Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, November 25, 1869, Image 3

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THE CUTHBE&i' APPEAL. it all the latest aud newest of gods that can be bought in New Y W tit* W-* •*« at much lew prtc.u titan those buu.Ut earlier in the season, fino aud elegant dress god*; Arab shawls, flannel sacks for ladies and misses splemi <1 o* sierf, and the best shoes you ca t find she doth, ing for gents and boys. »P« »“ dezaut line of 'cloths and cassimer* to tn ike up. We eh irg :no admittance fee. Call and see us. Scott & Smith. The Rio Circus Uoui .ti. -A new pmtnrial d verti». taunt in our paper conveys the intorma'.foa that the great Circus of,Stone & Murray will ex hibit in Cuthbert on Wednesday, Dec. Bth. This Circns has acquired a fam- ot bo'tw he the largest and mast attractive exhibition in the country, and in every city i t h ut visited this sea son the papers praise the elegant, performances of the large troupe ot artists, and pronounce them (far superior to any arenic exh bitiona ever given in the South. Among the performers are several equestrians and gymnasts who have won the ap plause ot Europe, and whose teats are entirely ne# in America. „ To Those lx i-ekes'ied. —t woujd earnestly re quest all those indebted to me, to call at ©nee and settle, as I have given as much indulgence as 1 can and hope those who hate been receiv ing accommodations at my house, will not cause any further inconvenience by failing to respond. All who do disappoint me need not ask or ex pect any further accommodations t.t my hands. 2 t ft. C. BANCROFT. Fob the Coxkebexce. —l am prepared to fur nish families and the public generally with fresh fish and oysters at reasonable prices, during the session of the conference. Parties wishing to be supplied should hand, in tbeir orders as early as possible. Fresh sausage always ou hand. G. C. BANCROFT. —— Tub Ai’proaciiinu Meeting o:» Conference. — Our readers are doubtless aware, that on Wednesday the Ist proximo, the Methodist Cor fereuce of South-Georgia assembles in this city. It will be a large and imposiug gathering of the piety and talent of a prominent denomina tion iu our State, jtitd all should unite to honor, and provide for the comfort of this graud divis ion of the Christian army. Black coats will be as thick as “leaves in Val arabrosa” on our streets, and it will be a perfect matrimonial cornivul for the young girls and wid ows of the community. Every one knows thu to catch a young preacher is ever considered a heroic labor of love with the fair, aud in tkel r cases, leap year ever reigns But to be serious. The hospitality of our citizens will be taxed to the utmost, to entertain becomingly the throng of church men, and visitors, who will be present. Every spare room therefore should be prompt ly tendered for the use of our Methodist brethren, and let tta all exert ourselves to render their so. journ pleaaaul an 1 agreeable. Many able divines will be present, and the ex ercises promise to be of the deepest interest. To our clerical friends we extend ; he. privileges •i*nd freedom of the Api’Bm. Office. Com • and go art will, and welcome. The Ministers aud lay delegates will arrive during Monday and Tuesday next. It is hoped that they will be met sit the depot, 'and receive cordial welcome of the hospitable citizens of Cuthbert. ’Ssft. 'Ve command to the consideration of our Tead.'ra, the simple, logical, fnd unanswerable io the strictures of “Sinner" "upon the Cuthbert Churches, for refusing to per mit a Uuiversalist Minister to occupy their pul pits. Another Richmond inis entered the field ou the same side of the question, under the worn jplumt of‘ Tolerance. ’ But as his communication was received subse quently to that of “Pastor,” which we consider sufficiently exhaustive, the funnel' will be with held, as it is very far from our purpose to afflict the getteral reader with a long winded prosaic '<-ontrove|sy. which can only serve in our judge ment. to ventilate et.„i-, without, achieving good Such (Jjsotissious usually, are of interest only to the gladiators engaged, and the Afpb.u. news 'paper is devoted to the instruction and entertain ment of the public generally. We would rather publish five lines covering womo agricultural or practical truth, than a page of labored polemics, trite, stale, aud unprofitable We wish our columns to be alive, wnll teeming -with real Incidents, useful suggestions, amusing sullies, and solid information. They are in uo sense the vehicle of particular ■creed 0 , sects or denomination*. Retaining in abeyance our own private reli gious sentiments, we shall neither advocate nor 'persecute those of any other class or individual., “Quantum stiff.'’ [COMMUNICATED.'] Mr. Editor: Hear Sir—l feel very thankful to you for the kindness shown uie. i t publishing the appointment 1 requested. But I was muc h surprised, when I saw the thrust you made at uuiversaiism in your editorial columns of last week’s Ament,. 