Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, November 18, 1869, Image 4

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‘Tittle Tattle. Henry Wi-rd .Beecher fine said many pood things, bat nothing thatcommends it*ell more tu an honorable people than the follow ing : ‘The dUpnsilion to pry into the privacy ol domestic fife is, ‘tin luitunuttly very common, aud is nl ways moralde, Tlie appetite for such knowledge is to be regarded as rum bid, and (he indalgerice of it dis graceful. A family has a sacred right to ph'vacy. In guarding the dedicate 'relationsof the hoiischohl secrecy be comes a virtue. Even if by chance the private affairs of a household are laid open to a stranger, honor would him to turn from them; and if a knowl edge of them wore forced upon him, lh y should be locked in silence. A •double obligation of silence and secrecy rests upon one who is a guest in a fam ily. The turpitude of a betrayal of fam ily history by a visitor is far greater ■than theft would be. It is a thing so scandalous that it should degrade a -•on, aud put him out of society. TVbe tray the secret* of tin household is not ■only an odious immortality, but it !b a sin and a shame to be known to be on good terms with those who are known .to commit such outrages. They put itheii.selves out of the pale of decent so cict.y. They should bo treated as mor al outlaws. Tuose hungry-eyed -wretch •ee who sit in the unsuspicious circle o' [parents and children, treasuring their words, spying their weaknesses, misin teiyrtliiig tho hhwwM liburtice of the household, and then run from house to hou«e with their shameless news, are worse than poisoners of wells or burn ers of houses. They poison the faith of man iii man. Tale-hearers have no .rights. They are common enemies of good men. limit, harry, and hound 'them out of society. Tiny are tin worst of pests save one, and that is the listener to the tale-bearer. There could be no tattling if there was no one to hoar. It takes an ear and a tongue to make a scandal. Greedy listening is as dishonorable as nimble tattling.— The ear is the open market where the tongue sells its ill-gntten wares. B tne there are wiio will not repeat again what they hear, hut they are willing to listen to it. Tln-y will n>t trade in con traband goods, but they will buy of the smuggler for family use These respectable listeners are the patrons of tattlers. It is the ready market that keeps tale bearing brisk. It is a shame to listen to ill of your neighbors Chris tian benevolence demands* that you do not love ill news. A clear heart and a true honor rejoice in kindly things. It SbouM be a pain and sorrow to know ot anything that degrades your neighbor in your eyes, even if he is your enemy ; and how much more if lie is your triend I The Scriptures say, ‘Thou shalt not go up and down as a tale-bearer amongst thy people,’ ‘A ’ tale bearer revcaieth secrets, but he that is of a iaithlul (lion •orable) spirit concealelh the matter.’— ‘The winds of ti e tale-bearer are us woui.ds that go down into the inner dOpel parts ol the belly.” The Hebrews thought that the affections had th.-ir seat in the bowels; aud t>y this phrase, ‘go down into the innermost parts of the belly,’ they signify how shurp uud exasperating to the deepest leelii g of our nature are the cruel offices of a •common tattler. ‘Where no wood is the tire goeth out ; so, where there is no tale-hearing, the strife cerfsoili. Commend us to that religion which jiiakes a man humane with h's tongue .and riTmoraUTe with his ear.’ ~~ " - JEST" Won’t you take I tali' of tliiv Apple ?” said a pretty damsel. “No, i tliank you, I would prefer a • ettei hull.” Eliza blushed aud referred him to papa. BTT he Queen of Ptussia offers 4&5U0 to every woman in the king L>iu who h.»e given birth to twelve children. JgL A client once burst into tears af ter he had heard the sttiteumut ol hi.