Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, April 21, 1870, Image 2

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r ji, ;. a tm.r ThC»wdat Morning bt SAWTELL & JONES. H. H. JO'Wt S, Ecitob. THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1870. tar The Editor begs leave t<> apol ogize for any lack of local ora] political tniginal in tiler, which may be observed in our present istuo. Unavoidable absence which was pro. traded nntil yestetday, will furnish the necessary «x plan alien. Bullock Repudiated-—Cham jw»g:ne baths at a discount— Othello’* occupation no more. Below we give a «lip received from the office of the Sumpter Republican, in advance of the new* from Macon, an nouncing that the Senate had stricken out the main body of the tjeorgia bill, including the Bingham Amendment, and simply remanded the State back under military rul* It is provided also that general elec tions shall be held in September next, which thus curtails the career of our carpat-bag Executive, and euu les all the people of the State to have a voice this time in tho choice of their ruler*. Though entering a solemn profeet against anj congressional interference with a Bovoroign State, yet we are free to confess that of the two a'ternatives, the dominion of the sword is infinitely preferable to that of the contemptible radical ring who for many month* have lorded it over the old Commonwealth of Georgia. And now be it the patriotic aim and object of all to disabuse our colored liieijds of their prejudices, and impart to them the wb<4«.sa ne lesson, that henceforth our political amt mate rial inturc ts sro identical and insepara- ble. Washi.yqto.v, April 20. Tii* following Georgia Bill paused ii» Senate last night. That Georgia revert to a Military [Jovai ninent at once, am) that in S<-ptr*w »*r next, elections for all offi era of Stnte k* held, to take Beats in November.- til the rest of tho Georgia 811 was li ieken out, but this am mdiiicnt. After the foregoing was in type, the ollowing special dispatch was received it this office, at 12:o’clock to- lay ; Mao >n, <§*,, April 21st. “ Tins Senate adopted the Pom my Amendment as a substitute f r diogham’s. The House will take ac ion to—day.” The following ia tho substance of hia amendment: This declare* tho State government f Georgia to bo provisional and to tie object to the various ler-nnati tteci n .it* of M irah and Julv, 18G6. It fur rier provi los that, in accordauoo with ho provisions of said acts, an election hull he held for members of tho Gen rul Assembly of Georgia on tin* first ’ucsdny of September next, who are o ssemble nnd organise on the 23d day >f November, 1870, preparatory to the idnission of s>nkl State, and the i'unc i. ns of tho existing Genera! Assembly re t'» cease o.i the said 23.1 day of No ember next. It ia thought to-night lie bill will pa*s,tho Senate RwpUbli ans being unable to harmonize on any ;h*r plan* The chuff ol jeolior. to the h i is that, y applying the reconstruction nets i the election, there will t o dUfr: n liised ful'y twtnty thousand white men. : ia very ptobublo, however, that this tntnre will be changed so as to let all le white nnd black population vole.— he effect of tho bill i* to vacate all tho ections of Senators, those elected by hidicals, and ulso the seats ol Hill and Idler. Tlia Geon ha P..KS* Association and lit SiumuitN Co.N'vxxnoN’ —fna invitation ut tlu Press an 1 people id ivannah for the former to u iite with ic latter in the grand editorial reiinion in soon to take place under the nusp'f ■s of that hospitable city, ha* found liversal favor, and our objections huv. g been satisfactorily answered are rged no longer. Our allusions to the customary “spout* g” on such occasions wyre intended in > derogatory sense, nnd wo trust our acoi) coutcinporury will be mistaken tho remark tha-t there would be “n > outing.” Many of our most gifted and eloquent enkcra wield the “grey goose quilt,” and wa trust tlmir voices will often lu* tard during their sojourn in the Forest ty. Nor have we any special objec >u to the dinings nnd junketings’ r which our Sea board friends are so idcly celebrated,, but merely hinted ey might bo the means'of againfrus ating the objects of the State Assoeia m. Ilock, heidseick and turtle, are l good in their turn, and to be re ived and enjoyed with thanksgiving Wo forgive brother Sneed that “ Par ian arrow,” also, and freely cotif-s* at we would prefer a ride either bv a r»r land with our genial friend of the 'publican, and bis Savannah press sociates, to the most gorgeous-expedi m that radical ingenuity and wealth uld improvise. Let every editor and publisher hi the ate then attend at Savannah, and «m --y that good time which we confideut prcdict to advance, is in store (or •N), Columbus ia straining every vc to become the mai.u a tori >jr city the South. The projiobiuon now be* l Considered is, to build a mumifacto. between the Eagle