1 admitted in my notice that there were all manner of evil said against the doctrine, and for that reason this would boa good opportunity to bear one of its defenders. But as editors have a hard road to travel, as they are expreted to please every body and you »em -to have so great an aversion to “Sinners’' scrip ture quotations, and I know yon did not wish any controversy. 1 will do as my creed enjoins me. that is, I will do unto you as I would wish you to do unto me, if I was an editor. And as my Lord.uud Master says : "if you are smitten o r one cheek turn the.other also.” I therefore turn the other. But it is a little doubtful in i,ny ntind whether he intended tlris to apply to editors, for there were uo editors iu His day, or at least He makes no mention cf any. Truth, with an open bible, has nothing to fear from diseussian. You iook upou univetaalistn as a great error, and you hid made allegations against the doctrine which we believe to l»« true, which allegations we deny, but are willing to give you an opportunity to prove tl era, as rhe proof devolves ttppu the party inak ng tli allegations. These allegations Me also made by ministers of the gospel, as witnessed at Spring Vale church not un/»y Sabbaths hale. T > all of which we plead uot guilty, and stand ready to meet those who make these charges in open discussion putting ou the armor that St. Paul speaks of iu tlie 6th chapter Os Ephesians. I will not quote it, as scripture quotation seem to shock editors. May God have mercy upon all sinni rs, and editors more especially. • . W. Coleman. Wo cheerfully publish the above, the mpraes-* peciaily, as it the better establishes the remark that our uuiversa!i.-it friends wrest scripture, and garble it, to subserve their own purposes. ill the affected charity of the creed 100, and the constant barpinjf upon the -‘goldeu rule,’’ while a furtive attempt is made to use the Wade Joab upon the “editors, co it of mail,” at the eutne-moment, we gather the animus of the duo trine, which teaches that Jehovah will alike take to His embrace tins redeemed and sanctified, as well as the degraded, polluted and hell deserv ing. ‘ • But we forget, to them there is no hell. We shall not however be seduced fVom our resolution to avoid controversy, for the follow ing reasons, winch blessed be God even the hopeless and benighted editor may quote aud appropriate: •‘My son if sinners entice thee c ;.i.-ent thou not.” “For there nre many unruly and vniu -talkers and deceivers.” '•Whose mouths mu.-t be stop ped.” “Avoid foolish questions and genealogies, un i Contentions and strivings about the law, ter they are unprofitable aud vain. “Shun profane and vain babblings for limy • will increase qnto wore nugodiiness.” “Avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they do gender.strifes.” •‘A man that is a heretic, after the first uml second admonition reject/’ f.n obedience to tlie above mandates, and-be came we are unwilling to fend our columns to the gratuitous advertisement of a creed so mon strous and dangerous indts results we ate content to let Sinner go scot free, and wish him a safe [i oMmuniuatfii.] Mr Editor : Having ? •••u a omffiunication in your last week’s issue from one siznitig bimsclf A Siuaer,” in which the churches Li this city are charg'd-with a K k of Christian charity, for, not offering tbeir pulpits for the -presentation of Universal tan doctrinal. I hope you will allow me sp oe tn your coin i-ne. for vindicating the posi tion of *b'- Cheches as it-reapecta the matter rtv frr -d to. Aud I crave ,'you Jgenee the raotv earnestly, as iu this oomtnuni *«>» those whft.are Called Christians, are exhorted to remem ber the words of .he A pestle James :“ :i that c) iverteth the sinner from the err or of his way «• T -rve isoul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins,” and also it is writ t n : “ but one sinner destruyeth much g tod.” * Now, Mr. Editor, it is impliedly if not openly charged in the .:o:4a uuication .before us, that the churches, in ref ■ mt he use of their pulpits ter the purpose referred to, have not manifested the spirit of Christ—have tot obeyed the rule of charity, etc. vVeli. we ac ;aowUdge and lament too that w - bav’ent more oft, to spirit oi the blessed Ma-ter. but this charge of “ A Sinner w is so nntenab.e and so unjust, that we are strong, ly inclined to imitat th.- Master, when m trig great zeal for His Father’s hone, U ■ used tfs. sparingly the whip of small cords ou those that would pervert tiie house of God to unholy pur poses.