyle.
l tit Post Master.
Greene county, Mr. Gres
f,iin, P. M. Grrenr^orfj’v,Mr. Grant.
T- M. GtqtitsiilUri Aha the Post
‘Master, Potcelton. . \
s ‘ Wilkes county —Mr. James Wing-
RcUU P. M. Washington, and Mr.
Robert Grier.
Raysvilte— -Me. John Barnett.
Columbia Court-House— . Master.
Jskoci~2Ai* Abercrombie, P.
V> arid'Joseph Bryan, Etj*
Elbertori~* Mr. VVra. Wptxls.
, r. Alex. Pope. y
Aug”*ta— Mr. Fraser,P* M. an
Main* F Phinizy. v .
jllo rs?on— -Mr. Cunningham, P* M.
>,/:* Shower/
1 J?utncn\t—— Brice Gaither, Esq. ■
% MiUeJ£viilc—\'h<i Post Master.
Madison county— Mr. Long, P. M
<fnd William Hodge, Esq. V
f anktin— The Post Master :and;
k the Uev Messrs: Thomas Nekton
Sampson Lane.
* Washington count >— I Generd Irwin.'”
Warren — lhe Post Master. ,
- X,ineoln-l—'Y he Post Master.
sdc<? nnah— -Samuel Bat nett \ Esq.>
John E. Fraser, E 4
St. ‘ilary's— Major Clark, P. M*
, AbbvzjlU’t S: -Mr.. Moses W..
iPobbim- , v ,
Without intending any disparage*
to the useful and valuable puN
iptrs printed in; Augiiafa- Milled g'.
f vil^and elsewhere in this State, m
vill take tip; liberty to mention the’
, jfbilow mg consider itions as yin sqm^
’ degree recommending tft/s To public
. pntiou ge, and especially !p the up
ptr-couritves. • .. ,*rtV “
ft he large, and will conse
i contain riot only a variety,
I bin a vons: quantity of mat
s with caseJ
It vvVU be puHislidd at the Seat of
t;|W Gm-'ersity of this State, and
! derive from that cirC uni Stan cq’
r fjpyj general interest import-^
tirii'C •
pukdshed on Thursday
i: c i :\y v ech *oon alter the aVri v 1
oPi'hc Northern m\rl Soiitrievn Mail,<
it lact, contain $
•roiv- Summary of the iates:
.and , c interesting news from the
o»i - •. h •
cT q ■ direct commurricafh
•fli» b.C. ix Bun com ric
[to *'• :c s • v:-’ this wifi pro -
-1 hiy - The' '-earliest intelligent
Kentucky, Ohio
Oth. * .riiverti and Western Slat.-
..untl T.- rilories. . ‘
Vlt yr r \ii obtain besides the tom*
XQon cri a newspaper
OJoraU and t 'cient.iiic mat-’
■ ter, v >.mKryvitl he cdrefuhy.selected
t ffud rnuce us'uc as possibte subset'-
” Vleat to the pt active of Christianity*
And to; r t‘ri§; pursuits of common life:
f Tht ;nove cfFecvtually To attain this
objoct, we here beg leave respectful
ly to invite and solicit gentlemen of
science, who are friends to man*
who would meliorate the
f condition of human life, to favor us
I v;ith their aid. Pieces on the vap-
I ©as subjects alluded to,wnether ori
[ ginal cr well selected, will be thank
s fußy however to
l the'correction and modification of
■the Editors. Nothing Sectarian will
IJbe admitted. Not only the man of
ficltecs. but thepiain practical phiio
l.eophcr. the ingenious farther anti
|Fmecha»ic may .be useful She re.—
them will be gladly received
Ffmd attentively noticed any Useful
I Tisco ve h a-* aid iinp ro v rive ti tsi ha-
or the mechanical arts.
