Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, June 02, 1870, Image 2

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THE CUTHBERT AmiAL, FU#o'Snv.D r.TEUT THCIWDAT MORIIXO »T SAWTELL & JOKES. It. 14* JOKE S, Editor. Thursday, june 2, 18T0. feriv r~. *'. i ... MbhCKR UviY*BHITY. — MuUoll, Glltfi. im»«1 Atlanta, aro all bidding for the W>. cation of thi« seat of learning. Atlutita neenia in eareust, true to tin oyer active spirit of centralization, which actuates her people, and our Macoi friends mast be on the qii cire, or the Gate city will hoar away the prize Iron, theta. Y r e see no reason why both Ogle* thorps, ttnd Jfcrccr, should be placed ut Atlanta, while many grave objoctions growing out of an, injurious rivalry be* 1 wren the students of each, might b> urged. CicnrßXATop.iAi. Stsket Osoan Grind t>iN*o.~The Macon papers state that Gov. Bullock witen pausing in that city lor a few hours, en route for the Ander Hontille Uuii’ti cemetery, took ocuasiou to puradu through thu streets with a band of musk*., who played “Down with Ttnitora,” and “Rally round the Flag Buy*" This gratuitous in«u!t ton peaceable and gallant people the con tempt even of the boys in blue. Tlmnks to the good sense of the Ma conttcß, not even a rotten egg was thrown at the miserable dnrpot-bagger, who deserves both pillory and stocks ii he had his rightful dues. Yet no loyal man is safe in Georgia, is the cry constantly put forth, to iiiflu s'.ic« a Radical Congress against ©«r people. Vfs tnrot Horne# G-reely, the most of his compeers,, will yet bo heard wpou thin subject. He has an awkward habit of calling ♦hinge by their right names which Bul lock has already learned, to- his cost. INT IE RUSTING PttEUMINARV PaECE Negotiations bitwkbn the Northern AND SoCTIIKRN UkSRAL AsTEMBI.IE-t OF THK pRKSI!VTEIt!AN CIIUBCH.—W S pub. hsh elsewhere llie kiud resolutions of the Philadelphia Assembly, look ing to the lestoration of harmony be tween these*two great wings of the Prwbytemn Church. The address of the chairman of the Committee, Dr. Backus, and the response of tlm inode' Tutor of the Southern Assembly, :wd the accompanying resolutions of Dr. Btnnrt liobinson are also printed. We regret that want of space made it necessary to exclude the glowing re marks of Dr. Vandike, and Hon. W. E. Dodge also meinborß of the peace dele gation. These gentlemen accomplished their delicute m'asion with great tact and ability, and we aro sure their vxpres sious of good will and fraternal regard, will go far towards softeniug the acer. bity of fuehog which -has existed be tween these representative branches of the < hurcb. The question of union is not to bt* mooted at present. Indeed our people are unprepared for this. No Christian however cun object to the opening of ecclesiastical relation* between the two bodies, and the cultivation of charity and forgiveness between individuals of like faith whether dwelling North or Booth. We are sure the Southern Assembly will appoiut u committee of conference, whose joint report will be looked for ward to with peculiar interest at the re. speedvo meeting# of the two assemblies in 1871. The Mobile Register prints this flowing picture : •‘‘We are at the begin nitig of a fl KKi-tiiio of a vawt white im* migration from Europe. The grain business is overdone in the West and in California. There sir© no further temptations to money-making in these region*, and to day the South offers the moat tempting field for new settlers of iuboms and nrtizans and capitalists in the known world. The whole civilized world is waking op to n consciousness of th:s fact, and those of us who live lire years linger will he amazed at th* reewlte *1 nausea- jjow in active op •retk.-.'* £3r Bullock and his motley rati--; »tic of radical officials and negroes hsd it alt to themselves on Tuesday at Andwrsoaviile. We yield to no one in our respsot fur the galfcmt dead, it matter* not what colors they wore.