Newspaper Page Text
Arrival af the Afrit*.
HP? York, Feb 7 —Tlic steamer Af
■M arrived with Liverpool dates t<>
and Provisions were da!!
Swiss difficulty will go before the
fee bombardment of Canton by the
9lh continues.
He ship Confederation from Philadel-
Eh&d been wrecked in the Mersey.
H British fleet had taken the ports
Hrshiue and Karnak in the Persiun
■ f.
Hit was reported that the Russians had
■•occupied Astiachaw.
I Important (row Mexico.
■ New Or (.fans, Jan 29 —Advices
Have reached here from Tampico to the
|4th inst. The news is highly impor-
lA battle was fought on the 16’ h he-
the revolutionist under Gen Gar
the government troops. Mmy
Willed on both sides though the gov-
forces claim the victory. The
He occurred at the old town, every
■Nt in which had been pillaged.
At the latest advices the revolutionists
■were advancing upon Tampico being
Hthen only four miles distant. The gov-
Htrnment troops were prepiriug for the
■defence of the town
The American consul at Tampico has
■tent to New Orleans, requesting the col
■lector to send a revenue cutter immedi
■ately do protect American residents and
as the revolutionists Ihreai
■jso pillage the town.
Falling.— The Savannah
■cpublican of Wednesday says :
■ Judging from the srnati quanity of pro
■rty which changed hands at the Court
yesterday, the inference would be
Htdurai that money was scarce. This I
■hference ia as true iu fact as it is in ap-
Hcarance. With the expedition of negro
id brought good prices, iu others they (
Hvcre withdiawu. Some city lots were!
Lfold at low figures.
Coat or Congress —Under the oper
k etioa ol the new compensation bill, the
Iftdubursmenti of the SergAant-at-Arms of
P*h< House of Representatives, f>r the pay
|S*itd mileage of members, shows an aver
age of over SIOO,OOO per month.
r . ■,l I— eg
l_ O” A singular combination, bui vary effectu
al, the following will show :
New Youk, November 20, 1852.
Knowing from experi nc -, dm valuable qua]- ;
F Ki of Dr, Mcl-ane's Vermifuge and Liver
Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros Pittsburgh, I
have for someiinie back considered it my duty, ‘
nd made it my bn-iness, to make those articles 1
Hnown wherever I went among oiy fr ends. A J
■(hurt time ago I became acquainted with the j
caae of a young girl, wlio seemed to bn troubled
I with worms and liver complaint at the game j
time, and had been suffering fur some two
mouths. Through my persuasi m, s'te purchas. !
•done bottle of l)r. M’Lane’* Vermifuge and
•ne box of Liver Pills, which she took accord
ing to directions. The result was, she pas and
• large quantity of wor s, and thinks one !
more box of the Pills will restore her to perfect
health. Her name and residence can be learns
ed by celling on E. L. Thoall, Druggist, corner
Rutger and Monroe streets.
D” Purchasers will be careful to ask 6>r DR
manufactured by FLEMING PROS, of Pin*. 1
burg. Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison
are worthless. Dr, M’Lmefs g-nutn* Vtrini.
fuge, also hi* celebrated Liver Pills, nan now be
had at all respectable drug stores. None genu*,
ine without the signature of
HWING resumed the practice of hi*
profession, respectfully tenders his
service* to the citiaons of Cuthbert and vi
ciuitv. His office is at the Drug ritore.
Take Due Notice.
I WILL be nbsent from Cutbhert two or
three weeks. Thankful for the very
liberal patronage of the past, I hope on my
return to receive a continuation of the same,
Et least so much thereof as will pay.
My notes and accounts are iu the bauds
of Wm. A. Byrd for collect! m.
- ■ Note Lost.
FINHE euhscritier lost a Note given by
JL John P. Ward, lor Oue Hundred and
Fifty Dollars, and made payable to A. W,
‘Turner, date not recollected. All persons
•re hereby forewarnetl against trading for
•aid Note, nod the maker frmn paving it to
■nv person but rnvself.
