Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, November 04, 1856, Image 3
Tried rapli. ‘the telegraphic communication betwein Columbus aaj Eufa da is no.* in success fill operation The first dispatch upon this line was scut to the Daily Bun, as follows : Err aula, Oct. 27. \Vc quote Middling Cotton at Id to 10.4. ; Good Middling lie.; and Md iting Fair llie. This liue is to be exteu led to Apalach acoia. They are now putting up the wire rapidly. Run Down — I lie clock business of Connecticut., which has been driven so ex tensively for several years, lias comp ete ly run down. 1 hese clocks have been sent to every pait of the world, and among the largest markets tor them were Great Britain and China I'he great competition forced prices So low that the largest portiou of the munuluctuics have failed, E ROBERTS, TTJLTSH-I&LZSa, I’Frora Geneva, Switzerland.) ■ leave m#*t respectfully te inform the Jl.jl citizens of Cutlibert ami vicinity, that he lias arrived in their midst, and taken room* Die o l d “ Exchange,’* next to the Brook**’ lions.*, wiK'io he is prepared to do alt work in 4ns line of budiias in the most perfect maunoi, al ah >rt notice, and on reason a hie terms. Having practiced t*e Watclimakitig business fiuco <lll e irly period in his life, in (jom va. Par is and London, he may well assure the }>n}lie lint he is inferior to none of In* competitor*, and therefor** h-ipe* to be favored w.ih the patronage of this t.<*wii and vicinity. If sufficient encouragement should b* extend ed to him. so that h* can make tt to his interest to permanently loctt't in Cuiltberi he will i) r mg a largo and well assorted stock of Watches and Jfowelry. HP Ml Watches sold or repaired will be war ranted f-*r twelve wombs, accidents excepted. I Nov. 4 3l (liniuistr.ibii's ‘xalt*. VO'IRR \ BLY to an Order of the Court of Ordinary >f Knodolph comity, will he %.|.| • mine first Tuesdiy in J tiiuar) nxi,uefoie the ; Court H Mise door ill Cuthh •rt within the leg| li’ UTs <*fr>ale. n iN'iiGHU Vl \X. named Uhiii | noi>'it 4 vtars old and t NEUKO WO vl \\ f t*il Maria, about 35 year- old Sold ns the ! prupvity ot William R. Carr* way, dcceas<*d. for th” benefit of the bo r and c e l t irs of -aid de ce **** I. ELI F. CLOV ER. Nor 4 tds Ad uiriislriit r. Miw ati:>v, mi; n:;ws?ip£i in. 7 A Colo c+ion uf.Y.-w paper Fonts and .Statistic* Contain i tig A Complete List ot ifewsp-ipers In the U State#, Canadas, a:id Uieat Bri am 1 PB X H K V reliable vv ■ k of the kind ill ’ JL ‘h‘- void. An ievahsaid*- ‘.is'-iiu i.i Hi- Editor. l!o k'is'i; r, am G tim I A vcr'lser. Bvo. 2‘it) pa. On receipt of S2 k ii ;• repaid p< t uiiid. t i auv “Hri o lb* r uni; v. Ail re-s 1 l. A J Jk HIM . di:l'm.l,•.tier., \o t-3 l> gK -tr.n:', P: a;ad 4phia . Nov 4-a’iii lA) T lli V LICKE IS, * ,014 the Stouliiern tlilitury Academy for \2. uh> .t tki. “(n u. <tiiiiitistratir'N sale. VIiKKRAIiI.V to tin or i.-r of tin; Court ol Ordinary of ii .udoljiii county, will lie „ Hii oo tln,li.ii: Tuesday in Jninary n xt, be fore Hie Cnuri H nts-e do ir in Ciiibl) rt within A,io. legal hour, of H oe. the foliowi g de-crib and Linds lawn: Lots Numb r. 31, D5 36, mid 42, ali m Hie JSuVimtli t>’'t ic- * h. j c unly. Also, Lot number *2-1 0 } and I 7 *#r off tilt* Nosth-w* t c rn r cf L *t Nmn b* r 105 ; and 6 2 Aci't*H “ts tiie .