Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, November 15, 1872, Image 2

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ti; jM' Sal: »' s a B / lrecto,,y 'WTELL, Ating of Was Ey f <lo. 19—1st T ' . M., and 23'* r "* \ 3 ir 3ERT: X. %• Vpmr*i, doy. 15, 1872. Dieiuocratic Convention. The Democrats of the several dis tricts of Randolph County, are re quested tb meet at. their several ptecincts, on Saturday, the 30th day of November, 1872, and ap point five delegates, to atteud a Convention to be held at Cuthbert, on the first Monday in December next, to nominate candidates for county officers. , By order of the executive com witttee. W. D. Kiddoo, Chairman. Boston in Buins.— Saturday eve ning last, a fire broke out in the bus iness portion of the city of Boston, Mass., find destroyed the larger portion of the city before the-flames could be arrested. The loss is esti mated at $2Q0,000,000, and the burned at 70 acres of the wealthiest portion of the city. As in the case of the Chicago Conflagration, a high gale carried the flames from street to street, rendering the different fire organi zations completely powerless to ar rest them. . Boston, Chicago :ujd Port land, each fired a salutemf lOOiguns over the destruction of Columbia, B. C., by Sherman’s army. We make no comment, but ask for grace sufficient io say, “ the Lord's will be done.” Money Wanted. —The following important' circular letter from |he Comptroller General will explain itself : CoMPTItOLLKIi GeNT.’s OFFICE, ) Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4, 1872. y To Tux Collectors : There is, at present, but little money in the State Treasury, not enough to pay the interest now due and falling due on the public debt. Irt addition to this, the officers 'iff jtHe Lunatic Asylum, and of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylums, -are in need of the money appropri ated to their respective institutions. You are, therefore, directed to send /to the Treasurer of the State, as provided by law, all money collected by you, in sums of five hundred dol lars, as rapidly as you can collect’it. I will take this occasion to say to each of you that you must settle ;your account promptly at this office by the 15th of December, proximo, the time fixed by law. Should you fail to do so, it will be iny duty to issuo executions against you and ■yo;ur sureties. Make your settle ments promptly, thereby saving nic this necessity, as well as’ expense and trouble to yourselves and your bondsmen. Respectfully, Madison Bell, Comptroller General. ; Endorsed.— The article publish ed a couple ot weeks since in these columns relative to the jealousy ex isting in different portions of the State, and, for aught we know, in the mind of the Chuff Executive, against South-western Georgia, has boen largely endorsed by the press of the State. This is nothing but right and just. Because a man lives in a certain portion of the State should not cause his qualifi cations to he ignored, and set aside. Again, we say, let sectional strife cease, and all appointments be made regardless of sectional feeling. i Tub Statk Road.-Iu the N. Y., Bulletin we find the following interesting inl’oi'uia tion : she lessees of the Georgia State Hoad o timate their loss of business from tae completion of the South and North Road to Montgomery, and the cousequent diver sion of the whole VVebtern business of Ala bama from the old route over the State Road, at $300,000 per annum. A strong pffgrt -will be made to make up for (his loss by ex rtending their connections. The lease shares do not rate as high as formerly. The lessees .held a meeting a few days ago, to devise ways and means to raise the sura of $300,- 000 to pay the present outstanding indebted ness of the company, and to complete their outfit, etc. Thu Results of our Fair— Sortie S6OOO were made during the five days of the Fair. We had two ramv day*. On Friday there were more people on the grounds than there is population in Columbus— Our i ajr was inaugurated a little ars fS°- Afc that time $15,000 in stuck were taken Os this amount $9,000 only were obtained. A fair was given. It proved a paying success and obli gations were paid, and