Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 7,
>•’ f *
jsr s||ip ifwrifPSirSbL*. ::■
V""• , : V;;Cf)NOi'jy.ONS; %}s&s’
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Without hitemhrtg any tiispdrai»e-’
raent to the useful ami viUuaHlo pa r
s>ers printed in Au|usttW Milletlgu
riUo and elsewhere ia this State, wc
fi iU taha the liberty to mehtioh tltc
fcik\vmg considerations as in some
degree this to pubhe
onrvge, and especially in the up
!. per counties* ‘.; J t -.” ‘i« ■ ■
It ‘large* and wifi boitSc
qnantJy uqntaan not aniy a ?ane 4
but a consicTeralde quantity <*f mai
lt r—selected with. r ? a.rp. ’• ’ ■•". / :’ J:-
ii #1 pf pul-’jF-lved ai the Seat <jl
dio VmitaH\ty ofi’ thb ap
■ derive from tlvat circ:urnstaiKG !
«ome gentrAl mterest and import*
mice, r ■ v t:: • :- ’ yAJ} ‘■ idjgE<?• ? s
It will bo publw-h.«fl on Thursda*
in tvnry ’week soor after the arrival
of iHy Northern aqd
si this place, anti will contain *
|enqde r is«id summary of the latent,
and most interesting neiys trotn the
Korth s»d South. * t ? \
Fix>m a direct conimupicatlor
tiuV OreeTivnie, &10* k Buucoijtbe
to Toiinessce tin* paper wiH proba
bly derive the iri^Uigence.
from Tci>i»ts3ce ? Kentiicky,
fHher Northern .md Wastem States-
‘ >’ [Jz'&jpti
It iriU copI:»i;\ besides th ‘ com-
Tfiqn o( a newopapett seme
ifioiu-U religious find scientibc fnht-*;
tsen whicE will be caretully selected
find made a* far as. possible siibser
and to the pu'rsuws fl eptnmbii ble* ■
Thi xtftre efiVctimlfy to attain thr a
objndtj we bete leave ’
ly to invite ai»d-solicit gentTtmen of
\vh© are IsHttfakr to rran
tit h, and who would jnehoraxS the
condition of human “lift', to fayor uv
With their aid. > Upeccs on .tbte
h cus subjects aUuded to, whether ori
ginai or well selected* wilt bt f *
the mocUdeihiob Pjjm
P. the - Koinin g• «
be ad)i \Yh**L Not onVy of
letters, bin t!>e
•:■ gopher, <\lte’
i4*echa*ik‘ p»
Erinii them will t>e -glttlßr
tmd’ noticed any . nsdjul
./• ? * ‘i:’ - 1-4 C’ . tit ‘%?r ■/Y'-OA.'r* ‘ h^A
„ fit is not intended that -this paper
jltgdl be made thnvehi'clcf • ’
or-jwioiiat scurnUy eni &b.
%9fl papers ffc tUf fratettc* art rci
transmit to jha
& liters immediately tk£ names of nt&-
sci'ihern* ■, */a : ;a U : •
./* - j&jrswr*’
Speech of M r t.'d&t”, i#, the Sfna*e of !
!•*,• •. * • •&hasctts- ‘duTififr; the dinette I
*rp the late u Ripprtf on the pro- j
posrd (j#uv*K'ion fit llurtfordt
. fin Esinb ?i r~~ProT. the jude
bnitd ten or of these resolutions''ana a
their pre&fnbie, :I r}kf expect tlfe
some oats A* was friendly to them
woi|M have good enough to
point out their objetn This 1 had ;<
right to expect from their Candor
\ Viberaiity, but m thir l hare beeo j
disappointed ; »nd Siiw-sll as l am.
1 feel little toclinatidn ami encoor-*
agetuent ir detain the senate long in
this debate* V>r „? ■■/< “■“.
, , It wa-; imp«d st this
.tess#r’ is saioJ
| on account of exiraordtoarjr dangers, ]
tiuie wbulfi have transpired tt/ex.-.!
