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4. «Kudbr ■.<
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«y• . ¥
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fr’J m Lefters to ths* Enm
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* VhA YvtjjJ LOMBON’.
!■■ Oit* fallowing- .ricvtription of none
ort of Honjhvi from a
IX ‘■wv
r m#v SsHxxort to .gratify* ‘furiosity than
«3tcite either envy op ad *7ll ration
In ihr morn in nr all is calm—not a
police stirine before ten. o’clock ; thfe
shops then beein to open. Milk women
vitf fheii> ‘ pails perfectly neat, suspen
ded it the two extremities of a yoke
carefully Chapped to fit the
and surrounded with small tin measures
of cregtcf, nag at every door w‘th re ; ter*v
nted pulls, to hasten th<* bouse servants
who come half asleep to TdUm- *.mea
Qjre a* big as an egg bring the allow*
£nc>: oi a f;*in;’y ; lor it is necessary to
fixpUiu, that milk is uot here either food
or di ink. but a tincture—-an elixir exhi
bited jn drops, five or six at most in a
%;Uj. of tta. morning and evening* Ij;
Jromd be difiiifult to say what taste or
V *>at quality these drops may impart ;
Vj: *0 it ia, and nobpdy think* of ques
tioning the proprietor the ettstom.
lint s -ifcgle carnage: not a cart* arc
»e<*n passing The *first Considerable
flii* ;s the drum and military music of
- frtfntt their bar-
Xrj-ks tb Hyde p.irk, having at their
berid three or four negro giaofs, striking
’ gracefully and ?’ rang the resound
lbi; cym-ai About three or four
oV >ck, the fasmonable tvoiid gives ‘
fiontt Tgns of lifr, issuing forth Ho pay
vm ‘ r * P v r^Jf at leave cards at the doors
ct tru nds. never 9een bul in the crowd
ol a semldies : to goto the shops* see
ai£b|g or lounge in Bond street*-an ug*
ly inconvenient strbcf, the attractions of
yhich it s difficult to understand* At
five ;r six they return home to dress for
d*nner Ihe streets are theiulighted
i\n;n .me end to the other, rather edged
nr» tidier side with two long lines oi lie*
th’ bnghtish dots, indicative of light,
but yielding in fact very"? little ; these
are t’he lamps. They are not suspend
ed in the middle of the streets, as at P.»r
i%t dut fixod on irons eight or nine feet ;
tlighy ranged along the houses. The
want of reflectors is probabTy the cause
ol thfsir g»virg so little light'. From six
JJ6 the noise of wheels increases ;
the dinner hour; A multitude of
oart with two ©yes of flame staring
in U c uark before each of them shake
,tt) . } a -i .r cm and the W|ry houses fol-.
iowii y, -■ crossing each other at full
spv .< Mopping suddenly a footman
runs to the lilts
ti.e hcaiw knocker—gives a great knock
sacral smaller encs in quick suc
? l hen with aIJ his might ,
Nourishing as on a drum, with an art,
and air, und a delicacy of touch, which
the quality the rank, and the
fortune ol ins master.
o p.uics ; .hen a r edo'tblemtni conies on.
T h*s is the great crisis of dtess, of noise
and ol ramdity—a universal hui>l>cm|»«
of uniform grinding and shaking,
-Tike that experienced in a geeat mill with
fo l y P®’ ‘ sublet ; i was not afraid
°* to* exagerate, I shotild say
ftfeat it can only appear like the fall of
iagara, heard at two mih*9 distance !
his crisis continues undtifonished till
♦welve op one o’clock ; then lyss and
KiM ddping the rest of the night—till at
llie approach of a single cafriqge
is heard noW-and then at a great ‘dig
anbiT -
ofeat assemblies nre calltd routs or
Ijjrdcx i bu; tjuj wha thrm f
i ,n inmtstipns ®n]y say Qfot t&ey
4will be at home such a ckk&d 4iis
some?Weck» before hand. The house
in which this lakes place, if frequ£llt|y
stripped from top to bottom ; beds draw ,
ers, acd all but orhathental furniture, i.
c«mt<Sftitfgf*ight, to make room for
a crowd of well dressed people,receive*!-
at tbe door of .the principal apartment
by the mistress of the house standing
who smiles at every new comer with a
look of *acquaintance. Nobody ’aits ;
there is no conjrersAtton, no cards, no
music only clbowingv turning and
Winding from room to jpom ; then at
the end of a quarter of an hour escap
ing to the hall to Wait for the car
riage spending more time upoiHjjpe*
threshold among iocrmen than you Have
done above stairs with their musterc
| From tins root you drive to onother.
where after wanting your turn to arrive
4|or iioar the
st’eet beiug full <, cal lages, yoa allghi -
saibe hiaQntr.”