and Pneiiix and uscogee Mills. Leading men h ive o enterpube ir. charge. They enter D no doubt but that the stock lor a etity thousand spindle null can be ised Active measures have been al idy taken. Wah ix me Alabama Alocxtaixs. »e Eufaula Times says there is a tor do state ot affairs in West Alabama, Ruling war has been waging there for me time. Theta is an organized band desperadoes, negroes and whites, io have declared their purpose to ve every reb 1 and Democrat out of ,t section, or till evejsy male, old and Us ,g i and outrage every wromui. — tisjdei'aUe excitement prevail*. bear SmsUll: Thii beautiful city i* bruit upon an elevated plateau about 50 feet above the level of the sea, and Whs laid out with mathematical precis ion by Geit. Oglt*th’<>rpe in 1732. *• At regular intervals, miniature parks or breathing spaces were left, which are planted with beautiful trees, and carpetted with luxuriant bermuda grass. These are th* daily resort of hundreds of pretty children of every age and sex who disport iii«m th* green, and aif>rd living exemplifications of the health fulness of the place. Indeed, Savannah furnishes a remark* able in dance of the sanative effects of thorough drainage, and the smoke of a dense population, in neutralizing mala rial exhalations. Aside from occasional yellow fever visitations, her pe >p!e enjoy a singular exemption from diseases, and her mor tuary report* will compare favorably with those of any Northern city in high latitudes Yet strange to say, fen* and marshes, and rn ora*Hes, redolent of nox ious vapours, utmost surround the city, and those who live on the outskirts be yond the influence of the smoke, are af flicted with chills and fevers. No city in the South with the excep* tion of the m nth room growth of At lanta, has adv»need since the war with greater rapidity, in population and ma terial prosperity. The- wrecks, and the sunken obstruct* tions in tlie channel of the river have all been removed, and a powerful dredg ing apparatus is ever at work, ueep. etiing tin* bed of the stream. We witnessed the performance of this curious machine Which is propelled by steam, and literally cla\p* up from llie bottom, and elevate* to the surface, stones, timber, mud, tt|id all the deiris which ages tn >y have accumulated. The water approaches to the city, arc thus constantly improving, and this port i* really very little inferior to any on the Atlantic coast, while it* tniguif icent river, navigable for bandied* of miles into the interior, give* it udvun tages which no other possesses. Os the rapidly extending commerce ..ff S.iVatm ih, we have spoken fully in a former article. . Already her tonnage shows her to be the third maritime port in the Union, and now she is confessedly the great GanaO entrepot also, of the South The amount t»f fertilizer* landed here and dis ri billed, eXcoed* all belief. A stroll un ler the bluff, to the stran ger i* fail <>f novelty and interee,'. — Vast pile* of merchandise are heaped upon the w harves, and constantly re newed from the capacious hold* of the ships, at faM as the multitude of drays diminish them, while the curious rtff'rniti of the steved ires, the yo heave 1. ho, of the sat lop, the plash of oars, the shiill steam whistle, and the clank of ttu cliinejry, all mi lie up a stirring and inti mating spectacle. The market, to >, presents a busy scene ol bustle and excitement, and the d'ts p ay of vegetables, meats, tisti, venison, poultry, tor rap us, prawn traits, and Wares of every UcsqriptTon, would seem to banish all danger of famine and scarcity. Here lha epicure may surely find full scope for his gastronomical taste* and genius. This is Good Friday, and our pious District Jndgo«adj mi ned the 11. 8, Court in honor of tiled iy, and our Ca h olio and Episcopal fiends tupped out ett-mass for church. Trade a* urn and i* dull with the ap proach of the E ister holy days, and hut little is doing in cotton. Tne feel ing see it m to be g' Herat that prices will continue to rule low. We have sensed however to veuture anv opinion on (fiat knottiest of all problems, the cotton question. A mo-t interesting case is pending at this time in the U. B'. Court, which at tracts general attention. Wo allude to tlie action brought against Solomon Cohen, E*.j., who was Postmaster here at tlie breaking out of the wap. The Government sues for tho the amount of hi* bond, ($10,000.) Mr. Cohen was ably de etnled by Judge Harden, and Henry Williams, E*q., and made - a most eloquent and pow erful appeal in liis own behalf also 111* effort drew tears frotn tk Jury. To morrow the ease will be closed by the argument of the District Attorney A.S'er man. The Cuthbert bar was ably represen ted by our pupalurand talented towns man Col Herbert Fodder. Six hundred cases yet retrrtm nn*li* posed of on the docket of the Court. The r.e\v ladical circuit Judge,- Hon. W. B. Woods, looks like a western hofse jockey, and decides all point* in nionosylliddo* without cutideuceiviiiig to argue them The weather is clone and sultry, and vegetation coming fin ward rapidly More anon. IT. 11. J. Sovanrtoh. G t., April 16. 