Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, November 18, 1856, Image 4

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    Drift! u
It was only (he other day that n min
fell asleep in hi* boat on the Niagara liv
er. During his alumber ihe boat broke
loose lioti her moorings, and he woke to
find himself shooting down the rapid* di
rectly towards the cataract. In vain he
shrieked lor help in vain he tried to rw
against the current, ha drifted on, and on,
and on, till his light cralt upset, when he
war borne tapidly to the brink nf tha ab
ys*, and leaping up, with a wilder'/, went
over and dissappeaied forever.
In the great battle of Gibraltar, when
the united fleet* ot Fiance and Spain at
tacked the impregnable loitre**, one of
the gigantic floating batb-re* br ke from
her line ho age and began to drift directly
into the hottest nf the Butish fiie. The
thousand men who fonned Ihe crow of
the on wieldly mass, vainly atrore to ai*
rest its progress or divert it liorr it* p ith.
Every minute it drilled nearer to the En
glish guna, every minute some new pait
took fire fiorn the red hot (hot, every
minute anothei score of it* hapless defen
ders were swept, like chaff from its decks.
The most snprihumtrn • (Toils failed to
prevent its rfiil iug, with its human freight
to inevitiible death.
A ship waa wrecked at sea. The pass
•engers and crew took leluge on a raft,
the boats having been stove in the at
tempt to launch them. For days and
weeks these unfortunates drifted without
’ oar oi sail, on the hot, brazen, tropical
ocean. At last their provisi >n failed and
then the water ; still rltey diifted about
vainly looking lor a sail, or hoping for a
sight of land. The lime had now come
when that fearful alternative became in
evitable—death Irom starvation or feed
ing on human fle-h—-and they were just
beginning lo cast lot* for a victim wlirn a
vessel was seen lar away on the distant
horizon. They abandoned their teirible
design; the stiauger Would approach
The ship came towards them, She drew
nearer. They s'rove to attract her alien
tion by shouts and by raising their cloth
ing ; but the indolent look-out raw them
not. They shouted louder; still they
weie not siren. At last Ihe vessel tacked
‘Vilh frantic terror they arose in one bod-
V, .shouting and waving their garments.—
It was in vain. The uticousnouj ship
stood steadily away. Night drew on and
as the daskness fell, th# raft dulled nnd
drilled and dnfted in the other direction
till the last trace of the vessel was lost
So it is with life. The intemperate
man, who thinks he at least will never
die a drunkard, whatever his neighbor
may do, only w ake* to find himself drill
ing down the cataract, and all hope gone.
The aensuali-t lives merely for his own
gratification, diifts into an emasculated
old age, to be tortured with passion he
cannot giatify, and perish by merciless
agonizing diseases. The undisciplined,
who never learn to control themselvo*.
who are spendthrift* or passionate, or in
dolent oi visionary, soon make shipwreck
of themselves, and diift about the sea ot
life, the prey of every wiud and cm rent,
vainly shrieking lor help, till at last they
di ill away into darkness and death.
Take care that yu are not drifting.—
See that you have fast hold of the helm.
The breakers ot hfe forever roar under
the lee and adverse galea continually
blow on the shore. Are you watching how
she head* f Do you keep a firm grip on
the wheel? If yon give way lor but one
moment, you may drift helplessly into the
boiling vorh x. Young man, take cate 1
It tests with youiself alone, under God,
whether you iech port tiiumphanlly, or
drill to ruin.— [Baltimcre Sun.
Men who live by manual labor are
looked down upon and pitied, and it is
not until (hey become independent of it
-—until Iheii brown and horny hand* grow
somewhat white and soft—diop the tool
and wear the tawdry ring, that they are
Considered respectable and happy. It
cornea not within our plan to dace the
origin of this monstrous idea, which has
risen to such a teigning power over Ihe
ervilizi'd world. We aver however, that
it springs neither horn true philosiihy nor
the Bible. Physical labor is a Divine in
stitution. In the days of human inno
cence, man was put into the gaidan “to
dress and keep it.” Asa Divine insti
tution. instead of being an obstruction to
true progress, it is one of his most effect
ive and necessary means to promote vi
gor ol body, mind and character. Why
does the Almighty require man to labor,
think you ? Why does he require him
to ply his physical energies in order to
extiact horn ihe eaith the necessaiy ele
ments ol life ? Why has lie left us to
build cur own garments, and to dig out ol
the soil our own food f Could not he,
who adorns the lily, and feeds the fowls
of heaven, have piepared all to ur
hands ? Manifestly, yes, But tie has
not done so, became we have souls, and
physical luboi is adapted to developc their
moral powers.
