Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, December 02, 1856, Image 4
Cruusmithingin Variety. W. J. PAGE UESPgCTFULLY informs llic citizen of Kaudoipli .Hid ilm M(lj<iniii’ conn • b-it |nj limh located in C'tillibert, and im paiud iu do all kinds of ‘ftWitasa'mnur®, *ue|imiking and repairing •• II descriptions of Guns. IVi.ils, I.neks, .Vo. 1C very tiling doiie in his line will bn attended to s.iiisfacti/rily mid willi dc-pitcli. Patronage to Ins cslablLiuuunl ; Is 11/'p/.-Ltllllly sidle tied. II I Terms CASII.J (] Cntbhrrt. Au. I(j if Two Month* AFT 15If D.X'J'K, application will bn mado l” tho Honorable Couit of Ordinary of It/Jlldolph (manly, (or Icnyo lo < II nil the Real ic.lale ot Lun-nxo I) I’rifle, Inin ofnai<i euiiuiy deceased. I Oniobor, l,'/Li. AARON PRICE, ) LORENZO |). PRICE, i oa.a-jvni 5 < Ol,|!mltu-S Wi: K K iTv *(>’ THOMAS DkWOLK, Editor. rOAIMC Daily Stin being now ratal/li/died on ■- 11 b,w “W‘<* ou.,ugl| and strong enough, ,s 0 B * !< ’" ru “* Permanence, wo Imvo ifrterm,nod lo carry onl or long clicrisliod intention, the nrt ibjisliineiit of a WEEKLY PA l’Elt. Tlio Weekly Sun wdl bo made nn from Hie choicest matter of our daily ; like it, will main tun. a strict neutrality ns to pally and creed: mol I ke it. will contain al| i|, e latent and most interesting nuvvs rcuuvud, up to tlio liour of go ing to press. “ On l liu Ijrstqt Scpteuil/nr mixl, we sliull have in successful operation, liberal l rapine Arrangements wliirb will ennb in in lay before our readers tile very latest news. Foreign ami Domestic, <'on.mur. iul, Poliiienl and Mis.lollaneous. Wo iniglil enlarge at great length, upon ottr inten tions ; lull (in foiling purfnnnaneo to promises, w shall endoav ,r to have the Sun” maUu ils own way exclusively upog such merit as it may po round (n>, llefore embarking in Ibis projoet, which will ho an expensive and laborious one, w ,- dusjro some guaranty of its suucuss. We therefore in vito Ktibcriptioi.a, mid invoke tho aid of uur I .lends; and an soon as One Tlioiismitl iclriMo names shall lie procured, the first number will ho issued and promptly mailed. Then, hut out till (lien, payment will lie expected of all fctih.srrihcr*. Wu shall adhere strictly to t'iu advance CASH S YS l‘E.M,not uiily lor our own, but our read ers good. I’,very reader is interested in this sys lein ; lor it is the only uuo by which a journal ran Ini successfully eslahhslied, and ils interest and usefulness in untamed. Tho Weekly Sun will he a large and hand some sheet, printed on good paper, and contain mi; a larger amount of reading matter, adapted both to specific, mid general wants mid tastes, ll.mi any paper in Western Georgia, or the Stale ot Alabama. Advertisements will not be allow ed to encroach upon our reading matter, except to a very limited extent, Subscription I’rioe, $3,50 per annum, invari ably in advanoe. Liberal inducements are ollVrod to Poatinas. pis and Agents, who will interest tlieinsolvoa to increase our circulation—inducements that will etlahlo men of energy to reap real benefit from thmr efforts in our behalf. Upon this point full particulars may be obtained by addrcssiita , . TIIU.U.VS UK WOLF. | Columbus, Aug 1850. THE IK)mi: journal l''OU 1850, NOW AM) DUILLIANT BEKIUS. ♦ll Hl’. Pirn 111! in Her of iho Now Series of ■ U>e Home Journal lor 185(5, will lie ***• next week, in anew dross and with ut w allrat lions, Ilio principal ouo of which Will ho chapter ouo of PAUL I'ANE, Oil I’ I RTS OK A LIKK KI.SK VS COLD. Novel m Serin/ Numbers. IIV W. I>. WILLIS. I his. as a return ul ilio author's pen to field which ho has tried with some succes itr tplter days, hut which ho ahundoned for the stronger title,Actions of fact and nnliire— the field of romauco—inny net ho uninter e a.lug to the class of readers who have kind ly Itdlowotl him in bulb Mis longer rxpa lienee and heller knowledge of llio world w ill, td