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Jt. Tha Annua! Subscrip'Vonwill be TiittXZ
dollars, advance. K- } ‘* t *
9ft. Subscribers living out of the State wil! pay
j the whole subscription upon the delivery of
f the first number. a
|3d. No Subscriptions will be received for less
than One year; and no paper shall be dis
continued until arrearages are paid.
4th. Advertisements will be inserted at the
customary rates. •- ; f ‘.
."yy* Letters addressed to the Edi~
f tons must be post paid.
On the first Tuesday in March next , in the
to&n of Lexington , will be sold, the
‘? following property, to wit
Fifty acres of land the property of
lames Anderson ; pointed out by said
Anderson to satisfy an execution in fa
vor of Samuel Shields. -''‘Tv
u Three hundred acres of land *aken as
the property of William Murry to sa
tisfy an executipn in favor of Thomas
Collins ; pointed out by Murry.
Three hundred acres of land taken as
the of §James F. Gorclen to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of Robert
Bledsoe, tor the use of Robert Freeman;
land pointed out by said Gortien. ■
Three hundred acres of land, taken
as the property of William Kidd to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of the Trus
tees of Mason Academy v pointed out
by Charles Carter bis security.
Three hundred acres of land taken as
ther property of Jesse Bridges, to satis
fy an execution in favor of the Trustees
of Mason Academy ; land pointed out
by said Bridges. “
v ■’ ■ ‘‘AiSO 7 ->. A\ ’
Two hundred acres of land taken as
the properly of Mary Burn, executrix
of John Burn, to satisfy an execution in
favor of James G* Baldwin. >v 4
One tract of land containing one him
dred acres, the property of Woody
Jackson and pointed out by said Jack
son, to satisfy an execution in favor of
John T. Lawrence. :
Conditions cash, v i ‘
February Ist, 1815.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next at Clark court house
between ihe usual hours , the following
’ property, VIZ. !
A2 acres of land* more or less, in
Cjark county, on the waters ot Barbel’s
cerek, joining Bradley and others, gran
ted to Marbury, levied bn as the pro
perty of William Hopkins to satisfy an
execution in favor of Benjamin Huston ;
levied on by a constable and returned to
1500 acres of land on Rose crsek,
more or less, m said county, granted to
Carson and \yilUamson, and thirty-six
negroes consisting of men, womeii and
children, to wit;—Ledia, Amelia, Joe,
John, Ned, Harry, Rose, Ben, Daniel,
Homer, Ephraim, Orra, Plie
be, Eady, Nash, Jolly, Anderson, Lew.
Cooper; Guey, Job, Yellow N?nce,
Black Nancy, Elvira, Mrliey
Nisey Wyney, Mary, Julia* Molly
Vina» Tabby* Moses and Solomon—
All levied on as the property of Rode
rick Easley, Joseph Brown and, Alex
ander l orry to satisfy an execution in
favor of Scott & Radciiffe, vs, Roderick
Easley, Joseph Joseph Brown &
Alexander Torry, and others vs, said
Roderick the above < negroes
pointed out by Joseph Moss- . >
L I-• ’ also , r, r - 7 -\r
™ e hundfed °S WV* said
county, more or less, on Kobersons
ereek granted to Philips, and one and
aa mjnfc u m
granted to Robinson, joining Reynolds
and others, with a valuable grist mill &
two hundred acres, nioie or lfcss in said
county, granted to Wy, ou the wa-
ters of Freeman’s cruek, joining IVrigh’
and Martin* well improved ; levied on
as the property of James Colwell to sa
ti,fy thirty-six executions in favor o(
Lazarus Summerlin ; levied by Tho
mas Edmondson, constable* and re
turned to me.
JOHN SELMAN, D. Sheriff.
February 2d. 18i5*
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next at the court house in the county o’
Jackson , between the usual hours , the
following property , to w/t—
--575 acres of land, be the same more
“or less, granted to Jones, joining Mc-
Connell, on the waters of the Mulberv \
fork of the Ocpnee, levied on as the
property of Thomas Jones by two fiL
one at the instance of Phimzy, Son &
Shields, and the other in favor of Ferdi
nand Phimzy.
Four feather beds and furniture and
four bedsteads and cords, levied on as
I the property of George Cowen at the
* instance of DhvidWfjLtt ; th¥ fcelorr
mentioned beds and furniture antTbeu
teads to be sold by consent of
plaintiff without being brought to the
court-house on the day of sale ; the
property pointed out by the defendant.
* Two lots in the town of Clarksbtoro’
the one whereon Edmund Mourjger now
lives, & number 5 where James Wrfghl
lived, 480 acres of land, be the same
more or less the grantee unknown, join*
lug’ the town of Clarksboro with tfe
exception of the lotd in said town which
was sold by Eldridge Hargrove previ
ous to the sth of January, 1814, 15Q
acres of land, be the same more or leso,
vne grantee unknown, joining MfDanV
•-el, ot\ the north Oconee r*ver whefieou .