Under this, or some similar title, the
English editor generally introduces his
readers* attention to an important col
umn of his paper-—l he following is a
specimen of the degrading obeisance
a iikh the proud or upstart nobility ex
pect from those not yet made nobi®.
p , v w ■ *"■ H .*P
»< Fcfgettiag that themselves are all derived
« From the most eceimdrel race thatoyer liv’d.
VVitbout some such stuff, the editor
of a British would hnd few rea
gdfrs • ‘’ •
Lady Holland yawned much yester
day ; her malady is* Supposed to have,
beeh occasioned by sitting up later than
visual. ( v ”
“ The pnficcsa Mary while taking a
morning walk, fell and hurt her toe, ~ -
v &On Wednesday,, her majesty r®de
in a coach arid fcwlr to Brighton and
_» —} radi hick again. J *
On Sunday next, the bishop of
M’s. Clarke will be of the party.
“ Lady L-A-ar rived home *t l
o'clock this morning from lord D—\i,
where sho spent the night m playing
, . - 7k ,
«» Tbe rev. , Dean of— p is ill. The
nature of his disorder is kept secret *
Such, American reader, to
which the English editor treats his rea
der. Beware of fashiouable nobility.
A Strong government would give you a
nobility—would give youW king.
|£ More than sixty individuals in
Lond >n have far aLove three
years subsisted wholly on vege
tables, fruits ad isiuled water
enjoying during that period, ro
bot health, and an exemption
i, ;m »iiose maladies which, un
der the direction of D L.ambe,
led to their adoption ot this sim
ple regimn. The editor of the
Monthly al .gaxine from on
siderationa of a different nature,
has abstained from all animal,
food for. three and thirty years j
bu; 13- Lanbe carries his ab
stti i g from all. .sumulents
winch excite .hirst,so that weare
tokyie d-es not drink a pint of
tiouldina month; One of the
disciples of Dr.., Lambs, Sfo”
Newton, of Ghichester-street has
published,’ under the tale of A
Return to Nature,” a very io
fgemui and able illustration of
the sv ;te which merits the no
tice if the lnquissUv. and philos
opaicdl pan oi me public.
M* s ‘SL. Jk? A r. ,
; vXAbcAOPs. _f i ’
All our . Accounts from the
prospects of the farmers from
the excessive drouth of the um
mer. Many from despair of
making corn, h<tye cut down
their stalks, and put them up
tot fodder. We have some con.
sola ion, however in knowing
thrt thi. is riot the case in other
parts of the state, in this
county, in Orange, and we be
lieve, in most of
iftd eastern counties, rop
Will be nearly as productive a
usual» especially since the Lufe
rain, for though it fli
t-o late’ to be serviceable tot warn
com that Which was planted la
ter will be greatly bet efited by
it. So that upon the whole, we
trusty, -that the scarcity which
has been generally apprehended
will not be experience and excep’
in particular sections of the court*
wjr« • ,
Raleigh Remitter Sept- IS
£j*.«toS, (lx.-n.) Augu.t Ji. ,
The follow ing is an extract of a let
ter from St. i hom*e’s dated the Bth
“General Belivar, accompanied by
three officers, armed hore yesterday,
in disgrace. Report states, that he, had
” started. and left his army behind when Ocumara, by general .Mor
ales and Went to Bonair; bat on hear
ing that sir Gregor, M*Grcgor, who had
captured Vitioria,h. and come up with se
fen hundred men,defeated Morales, and
again got; possession of Ocumyra, He
returned, but would not be received by
his troops. Morales is desperately
wounded, and obliged to retreat to Port-
Cabcllo. . * ‘sat %
“Subic tee has had an action‘with
some of the royal troops, and Was com
pelled to retreat towards Cumana, where
general Marino io in force.
“ firion’s fleet have sailed* supposed
for windward, a* he is quite disgusted
With the conduct of BoliVar.”
r TO THE EDlTOß—dated.
u Ncto-Ir§rk f ftb September , It I#.
“ The general court-mafcial was or
gkniccd on the tdinst. conformably with
the order from the department of war,
and on the 6th proceeded to the inves
tigation* The first charge* with its
specifications, were objected to by the
judge advocate* on the ground oi,limi
tation; this evil-was; however remedied;
by the aUtvised having waved every ad
vantage guaranteed to him by that ar
ticle of war, and expressed his most
anxious solicitations for ah enquiry into
the charge) but the court decided they
Were not competent to take cognisance
of it—hence it was quashed. As yet
little has been done/’ no witness has
been examined but lieutenant-colonel
the prosecutor—and his testi
mony goes, most unequivocally, to ae
quit the general of every fact set forth
in the charges, so far as he has been ex
amined—ancT I entertain very little
donbt, but the testimony, on the part of
the prosecution, will make it Unnecessa
ry for the general to introduce, any of
his. How will this trial read; When re
corded with the event and history of our
late war? There is censure and condem
nation duo some where, and I feel a
pride in having it in my power to state,
that the public mind appears to know
very well where to fix it.—Here, there
is but one opinion—that he has been
maltreated. There is as jiuch feeling
excited here, in hibbehaif, I* there ever
was in the cue of any individual since
| independence.