**ke the spirit of party* For nit - j
seifj, sir, 1 ftut duipoSed so dispense; ]
with party feelings* andonite mal
eiteiliune with those of the majeuiu
in residing and expelling -the com i
*npn enemy. Intone of danger, w> ,1
well stipend ‘xssi,c dotitestio
quarrels, ur be revamedV ip we chose
I titpee oFtrancjtiility, But, though
! ni this expectation f have been dis
j appointed, 1 am not surprized Du
| top ®* short period; I have had the
honor of a seat in the legislature* fi [’!
Vfa>s;ichiiseUs t l havc learnt to b; j
r. surprised jit h orbing however extra* i
ordinary ; and I cinfes? I 4ook upon
the report of your committee with
griaPco^pOHUVe s and do not believe |
tlui the dangers which it seems’ to I
■ win ever be realised, Yew-.
; W« lest l should be tou/cohSdehMt I
ia my duty M resist. ■{"H«em it, to |
i'u sjire,_ fra%ht with pernicious
principles and intolerable heresies.
That the constitution’ of the United
States has, totally - failed to secure
f -« the people those rights and bene- 1
wh»ch were the objects of its
promotion./ is a strong assertion
•;.f-hst n radical re for as, or anew coo
stuution i$ m*ce* ary. is singular
tdftd extraordinary. that at this
time any innovations should have
Hsen projected is a subject of ex
treme ret* - y >"/
The spirit of had subsided.
AHwere becoming indignant >at the
«nexny, and were determined to rc«
* sjst him.; certain pF
party no doubt alarmed at ’
these symptoms* and the summon*
tog of the denature at this
becArnc Getitlepten were
probably alarmed lest r-0 union in
support of tne war, would operate
as a destruction of their pprty ; and
surciy, r, the. course taken in the
preamble, is well calculated to guard
the danger*
>V ou begin the old story of the ••!&*
juHt*ee of the v?ar:—fins positipn
id yours has been ,& hundred umeS
refuted ami stiL 1 you persist. X have*
neither time, nor strength, aor in*
e/bnation to travel over this grpigid.
nf ourocaust; is vmjust how* It.
much mere hq at the c.ommence
mcrif o: ihe revolution. VYc. then,
conrJuded that we ought not to be
taxed our cmSzm* . T4tat
the tax on tea and Chat
f m ought to pay something, vts cd
nHud i but we clatn\«d to be heard
in assessing it. The right of Great
Britain to her own men, we admit;
bat we claim aon.e right indecidtog
cansuhtop os, in the Utter our ciA
outrages which Great Bn*
.commuted # on our cofi*;
‘ttkcclf. are Jk\&k as-U
/now to us iMk thou|ht kn
’ -'Mhnr nation N e in stance f»\u«r”
/ “w* jyy” a. j .■ ; * . * M ■ #
pr</senutsiiiuceaal hold 18
jATmfts, December.
ifilssisiap l
€ the -- 1
*Att these
jwtlj In Wiihneu
pi trad & 3j consUtab* will * neutral
rights fe a **‘ front tfe per ml to, the
dec!action of war, haVe -not these
| outrages ittcireasech •• - t
‘Bo],, iff, I hold that ,Uoy. av«v trif
ling the?;caU3e of the wafeiii Its £?ai
additional & ample cau
sfif:3f payiarHe .in its rwr, and
such as woitld justify? i*3
f *c n even a itfcr the or■ igLial’ c ause
fed failed. . : ’ ’ fe*;,. ‘. T 4V ‘ ‘
Turn your attention to the into!-
erabfeciad nnpr •Wrb&rtltes
oft he, ; Brk<sli v and sav, ar: not these,
fresh hausen of war y ‘f he snocking,
barfeVUies of Havre-j4e-iVrace arid;*
Hampton, wanton destruction of
mon»i#neots cf science acid taste at
Washington, the robbery vt Ale if an- : v
v dfia s brutalities at Penobscot, and
the f- tort ion ,and ,-pijlagf at Cape
Cod, h* ..riot -these WtiTv&eb .do
mand our \Sh BdC s\r K I
‘nonsiffe al compared
vo life employ m,*£§| v $F ‘ih£ saiafjes» J
The moment you Engage them, you
authorise therm and become a party
t© a wtr of indiscrinvnaie massacre, j
—ft is like the m;e df poisoned Wca> 2
pons, or poisonous medicines; It J
f.onveris the spidier mto a savage, J
.iuch were once .the- sentiments of J
the grqat Chatham.—'<* But, my
loi‘ds t M said he u who is tpe man “
that in addition Ui tile disgrace and
[ mischief of war. has dared to author*
j rse and associate ,tc cur arms the
| >ms hawk and scalp fe of the
i wage,! To call into; chilled alfe
| mce the wild and iidn.nn.ra ikhribi- .