- counsel, exclaiming, ‘I did not think I suffered kulf as much till 1 braid it this ■day.’ Ejr Babies are the coupons attach ed to the bonds of matrimony. The interest is due at random. T. A. OiiAßt'AuN. W. K. toX Furniture, Furniture, FOR THE MILLION ! CHASTAIN & FOX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture Dealers , N-o. 4, Granite Block, ATLANTA GEORGIA. WE take ttm method of informing the citizens of Randolph and arijniuiug comities, that «re bare opened a Branch House in Duthbert, Ga., where we will keep a Full Stock of Furniture,* And sell LOWER than can be bought South. We will taka COTTON at the highest market price for our Furniture. .Now is the time to get your houses Elegantly Furnished, At prices that defy competition. We will sell at MACON PRICES, Which will save you 20 per cent, by Buying from us 1 •* , ' iZP Call and price brfore buying eloewheie, aud you will not regret it. AU the latest aud finest styles aud patterns at our Mammoth Establishment, Which can be furnishi-t „t once by leaving orders at the Store known as the “ BROWN HOUSE,” Cuthbert Georgia. ■ <5 - - Improved . Revolving a a " mm Codon and Hay SCREW PRESS! Patented April 14th, 1868. Its excellency consists in its simplicity, -strength, portability, compactness, and convenience. It can be hauled on a two-horse wagon. Three hands can put it up and take it down in an hour. It will pack from 500 to 600 pounds in a bale, with ease. One hand, without help, has often packed a bale weighing 500 pounds. This model Press, having been in use for the past two seasons, and having given entire satisfaction, we can, therefore confidently recommend it to Planters, as being ONE of the BEST, if not the very best, Presses in use. Notice the following certificates (among many others we have and could procure) from parties who have used this press : Mkh'Jih Twmmky Ac SirKWAiRT Gc»th’Him— I have lined your Revolving Cotton Press for two successive seasons and feel authorizedLto say that i,t is built m conformity with the laws of Mechan ics ; and for compactness .tff.rrm, reJidTiiess and speed of actiofiTand easy man- Mgenaent, as well as for the unit' «muty and neatness of the Bales which it packs, I think it deserves to lie classed in the first rank of Cotton Screws now known to die public, and I won and reluctantly exchange it f-r any other form with' which I am acquainted. Very truly and respectfully, Yours, &e., A. MEANS. :oj ~ rn COVINGTON, GA , May 10th, 1869. Messrs, [ommky & Stewart, Atlanta, Georgia: Dining last season I packed with Brooks’ Improved Por table Cotton Screw •md Revolving Press about 100 bales Cotton, averaging quite 500'lhs., using one horse, with lever six feet in legtb. For convenience and power, I think it fairly entitled to preference ov*-r any Screw I have seen in use. Yours Respectfully, R. J. HENDERSON. - . . 0.. HARMONY GROVE, Jackson Cos, On., Aug. 15th, IS6S. Via. R. Mckbrson. Ag’t— Dfsgr S/r-- In reply to yours, I have packed upon the Brooks Cotton Press you mnufactured h.r me; thirty bales »i Cotton. Upon trial,one stent liami packed a 500 ib. bale (without help) as compact as I usually send to market. I think the Cotton I'rtss cannot be excelled. It gives me entire satis tact ion in eveiv paiticiilar. I cheerfully r. commend it to anyone wanting aPiess. Yours very truly, (Signed) ANDREW WILSON. . :o:- SHEFFIELD, GA., May 10th. 18C9 Messrs. Tommf.y & Stewakt, Atlanta, Georgia. Gentlemen —l have in my •-•in House, convenient to the lint room, owe of the Brook a, Improved Patent Revolving Cotton 8. Few Presses, whirl I bought of you last fall. We have packed from 500 to 700 lbs. without the aid of a lever. i need hardly add, that, for convenience, simplicity, strength, durability, and the ease with which it can be worked, I prefer it to any other Cotton Screw Press. Yours, very truly, J A. KENNEDY, Ag’t, Sheffield Manufacturing Company. - First Premium Awarded by the Mechanics and Agricultural Fair