Bolar Mooh now lives, 230 acres ot
land, be the same, more or less,
grantee unknown, on the Middle fork oi,,
ihe Oconee, whereon William Hadon
formerly lived. The above tracts of.
land aiiii laps levied on as the property
of John Wright. 287 1-2 acres of land, \
be the same more qr less, granted to
Culpepper, joining Thornton on Turkey .
creek, whereon James Rogers now lives
seven slaves, to wit : two women named
Phillis, Ben and Bob, boys, Judey anc.
ailvey, gfHs, and George a child ,* the
above tract of land and slaves leviea on
as the property of James Rogers who
was security for John Wright on*ah ap
peal The lands, lots and sialves levi
on at the instance of John H. Har
ihson. ‘ ■’
also’ ....
50* .-2 aqres oF land, be the same
more or less, on Bear creek, the’ gran
tefc joining Lowry, whereou
Roland i hurman formerly lived, levitu
Un as the property of said Thurman
eight negroes, to wit, three women
Sukey. Easter, andJJetty. uuee boys
Joshua * Tobey and Hai vey, and two
children Sandey and Levin, and four
wheeled pleasure carriage, levied on as
the property of Early Harris. The a
bove tract of land, negroes and carnage
levied on at the* instance of Dudley
Jones and Robert Malone«T
Conditions cash. X . v ,
Deputy Sheriff.
January 31, 1 815 v ‘
* ————
Will be sold at Danielsville, Madison
county , on the first ‘Tuesday in April
next , between the usual,hours,
Two hundred acres of land be the
same more or adjoining lands of
Dabney Ghoflson ahd Atchinson, the
grantee unknown, levied on as the pro
petty of David Creswell to satisfy an ex
ecution in favor of Stephen Gafford—
the above land pointed out by Janies
Thompson* >■
Conditions cash.
February 4, 1815-
Will be spld on the first Tuesday in March ties,
at the court house in Clark county, within the
usual hours, the following property, VIZ.
i >.,e house and lot oi about thirty a
crel of land, adjoiknhg the town of A-,
the ns, it being the house formerly oc
i'l'% ft
; cupred by Mrs. Gauvain, and one other
house in the town of Athens, it being
the •etcne house formerly occupied by
Wdrbem E ley* The above property j
levied on as the propei f y of Michael A
Gauvain to satisfy executions sa«d
Gauvain, one in favor pf Josiah PowelT
‘one in favor of Stevens Thomas, one in
i fator -of James Camron* Indorsee* on-”
in favor df A* Canifield, one other in
tavor of John Casey, and sundry other
executions* The above house and lot
ot thirty abres of land w,dl be sold under
• incumbrance of a mortgage given •
by said Gauvain to F* Phinizy. The
prjperty pointed out by Stevens Tho
mas* Conditions cash.
January 30th, 1815*
fyUl be sold on the first luesday in March
next at the court house in JackSoh
county , between the usual hours , the fol
lowing property, VIZ ;
One sorrel horse , and manVsaddle
levied on as the/ property of William
Hushes at the instance of ReUben
Reavers lor the use of Jacob firaselton*
•* ■ Also ’ . , ;
One crib of corn supposed to be twen
ly barrels or upwards, levied on as the
property of Alexander Martin< at the
instance of Benjamin Echols ; the pro
perty pointed out by Moss Grimes.
cows and two (two year old,
hfifers* levied on as the property of
James M-Nees at the instance of An* ,
drew Pick iris ; the property pointed
out by the defendant.
’ Sheriff*
January 25* 131$. >
Will be sold at the court house of Clarke county,
on the first Tuesday in April next,
A negro slave, named Aaron, now in
the possession of Edward Paine, levied
on by virtue of sundry executions
against White Rosseter, at the instance
of Joseph Long worth and others.
30 h January, 1815.
Whereas William Moore,'Barbara Bohannan
and James M’Cord apply for letters of adminis
tration on* the estate of vV illiam Bohannan, late of
said co qnty, deceased. . \
These are thereforeao cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased to be and appear at my office within the
time prescribed by iaw. to.shew cause if any, why
letters should not be granted. I,j
Given under my hand at office this 6th day of
February, 1815. ; Jv
Georgia, Clarke county.
‘y.. hi
) Attendance will be given by the Col
lector of the Fifth Collection District of
Georgia, or William Mont
gomery, on the following days* and at
the following named places, viz: in
Lexington, Oglethorpe county, on Mon
day and Tuesday the 27th & 28th inajt*
n the Thursday and Friday following
m Madison, Morgan county, and on
the Saturday thereafter in Watkinsville,
Clarke county, for the purpose of re
ceiving entries of carriages with the
harness used therefor, and granting li
censes to retailers, strlfbrs, &c.
