Athens gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1814-18??, November 24, 1814, Image 1
VOL I. PRINTED WEEKtY, CONDITIONS. |fy_ The Annual Suttscrip'ion will be ’ three dollar*, half in advance. * /, ffif Subscribers living ou’ of the State will pay the wh >le subscription tijion the deli ver. of the first number. sd. No Subscrip'iohs will be deceived for less thin one year; and no paper snail be discontinued until arrearages are paid. 4fh. Advertisements will be inserted at the cusjput j vrates. .. .>* s. fC~T* addressed to the Ept~> f tons must ‘be post paid . * t , Thb following CENfLEMExare re quested and authorized to receive Sub-” script ions and give receipts for this tape , viz IVath isville, Dr. Win. Wright & Mr. Joseph Moss. Jackson county , Capt. Boyle,*. „ Lexington—* The Post Master. Greene cptmfy, Mr. Wyley Gres ham, P. M . Greenesboro', Mr. Grant* Pi M.<” Gratfsvitft, and the Po4f Master, Hoove Won. Wilkes county— Mr. James Wing ield, P. Washington, and Mr. Robert Grier. f T,T ‘ jkajlsville.-* *Mp« John Barnett, t Columbia Court-House—P. Master. 0 : Hancocb—Nlu Abercrombie, P. M* and Joseph Bryan, Esq.—Mr. Win. Woods. /” Petersburgh —Mr. Alex. Pope. Augusta— Mr. Eraser, P. M* and Major F- Phinizv. Mgan—M.i\ Cunningham, P. M. Jjjf *r-4)r. $5 Jibile'r • jp«f/i<7»3'-r-h v ice Gaither, Esq. .7- MilledgceilU —-The Post Master, f, ; jl/afecn county— Mr. Long, P. M *nd William Hodge Esq. franiPin— ‘he Post Master and the Rev. Messrs. Thomas ‘Newton and Srrnpsoi’ E *nc- Washington I ounr —.General Irwin Warren —l he Post Master. , Lincoln —The Post Master. Sayannah—SiirtiMtl Barnett, Esq., frfid#>ay-~*John E? ‘Eraser, Esq. St. Jlu'y's—M ajor C}ark, PM. ; Abbeville, C— Mtv Moses W. Ilobbinis. ,P - s's - * l s f * ,v ; if - ffyljP f i.’ : ‘Without intending any disparage* meiit to the useful and valuable pa pers printed iii Augusta, Mi Hedge ville and elsewhere in this State, wt trill take t,he liberty to mentfornthe 3 following considerations’ as in.some degree i^commending -this to public pationage, ar.d especially in tli* up per counties. It will be large, and will conse-\ quentlv contain not <m\f a variety, •but a considerable quantity of mat ■ with care.. V-M It wifi be, p abb shed at the Seat of the University of this stateb and will derive frdtav that circu instance some general interest arid import*. ange. It will be published on Thursday in every,week soon after the arrival <jf the Northern and Southern Mails %\ tins place,* amE will contain a Condensed summary of the latest and most interesting news from the * North and .South* < ■ From a direct communication till'd* Greenville, S. C. & Buncombe to Tenheesee this papef will hly MeEve* the-e&gjiest intelligence from Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio Sc other Northern and Western States ,nnd Territories. $5 It will contain besides.the eom* anon subjects ol a newspaper, sonic moral, religious and scientific mat* . ter, which jviU be carefully elected and made as far as .possible subser . Vient to the prance of Christianity rind to the pursuits qf cpmmon life. The, more effectually to attain thfs object, we here beg leave respfcctfuk ly to invite oind solicit gentlemen of science, who are friends- to .man kind, and who would meliorate the condition of human life, to favor us with their «iA |fo on. the vari ana subjects alluded to, whether oif gftalor well selected, will be thank \* rwi m 4 tt#d Kfot of?l vTke mad of v £2, iw the (Sin may .be u* »ierc*.— I ‘-..m ® v 4i ts firtfot* intended thafthis paper shall be made the Vehicle ofprivate or personal scurrility and abuse. - %£?* Gent Unfen holding Subscrip tion papers for the are res pfetfully requested to transmit to the Editors immediately the names of sub tscribers• ( ‘ . ; ‘ .