Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, November 18, 1856, Image 3
Executive Department, > Miu.BoacTn.Lt. Nor. 1,1856 ) IN conformity with a custom, sanctioned by tha piety ot all age* and enjoined by the I Great Law Girar of tha Universe, and respond- | ing l the suggestion, which aeaka, by procuring concert of action among the Executives of the aevernl Statea. to aet apart a filed day for gene- i ral Thanksgiving throughout the Union, i, Herachel V. Johnson, Governor of Georgia, do hereby deaipiale Tltureday, the 80th day of this (ireaeiit immßi, aa a day of Thanksgiving and Supplication, aud racoatueod tha people Ihraaghout tha Slate, or. that day, to suspend their ueual basinets, and tha various religion. ; denominatiotte to assemble in tlicir respective pWc auf weielrip, and engage In exercise* of devotion suitable to the occasion. Let u*. ita a people, acknowledge witb gratitude, the niani- I fold mercies of God. Let ua thank Him for : our ad aption from war. pestilence arid famine; lor oar national and aocial blessings; fur the ■pro.prrity which (mil’ son our beloved country. Remembering our ahort.cooiirga and repent, irg of our sins, let ua implore Divine forgive ness. Let ua pray for tha banishment of section* a I aniiao.iti a and strifes; for ths prevalence of political fraternity and justice; for deep devo tlO'i and fidality ta the Federal Conatilutioii, -whicn ia tha bond of ear Union; for Heavenly wiedom to guide oui Kulcra; for the ax ulsion f “spiritual wickedness in nigh place*,” and dor tha establishment of that “righteousne** which exalteth a nation.'’ Given under my hand and Seal of tha Exrcu. liv* Department, at tha Capitol in Mtlledg* etilo, *■ the day and vear above written. HERsciiEL v. Johnson. Uv tha Governor; L. H. Buncos. Sac. Ex. Dep’t. Nov IS-It BACON! BACON!! WE have a fine Ini of TENNESSEE BACON at ihe store former ly occupied by M. H. Joyce, in Eufauln, Ain., and atColumhu*. Oa., at low price., and much rheaperthan Porn at the pri ut jrrlre*. H. A, RICHAKUb & CO. Eufala. Nov 18. Executors** Sale. AGREEABLY loan order es the Court rs Ordinary of Randolph county, will he sold • l Executor* Sale, in the town of Cu'hbeit, he fore the Court House door, between the u-unl hour* of sale, u the first in January iicxi, the House and Lot whereon Mrs. Rehec ca Janes lived, and fit Acre* of Land adjoin ing. Also.the Plantation lyin* near Doth, bert. which ha* been cultivated by her, contain lug about 420 ACRES. •Sold as the prop* erty of the estate f William Janes, late o’ said county, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of said estate. Terms made known on the day u s sale. JOHN W. JANES. )„ DAVID H. JANES, \ Executor*. Nov. 18—14— Sin IBs VITCHMAKGR & JEWELLER, CIJTHIiLItT, GA. Nov. 18-ts Strayed FROM the houie Ilf A. P. Mi'rhell, in Kaudalpii rnuntv, nn the 4>lt inst., •• small light hey Marn MtJI.E shod before, some sputa nn her bark reused hy the saddle. Sard Mol* is |2 years o'd. A-rtv in. forutuiinsi respecting said Mule will he thankfully received hy she subscriber at ISAAC DVIUIY. Nov. 18 3 • J. F. M. CALDWELL, Attorney at Law, and Land Agent, COLQUITT, Miller County , Go. PRXCTICES in all the Cuuntiea of the Patahla and Southwestern Circuit* All money eollactad will b handed over im mediately, He will apply for and receive Laud Warrant*, and either buy them at the market price or aoll th'ru for the otenor. He will eleo examine, bay er eel I any Land* Sing in Siuthwaatern Georgia, at the requeat of e owner or pnrchaaer Prices— Fur examining a lot of Land in M'ller county, #5. In Early, Decatur,Cull oun, Baker, Lee, and Randolph. $lO. Examining, baying and selling, 20 per cent. Novi