Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, February 10, 1857, Image 4
m mm, B,jJBO Prices—Lowest $ 10. Mumthan om*+heU hery 1 iHotul*. ‘M PRIZbK-OIfAR VN I’EED GEORGIA LOTTERY. (Authorize! hyilie Slate of Georgia.] FORT fill® Mllll’VlV LOTTERY! __ CLASS 21 To bo drawn In the City of Atlanta, Ga. to public, on Sat’y, I\b. 19, 1307, on the Plan of Single IVumbers. ID’ Purchasers in buying 10 Whole Ticket, (when the numbers rml in I, 12, It, 4,5, G, 7, S, 3,0.) are guaranteed a Prize of s44—Halves and Quarter* m proportion. ,-^i SAM’L SWAN & CO , Managers. THIRTY THOUSAND TICKETS’ :i,SO t’ttiZK m PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 204,000 Dolls Wdl lie distributed according; to the fallowing \ ORIGINAL SCHEME. \ Prize of $50,000 is $30,01)0 51 do of 20.000 is 10 000 j i do of is 20.000 I I do of 5,000 i. 5 000 ;Si do of 2.500 is 5.000 ido of 1.000 is 2.000 20 ,do of S(A) is| 10,000 50 yo of 3Dffi* 15,000 75 U of 200 is 15,000 100 ila of 10p is 10.000 1525 i|,i of (ii is 7,0ii0 4 of $1(11) Vpprox’iingto $50,000 nro 1600 4 ol IfrlO Approx'tiug 10 20,000 are 1200 4 if 2>o Apprnx’tieg to 10,000 are 000 4of 150 Approx’littg to 5.000 are 600 Hf hi) to 2.500 are 480 Bof 40 Approve,,, l 0 l,()(jO aro 320 80 of 35 do 500 2,800 300 of 20 do ut 200 are 6000 1,000 Prizes, amounting to s>oo,ooo There are 30,000 Tickets nnmhoreiVf r „ m I to 30,000. There are 15.185 Prizfs a. mounting to 204,000. The drawing take's place iu public under (he superintendence of two sworn Commissioners, The Num bers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets, priuted an separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in oue wheel. The first 117 Prizes, similarly printed aud encircled, are placed in another wheel, The wheels are then revolved, aid a Num ber is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn Iroui the other wheel. The number niui Prize drawn out aro opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commis sioners. the Prize being placed against the number drawn. This operation is repealed until all the Prize* aro drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two preceding and the t'vo succeed ing Numbers to those drawing the first 117 P.izes will he entitled to the 03 Approxima tion Prizes, according to the Scheme, 1 ho 15,000 Prizes of $8 are determined by the number which draws the $40,000 P.izu—if that number should be an odd nmilier, thou every odd number ticket in the Scheme will bo entitled to $8 , if an even tiumber, then every even number tick et will he entitled to $8 in addition to any other Prize which may tie drawn. All those tickets ending with 0, 2. 4, <i, 8, •re oven—all those eudtug with 1,3, 5,7, 9 are odd. Remember every Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. CAll Prizes of $1 000 and under paid immediately alter the dta wing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days, iu full with out deduction. All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will tie forwarded to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Prize Tickets cashed or reuotved in oth r tickets at either fJflicw. Address orders for’Pickets of Certificates of Packages of Tickets either to S3. S\V \N & CO., Atlanta, Ga. Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. S, n „. 13 ly •” i-- RULE Nisi. STATE OF GEORGIA,. > Randolph County. I Court of O, dinar;/, August Term , 1856. HERI'.AS, John Jl. K. Gunn, ad minis- I * trulnr on tile estate of Ilenry A. Got!', Into >l said county deceased, having fully ad ministered the goods and chatties of said deceas ed, petitions tills Court for Letters of Dismis sion. It is therefore ordered that all and singular the parlies interested in said estate shew cause at the February Term of this Court, why said Ail miuislrulyr should not then and there be dismiss ed, otherwise, letters will he granted; and that tins Unie bt* published iti terms oflaw, A true Extract from the .Minutes of Randolph Court ol Ordinary. 