1870. The VVuslii gtou Gazette of the Isth, speaks hopefully of the who it and porn pro <peot* frt that sec; i >n. ■ Wheat more than ordmiiify promising; corn UJ* beaulifnlly. The peaches and other forward fruits appear to have been ah most universally’ destroyed liy c, 'l * weather some time ago. Th® c«>U n had n't yet made its appearance, but the time for planting had arrived, and the farmers were devoting ull tlieir en ergies in that direction D3T Next week w e will publish the piogramme of tho appro ichiug meeting in fcnVurmah- of the Teachers jState As sociation. Tho exercises will be very attractive and interesting, and we trust there will be a general rally of all the educators of yomh jn council. The entire number of adhesive stamps issued by the Government since the enactment of the internal revenue laws is 2,340,b79.578. The New Vote”. How is the colored vote'to be distri buted ? With what party, or ia what interest will it probably be c.ast, when the h y-dey of jnl»il ;l ti,m is ov r, when men return once more to their sober sense* and universal suffiage becomes policy of the country ?»- I hese are questions seldom asked, be cause they ate supposerlto admit of but •me answer, and are-scarcely worth the trouble to auk The common under standing is that the negroes, as a body, will adhere to the Ha ical party, but even a common understanding rn.iy not always provw the corr<*ct one. The argument addressed to the sertsf hilities of the « >!ored race, that the\ cannot do otherwise than sustain the pa ty. which brought about their free dnm and enfrgnubi-ement, oppose the ptirty which reluctantly assented to these m**usures. is a powerful as well as a specious argument, and consequently, if tlie Radical leaders are able to con trol this vote pretty much to their own liking, for some time yet, it will be qi. Hia't-r of Barpri»e. With an advanced intelligence, how ever, and better information, the negro will sooner or later ascertain that the elective franchise gives him but a sham advantage and is only a degrading priv ilege, unless its exercise is b ised upon the entire free will of the voter, mid that it may not always be safe, as it is in no sense wise, to bold tins great pro* n gative ut tlie die! at ion of another. The la e colored convention at Chica go showed a creditable appreciation of ttiis thing when it congratulated the jatople ‘th it the v-*xed q test ion ih‘ c 4-*r *as taken out of the political offtlw cotm try, mid could n . longer be made the iii->trnittMiit of demagogues.’ Nit only iu Chicago, lag else w Imre, are tlie black* getting their eyes open to ttie fact that iustead of being freemen in the true sense of tlie term, they are like ly to become Ini' the instruments of the demagogues who made thorn voters to secure their vot< s. The colored man is hound to fiad out at last, that the war between tlie North and the S mth, iu which his freedom was tho apparent bone of contention, was, after all, but a struggle for jiolitt cal domination, ami that he figured in it simply as a means to an end, and not the end its* If The record of the suc cessful party since the war, will con vince him that orrty so far as he could be made useful in perpetuating the sue cess ot tiiat party had it an interest in his einuucipation; and that his g-tmioe abolition friends in this long agitation were men who stood wholly aloof from the field of battle and of politi.-s. He will find, moreover, as soon as tne ques tion of reconstruction is settle*! and the enslaved white men of the country are restored to their rights, that however antagonistic th'- Oeniorratic party has been to the doctrines ■ f ' quali ty, it will tie the first to recognize- his practical rights under the n-w system and that especially in the Southern Slates ho will tie tr ated by it with a far more generous o< mpieh mine, of his wants than ho can -ever expect to be by Ills so-called liberators. He tvill learn that hi* obligations to hi* ltiiu htal friends are not such that h«* need bind ip:for all ii tie to come to th.-ir dictation : even if im does it .t, as In-justly tn iy, coi.u ludo *b it thedeh of gratitii'i *is quite the ol he." way. Ho wilt cistne lev see that the elt*v..'!i"U of K vets and oti»e , ’*-t<* positions of h-ip'H; is hut done for eff ci and to iu youd 1 ered -at all a ginr.uiiy of good faith He will turn ra( ft hr id the fraud* iin-f crime* of watch tV party has been srn I ty, t*» estimate how far it is to be tr is.•* ck IT* will pass in rev.ew the ba*e u*t*s to which he is put iu all large c«*L ored couvuuuiiies, to learn what a pla-e lie occupies in the hone*t friendship dt liis pretended champion*, lie will final ly realize the pungent truth of tlie fol lowing incident related by ans respond ent who recently in tdo a vjut to the tliirty-eight thousand negroes herded at \VU'h'ngton for their votes. The wri ter met a couple of men to whom he addressed himself as follow* : 'Does any one ever come to ask f>r your votes ?’ B>th laughed aloud. — •Deed dey do, missis, and y never foi'gits me den I’so seventy five years old ad I’se Voted dis three turns, and las time I was sick ami dev cum for n*e and tuk me in a carriage to de polls to you*. Dey allers member* iif Uein days, but Ilex d\ty dev dun ftirgS mu and look like dey U<>b-r see if in- afore.’ And so it is u livers.dlv. The se’fin* Merest, the insincerity, of liadicalis n is everywhere conspicuous in its at empt ed m iuipglati >ti of the colored vote.— II must eventually grow into a lasting impression upon tlie mind of ev rv Mack matt who gives the matter intelligent consideration! and exercise no sm »l in fluence in determining, his future politi cal action. The negro once a slave, w *ll knows that his best h *me to day, wh*m he m so fortunate as to get it, is upon the farm or in the family of his old mastei ; and in- his political affiliations, if he is equally fortunate, he wid. find the best guaranty of his rights with the men who bust understand bis nature and al factions, his real needs—-the old con servative element of our people. His ow n experience teaches him that the once po*v-issor, is n os’ the in >st de. sirabhf employer \ and his g »od souse Vl -.n also sa-tiety him idat the in hi wh . ho iesf'V opisiswd t; a enlarge neut -if die elcctis ? franchise* may. nevertheless, as honestly acC , 'l , t it. ft will teai-'J? Inin fun her, that wn.'le til • M .dieal' par tv alone is responsible I• -*?* the terrible condition in which the government is *tmgghog, alone responsible I ir the * x travagamt exp n liture and offi.uui frauds and geueial deinor.diz it ion, wuicii characterize: its adiniui*iruliou, ot imiiHc arl iirs, tlie D m icratio minori ties of the country have skirts unstain ed with corruption; .mi that in the de feat of Radicalism alone a thorough renovation ot tlie government —is tlnne any hope for reduced taxation, a return to economy, peace to the united broth* erho >d <>f St iles, and tlm tulL restopa ti >ri of equ il and ex ict j i-uieu to all its et 7M v*.-r~SI Louis Tirn«x. Army Aosta -mb >t. - Wiisfwijtou. Auril 16 —Tie folmwill r '>rd :r hIS Ooeil is» sued from army hmidqu irtei s : “•file Deportment ot Aliskiv is* adileil to the Department of Columbia. Vio g ili - is added to tK » Department of the y v st T Dtqy.pmveni of the Cumber 1 is addl'd to tfce Department of the Sou’ll, wii'h In-aJ't im tWA i*t Atlanta,.” Till’s latter LMpunOellt, General T.-r --rv commanding, n >.v uiclu. Ms Keut up ay, Tininesses, West Virgn.'m, Do*! ■ * Jet ferson yille in Indiana, .North and Ho'.'t" Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Ala bama. Scofi •hi c-unm-mds the D part’ meiit of the Pacific. Dope command* tlie Department of Missouri. Cooke commands the Department of lire L ikes. Canhy commands Columbia, The changes will occur as amiij as pi issible. Judge Ui*aq»lu'ies, of Huntsville. Al abama, wijl succeed Judge Fisher, should dn Senate uonfi n the fitter us | Attorney tur the District oi Columbia. {rsp.-oitt.! ta the New i'urk Ue.;t-d.) The Presidents Views on the Removal of Disabilities- Washington, April 13.—1 stated in my disp itlices last night that the President did not iirteml for the present at least, bKseitd a message to Congress recorn mending the general removal of disa hilities. lam able to-aight to confirm that statement on the very highest au' tbority—that of the l* tv widest In th.* course of a brief cwHii-fn ition w ith tlie President this nior< ing I a>ked him wfiettier he intend ’d, as reported 8-veral tines lately, to issue an amne* ty [>roclamati >n or to send a spska.d U*e'*age to Coiigre** recoin uemliug the reinovaf ot di*a 'ilities imjMised by tin- Fourteenth Amendment ? He smikd good htmioredly and answered : “No, sir; t don’t mtend to issue an ’ amnesty prociain ilion at all My pf.-t| ecessor, Piesideut Jolvn on, exnausied ■ that pretty thoroughly but it i* quite true that I did S"ttw time ago contemplate omnUng to Congress a spe cial message lecptumwudiug the removal of all disalujit es. I thought that a fi ing oCcasimi for a message of the kind would be the restoration <*t 1 exits and the other Slates to the-Union-, believing that it would have the effect to nr ,mob general g<«vt feeling and liarmonv throughout tlie South ; hut since thun there have been so many complaints ahe nt outrages in the S-mth mid lequests for military interposition, in s-nac <u the States—like Tennessee mid North Caro lina that 1 have toeoitsidetvd my reso lution. I have come to tho conclusion that so* long a* the state of society iu those districts i* sudi as to cull f-*r milt* tary aa I to preserve order it woibd be tl*ele** to recoil! u *nd to (’mgiess the r iixiv il of disatiiitt’cs. For the p es eut, ttiorelore. I cannot send that mes sage to Congress.” 