U-ly Bacon an it Flour . SMITH k LENNNARD are receiving from Tennease*. £O,OOO Pounds of Ba con, of the beat quality Alae, a lot of Cothbrrt, Sep'. £-if E. ROBERTS, ■ITI.TCH-Mi.XSSs iFqpin (ietievH, Switzerland.) BEGS le iV most respectfully te inform the citiZKi.s of Cullibert and vicinity, that lie lots arrived in their midst, aud taken rooms at the old •• Exchange,' 1 next to l, e Brooks’ House, where he is prepared to do all work in his line of husim ss in the most perfect niauuvr, at short nolice, nod on runsooable teims. liaving practiced the Watchmaking business since mi early period in his file, in Geneva, Par is anil London, he may well assure the public tlint he is inferior to none of Ins competitors, and therefor* h.'poi to be favored with me pationaga of this town and vicinity. If sufficient encouragement should bo extend, ed to him. so that ho can make it to his interval to permanently locate in Cuitibon he will bring a large and well assorted slock of Watches and Jawelry. U* All Watches sold or repaired will be war ranted for twelve mouths, accident* excepted. Nov. 4 —St BLACKSMITH £ WAGON SHOP. rR3HE undersigned will open, on the first JL day of Janiiaiv, 1867, the Shop formerly occupied by W. 11. J. Chapman, for the pur pose of carrying on the Blacksmith and Wagon business in all ils various branches. Wagons repaired, and Blackamithing of all kinds done as good and aa cheap as at any other Shop in Cullibert. None but competent workmen will he employed. A portion of the public patronage It solicited. Oct 21-ts J E MOSELEY. NOTICE TO^PLANTisr Ware-house at Georgetoicn. Till!** iubtcfibeni hereby in- ~ , form the ciiizem of Clay. L JfijLj Ititiidolfjfi and Surw.-irl cquhliqn. that they hav taken charge the well known in lbb-eottsb . at G'-orguluw ii, and have put it ill thorough mid ; complete repair for the rercpli nos tO T TON this svaaon. They will keep coitslaiilly on hand a supply of BAGGIiNG & KOPK, which they will sell at thn lowest imrket prices I St ict attention paid to the receiving uud for. i warding ot ail Good* entrusted to their ears, i IS Liberal advances inado on all Cotton in sl> re. From the past experience of Mr. Riordan in this business, and a determination on the part of both to give saiisfactmn. they ask their friends and the public to give them a c ill. Harrison a. riordan. G nrgetown, Sopt. IJ-tf fallYwTnter ’ E aie receivi: g and opening one of Ihe TV most Heainhb* stocks of FALIi AND WINTER QOOD3 that has ever been c* hibilod in Ibis or any othcrinarkel S"nl!) e s Mn\ son A DiX ui s line. The Srn.lts. Quai.l rv and LOW P KICKS of our entire Stock apeak for thomselres. We hava a large aud choice aoi intent o( Foreign and American j W&'it: I eampriiiiiiif RICH and iihmt EU!G\NT Pat ! if Silk*. fro n s'lo to 87'> li t fulsome | WORSTED GOOD.S, of- figures, mid in j fact, LI DIES’ DREW GOODS of every style, quality and quantity. CALICO Mrnm ten Cents up. Ginghams., DeLaiues, Alpnccns, Cashmeres, . Meriuoes, Black Silk, French Woolen l’laid*,| Embroideries, Laces, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Uc The HIBDONS we have, cannot be equalled in this country lor RICH V ESS and BEAUTY. For once, the L idles can he amply supplied “j&JfciBSS MM2WSrS new and fresh from Fans. Aa to our assortment of man til |3I*S Tnl mits and Shawls, *ll hare them from 8)0 8 *5. all shapes and colors that are fashion a ble, so that we cao suit all tastes, from the gay and dashing, to the meek and modest. Al-o, a supply of White (ioods. Homespuns, Bed Ticking, Bleached and Brown Drilling!. A splendid as'ortuiont of Bools and Shoes Lad) ■* G tilers and Slippers, Negro Shoe*. Ne gro Kerseys. Blankets and