>ouin w- i • corn rot Lot Number 19*). All in the ‘ix h ili'li ict o’ s<id County, ami sold as i he popexiv of Lorenzo D Price. deceas and. >old for the b* i* tit of the heirs and creditors of**, id deceas. ed. AARON PRICE i . . LOdENZJ U. PIUCK, ] v "" rH Oct geouua, } Randolph County. $ “MHER EAd H'-n v J Hum and Oonj >- T miu F. Adam* a,plies to me f>r Fuels •1 t>unr<iia*iiip for the person and property of WiUiain T. Smiley. lunatic; These are therefore to cite and admonish the (rirtida and next of kindreu of and lunatic, to he and appear at my Utfiea within the tune pre scribed by law, then and there to fil• their ob jection*. (if any they have,) other wise letter* will to granted said applicant*. Given under my hand at Office, this 23d Oc tober, IS'.fi, J. D. LENNAKD. Oct 2d • tlrdimrv I'TV * Moittlis A FTEK DATE, application will be made /m t * the tl mumble Court of Ordinary ol Randolph Oouiily. tor leave to Bell all me Real Estate of Lorenzo O Prici, late ol said county deceased. This 23 I Octotmr, ISofi AV.tOV PRICE, M d LORBnZG u PRICE, \ Oet. 2d-2m NliF BLMSMINI & WAGON GilOP. /a till. undersigned will open, on the first ; ■ day .1 January, 1807, tiro Strop formerly j occupied by VV. H J. Cliapman, for the pur pose of vsrrying *n the Black.luitii and Wago-i business in all it* various branches. Wagons 1 repaired, and Biacksin.thing of all kind* none a* goad and as cheap a* at my other Shop 111 Cuthbert. None but competent workmen will b employed. \ portion of the public patronage is solicited Oct. ai-tf J. E MOSi.LLY Administrator’!* Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Ordin rj .of Harris county, will be sol I befoie tin Cou.t 11 ,use door in Cuthbrt, Randolph cou< ( y, on first Tu sduy 10 Uccemoer next, .1 undivided half of lot of Land, -No 50, 1 Nt .lb -e*t-trict ol originally Early, now R doiph county, it be...g a par of U.e r cai es of Richard K. ideal, iat’- “f 11 1 rri c only and cease, aim s .|d tor no benefit .1 toe >eif* Said decesed.. Terms cas It is probable tip. remaining hit of h’ in. wui be sold at the same ti ne M. R BERTSON, Administrator with the W ill annexed. y<- - 1 a GREAT i XCITEHIENi’ THE SHORTEST TRIP, and tiie greatest saving ol time, talk nm i mono/ J-- to go to B. m. HURD’S, and purchase your Fall aml Winter Gomls. Everythin* that Is rich rare and beautiful in the Ladies 1 Department, can be found at HURD’S. Mantil las ot the following styles : FLORENTINE. SERENAS. CLEOP ITIO, ANNA BELLE, EUREKA, MOIRE ANTIQUE CI.OvK-S BLACK VELVET SHAWLS, &■:. Mai* Mail Ad. \J SILK ROBES. BROCADES. FANCY STRIPED jPi BUA<’K SILKS of every variety of style and pmieni ; WORSTED (JOODS of ull kinds (Children's Di-|.nriment uot tieKl.eietl.) BONNETS of ih„ | a est Fbe.nch, and nn'si Fahinn<ihle diini.'.itivenes- •’ MUSLINS. LACES. EMBROIDi.RIES J ACONET I’ BANDS, Dress Trimmings. RIBBONS, ruches, ermine, CLOVES, HOSIERY, FRENCH ARTIFICI \LS, Cun all bu lmd at 11 L 14 l>’S. ! mm\, FRKWII 11 ISB3ICJS POT A large assortment, at tne VFRY LOWEST PRICES. Opera Flannels, Tweeds, Cloths, Casaimere-s Nmioeits, Bleached and Brown Drilling, Kentucky J • i Homespuns, Blnuched and Brown, Irotn 5 cents up. o i... !’ ‘ , a large stock purchased exp essiv lor ilih section of the conn r - CLOTHING ■’ of the Latest and must Fashionable style. .)ots A, Siloes, flats .V nips “ebaol Hooks t-.f, , 14 „. v a® ax mr* a^BEc a E ‘ e i * A full assortment ot articles in the fanev Lne wi, i> . ■ merous to mentiou, can be obtained by calling at sr “! ~u” s 1 <l( * “J 1 ’ and ilia wife, aud the rest of the world generally an . ..j,., ,'* .' v , ,Hre °' er ’ * in, b’ late<t. and best inventions for adorning the person an li, ‘ ‘ ‘'’. IIM ” to sCt ‘ t,K ‘ coulfon ° ‘ ! the promotion of ease and f ibertil tie lnr iis>n id f>- t 3 ss In consei|nence of the iirese/it facilities afifon),',l I. „ .i awi the i nai diate prospect of a lUlroad IV ,:n Ar 11 Goods can ne sold at tv •-v * naU-s. p-ofi. ~t ‘” l ° l” *'‘ llil HCJItD’O, v. , < . Cuthhcrt. S-nt 30-ti ‘ 5 •** ’ qcit e. FAulk mm* . .1 tj a e g nd oji.m in one .# ih** ? % msi (Jeair lle flocks, f PALL AND WiNTiiR GOODS *i>l l lias iver li*n ex J m this or H**y oilmrm trUt <>f \| , ls : son &1 L)ixu;i s line. The s>tyl*. Quali.y and low t*HICKS l of our Stock spenk for themselves. We I haven l.irg and hoico u-sortmom ol Foreign and American Dry ©oods, c<nnjni-siMii u.CII uiidm-o EU.GWT l* 11* rII- of §ilks fro n ,*55 0 $75 llamln ‘"iip WONTED G JUUS, of figures, and i> fad f Lion s’ *):ir:ss goods “f every style, quality and quantity. CALICO from t r * 1 cents up, Ginghams. DoLaines, Al| tnc ns, Cashmeres, Mcrinoes, l.laek ilk, French Woolen I’laids, Embroideries, Luces, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c The RIBBONS we have, cannot be equalled j in this country lor RICHNESS and BEAUTY. For once, the L .dies can be amply supplied ! with 21S££22 l ir@£ new and fresh from I'm is. As to our assortment of ITlanf i Hits, Th 1 - ill >is and shawls, wo have them from $lO ■ to § .5, all shapes aud color* that are fashioiui ! bin, so that we can anil all tastes, from the gay and dashing, to the meek and modest. Also, a supply of While Good*, Homespuns, Bod Ticking, Bleached and Drown Drillings. A splendid as ortmoiitof ISoolM iltiii Nil >C3 Ladi-s Gaiters and Slippers, Negro Shoe*. Ne gro Kerseys. Blankets and Linseys. HATS and CAPS of every shape and siz:. REM .HIDE CLOTHING, This, all gentlemen of taste are request and to examine. We ctu fit from hoys of small statue to men of ihe largest size. Ila divare, Crockery, Jewelry. &c. We have made special arm geinents with the Steamers nd Rail Roads, by which we enn allow our Goods to sell at a SHORT PROFIT. JF.NKIN & ATKINS, College Street, 3d door below the P, O. Culhbert, Sept. 13-Jm j S-LBXTB&PsHOF. j? M 1 *E uil 1 i signed has op<*n**d all Ait LfiiS ! JL S.IOP in Gutnhort, in tii house formerly I occupied hi J. B. Hcndrx &. Cos., in xt dour to toe Drug Store, wliere all kinds of 11 A It N E S s will he put up in as neat and durable style as can done in the South, which will he sold only lor CASH or approved Note*. REPtIKIXG of all kinds done promptly, for which the Cask will he required before the work leaves toe Shop ASA ALEXANDER. Oct, 14-Gm 9 {He#® © Vs JSf Xfj a iITUiLUi if yw, dorian, allioun (o. Ga. a_J!i At TICES 111 Cal,n un arid adjoining ji. Counties. Business entrusted to his caxe vHi receive proaipt and cuerg-’iu -tteiltiou. , Oct 21-6. ii Mi TO_ PUNTERS.’ h atf'-li(msa nt (>(or<retou n I rwillh HilHcrilwr- hereby in- J 0” “ ‘ 1 j -fl. form the crizeus ol ('l.iy ( }.j&j Ud lulolpli and Me wart that they hav taken churir- ol flic well k Mown V V l-Lrj => iiiw w? SWJiI at G-mgetowu, and have put bin |1, 0r) ,„-li and ,-o.ii;.|,-,h repair for the r-cepti ui of T -lON this season. Tliey wiil keep cuiistamiv oil hand a .supply of- j BACKING & RGPE which they will sell :, t l|„. | ,west ,n k, , „V*n* ‘ Si ict attention paid to tin. receuma u,,n for. warding id ail Go ,ds cnlru-i.-d io.n.-ii ,-,., r e. dj Liberal a Ivunces nuxdi on all Ci tiou in *ti re. Fro mini past experience of Mr. Riord .n in tms business, and a dclonnimuio .on t p„n ~| both lo giv- sritisfiL-ttnn, they a-k (l.eir f lends •llld tlicpllhlic tOgiVt* th ’in ;j Ctil. _ H ARRISON vt DIOR DAN. <• nrgetnwn, Sept. Cv-oods! WILLIAMS ’& JONES ARE now I'C-iving ,uni opening i„eir -steel, nt p ALL and WIN I’i.R CJ P*3 W W JD tJ Consisting in part of ~ 1* an y l'i,iid and Plain Black Silks, Cashmeres, Vlerinoes, Cliallies, Figured and Solid DeLuinen, l'ers.a .s, Ginghams and prints. A large and boauidul asHoriinuiit of @ m m &&& LACES, embroideries, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c. j Their slock of CLOAKS,. .MANTILLAS i and SHAW (.S. cannot ho In at ill this market. j Swiss Jaconet and JfunHonk .Muslins Lorded Checked and Pirn a White La rubrics, Elea dud Goods, Linseys Kerseys Blankets , Tickings *S "c. 6cc.. | W ORSTE i> GuODS for < iniunn ri aud Boy’s 1 wear, in great variety. One of tin largest and best *eJ -cled slocks of READY MADE IL9TIIING ever be for * exhihiied iu Cuiuhert. vivo, an excellent ,i?<eirtiiieiit of &, Shoes, [l l is, Caps, Books. Bt,iiiooery. , dlory. C -rock ry, DRUGS, C iJil', IN IAN, They would sty to too citiZ'Mis of (/Ullihert and ►urroonding couat y. that tlie caiimdwill stdl them # *odj* k%4 c i u, a* ut.y oneehe I i’ne La i-*h paritcular y aru invited to v. *ll anu exaiuto ther mi >ca. n 1L I VMS & JONE . Uo i-rtiie Ur -oks’ Mouse, f uthbert, S’ pt 25* i Leather ! Leather ! ! 4 SUBTLY of ei c.i isi.t t.y ■ n h nd and ior -ale. ny G'.JF I vV, CO. Cutlihert, Aug. lb For i^aie. A GOOD SECOND BUGGY. Or Cash o rSL apor -vei paper. Apply I*? S. DANIELS & GO., North East Comer Public Square, j AMKKK US, (ia. BRG leave to call the ationlion of the citi iima of South Western (doorgia to their slock of Furniture, Pianos, A'r. They have now added to their Slock, a large assortment of Gold and Si/vrr Watches ("loc/cs Rich Jewelry, Silver Ware Silver Plated Ware, Sc See Among then- slock may he found Elegant i Hold Wa ches, tor Ladies and lientl men ; Kle-I gain Sdver Watelies, various qualities ; Eight j Bay and Thirty hour Clocks, It .ndsomu Styles, ad warranted ; Rieli JEWELRY i.i great va riety ; Silver rip .on<. Porks, Butter Knives, Cups. -Vc ; Silver Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Candlestieks, &e.; Waiters, Spoons, Knives, 1-urks. &c. Consisting in purl ol Oiiaii s, bedsteads, Tables, Bureaus, AV'nshstands, Rich Cnainbor Setts, Softs, Tete a Tetes, Word robes, Centre, tables, Book Cases, &<•., &. We liave a fine assortment of Cnickuring’s celebrated puiios, in Rosovvood cuses of the lU’West stylus, with a ; .tfood Assortincut !’ rich and common Miirors, i Window Sliados, Matts, and many ot’ f*rarticl<*s. ; atchcs and Jewelry repaired in the best j manner, A.ov; tens, Sept 1 3-4 m BOOT # sssub: T&r .'9w GL 2 r la- X& E3& ‘a • Subscribers would inform j JL tiieir patroiis and the public <ren-wjg er liy. tliat they wil* keep coiistauily on liaiid a very expensive assortment, | of Gent’s BOOTS, cind Lady’s Walking SHOES ALSO. ‘2,000 aits of NEGRO SHOES I put up of tiie ursi material. Carriage and Wag on Harness, double and single. Repairing done ; wi'b dispatch. JJ 3 Karoters and others would and > well to call ■ and cx UPuic our stock before purchasing els*. 1 - ; where as we a.• d> leiinnicd t'* sell low for cash | or approved paper. GOFF &CO i Cutiihert, \\iw |(5-tf JOHN WHIT. THOMAS, ATTORNEV AT LAW, CUXHBJJRr, Randolph County, GO. j I ILL practice in the ol Ran I i T * del |i, Tcrrcil, Dougherty. Baker, Cai* | honn. Early, ('lay. Alillcr and dlmva t 0 r Bu-inekS in Iron t (1 In his ire -ii ;II always , receive imnn diate ana I’RoJirr att litiun. Aog. IG-Iy V vi.U \BLK PLANTATION a.\d mill ti-’ oa* Ssa S . FEAIIF. undesigned h now fi* rii'r on ren- , -0. m malihi terms, his VALUABLE PLAN TATI.IN, on r.MChhlar rre. k. lor sale The Hotfl* (iieol contaius A ] 21 .mid i” w II a aptod to the growth of b th Corn and Oviifm. Kf n tin* jtlucc loorc i a ijood G ris: and Saw, with an i jiuxluhih! ihie quantity .. f fi in timber, utid mi aliHodm t domain! for Luni hl r. Tilde ar*- also AI’StKS of open Land. The place is sappu-d wi han abundanee of water as wutl lor machinery as Ihantatmu pur'poxes* and is witliin f‘ur miles of tnc Noutli- Westeru ilailroad from AtnerieiiH to (Jutlibert IV’rsojis wisht •* to Imy mi h prop* rty, wi'l do well to come ttii-i nee me, as I wi'l sell a bot l r bargain than anytmdv. DittiKV M. LKSSULCR. Sept 2: !f ~mwM hotel, _ Oi IhiSM*!! jer Hrpot, MACON, GA. IT Meals ready ou the arrival of every Train. t>npt. 13 ly E E. DROWN. jL, OOSDSL~ iiIKEH ,y COIEETIIER, LETS cunstnntly on hand ail kinds of JPa. Candi.’S, Fruiis, Ciga.s. fine Dialidies ami Wine*, Cordials. Sy ups. Jellies, Tinkles, Fire Works, Jfcc. Cakes aud Pastries of ever) description. ITT Weddings and Parties supplied at short umi ’c. Culhbert, Aug. 16-ts 21.0 >AIE. i F snbAcribfr wishes l<> Hell tbo bn icsides. It is nildated at _ u ctHiVciiieut di-'tauc* fi\jtn the C'urt House JSquaros iilm> aliout an tqniil and convenient and s t.mce from < ith r of the vurioin .School* of Cuthbert and Villa Nova. Thu i pruvcuients on the place a.e all new. The Dwelling cjii l jigs four room* Ay. Any person wishing tn purchase a Hou*q and L t m Cuthbert, will do wen to call and exam iii’ before buying eisewhere. Inducements wil br oflbred to a purchaser. j*y\ 50 tr J, R Joi\es_ W A* Wst® tIO‘iIC.V ill JjiAV, 1 fJI HBERT, Randolph County, Ga. tj;4T ILL practice m the P.ttaula and Montii- V V western Circuits- All business intrust ed t > his caro will receive proinpiand imm**diate aueuiion Oct. 7 fun ;■ arts. j. uti ;BAKi.