Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, September 23, 1856, Image 4

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    poct’o Corner.
UP We clip 11l following from nil oxehango.
The author, i* well kn-wn to tig gjenter porti-m
of thi* community,— Eli.
Mourn the Living
ItY J. 11. LUTHER.
Monrn the liiiig, hot tin- (h ad,
thgli not I’nr the curly fl and, ,
Would \e bitv( those In injn hack
Who lliivc croeaed life’s Mortny Iru-ck?
XV oil'd you have ihem oo Tune k shore.
’Mid its locks mid ocean ronr?
Mrurii thp living—drop n tear
QV r ■ho palid child of fear,
O'er the broken-hearted crowd.
Tlnit a llioiwnnd storm-i have bowed ;
Living grief hath enrs to hear,
It will Ideas tlieo for a tear.
M. urn the living : nhy should grief
Wet til” yellow nu'iimn lal 7
Never, liealh the iich’ l il"W*,
Could it gain its early hues ;
Bui thy tears and car- might givn
Strength to Inn id flowers that live
Mourn the living, but the dead
Plant gay flower* above ihrir bed ;
Sing, lor songs are fertile hle-l;
Smile, for pfliirefnt is their rot;
For their tonga once cheered nur dreams
And their smile g. vc hope t,te beniu*
a fruity bruve imin is seldom or juver
ft billy.
Men find self-congratulation more n
greeablc than .self-examination.
How to get h good wife—take a smart
girl, and go to .he parson.
Many a matt has ruined himself lookin,i
through the bottom of a tumlder.
The sea of matrimony is often distat l l
by “ squalls ”
The literary style of nrking fi r a slhe
of ham at dinner is, I'll thank you for a
elegant extract from Bacon.
The man who is fond of puddings ami
pies places himself fearfully in the pown
of his wife.
A Frenchman warns the public not to
trust his wile because lie was never mm
ried to Her.
” I am boarding out,’’ as the fellow said
when h 6 curled up for the night on a pih
of lumber.
‘! o discover how many idle men then
are in place, all that's necessary is t.> set
two dogs fighting.
The pretentious simpleton who demand
ed a young lady’s hand got her father’s
“The victory is not always to the strong
as the boy said when he killed a skunk
with a brick but.
An honest Dutchman, on being asked
how ofteu he shared, said, “Dree dimes a
week, every day but Soontuy—Deu I sliafe
every tuy.”
They dress coo! out west. A young
lady, being asked if she would wear t hat
bonnet to church, replied, she wouldn't
wear anything else !
Snooks says, “The prettiest sewing
machine in the world is about seventeen
years old, with sh< rt sleeves, low neck
dress, and gaiter boots on.’’
Dodd snys the difference between com - ’
ting a girl and old maid, is just, the diff
erence between eating a plump juicy grape
and a shrivelled up raison.
An editor in lowa has become so hoi’
low from depending upon the printing
business alone for bread, that he propo
ses to sell himself for & stove pipe.
Whv are printers like patient wives
with dissipated lm>bauds ?
Aus—Because they are used to ‘setting
“Yon ask and you receive not because
yon ask a miss ” said a young lady to an
old gentleman who had popped the ques
tion to her.
The Maine Law and Theology nro at
variance : for the “ spirits of the just,” as
well as the wicked, are doomed to destruc
A Picture.-““A tall ladder leaning
against a house—a negro at the top, and
a hog scratching himself at the bottom.
“G’way—g'way dar 1 you’m making
“An* is O’Flaharty yer name?’’ said
Paddy to his new madn acquaintance
“Sbure. I knew two maids in Tipperary
of that name ; but they wern’t yer rnoth
•r. was they ?”
“Sure, an’ it wasn’t poverty that drove
me from the ould counthry,” said Michael
the other day, “for my father had twenty
one yoke of oxen and a cow, and they
milk the year round ”
it is the opinion of a Western editor
that wood goes further when est out ol
doors that when well housed He snys
soon of his went half a mile Wood is
an untiring traveler, particularly in the
Strange if True. —A remarkable
phenomenon. says an exchange, exi-ts a
truing the women of Chenandaga Nicar
agua Almost every one you meet has
a laige vt en which protrudes out Irotn the
forepart ol the neck, d'rpctly under the
dun The wen itself is not painlul
though it presents a most unseemly sight
to the eve, and sug>p.ts a variety “I re
flections as to cause which lias produced
such a divfigiiralnn of the hu i an 1 -no
The women bear i ’ ‘is a vuke anil tegard
n as an affliction of Providence for theii
transgressions. Medical men are unable
to account for ibis singular freak of nature
uid assign many grave and plausible rea
-ous lor this ppcular gourd like formation
n that locality. It is not common to any
it her portion of the country.
