Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 21, 1884, Image 3

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WILL ARRIVE AT Spring Vale Department : Editor THE SHOE STORE Almost every week from now until Christmas. I have bought a Tremendous Stock oi Shoes and Hats 1 am determined to sell them if low prices and ; thies to the Weaved parents and their home pa [•cr,which advertise for the Fall Trade.; n fair dealing wili do it. Come everybody and invest ynnr money where yon can realize return. Yours Very ResnectfuMv, AV. I ). 13A.ILKY- July 31 ly.—aug 14 ct. Died. A U'orU iIt St-:isoi*. I.i>( Jiirors. M iss Lizzie Mathews, only Our Job Department is com ! Drawn to serve at the Xovca daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. | pletc, and we arc prepared to do her Term of Randolph Superior j FRANK A, EATON .Mathews, died on the IGth ins!.,! any kind of job work that may Ik Court: 1 I of typhoid fever, after si lingering | needed by our merchants or eiti j grand jtkors. ! illness of several weeks. She was zens. I>o not send your job work : Gormley, M. Wall. Thos. a’out fifteen years old, a member away from home, but pationize i ^tandley, Sands Grayson, II. i. ( of the Methodist church, and the your own home office, tliat does. I possessor of a sweet and lovely so much free work for the citv. disposition, which made her he- Our people should rctneralter that j loved by all w!io knew her. She : when they send their work oiTIYom j had many friends who mourn her home, for which they pay. t lev ! death, and extend their sympa* ; are llicrchy failing to encourage isos l olt'iKait Siadoi: Stems. The appointment of Rev. F. C. Kidney ('oiusilsint* F- r over six years I have terrible suffer- r from a been t S%os*dueSse fnm1 iu Thleljr .tSin nie?*. t • . , . -v' tv ; ternimo Miner-r iron a -loumfs -me; cj.a- Nervous Ilead- Johnson to preach at New hope • ........ i..: nt ♦• ,. t i.- c»»civ jic..<..«viic, *>ci\oub jic.ui . , , . .. I ,-V 1 1 ' " ; ■ \ ivh.e or any Kind of Headache call - . Iiurch ami licturc at Colcmat wha-h 1 have spent <*\\r $-->0 ;;., . . • , lr -» n A. , . . , , ..,,0. t!.e s,post: nely he ctireriln .>0 minutes !‘- l “ ! M * K ‘ on U! '‘ n ^’ 5 * c 1 u , r medics nie\Liu laihiie.'. Tee ust j hy using \\ eeden Dents Head- Tih Sunday, ar:d v\;!l lecture at •(' t ue ■ b >lil; < !’•. !’». Ik has 1 ache Medicine. For sale by The funeral services them and their interests, together place at 9i o'clock. Sunday with the town, in him.beds of relatives. : took i morning, at the V* estern cemetery, wavs, free. There are people who !?' i * .... 1 * « nw. D. R. McWilliams officiating, think that newspaper men should i invest thousands of dollars in ■I After an illness ol many weeks, ‘printing material, ami pay thiir j Miss Alice l!rc.wn, ilaiigliter ufj printers regularly, for the privi On the Mr. an 1 Mrs John L. brown, die ! lege of piilliiiir a city and all its j on Monday afternoon of this week. \ enterprises free. And when they and her remains were buried on have a job of Letter Heads, Ilili Tuesday morning in the Eastern ( ,'I., Envelopes, Fosters. Cards. /,’iber’S !) I Cemetery. She had seemed to j Catalogues, or other printing to Toombs. .1 P rally from the seventy of her at i lie done, thov must send off to New W orrili. b 11 j tack for several days, and joyous York or some other paper that '''J«d. M A hopes of her recovery began to never spends a cent in pufiing up y[ .p. p !' (’ p i 1 r n ; i -* on he entertained by the family, but their citv. because tbev imagine v.’dkos 1 1? nrst day of September, 1884, Death had set bis seal upon her they can have it done for a nk-kel ‘ SwWJ W >ve will have in stock, or transit, a fine*, claimed her for his victim.- k-ss. . seamirctt. r a r 1 171 iiri /» A lew mouilm since -she was con The news nanor business is the-' V* 1 '* “* * l 1 fresh and well-assorted stock of verted while in u.c house sarac as nViLdising „ r ° c ' w u i and her consecration was com- other kind of business, and it l»lete and thorough. Ilcr convcr takes as much money to run it Si ° n WM I,ri = !,t ,,nl s;llis?factor ‘G Xo one should expect to have ** mid her life since lias shown the his interest advertised, without ■ hold which religion hail upon her paying for it any more than he heart. .She was patient in her-j should expect to have Mr. 1 sickness, and spoke ol her death j \ () r ]», send a sack of flour to with calmness and Saunders. S. 1. Moore, Win. II. Tison, M. K. lviddoo. J. F. Oliver..!. II. Tisi.n, J. R. Price. 1*. A. Wei is, Win. Sessions, H. F. Yarbrough, J. T. Thornton. 