Athens gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1814-18??, January 09, 1817, Image 1

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vo L lit BY JOHN HODGE. —ft ■ COlii) TTION'S. ■,. ._’ r * Ist The Amwa! Sabssrlprion will be threb collar), half in advance. 28. Subscribers living out us the Stare will pay the whole aflbscfijjtion upon the dslivery of the first number. Gil.* No Subscriptions will be received for less than one year; and no paper shall be dis continued until arrearages are paid. 4*t. Advertisements wilL. be iusertsi at the customary rates. v * sr~r Letters addressed to the Rm * fas mat/ /;e post paid.. - . ■ .»i. !•-.■«»».. i. ■■ i.. .i...■■« ay, * ‘fe*4. * ’«£*v : • • legislature of South Carolina. AM ACT iTo prohibit the importation ms slaves into this st ; ue fout arts of the IJ ailed Sj$ f ee t ._ end other purposes therein mentioned Bo it enacted by the honorable the =sieftute and.h mse of rejfesepiat'Ves, now arvA md sitting: in geiierat ■and by the authority thesame, That from and after the pasfingmt this Act, «o slave niir any negro, Indian, Moor, mn\ »i s o, or mu bound to service"’ f 1 * life or V ter a of yefe;, shall be brought mta *"n**: state, fro n any of the United Sta'es, or any of tHe territories bordering ihereon ; \n I if any slave* r •r airy, nttgro, Infen. M> >r n iUttd-pr must rest, hound so service for a term of years, shall he imported or brought into this stdte contrary to the tyuj intent and meming of this act, .stun sLve or •slaves, negro. Indbvi, Moor. iiiulgfto. or imnsfiE >sh ill he, dee ne 1 and taken as a sot fettmm to the ? stnte, an and one half • oof whose value sh ill, b~ f> tid to the per * *on pr.pershjs iojngffimg of such i Vpor f*u(>ivor brio gitig in ; and the person •t* persons importing or bringing in «m h slave, tiegro, lorhail, Moor, m Mat in nr mustizo so as ■ shall be liable to be indicted therefor. Anti upon conviction thereof, HhaU be fined fifty cb-llars for every si <ve, negro, Indian, Monr. mulatto or mu4izo so as afore fc\ bv him or them i ported o» N brought o this state. Provided that if any p< rson shall be travelling into or through t'*i: vate. wit i * out any intention to K-; sd permanently therein with no more t tan ♦wo s l av s itegroes Indians, Moots,” ts u it toe* or mu -t zocs in his possession t& • ‘rail within two days ifer etiler h)g the slate go before someth >t ice of Hit uyace or quorum, and render oefbre Wf m w rif ug the names uTid dfescrlp tio •ofsm h tw ■’ slaves. negroes, Indi- v ans. Moors, Muia|t^eaf , or m\ts>i2:>es. and make o&tn that he she or they wot n »L Atlu or attempt to sell the same or any of them, within this state, and that Ite übr or they will not keep the .-same within the state longer than twelve months from the time of his having in troduced them into the state, tueiv and In hat case the person so acting sha.ll »ot i< r bringing such two Slates, ne* tv uuz >es f wi: iiiiv tl| s state, be sub** Je» t to he penalties of this act, unless h. sheer i ‘ey stall keep* 1 the said two Bi. vi-s nfgres liul a is t vjLoois, mulatoes or m; stifc*e.v, or a y one of them, with in th s ‘ ate for af on - term than one or unless he sne or they shall sell ■or iopierwise dispose of the same or one of Uunti, in this state, in which case all tiie pen dues i: this bet shall attach as if the .a’d st.r c o : slaves, nogro or ne f:«*oes,. ludiilns% Vfoo iiiuiattoes or ntiu(MQA» rad oeeA origiuirty incrocucM Into Um state lot\he ptupuse of sale JP* vided ulao That this act shaft n6t consu-ied to prevent «my person or pet sobs irdia passing Uvrough this state io any of tne si >ter elates or temrito:ies# aim his her or negroes, slave or slaves, Indian*., l.oors or who Hc.aii have in h»s her or their possession tb under the hand and seal ot the clerk of toe court oi the county fiom which he she or they * shad have rti» oveti* wbicii certihcate shall contain a well ihe number, cantes and cesci p« itioo Os negroes %ave or slavos, i ***, M uor| mulatto jjiostbap, un&nucu k • - s,” / n( | | j ATHENS, , THURST)AT JANUARY 9. 