improve ments made. Another Fair was jgiyert- I his cleared expenses , but jfcfttbe.Association $2,000 in debt iqr improvements, which the Di rectors assumed themselves. -Jf&ey ( would not let a dollar be owed to J outside parties. The lk&F&'ir paid all,"their debts, every pfeiipim/’jn cl tiding $2,300 for horses, and’ left a surplus to go on next yem\ At Abe same time the property of the -Association amounts to some &8,- 000—all debts of the Association have been paid promptly on presen tation to. Treasurer. Os course there are always grumblers, but it IS "alleged they are found among those who failed to pay the origin rial subscription. The facts speak #or the' excellent management.— 'Fneoiirtagement has aiso'.been given .to every species 6f industry.—(7o lumbus Sun. Bill Arp on the Collapse. As the poet sed “the ago.ny is over.” Them cards in the sleeve would hav beat any honest hand- des, sis Thomb. Allan would .say, we played badly. Baltimore .Convention, aiid O’Conor and Alex ’Stevens 4tnd -»Mim&ed supply of votes has beat us. Well, we still live, I’m not goin to bed about it. <Dkl Greeley ain’t no kin to me. aiut neither, and thats whata the tfHatter. I talked for Greeley. | and w*rit for him, and voted him fllbr buts never did hankef arfter him. It made such an everlastin lfuss iu my family 1 had like to runVaway, jYou see Mrs. Atp wasetit She were a strait, and site ain’t rekon siled things aint absjlassid as a sil ver lake around I dont mean that times is hot or desperate, but to sav the least Os it they are pekudar. A man likes to have his bed and his board seieen. Dont he ? So yon see as my wife was a strait it dident become me to be ,v<iry crooked. And I want—at home. Sfies a good omati and she’i endure everything and never grunt nor groan, but she wont compermise worth a cent. I told her I had no pertrkler use for Greeley and that he was a;darnd old Iftfatyated hum bug, but that our paper belonged to the great unterryfied, unsatisfied, transmogrified Democratic party and must keep into line. She sed sum remarks about paper? lyin by the day and by the week and about, self respect and independence ana the like, and Igfew meek like Moses in a few minutes. The fact is I’m a meek man. I’ve laid awake of nights a rumination how meek I was - . Mrs. Arp thinks the paper ought to take “truth” for a fnotto and work up to it. I tpld her it would be a dangerous experiment, but she, says it lias never been tried yet. If I wasdnt areered the little Arps would perish to deth durin the ex periment I would try it. Old Shank we tean’t be worsted for. he has tride lyiU‘for 2d years and it wont pay. He says it would be an epi sode in the press, a kuridsity, some thing like a elephant, or an eklipse, or John Robyeon’s eifens. He says sometimes a paper sukseeds by ly in, like the New York Herald and the Tribune and Forrtey’s paper, but it has to bo well hacked. The Hefald has got so now it can quit party and set back in a cheer and tell the truth in its old age ; like an old speculator who has made a for tune bycheatin and lyin and then puts his money in stocks and retires. He says that political papers lie from 90 per cent down to 10, and that Forney is the oply editor who ever weiit full Up ts) a TOO and kept it there. Well, 1 hijw that Grant has got in, I dofit see any necessity of runnin the Commercial at a high pressure. If all the lyin issues aint ded, they arc past ductrin. Now is a good time tojtp todevelopin the country, We cart raise ehil and re n and chiekensby the 1,000 in 4 years, Some of our folks is a tellin arond how the country could have been saved, and all that. Old Shank thinks he knows, but he don’t. He’s a good fellow, Old Shank is. He don’t gas around, but jest tells me privately, and askS ineto say nothin about it, which I don’t. But I heard one feller a goin it, and he said,‘‘Gentlemen, if the people of de South had have taken my advice this kalamity wouldent have hap pened. I talked to ern, and preached to em, but you might as well have tried to stop a Gawtamaller hurri cane with a thimble full of sulphuret ted hydrogen gaS.'” Well, l don’t like his sort nor his gas. It don’t do any good. The thing has happened—the