1»i 1 Simp<«»f!. jr., C. X. Saxon. R X Yoik. P L Parks. E S Weaver. X M McDonald, Geo Lee. Elbert IT Scaly, Then S Barry, f*has F Oliver, Geo W Melton, \\ P Sealv, .1 F Ste' cns. Monroe I'liornlon. R T Knighton. S K traverse .tcroks—1st ut.::k. Pi:itips. J E Crdkirr, W T Jones, T J Sattcrwhite, W J M » \Y G Ward, A C Bell. J A Walts, G F Shariey. T J Sanderlin, R W Watson, J U Tomlinson, John Kirksey. K S Price. J G Tumlin, <' L Taunton, ('lias Simmon. »T L Radnev. (' The (Yntennial meeting en te< Wednesday week wish very sat Till Su;: lav, isfactory results. Ft>rly-thrve aecessioLS were made to tin * a. man r n, will lecture til.- same night, lias pretty gen- aiu wc |eliurclu*s. Rev. Sam Jones jneaeli * or:s:! v b.^u a widiv *■! led eleven sermons with telling*. i;)!l)11; r farmers, since | effect, and n!i who heard him pro | >lit ’Pi'e f:,! iu work to do. | notineed him a preached evidenth The fha-cv .-.taple has begun single b »ul :i ::i::rye!, giving innv relief I j v Jp c t tber tr:»a:«ient e-smblned. i ‘ tiler is to Grubbs, S M Conley, W II Swords. W .J Mattox, W I Ibidg-s. 1 U Ox lev, II F j will long be remembered by the jicopleof this community as one of happy results. Many visitors from distance were In attendance at the (Villen nial meeting, brouglit hero l y a desire t*> see an>l hear the man who had produced such wonderful effects by bis preae!:ing in differ rnl parts of the country. The meeting at tlie Baptist church will begin on Saturday open, and civ long the dsy lalu>rer will Had read cotton hclds. T!»e writer ivccived a n! me i:t in I ne emi . | known n::iulv« ‘ failed, lb R. R. few wt*«-ks f after enl last week as a couipbuier.t for g.-led f r w.::v. tiic notice he gave th •V 1 ) '< rt:i;r:»:?!i «•! f i‘. is .» quick cure, while others.;i they j ' etiiv at arc in the distani n;.ri j C. H. Roberts-, Atlanta Wa Fafarrii. ! The tdiina and <)eensware House of j McBride «.k (T»., Athmlais j>erh:?jf> ’he , av , ; in the south. Mr* A. •». Me-j ; i‘ii*ie «<i tiiis Jinn has been cmed off catarrh the nose of h* years stand- j ie<.iieitie. For sale by J Yv. STANFORD. vc.; c: a .c-« i sent b_ neat I \ was v hint. 1 he mail. Mid c< u hed dotl. young lady i'ich appro- preset. I was insisted of a Thanks. j ic.g by the learn ail the f J*. ILJb. utter e\ •and treat:.: nr iiad f •itres ratal' !i in a . .-.loihml slv.lV !i: ; Write to him :;no 1 -v v>r MAPI'. miserable l»r In- . I • : r*; . 1' ... ( m: tip 'Aim i>izzi!icss, V , 1<w . " . v.. s: Mnio.i’s \ it- ii'.ixcr i< lio.-itivc i ill l-'or sale by J. V/. S J v.xronp. . —Gt »rxi, and Iresli Water Ground Meal on hand :*t all times, at A! ct LL1GON & 5 ■l.MFSON'S. ‘ n Editor. I I lave been almost ciiiire»y f nasal t atari h of j-everai by battles o! ?*. i>. nve m* d inany otlier riT.ushe. vi-ars j;. » , l.n; 1 EiarrncstM llnir-’it's r.Tvl Wngtms niil soil wry lib. Cali aiui gtt a.uargaia, ;lt ALLISON & Sl.uI’SON’S. <;*pt27 Ct ( ikeman will uol be behind. Our enterprising friend, and fellow citizen. Mr. Thus.. H. done:; will ie «>;!:, rs are he PfriVctioii (.’ofiVo Is tlio liL-st maile. G<> to R. J. As::toxv's. and buy one. .K-g.a on o«»r..a.v ial.l.i ware- , H it jT pi (I] TS § ft I S'l III® M* next, anil perliq'S will continue house near ti.cMlc|n>t sit this placi \ ?5 Si/5 J4 tg | KJ I I ? T-j | ll for severa 1 ilavs. Rev. \Y. II.. f >r t!iv i>ur|h>so of m iuhinif an.l . ^ ^ I |S| IR t £ 1 S £ W 2"T |j k 1 jj ( Fatlcrson, the pastor in chawd ki “- :lii W UlUii A 1UH U VI II .... .• 1 , lan.l «ii! oj-.-j sr.tiafaetoiiui.— j ivill con.inet the meeting, with I tr Staple and Fancy Groceries, tiens, Fruits, &c., TU.VVEISSE Jl : : Shcrer, L I) Turner, A U Johnson. .1 T : Lowery. I. I* Hass, I*. 1 llais-l'-n. T E AVliicli v.'c will offer to possible* figures for the 1 RciMirg. J I. aclt ol Hour to; Horsclv. J T composure.— his house ami not expect to pay Jordan', A our many friends at the lowest Miss Alice had a happy and cheer- ! f ur that. The fact that a mar. Taylor. J C .at temper, and t\as toe light ol ; suliscrihcs f.r a paper, gives him 'Ionian, H h Inn i.-ilner s home. Sue had many ,.o further privileges, or entitles J,, 1 ! "arm friends who grieve sorely j him to more. He" gets that for hct-aiisc of their loss. May a kind Providence comfort and strength An the sorrowing family. SPOT CASH. Quality and tjuantify of our goods are alw.-ivs guarnn-j '"' rs ' " Euko, rpiite an . . aged lady, died at the residence that lias inark-' of | lergon .j n | aWj iIr y V u - u in . lihoral share of teed. AVo jirmnise the same fair deal! ed our course in the past, and solicit your patronage. August il 1 \ LOCAL NOTES. — .Air. T. F. Moody ing this week. — We hear considerable cuiu- ! plainlof rust in eoiton on .samlv is reereat- ) land throuihout the county. UACKMKTAik. erallt i.crl’iuue I’riv For sale by .1. \V. > a ia>liiur • am! T.