of La. MECHANICS & AGRICULTURAL FAIR ASSOC’N OF LA,) _ TT _ , . - . April 15th, iB6O. j THE undersigned, Awarding Commitee, Class 4, having on our list various implements for gathering crops, also Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, and Screws for sisue, in the performance of our duty, called to our assistance several highly respectable, intelligent, and disinteri'sted Cotton planters from this and the adjoin ing btatoa, who, after due examination and consideration, agreed with us in the opinion that, among some eleven Cotton Presses on exhibition, that the “Brooks Cotton Screw 1 ie6s was, for efficiency, simplicity" cheapness, and convenience, the best on exhibition, and accordingly .recommended the same for first or high est Premium. (Signed) DANIEL EDWARDS, Chairman. F. H. KNAPP. A. O. DEYEZIN. Parties wishing to purchase this Press, can send thoirhrders to the undersign> ed, owners of the Right in Georgia. TOMMEY & STEWART, Hardware Merchants, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Or to Dr. o. P. TOMMEY? Ag’t, Americus, Ga. sep!6tf LOVFLL & LATTIMORE, 155 & 157 Congrees St., Savannah, Ga., WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dealers in American, English and German Hardware , House Furnishing Goods , poking p » r l°r and Heating Stores; Osns, Pistols and Sporting Goods;- Kedzie’s Oelebra'ed SheeTlfon Sr’ Na,ls ar,d bollow Ware - Tin Plate and Sheet Iron Also, Manufacturers of Tin and * * re l . airgltHtm BROWN HOUSE OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, ; .* .• : : : : .• GA. E. E. BROWN & SON, nor iSlt Pkopriztors. Attention. FOR the convenience of the Sick, my Drugstore wilt he opened on Sundays tr«t.^to_lu^lslogk; Dental Tools, Artificial Teeth, GOLD FOIL , And everything in this line always on hand at Man nfacturer a Prices, at the Drug Store of n.arll-ly J. J. McDONALD. Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, GINS and It VMS ! kinder gale at the Drug Store DRY GOODS! liffilt 1KT18! 1181, ORFF, WATKINS & CO., Savannah, Ga. 4 HAVING long seen the necessity of an EPCL ' STYE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE in uur city, we have closed out our RETAIL STOCK, enlarged our store to nearly double its former cupucity, aud shall confine oar selves Exclnsively TO THE Wholesale Trade! Our Stock will be kept complete af all times, and with ouf increased fa cilities, think we can offer superior inducements to retain the trade in Savanah. WE ARE NOW OPENING Our Fall Stock.! Consisting of the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Dry Goods and Notions, Ever brought to this market, to be sold only at WIIOLE S A L E ! * - - .-I ■’*' " ~v j ' We respectfully solicit orders, and invite the attention of Melchants visi ting our city. OSPF, WATKINS & C». SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, CORNER CONGRESS, WHITAKER and ST. JULIAN STREETS , Georgia, TTAS now on hand anew and admirably selected Stock of SILVER AND GOLD WARE! WATCHES, of the most approved make, of both Amer'can and Foreign Manufacture. CLOCKS of every size. Ornamental and Plain. GOLD RINGA, DIAMONDS, and JEWELRY nf the purest ntetaT and latest style. BIJOUTERIE, and rare and cnstlv Fancy Article-, sui’abie for Presents and Brida* Gifts. In short, everything that the trade can farnish, and at the most reasonable price--. His Stock is the Largest and Best of any Southern House. Repairing done neatly and with despatch, and old Stiver bought at full pi ices. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Agent for Wheeler $* Wilsons Noiseless (Lock Stitch) Sewing: 3&/'E5&,013.