French physician,
who was remarkably tall and thin, hap
pened to quarrel with Doctor Chtvne, physician smlthe most,cor*
nulent r«,an of his time —The dispute*
was carried to suy.h aw extreme, that it
produced a challenge, and the pLce of
rendezvous was in one of the fields near
London. At the time appointed, thi
nmagowist. with their seconds, appear
|jg|L* and the fitter measured ‘out. the
ground. The adverse partifes B*d takers
their sit tion, when suddenly Dr Chef
ne exclaiqied ; “ Ho! il this it no* fair
\ fdWl am. so large. you can’t fail u*. hit
me? and you so thin; one might as well
at and shadow We ought to be
scale wha',mQ?e upbn a fbonngoC equ db
•ry ” “” With all rny heart ” replied the
Frenchman; “ we. Hixe r»nlv to rtutrk out
wirfrHhes of chalk; on your body the
raS'lf m r.t- 4 i I IHi Uc ift
either sir!’ h* shir!-’ gt* *
Dt Chtynt;. not relishing this
expedient, the second interposed^and
it was decided to be be tto to fight £;
‘*'* "SPi*’ ‘ * *’ «j
■ V v ’ ■ V
v’" 1 ‘ ‘\y*A ‘- T ’ * *’ *• ‘
Niw-Yoix, September S.
.'r. i J* ,_”
*4n X-Fffjk.-f''* yy j ‘ . ■* ’ \
Captain Roberts, from fa
vored us with the following interest
Cams July (U
’ ’ * * • wF * ■■r
.. A privateer called the Congress? com*
mended by a man naihed. Ainu da, fie*
longing to Baltimore under ‘he fLg t of
the, insurgents of South America has
Veen off this place for .twenty five or
thirty days, and has made by
twenty-four piieVs* the \alue ©l which
is, stated from 800,000 i©
.TOOOAQOO dollar*. In the lad five c*
six days- five more-privateers- JUav/.*
ID-Klt their . appearance. O r . tbo 22d,
ooe of then) an hertiiopnrod'ie brig, at
taclbcd a ship bound t.t this placfc. and.
then within sight of the city , md after
deceiving .and giving one fire sheered off.
the ship hud three killed and six wouii*
- il
renant colonel <;f art.ilcry, a pas enger
freth Ha vain*; vtjo received a inot w>Ut>
in the set of,puttitig firt to his gun. U
is supposed the privateer Ipsi maay per*
s<ns as. the ship fired a broadside into
her ,h\ she was ti the act of boarding
when fibe immediately sheered off.
Thfcre was another ship in sight at that
time. . There Are
feet from Havana no.w moling.
Mr* Erving the Aitte'ican minister*
has arrived &t Madrid, but has had no
interview with the king) as his majesty
has gone to the Baths, ab#ut 20 um?
distant from Madrid, for the benefit, of
his health. ... .. £ ’
Qn Monday 2,000 troops entrred
city* and on that niglr began to iinpreo
for the ar«Mf/ They got 800 riven
THe troops arrived under sealedrder-.
to be Opened at !2 o’clock on Slehdriy
It is supposed that similar orders rr
been forwarded to all other parts of .at*
kingdom. There ife many conj tcw c
for #hat purpose these are ivs
ing. It is said that the emperor nt
Austria has declared in favor of Char>y i
the IVtK, and that he has determined
to put hint on the throno of Spain. r
Thera was an impressment for sai
lors 10 or 15 days ago, when they took
from 586 to 506 men.
There is one 74* 2 frigate# and t brig
cruizing off for the privateers
List of part of the captures made by
Almeda. A Xebec with 60h boxes su
gar, from Havana to Cadiz: brig St-
Anders, 1460 boxes sugar from Havan
gto Cadiz;brig Diamanu, 300 boxes do.
do. gtveii up. and prisoners put on Board
American ship Blooming detained
five hours, and prisoners, put on board £
Catalan ship With 8860 boxes, sugar,”
from Havana to Cadis ; ship San Leo*
na, 8 |to 400 boxes sugar, 50 serdona
Chochincal and 45, dollars ; a ship of
300 tons from Havana to Cadiz, with su
gar and specie- “, * ±
Commodore. Truxton has # offered
him.vfii a candidate for the artvce oi
I iff of the city and county of
wjdm jp- ,3
A O, at.
’MJ . &.'it