I iauts of the Woods ? To delegate to.
I the merciless Indian the defence of |
j disputed rights, and io wage the her
i rou of hh barbarous warfare against
our brethren f 1 ; .ese t,nerraittes cry
‘uloud for anil pimithinenfe,
•Unices thoroughly C*&t te kw&y,
will be a stain on the national cha»
’ acier. It is jr?o>- the least of our n*
lionai misfortunes that the
iid character of our .army , are thus
impaired.— f amiltaH&ecl to the hor
rid scene of savage cruelty it can rib
longer boast of the noble a>*d gener
ous pri ic |>'.ti which digniiy a sol-.
4fe‘* f-Nc longer you sympathise :
with the mgrr ty of the royal banner,
nor feel the pride, pomp and cir*
cmnstance ofgtoi ions warfare, which
makes arribUion virtue. What makes
ambkipn virtue t The sietue. of hon
or ; of Tumof eofev,
sistcßt w*th the spirit of plunder, or
the practice of murder ? Qm it flow
iro,m mercenary me lives, or can it
prompt to cruel deeds %* But though
this extraordimuy man could mi be
Aiiswcfed, be could be voted down*
Tug practice of piipuler and murder
prevaifed, and it has continued $>
prevail, until- soiatur is
. transidnried to an infermau and un*
leeiirvg ruffian and the nation Has ve
trogfaded to a natien of barbarians..
It fetrue that barbarians cannot be
vesfrtttived ! Then why are they em
ployed the ifesitiVer s he wuj
has been comluoted by odr Indians,
winch self-defence Has bro’tinto om~
l ploy, proves that Britain encourages
kr.uad hf restraining their crush
But a fistmctioo is rutetripted in
this Report, between an offensive Sk
defensive war- If, ns you say, the
: wsr feunmst, and you hare a right
to refuse your aid tfl.its. prosecution' 1
bow happens it that veu beve
the soil l If the eoeniy is
deruke thit the rr.vas;?on of
Comte.,-kg Gen Brown was not %h$
w itual plan of detente cps.-:
;,.i wk icff WfeifApD
ied f£; jßsjy.;. could ’j&jftA .c*f * !»** ’
who fad
ing renown, have better
the 3 l ir r ritory ? and, mr, -had- we an
artuy of sixty thousand menJn Ca
nada at this time ;t would eflx.ctrudly
draw the entroy from our Atlantb
tiNontier, af.d vre should be no more !
exposed to their depredation:**, ; *
You co"'*Tiplain that Massachusetts;
is left dc4enc&!e£s. At the com
cmencemetn of the war forty one
companies of militia-, a force at that,
time adecyi.itfe to the defence of the
s r c ;ej was'required by the president
and refused by-* the gdvemor ; ami
upon the unprecedented ; and alar
ming ground, that the governors of
the states have ihe exclusive* right
to deckle when and to whjt- extent
lip militia shall be placet! in &e ser
vice of the general government* A
more dircc* iofracuotv of the coiritk
twviem has; aevar been made «>nee
adoption* \:'h\ a pkri too whiciy guest
tp the desitructiovi of the strength
apd energy| of the sy-tem, - Tor,
I'Doh the defence pi the state out p£
the hands of the'genera- goveynmemb j
Y.mi would pot permit Acm to \ de- J
udeon danger. . You refuried j
them the means to re|ei it, and now }
py sooth, you com plain that you arc ‘1
Xeft Ythe .regular
.troops coasted Within, yoo** you
claim y>r,, its defence. Whitt, si? ,
those eidYfrpcrds which you have la
bored incessantly to prevent Those
soldiers \mm you have scandal
ixed, insulted and abused? Those
odicers whom you have Abraded
cariratuted, neglected and despised ? !