Improved Shoe— The newly inven
ted shoe is attrncling much attention in
Philadelphia. The sole is made entirely
of gutta percha, the shoe otherwise being
like the ordinary leather-made. The sole
is applied to the upper portion, when
stretched over the last, is punctured by a
uunch, and the gutta percha, in a soil
■ tale, is then pressed, by mechanical
means upon this mrer sole ; the ira'etial
i forced through ‘he punch holies, and
-he shoe is then held together “s if it had
beyri pegged though much more secure
v fi.r the gutta peicha fills entirely the
- urirh holes and even loin s a soil ofiiv
,.| liend (-n ‘he inside ol the -ole. These
-hoes, it is said can be made thiity per
cent cheaper than the leather soled shoes,
ire entitely impervious to water and
may be wont at any season ol the year.
Widows - They nre the very mischief,
here’s nothing Ike them If “they make
p their mind f<> mar')’, it’s and m<*. I know
me tlifit wtts terribly afraid of thunder
and lightning, and- very time a storm
•nme on she would run into Mr. Smith’s
house, (he was a widower) and clasp her
Little hands, and fly around, till the man
was hull distracted fi r fear she would be
Killed; and the consequence was, she
was Mrs. John Smith before three thun
der storms roller’ over her head.
To be a woman of fashion is one of the
easiest thffigs in the world. A letter de
scribes it thus : Buy every thing you
don’t wan’t; pay for nothing you get ;
■mile on all mankind but. your husband ;
be hn| py everywhere but at home ; hate
ihe country; adorn the city ; read nov
el- ; neglect your children ; nurse lap
dogs, and go to church every time you
get anew shawl
Mrs. Napoleon's bahv has peen -moll
ed ns one of the Grenadiers ol die French
Impelinl Guard. VVe -tionl-1 hav- -up
posed a place in the ranks wftne m/fl<ry
would have been more appropriate Ht
graod-mo'her should have an appoint
ment among the granny i/ears.
Talk all wit would be a- disagreeably
monotoeous as a dinner all champagne.
When a mao is always wiltv. it i- a pronl
that he has n<vother quality equally con
spicuous, and the person who i- spokeft
of- as par excellence a wit.’ t- a second
rate conversationalist ‘H h was so well
dressed,’ said somebody to Briunmell
that people would turn and look at him.
’Then he was not well dressed,’ replied
the great master ol Ihe art. We venture
to apply the doctrine'to table talk It
should not waul wit; but it should not
exceed in it—the epigram should be
sprinkled over it aith the natural uatsie.-
on a meadow.
Spiders have font- pups for spitting their
threads, each pap having one thousand
holes ; and the fine web itself is the union
of fotfr thousand threads No spider
spins more than four weirs and when the
ourth has been destroyed, they go filli
bustering, and seize on the webs of their
Catching the Idea —A pai-on in -(
Country village in England, on reading
the fir-t line or so ol a chapter in the Bi
ble, the clerk, who was not over erudite
by some mistake or other, misread it al
ter him. The parsuu read as lollops:
•Moses was an austere man and made
atonement for the sins ol his people.’
The clerk, who could not exactly catch
the sentence, reported thus:
‘Moses was an oysterman. and made
ointment for Ihe shins ol his people.’
A party ol emigrants, twenty eiylit in
number* pas-ed thronzti Abingdon Va..
on the 14th inst. m route fig Kansas.—
There were three or four lamiles, aad
they were going out with the intention
of settling. They had with them ten
horses and four large wagons also farm
ing implements and in lact everything
necessary to found a settlement. Tbe\
were horn Franklin co, Va.
•‘An old man,' 1 compfafo a that boys
t ome to see hi- datters, but say nothing
about marrying them ; this he does not
like. He says “gals must get husbands
when they are young, if they get them;
- ud therefore, those fellers who have uo
u nion of being married have no business
to take up the gals’ tune for nothing, aud
, thereby keep better boys away.”
How lie won Her.
A young ladv of eccentric character,
bu’ of rare mental endowments arid extra
ordinarv personal attractions. had five -u
itori ecprallv as-idiotrs in’ their attentions.
