Newspaper Page Text
if TV6 v v ‘ ♦ - V*-- *■•• *r <&,-■ •tifVi'*-*”
‘* .*:>: • «x ;:rs
IJTv3» an «*}jf *a t&r. t)h%* -Aut\ozr ;
T/' % - c? ys.r ~’~s t i'A*‘F.s r r.
” liT Q A VII* J39GXJE. *
*. y *: , ~ *>«6n^yyy;v
•T’ • -Ay <rv/f Fr<{‘ > . ?"*’ *v?i:
th&'rlter.-; rfifcK'jp TfUdinr-it
-v’ . When men write hi stories,pr'm •'•
trtOirs or letter*, in which they tlufm
•sdves act a we nee
their character and disposition por
trayed i*t the manner ip which they
speak .hi* tfverrmuves &nd of others
tvith whom they are connects#hi the*
w'vy /»f uuercodrse,. f- ieiidshiv or
enmity. trim knit# byeij
► Twmzohi’ tip in si inpfe habits of (1
.till they ascended the station whichJ
displayed them to the world, shew
their hearts most openly- Such as
have been habitu&tet! to the manners
of polished* wi< try, leim loj|Conceal
■what the otTiCsTshell with out-reserve ;
Jjpt th'otfgh the vet!-we can st*s dis
4r<ru much even of their real ;citat3tc-
Stcr add prci’JmzipVnt disposition.
’ The” writers t& the NewTestament _
l)?Wng to tjip firs* class, and display
ell tiiLir soul on the pages of their
.Miootv; As they were mostly, plain
•men, had -they been like others of thci
-i /same* station, we’ a#mid perceive the
of exuftatihk to public No
tice, the {wide of authorship, the van
ity of wiccvss, a contempt of su'd* as’
r diffir from them', a halvei of those
v,’ K> reject them, and an underfalY
themselves posseßut
1 these li at* or evil tempers so mucf)
as pu sheas* forth u bud. In writing,
t heir only) is to convey truth-
There does not appear a thought of
gaining honor ttAhem selves by say
ing t hough successful
conception, not a single cx-
of self gratuldt-on fails from
their lip’s, Not I,’V says o;te of
them,: he Speaks the language
of all. ) “ but Ho Grace of
which is in me.? Contempt of otncCsV
because weak or wicked, they do not
to ft-el : Ihey art full of love
fend/pity lor the worst, even fbr the
most itivettrajp enemies. They give
to ever*. gotaPquality its due com,’
ri'emkiiignf whoever may possess it
end to aikpTnds fiT useful knowletkK
their dun praise.—Wherenshiill we
imd n,c'i ami! art book ? 1 ‘
‘1 he himiiiiy of the Writers of the
-.•* ‘ Sh'w ‘fe lament.
TrSir. of knowledge, and pride of
gpodi'.t ss> how common afe they in
books i k ('impositions of the nature’
•ofilv ?:.■"/ and where to
tvniv ‘*. ore not only the pe»nven,b!i
hi part the subject of the Jiist v
ty, ip', .peculiar scope for
sos this kind : bu't we seck-fon* it ip *
( .in in the disciples of Christ. Ni
//Civdid autlior', keep themselves luore
out N cfplight, than the of ‘live
po«peU j it h surprising how litdc
js really theirs ,* and how much Comes
i;* >;a the mouths of others. In the
course of the niW'rative they tell i heir
faijlis with the greatest frankcj.ess
and record vvithpu
disguise th«ir ignoiMnce, their prdpi
dicrs, their errors, and their iaufU.