- - >y ’ > jtjt r xy fp CONGRESS. Refuse of Representatives* ‘ Thursday, Oot. 2ft » WAR MEASURES. 4#;; Mr. Troup o<* v°- fwnThe mihta* rv committee, reported'& bill making fu f> th r pro V jiirvn for filing up the ranks of the regular array, by classi fying the fWe made pofmVdon of the United States. ;*< * % [This bill proposes to provide soy tne division of the whole free map* ‘population of the U States, >*y tive assessors, Into classes-of 25 m> i each; each be compelled under the penalty of—-—hnodrc 1 dollars to furnish ‘d-iys ter thebl’assiftcatiQh ‘• -i, a-i Tv * bodied tecruit for the ferric® of the'! United States. The bib is'of *o:yv* J length and contains Verv full prov • sions lor carrying itself into est *ct. < Mr. Troup also reported abili 1 To authorise the President of the Uni ted States to accept the servicer; of Volunteers who may associate and organize themselves* and offer their ser vices to the government of tile C mted States.*’ (The title of the bill sufficiently explains its oOject.J Mr. 2 roup reported a bill “To pro- V!(l‘ for the further defence of the frontiers ofthe U. States by author ising the President to augment the pre >ePt military e tablishm ;nt.*’ r *(This bill to provide') that »in addition to the present Military Establishment of the U. States ha immetliately raided 40 regiments .ip snob r>ropbr!«ons ; ..9l infantry, art:] lory, fiflea en cavalry, as the Pre j.dent oi Umted States may deem proper- to be enlisted to\erv.e during the war unless sooner discharged, and limited as to service, to the de fenct of the frontiers of the United States, &c. &c.) Tne three bills were severally . twice read and referred to a com-, uuttee of the whole. ’ Mr. Troup also ‘ laid before the house following ietteF frorri the Secretary of War to the Military .. Committee : * , D .-P Art ME N,T OF WaH, Oct. !7. SIR-r-The grAt importance of the. and the other duties of the {Department, which could not fail jete, be sensibly felt, at so irfteresting a ■ period by a person who had just ta ! keh charge of my apology for not answering your letter of tl>e 24th, Sept, at an earlier day’, on the de fects of the present Military Estab lishment. ./; *2' 4.. . Due consideration has been be stowed on the subject matter of the letter, and ! have now the honor to report: ‘ -T- :1 > ’•• ** 1. That the present Military Es tablishment, amounting to 62,44# men, be preserved and made com* : plete, that the most efficient means ( authorised by the constitution and , consistent with the general rights of our fellow citizens be adopted, to fill the ranks, and With the least possi ble delay.’ » \ ..•**s: ; fj : 2. That a permanent forpe consist ing of at least 10,000 men in addition to the present establishment be raised for the defence of our ci ties and frontiers, under an engage ■ rpent by the executive with such corps, that it shhll be employed in that service within cerrain speci fied limits, and that a proportional augmentation of general officers of each grade,, and other staff be. pro vided. ?. >„ •. , , 3. That the, corps of engineers be enlarged. ‘ 4 V ■ >j e^:^ ordn dei> » rt^nt , b® amended- j, ** . > I', fptetior* the enUrgencnt ofthe corps of engineers, I: shall subtjnt hereafter a more detafed ‘ Jl ’or’ the proposed amendment of that Wps^ntin* 6 thb cits, J such further remarks and >:: Tr r i- * ’£&■*** ATHENS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1814. , ter the result of further attention to v and reflection on, our military es tablishment generally, should any thing occur which may be deemed worthy of its attention. I have the honor to be. &c. * fCONROE. rlon* G. M, 1 roup Chairman Military Committee, House of Representatives, - GEORGIA LEGISLATOJtE f . 