dog is ded. Grant agoin to take away our bred, corn nor tobaker. As for a few lit tie post offices and tax collektors, I dident care anything about ’em. Them what’s- got ’em need ’em, I reken, and its took a power of low down hard work to get ’em. We’ve got all the State officers from Governor Smith down to the bottom, and I’m satisfied. Hurrah fox' old Georgy ! Bill An?, P. S. —I remarked to-day in a crowd : “We are a nation of thieves,” and an offisholder slipped up to me and whispered, “Call no names, Bill, call no names.” Thars something wrong about that man. B. A. Jack Brown, the pure Democrat, the only ttue Democrat, the Jeffer sonian straight-out Democrat, had his name on all tb6 Radical tickets here yesterday. How is that for the old Jeffersonian ? But even then Cook beat him at his preciDCt 282 votes. Get some other horse now, Jack; a straight-out played out horse can never carry you into Congress, and Gen. Benning will never be called pn to eat any of them Congressional “ berries” he told you about.— Lumpkin Tele graph. “ Bill Arp” is now on the Ronie Commercial, and goes for the latest style of bustle as follows : “We saw a lady on the street yesterday, who leaned smartly forward is she walked. From the amount of baud ages and filling that seem to have been put over the wound, the acci dent must have been a serious one. We were glad to see her out.” The Americus Republican is worked up. The editor thus con cludes ah editorial on the recent election: “Thank Qod, the fuss, the workings, the treachery, the meanness of miserable wretches, called white man, who are allied against us, the, thing palled free .popular elections in Georgia, is oyer for two years. We are sick of such a farce. We are tired of such a damnable heresy.” The late term of Stewart Super ior Court cost the county about one, hundred arid fifty, dollars per di, y- , . Vf,!.,."*; j The Macon .negroes have formed a Georgia I migration Society which numbers 800 negroes in Bibb coun ty. They are going to have a Spite Convention. Jeff Long is Presi* dent; N. D. Srtend, Vice President; Chas.. Holley, Secretary; R. M. Growswell, Treasurer. Our Congressional Delega tion.—lt is now believed that the Daa|ocrat» have carried seven of the »iiu«f,ipongreßßional Districts in Georgia, and that our delegation in the text Congress will stand as fol lows : First District Morgan Rawls, Democrat. Second Dis trict— R. H. Whiteley, Radical. Third District—Philip Cooke, Dem ocrat. Fourth District Henry Harris, Demociat. Fifth District— J. <3. Freeman, Radical. Sixth Dis- H.-Blotuit, Democrat. Seventh District—P. M. B. Young, Democrat. Eighth District—A. R. Wright, Democrat. r Ninth District —H. P. Bell,-Democrat. The Herald, alluding to the defeat of Glenn, m the Fifth District, says ; “Col. Glenn’s defeat is a disgrace to Democracy of this section. For twenty years he has been p&ckhorse ol the party, and has never hesita ted to yield his personal claims where the interests of the Democra cy were to be advanced. He has borne the whole expense of this canvass aloue, and unaided by a dollar from any source. His elec tion was assured, if he had even re ceived the.votes that were cast iu the nomination. The defeat of such a candidate is a public calamity, and is especially hard to bear when it is remembered that it is to be as cribed less to the. strength of his op ponents than the lukewarmness of his friends.” Shocking Affair. The Gin House of Mr. Green Harper, of Monroe county, was consumed by fire on last Saturday night, and five persons were consumed in the flames. It seems almost incredible that there should be such loss of life, but so it is reported to us. Names of victims: Jno. and Joe Spruce, 1 two of Harper’s boys and two Degro boys. One of Harper’s boys is still living but expected to die. They were gining at night and accidentally set the lint room on fire with a lantern.— Griffin Star, One of the first literary men in the United States said to the writer, after speaking on the subject of temperance “There is one thing, which, as you visit different places, I wish you to do every were ; that is, to entreat every mothey never to give a drop of strong drink to a child. I have had to fight as for my life and all my days to keep from dying a drunkard, because I was fed with*spirits when a child. I acquired a taste lor it. My broth er, poor fellow, died* a drunkard. I would not have a child of mine take a drop of it for anything.