Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, September 23, 1856, Image 2
Letter from lion. William C. Perkins. Ct'THBERT. Ga., Sept. 10th, 1856. Gentlemen Yours of the Ist inst. i before me, an earlier answer to which ha* been prevented by my engagements. In vonr communication you ask me to state my position and views in relation to the approaching Presidential election.— Notwithstanding it is my purpose, not to participate in any manner whatever in the pending cantass, other wise thttn to cast my vote in November next, common courtesy r quite* that your enquires should receive a candid answer. In re ply, I slmll content trvsell with statirtg nerely the course which it is my purpose o puisue. anil tny reasons in brief for do. tig so, without entering into any length ened aigument to sustain the cot redness o! that couiae. The pies, nt is certainly a tearlul ctisis. one in which I conceive i.- involved the perpetuity of the Union ot these Sides. For the first time in the iiistory ot t,|iis Government, we find in the non-slave hpliltng States a (tarty (ot tried exclusively lif-on aectional grounds wit!) the avowe'd pin pose of warring upon the institution of slavery, having inscribed upon its banner as one nt the leading ob jects of its organizr’ion the abrogation of so much of the Nebraska Kansas act as repealed the odious and unconstitutional Missouri restriction. The sucres* of this party as thus organized, (and ts at it may succeed is by no means out of the ques tion) will be a triumph ot fanaticism over conservatism, free*oilim over slavery extension, the North over the South and must inevitably result in the destruction of this confederacy. In this view of the case, what is the unity ot the South and Southern hren, particulailv that portion of them who de.-ire the continuance of this Government upon constitutional and correct principles ? The obvious answer is, to pursue that course most likely to ensure the defeat ol lire nominees ol llint party. (tey being pledged to cariv out the principles of its organization. Ami this should be done without re gat tl to’ for mer party tiiflierence and division, (or the is-Ue now presented is paramount to them all, involving as it does our very exis fence as a confederated Republic. In the present condition ot.things, thi can only be accomplished by the election of either Mr. Fillmore, (lie candidate ol the American party, or Mr Buchanan the candidate ot the Democratic party Which of those candidates, therefore has tha best piospects of success? “ tilt which have w the best chance to defeat tlie Black Republican candidate and to arrest that party in its treasonable design* upon tile constitution and Union ? These ■ecru to me to he important enquires and their proper answer should influence the conclusion of every Southern mind. In my opinion, as between Mi. Fillmoie and Mr. Buchanan, the odds are greatly in favor of Mr. llurhanan's election As between the two. he i< much the most available. In (act, I can see no pfnrfpect whatever for the election of Mr. F.lltnore and the only hope that w can have ot defeating Mr. Fremont and the triumph of the patty of whose principles lie is the exponent, is, by and through, the elecliou of Mr. Buchanan. Asa Union man therefore’ in a view, of the magnitude of the issue presented other considerations out of the question, 1 should vote lor Mr. Buchanan. And I teel that I can do so tinder the*., circumstanes without com. promising in the leas* the principles by which I have heretofore been controlled in my former party associations. There is another view of this subject, however, that would control me in lavor of Mr. Buchanan in preference to Mr. Fillmore in the present contest, adtniting that the chance of the latter was equal to lhat of the former lor an election. The 12th resolution of the platform adopted by the Convention of the American party held in June, 1855, was expressive ol all that the South could ask in reference to the great question now at issue, and did nut express more than whal it was her duty to ask. With that resolution, the platform was sUch upon which all South, ern Americans could stand without com promising the interest of their section It gave it at least the appearance of nation ality. But the Convention of the same party subsequently held, and which plac ed Mr. Fillmore in nomination, indicated its hostility to the South ami Southern institutions by sttiking from the platform that resolution, thereby declating that as a party they were unwilling to acquiesce in the present legislation ol Congress up. on Ihc subject of slavery in the