1 * LEONARD, Ordinary. Aug. 16-m(nn STATE OF GEORGIA, \ ~ Randolph County. | WHEREAS, demy J. Hunt and Ben its tniu I . Adams applies to me for lotteis ol uu.iniiansnip lor the per-on and property of VV illimn l. amijcy, a lunatic ; J These are therefore to cite and admonish the friends and next of kindred of said lunatic to he and appear at my Office within the time pre scribed hy law, then and there to file their oh jeclrans, (r| any t|ioy have,) olhcrwUoletlers will be granted said applicants, i Given under my hand at Office, this 23d Oe- Mr ’ no 6, -*• LENNARD. ° ct _____ Ordinary. Aw COPsDSjL. BAKER AM WEdlifffl M^lsrzs-'^srt^ Fi're w'"k*‘ ® ur,|ial f- Syrups, Jelhes, description*’ Paßtries * *'ory ‘ , "& : ' VVeU,, ' ngS a,,tl P,urUes SU .PIMI-at short Cuthbert, Aug. 1 G-ts Blank Declarations JfUSr printed J.t;.d for site at 99 THIS OFFICE. fVPti ONfKV •"*** FRISm/iMFORtt#, ESTABLISHED fiii Mrf{ ‘. , EIYUC subscribers desire to advise their JL friends, and the Priming Interest generally, that since the late fire, which in jured only the manufacturing department of their establishment, they have entirely refitted the same with new machinery, ami have availed themselves of the opportunity to introduce every modern improvement which long experience aud capital can com maud ; and that they have therefore une qualled facilities for producing TYPE of superior excellence and durability, and of supplying all orders for tire same with great accuracy and promptness. Our New Specimen Book, (just issued) will he freely sent to all who wish to purchase, when applied for. Print ers will please he particular iu directiug how it may he scut We also furnish every article needed in a Printing Ollico, ut manufacturer’s prices. P U E 8 8 E S, (Machine and llaad.) Hods’. Taylors’, Ad ; am*', Rugglcs’, Chase's Diamond Press, l (of which we are sole agents in this city;) and of every other maker in the Untied : States ; Ink. Cases. Stands. Imposing j Stones, Composing Sticks, Galleys, (bras and wood,) Chases, Furniture, &e. Orders will likewise he (Lied for Paper, Cards, and I*t inter’s Stock of every kind. Electrotyping and Stereo typing iu all tboir branches, Type Copper-faced to order. Old Typo received lit exchange for new at nine emits per pouud, if delivered in six ty days from the date of purchase ; if later, but six cents per pound. 05** Publishers of newspapers who will ifAert this adeertisemeut three limes, with this note, and forward us a paper contain ing the same, will he paid in printing mate rials by purchasing four times (he amount of their hill lor the advertisement. Second Hand Trusses (Machine and Hand) usually on sale.’ O'Our new Combination Holders which, since iheir first iiitrodueiiim ha ve been care fully revised, and can now lie justified with tha greatest nicety, heroafter will be sold at j 50 cants per pound. * . ■ tVM. IIAGAR, Jr., & CO. Wm. lUoar, Jr., > John II '.oar. ( MUST! III! IllMTtll. A daily NEWSPAPER AT $4 A YEAR. undersigned proposes to publish JL in the city of Augusta, Ga., about the iirs, , ( f January 1837, provided one thous am si ie.,| )Br3 | )0 SBl . llro ,j i i) ai | y News a t online >,, a | j ouni; || () f the above title and It m bc , he „ of „ , h I ical party, and \vir*. A , * . - the latest Foreign, ‘ y “i Nows, gathered'from tlib.,i-.‘| ‘!" er 1 * Mails, and till other available ’ e tile departure of tho evening Trait,. ‘ “ ° It is believed that tliero is a popular i tnund for a cheap medium of duly news;, and Railroad and Telegraph coinuiunica- 1 tiou is now so perfected as to render such an enterprise entirely practicable# The! large amount of miscellaneous and political 1 matter contained iu the current daily papers, necessarily enhances their price, ami while j it interests a Certain class of readers, ten- 1 ders them too expensive for large numbers who would lake a smaller and cheaper and u ly, containing the latest news Such a pa per ilia proposed to make the Daily Even ing Dispatch, and as every department will he under th control of practical business