Some writers have told of theiv
own faults, but id such a way tha
wc Can ste theii aim is to solicb
praise Ihe langiiage of the heart-
Sec ‘V hat > a man T am,”
or p > nese are uii the faults ! have V
are they not lit lid ones and'fWw ? u
Nothing, of this artifice do the apos*
tics shewn It a> • hiKiest’
ciniplc relating truth ; not pride nn
*cier ihe mantltf 6f iiiiini 1 ity tishin £
’ -for ‘ *
V r i h meir olTice, as the - apostles
0 - ‘T;;b v 't, dfey had giu:at authority
m t h^lntrch. They performed the
most wonderful miracles : sickness |
vanished at their £ordj and deatif ,
~v > e up his prey. . By their
i r ; ac||\]cs werein considerable num
. s- added lodhe society of the faitliv !
v fu 1 > 1 Ipw apt arc all these thipgs -
to -swell me heart w r it|r pride idkifc
the apostles'discover nothing of Yudk
a spirit! One oft hem, When- com- l
pdkd to defend hisxharacter against j
the enemies of the cross, cnuuieratcs j
‘his sufteringa and his labours. 3
Cor., xi. -But passage breathes
nothing hut humility and seif anni|ij|
laiion : it seemsa'toi hiia to!
relate what he nad sidfered and done
ih his .Master’s service. What they
s.p of one part of their office-, we
preach not ourselves, but Christ
the Lord, and ouysefves ypu.f
Wcrvanid fur Jesus’ sake,” is applica
bje totire whole of their character
r The humility of the apostles -ap
pears li f w in recording various
yiarticubars’ hi the lifi of Christ.
Men who wished to shine,in the
’ oiTheh^m aster, waVtid huva exalted
hisciiaractyr to t:i\e utmost; and Cist
a Y vircumstances and actions
wdre nbt honourable, or
vvhich would lead the world to think
xncitfdy of hun. Ihe writers of the
act .in a dfeferent manner.
Jl hiy relate a multitude of things
>!h*Sir.ight ;.have been *conce<.Kd
’ ‘ r,..d tvh.> A ;
m , .y ■ ?v -sr
4 \ t t?*s charr^v
r T * vith nf*n of worldly,
i -Tb Hion oC hfo pareßts,
*£ u« *f 4jjcaj3on st N azaret h• ■
n«s by'hbv country incrf
V(\tcij appeared in His, public€
iO- r. : aid ll*tlr / attenipt to put lit i>a .
4>/.e;jU» his pretensions;'ihc op
Svbo srtippLsal hik>'. ok maUi th e 7 con -
ojfpc rulers* his con-„
uhif-51 sn desti-lut?; that he .had hot
h hen: to lay his head* and ius sub
by the bounty of .others, Wi=>
‘ic\n)r accounted a gluttonous man.
and a tyinediibherra fnerid of public
,caps and $ tuners, in league with t>eel
zei.'i i), and a demoniac himseUVore :
ail told without shame- and Without •
disguise- Men who wished either
to impose on the world,;or tef eaealu
themselves, ‘would- not have acted
Ihu*. They gave the encroics of ljve ;
gospel a fair opportunity atCcxamiri*
Ifng every / charge v and tjbgy hjgld
themseives up to the world a'v'tlie dis
ciples cfone who was po«r and vili
fied, and Pride would no t
. have done so. They were clothed
wit #hum'ilit3’. -p
■PHD ll'm
V,.,’ .. ....’p,. .-■ ‘ J*, Z ,
on the 18th vt September
tat>t> from the rccj-tiiting station at Carnes
.villc, Frankiln county, Georgia, John Ham-
Im.y, a private toldicr, 23 years of age t five,
feet 7 1-4 inches high, dark complexion, dark
eyes, black hair, horn m the state of South
Carofin*', fey a; Arpenter. The
above reward with all reasonable e/p£nces
wiifbe givjpn to any person who will appre
hend the said John Hambree, and delivering
• him to me ar Garnesville. or to capt. Jbhn I£.
CalhOun at Pendleton; court-house,” S. C. ■ ■—
It is supposed rhat he will attempt-to go,to the
ludian Nation, near Chotu.
2d Lt, 3d Rifle Regt.
