Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, November 16, 1877, Image 2

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THE APPEAL.! By JAS. P. SAWTEIL. CUTHBERT: FRIDAY, Nov. 16, 1877. FOR SENATOR: Hon. JOHN T. CLARKE, OF RANDOLPH. FOli REPRESENTATIVE : jas. j. McDonald. Our Agents. The following are authorised to act as agents for the Appeal, and receive and receipt for suhecrip tiuns. Our friends at these points ."can call on their respective agent and subscribe for or renew subscrip tions to the Appeal : Ceorgetown— J. E- Dozier. Hatchers Station—J. !l. Hatcher. Morris Station—E. J. Harden. Fort Fames—E. A. Kt-es. Coleman Station—J. E. and J. N. Bigbie. Cotton Hill—T.P. Jester. Spring Vale—F. M. Garner. Beocvolencc—J. J. Corns. Morgan, Calhoun county -T- M. Coram. Weston, Webster Co.— M. L. Saunders. Quarantine has been removed at Pensacola. There are 7,000 lakes in the State of Minnesota. Foster Blodgett died in Atlanta on Monday tuorniug last of typhoid fever. A heavy frost is reported both at Port Royal, S. C., and Fcrnandinu, Fla., Sunday night. An old negro woman died at Milledgeville a few days ago aged one hundred and twenty years. The days of sausage and spare ribs are coming, the gladdest of the year. Patronize our schools. The best legacy you can give your children 19 a good education. The Russian losses since the com mencement of hostilities have been sixty-four thousand eight hundred and one men. ltev. W. P. Harrison formerly of Atlanta, has been elected Chaplain of the House of representatives at Washington. Vicksburg Herald : We will veil' ture to assert that the cotton crop has been injured by continued bad weather, since the first of Septem ber, at least thirty per cent. The law makes a witness swear that he will tell the whole truth, so help him, and then it imposes rules of evidence by which he is not per*, mitted to tell it. A tenement has been discovered in New York city, iu which ninety nine families, aggregating nearly 500 persons, are living. Some of the rooms contain several families each. A farmer in the upper portion of Hart county bought a sack of gu ano to try it. He paid freight, paid for scattering, ete., picked out near ly all the cotton that was raised cu land he put the guano > sold it and lacked one dollar and a quarter of paying for the guano. Refunding the Cotton Tax.— The proposition before Congress to render this tardy act of justice to the South, has taken anew shape, under a resolution offered in the House by a member from Alabama. This asks that the money be voted to each State for educational put*' poses, on the ground that it would be impossible to reach the ownors of the cotton. Executive Committee. Fort Gaines, Clay County, ) November 10th, 1877. ) Agreeably to an appointment, the esc-eeuitii'c eoDiiuittee of the Demos cratio party of Clay county assem bled at the Court House on Saturs day, the 10th inst., tor ik-e purpose of electing a chairman to fill the va cancy‘caused by the resignation of (the Hon. JR. E. Kennon ; and to •take such other actions as the ne cessities ot the party required. The meeting was then organized by electing tho lion, I. J. Saunders as temporary chairman, and S. A. JdcLendon as secretary. The objoct of the meeting was ex plained by the chairman, and on njQt,ion of Mr. W. B. Ilattaway, -Col. G. V- Morris was unanimously .elected penyauejit chairman of said poninjittpe, by acclamation. It was, on motion, resolved that jthe chair;nan of said committee .call the voters of Clay county together on the fourth Saturday (24th day), .of this present month, to convene at the Court Hogse in fort Qaities at eleven o’clock a. m,, for the pur ]t.ose of nominating a candidate to represent the county in the next Legislature. It was or. ipotjon of Ifop-YV 7 , a. Graham, Resolved , That we cordially en*. dorse the nomination of Judge John T. Clarke, pf liapjolph, as our can-, didate for Senator iu this district, and hereby pledge oqr individual, and united efforts to sepurp his tri umphant eleption on the mp. Oo motion, Resolve#, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Cuthbert Appeal and CuthbertMes senger. I. J. Saunders, Tern. Chairman. s. A. McLendon, Sec’y. Another County Heard From, Editor Appeal : Much has