\ N T< * i: I and fra il l >. — Mr. ( barley bailey lias been i sja-iidmg some days al bis lioine, I Desirous (*f remc. ing [ wUli relatives and friends. j sas in October, if imL dis ids, on yesterday. For a long lime she had been eon lined to her room, only awaiting the summons to another and lndler world. Mrs Duke U the mother of Mr. I. Y. Duke, and Messrs. S. T. and \Y. (’.Jenkins. She had many rein lives and friends who mourn her death, to whom we extend our; —— sympathies. “Tiu* billJe Zlt* iileberry.*'* There are \c y few who do not ! know of this little bush growing gets which he pays, the paper, and that is all he is entitled to. ’A e make these suggestions upon entering the fall season, in a business way, and hope that our merchants, and citizens, general ly, will encourage ihcir home pa per to do more for Cuthhort. this season than ever before, by their patronage \Ve try to meet all le gilimalo competition, and will trv an I please, both in pi ice aijil ipial ity of work ail who prefer to have their work clone at home, rathei tliaii sending it oil*. tcvensori. Z R I! T >i*<-er, J M Smith. T L Cobh. J M Clarke, J X (.’aliawav. C oi;s—1.1) iv rriv. l’erry, J E Saxon. S \V ford, -1 T Ulio.les. I I’ IS.iss, J J Shivers. F.ii Arnold. F C < nifips, S Figo, 11 Waits, A A Wells. W S Smith. !! Radnev. A 15 Feel, S R Allison. AV F Lew i T .1 Klacksh ar, .1 I Kills. J \V Rev. IL T. Goo Iriim. and prolia- ' t»!y others to assist him. The school at this place will lie ; opened lor the second term on Monday tLe first day of Septein i her lux", to continue for four ! months. All who arc desirous of : sen.ling are requested to send in | promptly at the beginning of the term. Liard can lie had in g.«>d families at reasonable rates. Mr. Btoralsworlh returned last week from a two weeks trip to the | middle part of the slate, and re i ports the crops fine in that see thin, lie says the grain crops were never Heller, and cotton I promising well. There will be cotton buyers hoi hen the season opens, and in all,; j Coleman promises to be a lively j ■ place during the fail and winter, j and do its full share of trade. Mr. .Lis. Rivers died at Ids resi ; near hereon the <>t!i ins;.. after a brief illness. Tiic deeeas j ed was amongonrTWest citizens, i We regret that we did not, learn ; of it in time to mention it in on. I • I last items. Me-srs. Releiicr & S.>•» r.rc pre i paring fi>r liu* giunii nuttim: e\ vj vlhing in or rig 1 P JL 1511II t' nave this uav redu(-off Prices on all r r;' r ZZ!’;, our Dress Goods. While wc have sold a i'So.f.msi^bfo^^i^inbgreat deal in that line, yet our Stock is /very largo,-and we vrould advise all to come i nsure t<» iii.: scasnn. It atlbnU us much j testify to the merits <>i the Wrought Iron Range*, mnnufac lured i>y tin* Wrought Iron Rung< ( '«».. of St. Louis Mo., which ' Vll S' •lifb Racxlcubs Arnica Salve, T he Rest Salve in tlie world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Fleers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. (’happed Hands,Chilblains, Corns j thirds of a crop, and all Skin Eruptions, and p'»; lively cures Files, or no p.,y re quin* 1. It is guaranteed to givi perfect anti .'faction, or money iv funded. Price -•"> cents per box For sale by J. \Y. SvAM'oia>. j in ti ly. x ll- i —Mr. M. I. Atkin*, Jr., spoil Severn I days at Inane this week. , I —A gnat reduction in ail classes of Shoes until further no tice. F. ITi.aski A: Co tf — Misses Ida and Aurelia Do mingocs returned home from M:i con on Monday last. —Judge J. T. Clarke preached ! i most, excellent sermon in tin Baptist church List Sunday. —Mr. YTiornvvcll Gamble left yesterday for Atlanta l«* spend a week recrcaiing. Ecr nf lat iioti ! Ark »scd ' privately, before, I will sell at aue | the little purple berry, which i lion | alongside on r mountains an.I hills: studies have kept us from on the 1st Tuesday in Oeto | many of us have eaten in nms her, my REStoES- (known as the i c "’. , v . sl ' :, i“ ’ tl,urc I s prin ipl C’ulbreih Lot,) m fmnt of AgrieuI turid College, together with tlie Household and Kitchen Furniture. Any one desiring a home in the healthiest a in I prettiest part ol E Iflli Hislricl Kcmk . i>: . \ that bu^.nvss and jetting in our items of late. Oil V of the iiKhl interesting meetings that was ever held at in it having a wonderful effect on 1 that place, closed at Damascus church Sunday. There were i!0 bat very few ivniize the fact that so A NASA I- I N.l EOT! >ii free Willi Iioltle of Shiloh’ »‘a’.in-h . 