±:0.0*3. oct7-t>o> E. D. SMYTHE &'CO„ Importers*and Whaksale Dealers in Crockery, Cliioa and Glassware, 140 Congress, and 57 St. Julian Sts. Being the only bonse in Savanaob in our fine that Import our Ware Direct from the English Potteries, we can offer superior iudqcements to Dealers. nugl9-3m' BOLSHAW & SILTA, ; Importers and Jobbers of Crockery, China, Glassware, Etc., Etc. 68 St. Julian & 101 Bryan Sts., (Between Whitaker St. and the Market.) —- mini 1 1 m, Fall and Winter STOCK I Wholesale Trade. DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, and Hats, mil I it. •& JEWEE.E3R., 139 and 141 Congress St., SAVANNAH, t : : GEORGI 4 'll WOULD ask the attention of Pmi chasers to their extensive Stock kb the above Goods, NOW OPENING. • f Which they propose to offer at suqL prices as will induce buyers to pur chase in the SAVANNAH MARKET. We also call attention to our usual large Stock in ' -f I Georgia Domestics and Woolens, * Which are Bold at Factory Prices; Richmond Striped Osnaburgs, “ White - M “ Wool Plains.and Twills, Athens -•* " “ J K Fancy Cotton Stripes, “ “ “ Checks, “ * u “ Yarns, Augnsta 3-4, 7-8 Brown Shirtings, M 4.4 “ Sheetings, “ <l Drills. aug!9-3m T O | MERCHANTS & PLANTERS Os Southwestern On. WE would again respectfully call your atteu tion to the fact, that we are daiiy receiving «ur Fall Sleek of Goods purchased by our Senior, and will sell them as low as any respectable House in Georgia. Gur Motto is Large sales and Small Profits. Our stock consists of the following arti cles : Borneo Bagging, Double anchored, Kentucky and Hemp; also, GuDuy, in rolls, very cheap ; Ar row,'Wuifev and Beards Ties, Baling Twine and Rope ; Flour, all grades, in Barrels and Sacks, in cluding the Hiram Smith ; Sugar, all qualities. Tof fee, Tea, Spice, Pepper, Ginger Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Sardines, Oysters. Pickles Sta ch,Soap, Soda, Candles, Manioca Schnapps, For er, Ale, Crackers, Salt, Maple Sugar, Pines. Cotton Cards, Tobacco, Mackerel, White Fish, Blue Fish Roe and Magdalene Herrings, Champiigne arid Ca ifor nia W'nes, Ru e, Nails, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Hams, Bacon Sides and Shoulders, Long, Clear and Breakfast Bacon, Powder, Shot, Lead and Caps, Potash, Dried Beef Well Buckets, Tubs, Buckets and Bronms, Mess, Prime Mess and' Rump Pork, Lard. Butter, Cheese, Liquors Os all kinds, Impor ted and Domestics, Georgia Osnaburgs, Yarns, Stripes and Kerseys. Our Stock will be Well kept up all the Fall and Winter. Purchasers need not (ear about our not being able to fill ny sze bills, and we wiil take in payment at Market price, Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, Woo), Dried Fruit. If you want the worth ol your money, don't fail to call on us at the VyoiTE COIt.NEIi, MACON, GA. gjesohotla. mutual fire and life INSURANCE COMPANY. HAVING fully organized our Company on a sure and permanent basis and haring the Oomp (roller’s au'horny, we present to the. Southern Peo .nle what we believe to be one of the safest and best y<k> Insurance Companies ever established in the -outbern Country. The Home Office is in Macon, Georgia, where every dollar invested will remain in our midst. The galaxy of names, given as directors tad referees, is a sufficient guarantee of itself of the (fidelity with whiph this institution will be managed. The capital is sufficient to meet all losses in every contingency. We earnestly appeal to our citizens everywhere to build up with us this structure tor the beuefit of our loved ones, our home and our country. Hundre sos Thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our people, and carried to foreign parts to enrich strangers who have but ittle sympathy for U3. Can we not learn wisdom and use ou' means to nrich ourselves and beautify our homes ? We will try and place, in every locality, polite ,nd efficient Agents to transact the business of tbe Company. And we cordially invite alt desiring gencies in this Company to call on the Officers, at jj he office building, near the Passenger Depot, in i root of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where all \ matters of detail will be cheerfully given. i The profits will be entirely mutual after paying , ix per cent, to