1817 hr hfmjier or them to. t be carried thro* ’fhiß state, as the place to which he she or they intend removing and settling ; and also that he she or they shall, before entering this state with such negro, dave or slaves, Indian, Moor, mulatto rr.ustism, produce to some acting magis trate of this state, and one of the clerks ofrxhe courts of common pleas and ses sions, the aforesaid certificate, and shall declare on oa*h before the said magis trate and clerk aforesaid, that it is not his her or their intention to to sell with in the limits of this state, and that he, she or they will not sell, barter, ex change, hire, or otherwise permit the said negro slave or slaves, Indian,, Moor, mulatto or mustizo, to remain within the limits of the state, for a lpn» j*er space of time than thirty days. Avd be it further sn&cted by the author ity aforesaid^ '<■ That any person or per sons offending against this act, upon being convicted of a second offence, shall be judicially .declared guilty of felony without the benefit of clergy, and punished as such. * And be it further s enacted by trie au thority aforesaid) That any person dr.’ persons who shall purchase any such slave or slaves, negro Indian, Moor, ’nu latto or mustizo, so as aforesaid impor ted or brought into this 3tatfc contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, knowing that such slave or slaves, Indian Moor mulatto or mustizo was imported or brought into this state so as aforesaid shall be liable to be indict* ed therefor and upon conviciion thereof i shall be fined the sum of &ur hundred dollars for every such slave, negro, In dian Moor multto mustizo purchased by Mpnl as aforesaid. •: > . And be it further enacted by the author ity aforesaid) 1 hat it bhall and lawful tov any person or persons, either with or without warrant, to sv;:ze an t take into his her or their possession, aiiy slave or slaves, negro, In'draffe Moor, mulatto or mustizo, which shall bg imported or be biought into this state contrary to the Hue. in est and raeaning.of |this act, and to lodge such slave cr slaves, negro, Indian, Moor, mulatto or mustizo, in any jail of this - state; and for such purpose, auy jus -lice of the peace, hereby authorised and if required, to issue hi.s warrant ; and upon application to any one of the Judges of this state at chambers, or if in term time m open court, for an or der el sale,, of any such slave nogr >, In dian, Moor, mulatto or mu tizo, so seiz ed as aioresasd, by the p irty claiming such slave or slaves, or other person or persons so seized as aforesaid for leave to give security for the safe delivery-pi£ uch siave or slaves or other person or persons so seized as aioresaid, to abide the final determination of the court, it shall be at thej discretion of the said judge, upon proper affidavit, eithfcr |o grant such ordecor to deliver the said slave or Slaves or other person or per sons so seized as aforesaid, to the per sin or persons charged with bringing into this state the said slave or other person or persons, so seized as afore said, or to any other person claiming property in the said slave,or other per* son so seized as aioresaid, upon good and proper security* is not less than double the value of the said slave or slaves* or other person or so seized as aforeseid, condiHoned, that the said slave or slaves or other person or persons* so seized as aforesaid, shall |fie forthcoming to abide the order pf the court, beiore which suefi person or per sons charged with having introduced or brought into slave of slaves, or other person or persons so seized as aforesaid, or with pur chased such slave or slaves, or other person or peraonsf seized a s atdieaaid, ; may be indicted, and the sheriff of thef dis trict making such sale is hereby , di rected to pay ovor the proceeds thereof into the handset the clerk of the court of session and common pleas there to abide the further order oi said And be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, shat on the