b Xi i» not intemlcit Uuu this paper
1 S
spall be m&de the vehicle ofprlvate
j or personal scurrility and .abuse*,
j TTr* Gentlemen holding Sufscrip
; tion. lepers fdr the Gazette, are res*
p>retfjlly re-juertid to transmit to the
Editors ijiunedratcly the names of
serfheri, V^T : >•&£>•’ H»- v
;‘Vj ‘• S'Jt S's-s” r f'-r r r-s* r-s'J* jrj-
Gov £ a nor’s C om: tit cn i c a tlon\
E.<ecuu/e< Georgia-
Mil! edge vifle 13 h Oct ldl4v
Tellow Citizens Sejitit e .
end Hobse'oC Representatives^
Iti'has been, deemed advisable in the
existing posturfVof p'fibljc SfPsffr'sy toy
‘•nnvene th-i Ergi Attire aja
earlier th/\o *h &t preifeiajep by Luty
Reasons fpf tl)is measure huv ‘
Kri-en from the new and luiprece
dented, features given by oureftenu’
to the war i m which we hre engaged
and the thereby imposed
on us to make correspond jug exeiTfi
tions for im j etinefand renelling his
efforts- > gV
f The war'has not only assumed an
civilized nations* but its object has
to us become
The contest is nowin realitv. for in-,-
deqendonce bn our part, & subjuga
tion on that of our adversary- Jpt-y
Tlie legislature will feel the ne
cessity of making without delay, ra
dical changes in 6ur militia system*
events have more than ever
demonstrated that bur militia N mdst
be lietter organized and better dis
fciplifted. 6ur system has been cal- 4
ciliated for af peace. establishment—,
It is high limey orte should b -
substituted, fitted for a stale of wb .
J\aw passed, at the last fjSssi*•
of the legislature for organizing <k*
t-a’chmepts which misfit be required
So\P the public _service, has be&n
found impracticable of execution in
c ome oi its provisions, ami'Ttfdtahs
and duTi’iiitln most of its ,arrange f
It prescribes that the offices
psn;di he-elected by the after
1 reir arrival afapjace pf,rendezv-pqs
thus kavi ag no means by \yhic h
i s oops art marched theVe* ic
prescribes jthat the officers tnus elec,-
:ed shall bb breveted by th,e com
manding officer of the detachment,
when in detachments, requiring a
cp« n mandt r uriuer rank of u gen
, rat officer, that commander, must
himself be elected at jfche samfc time. ,
/When in thfircourse j6f the present
by ear, eVents rendered it necessary*
to organize t and hold in readiness
fdr service, one thir# .of the militia
of this state, ‘ these . and other
..difficulties, presented tHemscives in
iieir full force. To obviate . theu>
as far as possible, I ordered.the elec
tions to be held the respective
counties/and* have issued special
oonim^|«ib ns—thvis preserving th&.
teadiug pfinripie of the law, tnef e*
lection of officers by those who vvbre
to serve under them ; but departing
fr6m the law in its forms whica were
found impracti.c-ib!.* of
To’ the pj'fm r •-
t:on for detaciimeuts,'N|h; x re are st**
nous .mil wei p. > >jeauons it is
Led>ous/it tends to. produce risubor-
nation and is injurious to dfikers
already jnpcbVnm.'ik juorn Anci fer- j;
ne|dy Lo.tlie-iegi.isattiro
ns aboiui-n. . ’ • ..
Whilsi toe Lcgislauire shallTtjfifs
engaged bn this subjeci- thcVc is also
another provision (leservh;7;
1 icii attention. The. ...