October 3d,.TSM.
■ # ’ —— /
Wul be sold at the house of Ileivy
Strickland , Madison county , on Fti . ‘
day'the 25 th cf November ‘next*
:■ •:• I • •’ * *
VcjjjTf’ -y ‘ ■ .'..£ ;i - <■ ;*.■,VVJ■ • >
ALL the personal property of tile
Ancil B- Strickland, deceased,
co nsi sting of >Ho rscs, Hogs an and o
i.her articles, 100 tedious to ; merit! on-,
vnns of sale Welve months credit*
bonds with approved security*
l Administrator*
September 22d, 1814. k /*>'*’ t
, - ■. • ... r. , .
Madiibn Cpunty.
‘ oUPEiuon, court, ,V, .
, Oci'obeh Term, ‘ 1814.
r, -• “ri'. - k ..:
HE petitjoa/of John H. Marks chetv
cth r hat ( he was lately the purchaser at £hc- J
fhi's Sale in said county, of a tract of land sold
as the property of Absalom Hendrick, who .]
then resided npon the premises, containing. ;
two luiudred acres, more or less, lying on the I
south /fork of Broad river, adjoining lands
granted to Noah Cloud, on the east and oh
the south', bounded bn. Rroad river—and
stating was an original deed of
co -vevauce of said land frbm ; •• ue iamuel ’
Nalsj« to said Hendrick, and under which !
deed !he said Hendrick derived r iiie—*which
said original deed 1 is or mislead so that i?
cannot notv be t° ua< l-*ind that a copy of
said deed so niw as can be recollected, toge
ther with an amdavit of its loss are filed m
*he clerk’s oIHSe ol\am court —and
c stao'i ;>mentof said copy in lieu of the origi
nxl ‘ f -A r ■
of counsel for the petitioner, in
is ode red >.hat a copy of this peritjon or- ‘
de*‘ : >e published once a. month sot the term of
six nontiis in one of the public gazettes of
this stale-^an^that: unless sufficient cause is
then she wn, the said cdpry will be established
in hen of The original v - r K «
I hereby certify that the foregoing
h a true extract from the minutes,
October 7, r 811. f- t
’ J AMES LONG, Clerk.
—■■■.i<ya. ■■ nam .. ..<■»*., .
Will .be said on the first Tuesday jjf -
ffovetilber next , at the Court House j
Cy. ofi-jdekiph cojuntyi betpfym the uyutri \
p fipuKS, tke follpwing property y Viz
■/ y • J
A negro wornati named Caty, le-
vied oh by a constable ha the proper
ty of, Joim .Cunningham at the in- <
stance of Joseph Parker, by Virtue of
an execution trom; the_Justices courts
and > returaed to > the S hen if by the y
- ./ ,v. *r\’ ,/t
r 5. . . w. wpmgr,.
v E-', ‘Sheriff. ).. ■
- ;
At the Court House in JacAson County,
bn the* first %Tuesday iii February
’- r.exty the foiloioing tract of land, or
as much thereof as will satisfy the
tax.due thereon Wt/V :ost-~-* ? V
Eight hundred &’ forty acres 1 of tind. grant
«4 to Joseph Wilson, l) i»ig on the Mulberry
Pork of ‘ the Oconee river, estimated and re
lumed as the third quality high land, /so sajr ?
three freeholders) adjoining a,p«i bounded N.
K. by Thomas M‘Call 3 lands ad vacant
E. by Jesse Lee’s land, S. \V by
L.uuie and and- on the other
vide by surveyed land—the above laud in de
fault’ tor the year 1312, tax dae 2 dollars i?
52-cents, .p •’
‘August and, \k
JbiLxTl\iLs i
- && Mr
A .
iSyoLri.r serrjsiisEt rssir, Is 13
\ ) ‘ * .