FROM the subscriber's residence, on
the 12th January, last, two MULES,
one a bay mare Mule, and the other a small
mouse colored Mule. Supposed to have
atrayed towards Muscogee county. Any
information concerning them w ill lie thank
fully received. THOS MOBLEY,
FeblO FortGiiues.
Administrator's Sale.
BY virtue of au order from the Honor
aide Court of Ordinary, (on the first
Monday iu February ) will be sold before
the Court House door m the town of Cuth
bert. on the first Tuesday in April next,
wilhia the usual hours of sale, Lot of Laud
Number (67) sixty-seven iu the fourth Dis
trict of said couuty. Id old as the property
of the estate of Johu VV. Turner deceaseo
for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors id
•aid deceased. Terms on the dav of sale.
FtfblOtd* Adiuiuuiraior.
GL’HX bo sold on the first Tuesdav in
*T Man*h n r xt, hes ,ro the Court H >it*e door
in tli* town of Cnthliert, R miolph County, bo
twepu the usual hoots of sale, the following
properly to wit :
Tue pl.tos whereon A J McGowen now lives
\ ‘he 6th District of slid county, levied on as
I toe property of said McGowen, to satisfy three
j Ju■ C mirt fi fas, issued from a Justices’
Court of said county, in favor of Sawyer &
j Hendrix vs A J MoGowen.
| F our acres of lot of lund nttmher thirty
j' , no, in th * sixth district of said count v. ad
Joining the Nohb* house, running north to-
I wards or to a certain ditch, thence east to a
certain ditch, south near A. Milnet’s futce.
, ihence west to original line. Levied ou as
|H>* property of John Nohb* to satisfy a ft fa
issued from the Superior Court of said
county, iu favor of James Sheridan vs Johu
kilty acres of Lot of Land, being the
south west corner of lot number twenty
•right, in the fourth district of said county,—
Levied on as the property of James M Jack
son to sa isfy a fi fa issued from the Superi.
or Court of said county in favor of iM 1)
Hendrick vsjas M Jackson.
O le half lot of laud number fifty (north
half,) iu the six • h district of said county,
levied on as the property of James llollo
tn >n to satisfy four Jusilce Court fi fas, in
favor of John M K Gunn issued from a Jus
tice Court of said couuty agaiost said Jutne
i I ltd In mon
The following lot* of land to wit—Nos.
iime hundred and twenty three, one hundred
i Hn( l twenty two, one hundred and twenty
i one, one hundred and forty four, and on 1
j hundred and forty six. all in the fifth dial.
! nfsnid couuty, levied o i as the property of
Drewry M Leatsu-r to satisfy a ft la issued
from the Superior Court of said county, in
favor of Cih irt Brother* & Cos., vs said
Leusuei aud others iu my hands agaius
1 eusttcr.
Lot of land number ono hundred and
eight, it* the fifth district of s aid county, Ic
! vied on as the property of Drewry ,V 1 Leu-
I su-r to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from ti
! Justices Court of said couuty. in favor of
1 David Lilly aud others vs said lo'Usuer—
properly levied on and relumed to tile by a
, Constable.
Lot of land Ns 72, in the 7th district of
said couqiy. levied ou as the property of
John A Carter, to satisfy sundry fi fas issue,l
feint a Justices’ Court if said county in fa
vor of John A Green. Burnett & Tuttle,
B njiinin F Burnett aud others, vs said
John A Carter.
Eight negroes to wit: Kit. a min about
,20 year* old Bill, a man about 28 years old,
J Mescbaoh, a man 28 years old, R-e, a rvn
man 21 yeaisold. Celia, a woman 30 years
old. Phillis, a woman about 50 years old,
Hannah, a woman about 50 years old. aud
Betty, a woman about 40 years old, all lev
’ ied on as the property of George A Dea-
I vottr* to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Supe
i rior Court of Ca Ir uu county, Paul State,
j iu lav r of J.ihu W J mes and David 11 J aues
vs said Gaorge A Deavours.
