Athens gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1814-18??, November 07, 1816, Image 1

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VOL. 11l v # * ; TfF; PU»LISBE» WEEKLTi ‘ ar joinr hodgk.. •; *«o.NprtioNb. • QJho Annual ion will be Tfcßß* noILABS, half jh advance. “ #X Subscribers living out of the State will pay the whule subscription upon the delivery of the first nuraber. «»• Mo Subscriptions will be received for less than one /»*ar; ani no pa >er »jiail be dis continued until arrearages are paid. vl, ‘■ x '*yfF “ \ f , 4th. Advertisemeats will be inserted at the •ustomary cates. |r*?* Letters addressed to the Eoim p*i)H must be post pctlti, IR»A{ TH* telescope V*- r ,rai • IWe ie mi vari ous ehan»i«ls than the catarrhal eu'damir cli*<-vie of last fimer b 4- con'inti and t atvv <r it •oot”idic instan es Irf r» W a- «wmnr And present au'U'Tiiia m ; Various sections of the'state slyer yi 6* rl*is of dim;) cool and i v h the #i iron, the northeast w;o’d Af which w bev* had an rinuHtt A nu Tiber, hits’ gi ven fhu* *o Mima eases of hn distehsr»et Th snrm-nvr attacks baen co.n’ > raild ; but as the aut#n adva ct* u is obviouPlbey to assu n • ao» >r serious aspect, apd of Ut* in Itr district, I have learned th t; * that thr-e or four case* of the ungm bnve proved suddenly fatal These cir cumstances, together with the Imtun * ofih • .disease for the U.-t\fouf yej<*s, i. the northern and muldh states »ts »f grounds for a s* rhni» prtsuuip ion ih<o as lie winter apjijpitches .we;may be,..* m Vlmtud by this eirible calamity It s ’ of the tirsinmportance that we al avad ourselves of every fth. . w it.e4» hiVay 4vW-s\ d9*W «y. i.-umi* tfucuvt effects* Ah throat cu e - have hithettb pro.v.rd ihs moat h- TAOftcd able and mortal of any other type which liasf yst appeared in tfe. country'; arid as and c,*ae »t‘ Hiis Kind -.tL the most rapid and alannmg ‘nature w recently iVUvend (1 b Or. O iSj-yn bin and aA* Spec mi y u.d a*p jp l\x lury cl by ave ry simple a lift > k**). ; tniy “which I believe ha* *Uo.’ been neutrally, it at ally pursued ; l hav taken uit liberty of* co'mmdnicaudg o. lhi< uglKthe n ecl'U of your pape- ..c ping it piay pubi cly 1 ainyder i r, yutJfiL bcc gs- J vMiLbOAVi-o. €oiur*.bibrf|OcUsi, »Bs6 / Jffe- *’ “ A rptitet hi 2 lk man. l 2£ years, >clted on a daa.p # .day with * ao egtinoat* in a lew m.Uiii > r supcivcy aU©4. V i pfiiifvnt heai oi Mint .mid Sul , 1 hoib. g but •'Oiy t uhe oi uic t u- HVioi; and u hen mtdual waa firV olua »Ad, late in the cveMit&, hi> U. ,n,..«r ai t»culat.on/impoi,siule And df H :c it OS. and ffi< ull. a peculiarly he ivy net - stupid* anct nance, re einblitig a atite toxic, limn, ihe usual remedies were appi ed fo* angipose affecUonsy But lij # the Earning all the syifpu mywue pro dn •"usiy lever w ao exet s;vcl> luKh ; his lace . ibore swollen wita extti al ttin.eiac llo ** Out o; the mom- 1 ; deg tuition- Ittettlation pcrtcctiy.Aiup’ ssrbk- ; rtsp J * ranch niorcj, .rntticuit y tn c yaws rippd atid itiainovca .iu w»m teUn ic spasms upon every effort to or ever#upon being touched In coi.d.tion our embarrussmen was extreme; >he avenue m ihc iw ? touch b*ipg entliely And welacuoh great as'.taitender to gvt into lha mouth Id seali.y the faucet or An initiwdii an hiot ypV Ct tor the purpose ui injuring re., on rcma:nil*a. us useless s/exta ors m *oncaii u .