course, give him greater advantages ill an before, lor truth-like portrayal in fic tion. lie has, besides, a largo store of per. soual observation and incident which has been kept apart front his available inaicii al while confined lo actual dcscvipUnu, and which can only bo used ikmugli the dis-iu dividualiziug process of romance. In addition tyi.ihis new feature, a scries of original sketches, songs and ballads by I‘. .Morris, and an original novelette, in yerse, founded upon fad, called, “The Mtoi.y of n Star,’ - by J IM. Field, will he published in the course of the year. lie.idcs tlte contributions und labors of the editors, the Homo Journal w ill contain the Foreign and Domestic I'oncspondcncc ol a large list of contributors—the svice ol iho Fnropean Maga/.iucs—the selections ol tbo most interesting p.ublicanoiis of the day —I he brief nnvo's—iho piquant stories —fho sparkling wit and amusing anecdote—the M,’’ w's and gossip of iho I’.irisian papers the personal sketches of public characters— Iho stirring scenes of the wot,'ld iyo live i.n —ilie chronicles of thv nows for the ladies— the fashions- tho facts and outlines ol news —tlto pick'd Fuglisli nil.iriuutioii—life wit, humor ami pathos of the limes—the essays on life, litoitilure, society and uiuials, and the usual variety uiy, idul choosings Irom tile w ilderness of English periodical litem., lure, criticism, poctiy, etc Wo need not romiud our reader* that wo have also one or two unsurpassed correspondents in the/h.s/j ----ionuhU soeiity of Stic ioi k, who will give us early news of every new feature of style ami elegance among tiiu leaders of the gay Wot Id• I Klf MS. h or one r opy, $2 ; for It copies, $5 —or one copy lot three years, ss—alw ays iu ad vance. Address MOK !! IS & Wll.i.lS, Editors and f’roprieun s, LOTTERY TICKETS, fJXOU the Southern Military Academy and the Fort (June* Ac idciny lor sale at II jj J^ iB, Woy. Js, Itinii, NOVEL SCHEME!! Capital Prize i-itOOOO!! *3,280 Prices—Lowest $ 10. More than one Prize lo every 10 Tickets. PRIZES GUARANTEED GEORGIA LOTTERY. [Authoriz’ and by the Slsto of Georgia.] FOIST (illMiS ill IDEM LOTTE Y! -.“B-vrrCLASS 20. To lie drawn in the City of Atlanta, Ga. in public, on Friday, Nov. 28,1850, on tliu Platt of Sisigle Nimißx'rs. ID'Purchasers in buying 1(1 Whole Tickets (when the numbers iml in 1,2, ‘.t, -1, 5, G, 7. H. tt,o,)aro guaranteed u Prize of $ 111 —Halves and (Quarters in proportion. SAM E SWAN & CO, Manager". THIRTY THOUSAND TICKETS. 3,280 i: SI! PUIZFS AAIUIJNTING TO 204,000 Dolls Will be distributed according to tire follow ing ORIGINAL SCHEME 1 Prize of 850,0(10 is $50.000 2 do of 20,000 is do 000 2 do of 10.000 is 20 000 1 do of 5.000 is 5 000 2 do of 2.500 in 5.000 2 do of 1,000 is 2-000 20 do of 500 is 10,000 50 do of .‘{DO is 15.000 75 do of 200 is 15,000 100 do of 100 is J O mni 125 do of <h* is 7,omi 4 of SIOO Approx'tiugto $5(1(400 aro 1000 lof 1100 Approx'ling lo 20.000 aro 120 ft l of 2nd Approx’litg lo 10,000 are 000 lof 150 Approx'tiug to 5,000 an (iOo Bof III) Approx’ling to 2 500 aro 480 Bof 40 Approx’tiug to 1.000 aro .'l2O 80 of 35 do do 500 are 2.800 110(1 of 20 do do 200 are 0000 1,000 Prizes,.amounting to $200,000 There are 30,000 Tickets numbered from lto 30.000. There are 15,185 Prizes a tuoutitiiig to 201,000. Tho dra wing takes pluco in |>til>|ic under the superintendence of two sworn Commissioners, The Num bers front I to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers on tho Tickets, printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel. I’ho first 117 Prizes, similarly printed ami encircled, arc placed iu another wheel, Tho wheels aro then revolved, and a Num ber is drawn from tho wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Ptizo is-draw it I min tho other wheel. The number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to lhe audience, and registered by tho Commis