‘■ *{ RULE NISI. ’
% YS- V :> >
Av-Gituyain. 7 - ‘ A/" ; :f\’ 1
: * UPON the petition of Eho-!
praying the foreclosure of thet c- |
quHy of redemption contained ip a:
certain ‘mortgage, ven .by.’ cv Mich
ael A. GauVairv to the said Jumef
Thomas* on a/ certain tract of land
containing six hundred acres, being
part of two five thousand acre t* !
of land granted to Charles Hem y
TTKstamg, inclnding.a tract of om :
hundred and thirty acres, lately or ;
copied by John Thomas and sold tc
said M. A. Gauvain by said Johty
Thomas, the said land lying and be
ing in tlie county and state aforesaid
on the waters, of I' rail creek, lor the
better securing payment of a
certain sum therein specified.
IS ordered, . that the said/
Michael A. Gauvain do pay into this
court in twelve -months from
date,,the and interest r
/said contained, and the
cost expended in and about the fore
closing the same, or be barred o;
bis equity of redemption in and t: ;
the same. And that this rule be ij&J f
fished once month for tweb
tnonths in ope of the public gazette
of'this state, or served upon . the dc .
fendani six months previous Lo'the
time tois rule, to pay otf
the sum contained in said mortgage
A True Copy from the Minutes of saw:
Court this sth day of January, 1814
**** f *■- ■■■’ - --
■ *» ■
THOSE persons who are in ar
rears for tuition at Franklin Collegd
aye respectfully requested to make
immediate payment either to tl <
subscriber or the President of ‘tht
/It hens-, Oitober \3> 1814. y .
- are notified that
only legal title to the lands form cm’
averred by Zachan&h Cox. in ih.
County of Jackson, is now vested in
the subscriber— Alf applications for
rent or purchase must be ijiade t*’
- ; h&b as no person else is authonzc’
To” make"any contract in regard p
*aid lands* A
.. ann cttiu;
Washington: l&th July, 1814.^P
/V LL persons imiebtecGto the
XX Mate of Jane Patton, deee, s. £
i are requested to make payment, nr.
I those to. Whom the estate is indt E ■
I will-present their accounts for pa*'’
ment within the time prescribed t
i’laW-tQ , C Y
h THOM AS HILI .fExtcutor.
\ September 8, IS 14.
; «■ rtn-~aasa= | ..~— M ; mm .
Left my plantation about tlu
first of Jylv. a negro man named
Phill. belonging to the estate oi
Henry Pope, formerly the property
of Mr. Hatchett, a blacksmith !.
trade, about 45, years per i
son that will apprehend fellow
and confjf>£ him. so that I can\gc’
him by the first day of November
shall receive a reward of ten dollar?
bv me
September 12, 4814.
> That fin the 12/ A day of February
r 1815, !here will be sold at the house
cf r John Roberts* deceased, in Qlfitfl
f jbounty, the following property, viz
.SIX Negroes, to wit-two boys,
\ens woman and her three children
Terms twelve months Credit f with
bond and approved security.
September’ 5, iBISC .
.. ■ 1..1
On Tlutrsday thg. 27 ih 4f October on.
Clouds Creek, Oglethorpe ~ county, at
the planiot{on of Jaides Garrett
all the perishable property ofsatd def, 1
CONSISTING of Negroes, Hor
ses, Rattle, llpgSjiHousehold &
Kitchen Furniture, And many othgee
articles too tedious to mention. Cred
it will be given until the 25tb day
of December, 18h5, by the purcha
sers giving ntjtes under, thirty dol
lars, with approved secikuiy.— -Also
the plantation to be rented. * ‘
rSepteiafit r if, 1814.
