Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, November 29, 1872, Image 2

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THE APPEAR! JAS. P. SAWTEIX. J. C. IRVINE, m;kl General Traveling Agent. CUTri3ER~: FRIDAY, Nov. 29, 1572. Our editor-in-chief still. lingers j sunong the everglades of Florida, ! where the canine fennel cometh up | ns a flower, butissoon chawed down j the thrifty pig. ' The last tele- 1 gram from hiui announced-, that'the | part}' were still fifty miles from the happy hunting grounds, where the j unsuspecting deer gaze from the. branches of the lofty pines upon the q»eer looking intruders, the tur keys crawl up and purloin tobacco from thg coat tail pockets of such ns dare sleep upon this enchanted ground, and rattle . snakes keep warm the hoots that may be vaca ted ; where oranges grow as big as pumpkins, and gushing springs of ginanlemon abound in every vale. Should the horses not .be seized with epizootic they will' probably bring back quantities of fresh meat. - After carefully reading one of the circulars ot Wells’ Grand tion, which takes place in Bridge port, Conn., Dec. 10, 18A2, we have become satisfied that it is an enter prise worthy the attention and pat ronage of all. It is a home affpir, endorsed by all the leading citizens •of Bridgeport, and the vast amount •of property to be given away will -afford an opportunity to hundreds otsecuring valuable gifts of various kinds, including Houses amj Lots. Horses-arul Carriages, Bank Stock, Government Bonds, and many arti cles we have not space to enumerate. All are advised to send early to the Great Central Office of Wells’ Grand Distribution, at Bridgeport, Conn., and secure a handsome Chromo or Engraving, ranging in price from $1 to §s,and a share in the Grand Distribution for each dollar’s worth of pictures purchased. The December number of Dem obest’s Monthly comes to us great ly enlarged, and is really a superb Magazine, full of entertaining litera ture and porftisely illustrated. The December number has a full-pge portrait of Pauline Lucca, a large display of Fashions, and numerous other valuble features—altogether a model magazine. The publishers are offering a pair of companion clifomos, Falls of Niagara and Yosemite Falls, worth of themselves $lO, to each $3 yearly subscriber. This is one of the marvels ot liberal ity in the publishing line.. Address W. JENNINGS DEM OREST, 838 Broadway, New York, The best Boys’ and Girls’ Maga zine- Dkmobukt’s “ Young Ameri ca.” Always sparkling with enter taining Stories, Poems, Puzzles, Music, Travels, Dialogues,, and other entertaining features, all profusely illustrated. If you wish to present a beautiful, an ever wel come present to a or Girl send one dollar for a year’s subscription for Young America. Specimen, with circulars, mailed free on receipt of 10 cents. Address W. JENNINGS DEM • OREST, 8118 Broadway, New York. The Vagabond Sage. An old man of restive physiogao iny answering to the name of John Wilmot, was brought to the police court. His clothes looked as if they might have been bought second hand in his youthful prime, far they had suffered more of the rubs Os this world 'than the proprietor Himself. “What buisness ?” “None, 1 am a traveller.” “A vagabond,perhaps?” “You are not far wrong Travel lers and vagabonds are just about the sa me thing. The differanee is that the latter travels without money, and the former without brains.” “Where have you traveled ?” “All over the contrnett.” “For what purpose?” “Observation.” “What did you observe ?” “A little to commend, much to ensure, and a great deal to laugh at.” “Humph ! what do you com mend “A handsome woman who will stay at home ; an eloquent preacher who will preach short sermons ; a 1 good writer that will not write too much ; and a fool that has sense enough to hold his tongue.” “What do you censure ?” “A man that marries a girl for her fine clothing; a youth who studies medicine while lie has the -use of his hand, and thepeople who elect a drunkard to office.” “What do you laugh at?” “I laugh at a man who expects his position to command that res -ooct which his personal qualifica tions and qualities do not merit.” He was dismissed. 