Ono third inteiest in Steam Mill and fix
j lures, together with oue third interest iu
j lICKI acres of land immediately attached
being the intefist formerly owned by tuns
1 I, Douglass; also one third ill half lot No.
I I 18. one third inteiest in lot of land lying
east of the mill lands, cm nering on the H ugh
i McKiuiou lot of land: als > one third inter
-1 esi in saw limber on lot No, 147; one third
iin saw timber ou lot land No. I 12; one third
interest in saw timber on lot laud No. 79,
all in theQ'h district of said eouiiiv. levied
on as the property ~f Lodewiek E Lard, to
satisfy a fi la issued from the Superior Court
! of sai l county in favor of R II .Marlin v
11, K Lard and VI I) llcud rick, makers, and j
Thus L Dnugl ms anil Win T Callier eti-
Irlorsers, and others iu my hands against L E
i Lard.
Lots of Land numbers 75, 172. in the sth
district of said voiiiity; lots of land ninuber
j 173, 57, 58. 28 19 161 l>2. and 63, in the
; 6tb district of said county, all levied on as
! the property of Moses G Ranew. to satisfy
sundry fi fas issued Loin the Nup trior Court [
of sit i couuty, in favor ol Win May nor and
others vs said Ranew; ulso one linggy and
one two horse w agon, as the proper*)’ “I
said Ranew, to satisfy above fi fas vs said
Lots of Land to wit: numbers 112, 127.
128, :.nd 143 in the 2lsl district of said
county; aisothe other billow ing lots of ‘and.
numbers 26, 66, 87. 104 99. and 100. in tit
Bth district of said county, ali levied on as
the property of James Buggs to satisfy a fi
fa issued iroui the Superior Court of said
comity, in favor of James Chirk vs Lemmon
Dunn and James Suggs—propetty pointed
out hv ol iuliff Clark.
Feb3 E. VARNER, Dep, Sl.flf,
Mortgnse Sheriff Sales,
WILL be wild on the first Tiie.-d iy in March
next, before the Couit House door in the
I town of Cumber!, Randolph county, within the j
■ legal hours of sale, the following property, to
wn :
One wagon and harness, one buggy and har.
ness, one li. rse, one cooking stove, and other
j household aud kitchen furniture, of various
I kinds, too tedious to mention, together with two
negroes, one a girl slave named Malinda, slid
j one negro girl slave named Hester, levied on as ,
j the property of John IL Caldwell, to satisfy a :
| Mortgage Fi. Fa. issued Irmn the Superior)
j C .urtotsaid county, in favor of Jess'! II Key.
! surviving copartner of Ibe lale firm of Key &. )
| Preston vs John H Caldwell.
J Three Pianos, levied as the pro perty of John !
llCaldwell to satisfy a Mortgage Fi. Fa. issued
from the Sup rior Court of saul Cppiinty in favor
of Samuel N Hurd vs John II Caldwell.
Two negroes, a girl named Malinda, and ano
ther girl named Hester, levied nn as the proper- j
1 tv of John H Caldwell to satisfy a Mortgage Fi
I Fa issued trom ihe Superior Court of said coun
ty, in lavor of William M Crumley v* said John
H Caldwell—property pointed nut in said Mort
gage. ‘ RICII’D. DAVIB, Sliff.
Jan. 3 1857
[FOREWARN all persons from trading
for one promissory Note, given hy me
to James M. Huge, for the amount of Two
Hundred and Twenty-Five Doll irs. bearing
■late February 18 h 1853, and due the2stb
December 1850 Tiie consideration l,ir
.v icti he Note was given having failed, I
tn ‘letertnirietl D"t to pay said Note utiles
ompelled by I iw. I also auveriisod sai,l
sole iu the Temperance Banner three years
ago. fcL 103 tH. Y. LOFTIN',
rgNllE utidersignoil would respectfully Inform
J. the citixens of Cdlfabcrt Randolph coun
ty, and the public generally, that they are now
prepared tj do all kinds of
Plantation U'ork, Jf agons,
Horseshoeing, &c ,in the best manner and at
the shortest notice, at tho Slum occupied last
year hy VV. 11. J Chapman. We have secured
the services of Mr. ALBIN AGREE, who will
take charge of the Wood Shop. Good and
competent workmen will always he found in the
Blacksmith IShop.
