Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, January 13, 1857, Image 3
Congressional. Washington, Jan. 7.—Mr Mason lias been elected President of the Senate, pro tempore, during the absence of Senator Bright. The lowa Election case was de bated to day. Proceedings of the Iloitse unimportant. ‘ By a dispatch from Montpelier, Ver mont, we learn that the. State Capitol was destroyed by fire on Thursday even ing. A message of Gov. King of New York ■hows the affairs of that State to be in a I prosperous condition, with the balance of I over $3,000,000 in Treasury. The Gov-1 erhor represents the Banking system of the State to be in a healthy condition, and declares that President Fierce’s im putation on the Black Republicans to be groundless. Washington, Jnn. I.—The President ■ent to the Senate a letter from the At lantic Telegraphic Cos, proposing to en ter into a contract with the government of the United States on the same terms and condition as has been concluded with the British Government. The President leaves the matter to the decision of Con gress. A bill has been reported in the Senate to increase the pay of Army officers. The proceedings of the House to-day are unimportant. Both houses have ad journed to Friday. It appears from documents sent to the Senate, that the Governments of the Netherlands approves the conduct of their minister, Dubois, iu declining to testify in court in the Herbert case, while it pro fesses the warmest friendship for tho Uni ted States. Cuba Slave Trade. Though ship loads of slaves from the Coast of Africa are continually arriving on the Coast, of Cuba, the laws which Eroclaim the trade to be piracy, have to e enforced with that appearance of strin gency that the demand for labor is great er than the supply. Anew project has therefore recently beeu started for the introduction of Africans nominally free.— This project has been brought to the at tention of the Captain General, and the memorial upon the subject states that it is unlike anything that has been proposed for a similar purpose, though in what the difference consists, it might be difficult accurately to specify. The negroes are to come of their own accord (as the cool ies are shipped for a similar fate,) under contract legalised bv the resident Spanish Consul ; their term of service is to be eight.years, at the rate of $4,25 per month of which is to be reserved, for the purpose of paying their expenses back to Africa j for be it known that the avowed object of this new enterprise is to civilize and convert these heathens, to their own ml vantage and regardless of the profit that may, or may not accrue to those who en gage in the speculation This delightful project, according to the Havana corres pondent of the New Orleans Picayune, meets with the favor of the immediate au thorities of Cuba, with the exception of the Junta de Fomenlo, where it will be likely to receive a decided check. It will however, be sent to Spain for the appro bation of the Home Government. Charleston. Standard. Tho Cotton Crop of 1856. Senators and Representatives in Con gress, from all the cotton growing'States agree iu the opinion that the cotton crop will he onc-fourth short of tluir, of last year, and that it will not exceed two mil lions seveu hundred thousand bales They give this opinion as the result of ob servation, and conversations with their constituents, while canvassing their dis tricts previous to tin; late election. I’heir vie vs arc in substance as follows: In Texas the crop will exceed that of 1855 by 20 per cent , in consequence of in crease of land in cultivation, and hjnds from immigration. In some portions of Arkansas, the increase will be 10 per cent from a similar cause ; while in other por tions it will fall short 20 percent. Lou isiana reports the crop 20 percent, short; Mississippi from one-qunrter to one-half short; Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, N. Carolina and Florida, tell a like story ; and in South Carolina between one-fourth Bud odc third short.