1 ‘ l asked tin* President if It wits true til it he had had n message of the kind prep iron ready to send to Congress He replied, “Yes,sir,’’and went on to state that the document had been all ready, but its presentation was dotted for the rea-o is already stated. I am informed that ttie President’s mes sage was a brief but statesmanlike do.- meat, urging Congress to leuiove by proper enactment all disabilities imposed by the Fourteenth Amendment, under one simple condition, to wii t the appear ance of all applicants in open couil and announcement of their desire. Commenting on the aluxve the Savan nah Republican says; When the fate of a great common wealth-*=one of the sisterhood of States, and the most powerful among them— is detetw ned Up-m the evidence of lying negroes ami abandoned white men, who have an interest to deceive, what guar antee have the people for liberty, ex cept in their own strong unit*; nnd tii -y are now powerless ? Go-<gi-i**s holds them down, while highway fob bus and unprincipled knaves pluck them ! Th<*iv is nut a more peaceable, orderly industrious and law abiding State m the Uni- n, S mth or North, than Gcraia, and Vet the Pr.-Hid-mt of tlie United Stitcs, a-' to t ie card of the G-orgia negro “dclegu ion,” pub lished elsewhere, prefers to tie i«ve her si m e ers, who*e infamy is patent to ail men. or, riot believing, has n *t thecour ago ioussert the t.uui and and > u* ji*tjce. H.i advocates the cni;it • I eii-liVc me it of pco g*a, an 1 refuse* theetil'r.n clii-cuient of a quai ter null on of his fellow citiz in Upon.ilre testi nony of li ar* am) scotin Ircls ; ami be km •ws them t-' l»e ritch. lit: withholds an act of pa eirf."at,mi for reason* which h <ve no M.o e*ace ill tGo Southern State* to an t i'-y n:*ve in New Ywk .»r Mi-si*-. ,-Jm e-ts, ar.' indeed, not ti.,l ns mu Ii UH'ktr the rep.'<*se ilatious of th.-ne vii liflsrs. Grant ha.< been scouring ,the Gmut.y With hia tnu’l'iiry since the dose of the war, mrl ha* y<-t to find the first Ktl Klnx or a*«y organ zed ;esistauce to ttie law. Why tlie oppressive and wrongful policy of the guvenim-m does not create both in ail the 8 mtfi-”n States, God only knows Their ab sence is a stand ng m-n'i iil of their patience under wrong and thsir devtu ti"it-ti) tlio pitlis of peace. Wc liav.-, indeed, fallen Upon evil time* wnen the conscience* of our highest pubic fune ion iries are seared by the eorrtiptioti of party and imprevmu*to tlie truth. * Tm=? C.)*r os? P.rovisi ivs —A short tme ago one do Jar and forty cents in greenbacks could In* purchased with one dollar in gold. Yesterday but one dollar mid twelve cents in yreetinaefe* could be purchased for one dollar io god, a dtff; en«-e nl twenty eight, but a d-'llar in greenbacks will purchase ho m >re pork, beef, flour, or any other ttr tioie nee, sstiry for ttie snhsi*te.;ce of ;i ftunily turn than it would before the late inotvime in the gold value of greeti bacs* The grain, fl >nr :uei meat |>rodue.ers of the west are c an d.lining of the lieavv decline in prices, and the dullness of the sale of the a!) >ve ttamad artich**, and vet prices have not declined in Ba vaiiuu'i, tmr I tats a ten oent loaf of bre id increswed in. weight.. The price of dry go id* amt every other article produced by mechanical labor has decline l more'than in prop >r tion to the appreciation .«f greenbacks, while the cost of living is increased in tho same proportion that the price of greenbacks bus increased. This state of things cannot last long Greenbacks being the currency of the country, the price of every article o coiuiii re* mn*t inevitably dim null in" pniporti in to tm” inefed*'* o' ttie g >lB Value ol 'gr.-etihacks. M •chan.'i-* an 1 working me.i are always suftfaV l '* l>V trie fluctuTt i<wi* in tin* go|.! v due of ttie currency. —Siv.mmh Republican. Fitch, of tne Griffin St ir; *r;£ys he has no obj -etioii to continuing under ur fit;*, ry rule, provided the swan it •x r h isi ness can be r iled out. B it, soys he, we don’t want Gen. Ui*M-» Terry fm the rqler. fine w,i> h • run his figures, in tin* recent Stephen's ease, in AM i it-t, ■satisfi -d u* with his oper iiioas. if ou* gr-s* will give n' General L e or J s ph Joiins-m vve lm Hiti*ti -d We can even put up wllh Bragg or- L-*iig*tm*t; hut n i in-ire 0“ trie T>-rrv* and denies, if you pleaso, with their ives, spies pimps an 1 sweat box es. The Oonstitnti m ii-po ts aliout Si 1, 000 sulwiuritied to tin oovi ig an I. enlarging the .Second Biplist Chiitcli, in Atlanta. This is within $4*00.) Tjf 1h ■ sum I- quu-ed Jantes v tne b mker, suMcr-lied 5d,500. The 3/Ceth- I. list, B iptist and D'esbyte rian ciiwrhes rrf Rime have decided to have a Union Habbuth School (Jdobra tjun tin Ff'Jay* ‘V 2dtli, wit,* an ex - cursiotl to O.i Spring. The Era s-'ys the estimated e<vrt of Die new passengv' depof to be built it* Atlautii tuis summer is $1i5,000. An Indian 1 paper repor! - ' that, a lady in that State married her sixth husband on the 4di inat. Divorces have out aid ed ties, as his five predecessors trivU quilly aloep all in a row in the ceo*<*te. y. | Ths In com k t a-k Uxiveksai-ly C,i ’N - 1 ukmxeb.