Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 28, 1884, Image 3

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MS!! HEV IAIS!!^ WILL ARRIVE AT THE SHOE STORE Almost even - week from now until Christmas. 1 have bought a Tremendous Stock of Shoes and Hats for the Fall Traile, and am determined to sell them if low prices and fair dealing wili do it. Come everybody and invest your money where you can realize a return. Yours Very Respectfully, W. JX BAILEY July 31 ly.—aug 14 ct. Fair Mice! VatUert Ammtemf*. entertainment Friday I night, given by the Amateurs, was the most enjoyable affair of the kind it has been our pleasure to witness for some time. Not withstanding the heavy rain, late in the afternoon, making tin streets quite muddy, and doubt less keeping many away on that account, still a large house was present to encourage them. Tht orchestra opened the entertain ment at the ap|>ointed time, with some appropriate music, billowed by some well selected, and well rendered tableaux. Kach one ot these, together with each per former participating in them de serves special ami personal men lion, but our space will not here permit it. The “Fan Drill'’ by sixteen little girls was a very —:o:— On the first clay of September, 1884, we will have in stock, or transit, a fine, fresh and well-assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Confec tions, Fruits, &c., Which wi* will offer to our many friends at the lowest possible figures for the SPOT CASH. Quality and quantity of our goods are always guaran teed. We promise the same fair dealing that has mark-! ed our course in the past, ami solicit a liberal share of I your patronage. lamment. The rendering of the “Last Loaf exhibited a talent rare in Amateur (wrforiacr*, and excelled by few, if any professional troupes. The moral is fine, and calculated to make a deep impression foi good upon all who witnessed it. At the dose of this play a laugh able farce was presented, which was the occasion of much laugh ter. All were well pleased, who witnessed the iH-rformance, and Hu Wile ,fttlilakejr t,rWr4* W»* Airnrfy AHswaff by (hsFrsUMilsfttaw. JKotn. Editon: ~ M Occasionally J hear some. good citizen say thatif* u is. favor of prohibition, but that he thinks the present law is too stringent, and that there ought to lie tome amendment of it so as to allow it to be sold for medicinal purposes. You will therefore do me and oth ors a favor by publishing Section II of the law, so that all tnay see that what they want is already pfurtOwl ftrt Sec. II. lie it enacted that any jierson may make written applica lion to tlie Ordinary of said conn ty for a License to sell Mich Iiq uors exclusively for medicinal purposes; filing with his applies tion his affidavit that if so liccns ed, he will, in good faith,sell only for medicinal pit r|tt>sc*, and to Spring Vaje Department ' WARDS DEPARTMENT. FRANK?*. EATON =*B> Editor. I B. F. BRIMBERRY, - - - Ediior. ilbens l»een sant rel t wee1 iv years to conr.--Bleeding freely from an ug “r.relidfnns feeling MHiifestcil in , I his (hr several years. >0M<>ns have been made to the chiirebes. The meet ing at the Baptist church is still in progress, carried on by Rev. \V. 1L Patteuson, assisted by Revs. Thus. Muse and R. T. Gondrnin. On Monday morning last a ne- ro woman named Melissa M’il lams, living on Mr. Jesse Oliver's place was brought into Wards Iv wound on her ear and cheek, cut ting through the flesh into the jawbone, and making an ugly but not dangerous wound, which was skillfully dressed by Dr. II. II. flarinon, who sewed up the gash ami stopjwd the blood. The wo lean hail been away from boiueon Sunday, leaving her children be charming feature of the enter ijhogc persons only »hum he con scientiousiv licbeves to buy only The store house lieing built by the Messrs. Dinnington. w ill be finished in a few days, and Mr. T. M. Davis will move in immedi ately. It will be the largest and most commodious store house in for such purposes, and only upon j t |, e place, with ample mom for a four or five thousand dollars slock of goods. Mr. Illoodsworth has just pur chased and [>ul in iqieration a shingle machine, and is sawing the written prescription of some I regular practising, resident