1‘rice o0 cents. For sale by .1. \\ . S \ AN- FOKI>. —Married, at. the residence ol the bride’s mother, oh the 17th: ilist., by Judge I). R. ?diichiner. Mr. A. W. Wamble and Miss Jes sic I>. McIIan. All of Stewart county. — F. Ft'i.aski At Co., have re ducod prices on all their Summer <‘lot hi ug in Inclose out the Stock. Call and convince your- Bclf of the fact. 11 — Miss ij>a Do.'iin-.os will re In r School o*i ?donday week. September 1st, at her father’s res j ideuce. It. P 1 town, can get one at a bargain, :< I propose to -ell. Respectfully, J. X. STANFORD. j t he bowels. Dr. Riggers’ Huek ! b berry ('nrdial is t he GRI.A f I I SOI MIERN REMEDY that re •stores t lie little one teething; and cures Diarrhmn. Dys* ntei v and t ramp Colic. For sale by all druggists at 70 rents a bottle. cotton, and they are not ex pec ing to gatiier more than two The corn crops arc made and pronounced above an average. Mr. William Snipes, living in the nil:tli 1).strict ot this county, j says tie raised a watermelon vine | tiiis year that measured near the ; root nine inches in circumference, bad six branches !r >m the main stem measuring from twelve to | fifteen feet in length, and the vine j bore in all not less than ninety melons weighing from twenty ti\e to fifty pounds apiece. He savs be can prove this by many relin ! bie persons who saw the vine, and it anyone disbelieves the stale lu Misses, Child • Mik U complaint U wlumen , M wlic- . „ 1/v here oi rust in cotton. .Most of t . Vt , r introduced. The Rang-* . till o! ill'll \; i the farmers we hear speak of now recognized as being superioi ; tlu ir crops say the rust or blight ! ;, ‘L V rrls * iron stove, in a!! essen ..r i. t#1 i* * »♦ . i i • ! :ial ruaturcs, durabili: y, economy ol some lvin*l lias attacked their ... .. . _ , . tot simm. jTMrfecUon stniction. Hu»oiigi\ *s uiiiid: :n *..*g;i’c. liiere- : boobne; all that ;«? r.crv«;sa; \ in attaining the highest degree ol perfection in ! ,»any i> .. >dy rc !i:< n. wiio an tiiorougli busis tlM'Colir: Range before they are picked over, lor every- Sig hodv knows tl;at when we say we reduce mean iv. XL Wii The king, rescaled noted •n.l vffible i: wi: !i the t»u sold at v. hat seems at. ex* “odinglv L’gP. for a firatus, bur when von •in-. their :t i-m-*. i ir iu- Tiie Sliu-sers Ladies’ and Low Cut Shoes, —Rev. F. S. Twittv inovei family here from Dawson Tue or their lieaith. 1 his -*la\ —The entertainment, which takes place to-morrow (Friday.) night, should be patronized l y every one. The price ol admis sion -.1 cents, and the ob —♦ ♦ +*— ject is a good one. 4 he proceed* —'i ll., mrvlinv at l)am.isi-us:„ n to liny a new cni pvt fortiio vloscl s.imlay with 20 ace'Csaiuns !, JU-llioiliU cliim h. The r r.. tn tliv clmrcii. gramme isgoml, ami lliv acturs THE i:KV. tii:o. H. TUAYi:;:. ..f :,li: Cimqmsci! of <»ur first yinmj l;..iirl..iii, ln.l .says; “layM-li im.i ;.,,|j ( S ;lll ,| wn |l,, Im . n , ami thv cn \' )lc t>\vc i:nr livts le MM1.O1I s ( O.V Leitainmeiit will be better — It i.-- a fat t li -Te lias bet : • »ur city recesi traded their notwithstanding x veral ileaths i:i y, tliat they con- sickaess, or t!»e laces ; prove u- "t \i 1 ! i; *N « , s i*a N F‘ i i: 1 >. For sale .!. W. -Judge A. II ood brought in j than many for which a dollar ndmis sion has been charged. The la dies nd gentlemen who have put themselves to the trouble of get ting this up, should be « ncour aged. This is a much better wav causes thereof, at other than here. Wc make this state ment alter a thorough investiga tion into the facts regarding tlu cause of every case of sickness that has proven fatal for soim mouths. There is no local cause fo^sickness whatever, as the sani tary • condition of our city was never better. 'S’iie 45 uliriji Man;. The old held mullein contains a mucil-s —We had a pleasant call from Mr. J. F. Stone, fjrinerly of the Statesboro Eagle, wiio is spending t!it» 1ii^t halt, or K:iniloi|ili 1-ounH'j^.^.,, , 1:IVS ln nlir ,. il v . cotton last Snturilny, anil stored j —»•-*— ! to raise intmer for such •mri.oses •»> liealm" to tiic . „ it willi Betiding & Rarrv. It nasi —51 r. A. Slaton Lehman has Limn hv snhserijuion, heeause the "lu-n made into-1 teaand comldn-, !,u< * ! ,eacUes * u abundance; am! l’i«i.-1it hv Mr. C. N. Simjison Jr. 1 returned Iroin his trip to (’oliim- amount eonlril.uted is felt he no j ed with that stimulating expeeto i while helping mirseit to a large I s - I ■ bti«: titiii i , i«niti-tc li-ivin«r cimnt hi* oiic. and all have an opportunity to contribute. Tl additions, I a by ( xpcrience, an* i*y Idler. Rev John Marlin did the preaching, and we are glad to know oi’ his success. »Ye regret to learn that Mr. Tom II iv is again coulined to Ids bed by sickness. Some of uur young men antici pate taking a trip to the “Bluff City’* scon. There i ■; a great den! of excite ment in our section at present. ’ caused from the proposed removal : of Ben lull churcli a distance ol some three or four miles westward from the pi sent site. Friday evening last, leaving the noise and hustle of our busy little * tortu. and tlie toils of the school j idea. Wc hope they may not be room, we drove out to our cptiet j disappointed as we think it. may i Ctmiitiy limmi to six-nd Saturday ht ‘ ' t 1 ’ lllL ' ''P.civst of rthifii <1. w iL|| lelativis and found watermelons *fi -t to ! 