—The press, even that pnriim I >f it, ss»Vs the ('iiieinnati, Enquifcr, which does not sympathize with the Democrat fic party —k* to speak out very pho'.dfy in r<»ga*d to the continuance of the lnd'iif.'t* l’b« BnffVJo Cwuiner cial Advertiser [ Republican) suy* that “go party in the count?? ‘" ,rt carry on hi* shoulders such an Oj«J M?‘. n Hie Seat as the income tax through th;* nil’.*l eleetiotr.” The New York Ii raid *ay* ; “It is goi Vers ally detested; that it offers a premium on erhm*. and it is the handmaiden «f perjury” 'Fire New \ orkjiwirual of Commerce (indejn-mlent) s iys that no greatei trtock-ty of j isti<-«* awl decency was ever atte itptedi” It aid.*; “If ifijs tax is a just one, a* Sen ator .Sfierntan prof.ssi-s to belmve. let him t»ring ii, a hiil to levy it directly hi the several Slates, in proportion to the oensit*, as the Const it uti oil. requires.”— No use, gentlemen. The party in Con gresa will do u»»thlug to relieve the peo pie of the oppression. It is strange that the cusses never dieatn of a herea tei . Another amendment styled the 16th, his been oflered in the Senate giving Congress the pewer to suppress ifisutlection and quell disorders iu the States, whether solicited to do so by *H** aiitlioi ilics thereof or not.- It is simp y another stride towards absolutely centralizing the g<, la a few months on the principle that ••Foals rush madly in, Where u:ig U* s’e*tr to treat^, ,, w«* BUp{M>rtu* Un* ot)Bciu*e htw tit>kers at Washington will saddle at feast a souie more ot am •ndiiients upon us. to the U. S. court at Savannah, the Jury biuugl t in a verdict against ex postmaster Cohen of some with five years interest. Tho case of Mr. Fitch for eonnivauee with the whiskey frauds, was quashed owing a flaw m the indictment. This geullem.ur was earnestly desir ous to go tn trial, and felt confident of v ridiculing his character in the premis es. Cfiy* At mie time during its history, Central Railroad stock w*s worth only 525 per share. . No t oad was ever pros muted to catc cess under similftr diffi nlties. Kkv. |{. Ili'j4,%\|f VV<• learn from, the Albany News that this end himt divine will preach at the Methodist church in that city on Sabbath nex’, and will deliv :r liis lecture on Jerus.t. bun on Mon biv evunng. ——- \ g u ial convo anon of s -alia is cal led lo met t in Atia ta on tlie 27Lit inn., for the pu pot-e of form n.r a“y >ung man’s Republican Cluo. ’ tar I’ *•* Super or Gotgit of Schley county wifi convene oh Monday next 1 I hi* w.ll cn ii'iete the round of Spring teiin' in the M !*• ojee t’ircmt. It is aua nl.tced that another ra lien pipor for the-hem fit ~f tim in -a and brethrvn>” will be started n (I-MMtim cou.ity shortly. It is not sta ted whcllier its pub i.djers are white of colored ; hut truJy “ioik” Snow lell ill Macon on Sujidtiy last 8 i Bays onr 3Cm«oti exchanges. J W. King, a prominent mer .oliant "i Columbus, (ia., died at his r<-s - deuce in that city on the ltitli inst. A card iu the last issue of the *ott tiaines Mirror anuoutices that it< former proprietor, ilf, M. Tu -ker, has sold the same to E. R, Qtti lin, of Ala ha tiia. The Negihr 8 t.ator Revels is in le turn in Pit lade' , pVsi on “The Pres*/ and one of the paper* publi-lwd in that quiet village r m irks that a* he litis never been a journalist, hi* opinio is xie likely to be fresh and important. A niati in Michigan swapped h’« horse for a wife. An old bachelor ac quaintance sail he’d her there wa* s >itjethiyg.wrong with the horse, or its owner m-ver would have iu ded ii away in that manner. % Tin* New York Methodist Gonferent e has disposed id the ease of Rev. Horace Go"ki-, by permitting him to vithdr-w fr»iu the min strv, on the gr-urtid of hi* ‘criminal unfit ness” to continue in the c urch. liis iate elo|>en».iU. witii a y- tttig indy of his-coug+eg.iti .u wilt be remem bered. A remarkable ease of resuscitation i* r. p' rtvd from Montpelier, Fiance. A young man aphy Stated by chart.eo;d, wa* tou bed on the soles of his feet with red hot iron witliout avail. Elec tric batteries were then brought to bear a id, a ter eight hours of iffhrt, anitna -1 ion vv.i s restored. Dr. A’fred (’I ,jdor>. father of H..n, David Clapton, died in Montgmivery, Ala., on !he 12' fi instant, at a very a< I - uic «i ago. lie a Virginian by hinh, settled in P itnim couijty, in this State, in early life, and was subsequent ly a prominent merchant of M icou. A noble Xmw York gi ooinsnean put 1 lie slih> fee in h'is pocket instead of lumdiiig it t** the clergyman, and the latter «oitl,l never have got it unless he h a! written to the groom to know win-th ei he w a