BStatmm 1-—HI ■■
To the Highest Bidder on Friday the
18/*6 ts November next, Oi the pffan
ttUiffh of Henry Morgan, deceased,
ui- Oglethorpe coah.y 9 M. T . f
ALL’ the personal property of
said deceased, copsisting of horses,
ccw?,- begs and sheep, househokl
and kitchcrffurbitute with other ar
ticles too to mention. ,
> dmicittruqtix,
n;?. 2«U*
zszcergxs sals. ■ ;
Gn Honda? the i2t h flnyyf A?oo?yi! r&j
iftxL'iviU 6e said? to the ’•
’ on a credit df Itsdvp uua£,'j»’
. ax. the late tehflshce of Sarah
‘ sos Madison county, -deceased* *
X XIX the residue of the estates
cf Win. iz Harah Siokesax.e > 5 * rieg of
a number of lifceiy born country ue*
groes, boiscs, o?uji ar.ct bt£ car£
.plantet *or-j ooU and farmi ngVileasi I>*
oats, i§d£tfr and/ abotu, ibn^
hundred barrels .of cm a. ;.y y };
, v r- -j ALSO, ■ . ,
One iract of Land m said cotintv.
y with tide cable coiV
ramiag two; hundred Sc tjvfoo. ‘ •
.NMcs will*, approved will
* :.r required. \ v : \
\\* M. it. STCK C,
yssrviTirig Sxecurrr of \V m. Srofcv*, <L-,:eabe<t
and Executor of Sarah blokes
October Ist, 1814,, , St
« ■■’"*. ••*•.. «.p i j
Tn pursuance to an Order of Vie Ihft- ‘
r<>» Qduri cf “J(iS K er Cc:;t:£yf F
- ..'tCU,L SOL O x j
■ Injfie tjnvn of dfoiiticelfj, on ThscA
t{aj tfl: 2 oA :fC:Cvyor kd&s&isiif]
~y the usiir4 hov?U'~~ ; “ , J
Lot cfyLafid cou'trd'hing two ;
andfeA two anti a haHkuiclres, pVo I
67, 15th District, joining
Shaw atfu others, being all the 1 prri*
petty of James Pinson,
Jibbe sole! lor the benefit of tht lijhv
antl credkprs of saief deceased,
Terms, one halfjto be paid in h:mP
mil the balance twelve months t toe tv*
V>- - &*'• v .jjfc - *
■\ - A c. o?. r , ....v,
■August .12,. 1814. -rv ,
- - w ‘. .• • J ~,. f
-.Attendance Avill be given bv
the Ctiler.tor hf the Revenue for
tiie> Fit'll Collection District ofQeor-1
gia on Mob day the J34fh < actant at'’
v iglethorps court houae, on AVcl.
nesejay the 2.6 th at x Morgan ‘.court
; house, 4nd on Thursday t,hp 27th at
Clarke court house, in order to e..- F
loot duty on Stills, Carriages’ and
Licences, >
tiy ’ 3* M. .Cv MONT ■OMER Y f
C. li. 5 c. D G-
V •“'•October 1,1314 v ~
> : \f* -:r •?". < /
l ;” l^ , ryr*xff , gs!i! l wr , T ,i ** , igg! i *g | .». | i * l .—■ n. in*- lMi/mt;
► NU TfCE.
.in the .Highest Bidder on Suturdci
iho 29 til of October neyit, at th>
’ ‘house of trccilla Strickland in Frany
lin county* ~ i ‘ %
/ A cart of the personal property oi
dip estate.; of Jacob Strickland, dev
v-yseeb consisting of one pair-of
Md) Stones, and Saw Miil Irons, on
m i Gin, somewhat worn, and one
• vi'ii Fan, worn , ‘grins mad,,
. -known on the dav of syb*.
M4aDY SriG^LANb,
> ‘ c ’ N h,, ; . ■•• • h-Xtim;."-
< ember 3, 13-14, n. ■ : :\e fy -
’- f v-'. ■ ‘■,..'.'• a r .’ y .