— Southern Recorder The Lyonnais Passengers. The lJiario de la Marina ol the 25th ultimo, has a paragraph in which the Al borado, a journal of Villa Clara, in Cen tral Coba, announces the safely of Senior Uuiate and his wife, who were passengers on board the illfated Lyonnais. Accord ing to this account they were picked up with “some others passengers/’ whose names and number are not given, on No- Tember 5lh r tbe next day after the wreck by a British vessel, and carried to Jamai ca, whence the news of their escape has reached Valla Clara, of which place Sen or Eulate was tormily Lieutenant Gover nor. But this account is not confirmed by advices either from Havana or Jamai ca, from both of which points late ad vices have been received and were the •opposed rescue, if true, ought to have been better known than at Villa Clara, a •mall town on the Sooth side of Cuba near Cienfuegos. At the same time with this report comes another of ship Beauty having found on her outward voy age to Jamaica on the 9h November, a boat of the Lyonnais, containing among other things a cambric handkerchief, with the letters ”F. E.” Tnis hmdkerchiel possibly belonged to Madame Eulate and from its finding arose the story of her re scue and that ol the other. Col. Greenes OaValry Carbines. The B >slon Daily Advertiser says : We have seen some of these arms, which are now being manulactured for the E igli-h government. They are con structed upon the principle lately intro, ’dneed by Cob Greene ot Cambridge, and are most complete and beautiful weapons all the parts being of steel of high finish. They are said to be the handsomest mili tary aims yet made in this ciuntry. The barrels ot cast steel, rifled with three Igiooves, with a lead of one turn in five ! ’ feet, are but eighteen inches in length,! I yet the ball is propelled from them with such force as to tange a mile They aie sighted wi It adju-table sights for diffi-r- j erent distances up to six hundred yards j The mountings of the arms are of blued j iron, the stocks of close grained blued walnut, with a trap box in the breech and the entire weigh’ seven and a half pounds, j For cavalry skirmishing they will prove the most formidable weapons yet inven ted, as they can be readily loaded and discharged ten tunes in a minute ; and at j the extreme distances at which they ate sighted, the bullet has momentum sufli- j cient to go entirely through a horse. An | English officer, while trying one lately | inade three successive “taigets' 1 at a dis . lance of three hundred yards of twelve ! shots each. In one target he made four “bulls eves,’’ in an other five, and in the third seven. These arms are now being turned out from the Works of the Ames Company, at Chicopee Falls, at the iate of lour hun dred a month They arc rapidly coming into favor as a millitarv weapon, and tie gotiations are now going on with several ot the European governments lor the in troduction ol them into their service. Inter eating from Japan. The Steamer San Jacinto. —A letter from a friend at Shanghai informs us that the United States steamships San Jacin to, the flag vessels of the East India j Squadron, arrived at Woosung on the j Uth of September, in six days from Bi moda, Japan. She left Hong Kong on tho l2thof August for Siuioda, having on beard Mr. Harris, the United States Consul General to Japan. During her 1 trip she rescued quite a number of Chi nose from fragments of wrecks. In one case no less than fifty-five persons were taken from a Government junk while she was in a sinking condition. The San Ja cinto had a very pleasant visit to Japan, and the intercouse bet ween the Commo dore, his officers and the Japanese autho rities was of the most friendly nature.