men, its elliticney as a sprightly and vigor ous Newspaper may ho relied upon, subscriptions will bo due and pay- j able upon the receipt of the first number, and the eutro business will be conducted strictly upon the Cash System, Advertisements will bo received upon the usual terms, SIMEON A ATKINSON, coluiwb its weekLV simT THOMAS UeWOLF, Editor. TITHE Dally Sun being now- established on -*• a basis broad enough and strong enough, ’ ‘to secure its permanence, we have determined to carry out our long cherished intention, tho I establishment of a WEEKLY PAPER. The Weekly Sun wrHI bo made up from the choicest matter of our daily; like it, will main tarn a strict neutrality as to party and creed t! and like it, mill contain all the latest and mu, interesting tows received, opto the hour of go mg to press b On tho firit ot September next, we shall have i in suoeessfu,operation, liberal Telegraphic Arrange men Is which will enable us to lay before our readers; tne very latest news, Foreign and Dnmomic, ! Commercial, Political and Misdeltaneous. Wo j might enlarge at grout length, upon our inten tions; but. preferring performance to pro nises, w shall endeavor to have the •- Sun” make its own way exclusively upon such merit as it may bo found to possess. ; Before embarking in this orojoct, which will be an oxponsivo and laborious one, we desire I some gWiiranty ol its success. We therefore in- : Vito subcrqitions, and invoke the aid of our triouds; and so soon as ■ li ThoHsasitl reliable names shall ha procured, the first number Will bo issued aud promptlv mailed. Then, but not till then, payment will be expected of ail subscribers. We shall adlisro strictly to the advance CASH S I'F,.M, uut only lor our own, but our read ers’ good. Every reader is interested in litis sys tem ; for it is the onlv one by which a j mrniil can be snoeetslully established, and its interest and usefulness m untamed. Tho Weekly Sun will be a large and hand some shoot, printed oij good paper, and contain mg a larger amount of feuding matter, ad ipte.l I both to specific and genural Wauls and tastes, . than any paper in Western Goorgi t, or the Suto ol Alabama. Advertiscutqats will not be allow ed to encroach upon our reading matter, except to a very limited extent.’ Subscription Price, §2,soper annum, mvan ablv in advance. 1 - Wi w Liberal inducements are offered to Postal ts. ers and Agents, who willinterest llioniseives to iacreifse our circulation—inducements that will enable niou nf energy to reap real benefit from their etlorts in our behalf. Upon this point full , particulars may bo obtained by addressing , . ■ : Columbus, Aitg. 1806. Now is the time to subscribe. \ .tmmn nw, j i- ro* 4*857, * A Monthly Periodical of Literature, Art *%■ and Fashion. Edited by Mrs, Ann S. Htzpkns, i JGh.ari.ks J. Peterson. \Pefe/sutj’s Ladies’ National Magazine’ eoihflfos from right hundred to a thousand pages yearly, about thirty stvl plaits, and ! over four hundred Illustrations engraved on wood | Its Original Stories. No other Periodical publishes such thrV.l-j iog l.des or such cSpitol stories of real life, j Mrs. An,i S. Stephens, the calibrated ait- i thor of‘Fashion and Famine.’is one of the editors; and she is assisted by all ihe best’ fem ile authors of America. All the stories pohli-hed arc original, which cannot he said of any colemporary. Morality and virtue’ are always inculcated. The newspaper, press and the ladies unite to pronounce it, he most readable of the Magazines. 