By faithful altenthin to out business, and mo
derate charges, we hope to share a liberal por
tion of piiblie patronage.
I will pav strict attention to the above busi
ness, so that ull who favor us with their patron
age may rely upon !*• ■ i,ijr accommodated.
uiuletsignod thankful for past favors,
B. would inform liis old cu-lonters and the
publ’c genorally, that he is still engaged in the
m iiiufactiire of
at his old stand, which are not surpassed hy any
| made in the Spite for speed ami quality of Cut
l ui ginned, and which needs no recuuinieiida
tinn when fairly tried. Having been engaged
in the manufacture of Gi"s at this place for tho
last twelve years, he flatters himself that, he can
make a Gin iquil to any in ils performance.—
He will have no Traveling Agent* for the sale of
his Gins, but will depe: demitely on those vvi-h
----mg (fins, to order them by mail. Th > business
ot Gin Agents becoming so odioii. and trouble
some to most Farmers, has induced him to adopt
this plan ; besides, an order from ihe pare baser
to the manufacturer is much mure satisfactory
to both parlies, than when ordered hy in Agent.
He -elicits early orders, that th* y may certainly
be filled in good lime, tlis terms are )R2 per
Baw, due first January next, delivered at the
purchaser's residence or farm. Note to Iso giv
en when ihe Gin is delivered.
The Gin is warranted to perform well with
proper attention and good running gftan and i!
it has any fault after Ginning ten bales of Cot- |
ton for a trial, theundcr-Sgned to be immediately i
no'ilicd through the P. st 018.-o, and permitted |
to have it i"iiu-died, and not to he responsible
for tlie perform nice of the Gin. iu any case,
whore these conditions are not u< mplied will!
All kinds of Repairing done in the best possible
manner af Ins Factory.
He is also mu ofictnring a lot of those val
uable SEED PLANTERS, of Randall & Mer
cer’s Patent, both with and without the roller
and band. Every Planter should have them, if
lie intends In use economy, There is at least a
saving of one-third toe labor in planting dud cul
tivating, besides a saving of seed over the usual
way of planting fully siidLhmi to pay for it
in one season, Price $ 12. cash on delivery at
the Factory. J. II WATSON,
Jan 27—10 m Palmyra, Lee county, Ga.
FA R/J t V ‘ELL.
IN consequence of li iving to ive possession
in a few <1 lys, it becomes necessary to cJomh
our Book*, The balance us the goods on hand
will be sold
At COST for C %SSI win v
(O* All poisons indebted to the late firm will
picas** como forward and nelile. VVe helped you
when you needed indulgence, and now wo must
have money, KCY &, i’RE.sTON* )
Hoot Maker Wanted.
ONE that wi'l do any kind o: .sj®
work car find steady empioy- Wg
ment at good wage*, on appheutioH to Eg.
Jan 27 GOFF & AHAVlB._Wttw
Itlooded Mate fop Sale.
I HAVE a vory fine FILLEY
which 1 wih to dispose of. fJPaffISM.
.Stie is a fine blooded animal, and
will run well by next Spring.—
Call and examine her, ns I intend to sell soon.
Jan 21! —ts JOS. E MO.SLLLV.
WII.L be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next, before ihe C.mrt House dour in Ihe
town of Uutlib'irt, Randolph county, within tho
usual hours of sale, the following property to
Lot of LindslNos 112. 127, 128, and 143.
in t e 2|st Distr ct of originally Lee, now
Randolph county, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa.
iu myliands issued from the Superior Court of
-aid county in favor of James Clark vs Lorn-
I mon Dunn, James Suggs, and Richard Davis.
Property pointed out hy Janies Suggs.