— It is said, however, to be the policy of the Japanese Government to oppose with every obstacle in its power, foreign inter course, and the arrival of the San Jacin to with VI r. Harris on board, was not de sired. In nn interview with the Commo dore, the question was asked if lie could . not take Mr. Harris back again. The reply was that his orders Were to br'ng .Mr Harris there and leave him, and lie should obey them Finding the Comtno ■ (lore thus decided, the authorities iinnie- M dlately set about to prepare a residence * | for the Consul General, and for that pur ; pose fitted up one of their temples, near , by which a flag staff was erected, from which, as the San Jacinto left the harbor, the stars and stripes were displayed Ph i/ade/p/i iu In <j u irer. Father Matthew. —The New York i Tribune, in speaking of this great Apos , tie of Temperance, whose death we an nounce this week, remarks: “’1 hrough all his Herculean labor lie never amassed a cent for himself, but was always in a . state of personal poverty. When he be gan bis good work his brother was pro prietor of a large distillery. He support ed Theobald until his wonderful success had ruined the distillery amt reduced the owner to bankruptcy. To meet the wants of the good Samaritan, the Brit ish Government settled an annuity of J-300 upon him, which sum was just suffi cient to pay the premium upon an insur ance policy held by his creditors as secu rity for the r claims. Since his return to Ireland, the weight of years and the ■ exertions of long labor laid compelled his partial withdrawal from public life, and his name lias been less prominently before the public ’’ A Present for Mr Buchanan —lt is stated that Dr. James MrElheney, ol Ohio, has forwarded to Wheatland, as a neve year’s present to Mr Buchanan, a laige arm chair, a walking cane and a broom,all carved from hickory in the most elaborate and ingeniou-style, bv his own hand, and two wild tuikeys — Exchange paper What think you, cares Mr. Buchanan for chairs, canes and wild turkeys ? We have ni’ doubt that one female deer [dear] presented through the hands of a clergymen, would be more acceptable to such an old buck than all the ‘‘wild tur keys” iri Ohio. We hope however that the old gentleman will not suffer the Ed itors to poke him to commit matrimony He has age enough to judge for himself in such matters.— Columbus Sun. A Bachelor’s Criticism. — A crusty old cotemporary says : A lady wears a long dress for tine purpose of making it shorter by holding a path of it in her i liandfc. Perhaps it would not be unfair j to say, that if the dress was of proper] length t.x‘ necessity of lifting it would be j avoided, or that the chance of showing! attractions, accidentally of course, would be lost. *> A man of sense always eodusels with his wife. —-■ M—i mini nil .. _ An Important Decision.—On the 23d instant the Circuit Court for this Dis trict decided an important legal question so tar as the interests of the Government are concerned. The United Slates sued Seldkn, Withers & Cos. tor the public money that had been deposited with diem before their suspension. The Gov ernment claimed that under the statute they had priority over any other creditors in a case of insolvency, and the Court so decided. The deposites in question were made by the Indian and Patent Offic6 ( bureaux and the N.ivy Agent Office, in this citv. The whole amount, nearly s6o,(lilt) has been paid into iho Treasury by tlie trustees of Seldon Wither & Cos. Wa-hington St ir. A Modern Curtn —The Boston Med ical and Surgical Journal chronicles a case iu Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, where a child was born without eyes.