■ As no man can tell where a shoe
pincheth better t ban be that wears it. so
no man can tell a woman’s dispontieu
better than he that hath wedded her.
A wsnt.-n eye is a messenger of an un
chaste heart.
(ks> It it better to be unborn than un-1
taught, for ignorance is the rout of mis
A cu'.i vated mind and good heart’
will give au intellectual expression to (be
face. ■
Capital Prize sto 000!!
3,280 Prives—Lowest S4O.
Mure than one Prize to every 111 Tickets.
f Authorised I>JT the Stale of Georgia.]
To he drawn in the City of Atlanta, Gn,
in public, on Friday, Nov. 28,1850, on
the Plnn of
Slnle Number**
It/” Purchaser* in buying 111 Whole Tickets
( w hen the number* ind in I. 3, !l, 4. 5, 0. 7. 8.
O, nra guaranteed n Prize of s4U—Halves
und (Quarter* in proportion.
SAM’L SWAN & CO. Managers.
8,280 P It 1 Z i: SI!
204,000 Dolls
Will be distributed according to the following
1 Prize of g.VI.IHHf is $50,000
2 On of 20,000 ia 40 000
2 do of 10.000 is 20 000
1 do of 5.000 is 5 000
2 do of 2 500 is 5.000
2 do of I 000 is 2 000
20 do of 500 ia 10.01)6
50 do of 300 is J 5.000
75 do of 200 is 15,000
100 do of 100 is It) non
125 do of 6i is 7.000
4of S4OO Vpprnx'imgto SSO 000 arc 1600
4 of 300 Appn.x’tiitg to 20.000 are 1200
4 “f2‘>o Approx’llrg to 10.000 are 000
4of 150 Approx'tiug to 5.000 are 6t)o
Bof 60 Apprnx’liog to 2 500 are 480
Hos 40 Approx'ting to 1.000 are 320
80 of 35 do do 500 are 2.8(H)
300 of 80 do do 200 are til MM)
1,000 Prizes, amounting lo $200,000,’
There are 30 000 Tickets numbered from
I to 30.000. There are 15.185 Prizes a
■nounling to 204,000. The drawing takes
place in public under the superintendence
of two a worn Commissioners, The Num
bers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with
those Numbers on the Ticket-, printed uii
separate slips of paper, are encircled with
small lit) tubes, and placed in one wheel.
The first 117 Prizes, similarly priuted
and encircled, are placed in another wheel,
The wheels are then revolved, and a Num
ber ia drawn from the wheel of Numbers,
and at the same lime a Pi ize is draw n Irom
the other wheel. The number and Prize
drawn out are opeueil and exhibited to the
audience, and registered by the Commis
sioners the Prise beiug placed against the
number drawn. This operation is repeated
until all the Prizes are drawn out.
approximation prizes.
The two preceding nnd the two succeed
ing Numbers to those drawing the first 117
P. will )>e entitled to the 68 Approxima
tion Prizes, according to she Scheme.
The 15.000 Prizes of $d are determined
by the number which draws the $40,000
piize— if dial number should be an odd
number, then every odd number ticket in
the Scheme will k be entitled to $8 ,if an
even number, then every even number tick
et will be entitled In $8 in addilmu to auy
other Prize which may be drawn.
All those tickets ending with 0 2 4.6 8,
are even—all those ending with I, 3.5, 7,1)
are odd.
Remember every I’rizo is drawn, and
payiude in full without deduction.
CO* AU Prize* of $1 000 aud under paid
immediately alter tlieiltawing—other prizes
at the uual time of thirty days, in full with
out deduction.
All communication* strictly confidential.
The drawu numbers will tie forwarded lo
purchaser* immediately after the drawing.
Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in oth
er tickets at either tfice.
Address order* for Tickets of Certificates
of Packages of Tickets either to
S. S\V \N te CO., Atlanta, Ga.
OrS. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala.