- But we will purposely curb our zeal, asd avoid unnecessary severity, for w • sincerely de"j adc to convert “ A Sumer ” from the error of his way. and not to scourge him. The charges that have been made are all based upon a misunderstanding, and misapplication «f several pa-teag.a of scripture, out as our space will not allow a separate consideration of the three quotations made, we will confine our atteh to but one, which embraces iu substance all that is .t© the subject in hand : “ Tbendbre all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them ; for this is|Sie luw and the prophets ’’-'-Mat. 7.12. Now feon this text “ A Sinner ” concludes, that th- Christian churches in this city have violated scriptural injunction, by not tolerating iu the' pulpits one who duime to be a minister of Cijrb- Now I think upon-examination it-will apper evident to any candid mind, that this go|d“ rule—“ Do unto others as you would have tb<e do to yon ” —has certain limitations iu its appi catious, according to the teaching of the mh lures and right reason. In the last clause ot, be verse Christ says, “ for this is the law aud: te prophets,” i. e., all that is written in the latyis.d the prophets touching our duty to our neiglibr, is in substance this golden rule. And if tb«ve so, then evidently there can be no contradict'' 11 between this rule and that written iu the lav* sod propbeis. Anything inconsistent with the one is also inconsistent with the other, for they two ire the samo in substance. Now the law and h” prophets make mention of the sword of jttsice in tire hand of the civil magistrate, and concde his authority to use it for the ends of juatte ; but if this gold n rule has no limitations ten there is manifestly opposition between it *«d the law and the prophets, wuereas Christ-' »ya they are the same in substance. The opposition upon the theory of no limitation, will raanly appear upon examination. The law aud the prophets on the one band, concede to the Marin- Irate the right to use the sword-; ob the ‘•oner hand, if the golden rule has no limitatio|, the judge upon the bench is bob nil, by this rule,not to condemn the prisoner at the bar, beeaue it he were in the prisoner’ be would fish to be acquitted. * | There are many other illustrations thaffiight' readily be introduced, fcpt we bope enott|hhae been said to sityw that the rule referred it has certain limitations. This golden rule then, when interpreted icor ding to the scriptures and sound reason;' s in stibstance this: Do unto others as you wwld have them do to you. just to that extent, lhatyou do not violate your obligations to righteoH.-ness aud truth. We can uever be bound to do that which is wrong, aud therefore in regard io“ A Sinner’s ” statement ’that the churches in thi g place have failed to obey this rule of Chiist® flatly deny the kharge, and oh the contrary nr fiiHii that they have done only what their duty to God, to themselves, and their fellow meu de manded of til' m. Now 1 am aware that to maintain this asser tion, it is incumbent upon m to prove that it would have been wrong for the churches to have allowed their pulpits to be used for the .premul nation of the doctrines Os Universafism, and this 1 shall now do as briefly as possible. I suppose “ A Sinner ” wifi admit as an axio_ malic truth iu morals, that “ dharKy to error is treachery to truth,” and that it is a?very man’s duty always to oppose error and uphojd truth.— He will also admit that, as qui creeds are as ap posite as light and is impossible that Shell ol us should hold the true gospel of Christ. Oue of us is in error. Admitting, lor the pres uit, that 1 hold the truth, then I am bound to uphold it ‘ty all lawful means, and I would be doing wrong did I, in any manner or. form, aid nod abet the upholdrT of error, for I would thereby beeome particeps crime's. St. Paul, in his epistle to the Galatians, 1. 8,9, writes : “But though we, or an angel from heav en . preaeb any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if auy man preach any other gospel unto you -than that have received, let him be accursed.” And St. John, in bis second Epistle, lOllj and li'th verses, “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, nor bid him God speeijf For lie that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” We will not stop to apply these passages, tor every one will admit, that ac cording to Paul, it is a most fearful thing t° preach any other than the true gospeland no cording to John equally fearful to welome th om- houses and say God speed to those who (fe el are false doctrines. * Now the question narrows itself down to Ibis ; Who ho'ds the gospel of Christ, the Universal ist or the churches in this city ? Before we an swer this question, it is necessary to define die" tinctly the point of disagreement between us, and then we will appeal to the wurd of God for the rfecStos—for we agree that our doctrines stand or fall according to the (f©csjHt4oaM,t>f,lil - Bible. Your doctrine, then, “ Sinn-r. ’ is this, in sub stance, as it respects a future state : Alt mm; wfl bo‘saved, and no man wilt be punished tor sins in the future state. My doctrine is. that only those will .be savw who have been boru again, or renewed by thi Holy Ghost, so that they arc enabled to exerts j true faith in Christ the lied comer, and that «| who have not-been thus renewed will be -foreve tormented in hell. Bn 1 it relevant foot, controversy, to consider of s.iVvu ion. for all I am called upon toshow is. that tk. biblc teaches th >t some are lost or, punished it the future state. Nay. if I etui show that bu one is tormented after death, then the doctrine o universal salvation falls to the ground. I shal limit myself to a single quotation f- om the scrip tnres, and if this does not convert “ A Sinner' from the error of his Ways, it will be because god of this world has so blinded h’s nnderstipj. ing. 