the Stockholders for amount of Stock guaranteed. W. J. LAWTON, President. J, C. McBCJRNEY, Vice President. B. J. Liuhtfoot, Secretary. • BOARD OF DI: EOTORS : SHER AYRES, Fertil z r, Macon, Ga. !. C. NISBET Irou Founder, Macon, Ga. T. JOHNSON Johnson,Campbell & Cos., Whole ale Gtocers, Macon, Ga. ACKSON DeLOACHE, Carriage Depository, Ma con, Ga, . C. Me BURNEY, Macon, Ga. f. J. LAWTON, Lawton & Lawton. Macon, Ga. .AVID T SINGLETON, Planter, Eatonton, Ga. itCIIARD HOBBS, of Cruger & Cos. Bankets Al- BOZEMAN, Pres’t Georgia Home , Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga. CUMMING, Hanker, Savannah, Ga. P * ‘STOVALL,^StovaII A Butler, Augusta, Ga. f ADA MS, Cashier National Bank, Atbens, Ga. f.M FURLOW, Ameticus. Ga. refkrvncps: Brriss & Howell. Wilmington, N. C. §O. Augustus Youi g, Charlotte, N. C. Wi. B Wrigh , Fayetteville. N. C. 4#. C Slocum, Goldsboro. N. C. m» M. LawtoD, Oharleaten, S. O. JS»f P. Boyce, President Theological Institute, Greenville. S. C. I . snrman, D. D., Newberry Court House, S. C. tR ■). B. Dargan, D D.. Sumpter, S. C. ' S Aikin, Knoxville, Tenn JBt McKmihb. President Eastern Bank of Eufau la, Eulaula, Ala. Ehodoie Harris, President Lonisville Insurance Bnd Banking Company. Louisv lie, Ky. Vfr,. D. Miller, Lynchburg.' Va. T t. S. Fetgusoii, Lynchburg, Va. I I. Baldwin & Cos., New York. C ilhweight, Rice Sc Semple, Montgomery, Ala. I ;-}nv. J. G. Shorter, Futaula, Ala. I j. Warren, President Falls City National Bank, Louisville, Ky. G (don, Owens & Siokes, Abbeville, Ala. P 3. Pe per & C<>., Mobile, Ala J sail Morris, Banker, Montgomery, Ala. •H McColl, Commissioner, New Orleans, La. V >yd, 1 ,ow & Ludwigscn, New Orleans, La. N tie & Brothers, Iron Works Home, Ga. G t A. K. Lawton, Savannah, Ga. G I A H. Colquitt, Baker County, <Je, T l* H Willingham, Dorgherty County,Ga, Jains Callatvay, Atlanta, Gu. C< i Luther J. Glenn, Atlanta Ga. Di V. W. Keen Salisbury, N. C. Mi . W. M. Robinson, Attorney at Law, Salis- bury, N C. Cos ,C F. Low, Merchant, LexiDgton, N. 0. Ja its Sloan Esq., Merchant, Greensboro, N C. He t E. G Reade, Supreme Court Judge, Roxbo ro, N, C. Ho . C. S, Winstead, Roxboro, N. C. B. Williamson. Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, N. C. J. Dilln gbant, Newbern, N C. Ro ert Th nipson. Esq., Wholesale Grocer, Nash ville, Tennessee. Ho . John Erskio, Judge U S. Court, Atlanta,Ga. lIM the regul rlv authorized. Agent for ttit; (EOKGIA MUTUAL FIRE A LIFE INSU KA ICE C l l Ml’ AN\, *an J will take pleasure in giv If; all necessary information in regard to its plai ), workings, etc., and will receive applications for nsursnee in alhits various branches. 0 See up Stairs in Douglass Buildir g, West Side Pul k Square, Cuthbert, Ga. jv!9tf D. C BANCROFT. IAEDEMAN & SPARES, IN TEND RING THEIR SEKVH ES AGAIN I p their planting In. pda as W n.bouse and Courn >1 .Ve'chan • deem ii wholly mmeee'-sa rv to »i ke umises to their willingne a and ability t __iul.v_Jhem 1 ithfulh and adrantugimus +y. Their long experience and the huge patronage which has ever been xtended the ho se is proof -crmchi iwo ;h, 1 they'd' ■v- the ea-uMiai g"..f 1 hi! planting con n unily, imd > y prompt and honest attention to Hreir interest, they intend to merit ir. the future the pattonage So liberally giveu them in the past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES + Promptly titled at lowest market prices, and the usual facilities extended to those who intrust then business with us. O. G. SPARKS, T. HARDEMAN, Jr., sep2 8m Macon, Ga. New llilmcry Goods. Mrs. M. L. COOPER RESPECTFULLY calls the attention of her old customers and the public generally, to her Large and Complete Stock of MILLINERY GOODS Which she has just received and opened. Her Stock i's H ATS is large and emb'see* all the latest style., which will be s«ld at reasonably low prices. Al-o, the genuine Ostrich and Swan Plumes— very Hire, Fine Silk Velvets and Ribbons of all