— Warn every mother, wherever you go, never to give a drop to a child.” Monument to Gen. R. E. Lee. —At the meeting of the Army of Northern Virginia, in Richmond, resolutions were passed commend ing the sarcophagus, now in course of construction at Lexington, Va„ to the memory of Gen. Lee, and recommending that the ladies of the South hold memorial meetings on the next anniversary of the birth of the Southern chieftain, and take such measures as seem to them best for collecting money on that day to be specially appropriated to the dec oration of his tomb. Sixty Georgians, mostly young men, left Atlanta for Texas the oth er day. * -j New Advertisements. HONOR THE : Confederate Dead. those who desire to aid in the : CONFEDERATE MONUMENT Will call and purchase Tickets before the 20th of November, 1872; on which day the sale , closes. The Drawing will take place on Wednes day, Dedember4tb, 1873. T. 8. POWELL, Agent, Confederate Monumental Association. Lost Note. APROMISORY NOTE for Thirteen Hun dred Dollars, made in the Fall of 1870 by J. W. Edwards, payable to M. A. McNulty or bearer, has been lost or misplaced by me ; this iB, therefore, to warn all parties from trading for said note, as it has been settled by said J. W. Edwards. m. a. McNulty. Cuthbert, Ga.. Nov. 12,1872. 2t J. K. ELLIS. M. H. CUTTER' ELLIS & CUTTER, Proprietors, Wharf Street Factory, Macon, Georgia. manufacture Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantles Mouldings, Brackets, » n< l all kinds of Material used in Wooden buildings. We give special attention to loiders from the country. Our prices are moderate. Or ders filled promptly. We will send prices of our Goods to any parties that may favor ns with orders for estimates ELLIS & CUTTBR. novls tf> Isaac "Winsliip, dealer in all sorts of Leather and Shoe Findings. •Will pay cash, or give Leather in exchange for Hides. All orders piomptly attended to. Send for price list. Office No. 56, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. novls-3m Alabhma Business College, Montgomery, Ala., ’ CLARK Sf PERRINE, Principals. Columbus Business College, ii i • Colnmbns, Ga., , > A. T. CLARK, A. M., Rrin, C. W. Macpherson, Secy. THE above Colleges are offering unequal led advantages to yonng and middle aged men, for acquiring a practical Business ; Education. Send for Catalogues, Circulars, etc. , ' Octl 3dT INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR PIANO, GUITAR, VIOLIN, ' Flute and Cornet, l At T. S. POWELL’S, Trustee, ■ Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. ■ ADIY!INISTRATOR’S\ SALE , OF VALUABLE Real Instate and TOWN PROPERTY. BY VIRTUE OF an Order of tli» Court of Ordinary of Randolph County, will he told at Cuthbert, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, all the real estate belong ing to the estate of Jesse B. Key, d< ceased consisting of and to be sold in the following lots to-wit: FIRST, South half of number two in square two in the City ol Cuthbert, Ga..thirty feet front on square, and one hundred and twenty feet hack—and the two-story store house kuown as Key’s Dry Good Store, thereon—-corner lot. SECOND, North half of number two, iu square two, in the City of Cuthbert, Ga., same size as above described lot, kuown as the grocery store and lot. THIRD, Dwelling House and Lot, Soiith part of number thirty four in Cuth bert, Ga., fronting three hundred and twenty four feet, on College Street, and running hack, three hundred and twentv-four feet, out houses of every character on the lot. FOURTH, North-east, corner of number thirty-four in Cuthbert, Ga.. fronting the street,, bounding said lot on the North one hundred and sixty nine and a half feet, and runuiug hack South three hundred and twenty-two and a half ieet, very desirable building lot. FIFTH, North-west corner of number thirty-four in Cuthbert, Ga.. fronting on street, bound ing sai,l lot on the North one hundred and seventy-five feet, and running