Tt our local liialc.rddfv ,
it oih that ptxsci ibexl for the atmy of
The United Slates. Aj.kl in order tp
have militias eceiyedJntq the s^rvice
of the lettter, they lie . orgriui
zedfu coidiug to |uan- i iierfe’
ought .to be an given by
to'tire Executive Tor the pur
pose,; w r lie never detaemnents- a.c
be placed In-,a state of
preparation. 4nd there ought es
pecially/ to be : an efficient method
prescribed,for enforcing 6i>edi^jice, :
In attending at any appointed rendez
, The condition of the ‘volunteer
corps also calls imperiously for revi
sion, /This species of force- is al
ways valuable when ucan be brought
into service yfidt under fisting; cir
. the public is dtprWed -
atmo|t eiflively of its aid- v Very*
fe>v volunteer companies ftonlajn
the v necessary
for tlicir reception into .the service
of the United States ; and whilst they
appear desii<ki» t<make tneir share
of duty, they will not consent to be
consolidated v p<*.ver to
vwlit.i-f: they -nwt full, and a mode
for detet inmn/. the setectipn of offi
cers amount the** is htgidy ueecssa
Ifc-f- * ‘rf-i* .
The situation of the Cavalry in
particular merits the consideration
of the LegikTlru'V. The mode in
which the war has been conducted,
and appeal's likely to be continued,«
aifordVbut little use, for this species
of troops. In t rut by as well as
the volunteer infSutry .corps. altho*
cottipcsed of the best materials which
t 1 • country affords,'are for the nost,
nart exempt from the public, ser- ’
i?lf- -'<. •$ - ‘ y .?•,
The -War Department on the
fourth of July last issiied a requisi
tion to most oftht’ statespn n
for detaching organizing and holdhig
in readiness of the militia.—
The proportion required from G;eor
‘vya.s.threedhousand five hundred:
, This ; requisition was the more easily
complied with here., in conseqiinnce.
ot the -Steps which had , been previ
ously taken* to have the militia
ranged into classes, and to cause one
third to be id constant readiness.—
Hie organization of the first class
rpade them reidy to foil up th£>
quota: And one complete
has by the directions of the - Major
General commanding the United
States troops in tpe sisth military
district, been orddred to the neigh
boi hood of Savann^h-^^dfesidesthese
it is entirely probable, that a force of
considerably street h will be spee.
dily marched to the South West
The-tnoveiiients/of the enemy in
that quarter have/for .some time in
dicated a plan winch if is seriously,
nterestiiig tp/lne general govern
ment, arid to us iji particular, should,
be frustrated. have accordingly *
been required by the War depart
ment to hold in feadiness two thou,
sand five hundref men for th& pUr
pope of co-operat ng with reinforce
ments orderecf ftpm other sections
•f the Union, ‘this number will be
upplied from the balance of the .
J im tlkyfy togetijer with some volun
ijeef companies, Tncyare ma state
‘of readiness. /
The exposed add defenceless situ
ation of our principal sea-port town
has become a source Vs great anxi
ety, so soon as the mode‘‘of warfare
intended to be pursued by the ene
iA r . \fas made kno .n, .The .fund
appointed-at the last year for jYp]U&*
ry disbursements was nearly exhaust
ed ; and without money l could not.
ot der trOopytofne field on state acr
oimt. It was important too that
suitable fortifications shouid bo erep* .
♦ on the land side*, tp repel the ab
broach'of the >cnemy, fn# corpo
ration pf Savannah pursuing tiie
ample set them other places, aqd*
stimulated by thie recommendation
of the Major General having charge
of this military district, as well a :
that of the state Executive. adapted
of fortifying that city by b
mritarv contributions ’ in money pad -
labor on tne port of Tie.inhabitants ;
.Cbhiiling in the belief .jhat tUe;gen
eral ,go%‘eriimen ukidtitely
refnaburseethe expenditure. But the f
oitize i*s of th*it piacn n >• mg’ very
numerous and the pl-iee..c-elf “cqtiuv
ing .extensive \dbrks an appeal was ‘
made to me for ‘ aid. The appeal
was : felt to be reasonable. The
.date government appeared boupa
Cos defray the fo'’ the
present; especially when it Was
considewW.hat large and JiberaUdis
l&iirSeroeiUs had . heretoibre ,'been
nvede for the defence of ourSnttrior,
frontier; and that thp duty of
bon extended alike to all. > ’ 4
But here again my means were ,
limited by existing > appropriations.