Those in arrears on bonds for still
duty are desired to make payment, as
all bonds dtte are pointedly directed to
be put in «uit by the commissioner of
the Reveuue-
James M. C, Montgomery , j
C. /?* 5* C« U* (?•
February 4, 1815. >
■ ’ -
~v V’- - ;- : v f
r-y v- ‘ NOTICE.
i • i■:•
•; -» ■ - 1 ‘ v - r ‘Vf| h ■■■-, - - ■ ~ - j--; A
Is hereby given that the land and
plantation whereon James Garrojt, de
ceased, lived, will be sold to the high
est bidder, on the first Saturday in A
\>ril next, on a credit of twelve months,
bond and approved security will be re
quired, and possession given on the first
day of January, 1816, in conformity to
the will of the testator.
Wm. Elkins, Guardian •
February 6, 1815.
FROM ‘ HS BO V T'JV pa 7*Rlbt* “C
‘* ‘ ‘ ri* ♦ ,*
A Spark from the Altar of *751
The Portland Argus ot Thursday last
contains the truly patriotic and spirited
proceedings of a convention of Delegates
from the several towns m the county of
Oxford, (District of Maine ) on the dis
graceful and, ruinous policy whicn has
long been pursued bv Massachusetts,
We venture to pivt i t, that tiiiie>s a
diT rent course of js adopt
ed ; unless instead of -thwarting the
National Government in w)I its efforts
foe the protection and defence of the
p untry ; instead of attempting to make
inroads upon our free and happy Con
stitution, and ippointing Conventions to
“ enfeeble the sacred hands” which u
nite our great and powerful confederal
cy ; unless instead of all this, they spee.
dily take American'ground. and co-ope
i ate With the National Government iri
itiefforts to expel the enemy from Maine;
unless, we repeat, a state of things like
this is produced, we have no hesitation
in predicting that Maine wilt « and of
right ought to he;’ absolved from all
connexion with British Massachusetts
The people of Maine, as well as their
leading men, possess courage, patriot
ism and energy in an eminent degree.
Tor months and eVen years, they have
seen the constituted authorities oftne on
-7 free country in tile universe; (be men
oi their choiCe. and the choice of aii u
mense majority of their countrymen ;
oearded, insulted, opposed and even
threatened by factious Massachusetts !
And what is the founda'ion ot those dis
graceful proceedings ? Simply because
Congress, in obedience to the loud and
reiterated calls of. their constituents,
whose gallant spirits could ho lov'er
brook the daily accumulating injuries
and indignities of England, declared
war against that haughty and ovtrpow
mg power.
lhe people of Maine deseive o-reat
credu lor theii forbearance. /Alti.Wff
they have beheld Massachusetts i n up.
poaicion to tl.e most solemn injunctions
or Washington, busily employed in m*
be mining the great fabric oi our union
although they nave witnessed, repeated
ad deadly blows aimed at their liber
ies, still they have forborne to do them
selves justice, by assuming that rank
and importance in the Union to which
tncy have so just a claim, ft was not
Until one third of their territory had
beep suffered to remain, month after
month, iff possession of the enemy,
without any effort to expel him ; it was
not till they beheld Massachusetts en
deavoring to thwart the National Go
yeriimeni in its efforts lor the recovery
6i this territory, and even appointing
conventions, which chn only have a ten
dency to assist and. encourage the ene
my, that the free and hardy citizens of
Maine resolved to summon the energies
of their district into the cause of their
much injured country. y ;i - 4
1 he following is the paV
ragrapn of the Report of the Oxford
Convention, and tiie Resolutions.
It remains tor youitellow citizens, to
oppose an impenetrable barrier to the
aspiring hopes of disappointed men! In*
vile your republican brethren through
out the District of Maine to a general
Convention. Your Legislature has set
you the example. Unite with zea{ m
the cause# and rally round the Standard
oj Union . Be firm and watch full and
your liberties are safe. Peace will a
gam smile upon your land# in spite of
your locs at home and abroad—dvery
nation must have its rise and decay.—/
Great Britain is at her zenith of prosper-’
Ity and power, but an overruling Provi
dence, or circumstanues as hnexpecied
as her acquisition of strength* Will wrest
it, from her.; she will abandon her un
just pretentions, and your country will
triumph. . , n > , i ‘ \ ‘
therefore Resohedj That it is expe
dieru mat the District of Maine const!-
luie a part ot the State ot Massachusetts
no longer than the S ate of Massachu
setts gives support to the Union.
Kcsotvcd, f hat we view with mortifi*
cation and regret, the conduct of the Ex
ecutive oi uus commonwealth ?n suject
nig tae Senate to a very great expense