physi j ciao; anil that he will not allow it to lie drank oa his premises; and lie shall also give !iis bond , with security, payable to the Or linary in the |ienalty of one thou j sand dollar*, conditioned for faith I ful compliance with the terms of; n11 ^ e i<jht or fen thousand his license, and of iiis sail) affida vit u|sin which application, nfli lavit and hood being filed with the Ordinary, and upon the pay ment of a license fee of iwcntv ami bills fair to give happy results | bind, and for some reason a white man liy tlie name of Jesse Pol lard had slapped or whip|>cd one of them. This so enraged the woman that on Monday morning he assaulted the man, using much abuse and profanity, and linallv brandished a knife in his bia County Camp Meetings, soon to come off. They will probably not return before the middle of October. Rarklea’s Araira Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chaj>|ied Hands, ('hilblains. <'orns and all Skin Kruplions, and posi lively cures Piles, or no pay re ipiired. It is guaranteed to give l>erfoct satisfaction, or money rc funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. W. Stanford. jan 24 ly. Kidney Complaint. For over six years I have Itch terrible sufferer from a troublesome kidney complaint, for the relief which I have spent over |2S0 Without. - . ., .... ■ . oeiiefit; tlie most noteil so-called I positively Ik-cured in JO minutes remedies proving failures. The use! by using \) eeden * Dents lleiul- -I., RviiUhcIiv t'nn'd in Thirty Minnies. Sick Headache, Nervous Head ache or any kind of lleailaeliee:in oi one single fiottle of It. B. 1». has [ a I Ken marvelous, giving more relief fhan'atl oilier treatment combined, it is a iinick cure, while others,if they cure at all, are in the distant future. C. II. Roberts. Atlanta Water Works Catarrh. Tlie China and Qeensware House aelic Medicine. For sale liv jylOct J. W. STANFORD. SHILOH'S VITAUZKR Is «lull you need fur t’.m--tip:itiim. Loss--f Apis-lile, frizziness and ail >vmpti.nis of iivspcje sia. Price 1" anil T‘> cents per l»>ttle. For sale In- J. W. STANDFOUP. r MrBrido & On, Atlanta is iHThnpstin* largest in tlu* south. Mr. A. .1. Mi- l»ri<lo «>f this firm has lnvn mnnl •»! catarrh of tht* nowoi B* yours staml* ing l»v tin* use of B. 1>. !>-. after every known reineilv an«l treatment hail • . . . . j laileil. ILIS.ll. eures eatarrli in a A negro man in Harris county „. w wo< . ks aft ,. r s |„,i,inl stuff ba- failcd for years. Write to him and learn all the facts. An Editor. I have lieen almost entirely cured of nasal catarrh of several years standing, by fE bottles of 1!. It. It. I have tried many other remedies, but none i quid B. it. B. it is a quirk tatre, while others are slow. .1. .1. Hardy. Editor “News," Toccoa, t fa. cut off his wife's head with an axe one day last week. He says she bail tried to |»>ison him. and lie was afraid she would kill him it some way. and so lie killed her first. The negro came in, con- is now in fessed the deed, and jail. face, when he out with his knife ynd cut her as stated. The | worthless negro women seem bent on getting uji trouble and pro • vnking difficulties. They gener i ally cause by their tongues and shingles ata rajiid rate, turning I harangues most of the troubles. day. Mr. Bloodswortli is an enterpris ing man. and is fully up with the progress of tlie times. j and until they can Ik taught some self rcsjiect and decency there is j little Iio|k for tlie race. | We deem the criticism of the ! Atlnnla Constitution on Judge In November the Superior Court Clarke for appointing last Mon- we unhesitatingly say it vas far live dollars, the Ordinary shall issue to the ap| lieant a license to sell such iiqnors at some one s|kc ified place in said county, and for exclusively medicinal purposes. Imlter than manyot the traveling shows that co-uc through here charging four limes the price. We are glad to know that they j for one year from dale of license, have consented to ap|>car again | Friday (to-morrow) night at I'ow ell s Hall, for the same benefit, at i lie request of many citizens. Let everybody couie. Admission only 25 cents. Thus it will be Kern. Messrs. Kditors, that we already have just such a law as we need. If it were stricter