1 P 8 SUI'EKH MEZZOTINTS, And other steel en,ravings, are the best ! published anywhere; are executed for it by i the first artists; and fit the end of eaeh year, are alone worth the subscription. ITS COLOREII K.A-lIION FI.A I‘ES Aro the only reliable ones puitlished in \tnerica ; and aro as elegant ns they aro correct, being magnificently engraved steel plates. The Paris, London, Philadelphia, j and New York Fashions are described, at, length each month. It is the text hook of Fashion in Boston, New York, and Phils-’ delphia. Its departments of Sew Receipts, crotchet work , Embroidery Netting, horticulture, acting charades, knitting, and female equestrianism, are al -! ways well filled, profusely illustrated, and rich with the latest novelties, h isthe host Ladies’ Magazine in the world, try it for ,tiiHi year. TERMS, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Gnu copy for one year, $2, three copies , f° r VOHr, §5 ; five copies for one year, ; $7 50; eight copies for one year, $10; six- : teen copies for one year, S2O. PREMIUMS for ot.TTiNo up CLUHS. I l’o every person getting up a club, our j ‘Port Folio ol art for (4850, containing fifty j sled engravings will he given gratis. For, a club of sixteen, an extra copy of the Mag azine loc 1857 will be sent in addition. Address, OIIA’S J. PETERSON. No. 102 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 07** Ihe Volumes begin with numbers for Jauntily and July, hut subscribers may commence with any other month tlu-v ploa-e. Hac k numh-rs furnished if desired THE home journal FOil 1857, SEW AND BRILLIANT SERIES. j fan IIP first number of the New Series of H. the Home Journal for 185 G, will be issued next week, in anew dress and with new attractions, the principal one of which will ho chapter one of PAUL FANE, j OR tMRTS OP A LIFE ELSE UNTOLD. -d .\'i- 7in vMlflt?<r#. BY N. P. WILLIS. ’ This, as a return of the author’s pen to 1 fiol I which he h- tried with some , in other days, hut which ha abandoned for the stronger attractions of fact and nature ! the field of romance—may not he uninter esting to the class of readers who have kind ly followed him iu both His lougei expe rience and better knowledge of the world will, ol course, give him greater advantages than before, for truth-like portrayal in fic tion. lie has, besides, a large store id per sonal observation and incident which has been kept apart from iiis available materi al while confined to actual description, and ; which can only he used through the dis-is tiividualizing process of romance, j In addi'iott to this new feature, a series of original sketches, songs and ballads by (J. j I’. .Morris, and aa original novelette, in j verse, founded upon fact, called, “ The Btory of a Star,’-by J M. Field, will be published in the course of the year. Ilesidos the contributions ami labors of the editors, the Home Journal will contain i the b oreigtt and Domestic Correspondence ‘ of a large list of contributors—the spice ol the European -Magazines—-the selections of i the most interesting publications of the day 1 —tile Uriel Hovels —the piquant stories—the sp irkling wit and amusing anecdote—the r.ews and gossip of the Parisian papers the personal sketches of public characters he stirring scene- of the world we live iu —the chronicles of the news forthe ladies the fashions—the facts and outlines of news t the pick ot Eugtish information—the wit, humor and pathos of the times—the essays ! on life, literature, society and moral-, and the usual variety of careful choosings from j the wilderness of English periodical lire#a„ dure, criticism, poetiy, etc. Wo need not : remind our readers that we have also one or two unsurpassed correspondents in the fash ionable society of Sew York, who will give 1 j us early news of every new feature of style and elegance among the loaders of the gay world. TERMS, For one ropy, $2; for 3 CO pj eSi one copy for three years, so—always iu ad vauce. Address MORRIS & WILLIS, Editors and Proprietors, GEORG I ) Randolph County, y WHEREAS, Agustu*T. Amos applies to me tor letters of Administration mi the Estate of Bennett H. Perkins, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, to he and appear at my office w itliin the time prescribed hy law, then and there file their objections, (if any they have,) otherwise letters will be gran ted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 10th November 1836. J. D I.ENNARD, Ordinary. November 11, 1830. r-r— , Hacoti and Flour. -M I I H & LENNtNARD are receiving from Tennessee, 50,000 Pounds of Ba con, of the host quality’ Also, a lot of TB"~4 S> BMC Cuthbert Sept ‘56 |SOUTHERN LOTTERY” j ON” THE IIA VAX A PLAN, j PRIUES GUARANTEED. $102,000! ONLY 15,000 NUMBERS ! Prizes Payable without Deduction. ! Jasper County Academy LOTTERY! (By Authority of the State of Georgia.) CLASS V. ii To be drawn February 10. 