— Lightly may the turf rest npua the Fedorai slain, who sloop upon onr soil Ne confederate soldier will ev. r disturl their grassy beds. But vv© do object to such ceremonies being made tt» oc casion of insult to nn unfortunate peo f>he, who capitulated with all the honors of war, and fire entitled to tlnwospect and consideration which arc accorded by the laws of nations. Delicacy and regard for the feelings «4 their Southern brethren, should* also hiipprcsß every exhibition of triumph on the part of those who pay this tribute to the departed. We are sure all good men at the North will boos the sum© mind with us. It is reserved only for Georgias Carpet-hag governor, to think and act otherwise. MP* R« v J. H. Nall, the clerical del egate from this (Macon) Presbytery, was chosen temporary clerk of the Southern General Assembly,. lately convened at Louisville, Kentucky. *®~ The BUI for the reduction of in ternal revenue taxes, makes very slow, progress, It is pretty well decided also that the villainous income tax will he retained, though the amount exempt ed w ill he increased to $1,500. f€k- On Tuesday, May Su, snow, to tfonticai— Watciiman waat of the Night ? The political future still looks darken and threatuing, and our gallant State like Mahomet# C"ffin, seems suspended in mid air, neither in or out of the and without rank or station among the powers of earth. True, a portion of the Radical Con gress are beginning to be enlightened as to the peculations and unscrupulous character of the man who occupies the Executive chair, and there is hope that flume of his most malignant schemes may bo baffled. 8ii!l the action of the Senate in ref erence to the enforcement of the 15th Amendment betrays a diabolical ingenui ty in the methods which have b. en d«- vistd, f..r the uttei and eternal humili ation of the South. May it not be hoped however th:,t the veiy severity and stringency «f these measures, will bring about a counter revolution in the feelings of the North ern masses ? Sureiy the result in Connecticut, and the late overwhelming Democratic vie tory in the Empire State, would indi cate that the ball was already in motion, and will gather fresh mouieuium from every successive election. Fortunately the provisions of this Amendment though designed chiefly to uegrotze and afflict our own section, bear equally 'upon all of then once, sovereign States of the American Union. He who hufl witnessed the contempt, afcd contumely ever visiied upon the poor African at the North, will fully comprehend that the dogma of peifeet oq-mdity will find its opponent* there by the million. At present therefore, the attitude of our people is undoubtedly that of pas sive submis-ion, to wrongs whi. h can not be averted. Let the so caljed work of reconstruct tion proceed to the hearts desire of our enemies. Let negroes, Indians, hal bieeds, Chinese and convicts, have the freedom of the ballot. L-t our taxpay ers be plundered, and oux Treasury made bankrupt. Let proscription and tyranny, and the rulings of a oorupt Ju dioiary continue to have sway. Lei the right of habeas corpus remain suspended, and the trump of an armed soldi ary be heard upon our streets—tat the barriers of caste and: the cherished traditions- of untohf centuries be bro ken down- and disregarded. Ail--All. will but tend to shorten the period of our tribulation. Relief will come from across the bor der. Our northern friends cannot fail to be disgusted with the Rxl Republican* ism which levels every ancient land mark, degrades the Anglo Saxon race, and makes the erst while proud birthright of an American citizen, a budge of sh;iine to its possessor. The wrongs inflicted upon a defence less and unresisting people, in their glar big, damning, terrible significance, will finally be appreciated by all who love the right nt the North, and having ui eome feeble measure tasted of the same cup themselves, they will be prepared to cooperate with their Southern breth ren at the ballot box. Courage then brave Georgians, ours Is r.ow the role of passive acquiescence, and masterly inactivity Let us “obey the powers that be,’ and exercise moderation and justice in all our dealings with our colored friends, calmly awaiting the period when radi cal usurpations shall be repudiated by the united voice of the American people. A party so utterly corrupt from the throne to the lowest rung of the official ladder, contains within itself the cle meats of a certain aud speedy dissolu tion. Oh that a plebiscilwn could be invoked at the present time* that tlm vox popnh vox del, might proclaim to th.» whole worlu what is the true animus of the frcSlOen of America. The Macon Telegr iph & Mes flungor of last flight « o the speech es of D.\ Paliuer, and D"• R >**, in the Southern Assembly; on the conference question. Dr. Palmer places in powerful arr ty the past objectionable legislation of the Northern Assemblies, and declared that the same should be expunged from their Journals as a condition precedent to correspondence or reunion. He was a disfranchised man, and had been perse cuted and denounced f>r nine yeirs.