sioners, tho Prize being placed against the’ number drawn. This operation is repealed until all the Prizes arc dratt u out. APPROXIMATION PHIZES. Tho two preceding and the two.suereed ing Numbers to those drawing I lie first 117 Piizes will lie entitled to the <53 Appruxiiita- , lion Prizes, according to the Scheme, The 15,000 Prizes of $8 are determined 1 by tho number which draws the $40,000 Prize—if that number should lie an odd number, then every odd number ticket iu tho Scheme will L ho entitled to SB, if an even number, then every even number tick et will bo entitled to $8 in addition to any other Prize which tuny ho drawn. All those tickets ending with 0. 2. 4, (!. 8.; are even —all ihoso ending with 1,3, 5,7, 9, aro odd. Hemenibcr evoty I’ri/.o is drawn, nutl payable iu lull without deduction. CO* All Frizes of $1 000 and under paid immediately alter the dtawing—other prizes ; at tho usual time of thirty days, iu full with- i out deduction. , ,\ll communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will bo forwarded to j purchasers immediately alter the drawing. Prize Tickets cashed or renew ed ill oth-j er tickets at either 1 like. Address orders for Tickets of Certificates of Packages of ’Pickets either lo 8. SWAN It CO., Atiautn, (in. j Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Sept. II!- ly lmrrnsT s STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Randolph County. I Court of Oitlinary, .‘logits Term, IS3(Jj mU/IIKRKAS, John M. K Giiiiii, Ufliiiiuis T ▼ Irator oil llio estate of Henry A. Golf, late of said county doc eased, having fully ad ministered the goods and chatties of said deceas ed, petitions tins Court for Letters of Dismis sion. It is therefore ordered that all and singular tho 1 parlies interested in said estate show cause at the VVbmaiy Tumi of this Court, why said ad uunirSttaKii* should not then and there bo dismiss, oil otherwise, letters will he granted; and that this Rule ho published in terms of law. A true Extract from the Minutes of Randolph Court of Ordinary. J, D. LBNN.VUD, Ortttiwry. Aug. IG nitltn valuable PLANTATION IM) MILL 8-’ oi* S;tl ('. ripilK undersigned is now ill ring on re* B -in.iblc terms, bis YA I,IIA li 1.10 PLAN TATION, on Pacinilar Ore, k, for sale. ’J'lic sell lenient contain* I “MO At'lCilS, and is wi'll'd lo llio growth of bulb Ohio and Colton. On the place there is :t good (liist anil : Saw Mill, wall an lut*\liaiistrblc quantity of tine timber, and all almmlant demand for Lin ’ bi r. There arc also 2 IO A(Ttl£,s of pen Land, The place is supplied with an nliiimlancc cl water as wa>ll for niacbiiicry as Plantation pm poses, and is within four miles of the South Western Ko 11 road lYntn Americus to I’uiliheri. Persons wishing to liny sueli properly, will do well to come and see me, as 1 w ill sell a hot In bargain than anybody. 1) It DRY M. LF.SJSUF.UR. Sept, an ts Hides anted. rilllE highest market price paid for good M- sound Hides, by DOFF it CO. Culhbcrt. Aug. 16-if JOK WO II K OF every description done at lire Ke 1 Oilice. TVIM3 FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS’ EMPORIUM, ErtTAULIrfUED 1818. ! riTHE subscribers desire to advise their I _M_ friends, and tlio Printing Interest generally, that since the late fire, which in jured only tlio manufacturing department of their establishment, they have entirely refilled tlio same with new machinery, and j have availed themselves of the opportunity to introduce every MODERN IMPROVEMENT which long experience and capital can com mand; and that they have therefoie tme 'l a a lied facilities for producing TYPE of superior excellence and durability, and of supplying all order- for the same with groat accuracy and promptness. Out- New Specimen Book, (just issued) will he freely seat to all who -visit to purchase, when applied for. Print, ers will plt-Asc ho particular in directing how it may be sent We also