U i.ihle to decide upon which she -would
tie-tow her hand, she gave them notice
to call uputi her on a certain day and
each i-t-a'p his claims in the presence of
the other. At the appointed ti > e ihe lov
ers a rived. Four ot them were confi
de ill ol suC’P-s ; bu’ the sis It had a down
cast look and sighed when he gazed un
lie -ut*jpc ; ol his devoiiorr.
Gentlemen, said she, ‘ volt have hon •
• *
ored me with proposals of marriage. I
have, as yet neither refused nor accepied
any one of you ; state your claims to my
hand, that I may know upon what
grounds I may ‘rejustified in bestowing
A. answered as follows: “If you mar
ry me you shall live in a splendid house
have caniages ind servants at your coni’
tnand, and enjoy all the luxuries of a fash
ionable. lam rich.”
B. spoke next : ‘My rival has said ve
ry truly that be is rich and th-4 he off r
you a stiong inducement, but i am of no
ble de-ernt. My gra- dlather was a duke
and although not weajlhv I am of ala
|y wi't whom an alliance would be con
sidered an honor to the wealthiest belies?
in the land ’’
C stated Ins claims; ‘ I am a pnlitican
and Live now a reputation that oldei per
sons have envied. Next year I shall
run for, and have no doubt of
sui ces- By mariylng me, your name
wol op handed down to posterity ’’
D, twisted his moustache with an aii
‘ol an exqui-iie and said : Aug- he < rea
. me ! Poo nr. Wmd I think von have
i already made up vonr mind in my favor
! Yon know how much I am admited
Who is ihe most fashionable diessed in
town ? Who Irequenis the mos’ fashion
abfe plures? Mho t- a better judge ol
tlie opera? lam but Ton my honor, I
am too mode*! to insist upon it ”
When it comes to E turn to speak
rfiere wa- a pause All eyes weie turned
tow ards ham Poor fellow, lie was drea •
fully emtiai rassed.
■W.lf ’ said the beauty, ‘ wliat sa\
you Mi E.” .
*’Alh-!” was the reply, ‘‘l yield to those
gp- lletm-11. T hey have the advantage
over me in every respect.’’ And lie took
up Ills hat to leave.
Stop,” said ihe lady, ‘make \our
.statement no matter how humble may
be your claims.”
1 a i- pooi— ”
’ (to on ’
‘ I sin not ol a noble family— ’’
“Go on. sii
‘Am unknown to theworld—”
•'No matter: ptoceed”
” I have neither the taste nor the means
to dtess fashionably. I work lor m\
livelihood It is hardly po-sible that I
can make you happv, lor I can - fluid
mine ol the inducements held out by inv
nvals ’
•I am to judge ol that, sir ; what next?'’
“Nothing, only I love you, arid take a
newspaper ”
At this, Messrs. A.. B, C.. and D..
burst out into a loud laugh, and exc'aim
ed in a loud voice “So do tve ! I love
vou to di-iraction ! [ take tour newspaper
ha ! ha !’’
• Silence.” said the lady ; “in one month
yon shall have my answer. You may
ail withdraw.”
At the end of the month the five suitor
aga:n appeared. Turning to each one in
succession the ladv answeted :
Riches are not productive of happiness,
Boasted nohiliiv ol biootl is the poorest ol
all recommendations. Famp is fleeting,
and he that bath only the gob o’ a gentle
mm is to be .pitied, 1 have found out
the names ol all the papers to which yon
all subscribe-, and have ascettained that
none ol you who have bhasted ot wealth,
nohiliiv. and fame, or fashion, have
PAID THE PRINTER Now. gentlemen,
this is dishonest. I cannot think of mar
rvrng a man who would be guilty of a
dishonest act- I have learned that Mr.
E . not only subscribes for a .pappr, but
pays ihe pi niter. Therefore I say he is
the man I give him mv hand with a full
conviction he is the. one every way
calculated to make me happy ’’
Need we extend nur narrative r The
disappointed gentlemen disappeared quite
suddenly; and tlie lucky suitor was uni
ted to the object of his devotion ; and m
a few years,bv honesty end indu-try, be
came notonlv a distinguished but a weal
thy man and was esteemed by all.—
Header -lie paid the printer- Is there no
moral in this?
No Mileage for the Extra Session.
—lt -cems that by a law passed in 1851,
no mileage is allowed to Senators and
Rppipsen'atives lor attendance upon ex
tra se-sioiis. i! they ate convened within
ten davs after the regular session has ter
i mated. The pro i pt action of the Pipm
‘lent, in calling Congress together wi'hin
he ten days has thus cut off ilip Blai k-
Republican Legisla'ors from getting the
mileage lee- they doubtless an'icipated
as the result of their revoiu'iocary acticD
Aotc is the time to subscribe
A Monthly Pe iodic,al of Literature. Art.
and l a-hiim.