s ever to be paid. The ways m these sift-dobra tic New Yoi'Uers are p .Si find.tvg out. Seicit *r S w ds h iiv iWdepted an invi tation- Pn I *e.tu e iif Ulll lin 1 iti next month for the b mefit of “the Wul vvn m»f U chans Fin I f the Colored Do»t of the Grari'l AVnVy of the R ‘public.” Tin* N ashz'lle Daimw-r at fGermnn) reeo-nm *uds Ghmg and Fug, the Hia« men- twins, for Huxt M iyur of LJicti* m hi I. on uccmmt <4 the «fnel ci ndition of affairs in f.iinoiis eiiy. Attempts (o commit suicide are here af er Io be punisficd iu Jlbissacimsetts, ti()>n the on triple that at tempts to com mit a criiUH are inddstalde as misde* meanors at cuiiuiitlt law. By a law recently passed by the Flor ida Legist. itu-e, drugs ate only allowed to lie sold by regular afiothecai ies. A gmier-d store-keep* r e m not sell medi cines of any description now in that State, not wen a bottle of hitlers, with out su'-j -ciing hiaiself t-> the chance of prosecution, au<l if convicted, to fine and juipnaunment. ! wards <*>!'.« xt-mn -"-r eighteen miles of truck said ft(»m S*|.«ir< ti|*oit trh'ffi ,e<m- Htraction trai>;snre running. Wnii ia progressing rapidly. The bridge over the Alabama, near Selin i, 5s under eon* and *ili l>e a splendid tttnietur*. An exchange says that ration* to the extent of eight I*) ten thousand daily, ate being issued to the poor ~f Wash ington The New York Sun thinks Governor , English a form id able e.tmiiuulu for t' e Pres'^ix-y The new p. bool board of GinribmG stands 29 I>r ine li.'bie in the schools, and 22 against it. Tin* Richmond municipal so' 1 d»ble has found is Way into the Supreme, Court of the Untied States. The colored men wf Cincinnati who hecainn voteis by th .* adoption of the Fifteenth Amt ndmeiit met a few days ago* to consider the nature of their'new political duty. Alter some discussion they determined that it was not adVtan ble ftr them at this time- t« pledge themselves to support either ih Repub lican or the Democratic party, hut this ttiey declared ; They would never vote lot a ihgh tar.ff. Ahead <>s Other Nation’s.—Tim Chi nes<; offi ials at Formosa off r $2,(0 re W!, rd b*r tie bead of an* English cam phor iHefehant. Sprigs of cedar scattered about the fowl house will relieve chickens of lice. Tar in the chicken trough is a preven tive of disease. Ea<i Terme*se it now appears, voted against the new Constitution, hut the triaj uity for it in the State is over 50,0006 A compositor in a teindon printing o{ flee has filleti heir to $15,000,000. He has quit working at f<*rty con s a thous and on ’bottled'’ uoupallel. A fife occurred in Tuskegee, Ala., on Wednesday, consuming the residence and entiie household furniture of Gen. eral G. W. Gunti. The General was absent from home at the time. Reports from all parts of Virginia represent the grow Rg wheat to lie in ass lurisliiug and promising condition, with the prospect of a large yield. Another colliery accident has occur red in Scotland. Seven men were suf located, and lorty niue have been res cued. General Meade has been elected P:e - ident of the Society o tile Ar ny of tile .Poioniae for the present year. New Alvertisements. Powell’s Hall ! Postpone! on iiccount of wet w-'.-th-r on Tuesday . lot, until thi.< Kreiniig (Thuts.luv.) TO-DiTIGHT AT S. s I N O R~R U3I NI , The Pnnoasi Kieopenn Umjuror', in his Retii-e-1 JIIUS «,H imri D l-gh fil Aty-leri-s mi - Gvwud bin Exhibit i-mu. Post on ei • ihi* f\»uii t y FdH Tilt NlfiUf OM.Yt 100 O 'Si y Presents 'liven Away F any anio g the Ail'lie>e. Admission 50 Cents, BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. frR Oa TH. . FIRST PREMIUM Jl>, OS’ A SILTStt a£OAL WA» AWARDED TO - W BARRETT’S HAtR RESTORATIVE n Htate \gi icul’oral Society, at its 4»ir, holden iu Nashua. Sept. 20,1206. BAH KEXT’S Vegetable Hair Restorative Re-tor-.a Gray Hair In lu natural n,.|or Pro M niotK-a the growtti of the Hair Cbauiei trim M root- to their, rlgiual organic merlon. Eradl* * w cat-a Onudi uft and Hunaor. prevent. jA a Hair falhuguot U r Lopertor Dre-tMu*. Alt It con mins no Injurious iu# red lent*. and is the most popular aud * leiiublo article throughout AL m ttte Eum.West, North JNa P * This Preparation surpasses all oth'.i of its class as a Hair Renewer. Itisthorooeo in its iiction upon ©ray or Faded H.iir and its effect permancot. It pro luees but one distinct shade, while others leave the hair in many varied colors. It promotes growth when ethers fail to re produce a -intrle hair. It Toes not crisp or dry the hair, bnt leaves it moist un i glds-y. Ladies find it superior to any other as a Toilet Dressing. Theinzredients used in this Preparation are the very best that can be found, and are as harm less as water. LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, Chicago, Ills. Fn* sa'e by T. S. FOWL .. apnil- v J. J. Me IK in A I D. For Kent. APART of a Large and Oonveni nt DWELL -1IV(t HOUSE can be rented by a small fami ly m. reasonable