,V List of -.Letters'';Re ma*l.rimg’ up ?h
;;.... P.ospUdide ‘at- Aiveos, ! ■■. cUy
. ‘” September, iUI'L , ] p■;
Ay A./ VVilUs Atkins, ‘
B'. Vine or Janw 1
Boyle, Joseph'BeVaiv 3, Bankstou
C. Lucy Clarke, Adams Cousins
D. -William-Da vis. o:
E. George Evans. ‘ . v 1-
dG. jourdan johnrGeradiniv: 5
Bi. Mrs. Elieabetli Heard; Mrs. JUioL
Harvie, Maj. Everet Hamilton, 2, Hannah
Hunt on. ‘a, ~, 4 - • ••♦•'’
J. Missf Alithea _M. Jones, Joseph W.
Jackson, Xmitnuel Jones. , ‘
K. Peyion K.hTg, 2. ,
M . Mary Moss, Frauds Meriweather.
O James Ormond. .. :d : f .--■■■
f yR. Rev.- James Rogers, John Itipbard-
SOn, 3. Vy.:'-rvV .* k. •■• •••’ ■• •’ r
T Thomas Thompson.
’ W- Wortham,-... -r’
T. iX -JAM£$ r i). COLE. P. it.
/ ■ ‘ a ; . ‘ -i ‘ ,VA \C
/ *"* * -*’■ —ri * [ ” v - ; -V.
A List-oi Letter^ the
Post Office at Watlunsvillc, .which
ii Dot taken out before thedst day
~ of ngxt., will be sent tp
the General Post Office. Ht vof
October.. 1814.
‘A. -Willia «j\£li us...
B. ‘John’ Beajicy, Samuel Brown.
*fSf'£ ‘William Cox, Drury Cooper.
ft. Joseph Eciqr. - N.’ V‘’
v H. Enoch Hinson, Jpshua HigljtoWet.
J. Mrs AmrAV Jones. ‘ ‘■ ■* ;< •*
L. LoviloyC >.
M. Littletou Meeks,-RoberyVtaitin, joim
cMartindale; Malcolm. M‘L,eod.
N. Nail, Edward Nicksofi. - .
£. Reubea Stephen% 2, Mordicd Shac
,ldeford, James C. Steele. . *
T. Mrs. Saran I'winmg. /
V; Richavd Vandervord. w
n Wj James Wheeler, James Williams.- .
v WM. WRIGHT, P. ; M
* dfe'^TON
’JBeGS leave to inform ii:friends
and the public geuerally, that he has
rented for the present and ensuing
year the House and Lot. formerly
occupied by Gapt.ATary, in Alliens,
a$ a Private Boarding-Hou§e, which
stands-on the first street immediately
back of Capt. Brown’s, { where he
•ntends keeping
for visitors wishing *o spend the
sickly season in this Town, for tra
veling Le ii lie men, ami Sn\dent>;of
College, to whom every attention
. wHt be paid,; and exertions made to
; crivt entire satisfactioo.
; Atm ;Bi4.
♦ -C&y $$ T&£* 1
•7- • - ; •///”/.>? y *
* ■ ON . the petßipp of AVt ij
-»V that «he. itimH
■ x<i M’ *• ••• j'inches •
ccasu?!, uwy
’ ties to a Certain tract of iandMx ?S|r !