furnish every article needed in a Priuling Ollicc, at manufacturer’s prices. P It E S 8 E S, (Machine and Hand.) Hoes’, Taylors’. Ad ams’, Ruggles’, (Jbaio’s Diamond Press, (of which we arc sole agents in this city.) and of every other maker in tho United States ; Ink, Cases. Stands. Imposing Stones, Composing Sticks, Galleys, (brass and wood,) Chases, Furniture, .Vo. Orders will likewise bo filled for Paper, Cards, and i*iinter’s Stock of every kind. Elertrolypiiig and Stereo typing in all lin ir brant lies, Type Copper faced to order. Old TyptJ received in exchange for new at nine cents per pound, if delivered in six ty days front the date of purchase ; if later, hut -ix cents per pound, (J'r* f’uhli.-iicrs of newspapers who will insert this advertisement three times, with this nolo, and forward ns a paper contain ing the same, tv ill ho paid in printing mate rials by purchasing four times tho amount of their ‘.till for tlio advertisement. Q3” -Second Hand Pros es (Machine and Hand) usually oil stile. ID’,Our new Combination Holders which, [ since their first introduction have been care fully revised, and can now he justified with tho greatest nicety, horoaftor will ho sold at 50 cents per pound. AM. II AGAR, Ja., & CO. Wm. Hauar, Jr., } John ll.m;ah. Now is the time to subscribe. mmm miuzisb, For 18.57, A Monthly Periodical of Literature, Art ami Fashion. Edited by Mrs, Ann S. Stkpk.ns, Ciiahi.ks J. Pktkhson. Peterson's Ladies’ National Magazine contains from eight hundred to u thousand pages yearly, about thirty stcl plaits, and over four hundred Illustrations engraved on wood Pcs Tuiiii.linu Or to inal Stobik.s. No other Periodical publishes such thrill ing talcs or such capilol stories of real life. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, tho celebrated nu ihot* of'Fashion and Famine,’ is one of the editors; anil she is assisted by all the best female authors of America. All iho stories publi htd are original, w hich cannot he said of any cotcntporary. Morality and virtue aru always inculcated. Tho newspaper press and the ladies unite to pronounce it lie most readable of the Magazi- es. ITS SUPER it MEZZOTINTS, And other steel engravings, are the best published any where; tiro executed for it by the first artists; aud ill tho cud of each year, are alone worth the subscription. ITS COLOIIKD KASIO,N f LACKS) Are the only reliable ones published iu America; and are as digital ns they are correct, being magnificently engraved steel plates, The Paris, London, Philadelphia, and New York Fashions arc described, at length oacll int>mil. tl is the text book id Fashion in Boston, New Yoik, and Phila delphia. Its depat intents of Sell) Receipts, crotcht t work, Embroidery Netting, horticulture, acting charades, knitting, null female equestrianism, are al ways well filled, profusely illustrated, and rich w ith the latest novelties, ft is the host Ladies’ Magazine iu tho world, try it (dr ouo year. TERMS, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One copy for one year, $2, three copies for ouo year. $5 ; live copies for olio year, $7 50; eight copies for one year, $10; six teen copies for one year, S2O. PREMIUMS for okttinu up CLUBS. To every person getting up a club, our 1 ‘ Port Folio of art for 1,8. " Hi, containing filly j sled engravings will be given gratis. For a dub of sixteen, an extra copy of the Mag azine fov 1857 will be sent in addition. Address, CllA’ri J. PETERSON. No. 11)2 Chestnut stieet, Philadelphia, l lio Volumes bugin with numbers j for .Lummy am’ July, but subscribers may commence with any other month tliev I please. Back tuiml'-ts furnished if desired J\*otice. H FOREWARN all persons from trailing • ‘’ tier Inin promissory Nolo, ,r ivcn *iy me “'."’ll l<l A M ANDERSON, for if,e purchase ol a horse. Said horse proving to be diseased, and unsound, 1 an) determined npt to pay the note unless compelled by law. The said note will be due, Ist of Nov:, 1850. (Jot. 7. ’s6.