Under these circumstances l qave
ppi ted so r *and obtai ne and from ths
Planter’s Bank of Savannah, a loan
without internet, for an amount cal-*
culated present emergencies..
This amount together with 3 small
advance from th<? Treasury, have
been deposited\yitfi.the corporation
of Savannah to be expended in works
of defence. > For, the reimbursement
of the loan, ! have pledged the faith
of the Executive. This pledge I
rely with confidence on the legisla
ture to enable me to make good. And
I recommend to them such, further
~ appropriations ;as may. defray the
■ expence of completing the necessa
ry (ortifickions; thereby taking the
biff then of present advances from
the shoulders of the CVbatns, and
* trusting to the justice of the gene raj .
government for re-embursement in
Witer Air y * ■ ~L > , -b
--1 also submit to the consideration
ot the legislature the propriety
of ordering into the field a party
of cavalry in aid of the force now in.
the, service of Uie United States.
f bu*ast & c®t ps Ub bijghiy
... P .... T-- *
fill pn-jhe mnrhirnc .frontier./an::
should fee placed .under’ tocTm merit
ate commaoF the"Weu tk nant sis!
l°nel commanding*: the “ cavalry in
J .The provision law at tjiekjk
session for p aring"into the Tfea un:
of the ‘United-Spates the arr.ounf o ji ciae ifom GeOygTa was car
‘ , tpto ‘'effect Without (l/Jicuitv.
Trountirrg v/fth the .United States an
equal amount of the moni."-s da
Ironist fie pi -to. under the article
accession and agreement! in rela
tion to the Mississippi Tenatpry, en
ered into on the” 24th day of A prill *
1802. , v * V
AT be act of Congress imposing a
direct tax being temporary, it. is rioTL
known whether any provision neb£
He made lor r yneeting the payment
of another year.—But inasmuch a .
theP&wer of the enemy to annoy ,
dias, by the ‘peace, in I\*irop6\'been
increased in propotion t » ithe rirs<L
1-iting spirit; With which be is uisp
sed to prosecute the w r.r. there cf
be no doubt blit an r s increase of the
means oi resistance has become ais>.
necessary.—ought therefor t
calculate on meeting a direct? :
- renter than that of the present yearn ‘
The report of the t reasurer a
the close of the political year will
inform you of the State fef our hnan< e
As- there appears evidently t& bt?,
a Tor. ar> increase ,of ex
penditure, ifyiU at once occur rd » ■
that there must be a prbporuoVUvx’
increase of receipts I therefore re
> nmcnd to the legislature to aup
men* the ordinal v - .taxes..flL-rcU&’e
’ w th the public
Av.iree people, justly x\sumating
proper yalrft the rights which
belong to them will with ch«*?rfulnes
contribute w hatever’ may be neces ,
sary lor their defence and protection.
The modendw in use in ihisUate
of auditing Sc liquijlat jjg accounts a
gainst the public, appears to fcquire i
-revision. 1 he-settlements are all
marie’ *t the Executive there- !
by burdening that department with
matters . whi«h 5 in the j of>
things do not properly appertain
there. These affairs ought, to” bt
adjusted by the C.oiripmrikr cf the
State.. , ‘
A treatyiias been Negotiated with
the friendly Creek Italians by wbic::
t .eir .title is, exunqiKshed to. a'ton
sivierable extent of ’Uvritorv within
the limit” of thi-s svatp The
StUoii is however-of ftttie value -i
--ther Tor, the pu. pos- b of'Cultivation-‘
or “of. strengthen‘-ng xnir n.e io
frotitkiv > I am not yet in/or mud
whether toe treaty it As been sancti •
oned by the proper,aurhoiity. ■ hi ..