— It was a healthy boy, well developed in every other respect. There were eye lid- but no eye balls. .RIMFII SIMP mil j VSff If.L be sold on tlie first Tuesday iu Feb. j V V ruary in xt, before the Court House door in the town of Cnthherl, R ,ndol(di County, bc | tween tlie usual hours of sale, the following properly to wit : Two negro girls, ages unknown, one named Susan, the other Ellon, and one four horse wag on, loyied on as the property of John I). (iimeke to satisfy a (i. fa. issued from tlie Superior Court of said county, in favor of It. C. Geiger v- J ilin I). Gmicko, and others m my hands against said John I) Guiiekn. Ouu sorrel mare, one cow, and ten head of hogi, levied on as tho property bf David John son to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of I.evi Mercer vs David Johnson, P L Guerry and Needham J Jones, flic place whereon A .1 MoGowen now lives iu the 6th District of said county, levied on as the property of said McGuweu, to satisfy three Jimice.-’ Court fi fas, issued from a Justices’ Ci uri of said county, in favor of Sawyer & Hendrix vs A J McGowen. Jan 3, 1857 RiCll’D DAVIS, Sh’ff. Mortgage Sheriff Sales, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Gnu it House door in the to,vii of Cuthiiert, Randolph, county, wilhin tho legal hours of sale, the following properly, to wn i } One wagon and harness, one buggy and har ness, one li r-e, one cooking stove, and oilier household and kitchen turnitiire, of various kinds, too tedious to mention, together with two negroes, one a girl slave named Malinda, and one negro girl slave named Hester, levied on as the property of John 11. CaidWell, to satisfy a Mortgage Fi. Fa. issued from tlie Superior Com to: said county, in favor of Jesse I! Key, surviving copartner of the late firm of Key &. Prcsion v.s John H Caldwell. Three Pianos, levied as the property of John HCaldwell to satisfy a Mortgage Fi, Fa. issued i from the Sup rior Court of said county in favor j of Samuel N Hurd vs John 11 Caldwell. I Two negroes, a girl named Malinda, and ano ther girl named lle-ler, levied on as the proper ty of J oil ii 11 Caldwell to satisfy aMorigtgc Fi Fa issued Irom tho Superior Court of,said conn ! ty, in lavor of William M Crumley v.s said John 11 Caldwell—property pointed out in said Mort gage. RICH’D. DAVIS, Sh ip. Jan 3 1857 lill’i’Kl’ muTiOMB Os South Western On., VILLA NOVA, NEAR Fit cully for 1857. R D. MALL ARY, A. M., Prcsidt. Rev. J F. DAGG, A M. Mils. R. D. MALL ARY, Mrs. J. F DaGG, Miss CORDELIA CLEAVES. The Spring Term begins on the 2d Monday in Janu irv, and ends on tho Ist Wednesday in July. The Fall Term begins on ilia Is. Mon day in September, and ends oil tho 3d Friday in December Tuition is charged from the time of entrance to lhe end of tho ‘form; and no deduction is made for aiis -nce except in cases ol protracted sickness. Payme ,t in advance is desired. Remarks, Pupils who board iimbr the immediate care of teachers are cnnlrolleU in their purchases, visits, and ilieir attendance on public worship, in Ktiiet compliance with written instructions, received from their parents and guardians. Jail 6—2 o—st lIiIWIMLE SSLLEGL ciTTintnu r, R 4. f Bill fi Spring lerrn ol this Institution will S- begin the FIRST MONDAY in Februa ry. under the direction ol the. following newly organized * ■’T.Nfc. MIX a _j r B ‘ T3>' ki.v. OL'Vf.r P. Antony, A. M., Pres. Rev. James B. Jackson, James D. Ware. A B , Miss Sophia C. Hayden, Mrs. Amanda C. Kiddoo. No change has been inado in the rate-of Tui ! linn Tiie student is chuiged only from the time of entering. Prof John 11. Caldwell having dissolved his 1 Connection with tlie College, will he succeeded