Also, Lots of Land Nos. 26, 66. 87. 104, 99,.
and 106 in the Bth District of said county, levied
on to satisfy the above named fi. fa. Property
pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. This Jan
uray 2 1857. J.. E. LARD.L, C.
THE undersigned respectfully call* the
attention of the citizen* of Randolph
aud adjoining counties, to the fact that they
a>e carrying on the above business at the
.■-hnp formerly occupied hy Bell & Walker,
where all work entrusted to their care will
he done with neatness and dispatch, and on
reasonable term, Also, Horseshoeing and
of all kind*. Prompt aftenlion will always
he given to work, A share of public pat
ronage solicited.
Cuthbert, Jan 20
jauai aiiaar
Nov. 18— ts
Tfl E firm of Cole & Johnson no longer ex
ists, and I am not respi nsihle for any
debts contracted after the first of January 1857.
S FOREWARN all persons from trading for
two Not given by me, and made payable
on the Istd iy of January, 1837, to John Eltson
or hearer, for SSO.
Legal Blanks
OFcvery description printed to order at this
MPHE Spring Term us this lu4Ueri*|n wtl
M. begin the FIRST MONDAY in ppbfun
ry. Under tho direction of the following newly
Iluv. Ouver P. Antony, A. M., Pres.
Rev. James B. Jacks in,
James D. Wade. A. H ,
Miss Sophia C. Hayden,
Mrs. Amanda C. Kiddoo.
No change tins been mad* in the rato-of Tui
lion. The studeiil is charged only iroui the
timo of entering.
Prof Joint 11. Caldwell having dissolved his
connoctimi with tho College, will be sin ce -tied
iu the Boarding Departmont hy Mi. Robert
Rives ami Lady. Mr. IL lias a tarm near town,
end is well prepared to accommodate boarders.
For further iiiform ition, apply to
Jan 6—st Sec’y of Faculty.
Os South I Fes tern Ga .,
Faculty f*r 1867.
R. n. M ALL ARY, A. M., Frcsid't.
Rev. J F. DA (JO, A M.
iMrs. R. I). MALL ARY,
Mrs. J. F DAGG,
The Spring Term begins on tlio 2d Monday
in January, and ends 0,1 tho Ist Wednesday iu
July. The Fall Term begins on the Irt Mon
day in September, and ends on tho 3d Friday in
J December.
Tuition is charged from tho timo of entrance
tn tho end of the Term ; and no deduction is
made fp >r absence except in cases of protracted !
ckuoss. Payment in advanck is dosired.
Pu 1 ils who beard under the i'nniodiate care
of teachers are controlled in their purchases,
visits, and their attendance on public worship,
in strict coin pi i nice with written instructions,
received from their parents and guardians.
Jan C—2o—fit
iTan uol mi *coll u g r
THE Exercises ctf the above Institution
will lie resumed ou the Third Mon
day it) January, 1857, under the joint con.
trol of T. W. IJAYrf & J. W. SWIN
There will ho a public Examination at
the close of the first Term, conducted un
der the supervision of literary geuilomcu.
Rates of Tuitiou.
Pa/mart UtPAiil'MEN'r. —Orthography,
Reading and Wilting, $lO 01).
Arithmetic, Geography aud Grammar,
sls 00.
Uoli eoe Dbpartmsnt.—Ancient Lan
guages, Mathematics, English Branches,
continued, #2O 00,
UjT“ Languages ‘aught on the plan of the
University of Virginia,
Board in the Institution or private fami
lies at $lO 00 per month.
For further particulars apply to ciih*i’ of
tlup I*, i.icipah for Circulars.
Due 16—if
Exercises us this Institution will
B cotninence on the Secuud Monday in
J luaary, 1877. under tho management of
G. iM. PATTERSON. Assistance will
beprocured ti nocc-sary.
Expenses per Session of Five Mont/is.
Class Ist, t : : I0 00
Class 2J, ; : : 15 00
Class 3d, : : : 20 00
Students w ill he charged from the time of
entrance to tho close of the Term ; anti no
deduction made for absence except iu cases
of protracted illness.