1d57, ac Concert 1 llall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintend ! enco of. Col. George M. Logan aud James A. I Nesbit, Jisq. 07** Remember this Lottery has only sis teen Thousand Numbers—less that, any Lottery in the World ! therefore it is ihe | best for investment. Examine the follow* I tng Scheme. ’ CLLFITi-.L $L5 S COC 1 1 Prize of $15,000 is $15,000 I do 5 000 is 5 000 1 do 2.001) is 2.000 4 do 1.000 are 4,000 5 do 500 are 2.500 80 do 100 are 8.000 j LSOO do 40 are (>.OOO i 20 Approximations 100 are 2 000 50 do 50 are 2 500 •V) do 20 are 1,0 0 1.712 Prizes amounting ; $102,000 Tickets $ 10,’ Halves $5. Quarters $2 The 1.500 Prizes of S4O are determined by the last figure of the number that draws I the Canital of sls 000. The Capital Prize will, of course, end with either one of the figures l, 2. 3.4, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. 0 Those Tickets ending with tile same fig. urn as ihe last in the Capital will tie enti tled to S4O, Halves and quarters in pro l portion. Persons sending money by mail need not j fear its being lost. Orders punctually at | tended to. Communications confidential. Hank Notes of sound Banks taken at oar, i Those wishing particular numbersshouid order immediately- Addrot-s j AMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon Ga. 11. BRAKE, Agent, Cutlibert. Ga. _Sep,.2s. 1336 Cii’aiiil Maryland Lottery FOR JANUARY, 18.37. ON TH F, II AVA N A PLA N. CAPITAL PRIZE 130,000 DOLLARS!! Grand Consolidated LOTTERY OF IIRYLIYD. Extra Class, J. To he drawn in Haltimore, Maryland, Sat- ’ unlay, January .31, 1857. R. FR 4 NOI, & CO., Managers, 1 20,000 Numbers, 1 000 PRIZES. Payable in (j-U wiil.o-u* <lOllllOllOll Will be distributed according to the follow- I ing Splendid 6“ na ■s* 17; nr •m a JLLi £3 i 1 prize of $42 500 1 do 12 300’ 1 do 10 000 • do fi 000 * do 3 040 2 do 2 010 0 do 1 goo 0 do 1 000 187 do ,200 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ?;4 <>f $ 13(1 approximating to 8100 000 1 4 <>f 000 do 50 Oi'O 4of 500 do 25 000 4 of 400 do 15 000 4 of ROO do II 040 Bof 200 do B 5 OtiO Bof 100 do 2 500 1- of 90 do 2 000 J -0 ol (>o do 1 500 I 20 ol 5o do 1 ono j 800 of 4o do 500 ; 1.110 prizes, amounting to $382 5 >0 Tickets S2O; Halves 10; Quar 5; Eights2,so APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two preceding and tjie two succeed ing numbers to those drawing the first 222 prizes, w ill he entitled to the 888 approxi •nation prizes. For example :if ticket No. : 11250 draws the 8100.000 prize, those tickets numbered 112 48. 112 49. 11251 aud 112.52, will each be entitled to 8800, aud ! so on according to the above scheme. PLAN OF ‘THE LOTTERY. In the above scheme there are 80.000 ; tickots, numbered from 110 B 0 000. There are 222 lull prizes and 888 approximations, making in all 1.11“ prizes. The numbers from I to BO 000 corres- i ponding with the numbers on rhe tickets, ’ priuted on separate slips of paper, are roll ed up and encircled with small tiu takes and placed in a Glass Wheel. The amounts of tho different 222 full priz es, similarly priuted aud encircled, are pla ced in auother wheel. After revolving the wheels, a number is drawn from the wheel of numbers, and at the same tune a prize is draw u from the other w heel, hy boys who are blindfolded. The uumber and the ‘ prize drawn out are opened and exhibited i to the audience, and registered by the Com missioners, the prize being placed against the number dtnwn. ‘This operation is re peated until all the prizes are drawn out 1 The drawing is then primed, and altereom- ! parison. the Commissioner certifies to its correctness. (U* All orders for tickets or packages in any of the Maryland