^. Vbat iiotu ot tita iVver, uud VATJI N S id7HENS, 7HVRSDA7 NOVEMBER n 1816 the rapid progress of the engorgement of ‘abnut«the, throat we could place but. an all felianca ®n it flone A lib *Wal discharg of mucus from the engorged vessels and glands of the mouth and strongly iodic a* ted—but we were uncertain what speedy and effectual agents to employ for* this purpose* Our usual internal sialogogues were t®o slow in their«ioperations for he rapid progress of tit case. **JHj& 9 * however, had recourse to camphorated spor, produced*by'pouring boiling hot on pulverised camphor and brea thed from the spout of a tea-pot. . This topical application was attended with partial but encouraging success* A con» r siderable discharge of thick, viscid mu cus was produced by inhalation , and appeared ut least to check fo.r four or five hout s the furtner rapid nent cf tne lajice -. Ao>u %i\ * in. Doctor Smith. over a volume .v- J the London Medic » ifcview* found ease in so many respects analogous »nt wt readily resottdd to the method tre iment inere laid down / I or happy, in being ab{& to state tfirai the liVcts were not only parallel to those orde l m/thi*t communication, out pere-equa to our most sanguine expec nons. I-he’ 4»ur of tuus ard anted .rri woter *.there recoinme ;ded, was ,-edulously employtd ,every five* or ten •.ires tarough the afternoon & night. O u mg thi* time, however* tiie mustard -ujld only be tJken nto me mourn and there for a minute »r two, out v>uld not bt got into the fnroat for the urpose of gas gliiljf. Upon ej.-ct ng the mustard h(ffc| the mouth the mucu v fen followed Wts s j vicid ns to re vi re the aid of an a-sisiant to draw it li; ; aid the quantity discharged af .. tv: ry application of the . : m’U>tard i aatonisnifig i%\e aggregate during *e afternoon ami night ff v thought to ~ue-. near--threfc piuts. i hi* discharge i >nmediately from the vessel-, engorged, had so reduce! the tumefaction, by night, that wh auie \» swallo wby exertion i *n»ail quantities of pquld ;• nut liuie tefanx spasms, in the .0 »ruing’ be wva enabled to contain the J;) u<; w turn his uiojtui to articulate u to take tnfc mustard in his tnroat «-.#*aiiie,it witiv energy: HI is l^ver, .• ; everi coutinued. L equent stimu ’ I .mg eoeuiaa were iuini;utt*tered, and during the night, by assiduous'; >d ur ge ut aUentioA#;h.c had swallowed about nui a pint of mace a wrac In the s urmn>;, s me pwtf&r 01 deg utition was cousKierao/v restored) we exuibiied u> Jhe mouth the <rtroijg camphorated mixture and a comb-nation of vin ; au B Union ; wnh laudanum alternately eve ry two hours, together with a moderate use ot made ra wine la the even rtg a profuse p< rsp,ration was excited, which the fever* Ihe , sand medi cates >yei e continued through tne igtiu Ihe next morning he was nearly free, from fever—-he a s itnira io o, an( j his thro t gave’ une asincss : 'sYt then administered me UOn C en- di -barlt » w tft d in “two day’ more he restored to health, effcept the aorene#s of thep u ‘ s t er and debility - in apginose forms of the prevailing ep dediic which but too often preclude mit possibility 6f administering geueiui remedies, and which it is apprehended are generally acconapaned with butts state of the system aixd ot the character of the angifta aquosayot au Vagcs or rather of the augend -cede n a iosa of see moot only to promise almost the sole chance ol relief# but even m case 3 Jjfce the-ayciiue to the stomachs; not dosed, are, rsdonaliy md ealed a* the m?