\, WIfCiiRIKUR & JEWELLER, i U i IIISERT, Ga. Attg. 1(5 ly Bj md Warrant* llVim (and. -OR winch -he high'-st mirk, t p icewilt he paid C .It and see uie In fire you *ell. O i>. BEALL 1 Cutlihert. \n 23-ls l'.t I'SAIIE House now ocmpicl l-y Ntvv-ll A .tl Hendrix is fur nl ■. I no; s Id *v ill: fir-t nf J .unary next, ,t tvi.l b f.n r T It next year- -\pj lj tu r- . E’iM ,N Aug 23-if TIPE rOUNOUV AND PRINTERS’ IAIPOIUP.iI, established ism. fHXIIE subscrihers desire tn ndvi-o their JL friends, and ihe Printing Interest generally, that since the I ,te fire, vvliii h in jured only the nannf-H'turiog department of their e.talilishment, they have entirely refitted ilia same tvjilt new inaehinei y, unit have availed themselves of the opportunity to introdttee every MODERJT IMPROVE MEXT vvh't hlong experictn e and eapitalcan com mail'!; and ill it they have therefop inn quailed facilities for producing TYPE el superior excel dice and durability, and of supplying all orders for the s une with great accuracy and promptness. Onr New Specimen Book, (just issued) will he freely srni to nil who -visit to purchase, yvben applied fur. Print ers yy i I please ho particular in directing how it m iy he sent. “ j. We also furnish every articl- nWdetl in a Printing Olli-e, at manufacluier’s prices. .PMES S E S, (Machine and Hand.) I lues', Taylors’ Ad ams', Ituggle-’, ('lime’s Dinfimmi Press, (of yvliii h we are sole agents in this oily.) : and of every oth-r maker in the United j Slates; Ink. (hises. Stands. Imposing j Stones, Composing Sticks, (Jalleys. (brass and wood.) Chases, f'uriiiime, iV.c. ()"ders will likewise be fried for Paper. Cards, and fi*t inter’s stock of eveiy kind. Eleetrotvping ainl Stereo typing in all iho ir f'l-anolii I'ype Copper faced to order. Old Type received in exchange for new I at nine cents per pound, if delivered in six ty da s from the date of purchase; if later, but -ix cents per pound. QjT“ Pulih-hwrs of newspapers who will insert this advertisement three times, with ibis note, and forward us a paper contain ing tin- same, ill he paid in priming mate rials by p ivhasing four limes the amount ■if their hill tor the advertisement. Second Hand Prus-es (Mai l) tie and j li .m,) usually on sale. ILT Oar ueyv Combination Borders which, since their first intrudin'lion have been care fully revised, and can n nv he justified with •lie greatest nicety, hereafter will ho sold al 50 cents per pound. iY M. II \GAR, Jr , &. CO. Wm llagar. .1 it., ) John a it. y DKOiriiLG W! V&xfrE® &> HAVE and will keep constant- SsSsHHfe ly nn hand, in Cnliiheit, a large and well selected assortment illruiriiiVM, I’nhilN, ttib, Stulb Perjumery , S m c. and everything pertaining to ib*ir lino of up noMr4, which tin v otT r upon hh reuponnble term n< tn**y c.-m be liad in S > ti l l \\ est to Georgia j ‘i'iic pu die are requested t •* tak c tin** notice. Cutiiberi, An?. KMf. * aa -*hh3 7W2 r Es 9 CI’TiIBERT, GA. fgPgZex’&t DR H wiil faithfully p\'c up if] II business .