been said and hinted at, of late, in the Messenger, and through other sources, concerning Mr. Tumlin’s great friendship and charitable deeds toward lire poor people of our county. They have actually attempted to draw the line by styling Tumlin the “ poor man’s candidate,” and McDonald the “ rich man’s candidate.” Is it pos sible that they would attempt by such insinuations to make us believe that Mr. McDonald was the enemy of the poor man ? If so, I tell >ou it is too thin, it won’t bear inspec tion; they must drum up a better subtifuge than this to gull the un suspecting voter or operate upon the sympathies of the poor, for I tell you, they have learned to their sot row what “Tumlin Charity” means. The facts in this matter are to the contrary, and I defy them to meet us with the proof. 1 have been ii • timate with McDonald from boy hood, have had many transactions with him and know something of his business transactions with many others, and I have yet to hear of a single instance where lie ever op pressed any man. And I can say to his credit, that during the past sea son he never exacted S2O per barrel for Hour, 18 cents per pound for ba con, and 20 cents per yard for Ma con sheeting, and then have the im pudence to prate about his charita ble deeds towards the poor of our county. And I am prepared to prove (or retract what I say, if it is pro ven to the contrary) that during the past season, McDonald sold the prime necessities of life 25 per cent, cheaper than Tumlin. Now', come forward with the books, and let the people see to whom the merit be longs j and I mean what I say when I ask you to submit, your testimony Make a fair, honest showing in this matter or else stop this everlasting brag and gush about Tomlin’s char ity' towards the poor.; cease your attempts to perpetrate such an iin position upon the good sense of our people by such empty declarations, lor I tell you that many of these men have paid him dearly for this kindness, and your own good sense should teach you how very ridicu lous and impudent it seems in the eyes of the people to be bragging about this matter. A short time since, Mr. Tumlin went into bank ruptcy, and the presumption is that, lie surrendered all his property. I have the best authority for saying that he now claims to be worth $20,- 000, and the question naturally arises, where did he, and how did he accumulate this large sum in so short a tune? I will do him ihe jus tice to believe, that he made it all honestly in those charitable enter prises of his that w’e hear so much about here of late. I never did think it commendable iu a man to do a kindly act, and thou bore one to death by tolling him of it all the time, when he had no motive in view in doing it. Witness our friend Tutnlin’s appeal to the colored vo ters, published in the “Messenger.” “ Never did go on a colored man’s bond, only that they might have a fair trial before our courts. ” Now, is this an intimation that they would not get a fair trial if Tumlin did not go on their bonds ? 1 Wonder if he had w fair trial in view when he went on Reuben Richard’s bond ? One of the most responsible men in this place stands ready to swear that he told him that he had Reu ben now where he oould use him, and that during his (Tumlm’s) ab sence in Atlanta that he must see that he was not convicted, for he had a use for him hereafter. But Tumlin never had a motive in view, ouly wmnts a fair trial. -It is said that during the camp meeting of our Methodist colored brethren, Tumlin did open his heart and “Hing” in $lO. Sometime since a caucus w’as held in their church and it was argued by those who favored Tumlin, that inasmuch as Tumlin had “ flung ” in the mon ey, all should go for him. But there happened to be some of McDonald’s colored friends present, when they arose and “ perfected''' They did noi want to sell out orbring politics in to the church, and happily this lit tle motive was killed out. 1 am pleased to note that Mr. T. has, even at this late date, realized the demoralizing influence of his campaign, and what a bad effect it is having upon the labor of out county ; am sorry that he failed to see this before, and we promise him now, that if lie will only exercise a little patience we will in, a short time put him