Territories. Mr. Fillmore has accepted this platform thus denuded of its main Southern con servative feature, and without which the suppart Os Southern paliiots could not be expected.. Again, in the various speech es which he has made since, and imme. diately upon hi* return from Eutope, he has uniformily declared his hostility to the act repealing the Missouri restriction and attributed all of the evils and dissensions with which the country is now afflicted lo that act. Such being his convictions a* an honest man and a patriot, (which 1 believe him lobe) be would be bound, if olectea, to use hit influence infavtr ol the abie ration of that repealing act. “hat, therefore, would the South gain by his elevation to thp Presidency so far as that great issue is concerned? I approved of Mr. Fillmore s administration, believing it to have been “honest, patriotic and con servative, ’’ and 1 have now the confi dence in him to bplieve that lift would a gain adininistet the Government accor ding lo his views of the constitution nnd laws of the land, but il his views difF-rs lroin ours upon questions of such vital in terest to us as those now presented, no matter how much we may have approved <d his loimer course, when other issues were involved, he should not now receive our support. ‘I he Convention which placed Mr. Buchanan in nomination, in their plat lorm, has taken the only sale and consti tutional grounds in relerence to the ex tension ot slavery in the Territories, and in doing so has placed the Democratic party of the Union in direct antagonism o the Black Republicans ot the North. — l'heir nominee Inis fully endorsed tin* principles laid down in that platform and pledged himself, it elected, to abide by and cairv them out in his administration of the Government, and trom his high character enlarged experience and ac knowledged statesmanship, I believe that ne has the honesty and capacity to re deem that pledge. These, gentlemen, ,ne some of my reasons, hastily given and crudely expiessed, tor voting for James Buchanan in November next. (Respectfully you™ . & I *-. WILLIAM G. PERKINS To S. P Allison, S W. Brooks, limb'd Davii, Early Vainer aud Arthur Hood E*qrs. THE REPORTER. CUTHBERT, GA , SEFX£kitoiift <ts -XT.: ’ - - - ■ • - -XX— • JOHN WHIT. THOMAS, Editor. Tin* Size of our Sheet. Wc tire compelled to issue to-day’s pa per upon a sheet, which w.Il be seen, is mueli smaller than out usual limits We have made three several attempts to get paper, and have failed- Tite negligence of the Stage Agents at Americas has caused all this. We would say to the people of Americas, if you cannot get inch to attend to their business, let us know it, so that we shall not be thus sub jeet to damages, loss and disappointment. Frost There was a sharp Fiost here on the night ol of the 23rd., it was quite heavy on the low lands. The weather is yet very cool. ‘l’he migration of Byrds is look-'d upon as a true indication ol approaching cold weather; we have doubled this for a long time, hut from now oat We shall te naid it as true, for we hail au ocular de- C rnonstralion ol it in this office. It will be sewn by reference to the new Advertisement, that Messrs. Williams Si Jones, are now receiving th* ir large but, select and desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods. We have had the pleasure of being shown through and their goods have been selected w ith an eye both quality, ahd cheap ness —A.II who are purchasing new goods will do well to step in—Store under the “Brooks House.” • F. Winter Ma najjer of the Southern Lottery, at Macon, Ga,, has placed his Scheme, which is to be drawn on the 15th of October, in tr-lav’s issue. This Lottery is upon the Havanna Plan, and the great number of prizes which have been drawn throughout the State, speak for themselves, that this Scheme is no swindle or humbug —Col. H.'Btake of this place, is a regular authorized agent. Fresh tickets for each drawing, can always be had. A large Oak tree, which’ stands about thirty yards from our Office door, was struck by lightning on the 12th hist., killing one horse instantly, and knocking down another, which died soon after. — The best description we can give of the blow is, that it lightened like thunder, and thundered like* lightning. Suicide. A mulatto woman, belonging to Miss Lizzie McWilliams, of this place, killed heyself on the morning of the 20lh, by ta king Strychnine. She died immediately It is thought, by some, that she took it through mistake, supposing it to be Mor phine. We have the pleasure of enrolling “ Parva , ’ anew contributor, this issue. She writes well. Hope we