'JYIji,. J. L. liV-vr, of Cleveland, Tennessee, is buying all the land j along il:e State line, both in Georgia and -Tennessee, for the purpose^ofj erecting tr-naces and putting upon 1 the market the Iron that abounds I in the upper part of Whitfield .count j.— MvnUjomry Advertiser. 1 “Trifles Light as .Air.’? •Messrs. Phelps & Slaughter have opened a Soap Factory in Girard, j Alabama. V e have been informed thus a noted “straight-out” insulted a gen tleman in Blakely last week He immediately becam e laid out upon the side-wdlk at. the point of the boot. • An exchange lias the following: ■' “ There Is now in course of con struction in Washington City a sewer of nine feigt interior diameter, through which a six mule team can be easily driven. Seven hundred bricks and two barrels of cement ! are required for each foot of ad- l vanee blade.” t No doubt, anticipating four 'more years, of Radical rule* . It would require a sewer wide enough for till Grant’s horses, kin folks,, &c., to pass through, to bear off one half the filth and corr.u/itipn incident to a “ stable Goventinent.” : Sugar-cured fish is one of tire lux uries indulged in by the .Portugese. The operation of preserving is by taking out the viscera, sprinkling a table-spoonful of sugar over the in terior, and letting them lie in a hor izontal position until it is absorbed-. ' Some .nights since an. editor laid himself upon Ids “ little.bed,” While a tallow-candle, nicely Balanced upon the head-board, threw a dim flicker and flare over the-miserable scene. Around were scattered his .exchange es —hud he fell asleep while reading of terrible fires, horse disease, and other themes of equal interest. —• Alas, that so sensible a person as an editor would run such risk of being roasted. He dreamed, audio ! lie was stretched upon a rack in the midst of burning Boston. An epi zootic night mare was preying upon his vital,s. lie did not : To dye midst flame and smoke,” Because only half the chin material that receives the “ permanent black or brown ” was consumed by the overturned aforementioned candle, and there “wan’t .no wool left on the top of his head the place where capillary substance mostly vegetates.” • We learn that the progress of both Bant u ill’s great Circus and Me nagerie and James Robinson’s Cir cus has been, for the time being, brought to a halt by their-horses being affected by the übiquitous horse disease. An Ole Bull is advertised to be |on exhibition soon in Savannah', provided the up zootie does not ut- the,animal before landing. Another man is missing. ( Tele -. graphic summary of Savannah Evening Mirror.) Well, if he is not married it is all right; otherwise, the old lady may miss him at home and greet him with a missal upon his return. A blue laughing (whatever kind of laughing Inat is,) eyed maiden j of twenty .two,'advertises .in the Evening Mirror her desire to be Mistering. She longcth muchly for the saft connubial ties of a warm hearted gentleman., The Cleburne House Company ami Hibernian Brass Band were at tackeu with stones by - negroes last Sunday ' evening while returning from a funeral. .The Evening Mir ror states that the Police did not in terfere' with them, but stopped the baud from playing. . • Gin House of J. B. Moran, on line ot Crawlord and Mnnroe coun ties, was burned last week with 50 bales of cotton. Fire produced by friction of machinery. A Premium for Notes on Bro ken Banks.