— ilia on'y h-*me was in the bosom of the church and he did not wish to be mo lested there. lie wa» willing how“ver to send a committee of Conference, hut feared it would end in fusion m has than three years. I)r. K css favored compromise, rhe tn .j n ily report agreeing to the ap apointmvnt of a committee, was finally adopted by a vote of SO to 17. It is understood and' distinctly affirm ed, however that the .committee shall in sist upon the rescinding of all political utterances by the Northern Assemblies, now united into one, and fhtir animad versions upon the Southern churches must also he recalled. A comqiitte© of five were appointed to nominate the members of the pro posed committee o£ Conference* who will receivo their instructions from the Assembly in advance. Welcomb News —i he Lynehburg Virginian, of Saturday sav* : Our Noble old chieftain, General Robert E. Lee, passed through this city yesterday afternoon, on h+* return from the South to his home in Lexington It will r«joire all our people to hear that tho General’s heakii was greatly improved by his Southern trip, and his uppeurauro is far better than it was w hen he was here some week* ago. .—a.. Washington Items. — Washington May 3.—The President lias signed the bill to enfon-e the fifteenth amendment. Tho House reconstruction committee will consider the Georgia bill at a «po cial meeting uti Thursday. It is now thought no action will be taken by C-ongi ess this te^ts-on. — Spssial to the Da.*- lif Journal. The State Fair—Something Rotten in Denmark. We publish below an article from the the Albany News, explanatory of the reason# which induced Rev. C How ard to retire from the eauvass for Secre tary of the Association. It is a source of deep regret that the uaefuinesa and welfare of a gieat BtaU lnstTtntion, should be marred aud he lulled by the intestine divisions of its officers. .Better far that there be a lus tration, and general reorganization from Dan to Becraheba. Mr. Howard has been identified with the practical and scientific agriculture f our State, 25 years past. To u large experimental experience, ho unites the gif'# of a polished writer, and most agreeable and instructive lec turer. The members of the State Agricul tural Association, would find it difieolt to find within our borders, any gentle man more admirably qualified in every respect, for tho responsible position of Secretary .J We trust he may receive their unan imous suffrages for the position in ques tion : The undersigned begs to inform bis friends in different parts of the Slate, who are mdhihers of the Ftale Agri cultural Society, that self respect fe quires a withdrawal of bis name as u candidate for the office of Secretary of that Society C. W■ Howard. This card iu itself, may be lightly re guided by the masses, as it may very truthfully be said there are others equally as capable and eager to se;V , if eleeted, but there is a deep and ai.- gry current I en a It w iich thr.a ens to engull the Suie Fair and all eolithcted with it. It will be remembered that o<d. B 0» Yuncev, ulxiut two months ago, or dered ail election for Secretary of the Society, by the Executive Goinm.tlee, and directed the members to seal their ‘votes and send them to Col. T. C- How ard, Ass stunt Secretary at Atlanta, in whose office thy count would take place on a certain day. Col. Yancey, it seems, had a favorite whom he desired elected, and to further his wishes in that regard, sent a circular to ouch member of the CHmmittee, naming several of the can didates, and closing with the name of his friend, o<d. Win. AT. Brown, oi Ath ens, setting forth his peculiar claims and superior ability. Gen. T. G. How ard, one of. tire best and most capable men in Georgia was urged with modest Zeal and courteous confidence. The election went on, and the ballots were ail received at the office. Coh Yancey, learning that Col. T. 0. How ard, Assistant Secretary, had been urg ing tlm claims of his friend, 0. W How aid, and. that that gentleman was prob ably elected,, perm tted passion t*> get the better of his judgment, and under great excitement seized the ballots, car t ied them fnun t lie office, counted them elsewhere, and refused to ptocluitu U. W. Howard elected. It seems that this extraordinary demonstration of execu tive (siwer was based upon the ground that Col. T. C. Howard, being uu officer of the Society, acted improperly in wri ting to his friends in behalf of u candi date, and that the election was there fore void—at any rate he ut any rate he assumed that it was void, and ordered u new election to bo participated in by every member of the Society. But this is not all that causes Mr. Howard’s ‘-self- 1 expect"’ to recoil from contact w:th the organization in the capacity of Secretary. Col. Yan cey's conduct towards Col. Lewis, late Secretary, and Cos! T. C. Howard, present Assistant Secretary, has hern that of the master to the menial, and Without a pai'alllel among gentlemen. We do not blame Mr. Howard for declining the office : nor can we se i how any geutiemun who valu.