where lie will not trouble us again. Justice. Died. — Near Cuthbert, Ga., on Saturday, Nov. 10th, little Charlie, adopted son of Charley E Clarke, aged four months and thirteen days. He lived as peaceful as a dove, He died as blossoms die ; And now his spirit floats above With angels iu the sky. Look to Your Interest. All persons indebted to the firm of Boone & Dixson will please come forward and settle, as the time of year for settlement is at hand, and we are compelled to have money the firm will soon change, tf Boone Dixson. New Song Books. T EMPIRE HARP, TEMPLE STAR. For sale by T. S. POWELL, Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer IVotioe* AT a primary meeting held on the 13th iust , the undersigned was requested to invite all tho Physicians (iu good standing in the profession) of Randolph, to meet in Cuth bert on the isth day of December next, to transact business of importance to tbe facul ty. Physicians in adjoining couuties. wish iug to unite with us, are invited to attend, novlbot W. B. TACKETT. Blackwell’s Durham Smoking Tobacco. For sale by T- S. POWELL, Druggist, Bookseller uud Stationer: New Advertisements. Grand Jury Presentments. FIRST WEEK. We, the Grand Jurors, chosen and sworn for the first week of November Term of Ran dolph Superior Court, 1877, beg leave to make the lollowing General Presentments : We have examined the Public Buildings of the county as thoroughly as it could be done, by Committees uppo nted from our , body. The Court House is in very good condition. The Jail has five windows and three doors needing repairs. W e also recom mend that a partition be put up across the large cell, for the safety of female prisoners, and in some of the cells the ceiling should be more securely fastened. The Jail is kept as clean as could be expected iu a house oj the kind ; and the prisoners seem to be well cared for, and appear to be iu as good health as their condition will allow. The many es capes during the present year, from our coun ty prison, confirm us in the belief that theie has been a degree ot carelessuess or negli gence manifested in Ihe keepers of the Jail that is not warranted and is condemned by this body. Our Committee on Public Roads report them in good condition, except tbe Bridge known as the Hay bridge across the Pnchitla Creek on the Cutbbirt aud Albany road, which we recommend the Ordinary to have repaired and put iu good order as soon as practicable. And the Bridge across the l’a taula creek, known as the Yarliorough Bridge should be rebuilt without delay. We also recommend that the Hoad known as the Cuthbert and Morgan Road, leading trom .Mrs. Harvey’s to Bird Maury’s be done away as a Public Road, and be made a pri vate Road \ and the opening aud making public the road leading from A. B. Hendry’s direct to the Cuthbert and Morgan road, known as the District line roid. The Public Records have all been exam ined, and so f*r as we are able to judge or ascertain, have been neatly and correctly kept. We have had before our body the books ot the Justices of the Peace, Notaries Public and llie ex Officio Justices, and careful ex amination find their Books in keeping with the laws of the State regulating tbe duties of such officers. It bus been made our duty too to examine the Tax Digest for the present year. We find the maximum valuation of improved lands to be $S per acre, and the minimum value of about 72 cents per acre. There is no uni formity in the valuation of the taxable prop erty of the county, and we have takeu the tunics of purlieu who have not valued their properly correctly and will report them to the proper authorities as the law directs, that we may have a more uniform system of tax- ntion. . From the books And written r port of the Treasurer we find tbe indebtedness of tbe comity to be $6 D47.