*>. i ni-.e Ii his care, M -m-LXJLr. I) , ( | i|,j tel . s |,i|,n„|f (luit if the e w!m have diseased Teeth, or wish Teeth insert ed, will call on him, lie will fully satisfy th ill, by . xuei le.uce and nth. itvise, tluilthev need nut gu In have their work well dune. O’ All Work Watraiited, and no pay will he i * qnired if sati faeti-i is not given. ;l_r Olllce next door lu the Tost Office, or second dnor west of Webb’s Hotel. Aug. 10 ly &11 sn. Vi \ j in Va?iaiy. VV. J. PAGE MESPECTFIJLLY tufurrn** the citizes of Uandolpli and lh%’ adjoining counties, that he Inis located iu Cuthbert, and is prepared to do all kinds of atSMSSS STBSLTO, such as in .king and r. pniiiug all descriptions of Guns, Pistols, Locks, &c. Everything done in liis line will he attended to satisfactorily and with despatch. Patronage to Ids csttibli.-hmo is respectfully solicited. O* I’erins CASH XB Cuthbert, Aug. 10-ls CJRIti lfiMT tiliiliii aS H rS3IIE undersigned would respectfully inform Ja_ the citizens of Kaudoli ii and the adj .ini g counties, that they are prepaied to build lor Cash, or approved Small Notes, Vehicle* of every description in a style end finish not sur passed by any shop South. We employ no :n:^3tt±3r2-@ii9 and therefore can warrant all work done at our Shop. O* Repairing done neatly and with prompt ness. Thankful fur past patronage, We Solicit a liberal share for liic future. V. & A. LEHMAN. Culhbert, Aug 16, 1856-ts IK % !*f!>S£ S U vi OP Mom AT lUtOUKH’ i a 1 1, OR- g) \I NG E- i A BLIISII MENT, dtp Muirs over the Drue I Store, witerc all person* tie Mk ! suing work, cun have it|jL\MF j done as well anil as cheap u ti) I it can be tioue iu boutnwest i era Georgia. - (T> Terms f’A- U -(uiX Cutlihert, Aug. I(>, I rj” ti-tini JkSac&M fid ffl&Mr, ! *, t VI IT’! I &. LENNNARD am receiving from | > 3 Tennessee, oi),Ot>D Poittlds nftja- Coai, of the best quality Vso, abt of Clithb :rl. S.-pt, (I ls .IC It V Ok. It Or <■* ry des.r pliou and it at th. K: ort<*r O the. CaiMiui Alary la ml Lotleiy FOlt NOVKIVTBtat, O N TII K HAV AN A I*L AN . CAPITAL PRIZE 100,000 DOLLAItS! \ G rand ‘Consolidated f/JTTERV Ol 1 ’ MIRVLJMii Extra Class, (>. To lie drawn in Baltimore, ill ary bind, Fri day. November :Wd, IS.'.tj. R. FR ANCE A’, CO., M ?nifi £•*. j Xu others, I I 111 PRIZES. Payable in full without deductrou. AA ii, bo distrilmtcd according to the foiot! ing Splendid S.CHSIOi I prize of SIOO 000 I do rtl tltrir I do J.’s I,o‘rl I do 15 tail) 1 do ] I (lilt U do ??.() 2 do o ;,litl 3 do 2 • 00 5 do 1 0 0 200 do fit 0 API'RDX'MATIOV PRIZES. f2’l “I .*BOO appioxiinaimg to SIOO 000 •I of tint) ,|„ • 5,1 oi o 4 of 500 do 25 UUJ 4 of 400 da 15 ()i)!i 4of 300 do Il 040 nos 200 do 5 OKI Bof 100 do 2,5110 12 of 0) do 2 oe,i Eli ol t> i do .1 5o i 2d ol 5o do J i.ort of 4o do 5 -n 1.1 to prizes, amounting to $382 5“-> Tickets S2O; Halves 10; QuarS; Eigllls2,so APPROXI.AI A I ION PRIZES. Pile two preceding mid die two succeed ing numbers to those drawing the lirs! 2-2 piiz-s, will ho entitled to the 888 approxi mation prizes. For example :if ticket No; 11250 draws the SIOO.COO prize, those tickets numbered I 12 44. i 12,40. 1 ‘251 amt I 12 52, will each be entitled to SBOO, and so on according to ihe almvo scheme. PLAN OF TIIE LOTTERY. ‘ Ii ma above scheme there are .30 00(4 tickets, numbered from I tool) 0 0. Thero ite 222 lull prizes and 388 approximations, making in ali 1.1 i” prizes. Tiie ntiiuliers {rein I to fit) 000 rorres-’ pomliug unit the uuinhers on the tickets, primed on separate slips of paper, are roll-’ . and up and encircled with small tin take* aud placed iu a Glass Wheel. I ‘lie am .urns us the dtfl’ rent 222 full pri/.