-s ins reputa tion, or win> has a particle of sell-res pect. can accept the position under Col Yancey, with u lull knowledge of the ■ acts. VVedonot mentv to champion the cause of any man, though some of onr friends have been insulted, outraged and grievon-ly wronged, but we d>> mean to champion the cause of the Stute Fair, and if, in the interests of that institution, duty requires us to say and print unpleasant things, those who pro voke them must take the consequences. We believe that Col. Yancey’s contin ued connection with the Society as its President,, will result disastrously t<> the October exhibition, and therefore respectfully call upon hi into resigu, ami allow the members to select a successor at the same time they are called upon to elect a Secretary. We disclaim any personal unkind ness to Gol. Yancey, and would not do him a wrong intentionally; but as a public w# arraign him be fore the State Society over which he preflidi-s, and if the facts v»x? iutve but vaguely stated be questioned, *ve ptart-f res dy to pr-sent them verified by the most indubitable tes-trmonv, and a thousand f >ld intensified.— Albany News A Singular Fawly.—A friend and subscriber furnishes us with the ages of a very peculiar family, formerly living in Meriwether conntv, as regards maitim > ny, a ,-t ite of existence they did not s*-< m to appreciate. The members of this family were raised in Lincoln county, in this state, and moved to Mer wether s >n e 40 or 50-years ©go-: Alexander i-mitl, horn February 13 17o0; died o«i€ be'< 18. 1851; aged 92 years, 8 months and 5 and tvs. Win Smith, horn January 12, 1774;.died Bep:emht*r 15, F815; aged 70 years, 8 mouths »nd $ days. Miss Ma ry Smith, born Marvh 12, 1777; died Feb i nary 1,1859; ag'-d B*l years, 9 input 1 s and 19 days. Mss Rebecca Smith, born December 29, 1782; died .October 12, 18(56; aged 83 years, 9 months and 13 days. Miss J ne Smith, born Dice-nhei 20, 1778; died March 1, 1879; aged 91 yea a 2im-n:hs and 11 days The lernale portion of the family were members of the Presbyterian Church— the last surviving one having been a member for 66 or 70 years. None of the family were ever married. Who Can Beat It ?—Our friend t "»p», J. B errien Oliver, of Savannah, l)V"Ught into our sanctum, on Monday last, the mo't precockms cotton plant that we hare seen this seas >©, which measures 14 inches in height and eight squares upon it. The plant was grown ou the plantation of t>r. W. J. Oliver, eight miles below this city, w ho, the Captain ttifot tried us, has forty acivs of tire siime surt.— BuinWidtjs Sun, 26th. Colorkb Jurors.—The Bavanah Ad vertiser learns that tinner the net of the 15t i of February, 1819, ordering a re vision of the jury boxes biennially on the first Monday in J-une, active preparations are being made for the drawing of the ju r«*W of Chatham county, and that already tlw names of some thirty colored persoim hi ve been taken from th© books of the .receiver of Ta> return * N W Tas Bill- On Monday of last Week, the Chair man of the Committee of Ways and Means, in the House, reported a sew tas bill in lieu of that imw in force, it repeals a large portion of internal tax ation, umi the tax on legacies and sue •efe-iops, which last year produced $2.- 434,593. It repeals all the taxes mi gross receipts of railroad.-, in.Mir.ihe Companies and o her c<»r para lions aud Icimia of business, with the ex-ep tion of lotteries, theatres, places of pule lie amusement, etc. Tne whole of su h taxes produced last year was $ s 444.210 j and the reduction now* proposed' is e.-ti mated at S6;IU9 617. A1 tax on sal. 8 i»,to be taken off^xcept, that assessed on dealers in i qifor-', wt i -n wo M mal e a further reduction of $8 repeals all special t..x-s except on re tail aud wliolesale dealers in liquors, di.