shades, and all other a.tictes usually kept in a first c ass Milli nery establishment. • Call and examine her goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. re 23tt Greenbacks Yet Wanted. IF yon want a neat and setrvicahie New BUGGY. and HARNESS or a No. 1 WAGON, I have them alwavs on hand and for sale VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Single and Uouble HARNESS always in store. Bridles, Martingales, Riding, Driving and Tie Reins, always ready in store. Wagon and Dray HARNESS »t low figures. Mtri- Bridies, Wagou Harness, Collars, W in os, e c. REPAIRING, In all the branches of my Factory, done with neat ness and dispatch. C%ll in nd let me sell Von 1,2, or l<i() pair of SHOP MADE SHOE& ! Made from good material aud hv good shoe makers of long experience Call in and examine for your selves, and it you want to pu>chase goods in my line, you will be veiy apt to trade. sep2et J. A. FOSTER. 1 White Lead, I Putty, Varnishes, Spicas, Soda, Cuttle Powders, Blue Stone, Lampblack, Dyestufis, Snuff, Toilet Soaps, j Brushes, Combs, Perfume ry, Hair Oils, Cologne, Hair Restorers, Lilly White, ■and a. Thousand and One Other Articles I Can be fouud at the Drug Store of marll-ly J J. MeDONALD. DR. S. G. ROBERTSON, SURGEON DENTIST\ OCt2fitf CiJTHBSRT, GEORGIA. Be 6U| C to call at J.J. MCDONALD’S irug Store, on the South-east Corner of the iqiiare, and you shall not. go away dissatisfied, 'ittier as to prices or articles. marl 1-ly Patent Medicines, IF EVERY KIND, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, maril-ly J. J. McDONAI.D Stolen, 1 AST FRIDAY evening, on the road between gJ Cuthbert and Bay residence, a Black tan VUND, four months old. His breast and tips ol J* on left fore toot are white. Any information sto bis whereabouts will he liberally rewarded. I aug2ti-tf JOHN W. MATTOX. House and Lot for Sale. P 1 rii E. T. HOMAN, wishing to remove to Ear -4 L ty county, ( Per* for sale his House and Lot, si luted in the Soulh eastern paitol town. House D * *—nearly three acres of laud, or iiartrrulius enquire of Legal Advertisements. HHT RANDOLPH SHERKIFF’S SALE. WILL be'sdid before the court door ih tbe City if Cuthbert on tbe let Tuesday in December next between the Legal hours of sale.— The following property to wit. house and lot in the City of o»thbe-t, known as lot No. (85) ex cept Northwest porner of said lot *BO feet fronting the street and running South 282 fret, now in pos session of Dr. K. S. Jackson. Levied on by vir tue ot Randolph Supreme court fi fa issued in favor of James Jordan vs. John Roe property pointed out by E. S. Dour less, plaintiffs attorney. Tew. nov4 Id' JAMES BDtJHAN AN, Sheriff POSTPONED ASSIGNEE’S SALE* I>Y virtue of an order from the Hon. District will ABfei f f ° r h , e . Sou . ,berß ‘District of DeorgV * r 12* ~8 ,1,8 '? theci ‘y of Cuthbert, on if* Ist Tuesday in December n Xt before the court bon” door between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: * One house and lot in the city of Cnthbert. on De pot street, fronting 90 feet, and running hack to W B. Dixson s lot on the East, and bounded on tbe Santh by lot of Dr. Cobb. Sold as the property of Duncan Jordan, bankrupt. t3f* Free from encumbrance purchasers paving for stamps and deeds. Terms cash. * * Also, all the notes apd accounts insolvent or non colleclable belonging to said bankrupt. Also, a 'ot ot bats, and sold as the prop erty of D. Jordan bankrupt. DOT4-td E. T. DAVIS. Assignee. COMMISSIONERS' SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from tbe Stipe* rior Court of Rando pb county, will be sold, tor the purpose ot division among the tenants in common, the children and grand children of Mar garet Adams, wife of Shadiack Adams, deceased, on the first Tuesday in December next, at Cuthben, Georgia, a certain tract of land, lying and being in tbeVth District of said county of Randolph, ancS State of Georgia, and consisting of one