trial of the case if the defendant or shall not prove that he she or they pur chased oi otherwise legally acquired .he -.aid siave *or slaves negro or negroes or other ox ye* ferns, seized as ■ jtftftTin W/stmS&9 i *MHgKV * jE&rimßrM *)y jn ” I~ GAZ'BTTE ————i v aforesaid withm this state, previous to the passing of this act, or that the said slave otf*Uves» or other person ©r per- Sons so seized as aforesaid resided in this state at the time and from the time of the passing of this act, then he she or they shall be taken and consider ed guilty ofhaving brought or imp >r ted the same into this state contrary to the provisions of this act, *and one half the money arising from said sale shall be paid, by order of the court before which such conviction shall*take place, to the person or persous .who shall in form of such importation or bringing in, and the other half shallbe p aid into the treasury pf the state ; and should a verdict in said trial pass for the de fendant or defendants, the amount of said sales shall be paid over to such de fendant or defendants, or the said slave ©r slaves or other person or so seized, as aforesaid, if not sold* shall’ he delivered over to said defendant defend,^. And be further enacted by the <xat ho~- tty aforesaid, , Tha 4 each and every tax collector shall require every persoa or persons making their tax returns to take the|foriowing oath : I. A. B 4 d<| solemnly swear, or affirm (as the case may be) that ldo not own, her have f herewith return and» to Itne best of my knowledge or belitf, any slavt of slaves brought into or sold in this state against the provisions of an act enured *; aoi act to prohibit introduction of *l>tV into this state, from any of the United Si tes and, for other purposes ..therein meitt’oned, passed in pe ember «8.16 Provided ntvevtrie'ess, That*, noth Hag contained i?vthis act shall extend t- a ny citizen or ct-zms of this . state .Ww miv r>a cha.ed any slave or • sl-‘.V<j/ wo. iiout the, lim ts of this State ore - r to the pass ing of this act and shall bi into ..the. said state such si*ve or so purchased, previous! to the pcs r, -g‘ of this act, and previous to the fifth day o! J iiUary next. A; : . In senate house the nineteenth day of ;7- : . December, m the year,, of our Lord one ihousaud eight hundred and six teen, and in the forty first of the independence of the United State^fg America. L |R on v JAMES R.PRINdL^ >i. ’*4. • President of the then ■THOMAS tENNIiTV. Speaker of the house of representatives. Washington, We rejoice to find that the subject of internal Improvement, has been iffe troduced ; into the House of representa tives by Mf* Calhoun in a shape promis ing to lead tp some practical result.— If his proposition succeeds, which we* cannot but hope it will, the annual su|p of three hundre i thousand dollars, w ill be permanently appropriated to this ob ject ; a sum sufficient to accomplish much it well applied, aid as large the Treasury,looking to diminution of qur revenue from commerce will at p-esent, afford. Such an appropriation, would at least form the entering wedge of a system of improvement, whicn Che. go vernment has hitherto been slow to en gage in.r— Eat. Int. p . Mr. Calhoun’s motion alluded to a bove, is in the following words : That a ‘Committee be appointee to enquire into .he expediency of setting apart the bonus, and the net annual proceeds of the National bank, as a permanent fund for internal improvement.”—Vho mo tion was agreed to nem coti • vV • Philadelphia, December 17. Among tne good effects resulting from the present system ot Patroliing our stress, we have the pleaqre to sflte that on Sunday nightr the patrol oi nigh street Ward >v detecied and apprehended a gang of cuunterMter* together With ail tneir implements.