Edited by Mr . Ann S. Stepkns
’ J Peteksun
Pi-fpt soil’s I, o ie-’ N • ini a I M ga-/,mc
(•ootaiiis fi-. m rixht hundred to a thoufund
pngis yearly, ulmii* ho \ si . I p ai, ?. ; , ,
■•re four hundred llluslr .linns eugiaved ,m
Its ThiII.LINO Or,joi>al. Sti-RIKs.
No other P<-i lode ill pulil -h- s such llirtl!
ing t,.|es or such eapitol stones of real lie
Mrs. Ann S Stephens. The celebrated au
<hnr ol Fashion amt Famine.’ is one of ito
editors'; and she is assisted hy all the In- 1
fern ile authors of ,\merica. All the-dorie
pulili bed are original, which cannot besai
of any cotemporary. Morality and vircti
are always inculcated. The nenspapn
press ami the ladies unite to pronounce i
he must readable 4 the Mcgazi es.
And other steel en ravings, are the best
published anywhere; aie executed fur it hy
the first artists: and at the end of each
year, are alone w orth the subscription.
Are the only reliable not# published in
Vineriea; and are a- cl. g nt ;s thrv me
e-I reel being n agtilfi •• inly . ngravi it -o ei
pi K-s he P-,ris Loudon. Plnl.i(lcl|ihf .
and New York F ,-[lions are de-enhed, m
length each nionth. It is the text t ook nt
Fashion in 80-ion, New Yoik. and Phila
delphia. 1 1 *l’ |GutinriHs if
,Wu’ Receipts crotchet work. Embroidery
Netting, hortn u! up , acting cnaraucs.
knitti g. and female i questri misin, are al
ways wdl fifed, profusely illustrated, and
rich unit the latest novelties. It isthc be-!
Ladies’ Mug: zinc in the world, try il fin
one year.
One copy lor one year. $2.
for one year. $5.; five copies for mu year,
$7 50; eight copies for one vear, $lO ; six
teen copies for one year.
I’KF-MIUMrS r-iit oitti-u vp CLUBS
To every person g. tmg up a-’chih, our
Port Folio of art for IBsd, containing ficy
sie,l cog-ravings will he.,given gratis I'nr
a club of -ixieeu, an ox'ru copy id'ili iVnic
izine In, 1850 yvilj *>e sent in addition.
V-l rcss. CIIA’S J PE I F,J!BON.
No. |tt’2 (Jii-siutit siieel, Phiia, i- phia
ffjT* he Vo iiiii s begin yvitli nuiiibeis ih ’ J ly , lint -uhsi-ribi i- ma
memo with any other moil'll (l-t v
please. Rai koum'-ei- I'urnishcd ilVtsirio
mi; llOMi: JOUKN \L
FOU 183 G,
*!P" r first nnint>(>r of the New Series ol
l*p limn” Journal lor 18.1(5, will bv
issued next wet k, in a in w dress m il with
nnv attractions, the principal one ol which
will he charier ore if
Pvi;i, r\\r.
OR P'RT* of \ LIVE FI.K IfSTOl.n.
A Novel in Serial JVu)nher,\.
I' 1 is. ns a return of tluf author's pen to n
•.■•I which he has tried with some success
o ndier days, hut which In ahandi tied fm
i h stronger attractions of fact and catn - r—
'he field of rn oarice—may not he unicter
'tiiig to the class of readers rvhn have Is I>>< I
- f-Unwed him in both His longer expe
rience and hcltcr knnnl.dge of the world
’ ill, of course, give him greater advantages
ilrid before, for truth-like portraycl in f>c
lion, lie has, Ke-ides, a latge sinnt of per
sonal oliaervatiim and ieeis*eiit which lias
heen k'-pt apart fc in his available mateii.
•il white confined to actual, description, and
w hich Call only he used ihmuuh the
.11'id al zing pro ess of romance.
In addi'ion ‘o lfti- lien feature, a series ol
•rightsl sketches, songs and h Had* hi it.
I’ Morris, and an original noveltlie. in
verse, founded upon fai l, e.illeil. •• Ihr
.Story t‘f a Star,’ liy .1 M. Field, will li>
pnldished in the course -f the year.