— An enterprising .New \ ork firm offers a premium on notes of broken National Banks. This looks a little singular; but these notes are as good as any on Banks in a flourishing condition.- Under the National Banking Law each Bank is compelled to deposit Gov ernment bunds with the Treasurer of the United States sufficient to redeem their currency in the event of a failure. Any note, therefore,, on these broken Banks is good and worth .even a premium, for, theo retically at least, under the lswq only a certain amount is allowed to a certain section, and upon the fail ure of the Bank in any particular section, other parties desiring to go into the banking business in that section must gather together its notes, have them redeemed by the bnited States Treasury and apply for a charter to establish another bank hi the same locality. The premium is offered from the fact that others want the banking privi lege.,—■ Mufaula ATeics.. The report of Major McFarland, engineer, in charge of the service for a canal route to connect the Ten nessee river with the Atlantic Ocean, at, or near Savannah, Ga., will be transmitted to L'ongres along with the report of the Secretary of War. Tim repoit is exhaustive, and fully establishes the feasibility of the project. Seaport Appeal It is said that lion. Win, M. Ev arts is to take the portfolio of Sec retary of State, now held by Mr. Fi.-h. It this should be true, it would go a great ways towards strengthening Giant’s Cabinet: sliracuSons siscjhp'e. A Negroes of mind saves an excursion train. The mem bers of the Masonic Fraternity < i this city beingi.nvited to assist in. the ceremoay of laying the opr tier stone of Young Fqmale College, . which took place in ThumasViile on. Mo - last, left on that- lborning, 9' lo rn., on- special train (A. &Glt . R. ) for that city. Quite a -nam- ! .her of citizens accompanied the * oursioo, . Two miles .“from the city, these*;- ' tiou master was at work changlj tho rails of the road and - had four rails up when the train came j thundering along; but, as lie st;.. | having Ins signal up at a distance rendering an accident out of ques tion he set abodt replacing the rails. Three of the rails were put on the ! ties 1 preparatory to ..being nailed down. But the engineer did not discover tht signal, .and like light ning; the locomotive rushed 'on to-the ' danger. Three rails were lying ir - on the croSs-tics, perfectly, loose, 1 and a fourth was 'entirely *}fF. At • this juncture, at th%' risk of hi.- lit . boy named Tom, with herculean streangth, replaced, the fourth rail upon the track, just \the engine was about to be hurled from the track. Strange to say, .the whole train passed over'safely, but knocked ; pole car into fragments. It was certainly a most miraculous es cape. The boy Tom deserves the oneve;-- , lasting gratitude of every person the train every citizen of Bariinbridge,- andthe A. G. RR. Cos.• Such acts are worthy of the highest prais* . and the hero of this occcasiou, though an humble negro should never .be forgot.ten. We learn that a purse was made up for him by the excur sion party, but be deserves more. The people of Baindbridge shotiM present him'a handsome gold mod al—and the A. & G. -R. R. should give him a house - an'd lot. —Bain brig Democrat The researches or the Signal Of fice have just been rewaided by a beautiful and highly important me teorological discovery. On the coast of England, from time imme morial, the phenomenon of a great November atmospheric wave h.