A list 6f appointments ma«k ‘by;-
the Executive chruog the reqe-ss of
the Legislature is herewah
U<l.. \ • “■ ■ ■ *
Some subjects of minor import
tance to those now brought before"j
the view of the Legislature,. \vill Voi;ra- t
the contents of a separate comrmuni
catirwi, ~ f >
.* . . V. i W ’
he aka in which it is cur lot to,
pregnant with prominent e*y
Vents beyond that of any past tidies.
The great bancfjs w itbcied, which
almost at will, puLdown luul'raised
Etiroper and himself
4ras beeome a per.stoner,... l%e pow
wrs who prostrated him appear all
<jgyirons for repose .to the world ex
cept our ipveterate He is im
placable towards us because, v/e were
growing in commerce, and have ac
quired so much pavaT chd.racter.--r/
These JVe at war with the policy and.
pride of our -advi rsary, I>ongxago,
we committed an unparcjonable sm
hy^asserting andracbievir.g our na v
tional ipdependtrrce. > The -blaze of
glory which our, gallant sons ot the
ocean have sived around the Ameri
can name is a.source of momnea-
Aron # 100 deadly for forgiveness.—
Our armiesTob have receiitly'iniiict
ed some lessons’of deep humiliation
* to aTbe. Tcting on the Uieiief, that
with the means no\y at his command
; ottv rvbjuguVion was wiihin*h:s reach,
AiTehc usages vs wav ciispien->ed
• with in relation to us and we are al
tpady, treated as if our raqU. in the
stale* oEnations was not hog*
» But the enemy.mistakes Uismekns,
and mistakes us. I lie s* oit of par
ty is rapidly ;vanisbing, and union
and resistance are I becoming the
■ watcii-words u the day.
These is one ctied likely to be pro
duced T> tins Struggle, wn.cnhu
mamty must tciioic. ‘The utter
engTiiuereti. by .thq war
i t>t the Viu«i
»"’ ■ * Jit.- •
a ; o. x% wa
r,t / ’ ; - . M «li’ -I''. 4£H m*: *\hJx ■*
| away. Cf>Tr»7Tr.”r‘a’ int<T-bur?y ; rs-
J *cmftgcaJ■•-at’sr«»ave ; t|wK »T
h-;» Khjtbfpfl ha-’’‘some pHi'dion ‘M
s {) ’ belief. tW we \H -«v then :;iu
H rebellion uesrp :s^ a*ith -rl
:y ; I'urse ci r,cu m -were e .
i Hipg the feeling that had n*\. < v .
from the atrocities practised iiej $><*;$!
dor inf ouj; fornmr striH b %
But the case is oqvy r£ver.>et!. Vr|v^
‘ esem tyar was coon nS»flcii! he- i
t v n hat>ons confesseHv i'nfenv
dcnr ; connected by ties
iCry!ationsfi ip. marjriers, r«ligi om—-
that could create tenderness :ov.l
foi?- each othct . and Yet’ under
HI thesC ’ hH* cdrrj
hnaintJecs are, pursuing tV>ward u s an g
mi re 1 entrng s.y stem of .con9 agVa Mon,
-tl ftvas tation 8c ( pi«tf^r.. ’ I'hny m
H*ar the female s3cl the'bahc -
/yiey pillage the temples of fh(£ Most
High ~ they.-consume to
f* nceless bmises and vjlhny. o Such
a; soiconduhtecT wiihcryiW
animosities which cannot efe
a e’ ‘ The American child win jorn
; ‘ds xr*KtteHo abhor tire sir - s h
ame? and-theflesson will be b n icd
down lYoiy generation to.geneivtiofiC
,i mil nr n *•
,F--hm the Montrttil .lx-aid >/ S t >p* jf 0
Particulars of the affair on Laid*