Linseye. lIATS and CAPS of every shape and six*. READY MADE CLOTHING. This, all gentlemen ul tnsto are requested to examine. W can fit from hoys of email statue to men of the largest nixe. Ha dware, Crockery, Jewelry, die. We hare made sp eial arrangements with the Steamers nd Rail Roads, by which we enn allow our Goods to sell at a SHORT PROFIT. JENKINS A ATKINS. College Street, 3d door below the P. O. Culhbert. Sept. 13 lm WKW siLsmss shop. f fil.iE undersigned has opened a HAR ESS JL SitOP in Culhbert. in tlie house lormerlv occupied b. J. B. Ileudr x & Cos., uext door to me Drug Store, where all kind- of H A K N IS S S will be put up in as neat and durable style a.- can dene in the South, which will he sold only for CASH or approved Notes. REPAIRING of all kinds done promptly, for which the Cash will be required before the work leaves the Shop ASA ALEXANDER. Oct, 14-6 m 9 3® &V? Mr Sr $ ATTORNEY AT LAW, •Morgan, Calhoun Cos. Ga. PRACTICES in Calhoun and adjoining Counties. Business entilisted to his cine wilt receive prompt and energetic i !te..tiul. Oe 21 In G. N. EI DEL'D’S GREAT SOUTHERN SHOW! TUE OMV SOITUEM COM PAM’ NOW TIiAVELING IN AMERICA!! And the Largest and Best Establishment In the U. States. SOUTHERN MEN, SOUTHERN IIORSF.S, SOUTHERN ENTER PRISE AGAINST THE WORLD!! CONSISTING of over TWO HUNDRED MEN AND HORSES, the best Performer*, the hen Rand, unit the finest stud of Horses in Ain* rice. will exhibit PRESTON, November 25th; LUMPKIN, November 26th ; CUTHBERT, November 21th ; FORT GAINES, November 28th. C! -Tk SS JU> m G. N. F.LDRED proclaims to the Smith that at it return fur the generous patronage that has evsr crowned his effort. to ph-Hse, lie has this season combined THEI3 GP.2U.T SHOWS and engaged the world renowned FRaNCONI HIPPODROME TROUPE, to ap pear in conjunction with his splendid ANIMAL EXHIBITION aud GREAT SOU THERN CIRCUS. The Great Southern Circus Department. Cl OWNS—Sam Long, John Patterson, uud the great American Clown and Skaks pearenn Jes'rr Jimmy Reynolds. , LADY FQU'ESTRIAN'S—Mad ime Franrnni and M'lle Henrietta. Motts. Frtiticoni will introduce his iinappmaetinble truitied Horses. W. Odell, the t'omie Killer and great Double Thrower. C, Morrison will astonish the audience by his riminriimmt performance nn a chair erected nn a pole thirty feet high, held and supported by Mon*. M inner J imu*, the Champiuu Equestrian of the South, Vandean Brother*, by Helser and Jenning*. Mohs, Cnstello. the great Globe Performer. \V. Johnson, the Slack Rope Performer. Juveniles of (he. Company Master John and Jack. Leader of the B ud—C. Vollandt, w hich is * sufficient guarantee for the excellence of (lie Music A man walking nn the Ceiling, head down, by means of the scientific application nf the principles of adhesion. hy G. N. Fldred. Master John I obinson in his superb Principal act; Juveniles of the Troupe iu Panto mi. e. Ballet Dancing. Comic Afterpieces. Sir., are among the grand features of this exhihi'ion, m iking in all the in*t attractive and interesting entertainment aud the best FIFTY CENT SHOW ever oflVed to the people of the -South. FREE EXHIBITION. M Ll* lb. ISABELLE W il’ make a CR AND TERRIFIC jEKIAL ASCENSION, nn a wire 200 feet long! extended at a dr/xv height, ou aide the tent, from the top of the renlie pole to t lie gtKilt'd ! This gratuitous spectacle, outside aijd free to all, is prohnhly the most atart ling lhat has ever been afforded to a cotnniuni y who admire couriige and skill, and will be p ‘silively exhi Idled every <luy that the Sturm in ‘V not bn inch as to render the feat revolting to bn inanity. SAM. HENDRICKS, Agent. Nov, —2v GREAT EXCITEMENT massage 1 THE SHORTEST TRIP, and the