>st powerful and direct means for dis^oi^hfc' iWc iwareted jewels and In*eaten ~ie immediate ai\d most irami nenr dai ger ‘ sh- cni- fihierr *f *hi* r Ihe sole Object ot um coromu»*ca twni is to anraci Mention to the use ol mpical si a logics m tht management HF Although fortunately’ sos this * 4 ®■ * • * is the first vio lent casae of tins disease. which I have w“nnt#d ; yet from authentic inform - al and has proved a greater scourge in ain« «f the dutricts of this state than k Zdß&'JaPw |a ” all the other fbrn, 9 united* IF topics! stalogoguet .bonld be found to potent to prevent the •f gangrene, ■upneration or suffnation -from the local affection of thjs throat the immediate and eminent danger w4l be removed ; and such time given for .of the constitutional febrile affection at generally to all *w ouf effort* to be crowaed with success* And although camphorated vapour was firajt resorted to, and ftmir mustard af terwards reliedon in this case, yet pos sibly some *talodoerues still more potent and convenient may be resorted to by “others. A:, it is known that stimula ting substance g «crally, when applied to the mouth and frnCes promote secre tion therefrom ; and. as it is probable there are nonspecific properties either rn camp lor or mustard for this purpose; they are mentioned here only btes’i>s they have beepsuccossfally tried. Fhe point which is considered of importance is tk&local depletion apd disgorge of the infarcted vessels and glands im mediately and threatenink the most imminent danger; and which it is probable cannot be so speedily, direct ly and effectually relieved by aiiy other irLji :d as by <>ialogogues. To corrobo rate alls idea 1 will insert the ca&e al-- laded to above, from Dr Macartan, Loudon Med cal Revie w volume third. , f THE CASE. Several cases have come,tmder my observation, of sore throat, wherein I baye ofttn been apptthensire that mt pa lents would h*ve bean suffocated In almost tvary instance a gargle of mustard has been employed with happiest success ; and as I am ankiu* ih.d so valuable and speedy a remedy should be as generally known, as poss si ole, ,1 havr extracted the following case from my note book; and as it raise to its use,T preferred select ing it, oil that account, to several othe rs very analogous to it. Towards the nr iddje of July laboring mason, , being enroled for fge national guard, presented him-elf n this capacity Jto th?. Military Hosp tal at to winch I was then physician, for a peripneumonia catarffe alis. He was bled, puiged, and blister ed, which, with the Assistance of some diaphoretic expectorants, nearly* recov ered him by the end of month, H's appetite was good, and he had no further complaint, except an abundant expectoration, characterised by ill. the signs .of a critical evacuation. It was at .this period that he thought proper to M(uit the hospital without being, gv;d therefrom* Sixteen days afterwards i was called in to attend hh#«t his broth er’s, who, fine patient being unable” to speak J gave me the following account : That soon alter he runaway, from the hospital he was to a sliow©jsj|i ram that soaked him through md inr*.ugh ; that when he cam© in this’ wyt cbndiUpn inio house, he coin piainecTol being very cold ; was soon after seized with suite rings, nd the next day wuh a sorb throat ; that not yjSfr'tog to show himself at the hospital ae hau consulted .mother physician who ■ directyu him to bleed three successive uriies ; that after *■ each bleeding he found n tinsels more embarrassed in the tnroat, and that at he was daily getting worse and his life despaired of, he sent tpr me* At this time lie had a very ri* r.lent caugh, attended With W raising of a mucuous substance from the lungs as far as the top of the larynx, where it re •named producing dreadful agnations of the system# he not being able to spit it out on account of the tumefaction of the faucos. The swelling of th« throat way such as euureiy to impede degluti tion, «tnd totally suppress the voice. The respiratioii was very labourou>, th® pulse beat unoaqually, and:about v6d in the minute, counting which the .