Bee IG —4l
TSU H-7 tL.W
fg3|l IE undersigned has opened a BOOT &
H IIA It v ESS SIIOP in Cuthbert, in the
house immediately between the Printin'* Office
and the Jail, All work put up in rny Shop will
be warranted to be as good as can be done in
of all kinds done promptly, fur which the Casts
will be required A snare of public patronage
is respectfully solicited.
jai.6—2o—tf E. M. BLACK.
CißHlfieS! ClßlMGiffi}! !
rgyiiF. undersigned would respectfully inform :
H the citizens of Randolph and the adj iini gj
counties, that they are prepaied to build for!
Cash, nr approved Small Notes, Vehicles of ;
every description ilia style and finish not sur
passed by any shop South. We employ no
and therefore can warrant all work done at our
O* Repairing done neatly and with prompt
ness. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit
a liberal share for the future.
Cuthbert, Aug. 16,1850-ls tpj
No. 40, Broad St., Columbus, Ga
RG. JEFFRSON &. CO, manufucturcrs
and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in \
Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Bedsteads, Bureaus, (
Tables, Solas, and other House Furni-lung in- j
tides. Orders from country merchants arui nth- ,
ers will receive prompt u’lenOon. Our Ware j
is made by Southern hands, and of Southern ,
wood. A fair competition with Northern nian
illaciorios is all we ask. Address
Columbus, Dec 23—bin
attorney at law,
HAMILTON, Harris Coumtij. Ga.
WILL practice in Harris, T,oup. Merriwe
ther, Talbot, Muscogee, and all the Conti-,
lies in the CtwttaliO icho Circuit. Business l
entrusted io his care, will be promptly and ef
ficiently execute 1.
D*c 33—6iu
> 1
111 inur
North Lust Conter PaWit? Square,
BEG leave tn call the attention of the citi
zens of South Western Georgia to their
stuck of
Furniture, Pianos, JPe.
11 icy have now added to their .Stock, u large
HHHort merit of
Gold and Silver Watches Clocks , Rich
Jewelry, Silver Ware. Silver
Plated I Fare, fre See.
Among lite r slock may he found Elegant
Gold Watches, for Ladies anil Gentlemen ; Ele
gant Silver Watches, various qualities ; Eight
Day and Thirty hour (’locks, handsome Styles,
and warranted ; Rich JEWELRY i.t great va
il''ty ; Silver Sp ,ons, Forks, Htiltor Knives,
Gup*, Ac ; Silver Fluted Castors, Cake Haskols,
Candlestick*, &e.; Waiters, Spoons, Kuives,
l 1 orlis, &.c.
Consisting i*l part of
Chairs, Bedsteads, Tables, Bureaus,
# Wash-stands, Ihieh Clttunber Setts,
Sofas, Tote r Totes, Wardrobes,
Centre Tables, Book Cases, &c., &.
We have a fine assortment of Chickoring’s
in Rosewood cases of the newest styles, with n
good a-sortmeut of rich and cotnmoa Mirrors,
Window Shades, Malts, and many otherartioles.
Hi” VVutchos and Jowelry repaired in the best
Americas, Sept 1 3-4ot
r|nuE copa tnership iieretofore existing be-
JL tween Jolin T. Jenkins and M. Ji Atkins,
undar the firm name of Jenkins At Alkma, is
this day dissolved hy mutual consent.
Cuthbert, Dec. 15, 1856.
ID* All persons indebted to the late firm will
find their Notes and Accounts at the old stand. ‘
They uroearnestly requested to call and nettle j
immediately, as the business MUST he closed, j
J. &A. !
O’ Those indebted to J. T. Jenkins, individ
ually, will take the hint and do likewise. A
word to tho wise is sufficient. J. T. J.