gimnlL, situate lying ami h>.: .g ?W\
l h:
rojinrg joining Janus of Job! *
vp\y Hugh Mu'ocraick an i
Paisley, ly-reeably to a batiS
by the ,;i: 1 William Finch,
Lye: j FLh\v, in the ii hr it me
xud \'y.Mkm % SenJ a copy ©I
ii hie a iit conrU ‘-.}
U ‘is ofdcred ‘batthcaJmi
lot- of tlit; s ucl XViliiHin Emeu*
tb cea*s;b make iitlts \w purf
v>i un act ,_©f the LegiUamre »
State 4 -; in such cases made an
• .led, lihieks .cause besslvewn *
co'ntrary at a Gtnirt of ordinary
h h\e>t in and for the count
on the first Monday L
v fcnibej*. next. /’ y
L • A true €■; vjl'cw the Minn
Jim HCDCf. lc,
GEJd t sf* Hi id ‘ \. ,us-rr. yl;:
Liouri / 0 ij Juty l\.en
% ‘ f*t ; UUIS N2st.’ ‘ -
7- >T n> the ’petition of Photo as V
J*<7 that the atk;iVnrri.i
6f Ikhu ti e M■ K i fflft e y,V debased*
be to,make titles’ toV:a
t nirifitct ol lancl'in lee sunnle*
, earning twJ hundredhtwc and. a
jp>ts, Jn the i9 th district of \ *
, n,spn couYity and state ofdie'bt
known mid distinguished in the j
sad district by No. one hime
and tor! y-t-wo, ."agreeably .to. a> Jbs
made -by the said Beattie'in his
time to the said Thomas, a Copj
which is here filed in court. * v
ON mdlion, it is ordered that
adininistratars of the s&idrljeaj
M;Kigney v deceased, make titles
surs trance’ k’ Jin act of’ the Ls<fis
time of thb» State in such case nva
-xmd provided, aidless cause be she*
‘-to at a court to he hi
dob * ! V the county of Cla:
Oil the iirst Monday in Novembf
next. “ ,
r * A true copy from the Mi antes.
JOHN HODGE, , C. C. 0,
NHNL mo/uhs troni the daj
hereof application will be ma/le
the Honorable Inferior Court <
lor leave to sell til
Ueal instate ’f?f the late Col. Petes
Randolph, deceased, dr as rand
thereof as ds situate in the said cour.
“ty i lor the benefit of the heirs
creditois ‘’ ‘ - (Mr ,
7ldm» cum. ‘annexe*
’ March Cf, 18 14.
—■” 1 ■•**■*4l
-> L 011 G aA>J ac U son County-
1% ,r. !
UE Petition of Janies M. {
■Mont ppnery and Thomas Flytlf
, j;:uirdians, state that an original boil
\to the Court of Ordinary of
county, lor she performance of tl:
duties of guardian to David Roger
i iiomas S. Rogers, Mary Rogers
John H. Rogers,* orphaiis of Tjlionr
Royers, <leceased, by Daniel Joh;
is on apd Martha his wife, which
was signed by Daniel Johnsop, Th
m is Johnson and John Hampton,
copy ct .which with an’ aOddavit
its is herewith Died, aud j*n
petitioners pray’ the establishm r i
•of the said copy in lieu of the orl
On motion of John M. Dooß v I
torney for the petitioners, it is'dVti,
ed that a copy of Ihis petition jj
order be published once a month
siicjnontiis in one of the public!
relies otUhis state, and that ‘uru
sufficient cause is then shewn, i
skid copy'will be established in h
of the origina)•
A/i'rue Qopy from the Minv\
Mur Hi Derm 1314. /
v f- A
KitfM months after date
tion will be made /to the houoi J*.
t/ie Inferior Court of Clark Con r.
. sitting for ordinary- purpo:
for leave to sell two hundred rj
cf find fthe same being more
feksj lying and being in saidxov:?
on the watfers of Porter’s ci
granted to John Barnett, joir
hi(»®s of Brown, Moore and qlhe
4V-iO two ‘hundred sixty a
tying and being in Jackson “ecu
‘ea the waters of .Curry’s
Jefficrson.. granted >to Brahtly
3he aforesaid tracts cf land w
for the beriefit ‘of i
Creditors of John Ba|hett* decc-iK
kte of Clark Countv. \
Auministi t.
fuh 7, 1814. v’
»■ rnmm ,>i n ii a r rr .
’ . ter good \vtm.aj> :
\,J% Will be received at thenVf i
price for subscription 16 this ;gy
—Subscribers will Confer un obj
tion on the Editors by avuilfugfr 1 .