* cs, siiniinrly printed aud encircled, ampin* cm! in nuother wh. el. After tevolvit g the heels, ti uuml'cr is drawn from tho wheel nl tiuiuhers. aud at the same t me a pr •/, is drawn ft out the other wheel, by boys who arc blindfolded. T. e number and the pi i/,: drawn out are opeurtl and exhibited lo itie audience, and registered by llieL'nro niissio ers the prime being placed against (lie number lit aw n. This opeiUlinn peated until all the prizes are crawit ot.l. I'he drawing is then pr.tiled, and altercotu p iris- it. li>e Comililssiouer coftiues tu its correctness. OjT” VII orders fortiikclsor packages iu any us the VI ary I iml Lotteries, will receive prompt and the drawing mailed in alt pui thiscrs tminmli.iiel) alter it is ov er. Audios* T H. HUBBARD, & CO. No. ‘.jJ Fa)tiie. si . • r Box No JO, Balmnoro, !\ld. A oat is the lime to subscribe. fmm mm, For 15.57, A Monthly l’e'iodical of Literature, Art ;. nd Fashion. Edited by Mr*, Ann 8. Stei'fns, Chaklus J. I’Ktk.usun. Peter'son’s Ladies’ National M’lgay.ine emit a in* fruiii eight hundred tu a thousand pages yearly, aboui thirty stel plait*, end Mel 1 four hundred illustrations engraved *u wood [r* Thrilling Original Fturii*. No other i’eriodteitl publ.shes such thrill* ing t .les or such capitol stories of real life. Mis. Ann 8 Stephens, the celebrated au4 h ir of •Fashion and Famine.’ is one of the editors; and she is assisted by all the best loin de authors of America. All the storiesr puhii h'd are original, which cannot be said i.f any coteinporary. Moraliiy and vir.lie are always ineulcHied. The newspaper press and ihe ladies unite to pronounce it he tm st readable of the Magazi es. I 8 SUPER B .MEZZ JT hs-CS, And other stee l eu ravings, are the best pub ished anyw here; ate executed fur it by the first artists: and at the end of each year, are alone worth lbc subscription. ITS CoI.ORKl) KA“IIION FLA I I S Ate the only reliable cuts published it! America; aud are as elegant ;s they art) correct, being magniliretitly tngrnvcd st.i t plates, Ihe Pans, Loudon, Philadelphia, and New York Fashions are ileserilird, at length bach mouth. It is the text bo'qli.i.f Fashion in DoslnU, New Yolk, and Phil i"- delpbia. Its departments cf jN’ctc Receipts crotchet tcnrlc , Embroidery Netting, liortieuTur ■. acting cnara e > kni'ti: g, and female i qttesiri mism. are a• • ways well filled, profusely illusttated, arid lien wiiti the latest novelties. It isilie he tr Ladies’ Magazine in the world, try it tot one year. TERMS, ALWAYS IN A D VANG I < )ue copy for one year, jj;2, tlnee ccq ■< J” for oat. year. .s•"> : live copies for . oe yet.:}■ s7 SU; eight copies lor one yar, §10; six’ teen copies for one year, §2O. PREMIUMB fmh g.tting tr CLI’B’- 5 ‘ To every person g. t ing #p a club, due I ‘Purl Folio (M art for containing fifty sic. I en"ravings w ill be given gratis. ‘ I of a club nf six’ecu, HO extra ropy of the At age uZioe lo 1 ’ ibfi/ will be si-nt in atiiiitii it. Air-lress, (JIIA’B J. .Pc. ! EllfcOiV. No. 1112 Chestnut street. Phtlildeq hi.;.- Iho Voiumes begin with nuinhr s for Jiiuuatjr and July, hut suhscrib’us i. cotrifri'-'iite with any other mouth 0 y p.e. te. Ila. k uuml “ts luroishcd if i.'t s.i C.c