Sept. 13-ly
Randolph Countt. I
Court of Ordinary, Angus Term, 1800
WIIKKKA-S, John M. K. Gulin, adinini*
trator on the estate <>f Henry A Guff,
Intc of said county deceased, having fully ad
ministered the goods mid clmltlcs of said deceas
ed, petitions tilts Court for Letter* of Dismis
It is therefore oidered that all and singular tho
parties interested in smd estate shew cause at
the February Term of this Court, why smd ad
ininisirator should not then and there be dismiss,
ed otherwise, letters will be granted; and that
this Rule he published in terms of law.
A true Extract from the Minutes of Randolph
Court of Ordinary.
J. D. LENNARD, Ordinary.
Aug. 16-in6m
Fop Snip.
FJ3HE undersigned i9 now off ring on rea-
JL amiable term*, hi* VALUABLE PLAN
TATION, on Pnchitlar Creek, for nalo. The
selllvtneiil contains 1300 ACItLS, and is
well a.laptod to the growth of both Corn and
Cotton. On the place there is a good Crist and
Saw Mill, with an ineiliuuetihlc quantity of
fine timber, and an abundant demand for Lin
ber. There are also 240 At-KES of pea i
Land. The place is supplied wit han abundance
of water as well for machinery as Plantation
purposes, and is within four mile* of the South-
Wostern Railroad from Ainoricu* to Cuthbert.
Persons wishing to buy such property, will
do well to come and see uic, s I will sell a hat
ter bargain than anybody.
Sept. 23 ts
Hides M 'anted,
riyilE highest market price paid for good
JL sound Hides, by GOFF & CO.
Cuthbert, Ang J4-tf
OF every description done at the Report
FJMHE subscribers desirn to advise their
JL friends, and the Printing Interest
generally, that since the late fire, which in
jared nnly the manufacturing department
of their establishment, they have entirely
ri fitted the same wiih new machiaeiy, and
have availed themselves of the opportunity
lu introduce every
which long experience and capital can com
maud; and that they have therefoie une
qualled facilities for producing ‘I YPE of
superior excellence and durability, and of
supplying all orders fur the same with great
itccumcy and promptness'. Our
New Specimen Book,
(just issued) will he freely sent to all who
wish to purchase, when applied for. Print- ]
eis will please he particular in directing
how it tnay lie sent
We also furnish every article needed in a
Priuting Olli<e, at manufacturer’* prices.
(Machine and Ha iti.) I lot s’. I aylors’ Ad
ams', Buggies', Chase's Diamond Press,
(of which we are sole agents in this city,)
and of every other maker in the United
Slates ; Ink. Cases. Stands. Imposing
Stones, Composing Sticks, Galleys, (bras
and wood.) Clta-es, Furniture, tec.
Orders will likewise be ft.led for Paper,
Cards, aud
Pi Inter’s Stock
of every kind. Electrotyping aud Stereo
typing ill all their branches.
Type Copper faced to order.
Old Type received in exchange for new
at oiue cents pet pound, if dcliveied in six
ty da v s from the date of purchase ; if later, j
but -ix cents per pound.
Puhlt.-hers of newspapers who will
insert this advertisement three limes, with
this note, him! forward us a paper contain
ing the saute, ill be paid it* printing mate- ,
riii Is by p; irchasing four times the amount
of their bill for the advertisement.
Second Hand Pres es (Machine and
Hand) usually nil sale.
ILTOur new Combination Borders which,
since their first introduction have been care
fully revised, and can now he justified with
the greatest nicety, hereafter will he sold at
50 ceuis per pound.
AIM. II IGAK, Jr., & CO.
Wm. H AGAR, J R., )
John Haoar. £
Novo is the time to subscribe.
For 1857,
A Monthly Periodicl of Literature, Art
and Fashion.
Edited by Mr-, Ann S. Stepkns
Charlks J. Pktkrson.
Peterson's Ladies’ Na'ional .Magazine
contains from eight hundred to a thousand
pages yearly, about thirty stel plaits, mid
user four hundred Illustrations engraved un
Its Tiinlt.i.iNo Orioinal ?Ti*ifa.
No other Periodirnl publishes such thrill
ing t„les or such cnpitol stories of real life.
.Mis. Ann S Stephens, the celebrated au
thor of T'ashiou uud Famine.’ is one of the
editors; aud she is assisted hy all the best
fern tie authors of America. All tha stories
publi hid are original, which cannot he said
of any cotemporary. Morality and virtue
are always inculcated. The newspaper
press ami the ladies unite to prououoce it
he meat readable < f the Magazi’ t*s.