1 cooking «•«i!‘s; If!' you in v I can but 1' , son:;I ly !*.w. We le.irn t!i ! lias a chid whooping cough, wo trust lie will i-o.-n be rest**: \ heal ill. V wo can offer you a bargain, as well as 111 everything in the Shoe line. No matter •j n what aryhoftv else oilers tnem to you at, will always will be ad\ au':»gcs offered i ^ j „ _ „ », i:m I'.r :li-ir pay. we qj. jjj|y otiiei’ Ui‘tIClO 111 Olll* 11110, WC ! ; ti::t the price is rca- md ... . must undersell, as wc Mr. C. V.. Dozier piitt- rhA from j gtsiiivl to our old motto: “Quick Sales and Small Profits.” incut they have only to call on . him an 1 he will pri»vc Ins a ser- tion tl’uc. lie » states he raid ! cd :i beet that weighed sixteen pounds which he can : ’ to be a fact. S »me fishermen, at by 11 arris’ mill jxm 1. j one day and a half of ninety-two trout, hesid cat fish and parch. This is the be.-1 fi.dnug we have heard of in this section for some time. There is some talk of a depot being built at Lyles’ crossing, a mile and a half from Spring Wale, an 1 people here are elated at the A Yoke of Oxen ami a Mule. for 10 cents per Simpson . pound. SHILOH'S (TKK will immediately re- , tu-vo ('roup. Whooping rough and , Bronchitis. Elor sale by .1. W . STAN- 1 FOUR bus. and reports having spent his vacation pleasantly. j rant sweet gum , , . . ■ our town. _ml >und:iv daginous principle ... , 1 , . • friends. \\ e lungs and throat Stevens’ Fotteky. Ga., August I-—Dear Sir; I had a yoke r«»w« waiter of peat-lies place,1 t.eforc u, ,,f ' v,,< ’ e necks became verv . , 1 sore Iroin llie yoke. As 1 enuUi frieml, we —('apt. J. \V. Seaiev and J. S. Dunn mine in ye.steniav from a fox chase, bearing their trophy with them. watch w .hject is wor- * «l«mg our southern swempsL pro-1 ,, r att ladv , wc . f tllv your pntionnire, ami we i.ooe cents in lavlors< lierokee Reme ' ■ , ; nrtl an.e<l to soip toem Iroui wni a erowile.l house 'will be -iyen dy of Sweet G:im and Mullein, :1 1 titonght e. our friends, Man ford I was apprehensive Sunodiue them. ° pleasant and effeetive cure for and Gonper, of tile K.ntki.-i-i::sk * ! woithl nut tmtke a cure. i5ul to. —-as e j. j (’lotip, Vf’iKiping ( oitgli, Colds and Ai-i-eal, and longed for them to lie my gratiiimtiou they were cured i S3CO SiGO @400 $330 *300 @373 @3-50 . * @300 $173 $150 SI 35 @100 @!fO @80 sro @60 @50 @40 @30 .@30 $iO — A I Satin i tf F. Fi i.aski & Co's. .—Uead the advertisement of Messrs. Jordan & Co., in another c. iliimti and give them a call. ^ on wiffi find their goods first class and cheap, and them clever and cotir , tcolis. — » — —At F. Fi i.aski A Co's all Summer Worsted Dress Goods, from tiic finest to the lowest j grades, will itc offered at actual cost price for the next 30 days, tf Mr. J. G. Mathews returned* from New York Saturday last. , —Capt. J. and reports having bought a lint Zf. F. Scaly and John M. Beef .Market! Consumption. Sold hy ail drug j us l() eat t | leir s | lara o„ r i giits :*.t 20c ami £1.00 u bottle large lot of nice Silk and : I have opened my Market -ns at cost, at Douse North side »l ; Qaiiaail (iOUIlty Depai’tniSIii. gtili tamtinues P. progress rapid | sider it a vain aide medicine pectfully, yours. mg our stay in the countiT j °. . * J • noticed tiiat tne tannin It a iso made ai bad runiiiug sore ! j on one of my mules ami on the ■ interest 1 foot of one of my hands. I con i in a tew days, speedy cure of a T. tv . PmokiT* of BlarkweD’n G«*r.r.ine Ball Durham Smoking Tobacco will rco-ire Prr-minr.tB a-* I«.llow8 oa l ni.-* aii'I c -in*:ti* an here hfit ■ aGt PREMIUM, S5 t Q<Q& 2d “ S2,0CI0 3d “ $1,000 2’J<*th'r PromiuinM r.- hrrepfcowa. 1 he 2^ premiums will b«* awarded D.-«;-,:i,r* r 22. I^t Pr'-mii:m frt. -t t'; tl:« i'or«.'»Ti from whom wo r*- reive thrUna-i-t number of our emp’y tobacco hvr? prior lo Per. 15. 2d will lr - * f ir ’th - nr\t ’.anr* -t numlx*r au' th; or?l *r of tlianumbr of empty Ka-rs received from each. t> tho twenty-five Bncrepstful coa- t-stmt*. Each bar iuu?t V^ar < -tr ori-dnal Bull Durham l.-tliel. 1\ s. Rcvc.iue ata.ap. and Caution Nolice. Ictrs luu-'t 1*3 clone r.j> iccur. ly in a prK*k:i'_'e, with name and addrees of r^-nd'-r, and numb r of lntrs contain ed. plainly inn*-V ( ..l on the rut-id.