— tillers, rectificis, maiiulactim rs- of t»- bacco and cigars, dealers in tofitfcco and leaf tobacco, bunks and brokers, stock and m<>ney br.-keis, foreign com men-ia! brokers, foreign insurance agents, claim agents, pah-nt right a- ai ers, pawnbi offers, proprietors of public amusement and of gift enterprises, and jugglers, proprietors of bowling alleys and bil iard rooms, lutteiy managers and dealers in lottery tickets. It re duces the special tax on keepers of ho tels, inns aud taverns, to $lO, if n->t ex ceeding the rental Value of SSOO. ad ding $3,00 for each SIOO of rental be yond $590. The reduction thus made would amount to $17,744,752. It hiod tfies the income tax so as to increase the exempti-m $1,500, let tviug the percen tage trie same as now—s pep cent This would iff ct a reduction of $5,841?,- 105. It changes tlie law in respect to incomes ro that persons having less t<iu« $1,500 tneome shall n-.t be requin and to make returns, and that there shall be no publication of incomes. It tepcaU the tax ell gas, grinding of c. flee and spices, and sales of manufacturies. The total amount of reduction proposed was $33966,716. It imposes a tax on f.n eigii commercial brokers, those who come to the country and .-ell by samj L*a. ft also taxes the deposit of government money in banks at the rale «-f three per cent per annum, which would oroduco about $300,000. It also proposes to aboli-h stamps on ordinary contracts, and on receipts. The above are the leading features of the new. tax bill that is Uo«v before Con gross. While the tax will be reduced or taken of! altogether in many partic ul.iih, it will be observed that the odi ous and offensive income tax is retained. Tho rate of this inquisitorial tax is re tained at 5 p - r cent as now, while the exemption is increased to $1,500. Some of the taxes lo be taken on by the lull would be boitie much mqjre cheerfully titan the inc-une tax—which everybody hates and are hostile to—such as stanq « oil contracts ami receipts, and on lega cies aud successions. From this indi c itiou wo fear there is no prosjwct -f the income tax being repealed, i»ut we hope the llou-e will reduce tfie rate to at least three per cent., as well as ill crease llie exempti-m to two thosa-nd or twenty five hundred dollars if this tax be re enacted. Congress can rest us tuired that no tax bill it may pass will give satisfaction to the tux*payers that isvives the odious income tax. Raii.road from Q incv To Bainbrioge —The Quincy Monitor reports that. Mr. Green, with an organized engineer corps, has been engaged during the past week in running an expeliincntaL line from that point to Bainlu idge. Gen. S. Littlefield and several North, ern gentlem<-n of capital are at the head of this enterprise, and we have rio d*-ul>t ■’(judging from the energy they display ed in the construct it nos the raid f o u Qu'ncyto the Chattah -o. hee) but wiui a little assistance, they w ill put it through From the Florida line to B .inbridge, hy tin ling w ith the B , C. & C. R. R., they would have the -Slate aid of this road to the amount of $12,050 per iniie. —Bainh idge Sun. The Presbyterian church in Dal ton is completed, and a Straw ln-i ry Fes tival will soon be given by the ladies of that congrega ion. New Advertisements. " ip ~ “ I have been traveling for three months over Georgia, and priced Goods in ev town in it, and fin 1 J. McK. Gunn has the La-gest, Best and Cheapest Stock of Goods in the State of Georgia. “ J. Z. WHEELER.” ,l Sworn to and subscribed be fore me, “llenry A. Stubbs, J. R.’ ? s EGYPTIAN Has no superior as a writing ink and is the CHEAPEST EVER OFFERED, TRY IT OIV C E and you’ll buy no other ! COUNTRY DEALERS Can save Fifty Per Cent l By buying the celebrated Egyptian Writing r Fluid ! It never thickens, never fades and keeps the pen always as bright as anew pin ! Ask for Egyptian Writ ing Fluid, and buy no other. Far Sale in OutLbert, at Wholesale aotl Re tail, by H? H. JONES. New vrOffi r-n-rv* -*-c- Announcement —»— ——*—- Female f oiiege. EXAMINATION , AND COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. rpHE PR PARATOWT AND ACRDRMI l CI.A -SES -nil b»- -Xiininel in ihe <'oll--ir Hill. on Flt.U iY, rUNEzirh, fr--ui 8 o’clock a M . to 2 -VI, ck P. M. T ANARUS; e liegulur C'ollsxe will be exuminf-d ii the «a hi- H -11, ami eubi-Jtoing he ame no-nlier -I h-airs ier day, MoNUaV »u . TUESD iY, Jun. a7't< ami 2s R. SUN'DWI .lu-e 2<> h, at n'ei-ck. A. M Rev T K Ungl-t will (leacu ihe i omu.ea e ent sh-t .u- n WEUSk-ll.vY, June 29tb. at. 10 o’clock, A. M ’h--• iassin Pliveical frainnw "ill g‘*e a l-ub i - xlub 'i-.n;. an at s -’cl ck. P. M , Mmi .