can set aside a corner for her regularly. Railroad Survey. Powers, wi ll his corps of Engineers, passed through this place on the 15th inst., surveying out the route which has. i been ordered by the ‘'onth Western Coin j parry; from Sumter City to Cuthbert, on |to Eufaula and Fort Gaines. They were [ joined by others about a mile and a half | from this place, where they formed them i selves into two companies, nnd commenc -1 cd a survey from that pdint, both to Eu fatila and Fort Gaines, On the piesentline which has been run, the Road will come into Cuthbert on the South side, just below the regular row of lots on Blakely street, ; thence going out just below the Methodist burial ground. Calculating the distance by the sections on the present line, the people will have to build fifteen miles and a half of the Road ta bring it from the Twenty Mile ! Station to Cuthbert. To build this dis tance, it will take two hundred and thir ty thousand dollars It is ‘now plainly to be seen that almost this whole amount must he raised by the citizens of Randolph. This amount has not yet been subscribed. Tlic-exertions in ‘Ferrell county are far from being encoiraging. Then, to those public-spirited and energetic men who took the field so arduous!} 7 , nnd whose efforts were successful in procuring sub scriptions for stock, we would say, look i well 10 your lists, see if you are satis- I fud with the amount of stock now taken? jlf you are not, then it is time that yon I should place them upon such a footing that when the report is made in October, of this route, you, too, can go up and say, “ We are now willing and ready to build our portion of the Road.’’ B®-The last No. of the Lumpkin Plamdealer comes to us with the name of C. C. Brown, Esq , as Associate Editor J Mr Brown is well known to the citizens ‘Of Randolph, and we are glad to say, favorably so. We hope his exertions will I be crowned with success ‘‘For the Reporter ” Mr. Editor : — ‘ Drowning men catch at straws” is an adage so old that the “memory of man runneth not to the con trary.” The truth of this old saving, is demonstrated by the many tricks, and misrepresentations our Know Nothing friends are forced to resort to in order to sustain their sinking cause They boast ol Mr. Fillmore’s patriotic services to the South, and with a flourish of trump ets almost sufficient to drive a nervous democrat into the woods, call upon the people to give ear and listen to what some great democrat has said proving Mr. Fillmore’s profound devotion to the South and the Union This they give as democratic testimony and make a great, parade over it in their papers with t-he evident intention to mislead the people “Hear what his etjemies say of him,” is the caption to a long string of garble ex tracts from Democratic speeches, and Democratic papers, now going*the rounds of their papers. Gan Cass, Gen. Downs, Gen. Dodge, Gen. Morris, a war like array of names,) and a host of other Union democrats are introduced, and an effort is made to prove ’>lr. Fillmore’s fitness for the presidency by what these men said five or six years ago But what was it that called forth such an en dorsement from those gentlemen ? And did that endorsement extend to Mr. Fill more’s entire, administration, or to some particular act ? I will try to answer both qneseions. Mr. Fillmore had sign ed the fugitive slave bill, and it had be come a part of the law of the land.— Some time in February, 1851, a debate sprang up in the Senate oa this law, and the constitutional power possessed by the President as the National Executive, to enforce it. Gen. Cass, Gen. Dodge and others participated in the debate, and pledged themselves to sustain the Presi dent in enforcing the law This was an endorsement of a particular act, and not of his w hole admiui>tration Any nat ional man would havje done the same thing, and would have pledged himself in the same manner, not only io Mr Fill more, but to any other man acting a- President. Now, sir; because Mr. Fill more signed the fugitive slave law, ami mabe a feeble effort to execute it, and few prominent Democrats praised him so it, is it a good reason why Democrat should vote for him now ? But our Know Nothing friends forget that at the ton. those Democrats spoke in such high teio. ol Mr. Fillmore, thai our country bad just passed through an alarming c i-i ----which slun k almost o its found.i ion li the union ot these Slates the wave- of section and- rile riot sutisid. and and the > oiiii ti t. ia-li ri hose w - into furv had pass- and.. t ’ leaving ‘is. and serene sky. l i _• o. in Stu i State lav cann and in tion e s upon