greatest saving ol time, talk and money, is to go to S. N. HURD’S, and purchase your Eall and Winter Goods. Every thing that is rich ran and beautiful in the Lidie,’ Department, can be found at HURD’S. Alautil- U& of the f't lowing styles : FLORENTINE. SERENAS. CLEOP \TR *. ANNABKLLE, EUREKA. MOIRE ANTIQUE CLOAKS, BLACK VELVET SHAWLS, &e. DESS3 SOOE3. SILK ROBES. BROCADES. FANCY STRIPED and PLAIN BLACK SILKS of every variety of style and pattern; WORSTED GOODS of all kinds. (Children's Department not neglected,) BONNETS of the latest Fmcmch Stilus, and most Fashionable diminutiveuexs j MUSLINS. LACES. EMBROIDERIES, JACONETT BANDS, &*.. &r. Dress Trimmings. ° RIBBONS, RUCHES, ERMINE, CLOVES, HOSIERY, FRENCH ARTIFICIALS. Can all be had at HHU)’S< MSB, FREXCII AND AMERICAN PRINTS, A large assortment, at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Opera Flannels, Tweed*, Cloth*. Cassimere*, Satinet!*, Bleached and Brown Drilling, Kentucky Jean*, Homespun*. Bleached and Brown, from 5 cent* tip, Heavy Blankets, u large *tock purchased exptessly for this section of the couniry. CLOTHING of the Latest and most Fashionable style. Hoots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, School Books, Stationery, A full assortment of articles in the Fancy Line, with many other things too nu merous to mention, tan bo obtained by calling at HURD’S, where everybody ind bis wife, and the rest of the world generally, are already rushing to see the latest and best inventions for adorning the person, and the promotion of ease and comfort. l iberal deductions made for fYf In consequence of the present facilities afforded by a direct line of transportation, and the immediate prospect of a Railroad from Americas to this place, all kinds of Goods can be sold at the very smallest profits at HURD’S, No 4, Court Square. Cnthbert, Sept. 30-ts * Land Warrants Wanted. FOR which i lie highest market price will be paid. Call and see me before you sell. O. I*. bEALL Cuthbert, An ; .3 mos. .1. uun tiji\, WiTI'IIIUKER & JEWELLER, CU I'FI BERT, Ga At g- IC-ly New Goods! WILLIAMS & JONES ARE now ri-caiving slid opening their stack of FALL aud WINTER ‘ GOODS. Consisting in part of ( Fancy Plaid and Plain Black Silks, j Cashmerei, Merinoes, Cltallics, , Figured and Solid DcLaincs, Persians, Ginghams and Prints. A large and beautiful assortment of UI&&S9 £'&£££&£&’&# Laces, EMBROIDERIES, U LOVES. I j HOSIERY, ftp. ‘ Their stock of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS ‘ and £HAW LS, cannot bw belt in thi market. I Swiss, Jaconet and Nmsook Muslins, Corded Checked and Plain White Cambrics, Bleached Goods, Linseif * Kerseys Jilnnkets, Tickings Sec., Arc., WORSTED GOODS forG ullein.n and Boy's wear, iu great varialy. Ou of III* largsat aud beat .ofteted stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING ever before exhibited in Cutlibart. Also, au excellent assortment of Boot 9 & Shoes, Hats, Caps, Books. Stationery. Hardwire, Sad dlery, Crockt-ry, DRUGS, MEDICINES, Ac. They would asy to the cilia ms of Cuthhert and .urrounding country, that they cun and tei/1 sell thaui g,>od a* clump aa ar.y ono el<*.- O* ‘Hie Ladiaa particularly ara invited to call andexauiii ther Stuck. wjllUMs & jones. Under the Bruoke’ House. Cutlibart, Si pt- 23-if S. DANIELS & CO7, North East Corner Public Square, AMKRICUS, Cia. BEG leuvr to call the attention of the citi* inns of South Western Georgia to their •lock of Furniture, Pianos, &c. They have now added to their Stock, a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches Clocks Rich Jewelry, Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Sfc free. Among their stock may be found Elegant Gold Wu cites, for Ladies and Gentb ineu ; Ele gant Silver Watches, various qualities ( Eight 1 Day and Thirty hour Clocka, handsome Stylea, and warranted ; Rich JEWELRY i.i great va riety ; SiKei Sp oil., Forks, Butter Knives, Cups, Ac ; Silver Plated Custora, Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Ac.; Waiters, Spoons, Knives, Forks, Ac. Consisting in part ol Cltftits, Bedsteads, Tables, Bureaus, Wash.