huroly you wo’jid have of those
to defend you. - VVouki you : have
troops of other states l These, you
y/c-uld say, were sept to dragoon ybu ]
|iUo submisiotv tp u ample ujron
ybur TibcHiea*.-. And you would say, -
§i *>f. yoiw
>as said Prather Jay your bones by
the side, of your fathers iban to
’ fur southern troops to enter the bor
ders of New* V;
-% Xbfc truth is, you expected that
submission would tempt* the enemy •?
to forbearance and
Disappointed in this, you face about. \
Yhu governor lays aside dm coiistT
scrupks, and ai cohtempr of j
the solemn opinion Os liis fearuM j
fadgest places the militia under an ! ]
oiEcer of. the Uhited States.’. Now !
on .itufst be defended*
. ther seaports, like Boston must be .de
fended. The ‘ peace Karty 1 v4jl b??
patriotic* very patriotic, when the ,
danger, threatens their property or ‘
their wired per so. is. Th e wanton
barbarity at Hampton, and other
places, Which gentlemen made the
theme of ;so milch pleasantry fears
a much more serious aspect when'.]
likely to be brought nearer home# ,• .a
; Under these, the
committee state in their report, that
Great Britain threatens us with deny
lotion* Gentlemen top wild have hi
therto placed great reliance in thy
magnanimity ;hl Great. BritaiiC—
And will they now doubt her magna
lumity > •; What, after she has glori
ously emancipated Europe ? After
she has given freedom to Trance by
.imposing Qn her a master at the
; pomt of thp bayonet After shd has i
zmm&M the freedom ct the seas,
by p!acing all mariti me rights uddec ■
no4* exclusive cemtrout ? What, $&
; ter having given liberty to Spain, by
i‘e-esiaMii.hing the. inqutiiucht— \
And above ail, aiter having taken !
sherds Cooper ‘.and- Adams *£gkc ’
; her kind protection, %m made
j hte . friends,-;is rt
can be so barbarous as io UiVt
the y friendpeace* with desofa
’ There in hpwtvee, one-pat*T .]
of the British conduct wiuch i con- j
; less 1 liked. If - there. is any hotior-: I
able feeling still remaning in an \
Englishman, .it jdjpve (and cotmtry.-- «
; And be respects that virtue even ip
arr enemy* Instead of .us r sodree j
of Compkife theielore. the iiti- 1
tish have not Ui&cuminatvd in lavof j
. C.f, but agamit then ?r#*ssrv friwuis, •
ToT t^ r ,Itlr i
,vi as in the revaKtion, titen- pw*. f
ed and brought m r n tbix vA rhv rh J
v i ; ■ *** j i W’ ‘*■jffy’yj
p ff}IOS4IUHS ikll Cl i 1 CS A r£t,tOTi& Oi v
* • .i Tt not ’ Kftiifivv I
site iuv
: ‘■ ■**» ‘ f:
y arns’ %■ -v ‘ -V.-- V . /•.. *•: * ,
gforfaas emaacfoatkaof
; either fAgralfoi cf dmrinfahifi 1&
# orlfaf Sti*
cherished an*ufafafm settled fe,
, fau*yr otid . ha*ee«t aß&insj: us,
\»*;» *£&&>>>
! yfowir
’ creased* - <f The pegee of Etifop«
wijich v/rv. of so much
foyukatinn, has pul it imp her power and distress u»v'Th«it she
has the disposition to c!6 this, let the
\-yihplt history of
and abuses testify. The enormities
of the revolution rare rsnfcwte with
two-fold *simostty and» ance.—*
provision v foatWme
prisons, aid poisons medicines,
are ffentwe4 - Warrion dhualtks anti
savage* murilcbs are revived ; Jpd no
pause of WHt 1 -Intlieciiniirmte con*
fUgration,- imt’ho caufo of ,vya£. £d.