tht unruffled bosom ol the sea ol peace and quietude, and a faithful execution of the law, when again the spirit of discord mov ed upon the waters, would enable her to ride in safety and triumph the angty ele ’ ments. But what did Mr. Fillmore do to bring about this happy state of thing ? He sa! in the chair of State, while Whigs and Democrats North and South, passed the Compromise measures, and sent them to him lor his approval. Some of them he signed with alacrity and heartily ap-* proved them. Such as the admission ol California, with a Ciflistitiition made bv Squatter Sovereigns , the dismemberment ot Texas, the abolition of tho Slave trade in the District of Columbia, &c. fire , Territorial and Fugitive slave bills he signed reluctantly, and never* dreamed that the Territorial hills of Utah nnd JV> w I .Mexico were in the least to interfere with i the Missouri hue.’’ One o'her tning he did, winch recommend'* him to the South, uno particular!v to the people ol Texas as a suitable person for them to vote for. He “pat the army in motion” for the purpose of invading a Sovereign State and dispoi/ing her of her Territory for Free soil puiposes. But his friends say that, we ought to vote for him be. cause lie signed those measures, when it was in tiie power to have defeated them by interposing the Executive veto. True it was in his power to defeat these meas ures, but he dared not do it. VVhv ? Be cansp his hands were lied. He was hedged about bv his friends, and his oath to stiopor* the Constitution. Clay, Web ster Crittenden, Jonp-, Bell, St-phe s Toomb and a host of U tion D-mocros had built a wall around him, over winch he dared not leap Alter all this had been done and the country restored lo peaie and quiet, and a I w Democrats had made speeches in Congress endors ing pertain acts of hi-, he passed quie'lv thiough the remainder nt Ins t* tin, and nnislesslv glided from the Chair ol State without leaving his administration stamp ed with one solitary act of great States* manship excppt the commission given to the Cuban authorities to murder in cold blood filt\-two American citizens. Agon our friends most remember that sm'ce ttat time many changes h v taken place in the party to which Mr Fi I more-then belonged, the last change sectionahz and it, and dtove from him many ol Ins old Inends who were willing lo stand by him in ’sl. Mr. FiHmore up to th t time had never seen the interior of h Know Nothing council. Brit since then Ire has been Initiated into the mysteries of Babylon and bound himself by th r rt horrid oaths to proscribe his fellow citizens for iheir Religion and Birth No 12'h Section acknowledging that the Souiti lias equal rights in this Union, had then been stricken from a Pl>iladel phi i Platform. He had not then declat ed that with to- mother's milk lie imbibed aha'.red for Slavery. B and, Mr Editor the boldest attempt to deceive llie people I have yet seen, is I . be fond in the following extract clipped from a Know Nothing paper : “Hear Senator ('lay. of Ala. “I think there is no just ground of re proach whatever, towards the Executive of the nation. I am happy to see the Senator IroiT. Michigan, though standing in different political relations to the Pres ident. do him the justice which he h. s done this day by the declaration of opin ion which he ha made. Sir, lam per fret Iy satisfied, from all I know of tie President and his Cabinet that there is a most perfect aid immovable determination to car y into execution the laws of the lund and to employ all the means in their power to accomnlish it ” Hon. Clement C Clav. Senator from Alabami. Feb. 21. 1556. Now sir so far is this from being the troth that there is not a wont of truth in it. Hon. C. C- Clav. wa< not a mem ber of the U S. Senate in 1851 Mr. Clav was on the Democratic Electoral ticket in 1852. In 1853 he was defeat ed in his District for Congiess. bv the Hon. \V. R’ VV Cobb, and in November following, he w as elected bv a Derri >crai tc Legislature to the U. S Senate. Well, who represented Alabama in ‘lie U S. Senase io 1851 ? Hon W i'liam R King, (since deceased ) arid Hon. JERRY’ CLEM MENS the present Kn >w Nothing candidate for Elector for the State at large in Alabama. Well, who gavp utterance to the sentiments at tiibnted to C C. Clav? Why Sir;, Henrv Clav ot Kentucky. Now sir is not tins a nice attempt to deceive the j p ... le vvt, evei accu-ed Henrv Clav i jaD’ era’? Uis at no- 1 en noh t can . t . nit Sage io rise trom his iriave and indignantly rebuke th aho a (emit ii n turn, !oi the ba-e purpose ot -s taming th- Mnkin<> cause of Know Noth’ oigi (ft, ti read.