-tunds, Rich Chamber Setts, Softs, Tele a Tetes, Wardrobes, Ceutre I übles, Book Cases, &c., &. We have a fine assortment of Cbickoriug’. celebrated PIAITOSj in Rosewood case* of the neweat styles, with a good assortment of rich and common Mitrora, Window Shades, Matt*, and many other&rticles. I rT Watclto* and Jewelry repairedm the best manner, America*, Sept 13-4 in BOOT SHOE ~ riIHE Subscribe™ would inform JL their patrons and (lie public gn-yjjjjf erl!y, that they will keep constantly on hand a very extensive assortment f Gent’s BOOTS, and Lady’s Walking SHOES. ALSO, 2,000 pairs of NEGRO SHOES put up of the oest mateiial. Carriage and Wag on It arneas, double and tingle. Repairing done with despatch. O’ Farmers and others would do well to call and examine our stork before purchasing else where, as we ar<- determined to sell low for cash or approved paper. GOFF dt CO. Cuthbert, Aug. 16 ts JOHN WHIT. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CUTHBERT, Randolph County, Ga. WILL practice in the counties of Ran. dnlpli, Terrell. Dougherty, Baker, Cal houn, Early, Clay, Miller and Stewart. O’ Business intrusted to his ca re shall always receive immediate and raourr attention. Aug. 16-ly BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite the Pnsseuger Depot, MACON, GA. t —_7~” -JJ k IT Meal* ready on the arrival of every Train. > Sept. 13 ly E. E. BROWN. It, a iroittß, Attorney at Law, CUTHBERT, Randolph County, Ga. WILL practice in the P.itaula and South western Circuits. All business intrust ed 11 his care will receive ptoinptand immediate attention. Oct. 7 6in Gnnsmithing in Variety. W. J. PAGE RF.SI’ECTFULLY informs the eilitss es i Randolph and tho adjoining counties, that he has located in Cuthbert, and is prepared to do all kinds of WiVSBa’TTMiT®, such as in iking ami repairing all description! of Guns, Pistols, Locks, Ac. Everything dons in his line will be attended to satisfactorily and with despatch. Patronage to bts e*iublinuiunt la respectfully solicited. D“ l’crms CASH. Culhbert, Aug. 16-ts I-cgal Blanks O Fever) ds-enpupn printed .o order r.l !ViS U.ce EMPORIUM OF WABiammt AT BROOKS’ TAILOR- m ing Establishment, up over the Drug |Qu3t Store, wltere all persons de siring work, can have i'fc\Sf J done us well und us cheap it can be done in Southwest- cm Georgia, zSBKS? O Terms CASH. Cuthhert, Aug. 16, IBMi-Cw CIRIW! CARRIAGES fT FMMIE undersigned would respectfully inform JL the cititcns of Randolph aud the adjuini g counties, that they are prepared to build for Cash, or approved Small Notea, Vehicle# < every description in a style and finish not ear passed by any shop South. We employ no and thertfur* can warrant all work dona at oar Shop. HjT Repairing done neatly and with prompt ness. Thankful for past patronage, wo solicit ■ liberal share for the future. F. A A. LEHMAN. Cuthhert, Aug. 16,1666-if DllUli STOREjJRIC STORE I &? veamm HAVE and will keep constant* SflHfe ly ou hand, in Cullibert, a MPT# large and well aelectod assortment Bin Drags, Alrdiclnee, Palme, Oils, Dye HeD Ptrjumtry, frc., and everything pertaining to their line of oo* ness, which they ofif.