-1G Assets of county as follows : Fi fa on J.U B. Watson, $2.140 08 •• •• Taos. Coleman, 652 37 “ “ W. F. Davis, 4,600 00 Ord’r *• Terrell County, 530 90 $7,923 35 Balance in favor of county, $975 92 To cash on band last r-p't, $124.87 Received since last report, 238.45 $363.32 Disbursem'ts since last lt'pt, $330 90 Balance on band, 32 43 $363.32 We recommend that twenty-five per cent, ot Fi fa against J. G- It. Watson be collected at once by the Ordinary ; and that the li fa against W. F. Davis be reduced to three thou sand dollars during this term of court, and they be allowed until next November term of Court to make final settlement. We earnestly recommend that no tax re ceipts be signed until the money is paid. We recommend that Sarah Dumas be placed on the pauper list at Three Dollars per month. We beg to express our thanks to his Hon or, Wm. D. Kiddoo, fot his kindness and im partial manner in which he discharged his official duties. We also thank Gol. J. T. Flewelleu, Solicitor General, lor his kindness to our body, and other officers of tbe Court. We recommend that these Presentments be published in the Cuthbert Appeal and Mes senger at ball rates. John J. Haki’ek, Foreman, J F Crittenden, Jas. Crapps, N T Crozier, T P Davidson, Wm 11 Ledilen, Jesse C Cobb, B M Garret, Jas M Grubbs, Heury S Crozier, Jas M Duncan, Jnu At Fulton, John G Hammock, John B Dozier, ChasE Clarke, li J Geeslin, Joseph Ethridge, E () Monger, John W Grubbs, J M Ferguson, Jos T Cheshire, R T Dozier, William Ford novlb-lt NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. rpHIS is to give notice that ou the 2d day JL of November, A. D.. 1877, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of JOHN 11. CALLOWAY, of Morris Station,younty of Quitman, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the Payment of any Debts, and delivery of any Property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for bis use, and tbe transfer of any Prop erty by him,are forbidden by law*; that a meeting of the Oeaitors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts,and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoiden at the Register’s office, (joluuibiu, Ga , before Ltmdel T. Downing Esq., Register, ou the 24th day of November, A. D., 1877, at 10 o’clock, A. M. W. 11. SMYTII, novl6-2t U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. [No. 1517,1 NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS is to give notice that on the Bth day of November, A. D., 18*7 a warrant lit Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of MOSES J. HOLLIS, of Georgetown, and county of Quitman, and Slate of Georgia, who has been adjudged Bankrupt ou his own petition, and that tbe payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupts, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbid den by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupts, to prove liis debts aud to cboose| one or more assignees ot bis estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoiden at the Register’s office at Colum bus, Ga., before Lemuel T. Downing, Esq, Register, on the 24th day of November, A. 1). 1877 at It) o'clock, A. M. W. 11. SMYTH, novl(i-2t U. S. Marshal as Messenger. Roller Skating. Powell’s Hall! GENERAL ASSEMBLE Tuesday and Friday Nights, o’clock. For Gentlemen only—Wednesday and Sat urday nights. 7j o’clock. For Ladies only—Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The numbe r of Skates have been increased aud been thoroughly overhauled and putin good order. novlbtf 10 Times Larger! 100 Times lore Grand THAN ANY SHOW EVER SOUTH. P " ■■■■■■■■ " 1 '■■—■" ' 1 AT CUTHBERT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1877 ! Positively Only Two Performances —1 and 7 O'clock, P. M. Coming on 3 Special T rains ! Fifth. Tour of the Continent by Railroad. A Congress ot’Bewildering Attractions! 10,000 Separate and Distinct Novelties. The Earth, the Sea, the Sky are all represented in a VAST WILDERNESS OF EXHIBITION TENTS ! One Ticket Admits to 1. THE '"T’S. SIX ‘ ft • © f* Most Famous f \ Funn Y Of Family / jQLI \ CLOWNS SOCIALS,! ) ioo A PANOPLY \ / Performers, OF J having SPLENDOR! V #<> jsqvazs. W. -X7V. OO Xj New and Greatest Show on Earth. Zoological ami Equestrian Exposition ! A Mammoth Museum! A Stupendous Menagerie! A Famous Circus ! TV• T\ . TOLL Sole Proprietor. The Proprietor of this vast, and unparalleled consolidation of interest inf- and attractive fea tures has for tbe season of 1877, through a life-long experience and a lavish outlay of money Ibe pleasure ot placing before the public the GRANDEST EFFORT OF 111$ LIKE by procuring all the attainable novelties of the Brute Creation from all quarters of the world’ and in