j in the Hoarding Department by Mr. Robert Rives and Lady. Mr. It. lias a farm near town, “lid is well prepared to accommodate boarders. For further information, apply to JAMfchS D, WADE, Jan 6—st Sec’y of Faculty. Notice. TH F. subscriber will con tin ue to hoard yon Tig Ladies, as Students of the IJaptist Female College, upon the same firms as the two previ ous years, sl2 00 per month, one, halt to be paid m advance, and the balance at the end of each Term. Washing, lights, b-ddimr fuel, ar included in tho above charge. Jan^-20—3t TIJO-. MUSK. W STfctAVEIV OR S TOLEV FRO VI the subscriber, on the 2Gth Decem ber, 1856. a large Ray Mare. Any infor mation c mcerning the same will be tliankfdiy received. R, p. DUKES. J ii hegal Blanks OFcvery description priateJ to order at this Oihce 18.57. 1857. 1857, SCOT T ’ S MIRROR OF FASHIONS!! £jtf"T.\l,L at Brook’s Tailoring V ■’ Establishment, at the store of Bull, Stewart & Ansley, and cX nuiiie the Fashions, vvhero all persons desiring work, can have it done as well and as C IS IS A P as it dan be done in SuUthwest- C:> TVrms CASH. “53# Jan 6—2o—tf. iW.HX: TK'®.’ SHOT AND lURM SIMP. ffJlilE undersigned lias opened it HOOT & ii. HARVF.SS SHOP iii Cuthbnrt, in tho Liuse immediately between tlie Printing Office and the Jail, All work put up in my Shop will b> warranted to boas good as can be done ill Georgia. KKLMIKIXG o'all kinds done promptly, for which the Casts will be required. A share us public patronage u respectfully Solicited. Jan 6-30—if Ei M. BLACK. Dissolution* nFUiE copa tnership heretofore existing be- I Jfl, l.vrcn J illn T. Jenkins and M. J. \tkins, muter tlie firm name of Jenkins dt Alkms, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN T. JENKINS, M J. ATKINS. Cutlibcrt, Dec 15,1850. O’ All persons indebted to the late firm will find lln?ir Noles and Accounts at the old stand. They mo earnestly requested inoall and settle immediately, as the uusihess MUST bo closed. J. A A. O’ Those indebted to J. T. Jenkins, individ ually., will take the hint and do likewise. A word to tlie wise is sufficient. J. T. J. NOTICE rtfUlE undersigned, late of tho firm of Jen in, kins A, Atkins, would announce’to bis numerous friends ami customers that ho will carry on li|ii DRY GOODS BUSINESS as heretofore, at the same old stand. Thankful to them lot past lavors, he would reap clfuliy solicit a continuance of tho same ; and would cordially iuyiie the pllblic generally to give him a call. Al. J. ATKINS. Cutlibert, Dec 23—fit TROY FACTORY -7fA?.2-S.OCMS 9 Mo. 10, Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ITjS) <i. JEFFRSON & CO, manufacturers und Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tubs, Duckets, Churns, Dodsteads, Bureaus, Tallies, (Sofas, and other House Furnishing ar ticl s. Orders from country merchants and oth ers will receive prompt aMention. Our Ware is made by Southern hands, and of {Southern wiUhl. A fair competition with Northern nun ufaciorics is all we ask. Address k. <;. jffff.rson & co. Columbus, Dec 2d —6m UICn Di: liENNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11.1 MILTON, [[arris Coumhj. Ga fiftSILL practice in Harris, Tioup, Merriwe- U'J tlier. Talbot, Muscngaa, and all the Coun ties in the Chattahoochee Circuit. Business entrusted to his care, will be promptly and ef ficiently executed. * D.c 23 Gmi A<’minis!Tutor’s Sale;. AGREEABLE to an Older from the I louornlilo Court cd’ < Irdinary of 11 hi dolph county, will he sold at the Court h ‘Use door in the town of (’u'hheri, within tit” usual hours ol sale, on the first Tuesday iu February next, the following negroes, to wit: George, a man about <ls years old; Cl lyliorn a Ilian about 54 years old ; Jacob a man 2l tears old ; Anicy a woman al out 2b years old ; l.oui/. i a girl 