'hat. although “ having eyes he sees not/’ ■ There-was t certain rich man. whieli w g cloth- and in pury.l • and fine Iww i, and fW,j sumptuously every day: and there was a ceetau b;'“'Sf»v. nnm-d G’Z '-bs, winch w .s-laid at l is •rate”fall of s T-S and desiring to be fed w |j., th- crumb-, which foil fVofa the efeb man’s tab ; Moreover the dors carte and licked his sqi'M And it came to pass that the beggar and ed. ii-J \V ;s carried by the angels into Abreham st som : the rich man also died and w buried iq m hell he lifted up his eyes, being in tornk,,^ and seeth Abra sun afar otf and Lazarus iu !, s bfisor.l. And he cried" and said ‘ Father Abu ham. have merer on me, and s-nd Laz-rus. tlq. 1 he may dm the tip of Inis finger in water, ad cool mv tongue, for I am tormented in tillsfla«,. ! Abraham declares to him that it was imposbl,. for him i t l|is request. Then he Said-f pray thee, lather, that thou wou-lst sud him to my father’s house, for I bare ive brethren, that he may testify unto them, testbey also eorte into this place of torment. Abrtlam s.iith unto him, ‘ They heve Moses and the pfrph ots, let them hear them/ And he sakL J fm, MMfeiiiiiHlHil -f r m the dead, they will repent.’ And be sa n?to birn, “It they hear not Moses and the pophets. neither will they be persuaded, though ’ 0 e rose from the Head.’ " —Luke XVI. 19-31. These are the words of Jwsusjdbiist. Now if “A SiDwn“” will not believe Him; will not *>e t.-ve Abraham, nor Moses, nor the prophets, then Is would net be persuaded, though one rose from t,edead. It enly remains for me to add that if this .eight of testimony pass for nothing with “ A S f.nuer,” then all further controversy is ended ■ vitli A Pastor. We invite attentior to ‘h- a vertise < jeiit of a valuable f u-m near the city for sale ly K. A. Q iartermup, The land is under good feaee, and in a high gate < t iiitiratioa. r a I . or as a irofitable invistment upon reasooabie terms, are inducements are offered to the capitalist. Oxa Rcxit.eb Chickens for ■<’ ifty Cents. — 3y a calculation it ka3 been found that one box jf e 1 ; Condition Piw i , will save me hundred chickens from dying with cholera if jiven iu time. To pravemt tiiis sliaitid have your fowl-house well cleaned twice a week and sprinkled v.tb tlackcd-lime, and feed the dough {jive one powder ail >v to ev.-ry Zo small chick ens and “>ll ble the quantity to grown ones.— Turkeys require twice the q antPy. To keep mites from your fowls make the nests of syca more leaves, and the roosting poles of the same tree. ■ For sale by T. S. Powell. j®. The Knigbts of the Tournament at the grand ball which succeeded, had a glorious liuiSj aud were the lioua of the evening. Col. C. W. Styles was master *of ceremonies, and Coi. Capers the orator of the occasion. Miss Katie Ware was crowned <]ueen of love and beauty by the Knight of the Red Rose, Mr. Clay of BibbOo.. Miss Carrie Collier received the same hoiaor as first rnaid in waiting at the hands of Mr. McKinne of Lee, “Leopold -of Austria.” -Miss Lou Ella Styles, Miss Mattie R. Cox, and Miss Agnes Lamar were also respectively crowned 2d. Bd. and 4th., Maids of -honor by their loyal knights and champiaus, Mr. Davis of Albany as Richard Coer-de Lion, Mr. Wilkins Knight of Columbus, and the Knight of the lost cause, of course name unknown. “Then on went the dance,” and all was as merry as a marriage bell. fay- Philosopher Greely, has been beaten in New Tork for comptroller, 25000 votes by Allen, Democrat. This will afford him new food for re flection and ruminations upon the un certainty of all mundane affairs. How Hostattor* Bitters cure Dyspepsia. THE WHOLE BTO Y IN A XTJTaH3LL. The office of the stomach is to convert the food into a cream-lik seuti -fluid, called Chvmr. This is effected partly bv the action of a solvent, called the gastric-juice, which exudes from the coating dt he stomach, and partly by a mechanical move meat of that organ, which churns, as it were, tie dissolving aliment. The Chttsb passes from the stem neb into the duodenum, or entrance to the bowels, where it is subjected to the action of the bile, and the nutritious portion of it converted in to ft fluid called Chyle, which eventually becomes blood. Now, it is evident that if the gastric Juice, is not prod' ced in sufficient quantity, or if the mechaDi cal ac ion of the stomach is Bot sufficiently brink, fir ji-q af d.igcstUa triUba gutitpperiggl - tv net formed. It is also, clear that if the liver,' which plays such an important part in changing the nourishing portion of-fcbe chvme into the mate rial oftbe Mood, is cong-sted, or in any unnatu ral condition, the second process will