than it is. and did not al low liquor sold for incdicine.uiany j propriety and tlie first aw of na good citizens would object on that Hire for a man to risk himself in will be in session again in this county, and the citizens of the county will Ik eailed tt|>nn to as Semitic in a Court House that lias been repeatedly pronounced In different grand juries as unsafe, and actually dangerous. We would ask, in view of these facts, if it would Ik in aecor- nee with August 21 ly. LOCAL NOTES. —Gov. A. K. Allison of Florida is spending sonic time in the city witli his daughter, Mrs. M. I At kins. —A meric us is on a building boom, and when Ciitlihert gets her Hew railroad the way she will boom trill be a sight. —The Republicans held a meet ing at the Court House last Sat unlay. We have not learned what was done or sought to be done. . m ! m - - WILL YOU SUFFER with l>vspc|>*i:i anil l.ivrr (’--mplanl? ViU.lizer is guaranteed ti.ruri- von. For Sale til J. W. STANFORD. 0 — Aaalher .Tear Slare la T»s a. Mr. Ab. Jones has 0|K-ned a stock of new Family Groceries in the building formerly occupied by Mr.Isaac Easley, where he will Ik glad to see his friends and the ' public generally. For hum* Back. sitU* «ir <’h«*>t use Slii|«>li's r«»r«*UM risiNtcr. I’ricc 1V» Cents. For s«»l<* by J. 'V. STANFORD. m # ^ —Tlie meeting in the Baptist church at Lumpkin, which closed last Sabbath, after two week's continuance, was one of great in t -rest and |s*wer. Not only was the town moved, but the people from the country, for many miles around, were in attendance every day. Thirty four were added to the church—all by baj tism ex cept live. mem —F. Pulaski A Co., have re duccd prices on all their Summer Clothing in order to close out lin stock. Call and convince your •elf of the fact. tf • m —We learn that a considerable trouble was threatened in Dawson by 1 the negroes in and around town on account of the hang ing of the negro rapist on Mon day. The Governor was tele graphed, and the Jackson Artillery and the Albany Guards fintii the Arlesian City were sent over and peace was preserved with no further show of violence. The negro was Ining according to the terms of the sen tence. CROUP, WHOOPISO l OI CH and Kronrliitis immediately relieved hv 51iitoh's Cure. For sale by J. W. STAN FORD. june-MMy. —Nearly nil of our sick nre again either well or rapidly im proving. ■— m • ^ <^TMMMMTurn i,o n bb nn«l br.-|, v Rnm- 1 v i luipctorfirc. For “sib* by J. W. ST \\FOKT>. —Afossr<». Alliftor. 4 fe Simplon bnvo ftomotbinsr to «nv to t-1i«T farmer* rl«f*wliorp, in to •lav’* pnpor. Road it. m # m — —A large lot of nice Silk and Satin Fans at cost, :»t tf F. IVi.aski tV Co’s. F«r *talr, Ml AmtIUm ! Desirous «*f removing to Arkan sas in Octolnrr, if not dis|»ose<i ot privalcly, before, I will sell at auc tion, on the 1st Ttirsdaj* in Octo l»er, iny Residence, (known as the Fiilbrcifi I>»t,) in front of Agricul tural College, t«*gt*tlier with tin Household and Kitchen Furniture Any one desiring a home in th« healthiest and prettiest part ol • own, can get one at a bargain, as I proj»ose to sell. Res|H*i*lfiillv, J. N. STANFORD. ground. If it were looser than it i is, it would Ik? open to abuse, and ! |»ersons without principle might i come in and evade it as they have done in some few other counties by opening new drug stores bim ply for the sale of liquor. If some oneask*‘Whv, then do not some -»f the Druggists of Cuthbcrt take j sure Hie court :md jury ngninst lireiwe tnsell it fur mT-di :l11 •ippreliensinn? Would it noi -i dangerous position, or a |M>*ition that Binilii jeopardize his life when lie could honorably and eonscicn Uoiisly avoid iCr Would it not be ' better to rent for a short while. until a court house could built, a building that would sure the court and lay for the execution of the negro rapist at Dawson ill-timed and out iff place. There is no law. moral or divine, and no reason why Hangings should lie oil I-’ri days instead of Mondays, and as :h“ ease was one demanding as speedy execution as consistent, .1 uilge < la i ke did what he thought was right and that which satisfied the citizens of Terrell county. We only Iio|k il such crimes are commuted, and such penalties in Hided again in our section, that Lite execution will take place in private, as the public hangings are debasing and demoralizing, and great crowds of colored poo pie, women generally prcdoiuina SOLID SILVER STEM WINDING FULL JFWELED GENT'S SIZE WATCH FOR $12.50, KIT.I.Y tir.VUASTEED. This ..tier mad.