comiectiou therewith will be found the most conspicuous Riders, Gymnasts Grotesques and AtTobatic, Male aud Female Artists to be found m any part of the world. This grand and classic entertainment is wholly exempt troni the iuclegancies and coarseness too frequent ly permitted in most of tent exhibitions. Iu this Great Show there is nothing ever presented that a gentleman would hesitate to bring bis family to witness, or]tbc most exacting take ex i ceplions to. Our Superiority Over any Other Show in America! Tho Wonders and Beauties of Nature ! Ten Thousand Ocean Marvels ! The Gaucho Horsemen of the Pampas ! Superb Display of Arenic Prowess ! Monarchs of the Rivers and Jungles of Ij^dia, Africa and South America ! I Challenge the World to Equal My New and Great Show. #IOO,OOO Worth of Golden Tableau Cars and Chariots, like Mountains of Burnished Gold in Sunlight, Extraordinary Features Just Added ! Living- Alaska Oceanic Lions ! (The only specimen of Heal Fur Seals ever upon exhibi.i n ) Baby Elephats, Baby Dromedaries, Baby Lions, Baby Leopards, Den of -Monster Serpents, (Some of which are 50 feet long. A Drove of Bactrian Cornels, A Herd of Elephants, A §20,000 Hippopotamus, Baby Camels, Baby Monkeys, Ba by Tigers, Baby Sea Lions, A Sea Elephant, (Captured in the South Sea.) The Wal rus, Trained and Performing Wild Beasts, (a Specialty m this Show.) 30 Cages, Dens, and Corals of Rare and Curious Animals 1 THE MOST GORGEOUS STREET PAGEANT EVER SEEN! More Wild Beasts More Men aad Horses, More Curiosities, More Magnificent and Gorgeous Wardrobes, Heralds, Kings, Knights. Body-Guards, Ladies of the Court. Soldieis, Battle-Men, Horse-Guards, clad in Armor of Silver, Steel and Gold Platings, FORMING A SCENE OF SPLENDOR NEVER BEFORE EQUALED ! kee the Grand Free Hippodramatic Street Pageant, g_.. • J - ' ! - - - ■■ _ Coming on 42 Railroad Cars. ADMISSION as USUAL, to Cir- Ilorses all in Fine Condition. cus, Menagerie, Aviary, Museum, .AMI Railroads Aquarium, Amphitheatre, & Train kun to and khomJ C( j Animal Exhibitions of Wonders. This New and Great Show Doors open at IP. M. and 7P. At Cheap Rates to All, |M. l 200 Cushioned Opera Seats. REMEMBER! Only One Ticket required for all advertised exhibitions of the GREAT SHOW OF THE WORLD ! WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT EUFAULA, NOY. 26. Admission, d© Cculs $ Children Cents. Money is scctree and (iyliter times ahead. Notwithstanding these facts I have purchased for the Fall and Winter trade the most extensive and complete Stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Domestics, Jeans, Stripes, Osnaburgs, Shawls, etc., ever offered in Cuthbert. My Stock ol* Ready-Made Olotliing’, Boots, Shoes, IlatK, Crockery TV are, o in*, Tobacco, Cigars Etc., is also iiill aad complete. I ( ATT BE UNDERSOLD! M 'J Price * to Pleme the §#-Mine is the-g j CLOSEST BUYER I Otkeap Cash. Store ! I I take the lead in Reduced Prices and duality of Goods, therefore make ycur money go as far as possible and buy of me. CX* 1 HAVE THE GOODS IN STORE YOU NEED, AND AM DETERMINED TO SELL. CONSEQUENTLY CASH BUYERS WILL CONSULT THEIR OWN INTEREST BY CALLING AND EXAMINING MY STOCK AND PRICES BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHASES. IT WILL BE NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU MY GOODS AND PRICES. CALL ANI) SEE. octotf D. K.EMPKTE3R.- CWESTf ALADDIN . A SONS’] SECURITY OIL THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE*. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire-Test WATER WHITE IN COLOR. Fully Deodorized* WILL NOT EXPLODE HIGHEST AWARD AT Centennial Expositior For Excellence of Manufacture AND HIGH FIRE TEST. Endorsed by the Insurance Companies. Head this Certificate —One of Many. Howard Fire Iksi-rance Cos. of Bat.timor: Baltimore, Dec. 23d, 1874.