-P W EnDaAS and \l.ia> An, -a VV a,.kKit , will give then Annual Mil- c 1 Concei t. TUUIISitAY, J-»-e smh— f 'ouM*NCfcMe.\T Day —at li-yj o’c-ck. A M . Ammil l.i eiar\ and e by U-n. I'h has llahu mas, Jr.; «, <1 a» 7 o’ci-ck P. M , el-v.ui youui ut -e- will lead their U-j.du “tine K-snva, Mini x eel, Dp om a b-‘ a- ar-ied fRIOAV. July l>t. tie <>• k. P M , the v,nn-j f-.die of 'heC-il-ge unde,- he of M a M J R HamILT >S’. wil 1 Mive a beiiitilcl Pr- aeula lion -I Cla»ic. 'cii(iiun»-l and Rural la>- e ux. I'he | unite i c idUiiy iu-iVed lo aUrud. RespecifiiUy submi'i and, A. L, HAMILTON, j “’ 4t Preudyrt. It is remarkable but true, that GUNN’S customers are the most lucky men in the county. — There is something in the man that gives good luek to those who trade with him Still Afloat. T'lE UNI ERSIONKD vtonld annnunco *o his fiends and paironA ihanks to nnr gallant tliemeii and lh. b'es.inga -f llearrii, his store though scinched and ed. escaped the ilrvour ing element, and-be Id )et spiled to luruish CORN AND MEAT, And GOOD t PINGS in abundance to an appre ciati g pub ic His Slock is very direraified and complete, em biacmg Staple Goods, Prints, Siloes, Staple and Fancy G-rooeries, Clarice HAMS, SHOULDERS and ffA'COH SIDES, FISII, of all grades, URIEL) FRUIT, CANDIES, KEROSENE OIL, Ihe best brands of P I_» Q XT Jti. , Eto., Etc., Etc. lie is i xerting himsel to the ntmost to ru-taiu nur Planters in Ihi- seison of scarcity, and. trusts tbiy will rally a'so to bis support. 1 am the sole lor E. F. OE’S PHOSPHATE, And always prepand to Make Liberal Advances upon Colton Mripments. Rcneniber th store at the N. E. Cb-ner of ihe Square still siauds. je2ct H. H. JONES. m-IT IS 10 TEE INTEREST OF EVERY PL NTER WITEIN TEIRTY MILES OF VuIHEERT TO TRADE WITH GUNN. HE tIAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN S. is. GEORGIA. J. .VleK. store is 220 sees foil", ft!i and with (KM)DB, bought at Panic Prices which he Is offering at very low rices. / 1 Uakd LTH C I.NTT —I, « . .Sale a> and VJ* hare p • itio ed ti- i.ourt *<f Ordinart or an rder' io hire * few tin ul from >-he <'n thher a*id ''«Mt-Htii.fli It at im the t Wr t end- ne r tie ie-'- e re iJ K. Pit man, tii 'he Broikscille and War e Riacon hand on H, £.st g „n , leM , ihe rwM-i Mr**. Ati jiel-srii srare h.-r.-h'. t>ti e iheir object imis. if hmv the tave to ami Her oed, on o ~e' re th"- fi>si Tne-mav in lot itojtt, eite an n diV ailft e gt an ted raid aj’ipli citit- 'or a * i»rr *l Liven tinder toy hied offimi'lc J ute | t. jilt M, OORMp Y ft o di a y CN ORtitßaxrtoLPtr OoostV. t>..n e W J Md .lial »[>: > > I'll Let era in Adinu imra'io I on the .-ata ent Witt am ,N. M.r-hST, Ice of-.aid’ conn v decea ed \ I perso* a in ereamd u*e hrie b 0 'lied ti e the r o j ctiomt, if t'*i ihev hare, m oj he -re 'he fine Monday nr Jnl nex’, ela** letirr< wi Ib- gi ihted it>ea>.|*f Cant, tir r n under mr band ffiijm-lr. Jme Ist. Ih7't. Jog-laa U. UOiiMLEY, Ordwwrj. New A IvertiPementsv Greatest In /ention of the Age i Washing Clothes Without Bpjling or Washboard, BY O^ING SALMON’S Paragon S'oap. PBE Attention • f jtH* pub ic in partictil nly re t quested to ihe impm lance of the indentin' Itfciti <i above, for he 'oluwing reaecbs: I— There are t o -tei'is used. II It iii>,ien es with b nljng and the Wasb bn-il, a* it r. quires * Ur. ligh rubbitig ll'. It aart he Soap. IY.—There is uq pnseibiiity of injt» r r to tbi O'* he«. V. Printeis’ ink. Conch Grpase, or dirt an< -t , r w tit any kvitt, can be removed wit- < ut th s' ghtest injury t» Prints or tex'iire-; an ' the tons delicate (HMiton can a cumili.h a dat’s wa-hing h *•' incredibly short a ace ot tin e, t-lea ter than bv boilinc*. When the clothes are b eat lied bv drying hi the sun, there is no necessity tor blueing. Prints. Mu«ltns Laces, etc., are was l el hcanti luitv Dv th s iirocis-; also, cleanses Stliei, Plate' W are. Jewelry, e c I he inventor places bis , i«cor*ry betore the put lie with the ftssUr.nee that it wi'l pe torn' a I tha he claims f i, it, and whve ih** iti eo ions f..r us ng which ace mpanv e ch b x) are stnc'ly cou p ieo with, suce ss is certain. F • M e bv T S POVYEIJi. Trustee j*Bct Dr ggrist., rioi ksi ller and Stationer. Something New. ROTAHV Photograph Albums. A decided impr vement on the old styles of Pbo 1 gc ph Albums. Cal and see them at T S. rOWFU/S. Trustee, j *2ct D>ii' gist, l<oi.k«i | , r and THE SECOND VOLUME OF ~~ A. II STKPIIiiiNS’ Great lliaton ot the War is now ready. Ag nt.