3 Tho following offered bv Mr. Lamar, has been agreed 10 by toe House of Representatives ; ami a committee appointed to fifing in a bill* conformably thereto, the /* ate which is not yet decided* Whereas the specie being afi sqbed by the Banks, and by a recen* regulation of the said Banks, the same is Withheld from circulation ; ; nd whereas from the depression..of. commerce the quantity ol Pape Money emitted by the Banks in tfiisi State ts considerably diminished Y when the citizens are obliged to pay i- z demands oi the state,against them m specie or the Bills of ine > n vs of this State exclusively i at -oe >ame time when the citizen IpT and *r for his h id earned reward, (na the farmer fbr^hi#suppHes ; 'furrtkh for the support'of adjust war, - in compelled to receive in payment h : 3iUs of various Banks of of e: t ttes fia the- afore-recited instju ces hkeless Mc-nj—and 4 Whereas a liberal and enlightin ed o v cy requires that the fiscal ke g'ls itions df the State should be a dapted to facilitate to the citizen jb . payment of the necessarily enertks* burthen cf taxes : • • . T -Resolve^ -That a committee be kp pointed to report a Lw to directfei 1 * Treasurer of t Yis St; to -eceivf m payment of all debt*, due to the the Bills of the s-v vu Banks which #*| e been given m nayment to the citizens .of xhvs State by riu. U*viWu States. ** f “*r- On motion of Mr. Davies * Revived unanimously, That His Excellency the Governor be and ha is hereby requested to procure a 1 Sword suitable to the- rank & grade of Lieutenant James M‘lntosh ot* tn Rifle corps, a native of the State c Georgia,; and that he ‘cause th same to be presented to thatmierito rious officer, as a testimony of the high es?imatron in wfiith he is hekf by the Legislature of his native State, for his gallantvy and intrepid ity, displayed in the Jate actions a: S|ndy Creek and Conjbckta near Black Rock ; the first conduct ed by Lieut. Col. Appling and the latter by the deceased. Major Mor gan. Agreed to.” *V MELISH’S MAP. We have the pleasure to inform our readers that Mr. John, Melish well known as a geographer and map seller in this city, has in prepara I tion A map , shewing the boundary line proposed iy the British- commissioner \ \at Gfvekt,*d% he map, a copy Os which wejiave seen, will be delineated to shew the proposed boundary line!* on ihemorth east, which cuts off a&mt one third of the district of Maine ,*> the old boundary is continued west ward to the river St* Lawrence, from which point, the south side of that river and-the lakes westward, are painted as British territory—-ih terms of the eery modest suggestion of the British commissioners. 4 From- the mouth of The Cayahoga river to the Ohio, the boundary of the treaty of Greenville, and so contin ues along Ohio, and Mississippi. This cuts off about one third of tne state of Ohio, the whole of theTndi ada territory* Illinois territory, North Western temtoiy j amount ingin the aggregate to and spate near ly equal to all the territory; that would be left within the ; United States. , ‘■ x • 1 ‘ ‘ £ ~ It is to be observed also, that the commissiofters claim the free naviga tion of the Mississippi, Which cir v cumstance taken in connection with the movements of the British ir\ the £outh and west, shew that’ a desigh is meditated to deprive us of tiu 4 whole of Louisiana. Could it be possible for the British to succ%H in this., R would reduce lis from, a first rate poorer on the western contiuem: to one of wretched insign, finance, dependenLon the British and Spanish and Indians 1 for almost every thing we wani*.