-difficulty of t the breathing, occasionally intercepted The part could see of the swelled sauces was not aeopppaaied degree of paleness and softness Which are reckoned uyjsauva gesasthe characieustic signs of the » !lg moa aquos*—l-hefe tifc <*> co n pr«*scaft'-«<i tne ju&utar veTns, to duce any ehecuaaalog JUi to the aril Acisdff&Smh; tow Lovref effected on the *di»(f by the ncrk “**■■■ ;«. * be freat of ‘he n rts > state of the rulse. the red*’ bf the patient, the effect t:,- ».■ . c ,n fiT bleedings ther,m'nt-.-» ance of thv f fettion and rone omit *r t ‘vninton all attested the pr se < of *k- any.ft* aquo*a. or, If 1 ma , be perm tr< and m expression the at•£<</oedema ,>» , cm ttquefttly the hwlicrtioi U> • r*cuv. the accumulated serum hv p‘- -t means, in brdVr-to prevt rr the gr£n‘ * istingdanpre>,of my,patent iu ng snh cated or being attacked with #,wti » 4 im:*«diateh as foilofe 1. An irritating gr. composed of or.v of anttmomal wu> ten of se r na infus'. ,n.- . , V 2 Cupping glares ahuu’ tne cles. £* \ larg? blister to the nape f neck* 4. A gargle composed of a coction of the radix pyt'.n n mei of squills aromatic tike i eau de luce. But appre preparing of this gargle art** ’ VHp a ; an immganse loss oi tirn .< % sudden dissolution sand ec? to lose no tivq£. some H >u< iA tqfebe- put into some v.,.cr, ;:i ftwflon of two table *>por*-yfu-.i to pint. I urged !i mu» gae-afe -is. with it but he made *igo that he could not I .hen ‘or; little of it to be mqved about < mouth ; tne sajne ow-.m/ijio i then insisted upon hts keep ;, iti his mouth ifa iw<> or-Vu«ce when he was ooltgtd, to let ii • the accumufattoa of aifiva. 4 ln tier it was, ‘*> v ;fis.vv£ r . V.V half an itout. und Che flow of ‘ ~v astonishing Before l ie(t y >: which w:s pear an hour troin „i&, ; , he began the mu tard gargi articulate the word better,* w ced me to continue atso,se in p/i^f to any olher. When 1 vLi o. .j a at n ghtvl was ready .a&or»Qpsd ■ r u he contd gaggle tns throat Vi Lji I v j; ? and answer efery que 1 pul to him. The bifeier on the h* .*■ f tpe neck. was. r.t the desire of- ... removed and a tittle ponton V; :• >,■ ..»yei* the skin, winch was h- . . mi and .:0 morning toil Vying, him, I found hfin in h. ;; n and singing 1 ! Unhappy Cau,, • * Yes :r» ‘ ■ - ,r ■ is’ ■feourss of 9 and hKrt*. jv>C£, (■■‘V frsq. Accouwc .ii ut nz yv’ur y l) vv-Jf •-ttte.iti> pul a period to bn ‘\ -ewfit -m’. by^ shooting hi self >u *•» ui . have not, h* vet,dear tne cn ;v l#d tot h 1 perpetration of |>nr> : up »,ij detan- Mr, and iUt. ; *j /t»o’ ?; breakfasted .wjtn hr l l«i*rT hi?,'usual godddiumbi%, an'd vsrg.s p»■ *.-V>J; ing, aathey thought to his she reporto a pis ®! was J > v V’; back part and tog h>,. . , the deceased, immediaielyp.r < i. tht. spot, froQSft whence t e >6an ed to cottifc. and tound hi: faioV w, ing in his blood j-Eoct John Cummin? was on . last elected President of tne Branch of the Bank of the btate of Georgia. * AjNECDO 1 EOF AKIOSTO. r - It i* reported ot'thii very Mogul*, ..f-enius, that his fetter being, oiie *»y, extremely angry with him, reprimand:d him m terms expressive ot the sumg-i est resentment and invective ; ter which’ Ariosto not only listened with patience but with the most ‘profound uaeuu n, not offering a single word .u h, S vnuf,’- Site i A iriend ot his, who v»«s ptesen*, a»K. ed Juoi,..aiiei- hjalatber »» gone, t? hat cuuid Be the meaning othis sirangc be uiivu • ■’.?*■?£ V»sre 4 : >k •• .h -i hat he had Seen t<* some hard at work on a c aiw*. ou^ very rooming was rhaciv l>«‘’ r oje*apho-,v o wiHte. a&fcyne of anj Wgry fa«ie,- tia. ‘•’V «- - #« •> ■ T ifi