And other sieel un ravings, are rhe he-i
published anywhere; are executed for it hy
the first artists; and at the end of each
year, are alone w orth the subscription.
Are the ouly reliable one* published in
America; and are as eh gam as they are
correct, being magnificently engraved steel
plates. The Paris. Loudon, Philadelphia,
and New York Fashions are described, at
length each mouth. It is the text hook of
Fashion in Boston, New Yoik, and Phila
delphia. Its departments of
yew Receipts, crotchet work, Embroidtry
Netting, horticulture, acting cnarades,
knitting, and female equestrianism, are al
ways well filled, profusely illustrated, nod
rich with the latest novelties. It is the best
(.allies’ .Magazine in the world, try it sot
owe year.
One ropy for one year, $2, three copies .
for one year, $5 ; five copies for one year,
$7 50; eight copies for one year. $10; six
teen copies for one year, S2O.
PREMIUMS for octtino up CLUBS
To every person getting up a club, our
•Port Folio of art for 1856, containing fifty
sled engravings will he giveu gratis. For
a eluh of -ixieen, an extra copy of the Mag.
uzino foe 1857 will he sent in addition.
No. 11)2 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ■
t he Volumes begin with numbers
for Jauuaiy and July, hut subscribers may
commence with any other month they
please. Baik numl'“ts furnished if desired
I FOREWARN all persons from trading
for a certain promissory Note, given by mo
to WILLI AM A N I)ERSON, for the purchase
of a horse. Said horse proving to be diseased,
and unsound, I am determined not lo pay the
note unless compelled by law. Tlie said note
will be due, Ist of Nov:, 1856.
Oct 7. ’s6.—lf. W. JORDAN.
IS hereby given to all concerned, that I shall
apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary
of Randolph county, al tho next December term,
for lenTe lo sell Lot of Land No. 184, in the
Ninth District of said county. Said lot of land
rclonging to ray c hildren, for whom I am natu
al Guardian. THOS. OSMORE,
Sept. K-2ui Guardian.
Leather ! Leather ! /
A SUPPLY of Leather constantly on h ind
/m and tor sale, by GOFF & CO.
Cuthbert, Aug. 16
t\o roat a House for the remainder of the
. y tit. Apply at this OSco.
$103,00 0!
Prizes Payable without Deduction.
Jasper County Academy
[By Authority ctf thej&Mle us Georgia.)
CLA S S s.
To he drawn November 15. 1656. at Concert
Hull, Macon, G„ under the sworn superintend
ence of Col. Gaurge M. Logan and James A
Neshit, K*q.
(£/** Remember this Lottery lias only sis
teen Thousand Number*—less than any
Lottery in the World! therefore it is die
best for investmeut. Examine tile follow
ing Scheme.
CAPITAL f 15.0C0
I p.ize ill sls (11)0 is $15,000
I do 5 000 IS 5.000
1 do 2,000 is 2.000
4 do 1.000 are 4,000
5 do 500 are 2 500
80 do 100 are 8.000
I -TOO uo 40 are 6.000
20 Approximations 100 are 2 000
56 do 50 ;.re 2 500
SO do 20 are 1,0.0
7 212 Pr ze* amounting to $102,000
Tickets $ Ml, Halves $3 Quarters $2
I he I.nOO Prizes of S4O are determined
hy the lasi figure of the number that draws
the Capital of sls 000. l*he Capi al Prize
will, of course, end with either one of th>
figures I . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9 0
Those Tickets ending with the same fig.
ureas D'e last in the Capital will he enti
tled to S4O. Halves and quarters in pro
Pc sons sending mnnev hy mail need not
fear its being lost. Orders punctually at
tended to. Communications confidential.
Bank Notes oi sound Banks taken at par.
Those wishing particular uunihers should
order immedia'ely
Manager, Macon Ga.
H. BRAKE, Agent,
Cuthbert, Ga.
Sept. 25, 1856
Gi'mirt Maryland Lottery
100,000 DOLLARS!!
Grand Consolitated
Extra Class, G.
Tobedrnwti in Baltimore. Maryland, Fri
day, November 22d, 1856.
R. FRANCE te CO., Managers.
30,000 Numbers, 1 110 PRIZES.