—tf. YV. JORDAN. IVotice I S hereby given to all concerned, that I shall . apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary ol kaudo'ph county, at the next Dcceuiber term, l" r leave to sc I) Lot of Land J\o. IN 1, in the Ninth District of said county. Said lot of laud relongmg to niy children, for whom I am natu al (luardiaii. TIIOS. OSMORE, Sept- Guardian; Leather ! Leather ! ! A SUPPLY of Leather constantly on hind i. and lor sale, by GLUT A CO. Cuihbert. Aug. 10 w\rs ri:i), ~ rent a House for the remainder of the year. Apply at this Office. SOUTHKUN LOTTERY. ON THE HAVANA PLAN. PRIRES GUARANTEED. $ 103,0 0 0! ONLY 15,000 NUMBERS ! Prizes Payable without Deduction. Jasper County Academy LOTTERY! [by Authority ol lheJ-Stnte of Georgia ] CLjJ S S T. 1 O he drawn December 15, It'Sfi, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., tinder the sworn superintend ence of Col. George M. Logan and James A Nesbit, Esq. (iy = ’ lvcmornher this Lottery has only sis teen Thousand Numbers —less that, any Lottery in the World! therefore it is ‘lie best for investment. Examine the follow ing Scheme. , r.SjCCO 1 l’ri/.e of $15.0(10 is $15,000 I do 5 000 is 5.000 1 do 2.000 is 2.000 4 do 1,000 are 4,000 5 do 500 aro 2.500 80 do 100 aro 8.000 1500 do 40 aro 6.000 20 Approximations 100 are 2 000 50 do 50 aro 2 500 50 do 20 are 1,0 0 1 712 Prizes amounting to $102,000 Tickets fill), Ilutres $5, Quarters $2 The 1.500 Prizes of S4O are determined by tho last figure of the number that draws the Capital cl sls 000. The Capital Prize will, of course, end with cither one of the figures I. 2. 3.4, 5, 0. 7,8. 9 0 Those Tickets ending with the same fig ure as the last in the Capital will Ire enti tled to S4O, Halves and quarters in pro portion. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually at tended to. Cominuiiic-ntious confidential. Hank Notes of sound Hanks taken at par. Those w ishing particular numbers should order immediately. Addrots j UIF.S F. WINTER. Manager, Macon Ga. 11. HU AK K, Agent, Cuthbcrt, Ga. Hept- 25, 185(5 Giaml Maryland Lottery FOR NOVEMBER, 18.5 G. ON THE II A VAN A PLAN. CAPITAL PRIZE 100,000 DOLLARS!! Grand Consolidated LOTTERY OF MUULAAD. Extra Class, G. I’o he drawn in Baltimore, Maryland, Sat urday, December 20, ISSU. R. I I! INCH & CO., Managers. 20,000 Namiers, 1,000 TIU/.ES. Payable in full without deduction. W ill be distributed according to the follow ing Splendid Ppp p i iW mb mi J,f mi • l prizo of . S4O 000 • d'j 14 J4O do jo (too 1 do 5 000 1 do 3 040 2 do 2 ot.O a do 1 50(1 •I do j t!00 187 do 200 APP It O XIM A TIO N P Rl7. Es. ■1 of SBOO approximating to SIOO 000 1 of titK) do 50 000 .4 nf SUO do 25 000 lof 400 do 15 000 1 of 300 do 11 04(1 Bof 200 do 5 000 Bof 100 do 2 500 12 of 0J do 2 ouo 2o of tij do ] sou 20 ol 5o do 1 ono 800 of 4o do Son Llio prizes, amounting to SOB 2 sno ‘J’ickets S2O; Halves 10; Quaro; Eights2,so AI’PKOXIMA lION PRIZES. Tito two preceding and the two succeed ing numbers to those drawing the first 222 prizes, will bo entitled to the 888 approxi mation prizes. Fov example: if ticket No. 11250 draws the, SIOO,OOO prize, those tickets numbered 112.48, 112,40,11251 and 112.52, will each be entitled to SBOO, aud so on according to the above scheme. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. In the above scheme there are .'30,000 tickets, numbered from Ito 00.0110. There are 2:22 lull prizes and 888 approximations, making in ail 1.l I” prizes. The nuinbera from I to 00 000 corres pondiiig with tho numbers mi ihe tickets, printed on separate slips of paper,, are roll ed tip and eucirelcd with small tin takes and placed in a Glass Wheel. The amounts of the different 222 full priz es, similarly printed and encircled, ace phis ccd'in another wheel. After revolving the wlnels, a number is drawn from the wheel of numbers, and