Upsides the coufi ihnlions and labors t.f
the eilitois. the Home Journal w ill contain
the Foreign and Domestic Correspoude- ce
of a large list of eootrihutors—jhe spite of
ike European Magazines—the selections ol
the most interesting publications of the hay
the brief nove's—the piquant stories the
sp rkling wit and amusing anecdote— the
new* nml gos-in of the Parisian papers
die personal sketches of jiuhlic t Irttraeters—
the stirring scene’ of the world <ve live in
he chronicles of the news forth* h dies—
the fashions—the. Tacts and otolit es of news
—the pick of English information—the wit,
humor and pathos of the times—•the cssais
on life, literature, society and moral', and
the usual variety of c reful choosings front
the wil'erness of English periodical lstera_
lure, critic ism. poctiy, etc. We need not
remind our readers that we have also one or
two unsurpassed correspondents in the fash
ionable tocltij of Stic You t, who wrl give
us early news of evert new fe..iure • f style
and elegHtite among ihe leaders t.f the gay
For one ropy, §2; for 3 copies. ss—or
one copy for three years, $5 —always iu ad
vance. Address
Editors anti Proprietors,
107 Fulton street. New York.
A GREEABLE to an order of the Court of
.I’m. O dinary of Randolph county, will hr
sold in the town of Fort Gaines, Clay county,
on the first Tuesday in November next, between
the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land, No. 40, in
the Fi'th District of Clav county. Sold as the
property of .Mark Heidelberg, late of Randolph
county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
Aug 16 td*.
A X I>
Tweof the best Preparations of the Aft*
r \ hey are not recom
mended as Universal
Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name pur
The Vermifuge, for
expelling Worms from
the human system, has
also been administered
with the most satisfactory
results to various animals
subject to Worms.
The Liver Pills, for
the cure of Liver Com
plaint, all Bilious De
rangements, Sick Head
ache, ccc.
Purchasers will please
be particular to ask for
Dr. C. McLane’s Cele
brated Vermifuge anc.
Liver ‘Pills, prepared h/
fU • ( Cv>:
('J VCA” VYU’ .
sole proprietors, Pitts
burgh, Pa., and take no
other, as there arc various
; other preparations .now
before the public, pur
porting to be Vermifuge
and Liver Pills. All
ethers, in comparison
with Dr. McLane’s, are
The genuine McLanc’s
Vermifuge and Liver
Pills can now be had at
all respectable Drug
CO Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa-
Solo I’roorictors.
SPOVIh & Mln\ l) \ i'l Odi >. 1 iC I
emi W
Siii'p*, h ill oult-rs id ii 51 lo ad -
lIoB'.NS si. U lUII'OIN (sfl.
J. T. < r#*ci ••
Kim h**r *V Di li’*. .V| 41m v i!>. ••
.1 \ IL hi Cl* . \\ fi viilu,
.li;ili (r’iffi.’ld, f**i .
Hr dfield Hr ln laiMngp, 4 *
Oatlfoi ill V, Cldu 111 tlllh, ••
: Drunk Clmpinnu; ** •*
| IH Itei t -\. ;tru, ‘* ••
■ David Virrii “ M
January JB.76.*—n4fiyl
GEORGIA, Harris County.
I C ‘"tut ol Oulntiuy—July Term. 1850.
Wll l-H; I .AS. Maitiihv C. Furi.i.t
A.tmiiii-o atnr imi ihe estate <if
| Mns-s G. Jones, deceased, ajij llcs ai thi*
j ,p (H of ihe i-outi (m c lers of liisrtiis-ion
; from ihe adniims r iti u of said e-rale.
it is order ■) tt at all persons com crncd,
4 how cause, (if any they hav) on or before
tile next Jaii’ry Term of ibis Court, yyby*
said leiiers -hon'd m-t he grained.
A Trip- Extract from the Minnies of said
court. Tills 7ih day -f. L-- . tP'fi
Kale .Xixi.
CgOßOty. Harris I'ounly, )
Court of Ordinary, .March Term. 56, £
WHERE. AS. William A. Pruett, ad
mi nisi .-a tor on the estate of Bird
I’ruett. deceased, applies to me for Letters
of dis-nissmu iheretrorn.
It is therefore ordered by the Court that
all persons concerned he and appear at the
next t-cpiemher Tei m of said Court next
ensuing, then and there 10 show cause if
auy they have, yvhy said Letiers should Dot
he granted.
A true extract from the Minuusof llarri*
Court of Ordinary
March 8-6 m Ordinary.
Legal Blanks
OF every descr p son printed to order it thi*