-fori>».lavs only, floods sent bv Kxprrss t\ l>. if. siiliject to iils|H,-ttoii U-fore |iiircliasinjr. J. F. STEVENS, *00., Jewelers, m.*li-i:bct. Atust.i.Ui. ■ . — —The Literary Cl iff i met Tuesday evening at tlie Imspita ble residence of Mr*.T. S. Unwell, and as it always has been a fact that the young people enjoy them selves when her d.airs are o|Kiie»l to them, soon lliis occasion did they pass the hours most pleas antlv. The programme was unii sually entertaining. rendered much more so from the fact that Miss Ida Newclt, of Atlanta, lion jin-cd the club with a recitation.— I Siie possesses wonderful elocution i ary taient, and she surely charm i ed her listeners and wi.n their —We have just received a tele gram from Barnesville annoucc ing that the city election went for prohibition by lilt majority. .-inr?" I answer: I do not know. They may not like to engage in the business, nr they may think that they would not make enough profit on what they do sell to put for the State and Federal license. I am sure enough of one thing, on j however, and that i*. there is no fault in the law-. Under its <q«- ration hundred of homes have been made happy, scores of men have been reclaimed, business irnpror tal, labor benefited, and the letup tation removed from our young inen and boys to waste their time and money in idleness and disst pation. Citizen. Aug. 20, 1884. Carry Inr Colton I To the Dixson Water Clin. Only f 150 [K-r bale. If bale exceeds 510 pounds in weight, 30 Cents ! per lOO |munds will be charged. : Will haul cotton when so desired. Everything new and in good nr- hc cheaper to the eountv by pre venting a continuation of case* etc. For the last eight or ten years a custom has prevailed with the Democratic Executive Committee ol lliis county to the exclusion ot certain rights which some g.KMl citizens have who nre prospective candidates for county otliccs. This custom consists in adhering to Democratic rules and privilege* so far as nominating candidates for the Senate and Ifonsc of Rep resentatives, and totally ignoring the same rules when candidates for county ollicers are to be selec ted. Now, is it just and fair to give a candidate for the Senate ami House of Representatives Ihe right and power of a Convention, and wholly disregard the claims of candidates for county offices to the same power? Many good men be i ting, go out and no good can come in I of such scenes or gatherings. The reasons given that the execution •oming off on Monday gave the j Hubert llonncr, of the New York Ledger, has bought the famous mare Maud S.. paying ♦40.000 for her. Mr. Vanderbilt was offered $100,000 for the animal, but pre ferred to sell her to a man that would not let her run for money. A Yoke of Oxen anil a .Mule. Stevens' Pottery. Ga., August 18. 1881.—Dear Sir; I had a yoke of oxen whose necks bee une very sore from the yoke. As I could not afford to stop them from work. I was apprehensive that S.-inodinc would not make a cure. But to my gratification they were cured in a lew days. It also made a speedy cure of a bad running sort- on one of iny mules and on the foot of one of my hands. Icon sidcr it a valuable medicine. Bcspcctfully, yours, Henry Stei-hens. Atlanta, Ga.. August 13. 1884. -Dear Sir: Sanodiue is I he "Boss'’ —Corn. and Iresli Water Ground Meal on hand at all times, at ALLIoON & SIMPSON'S, ct ■Inrness. Buggies and Wagons will sell very low. Call and get a bargain, at ‘ ALLISON tfc SIMPSON'S. sept27 c-t 'rite PcrlVeliott oiler Pot. Is tlie best made. Go to Iv. J. Anthony's, and buy one. If To The Ladies! negroes great opportunities to] preparation for cuts, sores, and who are candidates In liecs would not thick these of f being ! at meet and discuss these matters as well Thursday as Saturday or Sundays, and these rumors ol riots and threats of interference are foolsh and often cowardly, lot 20 white men well armed c-otthl run all the negroes out of any • minty in South West Georgia, nor will the