* w iiited. Snd for circulars, with inis* a"d a tut description ol the work. Address National Pub lishing Cos , I Uilade'.phi i, Pa , Atlanta, Ga , or St Louis, Mo if BO'»K AUfcSTS WAN i fill hi tb" S mb, t< •s li nor nen b • k Ti'.N YK.tRS IN WA LI 'iIREET. On** ag nt took noideis the tits' liy an ther 75 in 4 d,tvs E d-ised bv enn ieiii iijen a» th- most exci’ing. interesting and nstr ctite ho k issued Includes 13 vea*a ex per jence ol iheaU'h r. Filed with illustrations. F.xt a 'em** t*i agents. Send tor Cirailais to Wi bthington. I ustin &Cos , ll.ti t lord, Conn, ts 1 GREAT CHANCE.FOR AGENTS! «5 io yXoo per uuu.-i. Vie »aoi u employ a g 'od ag ut til every couilty in the (J S on cmnmis simi or salary to intrndme ur World Itenown ed Patent ' hite Wile Chillies Lines ; will las " hundred years If you ws-it pr. fi sbie ami ptea am einpiol mem. Bodies R S. BUfUI A t 0., Maouf tcuirers. 75 William St., N Y., or 16 I*ea bmn St , Chir go * A f. v F VIW W « " '*"*■ “-** • .i - l t) anew and teliable Handy-Book ol Family medicine, by Dr B rd. of N Y. and the FarineV A Mechanics’ Manuel. 211 ut«, ab*ok ol lactß and fiifuics for winking nieu. E. B. Trk*T A Cos.. Pnb lint B" 'Hdwav. N. A’. if PA.ZNf OR'JAvIC VIBiUTJH FOR THE DEAF, li tits into the G r, is not • ccepfibie, remove* noises iu the h* ad and eDxblcs the deit o Hem die tinctiv a< church' Cure Treaties on Catnrrh and I'ekflw*- sen> tree. Dr. T. H. ' til— ... ! « J. Bv send ng OO C i is, wi'h >'ge, height, color of eves ami bit, vi n »ill re< e>e by letur i mail, « C"nect pic ere of vonr iutu e bus , band or w fe. with m>on- and Hat of mama.e. Address W Fox, P. U. D awer .No. 24, Fulton vie. NY AfIKVfS WJ,,ied F : 'ri:;„d'B.An XIVUtTIU , 0 m. -Besi Selling Books in the vlarket A pi at once tor Circular m tern * , etc., to A McKix. T. 1308 Che 'nut St . Poi a e ph a, P*. if Big Pay! $2,500.00 A Year By veiling the beat uti 1 cli“ pest Encyclopedia in the wo*l Chamber’s Information for the People Revise!. 17 U ;.im G igiaviug Am (‘n^. m.|p or feutkle. can do vtihoii capital. Send lor circu afn to I’aumklbk Sc C*k, Publit>he » Posla iMphm I*h. ' if V(>EMS W'V TED tcrseii tne “tfEN LETT®a BOOK.” F r.Copyfug betters wub'iut Pies Wa'er. Thistoe rea est lim-r larat , and moil v sa itig mveotiun us the ago ; and none see- it, but to praise U 8 - mplirity anil c -live ieoce as ynti have «nlv to pure 'be written let'er undtr thee pyfilg leaf, unit-lub with ih>*li<od. An Hgent has oniv in show it i-iopei y sod it sells it*elt. Piore fff and itpwaids Asiup ed so everv kind of bullies-, nd din not play out wi'h the first sale Audre-s P G ire tt v 'o. Phi'ad** uhi . I’a. tl Am. Al-s \A iNlr.ll—f ini'lo fS’Mi pel Al.-uib Clergymen. S h ul Teachers Smart Young Men and i.adies wanted o Cinva.-s t >r the Nes' B ok “OUR FATHER’S HOUSE,” or Tlio Unwritten \A/ ord By Itanet Match, aji tin ot tie popu a. * Xigoi Scenes.” Tins maver in th ug'il and lsng*tsge shows ns untold tichesund beau ie- in >h tirea' H.iu>e, with its Bill ml g flower-, Singi g birds. Wnvo g na-U'S, Rolling clouds, Beam In! b w, Sa ci and M untiin-r, D-Itgli lu Rivers, M gnty O eaos Thninleting v ice-, Blazmg heavens am va*l uni. te se w ith coit nless ot ings i mt'iton'. of wo ds hi and rea sotns in **ach 'he IJnwrnlen Wi*rd. Rose timed pn e", ornatee gravmgsand sooerh bimin g >end 'or circular, in which *»■« fu I iV-c ip'i nm aid universal ciunniendal'oi.K by the i teas, inimste ■ind cnl'e/e pr ie sirs, io th- s'ranges t |>"Ssibie an gtlige. ZutGUKR Mc> CRDV & Cos., .6 S. Still'' S tee*. I’m .I'le-phri, • a. II Agcills* itfiiUi t Ills. SSO t» $-00 per Af-jnlh Mnfe by Agents Selling THE HOME OF WASHINGTON, Or, Mount Vernon and its Associations, by B n -oh J l.uasing. 