buck South, three hundred and twenty-two and a half feet—this lot being iu width on South end Only one Imndrod and Sixty-nine and a half feet—very desirable building lot. SIXTH, The South eighty acres of the west half of lot of land number one hundred and thirteen, in the sixth district of Randolph County. Ga., lying one and a half miles from Cuthbert, wood lot, well timbered. SEVENTH, East half of lot of land number one hun dred and sixty-two, iu the ninth district ol Randolph County,Ga., this lies just border ing on the city Hue, a great amount of wood on it. EIGHTH, Sixty sCven acres, more or less, of lot nnm her one hundred and sixty-one in the ninth district of Randolph County, Ga , described as follows: commencing at the North-east corner of said lot running due South three hundred ami thirty-six yards, thence due west to west line of said lot, thence due North to North-west comer of said lop thence due east to starting point.. Albo, all ot lot number thirty-six in the Villa Nova Survey.iu the City of Cuthbert, Ga., and all of lots numbers thirty-four ami and thirty-seven in the Villa Nova Survey "that lies North of a line running east end west, commencing at a point three hundred and thirty-six’yards due South of North east corner o! lot one hundred and sixty-one in the ninth distiict, aforesaid. This lot con tains in one compact body seventy-eight acres more cr less—the most desirable tract in the county. Also, will be sold at same time and place, one large Iron Safe, oue Repeating l'istol, all theiusolvent papers, notes,accounts,-ti fas, and debts of every character belonging to said estate. Twenty shares’Stock of the Bank of Cos lnmbUß. Forty shares Stock Eufaula Home Insurance Company. Seventy-four tlmj-es Stock of the Cuthbert Manufacturing Com pany. Dividend certificates of Southern Mu tual Insurance Company for fifty-five dollars. Two shares South Western Railroad Stock. Slock Certificate South Western Railroad for twelve 80.1U0 dollars. Terms of Bale of all except real estate — Cash. Store houses, one half cash, 'the other half payable January first 1874, without in terest ; if not punctually paid interest from date at ten pel- cent, until paid. All other ; cal estate one third cash ; bal ance payable in one and two years with out interest, but, if not punctually .paid to bear iuterest from date at ten per 4knt until paid. Seven percent, will be deduct and from all time payments on above real estate if paid at sale. Possession of Store Houses re served until January lOtli, 1873. For further | articular? apply to Hood & Kiddoo or tile Undersigned. JAMES A. ALLISON, Adm'r. pctlß-td 6f Je.-sb B. Kky. Randolph Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order issued from ti e Supe rior Court of Randolph County, Georgia, will be sold, in thd city of Cuilibert, on Monday the 18th inst., between the legal hours of sale, all tlie Slock of Goods belonging to W. I). Sheridan, consisting of Flour, Whisky, Sugar, Candy, a lot of Fancy Groceries, and other Goods too numerous to mention. Above property levied on under an attachment is sued from the Superior Court of said county and State, in favor of Seymour, Tinsley &Cos. vb. W I), Sheridan. Property pointed out by defendants. Sale to take place in front of store lately occupied by said Sheridan W.Vi. BARKY, novß-td Deputy Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia. kandolph county.— By vir tue of an Order granted by the Court of Ordinary, in and tor said county, will be sold before the Court House door, in the t-itv of Cuthbert, On the first Tuesday in January next, Lots of L nd Nos. 236, and one-half of Lot No; 237 in the seventh district of said county, better known as the Sam Berry place. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. ELIZABETH CKOZIER. Administratrix of John CroziSr, dec’d novß-td Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Randolph County. —By vir tue of an Order granted by the Court of Ordiuary, in and for said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, Lots of Land Nos. 147 and 148 in the 6th district of said conniy—the place whereon John Cole lived at the time of his death. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. ELIZABETH COLE. Administratrix of John Cole, dec'd. novß-td Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Randolph County.— By vir tue cf au Order urauted by the Court of Ordinary, in and for said county, will be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Cuthbert, on the first Tuesday in January next, that tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the 9th district of said county —the place whereon Phillip Cansey lived at the time of his death—said to couiaiu four hun dred and forty acres, more or Jess, and sold subject to the widow's dower. Terms cash H. J. CAUSEY, Administrator of Phillip Causey. novß-td G'l EORGIA, Randolph County.—By vir. JTtueof an Order granted by the Court of Ordinary, in and for said county, will be sold belorethe Court House door in the city of Cnthbert, on the first Tuesday in January, 1873, the following described Lots of Land, to wit. Part, of Lots Nos. 188. 124, Lots Nos. 187, 166, 155, 134 —making, in the aggregate, thir teen hundred and twelve and a half acres, more or lesS.jn the 9th district of Randolph Cos Also, at the same time and place, One Lot in the city of Cuthbert, known and distinguish ed in plan of said city as Lot No 14 ; and also at'the same time, one wild Lot in the 2d Dis trict of the county of Appling. No. 138, con taining four hundred and ninety acres, more or less. Also, one Lot No. 65, in the sth Dis trict of Irwin, containing- 490 acres, more or less. Also, three Wagons, one Buggy, one Carriage, four Mnles, one 50-Saw Gin, Wheat Thrash and Fan, and other property. Sold for tlie benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. D. 8. BROWN and W. C. SAWYER, Administrators of Zadock Sawyer, dec'd. novS-td /GEORGIA, Randolph County.— James AT M Bell has applied for exempt ion of Per sonalty, and i will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M.. on the 19th day cf November. 1872, at my office. ’ M. GORMLEY, Ordinary. novß-2f, Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Randolph County.— By vir tne of an Order granted by the Court of • Ordinary, iu said comity, will be sold on the flr6t Tuesday in January next, before the Coort House door in the city of Cnthbert, be tween the usual hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 283 in the fouith district of said county. Sold lor the .benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. G. W, OLIVER, ■ Adm’r de botqs non cum testamento anexo If James Oliver, deceased. uo'vS-td SECURITY, ECOMOMY, HOME INVESTMENT! j V. m w Js , Tj # j ± ■>, ... v J K | ?THB REPUBLIC —'-’ u ' '' 1 ’ I CAPITAL STOCK, - - - - $5,000,00(H j Organized to prevent, in some measure, the annual drain of Millions of Dollars from the West and South, and keep them for investment at home. LET us uot envy people of fortune nor think of death-beds, and taking an everlasting ieave of helpless little folks, for we have woo enough hero, but remembering 011 wbat a brittle thread the life of man hangs, and that our real temporal fortune is healthful and vigorous bodies, invest a small amonunt iu a LIFE POLICY which amply repays a Father WHILE LIVING, and extends his industiy and prudence to generations which suc ceed him. . I would gladly present here, and to every Southern man, the Charter, Plans, Capacity, and the names of the Twelve Hundred Capitalists of this Everywhere Home Company ; but as this is impossible, will-leave the same and ask you to t all and read for vom s- If these documents at the Office of the Cuthbert Appeal. S. T. CTEITKIITSrS, novls-tf GENERAL AGENT. FOR S A Xj IU ! | A Home for Life ! 