hundred and thirty acres off of the southern part of Lot. No. 70, iu said District, the line dividing said lot being known as the Spring Branch, and to run duw East from tbe head of said branch to original fund line. Terms Cash. JOHN W. SEALY, CHAS. STANDLEY. THUS. CROZIER, nov4td Commissioners: AI > MINI ST K ATOM’S SALE. W7 lUL BE SOLD, on tbe first Tuesday in De- V? eeirber next, thi insolvent notes and ac counts, belonging to the estate of McKeen Cook, late 01 said county deceased. Terms Cash JAMES T HARDEN, nov4td Admr. debonis non. GEORGiA. RanD"LPU °ountt— Jr.ha steWart applies to ihe undersigned fbr Letters of Guardianship of fne person and property of James. 'Dennis, Isaac aod Martha Lee Cikemnu, minor chil dren ot Janies Cos eman deceased. These arc there fore to require all peisons concerned to file jn my office on or before tbe ■first Monday, in December next, their objections, if any they have, to said ap pointment, otherwise letters will be grantedhAe ap plicant. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this the 28th day ot October. Ik’69 nov4-lm M. GO KM LEY, Ordinary. ADMINISTEA TOE’S SALE. nY virtue of*an order from the court of ordinary of Monroe county Georgia. Will be sold on the first Tuesday iu December 18«9, between ihe legal horns of sale, in the city ot Cuthbert Randolph County G-orgia ore lot of land in said county num ber thirty (80) in the sixib (ij) district containing? two hundred tw» and a half ac es more or les*.— Sold as the property of Onom J. Willi’s deceased, late ot Monroe county Georgia, for a drstribuHoar among the h gatives terms cash. oct2Std J AS’II. FRYER, Admr* de bonis non. GEORGIA Uanoolph County. —Four weeks af ter date applicatinD will be made to the court oi ordinary in and toy said county tor leave to sell the real property belonging 10 tbe estate of James Coleman late ol said ci unty deceased. oct29 lm A. J. COLEMAN, Admr’. (GEORGIA, oanpolik County. —A. J. Cole- T man ailim’ ot the esiate of Janie Coleman, lute o' said cotr ty deceased applies for fitters of di-mission from said estate. Ail persons mterest ed are not tied thit his application will be consider ed at the February term fit the court of ordinary of i-uid county, given under mv bums aff-riaily. oct2B Bni M. GORMt.EY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Ka dolph County. — James A. Al- Itsou applies lor letters of administration on the estate of Jessie B. Ke>-, late ot said county de ceased All persons interested are notified to fill lhei>- objectiot s ii any they have on or before Ihe rp-x mber teun ot the court of > rdinary twr said county, given under mv bund and • ffie at sig n.iture M. GORMLEY, Ordinary. . oefi* 8"d / A EORGI 1, - |iANDuI.P )t .X WiW iTY^^ 9 i^JJ[ Ji> YA Jo e< ap lies to the undeisigued tor' Letters wt Guardianship ot the pets ms and property of James and \\ iiliaut C‘>ok, Ytiinors o Jatnt a Cook* it-ce The-o are xtieiotoi-.. tfr r* quirt all per sous ro'rWn e I to file in my office, on or before tbe !9tli dav of November next, theirobteoljoharifaay thet have, to said iippointinent, otherwise Said teiswillbe granted the applicant. Given under my ha»d officially. M. GORMLEY, oct2! im Ordiuary. C A EGRG.I t Randolph County.—Four weeks af- JT ter date a-iplie tu.n will be made to the Cuint ol ordinary lor leave to sell the rial c-tate belong, ing to William Mainon deceased. octl4 lm WII LIAM B DIXON, Arim’r EXECUTOR'S SALE. BY virme of an o del, granted by tbe Ordina ry’s Court, ot Early county, Ga., will be sold, bet* re he Court House door in Cuthbert, Gu.. on the fourth Monday iu November nexi. Lot ot Land, N*>. 2rJ, sitl District Randolph t onnty, as the pr) oerty of Wm. B.iitev, deeeased.for the benefit of hi ciedi'ors. Termseash. octTtd* MILTU.N M. MOORE, Exr. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue of an order granted at tbe October term if th- Court.oi Oidinnry of Rendolph county, wilt be sold at the Coutt House, in tbe city of Cuthbert on the first Tuesday in December next, as tbe property of Lorenzo W' Bramlett. de ceased, Lo's of Land No. 138 and 134, in the 61b Dis'rict, containing 890 acres, more or less. Sold tor the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. oct7t<l»* E. McDoNALD, Admr. EXECUTORS SALE. UNDER the last will and testament of Persons W ulkei deceased Will be sold at Cstbbert Randolph County Ga.. be’ore the Court House,.on 'he lsi Tuesday in December nexi Lot No. fits (5) in the ninih(iPh)District ol *aid county and beloi g ing to the estate 1 1 said deciased. Teims of sale 3 annually.instaHuieots sma l notes wiib approved security. FREEMAN WALKER. C. L. WALKER. ectl4-td Executor ehfc ADMINISTRATOR S SALE * BY virtue of an order from the Con it of Ordina ry ol Randolph county, will be sold at the Ccuit House in Cuibbeit, «a the fi st Tuesday in December i-ext, as the property of the estate es Mary Byars, deceased, city Lot, in that part ol the city of I'ulbbei t, known as Andrewville; bounded on the North by the S- V\ . R. R , and on the West by the lot ol Thus. Bvars Sold fur the benefit ol heirs and creditois. Toms cash. o< t7td* JOHN W. HART, Admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue *,f an order granted by the Court of I Otrir ■ v of Randolph county, wilt be sold at the,Court Ho 1-- J , on the first Tucadai in December next, li of L id No. 124, in ibe loth District, said lo cun'- 118 - acres, more or less Sold for the bent fit Ol m il* and creditors of Austin Mullens, late of aaiJ county deceased. Terms cash. JOSEPH C. MULLINS, oc(7td Admims rator de bonis non. / t t.OKti IA, Randolph County.—Mr*. Syutba vJ A. Jordan. on the esiata es Wil iam Joidan, laie of said county deceased, ap plies tor Letters of Dismission trom said estate.— All petsoos interested are notified ibat her applies two will be cnnsidt-re.i at the January Term of ibe Court ol Oidinary of said county. Given nnder my band olficialtv, this Septembai 28tb, 1889. M. GORMLEY. sepSo-8m Ordinary. GEORGIA, Randolph County. —Sbadrack Ad ams, Jr., Adiuiuistrator on the estate of Sbad rack Adams, Sr., late of said county deceased, ap plies fir Letters of Dismission from s<lj estate All persous interested are uotified that his applies, tiirn will be consideted at the December term of the Court ol Ordinary of said cunty. Given under my hand officially. sepg-3ui M UOKii EY, Ordinary. / vEOuGIA, Randolph County-.—E 0. Giant, VJ Administrator ou the estate of Janie- A. Math ews, late O' saw cuun y deceased, applies tor Let ters of Dismission trom Slid male. All persons interested are notified that bis applicaiion will ba considered at the January Term ol the Court if Oidinary of said county. Given under my hand and official signature, tbia 4th day of October, lStiil oct7-3m M. GORMLEY; Ordinary. / ' EOKGIA, Randolph Couuty. — VVitlium Bpeari VJ Executor of jfie last will ol Caibarine Hawk, late ot said Counti. deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate All persons iuteiested are notified that bis appi leal ion wi fbe considered at the January Te m ol the Court of Ordinary of Said county. Given nnder my hand and official, ibis Sept. 23d, 18«9. sep3o Sin M. GORMLEY, Ordinary, GEORGIA, Rancolph County.— John McK Gunn, Execuior ol toe Estate ot B. A. E, Weak late oi said county, deceased, applies lor letters o dismission fr ,m said Estate. Ail persons interest ed are notified ib#t bis application wi'l be consider ed at the December Term ot the Court ol Ordinary ot said county Given under my hand officially. 41. GORMLEY, augt9-3m Oidip-ry. GEORGIA, Randolph County.— Administratrix on iho Estate of E ijab late of said county, dtecused, applies for letters of dis mission flour said Estate. All persons interested are notified that her appl caitou wtfi he considered I at ibe December Term of the Court oi Ordinary of said comity. * 1 Given under my band _