not be tbor 0 ghly accomplished, the result of the two fail ires is dyspepsia, complicated with billiousness. The mode in which HOSTS f I’ER’S BITTERS iperale in such cases is this: they invigorate the e llahir membrane of the stomach, which evolves the gastric juice, thereby insuring an ample suffi cieucy of the fluid to completely'dirsolve the food 1 hey also act upon the nerve® of the stomach, causing an acceleration of the mechanical move ment necessary to reduce the food to a homogene, ots mass. They also act specifically upon the liver, strengthening i», and so enabling it to pro duce an ample and regular supply of bile, fur the purpose ol converting the nutritious particles of the Ci.vme into Chyle, and promote the pas-age through the bowels of the useless debris. In this way HOSTETTER’S BITTERS cure ivspuosia and liver complaint. The explanation a plain, simple, philosophical, and true. SPECIAL NOTICES. Rheumatics, Listen and LEABN.-*-Prof. Kap iton, the popular aud celebrated manufacturer of Kaytons Oil of Life, the be«t and sorest im irnenl for rheumatism linown, has now discon, tinned his travels throughout the Stages to see the lame aud ti e cripple, aud those otherwise aflioted by rheumatism, or neuralgia, or pains iu the side, Ac., for lie argues, and Well too, that the people can cure themselves without, him by using his Oil of Life ; the virtues of which are uuviersaHy acknowledged. Some people were foolish enough to think from the swift and speedy eures made on the spot, be fore their eyes o-r their friends, that the Pro fessor’s hands- were bewitched, but we assure all that- the sterling virtue lies only in the Oil of Life and good rubbing. For rheumatism, 'tfgtrra gia, pains in the back, joints or sides, or wherever a liniment can be used that Kayton’s Oil of Life is acknowledged as groat and with out an equal, giving the patient almost instan taneous relief by one rubbing. For sprains or bruises, it has also been used with marked sue ce*s. • Kavton’s Dyspeptic Pills purely vegetable, are an excellent cathartic. McKesson A Rob -1 ins, wnolesala agents. Jacob Licpm-n, Proprietor. t£ Wholesale Drug House, tNavanaah. We find the following card ia one of our Augusta exchanges. It is rually gratifying to us. as journalists, to record so deserving a notice of one of our leading and most enterprising mer chants, and shows that these gentlemen, who have made the compounding of drugs a life-time 1 study, have succeeded in placing before the pub lic an article which seems fully up to all they claim tor it. This being a borne euleforise, we hope our p ople will give the house the patron age they so richly deserve : I "take pleasure in saying that my daughter ag.’d eighteen years, has been entirely restored to health, after suffering for many months from general debility and loss of appetite, by the use of two bottFs ot -OLuMONS’ STRFAGTHEN ING AND INVIGORATING BITTERS, of Sa vannah. Ga.. of which I purchased from you. I take further pleasure in recommending these bit ters to all who are eimil.i'iy affected. Very tc spectfu'lv yours, Ac., (S’sned) IT. F. Rrsstsi.i., ttSgiJ-et Mayor of City of Augusta. .TSsT- having the chills, are you. old tel V -Web. y-e-s, i kinder shake every other day.” * Wlty in the (iiek-’aa don’t.yo'.i get curedtV -B -n taking, quantum ptTp-'riae, Zaeberine, striehniue, and all other ’ ' “Have yon tihed Drouigoole A Co.’s King of Cldts.b ’■■So I don’t like patent medicines. They ar gem rally put up by druggists or others who know iiotbair "about diseases.” •But Dromg -ole A 00. are regular graduated physicians, and the King of Chills is the result-of ft lb;p bedside experience in this mal ti’idus coun try. ' ■-* not a patent, never tails to cure ahd -. *»T 1 Mk fob, sir. I’ll send to the drug store, at one- and iffocure a bottle.” jsrcxr l< / E- D' Wi ' m aja my contemplated absence to I.oui-i --(ftaorout West, I have made Col. U. 11. J '" l “ y I3" , baI.AND. j. i u?m, Manufacturer of and Dealer m TINWARE, STOVES, House Furnishing Grcods; ETC., ETC., ETC. TINWARE—The BEST STOCK -ever offered in this place, at the LOW EST PRICES, aud guaranteed to give --satisfaction. COOKING STOVES OF EVERY SIZE, And at prices from S2O 00 up. EARTHERN JARS, CHURNS, and JUGS,' Wood Buckets, Tubs, Sifters, Etc., Etc., Etc. •Call and see me. J. S. ANTHONY, oct2ltf Chtbbert, <3a. SOLOMON’S BITTERS! TRATi-X WA«W. r - Ask for Them ! Boy Them!! Use Them!!! .. J . ■ \ they are composed of The. BEST VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS KNOWN. If yon are weak and feeble, They will make you strong / If you have Dyspepsia, Thry are a certain cure J l If you want an Appetite, trsE SOLOMON'S BITTERS!!! Prepared at the Laboratory of A. A. SOLOMONS & CO*, DRUGGISTS, Savannah, * - - Georgia. Sold by all dealers. oct2ltf Wholesale Grocery AND Commission House. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO., Corner 4th and Poplar Streets, Macon, Georgia. OUR MR. JOHNSON HAS JUST RETURN ED Irom New York and the West, where he baa made heavy purchases of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Twine, Bacon, Lard, Whisky-, Flour, Fish—all kinds, Cheese, Crackers, Sardines, Pickles, Hants, Tocaooo, Candles, Candy, Nails, Potash, SOAP, SODA, SALT, NX7 - hit o M oat, la tact EVERYTHING that ia uauaHy kept in a ‘ FIRST-CL AS3 GROCERY HOUSE! All of which wc off-r to the Citizens of Ciitnbart, And surrounding counties at Verj- Low Figures* r " C ' ■ .• * ■ ‘ 4- r ■; ' / CCtIiCM i L Wholesale and Retell ©ealera ia BOOT?, SHOES AND HATS! TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, etc., etc., 49 2d Street and 28 Cotfon Avenue, Macon, ------ Georgia. octl<.-3;n ii- A. WIBE, CHER 11 SI REEL MACON, GA., Importer of Table aid Pocket Cutlery, Heeler in COOKING STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, Itause Furnishing Goods fcSffver Plated Ware. Manufacturer of Plain Tinware. 33. A.. WISH, 80 & 82 Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia IMPORTER OF CHINA, CROCKERY AND <3rl ass ware, Dealer in Coal Oil Lamp Burners, Wicks, Chi.ivmjs , And Coal Oil. octli-Sm rheumatism’ FOR A SWIFT AND SORE CORE USE knytons Oil of Life, THE GREATEST LINIMENT OF THE AGE! It Works Like a Charm. It baa been applied to the masses ia the streets of Savannah, Macon, Augusta, Columbus, Mont gomery, sad all leading eities and towns to the Mississippi river, from his famous carriage, for many years, with WONDERFUL SUCCESS! The most severe cases of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, ; PAINS IN THE BACK, BREAST, JOINTS, , and 3IDKS, Were brought to the Professor, who as quickly rubbed the patient thoroughly With his OIL OF LIFE, Sending them away -in every instance entirely re lieved, thus causing one bottle of the Linement to save hundreds of dollars in Doctors’bills. KATTON'S OIL of LIFE Is now considered by rll who hare witnessed its application to be the true and reliable Remedy for RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, and tor all Pains and Aches wherever a Liniment esc be used. Kay ton’s Oil of Life! The'tiever.failing German Liniment, is uneqnaled for its sterling virtues in the history of Medicines —tnskiog a »wist and sure cure, giving relief in every case almost by the first rubbing. *- 1 . , Read the testimonials and hear tbe opinion of the people. For sale by all leading Drug Stores. McKESSIIT & BOBBIN’S, WHOLESALE AGENTS, NEW YORK. Ppopeistob. JACOB LI PPM AW, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE, SNVANNAH, Ga PYRAI’TT&H. The Justly Celebrated CHILL AND FEVER EXPELLEE, Acts as a Tonic and as an Appetizer, giving tbe patient strength and building up bis system, tear ing him strong and healthier Mian before tbe at tack. t2ltf RESTAURANT AND BAKESY. THE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for past patron age, uegs leave to announce to transient visi tors and the public generally, that his Restaurant and Oyster House, Will be kept in full blast during the present season and the emuing winter, FRSH OYSTERS For Families, will be kept constantly on hand, or served up' Ui£ use iu every possible manner. GhaiHe, Fish., And-ALLTHE DELICACIES of the COUNTRY also will be provided for customers, and A choice and complete Stock of Liquors amt Confectionery, CIGARS und TOBACCO, and FRESH BAKERS BREAD, ■ Always for Sale. : Meals Served at All Hours and at SHORT NOTICE/ ggy The attention of Travelers and Strangers is especially invited* ocid'Srri GEG. Cl. BANCROFT. Wotioe. Aj,(, perrons iodob'ed to the’late firm of X. B. Key & Cos., are requested to call at once and settle aa the books must be closed at onqg. J. ALIj'J* rt Si i. S. POWELL, (TRUSTEE,) Drag :si Imtellcr & St.tioner, Cuthberl, Cfcewrgia. JNVITES ATTENTION TO SIS STOCK ;®F Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS, Comprising Acids, Alcbobo!, Allspice, Alum, Ar rowroot, Balsam Fir, Pearl Bariev. Blueing, £?0 rax, Blacking, Bath Bricks, Bed Pans, Brushes’ of all kinds, Cupping Cups, Lancets, Luear Caustic, white and red Chalks, Chlorotoim, Capsules, C i chons, Cloves', Cochineal, Copperas, Cinnamon Baik, Emory, Logwood, Licorice, Chamomile Pow ers, Qlue. Glycerine, Aloes, Gum Arabic, Tragacacth, Assatbeiida, Camphor, florre Fleams,Shel lac, Surgeon and -Spaying Needles, Nipples, Kura ~ ing Bottles, Hops, In digo, Gelatide, Kreo sote, Madder, Mer cury, Morphine, Nutmeg*, Nox V o m i c a, • * Also, Castor Oil, 'Linseed, Tan ners, Machine'/, 'Train A Neatsfoot Oils, Pepper, Blue Mass, Potashes, Com position Powders, Cattle Powdeis. Quinine. Ginger, Rhubarb, Epsom Salts, Cana ry Seed, Mustard, Castile Sowp, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Starch, Sponges,-best English BiCarbe Soda, pure Cream of Tartar, Sal Soda, I'uur tnice and Rotten Stone, Strychnine, Sul phur, Muriate of Tin, Laudanum (full strength,) Syringes, Paregoric, Mercurial Ointment, Rose Water, Dry Paints, Paints in Oil (all colors, from 1 lb. to 25 lb. Cane,) Gla eiers, Diamonds and Sprigs, Patty Knives, etc., IN LIQUORS, (foran licinal use only.) FINE FRENCH BRANDST—nose betteren eale in the State. Medium “ M Fine California ** PURE AND UNADULTERATED Port, Sherry, Maderla, Malaga, M-uscatet WINES, t per A Co.’s CHAMPAGNE, California “ -St. Croix RUM, Holland GIN, Wbolfel* SCHNAPPS, scotch ALES. LoriLoid's, Macsoboy and Scotch SNUFF, Carolina Belle SNUFF. TOBACCOHS. LorilloiU Century Chewing TOBACCO, Fine, Medium and Common do. Also a gener stack of proprwtory Articles, among which is . f Drake's, Hosteller, Solomon's, Brady's Earthly, Old Carolina, Russ' St. Domingo, and Grey Jacket BITTERS- Methane's Strsngthning Cordial. Guysotts'.Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s and Bull's Sarsaparilla. ROSABAXjXSi ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Yaa-JJeusen’s Worm Confection*, Osgood’s India Chologogue, [ Wlilbofl’s Anti Periodic, -Ayer’s Ague Cure, King of Chill*, Nichol’s Elixir of Bark and Iron, Powell’s Sewing Machine Oil, Powell’s Excelsior Yeast Powders. Epping’s, Uelmbold’a and Dromgoole’fl BTJ&STJ. Ayer’s Champion, Clarke’s “Female, Cook’s, Ueeme’s Hepatic, Holloway’s, Jayne’s, Lee’s, Sh»l leuberger’s, McLane, McLean, GilU ghan’s, Holton and Wright’s FXXjXjS. Upham’a Pile Electuary, ChiistadOra, Hill’s and Richmond ZXA.XB 23TTES. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Reeve’s Ambrosia, Chevalier’s Life, Hall’s Restorer, Phalon's Cocin, Lyons’ Ka thorion, Barry’s Ti iuopberous, Catalytic and other Dressings for 4Ue Hair. Mrs. Gardner’s Balsam, Syrup of Globe Flowers, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Allen’s Lung Balsam for Uettgits, Colds, etc. Marchisi’s Cathoiicon, Jacob’s Cordial, Diamond Cement, Giaut Grip, Chewing Gums, Essence of Coflee, Flavoring extracts—all flavors, Daiby's Prophylactic Fluid, Axle* Grease. Farrell’s Arabian, McLane’s Volcanic Gil, Mustang, Sweet’s and Flagg’s ijiKrxivcEisrTS. Cod Liver, Dore’s Turf, Gargling, Kelley's W atch and Harlem OXXjS. Husband’s Magnesia, Opodildoc, Dailey’s Pain Extractor, Perry Davis’ Pain Kille, I’bilotoken, Clove Anodyue, Tooth Ache Drops, Fahnestock and McLane’s VEXIIVIXFXJa-ES. Thompson’s Eye Water, Mitchell’s Eye Salve, Brown’s Essence ot Ginger, Bro W-n’s Bronchial Troches, Wheaton's and Russell’s ITCH OX3VTM33UT, Also, a full Stock of School and Miscellaneous. BOOKS, Blank Books, Memorandums, Pass and Time Books, Letter, Scrap, Aotogre ph and Coppy Books. In PAPERS have Legal, Oup, Letter, Bp I, Note. 'Bil[et. Wrapping and P/ifitinr Papers. White and Colored Cards, T‘.vi-, ei Q U m Labels, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Blotters, piles, Letter Stamps, Ink Stands, Paper Weights, Cu ters. Folders, Black, Biue, Vio let and Carmine Inks. India Inks, Mucilage, Peng, Holders, Erasers, Pencils Tape Measures, Tube Points, Sable Brushes, Lithograph Heads and Cop ie:-. Superior Razors, Knives and Scissors, LubiuVGenuine lldk’fs Extracfa, Pomades, Lilly Wi.i'es, Rouge, . Low's Brown tVfnd.-*>r Soap, -Hair, Tooth, Nil, Cloth, Hat and Scrub Bnusn E®, The very best Violin, GuitaT and Violincello Accord eons, Flutes, Violins, Tatnboriies, Ban jos, Bones and Hannonicons. Also, instruction Books lor the sumo. .. . . j. . " A large and constantly replenished stock of '~--l SHEET MUSIC, For the Plano sud Guitar. - octl4 tv To Planters and - OKTSUME3RS. IHAVE JUST RECEIVED and «PESED A choice and we 1 selected Stock of GROCERIES, To which I would respectfully (Sill yofir attention. I keep constantly on band BACON", of "all clauses, FLOUR, of ail grades LARD, SUGAR* s^rFf. ' /•' MEAL, . RICE, Etc.-, Etc., Etc., Which 1 can and will sLli low as can be bough! in the markervj I also have a general j&sorttnent yf Fa«cy Grocers, which I will sell as cheap as Vcmckvipet liberal cash advances- Made on Colton consigned to BATES & COMER, Savannah, Ga. j^r,, m:. F. ijaBGO. tl* McK. tiUßfM# ISAIi, WITHOUT FEAR OF CONTRADICTION, THAT I HAVI THE MOST General Stock of Goods, That can be found ia any one Store in da. 1 hose NICELY DRESSED LADIES you see in the streets and at church, BUY THEIR GOODS FROM ME I Those FASHIONABLY DRESSED Gentlemen BUY TIIEIR CLOTH ING OF ME I Those GOOD BOOTS and SHOES that are praised so much COME FROM MY BTORE ! Those BEAUTIFUL CHEAP HA IS you see come from GUNN’S ! Those RED GRAVY HAMS, arrd that SWEL7 BREAKFAST BACON, good MACKEREL aud TROUT, you eat at your neighbor’s CAME FROM GUNN’S I To SAVE SODA and LARD, and have GOOD BISCUITS, BUY YOUR FLOUR FROM GUNN! Carriage Materials—A FULL ASSORTMENT, JUST RE CEIVED. I will stop. Come to my Store and you will fiae Everything you wish to Buy, for the Living or the Deaij AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE 1 fig C3T I am determined NO MERCHANT SHALL UNDERSELL MB I buy as low as any of them. [octl4-6mj J. McK. GUNN. DR. PORTER, THE GREAT . . MEDICAL ELOCTRICIAN, Eclectic Physician, * AND CONQUEROR OF DISEASES, WHO HAS VISITED ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES in the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western bUtes, aud tudt with such UNPARALLELED