— Messrs. C. West <f Son. Gentlemen: Having used the various oils sol in this city for illuminating purposes, I take plea. l ure in recommending your “Aladdin Securit Oil ” as the safest and best ever used in onr boost hold. Yours truly, [Signed] ANDREW REESE, I’rcsidcn Manufactured by C. WEST & SOIVS, Baltimore Try it, and you will use no other., , For sale by T S. PC WELL, Books-llcr, Diuggi-it and Stationer. R. S. BROWN HAS returned to Cuthbert for the purpose of again engaging In Boot and Shoe Making, Repairing, etc , in bis accustomed satbfacto - ry style. lie guarantees satisfaction in eve - ry department. Call and sec him, at bis father’s old stand, ou Depot Street. hUgl7tljaul Come and See MY BTOCK OF Boots, Shoes & Hats. TAKE a linle time, and thoroughly past yourself before buying. It will pay you. lam now receiving the Best Assorted Stock of Goods! In my line, I have ever offered to my custe mers. The prices too are nuch as cannot lai to please the most careful buyer. SST" No trouble to show you Goods, so come along, one and all, aud be convinced that what I say is true. sepl4ct A. W. GILLESPIE. We Have Received* ELIXIR Ferro Plios. Calisara Bark. “ lodo-Bromide Calcium Comp. Tenney’s Extract and Copaiba. Kennedy’s Salt Rheum Ointment. Isaacson’s Sure Pop. Turner’s Neuralgia Pills. Allen’s Lung Balsam. Horsford’s Bread Preparation, Pierce’s Golden M ti if, sc >eory. “ Pellets,Gil? G i i-.) M. Caylns’ Capsules, Cnpebs and Copaiba. Jenning’s Magnesia. Base Balls and Bats. For sale by T. S. POWELL, Druggist, Bookseller. Station or, Cuthbert Male Institute. A Scientific and Classical School for Boys. Prof. W. S. DUDLEY, % D„ Principa sept2Ltf A A AA* A w will fUJI ff?yvyvv ym I Wo have the pleasure of offering the citizens of Randolph mid ad joining counties the Cheapest and Best Stock of Goods ever offered in thi* market, divided into* 12 Different Departments. 1 Dry Goods, In Groat Quantity. 2 Notions, • In Great Variety, Q Hosiery, Gloves, and Ribbons—the Latest and best Styles. A Clothing. # We have from the vcry best to good and substantial Clothing. Hats, Caps, V * and Umbrellas. Come and see the latest styles. 0 Boots and Shoes, ' You cant help buying from us in this line. •7 Saddles and * • Harness. Saddles at $3 00; Good Harness for $lO 00. Q Crockery and GLASSWARE. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Q Hardware and TIN WARE. We sell the Great Western Cun® Mill. IQ Groceries. Our Stock in this line is very complete. 11 Confectioneries. * Come get something good for the children. 10 Plantation * Medicines, Stationery, Etc. Come and get something t read, and Medicines for the sick. Our store is 145 feet deep, and full that we have only room for the customers to pass up and down the aisles. Business opens well. We are thankful for the long and eontin* ued patronage bestowed on us, and we feel very hopeful as to the fu ture. Owen & Ska lev. sept2ltf Grand Opening! PaHhionn 18TT Mrs, e. gijssoxT" East iiu <*l y-ttMie Sqaart, has now Becsiived ami opened her Fall Stack of New and Fashionable Goods, To which she invite* attention. Having se lected her stock in person, 'with great care,, she lecls continent of Iter ability to suit all in style and prices. Her stock is very complete it every department, embracing every article in the millinery line. sep2*-ct Tinware. Wholesale and re tail, cheaper than you ever thought it could be sold* Guttering and job work done at bottom prices. JNO. M. ANTHONY, Manufacturer of Tinware. A FINE STOCK OF Tobacco, HEAP, Medium, and Fine Tobaccos. For sale by T. 8. POWELL, Druggist, Bookseller aud Stationer: BThe Great Cause HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure ot Seminal Weakness, or. Spermatorrheea. induced by Self-Abuse, In voluntary Emissions, Impotency. Nervous Debility, aud to Marriage gen erally ; Consumption, Epilepsy and fits ; Mental aad Physical Jncaoae-iiv, etc. by ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, * M. D„ an. they oi the “ Green Book,” etc. 4116 world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex perience, that the awful consequences of Self-. Abase may be effectually removed without medicine, aud without dangerous surgical op erations. bougies, instrumejts, rings, or cord’s als; pointing out <\ mode at cure at once cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition tnssy be, may cure himself cheaply, privately aud Radically. This Lpctbie will pjfoye a, ba mta thousands aud thousands. Sent under seal ty, a plain envelope, to. any address post-pgid, on receipt of six cents oi two postage stamps. Andress the publishers, THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL Cos . 41 Aon st„ New York ; Pest office Bug, 4^86,