Payable iu Tull without deduction
W ill he distributed according to the follow
ing Splendid
1 prize of SIOO 000
1 do 50 000
1 do 25 000
• do 15 000
1 do 11 040
3 do 5 o 0
2 do 2 500
3 do . 3MIII
k 5 do I 500
5 do 1 o< >0
200 do 500
814 of SBOO approximating to S.IOO 000
4 of 600 do 50 006
4of 500 do 25 000
4of 400 do 15 000
4of 30Q do 11 040
Bof 200 do 5 000
Bof 100 do 2.500
12 of 9J do 2 sot
2o of 6o do ] 500
20 of 5o do 1 000
800 of 4o do soi>
1.110 prizes, amounting ‘o $382 5 >
Tickets S2O; Halves 10: Quars; Eighis2,so
The two preeediug aud the two succeed
ing numbers to those drawing the first 222
prizes, w ill he entitled lo the 888 approxi
mation prizes. For example :if ticket No.
11250 draws the SIOO,OOO prize, those
tickets numbered 112 48, 112.40.11251 and
112 52, will each he ciintled to SBOO, aud
so on according to the above Scheme.
lii the above srheme there are 30 000
tickets, numbered front Ito3o 0 1 0. Toere
are 222 full prizes and 888 approximaiious,
making iii all 1.11“ prizes.
’The numbers from I to 30 000 corres
ponding w ith the numbers on the tickets,
piiuted on separate slips of paper, are roll
ed up and encircled will) small Itu tubes
and placed in a Glass Wheel.
The araouuis us ttio niffcreiii 222 full priz
es, similarly primed aod encircled, are pla
ced iu another wheel. After revolving ihe
wheels, a number is drawn from the wheel
ul numbers, and at the same l ine a prize is
nrawu hum ihe ulher wheel, hy boys who
are hliiidlntdeii. Ti e uumber aud ihe
prize drawn uut arc opened aud exhibited
lo ihe audience, and registered by the Com
missioners. the prize being placed against
ihe number drown. ‘This operation is re
peated until all the prizes are drawn out l
i he drawing is ihcn printed, and alter com
parison. the Commissioner certifies to its
fljr“ All orders for tickets or packages iu
Buy of the Maryland Lotteries, will receive
prompt attention, and the drawing mailed
to all purchasers immediately after it is ov
er. Address
No. 39, or Box No 40,
Baltimore, Aid.
For Sale.
approved paper, Apply m
Sept. 13-ts T. C. TARKRRSO.N.
[Authorized by the Slate of Alabama.]
Southern Military Academy
■ ■*.
To be Drawn in tlie City of Montgomery,
A!a. ( in public, on Thursday, Nov.
13, 185 G, on the plan of
30,000 T ickets Only !
Frizes amounting to
200,030 DOLLARS
i Will be distributed according to the following
1 Prize of $50,000 is $50,000
2 do of 20.000 is 40.000
2 do of 10.000 is 20.000
1 do of 5.000 is 5.000
2 do of 2 500 is 5.000
2 do of 1.000 is 2 000
20 do of 500 is 10 COO
50 do of 300 is 15.000
75 dn of 200 is 15 000
100 do of 100 is 10 000
125 do of 60 is 75( o
4 of S4OO approx to SSO 000 is 1 600
4 of 300 do 20 00.) is 1.200
4 of 250 do 20.000 is 1.000
4 of 200 do 10.000 is 900
4of 175 do 10.000 is 700
4 of 150 do 5.000 is 600
8 of 60 do 2.50(1 is 4@o
Bof 40 do 1.000 is 320
80 of 35 do 500 is 2 800
200 of 25 do 300 is 5.000
300 ot 20 do 200 is 6.000
1.000 prizes, arnou ting to $200,000
Whole Tickets $lO, Halves 5 Quarters 2j
CrThe Alabama and Geoigia Lotteries,
as channels fur investment, present indure
men’s over any other know n scheme. The
experieuce ihe public have had of ihe mail
ageuieut of lhase Loiteiies, ihe large a
mount nf Frizes sold, the promptness with
which they hare been paid, are the best
guarantees that they will always he cou
ducted in ihe most honorable manner.
plan of the lottery.