240 Acres, More or Less, • CONVENIENT, LEVEL, ELEGANTLY TIMBERED, REMARKABLY HEALTHY, AND ONLY TWO MILES FROM A FIRST - CLASS MALE INSTITUTE, And two Female Colleges in Cuthbert, Ga. gQ ACRES CLEARED, ALL FRESH, KITCHEN AND OUT-BUILDINGS COMPLETE, SURROUNDED,BY Six Hundred Extra, Early and Choice Fruit Trees, THREE ACRES IN GRAPHS, and the best Woodland Stock Pasture to be found—containing the prettiest Fish Pond in Georgia. In connection with the above is offered Corn and Forage in abundance, Seed Cane and Potatois, Ox and Cart, two Mules, some Cows and Hogs, and an elegant Buggy Horse • The item of Wood alone will bring twice as much as is asked' for the entire possession, while the ripening of fruits in this section, from ten days to two weeks earlier than Middle Georgia, offers inducements extraordinary. ONE OR TWO YEARS TIME WILL BE GIVEN ON PART PAYMENT, AND TEN PERCENT, OR TOTAL COST IS OFFERED FOR THE PEACHES, APPLES, PEAS AND GRAPES GROWN ON THE PLACE NEXT YEAR. Respectfully referring enterprising Farmers to any one in the County who does not want to buy this Farm. Call and see * J. McBL. GrTTlXnxr or .novls-tf . . S. T. JENKINS. PUBLIC SALE OF THE BRUNSWICK & ALBANY RAIL ROAD, 240 ItfllES LONG, BRUNSWICK, GA„ ON THE First Tuesday in January, 1813. UNDER, and by Virtue of a Verdict, De cree and Judgment, of the Superior Court of Glynn county, Georgia, rendered in the case of a Bill in Equity filed in said Court at the instance of Rulus B. Bullock, Governor, Lyon McLendon & Co.,M. I. Atkins &. Cos., et. al. vs. The Brunswick &. Albany Rail R"ttd Company, et. al. The undersigned Commis sioners. appointed iasaid Deereforth*! [tir pose, will, on the first Tuesday in January otter and expose for sale, betor the Court House door, in the city of Brunswick, and conutv of Glynn, in the Si« e of Georgia, within the hours for Sheriff sales, to the highest and best bidder, the Bi'nuswiek & Altany Rail Road; extending from the Harbor of Brunswick, to the city of Eufaula, in the State of Alabama — a distance of 24D miles; togethe' with all of its rlght-ef-way. Real Estate. Equipments. En gines, Cars, Track, Depot buildings, and every species of pmpi-ri and fight of properly , both Real anil Personal, belonging to Said 1 . ompu ny, with all itß Franchises and Privileges. The road is complete and in good running oiderfrom Brunswick to, or near Albany, a distance of one hundred and seventy miles, or thereabouts, with Engines, Cars, and other necessary Equipments, together with about fifty miles nearly completed, and ready for the Track, between Albany and Eufaula, with about three milep Os iron laid. The Track Irom Brunswick to Albany is laid with first class new and heavy T Kail, (mostly English,) the greater portion Fish-Bar. The iron sup posed to be worth about $ 1,750^114). Under taW Decreethe Commissioners are re required to make and execute good and suffi cient titles to the purchasers,'in Feu Simple aHd unincumbered', free from all claims, debts, demands, liens, bonds, mortgages or incum brances, whatsoever. Upon compliance witli the terms ot Sale the purchasers shall be enti tled to the possession of said properly, and to have use and enjoy the Franchise and Privileges of said Brunswick dj- Albany Rail Road Cos. Terms of Sale— Terms made known on day of sale—except that 5 per cent of the pur chase will be required at the rale. To be for feited if the terms are not complied with. For further particulars apply by letter, or in person, to Arthut Hood, Cuthbert, Ga., Rlch’d K. Hibes, Albany, Ga., or O. A. Lochraue, Atlanta, Ga. ARTHUR HOOD, RICHARD K- HINES, O. A. LOCHRANE. novltd Commissioners. Planter’s Hotel. By Mrs. M, A. Kilpatrick, Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA. Gy Terms Reasonable—Trusty Porters at Depot. * novl-Im We Make a Specialty of Fresh FISH and OYSTERS, Which we constantly receive trim our own boats at Apalachicola. Also, keep constantly on hand Potatoes, Onions, Beets, Turnips, Etc. APPLES, ORANGES, and FRUITS OF ALL SORTS. In connection with above, we keep a FIRST CLASS Restaurant. Meals in'best style at all houis. FINE CIGARS, Etc. ROWLETT & LABATUT. novl-fim Fresh FISH and OYSTERS, At BANCROFT’S. I am now perfecting my arrangements to furnish eveiy week the finest FISH nml OYSTERS that can be obtained in the Markets, as FRESH as when taken from lit--’ sea. Foi §ale in any quantity, by measure, or pre pared in any style at my TABLES. MEALS AT ANY HOURS. Also. STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES, LIQUORS and CIGARN of best brands. G. C. BANCROFT. novl ts E. J. JOHNSTON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods, Fide Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Stings, Etc., Etc. Sole Ageut for the Celebrated DIAMOND PEBBLE SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, ETC. Particular Attention given to Re ] pairs on Fine and Difficult Watches. JEWELRY, ETC., REPAIRED, AND ENGRAVING. Comer Mulberry & Second Streets, MACON, GEORGIA. novl-3m . OILS! LARD OIL, NEAT’S FOOT OIL, FARMERS’ OIL, WHALE OIL, At T S. POWELL’S, Trustee, Druggist, Beokseller and Stationer. Just Received. A New Lot of Huts, Bonnets, Millinery and DRESS TRIMMINGS. My purchases are made often in order to have on hand the latest sty;- s. Trimming HATS and BONNETS, DRESS MAKING, etc., done at low rates. Mrs A. L. MPAF. novl 3qj * Real Estate AND LAND SALE ! On the First Tuesday in Jan. 1873 WILL BE SOL- , to the highest. I i:Mer, before the Coni House d»«r ii bert, Ga., all,that-I’ropt ny • eribed as 1 1 . low : Store House occupied by M I Atkins an vacant Store adjoining—all utni one , together with B .rber Shop offe vacant L and also a two-story buildhtiaa adjoimi.g; : first floor arranged for Store, the • and floor ow used a Printin Ofik-- a ' >e U p-'-d' by Cuthbert Appeal Tins Prop , ill '■ trouts on one S' reef. ; ,i„ Ims f-> :o back one hundred and t'-i eipy !,'j id- will be solti .seperatelv to- t l! tag, -in r. At the same tint-, and place, two Desirable In f’ntbbert. one known as the p ; ace occu pied by Col. J. T. Kjewelleu ha-.m-d near Lb, 1 public square. The outer is the ■ SHERMAN PLACE. and is located in an excel!, nl?.neighborhood. The Place contains about Eight. Acres, Also, at the same time, a Large Plantation',' Os About 1000 Acres of Land, Adjoining the City Limits, there are Tw . Settlements on the Place. This Property will all be sold to the highest bidder, and possession given promptly on day of sale.— Terms—One-half cash, balance in 12 months Such another opportunity for FI ERTY will not be offered in a, life time. Those near Cnthbert, who would desire to know more of this Property, apply to M. I. ATKINS. For genet al particulars to • JONATHAN COLLINS & SON, oc4td MACON, GA. Nathan & Bro’s. OLD “ 1863,” CABINET Rye Whiskey, At r. S. POWELL’S, Trustee, Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. l*itviio Tuning -AND REPAIRIN O. MR JOSEPH FREY", of Macon, respect fully intoruis the Ladies and Gentle men of Cuthbert, that he is here preparen to utte and rep-dr Pianos, Organs and Mellnde ons. No charge will be made if satisfaction is hot given. Orders left at Dr. Powell’s Drug store will meet with prompt attention. novl-lt Choice Goods.. I take pleasure in announcing to my numerous friends, and the pub lic generally, 'that I have but re cently Returned from New York, where I bought the most extensive and best selected stock of Goods I have ever before perchased for this a ’cet. My goods are now being received and opened and are mark ed at such reasonable prices, that I feel my ability to please all. It would be impossible for me to enumerate the articles on my coun ters or shelves, and will say they embrace Family and Fancy Groceries, of every kind, from a box of Sar dines to a choice Canvassed Ham. I For the little folks” I have j Lough: extensively, and can sup ; ply their wants in fojsGifsti Confectionaries, j luyui I ■ doubt. I have eveiythiog i to please, the tuste or fancy of the I young,' and will take pleasure in | showing mv stock to them. Old “ Santa Claus” will make his headquarters at my store this year and w ill be glad to see all the good children, and show them his pres ents. . novi-ct A. W. GILLESPIE. C. WEST & SON’S Extra No. 1 KEROSENE OIL. bold at 60 cents per Gallon since October I >,t tit T S POWELLS’. Trustee, Druggist, Bookseller aud Stationer* JA3 8. CLAGHOR>. JNO. CUNNINGHAM*. CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. OL3BILS AND RETAIL Grocers and Provision Dealers; i Corner Bay ami Dayton Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Keep on hatql a largi an I complete Sup ply of Plantation ands mi y Groceries and choice Imported Wires Liu ors, and Cigars. Country orders prbmptly B led and quality trnaiauteed. . , octlßfcn GUERE AND DOSQUE CADIS SHERRY, At T. S. POWELL’S, Trustee, Druggist, Bookseller aud Statiouer. AT STORE OF j. j. McDonald, Very best article of Kerosene Oil—Eire Test 110, At 6jQ per Gallou.