* They jwere. *dis cgvered* busy at their inlamous occupy tio ii at midnight ; and, after an exam* inaiio.M be lor» the Mayor on Mosfaay morning were fuiiy committed* •The New-York Columbian infqpSs that a Mr. M’Donald oi thai*£fty jias invented and pei q*w and Vaiua % Me improvenidfit inste ‘construction ot clocks and Wolfes’, i’iie expense i$ aaid to he oiiiy a unta part of those oi ‘'-•'AW * **■ ,"*4L ■ **” & uw *V-V - **?. * * ‘ ’ * •* * vfo s he old construction ,* they keen f»mo more exactly and want fewer ren •f?e has ‘treeted a clock* which is much, vnprpved* in Dr. Rowan’s mooting house n Greenwich street—it is r impose l of vhree wheels, r lever and a costs only 25 dollars rand will run six months with only once winding u s ). KT* Gen. TixjMas. of this place* ha* requested t)» to make known, thntjfie vv ‘dl nrjvecwp i h')U*an'i T )<s ! *irs % «ivl !>. y all requisite* to 4Jiy prrioo who w*>! cure a in nr \* -v Printers thronhout thr Umon, by and ffW ’»S ibis information, may perh os pro* long the life of a valuable citizen. , ■i‘ -1 ‘ Journal* vit is stated in the late Petersburg pa* that Gen. Scott was offered ‘ ‘ho Department of \Var, which he d ec l and. We are certain that this i,utlmatron f i* incorrect, jf we tied ho other re ason f>P believing dThan tfiat we ar* sur** ouf government w juH not desiy* * > s,e the a**nay deprived of an oßc e - of General Scott’* merit and active charactetv Nat< ffi. . s' y A lettt* from an offi? :*r on board the ‘United States* brig O uar'o to his lbth* er in this city, dated . at Palermo* iith September savs-*-‘‘ O-i Bur wiy f om Maples, we lost one of the finest r» fhp service, lieutenant Wm. Edi >t: he after an illness of seven dr * onthe ? 3lst August .*• T fear Captai v, Ghas* Cordon of the Constrljatiwi* tal)- oot hold out much longer.**— -Ibid* ■ ,7'-yk-; - •• • - S • discoov.y in *.drs, A guess .Ibbetsbju.a*! Enghbi : lv i*. well known for hev.bptanicai rfcsc-iN ches, has made a discovery in ivgatd to the formation of the ste-ds of nbtuu, may be esteemed one of t nut* greatest inophytol:og>.. Th<* discovery which she HOMoimV.'ed to the world* is - the foriuaudh ftftSevh ip t|ie root ; for she affirms* from the w oe it tb the from the moss to the tar* ff es t forest tree, all plants form the h seeds in the rootonly. Hy the s- ei, ois means that essential whico .vital string, and forms -trie essence of the seed and afterwards composes iho* chief part of the cercotumC ■ »4 (Petersburg Intel ) /- FROM THE CONNECTICUT CuUK ANT. Short Chapters of Hints and Aivisemthfip on the subject of Hard times — Bj one, of the People, % ihc How and the fTAy.—How come by these (hard times, by this extreme* dearth of money, by this sore and gene ral embarrassment of debt ? How comes it the farmers and mechanics, as vtfell as the mercantile class, instead of h .ving, each a little money on hand, are deep** ly in debt, and know not how to pa)g£ Assuredly it cometh not from above* Qijr country has not been desolated by earthquakes or inundations, nor has tno earth failed to yield her Fop a considerable number of years, we had been constantly biest in no ordinary measure, with rain from HeaVfen, and fruitful seasons ; and for a considerable numuer ot years wealth seemed tQ flow in upon us in a threefold greater abun* dance than ever was witnessed before* How then does it happen that we now sbiean and meagre ? That, instead* of geting out ot debt and in a thriving way, we cant pay what we owe ? Tiiafj ’ instead of having each a little store of cash in his locker, we are witjh duns and haunted with baliffs 1 l 11 tell you good, folks, how it hap*, pens# Hark I and be mot offended, hear the truth and quarrel neither With it nur with him that tells it Nofr the plain truth is, ye have gone out of the v w-uy, aflu sadly too. Within the perifid of twenty years how changed are and and the people gcnepaU ly , how chauged in customs and habits in their appurej, In the furniture of iheir houses, in the provisions of their table, attain tlieir whole appearance at home and abroad 1 The simple frugality of former times is seen only here and there is seen oifiy to be laughed at. Hence ythe present straits ,-*hence the distress ing want of money and means j hence the general ornery. “ The creditor ft I cmc /** „■ -m ■ NO 44