1 0 iiliinratious, ' linred paper Innd rsomely bound. On ybo kon the s bj-ct. Every •amilf wants a Cos, y Sold enhy by nubscr ptioii. Vetv liberal teims given. Samples Free. SiftVd io; Ci cui is aud notic* oor ex ..a lerm*. A. S* Hale a C» . Iltnfi n, C ion tt Agents-Janvasaing Book - sjnt £rt:e lor o,«e„t s of Internal Revenue. The iiimt imtarK tbte'Ktolt ever ,n R a i oui(*le’e'-xp'HU e "f thep >we'fu coii’ed -rattinns or •* Rings” I'reymg on ou: Govermuent. Show ine up a" cliq<tes from the lowest t i the highest Cabinet office » and Congressmen as well as ininm operators’ s eremitic d* p-eda'i'ins, consp neiea oilici it corrup’ ion, p diruait ii flu rc», patronsg md wire pub mg Asa leas H stm ie-.l work, m - va'u ble to evertr.crtiz n; c ntami'ig S4 ' p ges, by a p moment Gi-ve nmeui. I'e entire. O-'e 20 dm »■» ies alreadi s Id. Ag-o*s «a t-ei Caovassing b*« Its f*ee. Address W. Fli >T Pub isher, Phi a deli Ilia. Pie, ..ns’on. Mass., Chicago, 111 , or file c nmiti. O. ts PATENTS. li.t- ntfits who wisn t.. ntke nut Leite'« Phio t armulvoet tir cim-iwP wih Muxs dc-.Cn , E ii o * ■ 'fier-ci n ittc 4nw>ent, who n v- pr occult'd <■ ai'< s he'<ne tbt P te:S Office w> over (pair. Their \m'" icnn and B-Mpem Parent Aee *cv U lh-iw«V Ve in rh • wrorid. Ch e<s 'hw< ay ■ the telilhle m e v A |»im h'yt-'contain ing- f't 1 ro-ntic 'bin*. o i -ven o s i< sent g ati*.- Mnsv* :... S7 Pi k R.v. V. V. If sio Male from 59 Gents. Call and exmi iis som tn*ng, Orjr*nify nrc ’cd ev** ob »dv of S;Pl»r»te* S »nt r»*e bv Mad t»r st* that f »r. Ten 0 *Hh»h >d Ires*. R. \A OLCO'T 131 Cb* r h *tv Spiar*. NY ts For Boys anl Girls. fi-BR !?EW CHAM LEON TOP, I Also, Hliiolin '* Spri. g “ H’ownpg r * Grace lIOOPs. J p>e Kope-S OKOQU T SETTS. BUI Dil V I BUO-K J , katti.e^ Ii h lIaKPS, IJvKM'iviniss, G.bhm MARBLES I'tr. F.-v Blip Yiv T S I’OWE' fj j '2ct D n .’gist. Bookseller awl Staliw er. Patent Step Ladders, JUST THE TUUfGfr FOR liOCISEiCEE'.’ERS- Light, Strong nnd cheap. Foi cals by T. S POWELL. Trustee. The Cash SyslemT We are determined to make it to the INTEREST of CASH BUYERS to buy from us. We sell FAR BELOW CREDIT PRICES. Our Goods were Bought at Panic Prices ! AT mu VERY LOWEST POIYT! And we are selling them at v;ry low prices. We have but o mm And Treat all Alike! It is to jour interest to buy from us FOR CASH ! Going in debt is a reckless tiling these critical times. ■' * : ;o; - Por tiie X_i£idie£i! We have Beautiful DRESS GOODS, A Fine Line of WHITE- GOODS, Elegant SHOES, And all the Nwclties of tlis Season, in RIBBONS and SA&HES, BOWS tu,d Tlfes, COLLARS and GLOVES, SUMMER COVERINGS, etc. :o For Gentlemen and Hoys i FINE CASHMERE SUITS, All kinds LINEN CLOTHES, Good BOOTS and SHOES, Moleskin and soft hats Come and See. m * SCOTT & SMITH. J.l Redding & Cos., Are Agents lor Weaker & Mam;hams i umber m llls ; .1 11. C\LLAWAY & CO.’S FLOURING MILLS; H. O. BE ALIM GliloT MILL; fell & martin, manufacturers of canned fruit? STaNDaRI) FERTILIZERS. Have for Sale, 15,000 lbs. Bulk SIDES, SHOULDERS and HAMS; 15,000 ilis. Sin >ked “ “ ** 100 lilils. Choice FLOU t—various Brands; 10,000 Ilw. WHEAT-BRAN SUGAR, COFFEE, MEAL, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, HEAVY DOMESTICS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES; Staple Mud Faney DRY GOODS, NOTIONS', Etc; All o r which will he sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES . Give 118 a call. marlTct i—" ■■ mn iTriri ' — wmnmmrn ——— ■■ ■ i , Lightning Rods Save Lives and Protect Property! THE CELEBRATED 0-^J-iV^LKfX!23EiX> AND Star Copper Rodsy Will be erected, at moderate rates, in town or country. Also, Old Rods Repaired, By tT. s, 5 , rnayl2-t ’ # Cuthhert, bpring' and Summer Goodsl . ♦ ■ IWOOLU R-BSPBCTEU LY CALL THE ATTKVTIOK of rat friends and Ibe pnblic im laure-a nl wimuleie ju»-> »f S|i mg Sumui-r U j G > ids. which were purchased in New Y u , kon terra's, wieh enables me lo guar,, u tee satiil-ciion. My rib cfc of Uotltiag Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, etc Is comp ete, and particular attention invited to the sau e. Ainu, a complete Stock of WOOD. WILLOW, & CROCKERY WARE, And a general and well-s.-lecteu Stock of Hardware <fc Cutlery. 1 will keep constantly on hand a full S;ock of ' . Sait, Bacon Lard, Flour, Meal, Syrup, Sugars and Coffee, And all other articles in this Lite, to which your attention is directed. All the above Crouds, and a lu».,t tj f others not enumerated, are ottered at LIVING PRICES. Call and examine my Stock. Nothing charged for looking end but lillie ,i you buy. ~ Personal. When do you i-xpect to pay me for the goods I let yon Lave through the past year ? You need not content yourself witii the hope A*' behef lhalf I hava loi-goiteii yon, or that I will n>t prl*s> you for it There w u point at whilh “for. bearnnee censes to be a virtue,’’ and belorw you. ate uwme, y<>u nmy be called upon by someone representing in *, amt wlu> tvitlomjmre into matters. By the way, where are you ‘rnn. iiig your lace v this year t You have' scarcely been in my sune since you, soul \our cotton. Call and’ see me: $ oaik always be lound ut Uiy oid. statß.il ruady to.wait on you.