Phlagc of- private property,’ /vrdfa
tion mriusnl of quarters but
no cause ofav ar 1 The excWg&of
prisoners -aher :hey Were, find
otTie* ; hide base and cfoifomprjhfo
.frafc&b which tfifcgrad? “the mirage-.*
‘ana yet gentlemen, bate foe a'sfo •
Sfofo tforete«fo nd-'catw^ ’ <>f-fo L
$ tn tfci* state of dans»fo *£#s&>*»;,
the geytrser has summoned the U>
gkiature , m wa^jfopoaed, ‘to dak ml
burse! ve? foul c:;pd the
You recrinimend so army ; .V?iat
• ton wiisi! ume (ak'; cr’.re fopiopo,:.o
a measured efetfuai-y ty. prevent iU
Why ts this rifo* thne ? ih&
litrucitks of the tprmy had tfifotci
a union, v kou n ere alarmed lor *hp
late of you? party, aud it was found
necessary tr v; ufoi peobk’s
resent nun? from the enemy ami’ (\U
fp<vt; ii against our own udwmi&f ra
tion. , A. hi tie union was nece.- xrr
to induce republicans to d.Jei . !> ■
fo«**-Bui rhfo this gtciii >
town it desfroyk your pa»ty- (
:’ ‘.'lnstead ofencouifom-g ami
fog’ the zedf.oftbe acMfoe, we -ire in*
forming hi* *the nation i* ruhwd,
foAinl fojfa. t* • ■•fsrtjj&Ul,
I venture so bilirm-fthar rml/vii kart
to the cbubt-r>swhic.h
chnsctta bas üb? pred; teT She fa
always prodkfing evil and m addi
tion %a» dot e all she could that .heri
. predictions Should be vfh-Hfod/.- She
vyiH rejoice at no national success.
She will reward;, np’ biro wiio hao
A >•*: J T. 1 ;
iought for his courary ; hoi?
“feveranne thf memory of ‘Him vriip
has died in .of its J
• ; '.'We rrsagnitf the pntniy k power
atid rtsou i sesj speak of cup < < riimci *
ciul iiOiUiny to her, take to
charge hci* w.Hh no wrong, tv <asi ot
her magnanimity’ and far*
‘ bearance, ’ to thji fw«
listing soldiers to Bglit hit,- Ffae ,
$ , Well rfilculuteti
to expedite the raising an arfa| f and
- y.\Ve told too of thc/ disas*
way/ Tiie mrrease “ofJthi*.
enemas strength not to fee ex
pected* ; Ik> op's, A believe even uv
Ms»agehuseits, cVek predicted the
I&tt ‘asJcniihmgf events, in
■' l Thf» eii dTicipaxton of F-urope* v )V4a
given us a jfioof of Thegnanimity.
Her %corK}uereri of the conquer«
rrs of Europe* were tent to -ylather
the Yankees > into
cSome dfaatters * bate , tidier place
much to the honor .of the American
arms...: ,Tive capture of Washlngkn
and pf the towns at the eastward of
this ‘cofatoon mortifying
-—bufe they have prodtilced the tfapps
eit effeefa, aotfbave l>e^». jurriedcih
by snrresses faofe km*
tohisbing than the event’ i:> F.uropfif
The. American fctms triumph
ed bso hy fund ‘f‘h# den
feat capturf of’
their ships on the pce?.o, luuHktdf
on tbe lake oSfe events •wfueb
make every American proud. [ilc%
Mi% HtFcWfticufarKd the bnfiiant
of&e. arkty, andkom
plirncnttd the officers 4iid meii and
proceeded j~i*T h esc - m f pre at i* k ve
rr.tnts wiii-ch have . exalted the re
putation of and /humbled
and Groat Britain. ’ Well
may.'-’ tm ,"gi ve * giopy to iAi mi ‘ Y
God fori -Ofase vic-toricst -and’ ri**jrc<d
him for further protjcction ami <;’?*•
and believe ■•Jhstt A
tnerica will he the <>i -IrrUkli
#nrriy* i Hyr . ihtmci'ojei .
tanqufaajfed* Uerriiavy, bp'i ; .pikiri atid
bo&nt has -been huttißled wl hvofa N
■ :> d-xfrid'. • Bit’- nd’ .jfaaOks: 1
Ko cailsc of e~ui!uitt6o l - ‘■ t , -
t-¥ comnuttee, ifVvffeeir report*
’ C»>mp nmlb4 foirnds
»rc sa»d to bu