-aiH§ hemmed in by them In short the effect produced off the country by this enormous pretension would be so astonishing, that it is difficult to form concep tion of it without a i epnv«?eritation'on a map ; and its congratulate our eadeis that they will soon have it in heir power, at a yery small expencv to be put in possession of documents ’hat will present a vivid &*d torrec* picture of the extent of the e.nem • claims. The map accompanied witft the documents relative to the no/ > ciatfon, will we understand be ‘ fished this week. jljfc: Yv Aurora . a * New-To?k, October 31. Arrived on Saturday evening, -the T o Sute> sloop of wW caf ‘% in Warrin gton, from’ % cru zb v < * ‘.early 5 oonths qiAhe coast of E gland, Ireland, the Western Islands. Surrina'ipj See. having mad * fouvtc -r. prizes, 12 of which were burnt ur sun-k, the other two being of iu; Iv ■ value w- re made cartels of. \ P'-tty •Captured estimated ‘at fro to 700 000 dollars'. \ f* > fC.ipl Warrington has seen dur ng his cruize, “the Mtvjestic Razee, and several other line of battik ships frigates, but did not see the Pe lican! of any other British sloop pi % 5 » ‘ ( ■ *■ ’ • war.J Arrived on Saturday evening, th degant and very fast sailing privau armed brig Chasseur, of Baltimore Phomas Boyle, Esqi'loimmander, or 16 guns, Icng‘ and 130 men* from a successful cruize 6t three months oi> the Acoast gif England Ireland, the Western Islands, Ber-• mud a ahd HalifaXr in which sttejiaa thadT 18'prizes, manned 9 of them, and burn: 4 and made Cartels for the fbnsonerg of the Remainder, A ind nas o boas% a ken out'of one of her prizes, valued >at 70,000: dollars.’ Capt. BpyLe has paroled 150 prisoners, and brimg'Yt tA h 4 S—c on slgnees, fcteven&oh /an ■[. 1 Goodwin. Rich Prfee -—.—4 The British rh : p Jarrtesj prize to the privateer. Ports: mou th, amved : fit P» on YV e t!nesd3ty morning—-'captured 2*t ddys previous* She,has a cargo of dry . goods*-wine. gin, rum.,- See. - together with 80 bbis % gun powder,-aad clothing for t ! oldiers in Canada ‘ Her cargo when »e left “England was invoiced at* TOO 000 pounds sterling, (about 44. T “ *>o« and dio s) a p <rt of wh’ch wts ta ken out by the pfiva’eer au'f broug it in. The James has ! 4pakeq nothing >ince her capture” md crui zers. She is undoubtedly the rich* u prize which has been taken since UjSr commencement of host^ties^ ‘>■’* .'■ V London, July 26. The crew of the captured by the Wasp, and returned h>’ Plymouth from L’Orient, were i berated on the .arrival bf the Wasp, and permitted to go ort shore.W \ I hey were but indifferently receiv ed by FreM|3i : whiles the Ame rican crew Were Bailed victors, tap ped cm the back, shaken by the hand and complemented for their superi or prowess. . The Plymouth 8c Dock Telegraph • ays—“ the French chasse maree Lucie, from L’Orient, has ar rived, haying onboard the remaning part of the Reindeer s crew, carried into that port by the Wasp, United States* sloop of war, which was pht under “quarantine until the following , morning, when;a number bf French officers Came off Ytb remedy her de lects. Every possible attention was paid to her wants, and she was re \ gullrly. supplied with fresh . Two American midshipmen, one Y master's mate, and 17 wounded tneftj were taken into the hospital, and the * American crew received every tivil ; uy, while the British were treated with contempt and irisult f A depu ty American consul ( a Frenchman ) struck the master of an English ; schooner, for merely asking him a simple question I The treatment of the British on board the Wasp was very indulgent «n e very respect, ex ‘Aepk that the men were shacklea voih bands and feet—” Our’ blood glows with indignation at narrating * the” shameful conduct of the French# T\ London, Aug. 24. AccoiAitsfrom Ghent are to the 20th. The Jbhn Adams it is goes to America to obtain further \xx tractions, on some serious c meqlty im bich has occured in the iiegotja v tV \i . t