. .. ‘ : tlumplaM <* ,
• he brave urn- captain
Oownifc, in the do ■fiance, M our ;
. ..ail flotilla inib .i'.attlr’ in a gHlarttr
t ■ le- and as far as t dents. the- ;,a!of
Bri isb-tars, and 1 eutimsia-tic etc*
otion tp tneir country, could Corn
. nd victorjh. the moscsutrisrlul
event was .reasonably- .expected.-
* i hat noble oflker fell in his com»*
Try’s cause, the second shot, but his
ojace ably filled by his Lit-nte*
iu.nt, who continued the engage
ment with dn abated vigbr, ahd Wfct
in toe act of laying Hcngsiddj Ts&
largest ship of,lbt‘ enemy,-V Hen tho
-"udder of the fconfia<|ce was uo>|jp.f -
pyd by a shot fronwhe enemy. The
LiiintU a srrall bnyy-which with th<>
#‘as the only vessel of anv*
aizejH out: flotilla, -went ashore.; ih
this estate, laying like; at Jog oa tift*
water, the Confmncc maintained thc>
unequal cc>ntest wit h tue in flo *
• Ua -of the ehymy, in which tvc:n>
oar vessels of iarge size. df Utbr/
produces nothing supelror'tv tht va*
ioi oirntgallantry of tiie qificcr.v 4,iu|
Glow of Te Cc-nfiahce ; seth e’di to f
i>uv that lilegally Unu, t :c>
the Writer’s.’ edgt ,* In.cJi , i ■:,'*■■ rciuiUa -
are Tni.e there ‘remained £fu , '.Mihdjr
A 0! ltc.r incn u; v nurt at the epxi of t ive> iArlu.n. . ;
h'h.en iy-iitfuFing: do Arner*
« . its as their tathersdicrelolore hiiv/y
The Dutch, who. wiMiout di p ’ . c-.
riiefit, Wei Hat. one tifife b ~Uu>r sado w
t.-an c ur tinftalym.! ice. -
\Vnuid'that a vHi could be drawn,
over t!ve >.Gc- r ti on shore ; 4ut it ‘Wo 1 a
| iafioiHl iiur a i..lem ti • uare pf
British h mot y i tive st-lentd btaV^a
generals, ofiicers ~u: sHciiefsxTHhH :
Duae of W.tiiiru; o f's arm ; , \ : aip
othe rs whp .h a tfe- befb id- f hlgi and in
our cause in the <j. v.s <. vy .
tning which depended on. twin H 4:
support Uie nobfe citorts c; Hf.Hr
brothers ori the water. /ThafVis.ttn-
o.fiict r Ccjii who
has; beeft twice wpundef! ‘this year
on thp other continent with, p i t cfe
his brigade, hadH)Vavt<i Hi auger
■in an assault. . of tl>e p csas
were torn Xwhy-.and n le.W>
would Up fHe iorti
ficatiorrs, with -an imruen e. tj<un of,
artillery, into , our hands .and y every. ‘
American must hay% . taHen,or^been .
taken prisoner, y ft Was thought nc- f
Cesssary tp check the ardor oi tiro -
troops, and -Ate thiist now rehoublx?
our energies to obtain the command
of ihe Lake, dr with humility kwai v
our hitureHesfiny. )y ,
‘J he gentleman who gave: thy t* ’
bove-extra paperykit SJaltsJfe.ufg o •,
Monday aud Burlington on 1
Commodore M*Don<>og!v and U- oi
ficer3 and; General .Macomb
suite, were at (Burt mg tem on an
citation to a public dmner-*4o w a c
Go vein or Chittenden and Gem
Jilt rang were, inviied..A pnb(u& <p4<
nty hud also been given at pi ails*
burgh. .
i he. A met jean tiect and Fnies
were repaving. ■ *
Late Caiu^a,
} From the r,uf:.-..0 Opjciu o* ■Mp.
t -u mb#» 3.
> TheTclJo A ing articles ar« mkc» troir.
l uu* in vib