*, a:*<i must V«eW-:it.i-har-f«-s f>r»; aid. t<» RlackwcllN f»urlin.m Tobarro <Di:u:iam. X.C. Every pemiina I>ackatrr- !ta < jecture of Bull. See our next announcement, inch bi-1 v. P p $ f. * L r- ii ■' a Wc Jl wc-ek, and t-iosc who nave Vv ill i an well coming thD not bought yet, to come soon juul look through our Ktoek, Do not fall to buy your JIuts, wheth er Straw, Wool or Fur Hats, of us. We keen the largest and best selected Stock# JL Respectfully, P. PULASKI & CO. li 11 a g 5 r-1 nsp, ; -a mu lituti u May l.'thi —.vjex-vcz: -:K*'i. zrz: iii ui ii* : • * * | S 5 U S| 5 8 1 i. If U ;b‘!| i i y bl.It K « <--9 <ss Si] u.a re again, and —Judge Ji. Gormley and A. J. Grubbs left Monday for Grif fin to attend a re union of the 13th Ga. Regiment. am now selling | good fat lteef. Mutton, Kid, Ac. I ! A share of the public patronage is W. A. J ORDAN, solicited. W. C. JENKINS. | _ July 31st. tf. tcitor. } ly. T!ie prospect for a good cropl was never better, and our farmers ail wear cheerful faces. <’. 15. F. D'exu. SrariiExs. Tlu- oi'/vknown n-niCMV ml wi < > 1 cn: i! e'.’.rt; (‘yen' <-f- of l)vs[n*jisisi or Indigestion# os and has never laile-i in a single instance. It There will be a basket pic nic —We were imformed Tuesday at tuning’s mill Saturday. , J morning as we came down town: 1 eople who want to find a 1C | early, that anew livery stable: l,e:,!,l, - v 1,,calU - v - t-:in coulc t( » had sprung up, iike Jonah’s gourd Geoi m‘ti>« n. vine, all in anight, and that its the corpse of J. ..I I _ 9 ^ t-levor proprietors, the Messrs. F. Kidcloo, Messrs. Fierce and Ridgeway, were ready, ! ’ ls Station Tuesday. Air. Day Redding for business in the livuy line. ! was an inmate of the National Wewould impress on the minds —We call attention to change of advertisement of J. McK. Gunn. It contains some thing you should know. Read it. Day of (May county was brouglit to Mor It Iih.s ip-on tested in 1 tun dree has been verv sum*: sfr»i in SOLID SILVER STEM WINDING Ateakta, Ga„ Attgusl 13. IS i. i p,» p )'^-,i pn-ctinti^ To- n -'(oo Ma-pRlS'-T Aci ; i ! t7 Of Keartbuiii. ChTOlliC full jfvv'Eled gent’s size ^j- M-- Disease, Etc. WATCH FOR $12,50. j !;;^:7ii;:ve given it’ a tlmr’m,"h 1 km-.,* l, without it . lv.yr»'s C. o. i).. >!ibj.!ct to in*i>cctii.M ten times what it cost. lie>]ieel isirHiasin?; fully yours, J. R. Gnt tfi, j- r- SI'EVENS, X CO., Jewelers, Of Gregg i Co.. Hardware Dealers ASTHMA, ■ :: i indi-K or ( Gij'li lilt h-l.U-ft. ATL.VXTA, (j K5n(*o:*«i I f V. tj-.-rp ( (ft;; dif.ite.l id AST!! MATH 'S l; Tbi.-' bic i • ciiisiji.Mcd of •>urc!. vc. Svniploiii:- of i F.'sjx-jtsia or Indigestion, io. s ol apix-iitt. or W' iidit i;i tiic Stomaoh, occasionally nausea am i.....-I trv tlie remedy tli. y wili. Et • : .*! -Ie J*' i *• slion, o.-'s ,,r ■ anon, i: is .*: I they and rc-rtainr t ir.euraLIe Tin: Heat—Sanodino will cur * i. T (ink out for bs*i .left. vestenlav to attend the re. un Wewould impress on Fie minds Surgical Institute, of Atlanta, to • , _ **” ^ * etock ol goods Look out lot a.. tlie - (l j, G a. regiment at Ma- of these gentlemen that it is t k, ltcd ,- or ,, ;ll , llvsi s and beh,- ' ’ h ‘‘ ^rniersnregettmg; announcement as soon ,t» tu< \ --printer s ink that makes the marc I . . ‘ • -! ready for picking. i <ltseouraged and becoming de .... ^ . arrive. ! — —i , ® • . Misses Addle and La Got ton io beginning, t(» open and : the worst cases of Ilea We a>k DY : ........ . ...l ,.i* • »-..«#/.?•. il.« w... • n; i *«--£ oss of flesh, a feeling of vomiting. Heartburn, Acidity, flatulence, rick or nervous headache, fhtH pain in the head, with a st-nsa- tion of Heaviness, or (iidaiineW. irregniiirity of tin- Bowels, sometimes (’onstipafed u a ,.. ;v and th< n acting too fredy, Ltnv Spfn'tS, SWd'plessness, SsMmw Skiii. ! derangement of .■I trial. — i\i<!’!i-vs. iki'pitation of' tin Heart, .v. If you sufi -r with any of lltese symjttonis.- ith any of those ti . a few testimonials of - | Mayor McDonald returned ' - —- ; spondenf, ended his million's C VTA It ill I uKMKDY—:i 1 ' . CamVoitr foi Ion i,- .... . „ iMidtive cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria j yesterday !mm u t hree week s trip * .ik> t*.ioat * ith .. ra !..«! ranker M,m«h. For sale byJ. W. . -j-.,, u | ;l ], ;iml Gainesville, where to the Dixsou \\ atoi Con. Only Thu party at Mr. HTANFOUi). I I I...,.., iin*.. Ifu re $t-»0 per bale. If bale exceeds Monday night ws ■>10 pounds in weight, 30 cents . _ - —_ _ _ tier 100 pounds will be charged.! .... , , , . cn have been busy tilts week tc | , „r i..,s» ludl is bein'- : 1.....1 ... .it,... ,.