16 years old. and child out year old. Also oil the first | Toe-day ill March, at I’ueUa Vista Marion ! roumv. wilhin the I,era! hob is. Lot of land , Ni. (25) twenty-five, in the (•’KI) thirtieth | disirie: of said county. Sold as tnc proper | iy of Jeremiah J, Allen dic'd, fm the pur pose of a division. Terms on the day of sale. This Decerns her I8:h. 1856, JEREMIAH 11, ALLEN, Adm’r, D a: 23 ’56;n2 (jimu'diiiiAs Sale BY Virtue of an Order of the Court of Ordinary of Randolph eodnty Ga. will lie sold before the Court house door ii Cuthborl, on ihe first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours ; one negro woman Surah, about forty years of age ; a good cook, and house Servant, Sold as the property of and for the benefit of E E Liglitf>ot minor. Terms CASH. E IV C EVERETT, Guardian. Dec 23d 1856 ~RANI)OLH> MLB HIGH SCHOOL, CUTHBEIIT, GA. FilfflE Exercises of this Institution will 2. commence ou the Second Monday in January. 1857, under ihe management of G. M. PATTERSON. Assistance will he procured if necessary. Expenses per Session of Fiue Months. Class Ist, x : ; SH) 00 Class ffd, ; < : 15 00 Class 3d, iit 20 00 Students will ho charged from tho lime of entrance to the close of the Term; and no deduction made for absence cxeept in cases of protracted illness. Dec 16 -4t BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite tSie Passenger Depot, MACON, GA. D* Meals ready on the arrival of every Train. Sept. 13 ly • E E. BROWN, ATTORNEY AT"LAW, Morgan, Calhoun Cos. Ga. ET^ W.A : CT[CKS in Calhoun ami n,djLining El Ouuuti.;.s, Business animated to his care wil! roceivu fn'ourot ami eiK'fgctio attention* 00l 21 -Gtii RANDOLPH COLLEGER CUTIIBRItT, Ga. nn id Exercises of the above Institution j B will he rosutned ou Hie Third Mon day in January, 1857. under the joint con trol of T. W. HAYS &-J. W. SW’INr DALI,. There will ho a public! Examination at tlte close of tho first Term, conducted un der the supervision of literary gentlemen. Rales of Tuition. Primary Dkpaiitmknt.—Orthography, Reading ami Writiug, $1(1 OU. Arithmetic, Geography and Grammar. #ls 00. Coin eor Department.—Ancient Lan guages, Mathematics, Englisll Brauches, j continued, #2O 00, At?* Eatiguagcs taught on the plan of the. University of Virginia, Board in tho Institution or private fami- < lies at $lO 00 per month. . For further particulars apply to either of the Fiincipals far Circulars. Dec 16—if “~TBiS. .5- IHHiARIvi WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, GUI 11 BERT, Ga. I Aug. 10 ly WITCfIM iKil & JEWELLER, ’ C! Ii THU lilt TANARUS, GA. Nov. 18— ts Mail Hoad ]Y oiler. A LL persons indebted fit the lido firm o im AMOBS & CALLIKR, whose iiccritinta and notes are due, Will he sued if they de not Se'ttle siiorily. O* 1 mean what I say. ,rfi A. T. A MOSS, D.c 2—l6—tf Surviving l’aitncr. If aeon MUtl Flour* Tennessee, 60,000 I’uiimls con, of the best quality 1 Also, a lot of .bbt’ as * Cuthhert Sept ’56 Si DANIELS & OOij North East Corner Public Square, AMKRICUS, Ga. B KG leave to cab the attention of the citi zens Os South Western Georgia to their slock of Fur iii fare, Pianos, Vr. They have now added to their Btock, a largo assortment of •B BO ’U.m •’ K aß", Gold and Silver Watches. Clocks , Rich Jewelry , Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Sfc See. Among their stock may be lbnnd Elegant Gold Watches, for Ladies and Geiitb iiten I Ele gant Silver Watches, various qualities } Eight Day ntuU 1 1 11 rty hour Clocks, h ni'lsome aii'J warranted ; Rich JEWFLRY i.i groat va riety; Silver Sp *on*, Forks, Butter Knives, Cups, &c ; .Silver Fluted Castors, Cuke Baskets, Candlestick-*, & c .; Waiters, Spoons, Knives, Forks, &c. Con sis* in” in part of Chairs, Bedsti ads, Tables, Bureaus, AVashstands, Rich Chamber