THE undersigned, late of the firfn of Jp-n
----liius tfc Atkins, would an non tree to his
numerous friends and customers that 110 will
carry on the
as heretofore, at the same old stand. Thankful
to them for past favors, lie would respectfully
solicit a continuance of tho name ; and would
cordially jnyite the public generally t*> g>*e
him a call. M. J. ATK , *' to -
Cnthliert, Dec 23—fit
Mail Mo ad
ALL ne sons indebted to the I.ato firm 0
yVtJSS lk. CALLIER, whose accounts
„, j notes are duo, will he sued if they do itot
setlle shortly.
O’ 1 mean what I say. XD
D :c 2 —l6—tf Surviving Furtner.
CUTHBERT, Randolph County, Ga.
Wild, practice in the cnnnfas of Ran
dolplt, Terrell, Dougherty, Baker, Cal
houn, Early, Clay, Miller and dleVnrt.
iD” Business intrusted to his care shall always
receive iunnediate and rxoMrr alteklion,
Aug. IG-lv |
hfo a, mnm)£> 9
Atloriicy at JLaw,
CUTIIRERT, Randolph Cotnty, Ga.
WILL practice in the I’.itauh and South
western Circuits. All busfioss intrust
ed to his care will receive prompt aild immediate
aitention. Oct. 7-6
3?) e f e © ‘xpmm-s
JMorgan, Calhoun Cos. Ga.
PRACTICES in Calhoun and adjoining
Counti'-s. Business entrusted to his care
will receive prompt und energetic attention,
Oct 21 -Gui
1857. 1857. 1857,
at BhoDk’sTailobino
oS—/ Establishment,at the store
of Ball, Stewart & Ausley, and
ex inline tho Fashion*, where all
persons desiring work, can have
it done as well und as
(J El K A P
as it can be done in Southwesl
fry- Terms CASII.
Jan 6 20 —t f
Opposite the Purteuser Depot,
ready on UlO arritfel of every
13 1, E. e. BeowN.
QB J 833 mi’ r BD B SMS ‘LBL' 1 9
DR. 11. will faithfully execute
business entrit-tc l to his care,
an( ) timers himself that if those
who liav* diseased Teeth, or wish Teeth insert
ed, will call ou him, he will fully sali-fy them, hy
experience and otherwise, that they need not g
elsewhere to have their worn well dene.
D* Ail work Warranted, and no pay will be
required if saik-facti in is not given.
JJFOlfice next door to the Post Office,, 01
tci-.mlft doer west of Webb’s Hotel.
Aug 16 l v
, Aug. 16 ly
Ts ‘are-house at Georgetown.
rf7HE etthscrilicrs hereby in- Yf
JI. form the citizens of Clay, fcAPy
Randolph and Stewart
that they have taken charge
tho well known
Goargotown, nn.l have put it in thorough and
eomnlele repair for tho recoptiun of EfOT
TN this season. They will kocp constantly
011 hand a supply of
which they will sell at the lowest market prices.
Strict attention paid to the receiving and for.
warding ot all Goods entrusted totheircuro.
O’ Liberal advances made on all Cotton in
From the past experience of Mr. Riordan in
this business, and a determination on the part .if
both to giro aalisfaetion, they a-k their ii ionds
and the public to givi- them a call.
Georgetown, Sept. 13-ts
Randolph County. )
WHEREAS, William L. Crawford
applies to me lor Letters of Guar
dianship for tho persons aud property of
Eugenia IS. Lightfoot, orphan of Edwtu V.
Lighifoot, deceased :
These ate therefore to cite and ndmonith
all ingular the kindred and friends of
said orphan to he and appear at my ofiee
w ithin the time prescribed hy law, and Alt*
their objections, if any they have, otherwise
letters of Guardianship will be issue! to
said applicant.
Given under my hand at Office, ihijJau*
uarv l7:b, 1857.
Jan 20 J D LKNNARD. O-dmary
*” 1 geoklha, J
Randolph Cocn tT ’ >
WHEREAS, lobn VV, applies to
me for letters of on
the Estate of Rebecca *'• •* 31,03 late of 83ul
C °'SJ to cite and admonish
all and t* Klarthe kindred and creditors of
s;ii d (Uceasi and, l‘> "*’ ll PP eltr 31 n, y
) V ,,rtiif the time prestrtbecd by law and show
x-ause if any they have, why letters should
not be granted said applicant.