-.s been the speculation of scientists and seamen, but Sir John • ilercml and others have supposed it was-pe cuiiar and confined to England and Western Europe, which it reavi-ies from the South. Atlantic, and'over which it rolls in long oontr, ic'd u dulations from October to Jta.uarv, constituting an important clemefit in the phenomenal character of.the European winter. On the 12th of November a aim lar atmospheric wave began to L-; over the shores of Oregon and Brit ish Columbia as shown by weather telegrams. By the evening of ike 13th it had spread over nearly all ol the Pacific States ‘and Territories, Utah and Nevad’a, and at midnight was pouring through the passes ol the Rocky Mountains. On Thurs day, the 14th, it descended upon. Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas ami' the Indian Territory. On Fildav morning it extended in unbroken j magnitude and magnifiieence from - Oregon and, Washington Territory eastward through the great tr irgi i or depression of the Rocky Mpun-1 tain backbone in Idaho and Monta na, and stretched thence to the low er Missouri and lower 3li.vds.sipp: Valleys and over the Western shores j of the Mexican Gulf. This discovery will enable mcloo>* ologists to anticipate by many days the approach of winter.. As it ad vances from the Paoifiic coast ea - ward in the great current of wester ly winds, it serves to clear. up the old mystery of the American winter storm's, showing that they originate in, the*Rocky Mountains; upon whose .cold and .loftiest summits in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Southern Wy oming the vapor laden air of this wave, coming from over the" warm Pacific, is now seen to be condensed in the overwhelming snows of the forty-first parallel. As this va’st serial wave, is probably-like the Eng lish wave, continued in successive, undulations for two or three months,' it may assist in explaining the com paratively high temperature and light precipitation, in the winter along Puget’s Sound ana eastward. Tiie Montogomry “Advertiser” says : The minstrels who have 1. mi practicing at the U. S. District Court room, for several days past,- will appear in a few days in the new and amusing farce of “The Defeated Conspirators.” A quaker who had been troubled, with rats, informs a friend that he greased a thirty-foot board, filled it full of fishhooks, set it up at an dugle of forty-five degree*and put an old cheese at the top. The rats- went up slid down, and he caught thirty ot them the fiirst night. At one of the New York up town churches a slate, containing a list ( the bp celebrated durir the week, is hung in the vestibW every Sunday for the benefit of the , young ladies of the congregation. In two.weeks of last month Key j West, Fla., shipped sß4,ooo'worth j of cigars and sponges—which the j Dispatch' of that place thinks is 1 i-rCtty goo.', for a village of T,ooo'j inhabitants. Married'. • 1 AILY • ’,!i ' . .d...1 Coun ty, Gw. Nova2BA., by' IFv. B. F.Btved ioV'.-.-Mf. Je kziLlGily to. Mi.-* BkTnix Jex- | BAKER—FYI®B.* In Randolph Cainity j “Gad. A,y V'V.JS. F. ! . . '.v, Ag; Ai.Ug’ ; I O A I'. XI YI isp- . I New Advertisements. . j ________ y | SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ! . FOE 1873. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. ' • • r Th*».?ci*?n!ific American, now in its 28tk ' yo,:r. --I'.tjys t : s- widest ciisif ition of any I um-.lnfeiijis jivrioilieul in the w*>i 1. Its contents embrace the latt-st- and most | interesting information pertaining to-tlic In dasLi’il. ’ anicalf nnd Scientific Progress r es the WorldDesorptions. with Beuntifiil Engravings. of New Inventions. *N*-w Pro cesses* and Improved Industries of nil kinds'; 1 ,if < 'Jo • F .-R -fi’-is. Sns • .si(oris | and a*'vide, l»y Practical vl'riters. for- Work*- • men . and Tliv.iib’Yir-\ "a all the various .Arts, j I* • c;\;-V*.' «-r .. »m- Discover- j aa .'l \Vork4. pertaiui ig io j Civil nnd M*-e! .-.nlc-il Engineering.