Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, January 03, 1873, Image 3

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THE CUTHBERT APPEAL. Home Alihirs. V m ?'- . •■' ■ ■—- I *—r» The Post Oilicc has- been re moved to the building—first floor— occupied by the Appeai. last year. Rev. R. B. Leslor will hold his first quarterly meeting in Culhbort next Saturday and Sunday; From the amount of moving go ing on in our t-wn,;lbe past week, wo imaginieverybody will havenew neighbors the present year. . yv\ hope all may better their condition, ami find the change a pleasant one. Tiie CiuusTmas The sc.—Not with - standing the inclemency of the ■weather, the Presbyterian church was crowded to its utmost on Christ musevc,iO witness the distribution of gifts to the members of the Sabbiali school. If uas indeed a pleasant uffair. The tree was loaded \\ ith presents peculiarly suited to every child, besides a number oi presents -from Inend to friend had thoru been deposited for delivery. Many thanks ar.c due the ladies for their kin*l and untiring efforts on the above oa ca.-ion. ,Oue Municipal Election.—Our city election passed off quietly on yesterday, and resulted iu the elec tion of Oi«pt. M. I. Atkins as May or, and J. McK. Gunn, J. W. Scaly, W. B. Dixsun l J. A. Allison, and* ] l . It. Brown, as Aldermen. E. T. Da vis was elected Marshal and E. 8. Kirk soy deputy. We hope our new and handsome (no clnu’ges lor per sonal allusions, as he is a married man) Mayor, with the assistance of his efficient Board cf Cctiuui linen, will i sortie ,ife and Animation in our town. Wo are f noth ing but “ $5 and the only evidence of a-corporate citv. Ouit Malis School.—Tito next term of our ma.e t>e!'oi , l begins on Monday next, t.iiuei* the manage ment of John if. Seals. Tile citizens of Cutaneit have, for years, lelt the need of just such advantages lor the^education ot tiieir sons, as tire now presented, and wo hope to «?e their appreciation of the same by a libc:ai |iatreuag-.*. As to ill; ah' ty and \\«• ill of Prof., Seals, we deem it mine* essary to speak. Alter reading Ids array of references and recommendations in another column, all will admit wo are truly filv- ed in securing his services. Sure y better advantages l'oi tlie c l ja o- l-cq a cannot L>e fou.'Ll ill tile State. Let 'there boa genera! rally oil at llie uialo institute. In I Aten. Cn Christmas day, Mr. M. 11. I’maski presented to Mr. B. of CVmouu caunty, a beauliittl gold watch and chain.' Mr. P. propped some month* since, lo give each <d hi* et'slainier* who bought guGti.e from In n to the amount ot Jjj.jt.), i.u equal eiiauee at the watch. Consequently a lLt of all such were kc\.t, and on.tlio ;fbove day a committee of three diCnter csterl gentlemen wre chosen to con duct the “,'' which was done by lumbering each name on the list, and placing tickets in a box containing corresponding mi labors. Alter being ih .roughly mixed i; was agreed that one ticket bo drawn and the name on the list m., !,.g y, corresponding number u> the ikket drawn should ieccivo the .watch.— The ticket being diaty, aad its ipmi ber being 30, which was the same as Mr. Snow’s name on the list, he was accordingly awarded the pres ent. • ■« Thanks.—Had it not been lor the Ihouglitfulncss of our friend Joseph T. Ividdoo, Christmas would have gone by default with us this year, He fully appreciated our wants , raid knowing our “weakness/’ in- due time Sent us a couple ts packages, containing a- quart each of “Pure Old Madeira,” and “Fine Old Cog nac.” Now we don’t pretend to put ourself up as a judge of such “goods,” but will just say, “without any fear of successful contradic tion,” they were fine and highly appreciated. Tiie Cutubkut Factory.