ra*)4nrrj nnouth are for to \merica the Bri t\sh. . ? ‘ wh \rh garrison that island Tv • - 4 ■,„ der will proceed to Cork, knd on board the troops collect l A-•••. where the whole will >ekdczvou- c sail unde* the Valiant and other nvn of war, in one of wliirli lord Hill will ?o. Col. thiston it is said wifi com-* ma nd the 11 ery ; r * : * A detachment of the 2<>tb r >l- Wade, ‘ 1 officers and SSO men* have marched to Por f smptitli to embark for America.. wit! de#Vhi merits of the following; ngiivents, 41st. 37th, 6id, 76th, 9Sth. 99th and ■ ;o»th. i -v,4v . • t-diil-e of WVlJinjHnn has hid bis first audience at Pans. An order from lord Bathurts , 'oA fi n'', prohibits ail Americans front ruing to that ioiintry in British without pcrrnA.Gon * In con , qm-ncc . f the intc • unt’on •>l % ’ vi.American lKgotiatjonf.G'h*nl •tockf hav.* sustained a canardena>le The Valiant, expected to f kd out lord Hill to America,vhas bifteiy fitted op her main deck wt! *i ereve. gyiis; /No time is ‘\i t . and for his lolrdship's departure.. «. ,4 Bodies of JJWiair, and. Prussian -troops v have heed se*.’ td uskany to enfibark for Elba, tn-.icH indicates mischief to be brewing there»-Gs:\A<r. -T. V v\ v __ “ 4 yC. ‘ Paris, August 25 ; It is understood the will advance further into 13 pm ark and ’ - < upv Gluck;nub- * A A v London M rr. r Cl rvfticle raves at the •> oop of war sailing round Irekuii with in punity and making captures, tu* tfid f rish-ports arekn state of .a Je. The Peacock is last mentioned \s off the Hebrides., ; f’ *• *<,. s . ’ v ‘ ’.CAPTAIN MANNERS. \ ; fSe con due 4 of this noble hero, during the late desperate dngagec HTcnr between the Reindeer and Wasp, -in which he gloriomG fell. is the. .theme of universal mWisei2& ’ PW Chives of his , legs'ckrrird away. by a Ml. he re ceived another through both thighs./ winch made him, sink for two’ or taree mifutes onknees, p.u no entreaties could prevail on him < o-go and recovering hiuisoh he headed-the boarders, with a ! U H de termination t>mustcr his am. g parish in; ; thg ‘attempt \v climbing into the rigging,’' t\v 1 alls from the Wasp’s lop, p t ctrfttc# the’ top of bis skUii, and came ot, be iV6aih his chin. ope : *iK",rt his forehead, the-c(her roovul -v.l'v’’ brandish mg his swor.d, he excluded ‘ My God ! My God !” and dr/pw ‘ ped lifeless on n s own . pe Reindeer was I by \e captain s clerk, individual of a higher degree being in / execute tlve melancholy office. One of .the Reindeer’s men was wounded ort the head by a Cam rod. About half of the ramrod passed through his tefltiples, and remained stationa ry. before it could he extracted, it became hedessjtry to saw it off close to one of his temples. The man is in a fair way of doing, well: < “ > i* London.paper. ITew tor October 22. The , Senate of New York bare passed a bill to raise 12, It was sent down to the House orx ’ Wednesday, and underwent homo discussion, and it is believed will fi , nally pass with feme amendments. Hie bill contemplates raising twelve thousand men frombclasse* of the militia of the state, between the ages’ of eighteen and with the exception of minister* of the gospel Atnd quakers ; thfeyi are to form la,- 000 classes, apd to* turnish each a man, sos whoso deliverauc. at the place of rendezvous the “class is to .be answerable ; Where Ihe b> to bes ? mustered enrolled;and ‘M'& whole corps to be in the service : tbe provided Goingress ’ sliall pass a law’ tb accept this corps* and provide for -irkdr pay and subn sistance. - ’ . . > • $ e efsla md fveim piofes >k?na! men, that qU the public huildmgs, consumed and destroyed by the. cue* ■ ms .our ng late ineursian to this phtep./ may" by restored tr» their tri*, ginal cpadWon dollars. r i&y /./. v*A. : 'M i* $ .I'Ml#:': ‘- #O7 l IXL,,