-r upon aa reasonable term as they can bs had in South Western Georgia The public are requested to “ taka due nolio a. Cntlibe rl, Aug. 16-ts. JOHN HAMILL, MOD EJ NK TT JK MB TT fy CUTHBERT, GA. jffWUh DR. H. will faithfully exeauto (WwaeswKall liusiness enfrusteJ to bis ear*, I.L~ tn q fluiers himself that if thosa who have diseased Teeth, or wish Teeth insert, cd, will call on him, he will fully satisfy them, hy experience and otherwise, that they need not go elsewhere to have their work well dans. O’ All work Warranted, nd no pay will bo required if satisfaction is not given. 03*Office next door to the Poet Oils*,* Os second dour west of Webb's Hotel. Aug. 16 ly GEORGIA, IT Randolph County. S WHEREAS. Henry J. Hunt and Benja min F. Adams applies to me for letteis of Guardianship for the person and property of William Ti Smiley, a lunatic ; These are therefore to cite and admonish the friends and next of kindreu of said lunatic, to be and appear at my Office within the time pre scribed by law, then and there to file their oh jectious, (ifany they have,) otherwiselettare will lie granted said applicants. Given under my hand at Office, thia 23d Oo toher, lAV,, J. D. LENNAWD. Oct 28 Ordinary. (JEOJIGI ? Randolph Cuontt, y WHEREAS, Agnstus T. Amo* npplie* to me for letter* of Administration on the Estate of Bennett 11. Perkin*, lain of *uid county decerned. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular. to be aud appear ai my offi a within the time prescribed by law, then and there file their objections, (if any they have,) otherwise lettei* will be gran ted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, thi* 10th November 1856. J. D LENNARD, Ordinary. November 11, 1056. Administrator’* Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, be. fore the Court House door in Cuthbert, withie the legal hours of sale, the following described Lands lewit: Lots Numbers 84, 35, 80s and 45, all ia the Seventh JJistrict of said county. Also, Lot number 330, and Forty Acres off the Nosth-west corner cf Lot Num ber 195 | and 60 Acre* off the South-west corner ul Lot Number 195. All in the Sixth District of said County, and sold a* the property of Lorenxo D. Price, deceased. Sold for. the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. AARON PRICE. J LORENZO D. PRICE, $ AUmr# ‘ Oct. 28-2 m Administrator** Sale. AGREEABLY to an Order of the Coart of Ordinary of Randolph county, wilt he sold <>n the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in Cuthbert. within the legal hours of sale. NEGRO MAN, named UHah , about 4 years old. and a NEGRO WOMAN named Maria, about 35year* old. Sold a*the property of William R. Curraway, deceased, for ihn benefit of the beirs and creditor! of said de ceased. ELI F. GLOVER, Nov. 4-tds Administrator- Administrator’s Sale. 4GKEEA BLI2 to an order of th* Ordinary of Harris county, will be sold before the Couit House door in Cuthbert, Randolph coun iy, on the fir-i Tuesday in December uext, one undivided half of lot ol Land, No. 59, in t) * Ninth District of originally Early, now Ron* dolph countv, it being n pari of the real estate of Richard K. Beal, Tate of Harris eouaiy de cease, xml s>ld for the benefit of the heir* of said and ccoseJ. Terms cash. It is probable the remaining half of the land will be sold at the same time. M. ROBERTSON. Administrator with the Will annexed. | Oct. 3Uds Two Months VFTER DATE, application will be made b> the Honorable Court of Urdinary of | Randolph County, for leuve to sell all the Real Estate of L"renxo D Price, late of said county deceased. Thi*23 I October, 1856. AARON PRICE, ) LORENZO D. PRICE, j Adm * Oct. 28-2tu ror Sale* Tip HE House now occupied by Newell A .1 Hendrix is fur stle. If not sold by the first of January nest it will be for rent for th* next year. Apply- to F. LI.IIMAN. Aog t} ts __ __