Given under my hand at office, this Dec,
18 th 1850.
J D LENNARD Ordinary,
Dec 23th 1850
Randolph County. )
WIIEREpIU 1 , John W, Janes applies to m
for IctJrs of Gusrdianship for Octavius C.
Janos and Emma S. Janos, Mino- orphans o f
William Janes, deceased:
These are tlierelore to cite and admonish tho
kindred and friends of said Orphans to bo and
appear at my Office within tho lime prescribed
by law, then ami there to file their objections, if
any they have, otherwise letters will he granted
s'tid applicant. Given under my hand at Office,
this 27tli November, 1356. 1
J. D. LENNARD, Ordinary.
Dec 2—l6 —4l)ds
“ Adiuinistrator’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary
of Randolph county, willbe soltl beloie the
Court House door in Cuthbert, Randolph coun- 1
ly, oil the first Tuesdny in January next, with
in tlie legal hours of sale, the following described
Laud*, t'-wit: Lots Numbers 34, 35, 00,
and 45, nil 111 the Seventh District ol said
County. Also, Lot No 230, and I'Oiyy
Acres olf tho North-west corner of Lot No.
105 J and GO Acre9off tl.e Southwest cor
ner of Lot No. 105. AH in the Sixth Dutnct
ol said County, und gold as the property of LpO
renzo 1). Price, deceased, tor the benefit of tna
said deceased. Sold on a credit of two year*,
payable iu 1858 and 1859, in small notes with
approved securily.
LORENZO 1). PRICE, P 0 ’ 0 ‘
O’ The above sale is postponed nnhl th
first Tuesday in February.
Jail 6—td .
GEORGIA, Clay Couuty.
mjOTICE i* hereby given, that after publicn
-11 tion of this Notice for six weeks, applii
cation will he made to the Commissioner of
sion* for the is-uc of a duplicate of Warrant
No. for One Hundred and 1 wenty Acres
Act of March 3d, 1855, risued to Washingto
Toney, lute a Volunteer in Captain John A
Urquhart’s Company, in Colonel Aik Bale*
Rp gunent. in the War with the Creek Indians
in 1836 ; the same having been lost, and a Cave
at against ils location entered in the Geuera-
Land Office. This January Ist, 5807.
JanC-Gt Alty. for Washington
“Guardian’s Sale.
BY Virtue of an Order ol the Court of
Ordinary of Randolph county Ga.
will bo sold before the Court house door u
Cuthbert, on the first Tuesday iu I’ ebruary
next, within the usual hours; oue uegro
woman Srah, about forty years <! B .;a
good cook, and house servant. Sold ns tho
property of and lor the benefit of L L
Lighifoot minor. Perms CA-.11.
b EW O EVERETT, Guardian.
Dec 23d 1856
THE subscriber will continue toboard youhg
Ladies, as Students of the Baptist I emalt*
College, upon the same term* as Ihe two preyt.
on* years, *l2 00 per month, one halt to b
paidn adva'ice. and the balance at the end (>r
eacliTerm Washing, ligh's, bedding, fuel,
&x. are included iu the almve churgg.
Jan C—29—3t* THO. MUSH.
Gunsmithing in Variety.
Respectfully inform* the eitizo.* of
Randolph and tho adjoining counties,
hat he has located 111 Cuthbert, and is prepared
0 do all kinds of
U'Zt 9
such as making and repairing all descriptions of
Guns, Pistols, Locks, tee. Everything done ...
Ml 9 Hue will bo attended to satisfactorily and
with despatch. Patronage to his establishment
, respectfully solicited.
O’ Ternis CASII-XJ
Cnthliert, Aug. IG-lf
to ml Warrants If 'anted.
tNOR which the h ghrst mtrket p-iee wi.l be
1 naul Call and see me before v* u fell..
1 u if. BEALL
CuthL# t, Anj 21 j