-1.,... sie., tor several days, but we —Messrs. R. G. and t\ tins week re cciviug and opening their Stool ! lie has beet: rcerealtng. R. Ow- j ports having had a nice time. life by cutting or. E l. Varner’s enjoyed by ai! Mrs. E. A. lias been quite of (.'uthbert, have been visiting in the community tire past week,-the guests of Mrs. J. T. Alanerv. — A game of base l>a!l is being \V,]j haul cotton when so desired. Everything new and in good or opening uin - v |. 1VC(1 (IU College hill between the Even of New Goods. Look out for their j Dahhert and Spring Vale boys. dor. For wagon apply at the Git grand announcement "Ready for \y e g,, p, press Loo early to give 01 to tiic un Business,” soon. the result. ^ ^ Lumpkin A M orrili There an-some men who j-ass all their time, I11 saving queer filing in queer rliyme, Tilt- man who writes these, Savs Smith's Hilo Beans will please, They’ll stir tlu- liver in every clime. For sale by J. ^ • ST\XE«n:n. — Flic first bale of now cotton was brought in last Friday, from Calhoun county, by .Air. G. W ■ Turner, and stored at the popular (j K . past week, for which warehouse of Redding A Lan \. ]t weighe.! Jf'd pounds, classed ersigned. 11. <>. BEALL, for Froprictress. August 7. ISM. 1 tn. | glad to state is now convalescing. The rust in cotton is still spread The meeting at FicasaulSprings] church closed last Sunday no-lit, re - •- • -• “ 'John. their forces ai’P 1 '* atior.s. Give . i -VJl Druggists sell it. Fneei-ifiy D r . Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir will eurey.rti. i lie l-d’o inra M"ie- V‘ >U ' Ask }M!,r Dr,, »5 , ’* t ,or i parties who ilstvu liccn euretl bv the Etixir: ' *J •: i„ !i 0 : . : . . ’ »A«enm> «»*»(»:0eMwe4MfctlMX — • j-*— • - :i: I bavt Ii • >. •*-:•: 1 with inJ^<s*ti*>iiaa*|^Ksrv«ms lieaffiieke f<*r tiic fii‘Uy:» ycars.^ puriiij; tjiat tinie 1 luive' AVIiatevcl* Tain many proposes rt-.l .t ;■ wi.a I***r: .'ti.’-k .’It. • 1*1' g-'.-d::: -ll -, _ H a vs J ;y c! i ai: ('-•• 1 uiy orv=! -kill ami trsyil Use prcst-riptiolis of : zronf many ptiy.-i' ::*!».•*. J was inTuc^l t »try vonf Dvsjm iMil ' am t » i-afonn y***i tliat i •Mtircly car. .1, I can cat any ami <•’. itiid luivc over beep. 1 X to do as between L'icvcland, Blaine l!i’ You scr !.-• i alter continuing more than :i week, day and night. It was very largely attended, and was a incet- in which, we tiiink, much '• and Butler, it is not disused to give much aid and comfort lo St. One division of lire soci i v i went to a picnic Weduesdav. tak- \vi:i» y«»» ing along 150 quarter-barrels beer. I niiL ihc MiaicJic <»f Mari’* 1 hist. ' .. I l.oJG lil- • r.n ii- .i! ;■ 1 • ' i-ldi^C.G !«»M l< I’illMIsI it lint i• -rvtltft ' wit!.--”.: m uy--,-- r !i.i\ ;; <•>: jplivdcijin for ilrirfy years',- >r-rirv DH-tji”!:h-. Y«> ; gcmd i;*ii.-'c’d in» ' 'it t.»-• »«s:*i•; ! ii4* tm* the Khvir. aud*_ ex-' v • tl." I:; -i :»!' I 'I*T: -1*,; »-:<« i.-:.;' ,;i : : : : -- .1 tf.i;»iT .-’Ufff'.'i: -frn.11 ill<I?*rpstioli Dli-i /it-rv't •-: - in :t‘i.:-'ii<\ «»T* ;i! 1V ;. ’t.-i • -tYirtii n rni’ J?Vi-rt*» proctin* :i y »ur Dv {».;>li • Idixir. for it is almost 1 • in -G 'k <•:• ••-. i MG.G ; -its .»■■••• >.vi : ■ • ' :.• - • ■ I would have coiimlkf! i.-f. I«- V. iu-ii i .-nw y«»:s r.ut t!:«#;‘t it Jto <!• ! iv i:i • fob;- I’lomuglily crnn-niivif ns to its enra- ♦ 'live Vt-rv ir'.'dy your.'. _ l#. t . boZIhit, M. I). ' p.~cs. 1 can't aflbrd to he without the Hlxir. I will have it in my house L‘t itxrost wlia* itinay. 1#. 1*. D.- — i’lie meeting at Benevolence week’s *‘E* lio” is about right— closed on Saturday last, with most: 0*1. Win. Harrison is the best re I gratifying results. Thirteen were Amin for Representative, ami Col. Senate. . Feoplc of Quitman arc not verv ‘ ° j ... ... * good was done. During the meet-! mueh excited over politics, vet. , . , . ... „ . * ing ten additions were made to u e til nK “DeuHKTat in last , , , : n-itiers , the church. ■ __ . with ginning facilities tiiis s von. Mr. J. II. Manery will run a If you —Messr received by Tuesday evening’s: train $10,000 in specie for distri bution among the farmers of tbi^ and adjoining counties. It re , ^ <l„irc*«l a dray to haul it up from added to the church. 7 by experi Guerry for the Senate. Ihc tloimt. ienco, 5J»y letter, ami 1 rolurol. j ,,7** TT,.. ha les a tin v: Ro v. <'. C. M art i ii tiehiiitaletl. there is nulliingit: the Tf”, -.. .... 7.* |-, vc Horn-' Tins preaching was done by the , ,.* ’ . ' I will run his water gin, anil Mr. D. 1 t,,!,t wlM fircytin (to tjmek-; tmu-.c - -m.-e.-m:: u: _ 1 he ( .<> ha c Horn ^ y, ,}. L. Binion. ami 1 U “ ; :l ,h,l k ^ 1)llU B. Stewart i, arranging U> run one «>’ ^eclrje Lilter,. They a.-. S1>!m , good work for the e.t, dur r ^ ^ am , T Goo( ,.! head They have r “ m * ,. . !*. If. IIolt. Ecr.