—We are glad to learn the difficulties as to a clear title to the real estate be longing to the Cuthbeft Factory,' havo all been removed, and that their is a strong probability oi the machinery remaining and being operated here, instead of being re moved to Chattanooga, as stated a lew* weeks since. With buildings specially erected for tho # business,•the machinery al ready up, and real estate* : official t to admit of aIP desired improve ments and enlargements, we are in clined so the belief the propritors will-operate here, where the staple can be had for manufacturing with out either freight or storage ex penses, and where, too, their fabrics can reach a market direct, without any delay. “With .the roads com plected to this point,—now nearly graded—we can think of no point embracing superior or epual advan tages to our own for such an enter prise. Wo hope to hear the busy burn of the spindle and loom in our midst,, before the return ‘of spting, which will enable our people to wear their own staple, manufatured in our own town, by our own peo peoplc, insled of that manufac tured in the East, County Eleciion.— Considerable interest was manifestei on the Ist, by some of the candidates who had opposition ftfr some of the offices, and it required the official vote of the county to determine the" success ful candidate. The following shows the result: For Ordinari/, Gonnier, 971, Peacock, 141, For Clerk Superior Court, Pnrkersoii, 10G4 - Jeffries, 2-3. For ShcriJ-', •Smith, 5G1),. Barry, 550. For Tax Receive:’, Bedding, 1138- no opposition. For Tax Collector, Watson, 1078, Phipps, 50. For Treasurer, Coleman, 52-5, Puckett, 405. Bragan, 125. 1). C. Andrews was elected Coun ty Surveyor, and Sam Rigsby Coro ner. Christmas comes hut once a year, and if I did’ul get any bettor treat ment than lie sometimes gets I wouldn’t care whether Icauie at all, or not. It is true, he has been Wel comed with every demonstration of brimstone and alcohol; phi.-jigs, sky rockets. Thos Jeremiuh-Egg-Ndg; etc., have done theirjbest to make the time pass agreeably to the old man. Discord celebrating the advent of the Prince of Peace* But there is an acheing void that even firecrack ers fail *(o iiil successfully. Willi the printer this void occurs mostly about the pocket, and he feel* that he is getting too big to be filling Iris pockets with crackers, at this late day. Speaking of pocket* reminds me of l\ startling little episode that transpired last \Veck. I guess that everybody knows what sundcrack ’e:s or torpedoes are--s;une kfud of tilings the Yankees used to blow up Confederato “rams” with. .( We had a:i old ram tliat blew one of tiieni up when he tiied to capture him,, in the time of Sherman’s great march.) Well every innocent look ing darkey had shoved a l‘ew pack age., of ilu -so treacherous little cun eerus, that won’t bear squeezing, in to ids breaches pockets 5 no doubt laying the fullering unction to his hear!, that lie would have .a good tune popp ng “dent crackers.” A as for human expectations! l’oo eagerly lie pressed against .the coun ter, Lasting his eyes upon good things that wuse out-of his reach. Suddenly a deafening report broke upon tiie startled air. Every “cus sed to"pcdo” had exploded at once. Bmoking. fragments of unmentiona bles and shirt na<raiive strewed the surroundings. “The boy, O wliar was he?” The smoke liking itself upon the passing breeze, disclosed to- view —but no Pll not make tiie disclosure: Be est of clothes and crackers too, that Lightened dar key homeward flew. Morel lt’s ail luck -whether or not wo enjoy Christinas. But Christmas lias now gone. Can we look back upon one well spent? Have we tried to make those .r ound us happy ? Have we made glad the hearts of the li-ttleoncs with toys, etc., during lids period, which of all their life they look for ward to with most anticipation ? Have we finally, sufficiently -endeav ored to make glad our own hearts with eggnog and Midi like ? These are important questions. No more toe a while shall those pestiferous in dentions of the “heathen Chinee” break the quiet of our streets,-start ling nervous old women. For this we are not sorry, but regret that the time for manufacturing eggnog is now out of date. This glorious combination fully realizes the idea of the bard in mixing the useful with the exliileraling. However we can stiff drink to Christmas past. Adieu Christmas! Requiescat in eggnog ! llores joy for thy frolics tears for thy eggnog, but death to thy firecrackers ! 