Setts, Softs, Tetc a Teles, VVurdrobcs, Centre J'ublus, Book Cases, &c., &. We have a fine assortment of Chickeriug’s celebruted PIAITOd 5 in Rosewood cnsen of the newest styles, with a jr<od .'Hsortincnt of rich and common Mirrors, Window Shades, Mu’s, and many other articles. Q .r Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, Anieritfiis, Sept 1 3-4 m cMiiw cilEiwn rgIHK undersigned would respectfully inform -*• 3“ s citizens of Randolph and llioadjoini g counties, that they are prcpaied to lioilil for Cash, or approved Small Notes, Vehicles of every description in a style, and finish not sur passed by any shop South. We employ no .ej a-sL. sa ais-:c and therefore Can warrant all work done at our Shop. O’ Repairing done neatly and with prompt ness. 1 nunltliil for past patronage, w solicit a liberal sharp for the fuluro. F. & A. LEHMAN. Cuthhert, Aug. IG, 1856-ts Mill STORE! DHLIi ST(M! HAVE and will keep constant ly ou hand, in Cuthhert, a large and well selected assortment On■**', medicines, Pninls, Oils, Oye SliiOs Perjumery, Sc., a-nd everylffttfg pertaining to their line of lius riess, which they off r upon as reasonable torm tliey e.,111 he had in S mill Western Georgia Tim public are requested to “ take due ttolic o. Cuthhert, Aug. IG-IC. m TJiIMTIL'La ® • at£3 BBif e M.'> jh: M r IH at CUTHBFRT, GA. UR. H. will faithfully execute business entriisjo 1 to his gare, “and fl liters himself that if tlio-t Who have diseased Teeth, or wish Teetl) insert- I ed, will call on him, lie will fully satisfy them, by j experience and otherwise, that they need not go elsewhere to have their work well done. ET All work Warranted, and no pa’y will be icquired il satisfaction is not given. 7 EFOffice liext door to the or second dour west of Webb’s Hotel. Aug. IG’ ly Pfinil Warrants Wanted. which ibe highest market price will bo paid. Call and see mrc before you sell.. I Cutliheft, Ang 23 Blank Declarations JUS F printed, and fur sale at THIS OFFICE. MICE TO I’L imm Ware-house at Georgetown* fHXHF, subscribers hereby in u form the cilieens of Clay, Kandolph and Slewart counties.■HßSZSfiMW I hat lliev have taken charge ihe well known TT-Lia-EOtTSS Georgetown, and have put it in tliorongli and . eoiiiplelc repair for the reception of COT* ( TO\ this season. Tliey will keep constantly on hand a supply of BAGGING & ROFE, j which they will sell nt the lowest market jifleps. I Bli ict attention paid td the receiving arill lor. j warding ot all Goods entrusted to their care’. ] ILF Liberal advances made oil all Cottdrt Ui I sb re< From the prist experience of Mr. Riordan lit this business, and a determination on Uie part of both to give salisfuetinn, they ask tileir friends and tlie public to give them a Call. HARRISON & RIORDAN. Georgetown, Sept. 13-ts AU mints! rator’s Salt!. ’ A tiREEA ULE to an order of the Ordinary I ia of Randolph county, will be sold before tlie’ Court II Oise door in Cutlibert, Randolph comi ty, on tlie first Tuesday in Jiinilarv next, with in the legal hours of sale, tlie following described Lands, t -wit; Lots Numbers R 4. 35* 80* Hand 45, ail in the Seventh Dis rict of said County. Also, Lot No. 230, and Forty Acres off the North-west corner of Lot No, 195; and GO Acres off the Southwest tril oercif Lot No, 195. AH in the Sixth District 01 said County, mid sold us the property of Lo renzo D. Price, deceased, for the benefit of the said deeonsed. Sold ou a credit of two year*, 1 payable in 1853 and 1859, in small notes with approved security. AARON TRICE; ) A( , na I.ORKNZO D. PRICE, 1 O’Tlie above, sale is postponed until Ihd ■ firsl Tuesday in February. Jan 6—td GEO It Oil, Clay County. dljfc’'OTiCE is hereby 1 given, that after publico-’ lNi lion of this Noiifco for six weeks, appli cation will be made