terras. Arpl* at. ■pr Ail APPEAL OEFTCE. Street lax. COME AT O-VCE and pav your STREET TAX Street, Working era-men :**« Mo.idav, Ap'il ;5 h. The time lor paying Street fax expires the Ist of May. Ah persona between 16 and 60 are liable to S'reel Duty. W. SCOT I ’, ap -I *2t, ( i v T,e-surer. ■"kTUTICEs—T. J. Mc.M chael. Trustee and next I- Ir-end of his wile and ehildien, has applied lor exempli . of persomrliv, and ae'iina apart and vahta'i -n of homestead, and 1 will pa-s up-in the same at 4*o’clock, P. M., oil the j»‘h da'v of April, ls7o, at ray office. M. GORM LEY, apr?l 2t. Ordinary. t’wlc of City Laws, For Sale at my Office, Pit lee 5.5 centd. WM. BEALL, nprl4 3t Cleric Prtoneil. Internal Iteveaac Notice. U. S. Internal Revenue,) Assessor 8 Ofi-'k-b. in Distuht. Ga. > Macon. il 4th. 1870. y In coinpl ance with section nineteen. Act of i Juno 3Hh. 18 M, as amen liil. l h* dry give no tice that I will hear appeals from p*v~«His assess ed on the Annual List of the Second Collodion District of far the yi ;*fc!B7o ; which includes Special Taxes, Income lax and Arti cles in S‘'i"dn!e *»■ A ’’ relative to »By* erroneous or excessive valuations, at my office, in the city of Macon, Georgia, commencing on Monday, the 18" h inst.. and continuing until Thursday, th" 28th insft.. inclusive. All appeals to he in wr ting. ROBERT CLARKS, Assessar Interna I Revenue. aprl4-2t 2d District. Ga. Situation Wanted, i>V ipi elderk Gentleman, nf thirty years e’pe[ ) nenoe m the Mercmtile Bounties , wishes em’ plovment as as- slant in so ne Mercantile hou-e. or an agency. Fur which services a auiAi com pen ea lion will only be sited. Satisfactory re cfencei given if deseed. Enquire at APPEAL OFFICE. aprl4-lot* NOTICE -Catharine E. Ttierma i has applied tor exemption of p-rsonulty, and setting apart and ra uatiouot home .lead, and 1 will puss upon the same at to o'c occ A. H on the 284 d*y of April, iß7o,at my odios, GORMLBY. apr)4-2t - . Ordinary, Flic Cash System! J ■■ ‘ - S’/ f : v . We are deferiftined to make it to the INTEREST of CASH BUYERS to buy from us. We sell FAR BELOW CRF-DIT " PH ICES. ’ / Our Goods were lloiight at Panic Prices ! AT THE VERY IQ WEST POINT! * And \ve are selling them at v:ry low prices. We have but ONE PRICE! And Treat all Alike! Ft is to j our interest so buy from us P’OR CASH! Oosag in debt is a reckless ‘hing these critical times, For tlae Ladies! We have Beautiful DREkSS GOODS, A Fine Line of WHITE GOODS, Elegant SHOES, And all the XsvcHies of the Season, in RIBBONS and SA&HES, BOWS iii.d' TIES, COLLARS arfd GLOVES, SUMMER COVERINGS, etc. ■ :o: - For Gentlemen and tloys ; FINE CASHMERE SUITS, Ail kinds LINEN CLOTHES, Good ROOTS and SHOES, MOLESKIN *r4 SOFT HATS Como and See. SCOT T & SMITH- Bods Save Lives aud Proteet Property! I am now prepared to erect the celebrated Star Galvanized Lightning Rod, On any building in town or cbfintry, at moderate rates. No vis flm time, and thh is fiir warning. I will also erect the STAR COPPER ROD, After a few day’s notice. Apply soon to j". s. h P rl4,,t Ciitblmrt, Ga. J. 1 Redding £ Cos., Are Agents lor WEAVER & MAN GUAM'B LUMBER MILLLS; ,T. 11. CALLAWAY & CO.’S FLOURING MILLS; H. O. BEALL’S GRIST MILL; FELL & MARTIN, MANUFACTURERS of CANNED FRUIT• STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Have for Sale, 15,000 lbs. Bulk SIDES, SHOULDERS and HAMS; 15,000 ttm. Smoked “ “• “ “ 100 bbk Choice FLOUR— various Brands; 10,00 lbs. WHEAT BRAN. SUGAR, COFFEE, MEAL, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, HEAVY DOMESTICS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Eto. All «>' which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. BSfc. Give us a call. roar!7ct Millinery Goods. NEW SPRING STYLES! - o Mrs/ A« L. MAPP. Depot Street, Cutlibert, Georgia Will kcepcopstontiy on hand a full and complete Stock of Millinery, St* aw Goods, Dress Tiimmings, Etc. The Latest Styles and Patterns received every Ten Days from Berlin • and Paris DRESS MAKING Done in the BEST STYLE, at the Shortest Notice. The Ladies ate respectfully invited to call and examine Goods and Prices. I AH OPENING A FINE STOCK OF WAIjIj PAFBR, Window Shades, Borderings, Etc., T. S. POWELL, Tmetre, febMet Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. Fishing Tackle, Fish Hooks, Lines ani Floats. Iu great variety. Also. ELY’S GUN WADS. For sale by T. S. POWELI., Trustee, sm7ct D-ntreo-o, Bookseller and Stationer. “ Land Plaster,” By the Barrel or Ton, For sale by T. S POWELL, Trustee, ap'7ct Drueeist. B -uk-etler and Stationer. “ FINK BIBLES. HAVE a few toore of those Fine Photograph liliiLES, which a*e gn much admired. T. 8. POWELL, Trustee, ap r 7cfc Druggist., Bookseller and Stationer ♦, BIRD CA .L», “ OF FINE FINISH, and without Paint. For sa'e by T. S. POWELL, Trustee, spr7ct D'ueaiat, Bookseller and Stationer, Buggies Painted and Repaired. By W. B. McDAN, South end of J. W. Brsgan’a Shoo p. fcb!7 3m* 8-j 4.