• Jlilling,' Mining’ - arid Mr-tall-.irgy ; Rt-cord Sot (be am, Navigation. Telegraphy. Telegraph Engig “K.-etric ityk Jlagnct>:m,-* Light and The ■ ' • v -r'rs i:i Photography. | Chemistry. NeW-md Ifsefal Applicaffuns of I Chemistry in the Arts'and in Domi stic or j lll.ns -hold Eroipimy'. •The Lai.-si Information pertaining to ; ; c-chnoloey. Mieroseopy, Mathematics As-1 i tr- !na ny. .Gi - n;; 1-a plly. - M 1 ■;. ■/) rp I ogy. G epl ()(_> y. j Zooh _y. Bo(; if. Ilt>rti(tuitu»-, Ac xiiltu-.n. j Arehii-etuiv. Ilin-aJ Eeotion-r}. H-mA-Tio'd • ■ Economy, l-’oorfi Lighting. HtV.tine. VentiL j ti id Health. ' , j In bout the whole ringe of the Scienc ? |- and PraeticUl Arts are et&brivvd wiihitj the j \ scope of tb- Sc'-:ntiflc American. -No person j who desiry to !><; int*4lig,entl.y Informed can i afford to be without'this paper. Farmers. Mechanics*. Engineers. Inventors i- ?firiutactuV'Ts. C’lemists. Lovers Os 8 ience, I Teacliers ; 'l rgvnji n Lawy*-is. and !*• only I ofajl professions, will find the Seieatifit- ! American to he of gre-.t v-ilm- It should I have a place in. i-vit.' lhimlly. Librarv. | Study and Counting Room ; in ■ very'! ; Re-idin-r Room. Colt g->. .'.c-id'-my or-S -hool. | ' Pjttiii-lii'd w-1 kly. spb'iully illustrated pn- I j ly. ,83 a year. i '!ii pg-rly Tnmocrs of file Scientific j Amevioa’n. umkc two p lend id -volumes" of I nearly one thonsattd p-'.grs, equivalent in | cont-'iib* to Font ffliou eiud.h --linnry Book Pages. An'Otficial List of all,Patents issued : ‘ -ii‘ 1 v. <" I-. - . ~. 8 . -iin -- ;i cop ies-t-nt Tree. Addij s't'he publbhers .Muun j & Go.. 37 Park M-otv. Xmv York. - PATENTS. In ciom ;-i .1:1 rviih the Sci etitlii - American, M*-- tv. -jltim & Cos., are t Solicitors of Am*>rh;an ami F--r--L-s Patent*. I j have hail'ovcr-25 vtnuv expeei -nc -..andhave | j the largest '-siiublishm'uil in tin- world. *lf ! you have made, an invent; m, wi ll th-m a ' L-tt i- o ,a- ■ ]-:■•-j• l: tbvy-w:It• 1-. ~pt. i !y inform you. free of charge, wh'-thor y*> if I I device is new and p itentaWe. They 'will I I also "-'-ml v-11 fr-i of charge, a c*v-v of the ■ ! Batcut Laws'in fall, .wflh- in=> | to proceed -to obtain • a put Address j Munu & Cos.. 37. PaHi Row. New "York, SOTJTH-EtiN - i-ViuH GRAND OPENING AT 'HITT I rubiusj s-llijlL I TTr r ..i..-. _• rn .1 ",nq i-Alj UA , AJ, ■ ' v _;M. Kana-ev r:-;I Tcac'Ler. * : ' Wu kor, Qbauip on Ska ter,. has Successfully taught the .%rt ol Heller Skating in adj.-ie-.-nt .i. . —rii.ue • nti;, in Bufartla, -'Gw • • " s his services, to iCio h do s, G< nth-men and >'.\- excieise and picasant amusement 1 Chfl- Hrcii, i for tb :n alooe,) will bo c-itaiuoled wi h every regard for " : -. b ro P ! “fly-. A i-i be open lor Ladies and (’hi! l ! rci b Tuesday, TJmrsdhy and Sat* urday uioni’i : \ from 10 to 1“ i CiGei;. A. fil. Ladies and Children, - for L lies ainPGft utffi- F : n \ Cefidemen only, haturd-ay nights. • Doors opQn at. C 1-2 o’clock, -P- m. Axuiiiig to Commence at 7 p. in." _ • . - r ILI ets of Ad . ■ don 2oc ; skate T-icket: 25i:. • . Tick . . ■at Box! .Office. So chargee sos edrrussion qf Laun >i- day oxaibitiom;. i es .N-fi’viHs r ;]>‘n ■ 1 for the use ana amusement of Ladies and Gen tlemen, and tp. protect the sump i turbmant, elisor,lerly • and itjiprop er charaet rs w:i« a-, it be allow * I pd. • • ' j rEpRoIA < dusty —Davi 1 t’on ot personal? v. and I wiii p:ts& n; < th * utree at lOdVm k, ....m. on the Tin day' of De- | C-ember, l'/2, -.4 ;;i V Oiiire Oive-.. nude:- uiy’hav J ffiei -by V.>v.’2fMj, I k * r ~\ LEY. Ordinary. ; j GMI*A:RX> HOUSE . CoHw B iir.e.rd and 8: -TuT, g 'WEST OF MARKET SQUARE. Rates of Fare. ;*. * ’ lJ( iT ’•* G, - - - . . if) r» s ' . HRK'AKFAST, - * DINNER, - . , . . 5 ,-.. SUPPER, - . . ; . %«. Permanent Board at Lower Rates.”