to the Commissioner of reh i sions lor the issue of a duplicate of Warrant . No —, for One Hundred and Twenty Aerls* Act of March 3d, 1855, issued to VVashit'gto Toney, late a Volunteer in Captain John A Urqubart’s Company, in Colonel Asa IlateS - R* g.iment, iu the War with the Creek Indians iu 1836; tlie same having been lost, and aCavo I at again-t its location entered in the Gcuefu- Land Office. This January Ist, J 857. FLEMING LAW, Jan G-Gt Atty. for Washington Toney. “STATU OF GEORGIA,) r Raxooli'H County. $ WHEREAS, John VV, Juries applies to me forjlette-s of Guardianship for Octavius C. and Janes and Emma S. Janes, Minor orphans of William Janes, def eased j These are therefore to cilo and admonish tho’ kindred arid friends of said Orphans to bo and appear at my Office within the time prescribed by law, th“n god there to tile their objections,- if any tliey have, otherwise letters will be granlod said applicant. Given under my hand at Office/ t this 27tb November,-ISaG. .1, D. LENNARD, Ordinary. 1 Dec 9—l6—4ods GEORGIA, ) Randolph County, WII El* E AS, John W, 1 Janes applies *f> mo for letters of Admiiiisti'atioYr ori ihe Estate of Rebecca C. Junes late of said county dcc’d, These are H ereford to cite and ndmonish all and si gular thft kplitfred and creditors .ol said deceased, to fro and appear al my offhd within the time pfesrriboed fiy law and show cimse if any they have, why letters sliould not he grantedrfa?d applicant, . Given iiTidor my harfd at i.ffrce* t&Js Detfy 18tli 1856 ‘'> J D LENNARD Ordinary, ’ Dee 29; Fr 1856 ~ STATE OF GEORGIA, J Randolph County. ) MMIKHKA3. Henry J. Hunt ahdßenjw V ¥ in in F. Adm ns Sjipffes to me hr lotfijiV of Guiirdiiinship fur tiie pefsotl and property of William ‘F. Snnley, a lunatic ; These are therefore to cite arid admonish the friends and next of Uindreu of said lu'natic, to he and appear at my Offieo wilhin the time priy ; scribed by law, then and there to file, their uh jeotion*, (ifuny they have,) other wise lottcis wiff Iu 1 granted said applicants. Given under my hand at Office, this 23d Oa tolier, 1850, J. D. LENNARD', Oct. 28 Ordinary. GEORGIA, > Randolph County,y WHER F. AS, Agnsttts T. Amos to me firr letters of AdminiWfratinrit on the Estate of Bennett M. Perkins, iatd’ us said Courufy deceased. These are therefore to cite and adrtiott-’ ish all and singular, to lie and appear at my office n ftliifr the time prescribed’ hy law,- then and there file their objections, (af any they have,)’ otherwise letteis will b'e gran ted said applicant. Given under my hand nt office, this lOlhl November 1856, J.D LENNARD,’ Ordinary.. November 11, 1856. RULE MSI. .STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 > Randolph County. I Court of Ordinary, Jlugus. Term , JBs(v IBfH/ HERKAB, John M. K Gunn, adininia ¥¥ trator on tho est ate of Henry A. Goft* late of said county deceased, htfYTlff fully ad niinisttrfi and the goods and chatties of said deceas-- ed, petition's this Court for Letters of Dismis-- mon. ■ , It is therefore ordered that all and singular the parlies interested iu said estate shew cause nt 1 the February Tertrt or this Court, why sntd ad- 1 1 in'riiisi rater should not then and there be dismiss j ed. otherwise, lotters will lie grairted ;- and that , this Rule be published in terms of few. A true Extract from the Minutes of RanciohiK Ordinary. J- D. LENNARD', Ordinary. Anyiik6-ni6m Notice IS hereby given’ (o’ all concerned, that two months after date T shall imply to the Hon. orable Court o-f Ordinary of Kandolph county at its February Term, lor leave to sell tho real estnlcof .fob'n W. Turner and ieeas*ul This Nov 27th, 1856 LODUICK TURNER, IVc 2 —iG —3n> Administrator Blank Attacliments OF the new Form, just printed and for aria ut THIS OFFICE.