Lotteries, w ill receive prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to all purchasers immediately after it is ov er. Address T- H. HUBBARD, & CO. No. B 9 Fayette. st., or Box No 40, Baltimore, Aid. Notice IS hereby given to all concerned, that two months atier date 1 shall a ply to the Hon j orable Court of Ordinary of Randolph county, s at its February Term-,for leave to sell the real I estatoof John \V. Turner and iceased This Nov j 27th, IS3B LODRICK TURNER. I Dec 2—16-2 m Administrator T r-*’ 4r . Al AM MOTH SCHEME. CAPITAL RAZE $50,000! ALABAMA LOTTERY. i [Authorized by the State of Alabama.] ['Southern Military Academy m.v a CLASS 0. jTo be Drawn in the City of MOBILE, Aia., iu pnljlic, on Saturday, Feb 1 1, 1357, ott the plan of SINGLE NUMBERS. t SAMUEL.SWAN, Manager. 30,000 Tickets Only ! Prizes amounting to £C4 s CSO DOLLARS Will be distributed according to the following UNRIVALLED SCHEME! 1 Prize nf $40,000 is $40,000 1 do of 12.01 M) is 12.0(10 , | ldo of 5.000 is 5.000 , ( 1 do of 2 000 is 2,000 1 1 I do of 1 000 is 1.000 ’ 1 do of 1.000 is | .000 .! B) do of 200 is 2.1 (10 ! 100 do of 100 is 10000 100 do of 70 is 7,0( 0 AVPROXIMATION TRIZES. 4 of $l5O approx to s4o 000 is SOOO 4 of 125. do 12.003 fs 500 4 of 100 do 5 000 b 400 4 of 75 do 2.000 is 3()0 8 of 50 do 1.000 is 400 40 of 45 do 200 is 1.800 3000 of 40 is 120.000 3,280 prizes, nmon ting to $204,000 \\ hole Tickets $lO. Halves 5 Quarters 2A UrThp Alabama and Georgia Lotteries, as channels for investment, present indu'-e ----ments over any other known scheme. The experience the public have had of ihe man agement of these Lotteries, the large a mount ;<f Frizes sold, the promptness with ” bich they h rve been paid, are the best guarantees that they will atwais he con ducted iu the most honorable manner. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. There are 39,090 Tickets uuipbered from I to 30.000. There are 380 full prizes and 620 Adproximatious—makii.g iu all 1,000 Prizes. The drawing takes place in public, under the superintendence nf two sworn C-oimiii— sinners. The numbers from 1 to 30 000 corresponding wi h the numbers on the Tickets p inted on the separate slips of p per, are en< ircleil with small tin lubes and placed iu oue wheel. Tilt first 380 prize.- similarly printed and encircled, are pi .-ed in another wheel. The wheels are then re volved-and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is diau n from the other ivlp-el. Tile number and Prize drawn out are opened ’ and exhibited to the aiidieuce. and register jed by the Comini-sinners. the Prize lie'.ut I placed again-t tl<e number drawn. This I oiierajimi i. J uuitt all ihe Pitzes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION prizes. The two preceding and the two succeed | mg Numbers to those drawing [h> first.3Bo 1 Prizes will ho entitled to the 62U Approxi mation l’jizes. a. cording to the Bchi me in Ordering Tii kets. Enclose the mone\ to our address for the Tickets ordered, oil ■ eceipt of which they w ill be forwarded by first mail. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes w ill he sent to purchasers immediately alle’ the drawing. Purchasers will please wiite iheir signatures plain, and give iheir Post Office. County and State. (X/ 5 ” Remember that every Prize is drawn ! and payable in full without deduction. OCj~ All Piizcsol SI,OIK) aud under, paid immediately afilerthe drawing—other P.iz es at the usual time of thirty days, iu full w ithout deduction. All communications strictly confidential Orders for Tickets should bc sent iu ear >y- Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either office. O ders for Ticke's cau he addressed cith er to S. SVVAN & CO., Atlanta. Ga. or S. SWAN, .Montgomery, Ala. Eept. IB ly ~ Valuable PLANTATION AM) MILL For Sale. INHE undersigned is now off ring on rea . aonable terms, his VALUABLE PLAN TATION, on Pachitlar Creek, for sale. Tire settlement contains 1300 AS HES, aud is well aJapted to the growth of both Corn and I T °tton. On the place there is a good Grist and 1 Saw Mill, with an inexhaustible quantity of i tine timber, and an abundant demand for Lnt !i’ r - T ,f. ere arß also * ACHES of pen Land. Ihe place is supplied withan abundance i ol water as well for machinery as Plantation I purposes, and IS Within four miles of tne Mouth- j Western Railroad from Ainericusln Cuthbert. Persons wishing to boy such property, will ‘ do w ell to conre aud see me, as 1 will sell a bet tur bargain than anybody. Dll UK T M. LESSUEUR. Sept 23 ts U EPO U T E It JOB OFFICE, ( ALL KINDS OF u ctiv<) (Luuuncalaf JOB FEINTING Executed with Neatness atul Dispatch, SUCH AS PAMPHLETS, Circulars, 1 Catalogs, Business Cards, ; Bill Heads, Bunk Checks, j Blank Nates, Legal Blauks, ; Visiting Cards, Programmes, | Labels, &c., Neatly and Expeditiously executed at the office of the “ REPORTER.’ Ordel respectfully solicited. Teims CASH. STRAYED OK STOLEN FROM the subscriber, on the 26th Decem ber, 1856. a large Bay Mar--. Any infor metion e-ncerning the same will be thankfully received. R. f. DUKES. ‘ Jan m pwv-i'wwiiijjh •tr McLANB’J. TE R M IT t < UVEBMIXS Two of the best PrcparsUoei / They are not recon mended as A Cure-alls, but simply tm what their name p- 1 ports. * ‘ * ** Ihe Vermifuge, expelling Worms fron the human system, La. also been administere with the most satis results to various anim subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, £ the cure of Liver Cc PLArNT, all Bilious Di rangements, Sick Fle# ACHE, &C. Purchasers will jfe be particular to ask Jk Dr. C. McLane’s Cele 4 brated Vermifuge andj Liver Pills, prepared 3ft ®uvmio SOLE proprjetors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as tihere arc various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in compariso’ with Dr. McLane’s, art worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Live . Pills can now bc had a. all respectable Drug; Stores. FLEMING ERO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsiu koh, Pa. Solo I*ruprlctor. SCOVII. & MEU) N -w Ori-a-s. ,-* -■ral Whole-nle Agents fur the Sour err ‘iiates, to whom nil coders must be <uj* dressed. SOLO BY Janes & Jone-’, Ouihbert, Ga. ,L B Li.timer, Lumpkin, <) 11. S. Chamherlm & Cos. flnidmoney, Momoe & G-mdson. Morgnn. Ga. Jns Bui h, l nan Cos. Bl -ktlcy, Ga. Hooo & Robins.n. llamilum, Ga. J V. llu)tt & Cos., W hiteville, January. 28, 1857.—t)24Xy AO \\ READY, .Js THE SEVSPtfBB RECORD, A Collection of New paper Facts and Statistics. Containing A Complete List of Newspapers in the U. States, Canadas, and Great Brl ain. rffA H E only reliable work of th<* kind in JL the world. An invaluable assistant to the F.ditor, Book Publisher, and General Ailveriiser. Bvo. 200 pp. On receipt of S2. it w ill be prepaid per mail, to any part of the country. Address, LAY & BROTHER, Publishers, No 83 Dock street, Philadelphia. Nov. 4-Btn. A<l minis!i*utor’s Sale. AGREEABLE to an order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Run tlolph county, .will be sold at tile Court h use door in the town of Cuthbert, within thp usual hours ol sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following negroes, to wit: George, a man about 45 years old; Clayborn a matt about 54 years old; Jacob a man 21 years old ; Amey a woman atout 26 years old; Louiza a girl 16 years old. and child one year old. Also on the first Tuesday in March, at Buena Vista Marion county, within the Legal hours. Lot of land No. (25) twenty-five, in the (30) thirtieth district of said county. Sold as tne proper ly of Jeremiah J, Allen dec’d, sot the pur. pose of a division, Terms on the day of sale. This Decent*. her 18th. 1856, JEREMIAH H, ALLEN, Adm’r, Dec 23 ’s6in2 BACON! BACON!! WE have a fine lot of TENNESSEE BACON for sale at the store former ly occupied by M. H. J -yce, in Eufaula, Ala., and at Columbus, (in., at low prices, aud much cheaper than Pork at the nt prices. B. A. RICHARDS & CO. F.ufala. Nov 18. Blank Attachments OF the new Form just printed sod for Ip ■ ■at THIS OFFICE-