at the same t mo a prize is drawn from the other wheel, by boys who are blindfolded. The number and the prize draw n out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Com missioners, tlio prize being placed against the number ill awn. ‘i bis operation is re peated until ail the prizes are drawn out* file drawing is then printed, and after com parison, the Commissioner certifies to its correctness. fly* All orders, for th kets or packages in any of the Maryluud Lotteries, will receive prumpl attention, and the drawing mailed to ail purchasers immediately after it is ov er. Address T. 11. IIURIAKD, & CO. No. 3 Fayette. st., or Box No 40, Baltimore, Md. For Sale. A GOOD SECOND BUGGY, for Cash or approved paper, Apply to Sept 13-ts B C. I'AKIiERSON . MAMMOTH SCHEME. CAPITAL KI/.E $50,000! ALABAMA LOTTERY. j [Authorized hy the State of Alabama.] | Southern Military Academy CLASSK. To be Drawn in the City of MOBILE, Ala., in public, on Wednesday, Dec 10, 185(5, on the plan of SING L E N U M ll ERS. SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. 30,000 Tickets Only ! Prizes amounting to £C£ S CCC ZDCZjZjj£.^S Will be distributed according to the following unin j: iuled scheme / I Pi ze of S4O (HMI is $40,000 1 do of 12.000 is 12.000 I do of 5.000 is 5 000 1 do of 2 000 is 2 000 1 do of 1.000 ig 1000 1 do of 1.000 is 1.000 10 do of 200 is 2.(00 100 do of 100 is 10.000 100 do of 70 is 7,000 AITItOXI M.ITION PRIZE?. 4 of $l5O approx to $40,000 is SOOO I of 125 do 12,009 h 500 •1 of 100 do 5 000 is 400 4 of 75 do 2,000 is 300 8 of 50 do 1.000 is 400 40 of 45 do 290 is I.SOO 3000 of 40 is 120.(4/0 3,280 prizes, amou ting to $201.000 Whole Tickets $lO, llolvesG, Quarters 21 ID’Th.- Alabama and Geoigia Lotteries, as channels for iu vestment, present induce ments over any other know u m heme. The ‘ experience the public have had of the j agetnent of I huso l.i/ttei ies. the large a mount of Prizes sold, the u ith j which they hive been paid, a.-o the best guarantees that they will always he con-! ducted in the most honorable manner. I'LAN or THE LOTT Ell Y. There are 5111,000 Tick/ts numbered from I to 30.000. There tire 380 full prizes and (520 Adproximations— makii g in all 1000 Prizes. The draw ing takes place in public, under the superintendence if two -m orn Commis sioners. The numbers front I to 30 000 corresponding wi h the numbers on the liekels pt iu ted on the, separate slips of pa. per, are encircled with mtall tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 380 prizes similarly printed and encircled, are placed ill another wheel. The wheels are then re volved* and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same lime a Prize is dittw ii from the other wheel. Tile ■lumber anil Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis'er ed by Hie Commissioners, the Prize"lieiii P placed agairt-l the number drawn. This I operation is repeated until all the Piizes are drawn out. Al* DR OX I MATION PRIZES. 1 lie two preceding mol ibe in’® iiiß Numbers to those dmwing the first JitJO Prizes will he entitled to the 620 Approxi mation Prizes, at cording to the Scheme in Ordering iiekets. Enclose the money to our address for the Tirkets ordered, on • cceipt of which they will he forwarded by first mail. I lie List of Draw a Number- and Prizes will he sent to purchasers immediately allet the drawing. (E?*Purchasers will please vriite their signatures plain, and givo th -ir Post Otfiee. County ami Biate. Remember that every Prize vs drawn and payaide in full without deduction. Ail Pi izes of SI and under, paid immediately after the drawing—other Piiz es at tho usual time of thirty days, iu full without dedticlHiu, All communications strictly confidential- Orders for Tickets should lie sent m ear •y* Prize Tickcts-eashed or renewed in other Pickets at either i*See. Orders for Tickets can lie addressed eith er to S. {SWAN & CO-, Atlanta. Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Sept. 13 ly SOW’ KMADY, THE NEWSPAPER RECORD, A Collection of .Yew paper Facts and Statistics, Containing A Complete List of Newspapets In the U. States, Canadas, and Gieat Brt ain. papiH:’ “dy reliable work of tli kind in fl the world. An invaluable assistant to the Editor, Book Publisher, and General Advertiser. Bvo. 200 pp. On receipt of S2. it will tie prepaid per mail, to any part of the country. Address, LAY it 8110 i'll Ell, Publishers, No 83 Dock street, Philadelphia. Nov. 4-3nv. ■1,.. A ......Jl2-’ , BIKER m (II.M Ed’lDMill. KEEPS constantly on hand all kinds of Candies, l'rnils, Cigars, line Bi undies and Wines, Cordials. Syrups, Jellies, Pickles, Eire Woiks, iVc. Cakes and Pastries of every description. icr Weddings and Parties, supplied at short notice. Cuthbert, Aug. 10-ts NOTICE IS hereby given to all concerned, (bat we shall apply to lire Honorable Court of Ordi nary of Randolph county, Georgia at the next December Term, for leave to sell the whole or a portion of tlio Negroes belonging to the i stato of William Janes, late of said county deceas ed. for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. JANES, ? .. DAVID 11. JANES. ( trs ’ Oct. l-2iu Lentil Blanks OFevery description printed to order at this Office Dr. McLANE’S 4 CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE ANl> LIVER PIIXS. Tso of the best Prr pa rat tons of the Age', 1 hey are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. Ihe Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, See. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. MeLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by (iVcAUUUt <i^)\oY f SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations .now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. Ml Lan e’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane r s Vermifuge and* Liver Pills can now he had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO’S, GO Wood St.. Pittsbuimi i, P.u Sole Proprietor*. SCOVII. (Si ME \D. New Orleans, Gvu erttl Wl/ole-ale Agents lor the Southern States, In whom all orders must be ad* dressed. soi,it n r Hood- Ibnnxs- n. Hamilton, .1. T. Kecse. Greenville, -‘ Fim In-i’ & Dallis, .Mnuntvil'e, J. A. Ilm*i & Go.. \\ bitevillle. *- Jo-iali I trad fi/ld, West Point. Ih'adfield &, 11 arington. Lit <m *■* D-inl'orth vL Nagle. Gnluml/ua, “ lii'/i/k & Oha|H*Mt, “ “ Kobeit V. Ware, “ *- David Young. “ •* Jimiraiy. 2f>, 185(5.—i46yT G Fj() RGI A, I!arris- (County. Court oi Ordinary—July Term, JSSO. WHEREAS. Mat-iiikxv U. Farlkt Administrator on th- estate of Moses G. Junes, dtew.ued, ajiplitt at vhi* tern* of the court for letters oi dismissiun from the tidminisirari. it of said! estate. It is ordered’ that all perkonsr concerned,, show cause, (if any they have),oai or before the next J iu’ry ‘Perm of this Court, why said letters should not be granted. A True Extract from the .Minutes of saidt court. This 7th dav of Julv, IS-ort. GEO W Mini.Ll NS. STATE OF GEO JIG IA T~ H.uuu* C©.ve v } WHEREAS, P. J. Phillips adminis trator on the estate of Thomas JL Street, deceased, applies at this, term of tho court for letters of dismission limn like act miuistradon of said estate-. It is therefore that all persona, concerned shew- rnuse, if any they have, on or before the next January Term of this court, why said letters should not be grant ad. A true extract from the .Minutes of said court This 7th day of July !8o(* GEO W MLI.LINS, Ordinary July 12 li E 1* UUTEII JOR <>•*• ic IE ALL KINDS OF cFfttUV tine) Cmammfaf! JOB PBIUTIITO Executed with Neatness and Dispatch, SUCH AS PAM P II LETS, Circulars, Cataloged, Business Cards, Dill Heads, Dank Checks, Blank Note?, Legal Blanks, Yisiting Cards, Programmes, Labels, fee., Neatly and Expeditiously executed at the office of the “ REPORTER.” Oidem respectfully solicited Teitus CASH