\ri#.v, A r.\. • (Visrpniouj-::: finxyiu/s Ofi;f A iiksshiir to all .flailklnt!* In: \u S:•: - I *:•••.!ctl tf r«-**orl • Vat I li’ivr 1 *i*cii ci;til<•!;. -••ui-.l-ii ;n -s;! . ‘ g• T . > i . whs l-v a Vvi*-iul t<» Irv I* r iu-vdi-r »« - ••■*—:-; ! ; L:»ovv?i T-rui; i.i * n ti . se timcs^ when «u»r new.-.- y p. : .. :t i vm* entirely Kelt I juffereti .s«vei nooded with patent three years since I used your piepai a aJb>a, i bijvcJuid no return of .t. Y-oiv Is'ay. \W A. Vt'liltrli Comp. (jen. State of tdu Atlanta. <1 v.. Ju!v ISK!. : yonr"J)y<p<*ptic Elixir.” I i- »*. vv*--ii-:t the slightest e-tfcct.- i'JG's, an.l aithougli it hasbeeu* v . , medicine advertsements, it is | Our immunity will l>e blessed ^ ra tif v ing to know what to pro-j cure tliat wid eertaiuiy CUle you. This t‘t certify flint Jtry wi:*'*. ?»r :* rv J. II re Bilious, blood out of^ thnl .-he had i»e-:: ivutrr. ; ;n .■•»m i steam gin. witli a capacity of six! •wder.LiCcrinacttvc, or generally O-FFI* THE litmvcr..suffered »;ii:•!-• ' poiin i-, :md was .-hMiinv 1 • Elixir 1::» u:ui M '.u FVTt':.:x'i ('>>.. Krr\!*r.\. A».\.. July Ith. if- limn ;i.~Ti-»li and e'^enient of the liver;! t!i::t as an cxpcri.'iient— I’**!-t>;' H. - ity l-#i«\ir: th;i« ‘ she was imimsffatefy ami . -v. ji-: entire!’.' rcii -cd oi her 'roubles, regained her ajjitctitr,- G-itii”!-: g - -ii-i:: an ! happiiiL vi.ere ah other remrdifs fiad ro-uire-1 in cuix- .1. C. UUVilTOWKK. runs his saw I. A. M. FOR IVYSrKFSl A and I.ivercomplaint vouhave a 1-rim ■.! gttarantcc on ev. r; Wth- ,.f khri.-h'- \ ttahzvr I. nc'. r ; lh( . v are pm fails Umsjfo. Fo^salC >*y J. '' * k » tf l' dil>. Heifer Yearling, marked wit Ii the engine with a hole in each car. and lias a mill. !c$or\e much credit. They nave ^ 1 9 _ ; miiitc spot i»n iii[> or >ide, I don’t > m *~ r !^ sam the valuation of the city s remember whieli. It came fiotn Lbc liver sliouid never be allow- -rite protracted meeting at j K- I|r . lll!iu :inii j,.,, probably gone ! ed to remain torpid. SWtf’. that direction. lli'c Hearns are nature s assistant Dug Johnston, to h diseased liver. 25 cti. per store. ('uthbert, Ga. bottle. S:nHJt's Hilo Jlcnns not; i TT Y ' ii fioods at * r reat I , * . ,. , . —*■««.— ; only remove biliousness, but pre ! ' areola-ring ail ««« G « ■ | ports that « P to St.n.lay n.ght 17 v , llv Wlu . Y ,„; x,i- V( . nts that condition of the l‘v ft r ! " " * ‘ ‘ *“ immediate relief, j.- good Mvle low middling, and was.; p ,. 01H . i t v about @-10.000. “ 1 1 ‘ ' 11 ' Ktilauln. fotio-bt bv our clever cotton buy- —— Lumpkin <oi.tinuos m.h incieaa- in that d cr, Mr. G. N. Simpson, jr., at 12.1 j —As we are in need ol mono. ing interest, ami our Sc-utt.r, Uov. rents i>er pouml. -ind aiust reilnee Ihc Stock, we H. Cooper,still remains, lie re G, bk-isingto nil fnankifld. and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle • .-m of J. W. StaNI OKD. :!l ' V : : c ^ j cutJ.hvsir'iajs- ’Vt hat is thi ir- r.T-U l \vtjr- . Tf: t-li. niv wi’.*' « Ei'iv.ri.\. Ale. May 1st, 1A<1. !• : Ah '• 1 vr-”. :s;, ,i vv.-m taliim whh n r:> 'I.-m: eongY w hi; =->ilar^. ‘i liver and constipation. 1 j»rc*W • it '-v;is : ' t» . ii*!c H»r me U# ih- d-.-wii ais-l s!.*»-p a? l ii.iit for H ii!«>t»*h<. '.wingto tlie severity «»f- I . a pill v. 6h a tatHe. \V:.> by t«rodfner- !rD1 ; a ii i .it-fit ,.ic-i « iru -. ;•!!.;!' wk ***.» im ;l-**m1. au.-r haviny *U-s}»aiic.l oi ever£Ctt'l>£ : ■m-yti'i hy Y<-:i scjd ::h- 1;u» hot lit- of j' i>y ; s: i: - • Flhxi:': fu less : i,: • i: ti.reedaxs I could lie 1 have revtfMiUM’iwlcd it t*► a trreat iuun- .K)HN F. KFHOK. *'»• hat is this till mi i a.-»ced a .•.•’A u uu-i sleep. - v,«Ii i evt-r • :-i me !;:V: n i"i*’.v tired j»-.-rfec!!v. an who was iasi>ecttng a inesie « f I-er.-onkand.K-.-er t»« it cedi tochreiua K.iak- Ui.^auee. Yotus truly, Mr. \V. It. McLendon, of iTal.*:: . ay I»r. T!o?t’.; By-peptic Elixir cure-1 hhu of indite Er iv reduced prices, so come be.oiej k,».l over. F. Fllaski & Go. had ioineil tlie riuireh, and scores i lob'- 1 are will a:-.'- i-muc-.Iiyu*- n-la-t. i,,„; t . . . I Price lo .V" •>. an ; m. ror.-alc :*y I were nianiiesling a uefp interest, j. V-‘. STANFui:L>. 1‘ Oi* SiilC l)y J. V». yrAXi'oiii/. That? Oh, that’s used on violins. We call it a chin rest.’ 7 [•‘Gimme one!” exclaimeil the vis itor. “S’pose it would work on nry i‘ w ■ ic r ’ ]>k. h rTAiidin; •. r\. Am.. A lay 1st. !.««#■ ravated U*rm m twelve n onths r Ar: Your i\v . - ; !i • Eli nit cur. - i my ’ n r *.f By.-pepsia «*f a v.-ry a 1 had tried d - •! :!r* Ir- t phy.-dvi.tii. \u the ruunVy. v.iso laiicil lo ! c;v« ill her. *'.;;YANT ona'i-’l-x, White IVhhI. <Ij». FOB SALE 33FT ALL -OTTLTj"G-GISTS. April lC-’y, , INDISTINCT PRINT