! OYSTEBS IX EVERY STYLE. . nov2S3m 1. " U ' | honey saved by buying Pianos. Organs, Sheet Music. Music Books. Violins, Guitars, Flutes Aeconleons, or anything whatever iu the musical line, at LUDDEN & QATE3’ Great Southern Music House Largest Stpek; Lowest Prices and Easiest Terms ever offered Sou! b. Wm. Ivnabe ■& Co’s, Uallet Davis & Co*su Southern Gem and other first-class Pianos, and the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, son( ei'P-cene/i/ low for cosh, or by monthly paj u :i il paid for. Elegant new Pianos, $275. Organs, SSO. We • guarantee lower prices thaacan be had else where. Add vess us tor i‘rice Lists and Sifeeiat Tern'll. • BI DDEN .V BA't KS, Savannah, Ga.-* I SECUBITY, ECONOMY, HOME INVESTMENT! THE! RB.P'CBL.IO' a APITAL STOCK, - - - - - $5,000,000. Organized to prevent, in some measure, the annual drain of Millions of Dollars from the West and South, and keep them for investment at home. LET Ms n<*C envy people of fortune nor think of death-beds, and taking an everlasting leave of help]* ss little folks, for we have*woe enough here but remembering on what a brittle thread the life of man hangs, and thakonr real temporal fortune is 'lu-althfu! and vigorous bodies invest°a smalf amonuiit in a LIFE POLICY“ which amply repays a Father WHILE LIVING, and extends his industiy amt prudent to generations which suot coed him. ,' . • • • ... 0 t would, gladly present here, and to every Southern man, the Charter,-Plans, Capacity, and the name* of th, Twelve Hundred Capitalists of*this Everywhere Home Company; but as this is impossible, will leave the same and ask you to call and read Ur yourself these documents at the Office •!' jTm Cuthbert.Appeal. 4 * . ’ F S. T. novlo-tf • GrENERAL AGtENT. _ " TT O R. "”s"A' lii. 23 A Home for Life I *240 Acres, More or. Less ' CONVENIENT, LEVEL'. ELEGANTLY TIMBERED, UF.MARIv ALLY 1 1 : .A/l'.iY. AND A. ! O MILES FROM A op X S=2.,3T • ©IjA-SS 3V£ Jk. XjiSS. AW. .H. 2 Lc'X XJTES ( , And two Female Colleges, ill Cuthbert, Ga. ACKES CLEARED, ALL FRESH, KITCHEN AND OtJT-BUILDINGS.COMPLETE SU IROUNI El- BY Six Hundred Extra,. Early and* Choice Fruit Trees,. THREE ACHES IN GRAPES, .and the best Woodland Stock 'be fottnd—containing the pr* i Oust Fish Pond in Georgia , In cftnnefct.ion with the above is offered Corn find forage in abundance, Seed Cane and-Potatoes, Ox and C.lrt, two Male?, someGows and at!*l ay.elo;gaiit-Buggy.Horse * . • . . .• * * 0 ’ . The item*<>f Wood alone will bring twipe as-.much us is asked for*the. entire possession, whib-’the ripening'*.!' frdits in this section from ten davs • : > two Weeks curlier than 3iiddle Georgia, offers inducenients*extraord'inary. ... ' • ’ • ONE OR TWO YEARS TIME WILL BE GIVEN ON PART PAYMENT, AND I’EN PER CENT, OR TOTAL COST IS OFFERED FOR TIIE PEACHES, APPLES, PEAS AND GRAPES GROWN ON TIIE PEACE NEXT'YEAR. '■ . •Respect, a.. 1.. referring enterprising Farmers to any one in the County who does not want to buy this Farm ‘.Call and see ' • - • McK.. C3P-CJ3XT3XT or novloti * V - IS. *P. cJESJXTXSLIi^-S- PUBLIC SALE IOTIIE 3 . i i); i8 vi 1£ K & hLßft N f iiA-k-ij' ROAD, 249 UtIIES LONG, —T. I N— BRUNSWICK, GA., ON THE ’ pi CiU in’ January, 1813. , TTXnEP. and by Virtue of a Verdict, D*-. •|T c amt .in yin-nt; of the Superior ; onrt.of Glynn c- uuty. Georgia, rendered in the care Os a Bill in Equity tiled in said Court at thi-"in:-r:iiit-e of Ruins 1} Bullock:, Governor, Lyon Arc Lend in-&. Cos.. M. I. Atkins &. Cos., et al vs. The Brunswick &. Albany Rail R act -.y. et. al. The undersigned Cbmmis r:. ;-s ; b):-ed in .-.od Deere . forthat.pur-* jifue, ivilk on ihe first Tuesday in January 1873, oil I and expose tin: sale, betor the Court H ' (1 r. hi the city of Biunswic’., amt , imiiiv o" Glynn, in ihe Si ie of Georgia, i horn tin-1 .