2M Quod. ' ' LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, ■ ; Wholesale Druggists, 178 Congress Street and Market Square, SAVANNAH, Ga. HAVING one of the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE SIOOKB at the South, we can now offer Extra. Inducements to Druggists and Mer'ebants* Our long experience in business, is a sufficient guarantee of the PURITY and GENUINENESS, of all Goods sold by us. Wo keep always on baud a Large and Well Selected Stock of. jOrngs, Perfumery and Toilet Aki-ticles., Soaps of* all kinds, I*aints, Oils, Varnishes, St<s KEISOSIIVE OIL, i:% AXY QUANTITY FROM 1 TO 500 Bbls. . DRUGGISTS GR©€ESIIES, via j Sole Manufacturers and .Proprietors of ARABIAN BITTERS, an Old and Sellable Ton ic ; BLARE’S 'FEBRlfTjfjfi, a sure preventive and cure of Chills and Fever, Dumb Agues, etc., Intermittent, Remittent and all Fevers arising from Malaria. t&m See Certificate below. ■“ 1 • . ' . . . " HLAKE’S WORM Sure X>entli to Woims. POWDESRs, HORSES AND CATTLE ; STANARD'S LINIMENT, FOR MAN AND BEAST. ORDERS ATTENDED TO WITH PROMPTNESS AND DISPATCH. ’ < • - • LAW&ENE & WEITCHSEBAUM, Wholesale Druggists. PIIILADEJAHIIA, July llth, 1872. I hereby certify that I have examined a sample of the FEBRIFUGE CIIINOIDINE COMPOUND, prepared by MESSES. LAW It NCE & WEICHSELBAUM, and find it to be entirely free lrom Arsenic, Mercury ot* other injurious mineral substances. Having also examined the formula by which it is prepared, lam satisfied that it contains ingredients of Undoubted Febrifuge properties. , oct!8 3m HENRY LEFFMAN, iM. D. Analytical Chemist,' 417 Walnut St., Philadelphia. LOCAL DELUUITM'EXT ACI'S with ireutleiiet'S au.t thoronftln-ees uiion ilie Liver ami HdiieiaVOiiculation —tec-ps Ilie linxvels iu natural motion amt cleatiSeß th<* sti-m from all in-i'niitii-a. Nev er fails t<cure Live r |i)i*. 0. IS. Pro])hltt Sj:_) iseas n an, mu —— VMsamm ßaaalfo rm I Torpidity, n)bpeptsta, lmii>;ea tion lobs of A; petite, Nauaea, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn,Debility, Low Spiriiß.Cold Feet, an I Halids, Costiveue.-s. Cliolic, Clirouic Diatfhea, and Chronie Cliilla and Fever. Compounded in -trictaccordance with bkiil tul chemistry ami, scientific pharmacy, tins i-urely V.-aeiMlile (’onuvmnd In.s. af erthe se verest »f twenty years inecp OhUhlißA l Eilis ant ( use. Restorative aud KeCnperaiu by the eiiliyltien ed testimony of tlioneamls Ufton' it; so liioniously m’jmtcd keeps the Liver in lieallbfutßciiou ; nnd when the directions am observed the process, of waste and replenish ment in tiie human ry.-tem continues Uninter ruptedly to a ripe old ave, and, btc ! lie patriarchs of tld. drops into itie yrave. full of years, witlv ut a s'vntrjK. winm-ve.r Death Haims hi- f e r ogit . nve. Agbhcr fficdidne.|i.i pted t<> t lie nmsi”-^«BBBaBEa»SESKKJ*^. --I el i c ate tnUperanient and robust Can be g i v«n with equal safety and certainty ot success to tiie younK child, invalid lady or strong man. • ... For sale bv T. 8. POWELL, aud J. J. xldonald. P km) ! lit-: ,\ i)!! Read!!!—lt is well known lo Doctors and. Ladies, that wo men are subject to numerous diseases pecu liar to their sex—sticlt as suppression of the Menses. Whites. Painful Mouthly Periods, Rheumatism of the back and Womb, Irregu lar Menstruation, Hemorrhage or Excessive -■ Flow,” and Prolapsus Uteri, or lulling ot the Wogb. The profession has in vain, tor many years, souglit diligently lor some rem edy lint would enable them to treat these diseases with success At lust that remedy hag been discovered, by one of the mostskill- Utl physicians in-ucotgia. That remedy is Er. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator’ bloiiininti in all her Pristine Beauty Sti enoth and Masticity—Tried Doctor after Doc , tor. Ruti.KDOK. Ga.. Feb'. 16, IST 1. This is to certify Unit my wife was an in valid for six years. Had disease ol the wiunb, attended with headache,-weight in lower pari of tiie back j suflerpd irotu i»n iiuor,' exhaustion and nervousness, loss ap petite and flesh. Sue had become so ex hausted aiid weak. her. friends were appre heflsive she would never get well. I tided doclorafterdoctcr and many patent medicines —had <!i paired of her improve ment.when for tunatciv she conjuieuci'd taking Dr. J. brail field’s Female Iv gula*'or. She is now well, and three or four bottles cured her. Im proved in health, appetite tutd flesh, slut is blooming in all her pristine beauty, sfrengih •and elasticity. 