SUCCESS, In the treatment of all diseases, but more especially those of a Chronic nature, or of long standing, and which has baffled the skill of all other Physicians, will (Providence permitting) Professionally Visit Cutkbcrt, Georgia, AND. OCCUPY A SUIT OF ROOMS AT THE BROOKS HOTEL, From Friday Morning, December 3d, to Sunday JViffbt, December 3th 5 1869, The following are Dr. Porter’s appointments for the months of November and December : At Macon, (J* , at the SpotUwood Hotel, from Thursday mornlug, Noyember 18th, to Tuesday night, November 28d. J At Fort Valley, Ga., at the Hotel, from Wednesday morning, November 21th, to Friday noon No vember 26th. ’ At Americas, Ga., at the Barlow House, from Saturday morning, November 27th, to Monday night. November 2bth 1 6 At Dawson, Ga.. at the Hotel, from Tuesday morning, November 80th, to Thursday night Decambvr At Cuthbert, Ga., at the Hotel, Iron Friday morniig, DeC“mber Bd, to Sunday night, December 6t|,. At Fort Gaius, Ga, at the Hotel, from Monday morniug, December 6th, to Wednesday night. Decent* ber Bt,h. r At Eufaula Ala., at the Eufaula Hrmse, from Friday morning, December 10th, to Tuesday noon. De cember ]4th. ■ 1 ' At Columbus, Ga.. at the Kentucky House, from Wednesday morning. December 15th, to Monday noon. December 20th. * At Montgomery, Ala., at she Hotel, from Tuesday morning, December 21st, to Tuesday night. Janu ary 4th. 1870 The Don or treats all diseases, in their various forms and stages, without the nse of Calomel or Mercu ry in any form, .Strychnine, Quinine or A'senie, or any poisonous substance whatever J bis remedies be ing compounded by himself, and coutpose I entirely of Roots, He' b» Barks, Seeds, etc , purely vegetable and highly electrical—remedies that do not weaken or riebili'ate the system in the (east, but strengthen, vitalize and invigorate; neither do they preveci the patient from attending to bis or her every day busi ness. Particular attention paid to Diseases of the Eye and Ear. The Doctor has visited many of the cities twe. three, and four times over, and has successfully treated moie than 120i*^pii r sotis in the States of Georgia and \lab tma alone, aod more than 2500 if we include Kentucky and Tennessee, and over 3700 including North and South Carolina, very many o! whom were pronounced incurably-by their attending physiciaus and given tip th die, but who to day, thank God, ar *, Bt 't' ’ -i the land of the 'iviug, and in the enjoyment Of-perfect health, pursuing their usual avocations. ab.c Doctor does not make these statements Uecau-e he considers himself more skillful lhau those oth er physicians, but simply because he sincerely ba'i-wes that the rein ‘dies which be employs will prove much mot e efficacious, and are more completely adapted to the treatment of diseases, especially* these of a Chronic nature AFFLICTED, READ CAREFULLY. Consider seriously and unprejadicially, and act immediately. Call at once at bis rooms, as the Sbcto; charges no'hing foi consultation and advice. The Doctor furnishes all the necessary remedies at once to remove the Complaint thoroughly and peg mgnen,tly at a very reasonable price The Doctor, it he can cure you, or even benefit you, will tell you so s If he cannot, he will aw a form you, and will not tike your case in band. Patients visited at their own houses froth 5t06 p. m., if the Doctor is not otherwise engaged. Office hours from 7 o’clock in the morn mg to 8 o’clock in the evening j On Sundays, from 8 to 12 in tbs morn ing, and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. For further information, see Circulars, with a large number of recommendations, distributed at thir dwelling h-uses throughout this city and vicinity, and which also can be ohtaiued at fns looms, null 1-ltn CENTRAL CITY CONDITIO* POWDERS, FOR Horses, Mules, Cattle, Ilogs, Sheep and Poultry. A RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR DISEASES INCIDEMT TO ALL KINDS OF STOCIL «and intestines, cleanse them from ntiemdre Dialler, and brmg them to a healthy estate. And a certai. remedy f->r alt itch «« . ’ For Milch Cows. Bvae'ual experiment it ha« be. n r J J [ -yvsapagiitiyiUjLJlfcWfr, proven that these Powders will in* . --ft Att crease the quantity of Cj* ' sneh as Coughs, Uiceis in the Lungs, Hog Pholera, and the Rot to Sb«r|• \,y' g~- these Powde's are ir.valu..tile. They \ •otjjjg. p *\' t tHmHts* .y $ will (live mange, ami promote the _ KjEßjCi 6 i 'LA- -A grow b of rtuuted P gs. JgjSHmt i These Powdeis ate a ovrkiii Cure api Preventive of Clmtera, and^of^st Ac., and will improve the conviUon irt *ll kinds of Fowls, , • . , These t* waeisue offered <U -he public with a mar»nf«e o» pnt ueal useful ne*» to alf who have Shw* of any kind. AH Piugeist* have them for sale at F.FT? LKNI - per box Full direciious aoeomna- BV Sash box- The trade sapptmu at a itoerat dw otint bv the Sole 'f -«f r „•>- , V—g. ’ ./ Xj. 'XKTm AA UJNTT dW rtn Q> A.. o■ DU ISTS, CHcttjty , fe ,sKX MAUIN at ior a*is in ( utbbert, hr TANARUS, « poVi ' ‘ 11 HI