-a! hours for Sheriff sales, to the .iI * ' l.j-!tier. the Brass ; . Rail Rail; extending from the Harbor of Brunswick, to 11)8-city of Kiifaula, ii. the Slate of Alabama— a distance of 24d miles; ! Opel he ■ with all'of ..- f-Way, Real Estate; Equipments. En ei nr, or-. Track, Uepot buib inaS, and evny, ; cier » f,r p-rt. and right of projx-riy. hot Rai end P. rsoual belonging to Said ompa ‘ uy with air its , . Franchises and Privileges. • T r-'.'.tl is complete an >n good running j otderfrom Brunswick to. -oar, a 1 of one htl . red an - vmty miles, or ; iii reabouta, with Engines. Phis an the j.- I cesrHi-y EquipUl. - together With about li s’tj'miles nearly completed, and ready, for the ‘ i between Albauv and Enlanlu, nt three ’miles of non laid. ’1 lie Truck u mil Brunswick io Albany i- him'with digft | ciaae newan n a.-y I Kail, (mostl' English.) Uic gj-i-nier p u timi Fish B r. The iron sup { posed to be wnnli about .75d,' 0. . D- ci Hi i 'onanisti -tiers at. re i required to make find execute go- and ami sufli ci. i t.titles t'ltbe piiieln.s-;- in Fkk simple .. -t’u it i■a:i.*M-r»ii 'iec frnin all C aims, and» bts, j demand-, hens, bonds, mortgages or iueuin- I branees,, whatsoever Upon comp iance with i the terms id Sale the purchasers shall he enn '■ tied to th» pofisees- nos said piopevty. and -to !. Ye use amt enjoy tt-- Eranchise and ! Privileges of said Brunswick dj* Albany Rail j Road Cos. i’EHji.-. ok & .lik. —Terms u ade known on lay < i sale—exetp' thuL 5 pet cent of tile pur eiiaSe will he 1- qnsred a- the -ill-. To he lor j felted if the terms are not complied with. ‘ For fit t - r.j u-ticulars applv ty Biter, orin •i>< , to Ai jiur 11-od. Cuthbert, tia . Rich’d r lin e.-, Albany, Ga , or O. A. Cochrane, - laotu, Ga. 1 .ARTHUk hood, KICIIAt. K. 1 > 1. O. A. LOCHi;AM. liovI:»1 ‘ iiuiuiiss.-ioui r-s. Isaac jgXCLUSIi E • all sons of Leather and Shoe Findings. ' ill pay 11 ,S:i,|or give Leutner iu exchange foi Ilites. All orders piomptly attended to. St n i for ptiee .is-. Ollh:c No. 50, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. novlo-3m . We Make a Specialty ol" ! Fresh FISH and OYSTERS, ! Which we constantly receive tr im our ojvn I ' • boats at Apalachicola. Also, keep constantly on hand Potatoes, Onions, Beets, Turnips, Etc. ' APPLES, ORANGES, and FRUITS OF ALL SORTS. In coin.option with above, we keep a FIRST CLASS Restaurant. Meals in best so vie at all hois. FINE ■CIGARS, Etc. ROWLETT SLZi ATUT. uuvlH/in 8. FELD’S* LMETY i GEORGETOWN, GA., GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, cfec. &.C., &c. I njnilE PUBLIC is respectfully invited to ic_ call and exan-.ii n his stock of- Good.-. They are select 'd with care-, and’ d< fy cqinpetiiion lie. will sell th’ent as low as they can lie lmiighi in any outer market. Cali m and see for yourselves. Highest market prices paid for cotton, or 1 11 6m . T. HARDFMAW. 0. G S.PAKKS. H ARDEMIN & SPARKS, ■WAREHOUSE • AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACC2?, - - GSORG’A; Tender rlieir servieen to the Plant V _ Middle and Georgia? far rfte Sale and Storage of Cotton. octlS’Lrn J. E. EL L IS. M. H. CUTTER. • ELLIS a CUTTER, Proprietors, Wharf Street Factory, Macon, Georgia. manufacture Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantles Mouldings, Brackets, and ad kinds of Material used in Wooden buildings. We vive special attention to oiders from tli country Our prices are moderate. Or ders fil ed promptly, h e will send prices of our Goods to any parties that may I .Ivor US with Orders for estimates ‘ ELLIS & CUTTER. novls if TEAS. THE A NECTAR, CHOICE GREEN, and CHOICE BLACK TEA. T. S. 1 OJVISLL, T,us , Diujgist, Bpoksellei <.nu State.ner novS2- olYsfut Iloc‘oivod. ' • .A New LI of • • Hats, Bonnets, Millinery and DRESS TRIMMINGS. . My pnrcjias -s are made often in ord r to iiave oq hand the ia.tesi styles. ■ - Trimming H ATS and BON NETS, DBLSTv .MAKING, i'to , done at .low rates. . s Mrs A. ij. MPAP. t novl 3io 12-0 1 IdlhSt ' 7 < aNd • L LL M>. YZ’ I On the First* T U} day in Jan, 1873 WA:'" .her Ga., all ,11a, \ tl . r t a l-.w.: ' '• •"ore lb .. i,,.i .. :U1 VROnllt >t lie ~j.)