1 r otat'd you as lu-r swtor jrotn the dark portals ot death, and' tny b n efaclor. May your shadow never grow less, and you-never become weary in well doing. .11>!IV Si! AHF. Fursa’e by J. J. McDONALD and I. S. PJVYLLL. - Cokhect Tun Stomach.— It is a well as certained phystO'gmal Dct the effyinot most of the ills that; fllict humanity is a devan'jed condition of the alimentary canal. The bowels b come constipated anil slnjjp.i'-h and thence arises a trail of painful and dis tressing maladies. As. a pieventbe and cure, their Is no remedy so safe and sure as Dr. Tutt's Vegdabie Liver Pills. Wl-t Point. G-'.,Scpt, 8, 1871. IF. 11. Tittl: Dear Hr.—l have been an invalid fer five years, tufti have with fortitude atid patience tried nearly every patent medicine known to the people without anv effectual re'-, f. It was oiigeeslcd by some of tny b. lend* to take your .Vegetable I’ills, for which I * ,n under obligation for suit! suggestion. It being a favorable one. 1 propose to sin e the effects. I weigh more than 1 ever did, and tay health is far belter liir.u it hash'an in five yea. 3. I certainly give al' rIt•; ct edit to your L’i't- ; and as .-oeu as the;e is an increase iu the lamiiy. you inry bet if it is a male that his name shall be Tell. Publish if yon choose. J. A. DONALDSON. Dr. Tati's lie’" Dye acts like Magic. Tali auassee, Florida. Aug. 25, ISCB. M 'ssrs. Zeilen & Co.— Our Junior editor has tried year Liver Regulator and is taking it now, ami Pads it in ra’uble to dim a= a corrector of the slomac’.i and regulator of ti:e bowels. At i'cles of diet that he da; .and not indulged in before taking your Liver Medi cihe,*lie.cau now'cat sritit impunity. Very truly, DYKES & SPARHAWK, E lliots Floridian. But-.ders and Contractors Spl c; \l NoTicy.-rrDoors, Sashes, Blinds Window and ,>late Glass, Builders Furnishing Hardware, Mouldings- Stair Fixtures, Marble and Slate Mantlepieees, Encaustic Fluor Tiie, Drain Pipe*, Jce., &., at’lowest whole sale prices, at the great Southern Factory of P. P. Toale, Charleston, S. C. send for his price i;«t. I THAT CANNOT BE THE nndenigned ;,re still in the Warehouse and Commission Business, !tt their tit-w nin! colranodions location, on Depot Sttreet. with ut-erior iudnrements to those of former year*. To the Planter* of Randolph and adjacent counties, we hope, by personal attention to business to tive general satisfaction and merit a patronage. Liberal advances made ou cotton in store, for shipment to our friend* iu Macon, Savannah and New York. Personal attention given to the sale of Cotton, Bagging, Ties, Bacon, bard, Flou*, Sugar, Coli'-e, Syrup. Corn. Meal, (hits, Rye, Tobacco, Snuff. Soap, Potash, Soda, Starch, Cnfmlt-s, Oysters, CTie. se, Crackers, Sardines, Yeast Powders, Cotton Screws, (Tins, Buggies and.liar n-ss. Wagons good as the la as the cheapest, warranted twelve months. Agent for Wilt-ox, Gibbs & Co.’s Manipulated Guano, aud Phoenix tiuauo, the best Ferti.izers now in use at the price. Wagon and Stock vard, with ample arrangements for feeding and lieing, WVlt, Rooms with fireplaces furnished teamsters free. *L“pti3-4ui 12. McDonald &, co. ITAMKS ROSs, Manufacturer and Dealer in . Carnages, Saddles, Harness, Trucks, 1 SHOE FINDINGS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, Metallic Ilurial Cases, etc. CARRIAGES and BUGGIES Repaired at CHEAP RATES EUrAXI A, ALA. EUPAg-ent for the Howe Sewing Blaclime. . oct-lv JE. WALLtAOE, ' STATIONEBY, Etc. NOTE and Letter Paper, Manilla and Straw Wrapping Paper, GAP and BUI, Puper'Baors, Branded, Book and Newff Colton Flour Sacks, Medicated paper, Shafting Tags, Folios, Twine of all • Dujtivs, etc., . Kinds, Envelopes all sizes and grades, Letter copying books and presses, Blank Memonfnda and Pass Book’s, Pens and Pencils, Colored medium palter, Rules, Conks all sizes and grades, Ink stands’, Card'Board, Paper Files, Playing cards, Letter and paper racks, Draught Boards and men, Writing and Printing Inks’, Chess-Boards and men, _ Rubber-;, Dice, etc. Erasers, etc. 185 S3t-, G-A. nov-22-ly P. O. Box 841. New