There are 30,000Ticker* numbered from
110 3U.D00. There are 380 full prizes and
620 Adproximatious—makii g in all 1.000
‘The drawing takes place in public, under
the superintendence of (wo sworn Commis
sioners. The numbers from I to 30 000
corresponding ui'h ihe numbers on the
Tickets p: inted ou the separate slips nf pa.
per, are em ircled with imall lifi tubes aud
placed in one wheel. The first 380 prizes
similarly printed and encircled, are plared
in another wheel. The wheels are then re
volved’ and a number is drawn from the
wheel of Numb.-rs. nnd nt the same lime a
Prize is drown from lln- other wheel. Tile
iitiniher and Prize drawn out are opened
and exhibited to ihe audience, and register
ed by the Commissioners, the Prize
placed again-t the number drawn. This
•Hieraiion is repealed uutil all the Piizes
are drawn out. J
The two preceding aud the tw# succeed-1
ing Numbers to ih<>*e drawing ihe first 38(1
Prizes will he.entitled tu the 620 Approxi-J
J tnaiinii Prizes. • cording to the Scheme I
In Ordering ‘Tickets. Enclose the moue\l
jlo our address for the Tickets ordered, oil
[ -eceipt of which they will he forwarded bfl
first mail.
The List of Drawn Numbers and TrizeiJ
will be seut to purchasers immediately alteJ
the drawing. I
QJ* Purchasers will please wtite theifl
signatures plain, and give their Post Office!
County and Btate. ■
(£/“* Remember that every Prize is draw!
and payable iu full with’ ut deduction. 1
All Prizes of SI.OOO and under, pai!
immediately afterthe drawing—other I’iz!
es at the usual time of thirty days, iu fu!
w ithout deduction, !
All communications strictly confidential
Orders for Tickets should he seut iu ear|
•y- . I
Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in olhe!
Tickets at either
Orders for Tickets can he addressed r-ithH
er to S. S\\ AN te CO„ Atlanta. Ga. I
or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. I
Sept. 13 ly I
A Collection of New paper Facts and ■
Statistics, Containing 1
A Complete List of Newspapers in thl
U States. Canadas and Great Brl ain.!
FBI HE only reliable work of the kind ufl
■ the world. An invaluable assistanl
io the Editor. Book Publisher, and General
Advertiser. Bvn. $1)0 pp. I
On receipt us $2. it will be prepaid pe!
mail, to auv part of the country. Address!
LAY & BRO I’HER, Publishers, ■
No 83 Duck street. Philadelphia. I
Nov. 4-3r>.
KF.EPS constantly on hand ail kinds of
Caudias, Fruits, Cigars, fine Brandies
and Wines, Cordials. Syrups. Jellies, Pickles,
Fire Works, tec. Cakes and Pastries of every
U= Weddings and Parties supplied at short
Cuthbert, Ang. 16-ts
“M'S hereby given lo all concerned, that we
! shall apply to the Honorable Court of Ordi
nary of Randolph county, Georgia al the next
December Term, for leave to sell the whole or
a portion of tho Negroes belonging to tho estate
of William Jane*, late of said county deceas
ed. forthe benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased.
JOHN W. JANES. ? K ,. tr -
DAVID 11. JANES. J e ' l lr "‘
Oct l-2m
Tw* or Site boat Preparation* of tho Age,
They are not recom
mended as Universal
Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name pur
The Vermifuge, for
expelling Worms from
the human system, has
also been administered
with the most satisfactory
results to various animals
subject to Worms.
The Liver Pills, for
the cure of Liver Com
plaint, all Bilious De
rangements, Sick Head
ache, &c.
Purchasers will please
be particular to ask for
Dr. C. McLane’s Cele
brated Vermifuge and
Liver Pills, prepared by
sole proprietors, Pitts
burgh, Pa., and take no
other, as there are various
other preparations .now
before the public, pur
porting to be Vermifuge
and Liver Pills. All
others, in comparison
with Dr. McLane’s, arc
The genuine McLane’s
Vermifuge and Liver
Pills can now be had at
all respectable Drug
court, hy said letter* should not !>e gram
ad. A true extract from the Minutes of
■aid court This 7ih dav of July 1856
July 12
f "W*(<ua and olnamcnta£
Executed with Neatuess and Dispatch,
Circulars, Catalogs,
Business Cards, Bill Heads,
Bank Checks, Blank Notes,
Legal Blanks, Visiting Cards,
Programmes, Labels, Ac.,
Neatly and Expeditiously executed at
the office of the ” REPORTER.” Ordeia
respectfully aelicited. Tetms CASH.