! .I. r - . U!t Ii, . : t iai-ilit-r \vitii a < .. |, , : . *ial..illl v.;, T 1: 11. |. Vi. . | j ~ first' floor rra -.. l ; * tl :ur nvv as, 1 tai_ ~ ( .|i * j I'led l,y Cut'if r. "A Teal • I!, P'qi . uh iVNnr-ri'Oii oil- . i\* 1 9 i, • . one hUndr. daunt.t V,,.' Tlib t .0.1 V ! Wllf i e.S-ud Sep ■, .1 tog. • r. At tus s lin' V u , I<lC pessrj;i>i4j Fa ... ' | I- t'uthheit e known ptac* re i’i* tl, by C"l IV ft, .1. i, • ~1 ~ , r»b H-.rquaie. T. ... ■ „ , SHERttAK* G- V! -to. ■ m is Ides - e '.. a. Tile R.itec e . .. 'I i.- ■, u l, I 'Also, at. the same Large JPi liiitittiori. Os About. 10l!U v of Land, A joining Hie C Lf-ni s ; i- it* ’*- -- - -if lira , - . given pro. -i t’i\ -u drr. '1 e-vin-' ii; : , ‘cV'so 12 tnont! Such -no el- -p ..-II - . l-.l'fY will not be oft’e. ■ ii « ■ Those in .r ' 'ntllhei t . .. would u. si know .more ot ibis I’m ertv. >j ply to M l a'TK NS j F. r tterte'al eaniculars to JONATHAN COLLINS .& SON, <-c4td MA< ON, GA. | * > IVatlia,n & Bro’s. OLD “ 1863,” Cki BIXK T Rye Whiskey, At f. S. POW ELL’S, Trustee, Dr uggist, Bookseller aud Sttitiuner. i Administrator’s Sale. GLOUGIA, Randolph ( olsi y—R vji tue of. all Orde planted v tie Gnn’rt < 1 ti.aintiry, i said wil be .■,>!,! on t e Wt:S' Tin- u,*y ill .la- U v in xt, helm tin Court Hole- dm.r in tin K y ... L-tIV e l lween tin lon . hour- ot - L 1 f ' , and No :S3in mi ton i \ .. . . sand c tv. I sole! 'h-r tin- lien-tit i in ir ill- e. , v-1. I Terms ea-lii !> W. ( LlVt .v ' !’r de-honism u uur . sntue mtex - ot James Oliver, deceased. uovS-td $5,000,000. Fnquii*e For M. “BLACK" JOHNSTON’S RESTAURANT and BAR. (In iear of Brown’s and, Spotswood’s Ho tels, down stnet fronting R. R. Dcpot aud 1- xi-ress Office// Eyei-v'thing subrtafilial the Market affords "• --ly prepared. FISH..OYSTERS, FOWL. Il l ‘ ,C ’’ • tur "b f ’ed in Best Style at ALI. ■ BAR of fine-* Liquors. Enreitrn am Domestic Cl gais, me. CHARGES MODERATE. ■ ncilS-lm AT STORE OF .T- .T. McDOjVALD, Very best article of Kerosene Oil—Fire Test 110, •At no ce ,ts per Gallon. i o ail Whom it mav Concern.' ■A *' iinfelited to me, by lien and o*.f* r pen ,a< count, ar« requested j _ s.iltc with Mr. G. S. Baldwin 1 g iitly. who haH his possession the pdpei : ,. Those wfioiefute, ur C? t . |i i wiiiiliave themseivea only t» Lt.u-h all c*. . lying will he' treated witii kindness and liberality " H. H JONEB. For Sale. 4 f OT WD IMPROVEMENTS—WhoIe JA. n r in Sec i nr. • A h-n,. a Variety of Furhiture. Special bargains offered. J A. McMILEAN. ' Cuthbei-t. Ga. Nov. 8 1872. -45-fit* 1 OJi A_ LEI j ON | • Accommodating Terms, B* . aid pleasantly situated ’L..t in Cnthhert, Ga., con "o - <'hinv. es .uni S- hi.nls and . and. uperior t trchsrd of | -t 0,l I’ licti. s ; a Well of excel |]• -Vii’-t, . -hie Kitchen, Dairy, Smoke* • I 'H- ,s’ Koonls, aud perfectly _j,. ii. A. Q,uarterman, . in e Subscriber at Macon, ALSO, e iduining 450 aefeg, a ‘nd much Wooden Land.— - ui L(n rt. • *• • • '.ih og mi. ’.\ o t, a Hal .wiu, at Cutlihert. or t tit. M ... Ga H. H. JONES. DAVIS SMIThT .So s i to' Smith. Wescott & Cos., and Sui i: 1 1 . MeGlashan & C 0.,) DKALEIt IN Ssiddles, Harness, ' SLICE FINDINGS’, CARRIAGE MATERIAL, CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES. And LEATHER of all kinds. TERMS CASH. IQ2 Cherry St., MACON, GA* pet 11 'in CHOICE Old Government JAVA COFFEE, A T. ~. POWELL’S, Trustee, l• 11 -t, Bok seller and Stationer. j iiov&i-