Goods! Fall Stock, 1872! I have again-furnished myself with a complete stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods. Also, a complete stock ot Groceries, Hardware, Crockery-ware, YCoodw are, Drug’s, Fite. I invite all my friends and'customers la CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, AND HEAR MY PRICES. I feci confident you will not go away without buying. lam selling goods cheap and no ono is underselling mo. To be convinced call and see me. Some have been oweing me, one, two, and three years, it is useless for me to sfly to them 1 am needing money. Respectfully, oetlS-ti ISAAC EASLEY. , New Bacon and Bulk Meats ! MEW SWEET RED GRAVY HAMS, M AID CHOICE, LIGHT, COLORED AID THICK SYRUPS' IVew and Choice Mackerel, NEW AND CHOICE- FAMILY -FLOUR, A Large Lot of Chairs, .A laarge Lot of Bedsteads, And decidedly the best stock of Goods kept in any one Store iu Geor gia—all of which lain selling cheap. IMCo 3ESL. CS-iaxiirsL. JEST Book sent Iv3JL I]> A G f J free. ATdieaa Eugie Book Go., UMu n-y ct N N. Y. BULLS. Essilv triple whft ourSten l.rJ Mfg Go., (Ml, Fulton 1 1. , i\. Y. . MONTGOMERY PAPER & PAPER BAG WARE HOUSE \ COOSA StKfcEft (OppoMte Ist Church,) SIGN OF RED FLAG HZ <3 3NT ‘X* <£3r O 3&Z U 1 37L iLXjA.Sa.MA. . • Thos. NX. Ternnn & Cos., • • « Wrapping Paper of eveiy description, Paper Bae*. Salchel-Hottoui tt i*«f S aks, Twines, and everythinu kept iu n firel-tluss vVlndesale Paper House. Fanry business CUrds printed npiftt P,.per in all orders, tit .fl.t'S per thousand extra. This, tie tiers will lind a method of advertising both cheap and practical. We have facilities uuiqiutlcd and can furnish GoOds in above hue lower tliau any market South. Conntry Dealers ren dispose of Damaged aud Waste Cotton, Cotton Rags, Sc. c., for cash at the Inaliest niHiket pric-es. Printers will here liud ft to their interest to order their stock, as a superior article is always OD band at Alannlaetnror s prices for t-aslt. . ’ For lurtlier particulars send for Price List. Circulars. *novß-3m Don’t tho Flaoo. XjJLNVTOffST BATES, Wholesale Grocers and Coianissioii Icrcbaots, —DEaYLERS Cora, Oats, Hay, Bacon, Lari, Flour, Siar, Coffee, Molasses BAGGING,-TIBS, JE r JTO., POUH.TII STJiEET, ----- MacoaGa. j oct!S-3nt • • * r ar. ys -t- wr-rnriL 'fawg masr m 11 jprFU’i^Hp—bh—bibwb—^ GO TO OWEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO OWEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO OWEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO 4>WEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO mVEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO OWEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO OWEN & SEALEY’S, GO TO OWEN & SEALLY’S, AND SHE THETR NEW GOODS, AND SEE TIIEIR NEW GOODS. AND SEE THEIR NEW GOODS. - - * AND SEE TIIEIR NEW GOODS. AND SEE THEIR NEW GOODS. AND SEE THEIR NEW GOODS, AND SEE TIIEIR NEW GOODS. AND SEE THEIR NEW GOODS, [Messrs. Owen & Sealey, having contracted for this epaee, wero too busy opening their large Stdtek of Goods, aud waiting t«>* write out their advertisement. Ttiey will’have it ready by next issue. In the mean time all would be well paid by heeding the above.] CLOT-KING STORE! _o IV XS W ATTRACTIONS GRAND DISPLAY) FINE Fa'hlonsbic Snit«; Talma* and Overcoat* for the holiday*: flnr*t French Bo**m Shirt*; Noveltie* in Ti>-* and Serfs; th<* new Broailway Hat, Scr. ; Merchant-Tailoring Es tablishment is replenishing with a'l the latent Pattern* for Coat*, Pant* mid Vests. All Goods WARRANTED, and price* lower than any House in South-West Ga. or Ala. - Isaac SS', dec6-lm Clothier aud Merchant Taylor, Eufuula, Ala. ffPHOMAS WOOX>, NEXT TO LANIEK IIOUBE MACON, GA., DEALER IN Fine Furniture, Chairs, Mattresses, and Spring liSed^, PARLOR SUITES In PM, Hair, doth ad ■ Reps.- BEDROOM SUITS IN GREAT VAIUETY-MAUBLE AND WOOD TOPS. Georpelis db Oil Glotlis. A FINE a-soitment of Brussels, Tapestries, 3 p'y, -2 ply, Wool Dutch, Cottage and Hemp Rill'S, Mats and Drugget*. Nottingham Lace Curtains, Lunibraquins, made to order in a)iy ttyle. Window .Slijicles, Wall Paper, Uii Clothe', (table au.t tloor> Mat.bur etc. All the above at exceedingly low prices. . celll-3tu