- , tie ior de. eived ti\ fni-iepresentation ot Know N ‘it or new spa > eis. Go read for voor pit Ir Mr. FI bn ore and Mr Buch i n h\ tin record ol iheir public acts -i 1 ‘.e fill V . 111 set I and lea’ II the truth ; “for it ve know the truth tlie .. n -I ake ve tree.’ Ih e v D nocratii fiiends will keep a lock out for these tricks of the eiien v * t and not be driven into the snare set so them by highly wrought eu/ogiums of Mr Fillmoie. purporting to come trom Dein I ocrau in high places. Frank. j • ■■■ ‘ - - National Whig Convention. Baltimore. Sept. 18—The Conven tion at Baltimore have unanimously I adopted resolutions declaring that they j will nut establish anew platform, deplor j ing the present distracted state of the 1 country, and attributing it to neglect of Administration, and the failure to assert ! proper geographical distinctions—expres sing (ears lor the permanance of the Un ion and the Ameriran name and nation ality. from the success of either of tile seciidual parties They further declare ‘hat the Only hope of safety is in the elec tron <>f a President, pledged neither to North or Smith, and congratula’e tile iiiemis ol ihe Union <>u hi'ing such u nominee in MdUrd Fillmore, whom they eulogize highly. I'tie resolutions also approve and en dorse the name ol I) .nets > t and close by piovidmg a Cen’ral Committee to prom >te orgamz i*ion and efforts. The Convention adjourned finally at 4 p m, slier which an immense ratifica tion meeting wa< h"ld in Mount! cent Square, on a sede of gr*at enthusiasm with elaboiaie preparations. Important from Mexico —.Yw Or leans Sept. 16. Advices by wav ot Hi_ vana bung intelligence of a sere u* diffi- Culiy that bas arisen between the Mexi can {} ivemmeiyi -and the B ilish Mim-ter. File latter ha- de nanded hi- pas.n ir's ['he 8111B 1 1 1 i ‘ll -tenner Tartar i- collecting naval at Havana to proceed to Mexico to back up British de natids. Kansas News. Chicago S j pt. 15. R itnnson (bogus G iverno ) lias arrived here, having hi e i idmitteii lo bail to’ J>, 0(H). Idle pi her olli er.s were ad nilted to bail tti $5 5(Ht each. G ‘V G-a*y ha< released the piisoner* held at L -aven worth. Nine thousand bii'fiete ot .pain we e de'hOved by fire in Chicago, on tlie 11 ti ins’- at a of $I()()()(ML It was but . oa> ti ill v insured. *— ’ ■■urn— I Commercial. Daily St/s .Office;. ( ('aiu 11 !> 11 . Seoi. 2j. i =r>r> COTTO V —Ti ere a nVdcrn*p demand for this a Mid* on Si till da v. ami siles f<* up 157 t>!♦*?*. W* c nhlHlM f|tiofalioMs ;tt lIJ t*i lij ,’tir D<,,d Miiitlliiijj to Middling Fan K • ; chi|its of tl dny 242 blips. I{ec#i"t* of ill* | week 2,500 hales. of Die \v ;eU 2|!)9 i**le<. Nkyv York, St*pt. 20. A hotter feeling exixt*. md cotton ha** •d‘Yn*- <lan |■. on Mi* A-ia’** new* Middl ng i |**;i i.** l*J| Uni* lid* 11 J Jllarricit, In II miilinn, G., no the iiiurmn* of to* 21 t instant, by Rev. Win. D. Atkin* hi. Mr. TIIBOPORE (1 RVRt) and Miss NANCY O. WHITR. of Hamilton. Dieit, In Uandofph county, at th™ re*irf.uce of \n (frpw ffniirork, on th* MMi in*>t . G F.wv. in fant s'*n of John W. and Fv Cut, of Webster county, aged one yrffr, eght mnuUi* and sixteen da.v To i bereaved father and weeping mother. vn would miy. nioyrn no more: for ffio hit I which bn* hern pin ok a I from *arth is w blooming m IleaVTi Fo t|i bi t* r ungui*h of thy heart we cun hear the.* way Oil” kiss—ve r,b ! another. Dear B ilhl cr* tl- u depart; On® |nk hr thy lon** nrofhor, To treastir * in lur heart. We would again say. weep not, FnH>ii**f will be tile mining. The ah • soon be o’er When yon can pro®* vonr Lt?nr To your hi east for ver mare. Fall Si, Winter CfLO."?HItT3- 1 A FINE LOT ju-'t rec.-ived. and f>r site at -rIL reasonable pi ices, by H. BII\KE. Sept. i3.if. ~V\I.U\BLR PLINTATIO\ A\D MILL 3’or Sale. THE undersigned i- now off ring on roa- >nable terms, his VALUXBLE PLAN TATION, on Pnoliittsr Oreek. for sate. Tim setilement -ontains 1300 ACRES,amI is well adapted to the grmvtn of belli Corn and Cotton. On llie place there is a good Crist and Si* Mill, witli all inevliaiisiihle quantity ~f fine limber, and an abundant demand for Lum ber. There are also 240 4(’KE*> of open Lmd The place is supplied wi lian nban ‘ance “f water as well fur machinery ua Plantatiun purposes, and i> wit in Purr miles nf tn • Snutlr- Western Railroad from Americiis to ('utlibert. Persons wishing to liny stieh property, wits <to well to enme an t see me, as I will a|l a liet ter birgain than aitvhodv. DRURY’ M. LESSUEUR. Sept 53 ts “BROWN’S HOTEL. - Opposite the Passenger Oepot, MACON. GA. i . Meals ready on the arrival of eveiy 13 1y E E BROWN.