negroes dare resist the execution of the laws, for to do so would only he to their ruin. On to day Wards' base ball club will play a match game with Cutlibert's lirag club, and we pre dict that the Wards boys will come out winners. We arc glad to have tlie (,'utlibeit boys come, and out hoys will extend them a hearty welcome and them bad. for Wards always leads even in a game of base ball. The Rail read authorities have last commenced remodel ill; meet and discuss the matter is a \ mange. Have given il a thorough poor argument, since they can trial. Would not be without it for ten times what it cost. ltcs|>ect- full v yours, J. R. Gkeog, Of Gregg it C'o., Hardware Dealers The Heat—ISanodinc will cure the worst eases of Heat liv a few applications. Give it a trial.— All Druggists sell it. Price Fifty Cents. Ask jour Druggist for it. ly » • — Track laying began on the Bue na Vista road last week. —Judge Clarke and family | sympathy for “The Little News j dcr. For wagon apply at the Gin 11^. t | lc Kx.KUtivc Committee, and siteh, if a convention was c. lied . and re fitting our Depot. Anew- r no veil into their new house yes terday. It looks real niec to see them hack again at ihe old place. SLFFI’I.KSS XtiiHTS, iiijhIc iniM*r:il*lc t»y that UTriMc*cough. Shiloh’:* Cure is tlie reiucilv for v«*u. For suie hv J. " , STAN FoilD. * lK»y.” Tlie dub will meet next at the rcsidenffc of Rev. F. A. Brandi. A BlG~FREEZE! Remember that W. T. Bighv still keeps a large supply of ICE or to the undersigned. II. O. BEALL, for Proprietress. August 7, 1884. 1 in. ■ m ('•lrma.H NihiIom Items. Cotton is opining rapidly since the rust has taken hold on — .Mr. and in.I Master J. M i' ll n John Palmer,! and LEMONS on band which lie | it. who have been on a visit In Capt. Scaly for some time, left Tuesday for a visit to Chattanooga. n. The Fruit Stand. —IV. T. Bigby will receive a large lot of fine Fresh Fish Sattir Scaly Palmer, sells i liea|s-r than the elien|KSt. at i Sickness is prevailing in a great many families in this and sur rounding communities. Mr. Geo. W. Dozier’s child j still remains quite sick with faint 'nominations made; for in that I convention every aspirant’s I strength would be ascertained, and the weaker of course would j withdraw from the contest. Let i ; ns urge the justice of a nominat ing convention for county ollices, and go hack to the old landmarks, j ami thereby insure less contcii- , tion and wrangling for ollice. If I it is lair to nominate candidates ; fortune ollke, it is fair for another. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS I cotton platlorin will Ik built iniicli larger than the present one, and new sills and pillars will be put under the Ibqs.t new jlaor. I *« painted w-ile. nce< lei l i mpruveuientt*, —We have put ourselves to some trouble lately to ascertain tlie status of tlie prohibition sen timent in tl in countv, un<! are Nwrfi (jiMiu aid Jf nllcim. Very few realize that in the ex building will be* are much j and will ^ : tuun Tobacco Ca, must observe tlie following Tl.*.«*. n\ ..«•!> Conditions on which the premiums are t*> lie 1 lit SC .lie much , ftwar ded: All baas must bear our original Bull Ihirham label. L*. S. Kerenue Sump, and , Caution Notice. The bncs must lie done up athl mucll to the appearance OI securely in a package with name and add res* We have this day reduced Prices on all our Dress Goods. While we have sold a great deal in that line, yet our Stock is very large, and we would advise all to come before they are picked over, for every body knows that when we say we reduce an article we mean it. In Hisses, Children And Ladies’ Slippers and Low Cut Shoes, we can offer you a bargain, as well as in everything in the Shoe line. No matter what anybody else offers them to you at, or any other article in our line, we will and must undersell, as we always will stand to our old motto: “Quick Sales and Small Profits.” of sender, and number of bags contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must tie prepaid. Crmtcrtrinurx Snrrntbrr Mth. All pack ages should be forwarded December 1st, and must reach us at Durham vot later thmn l#rrm- ber i lk. No matter where you reside, send <|tir village. Tlie work is under; the sujKii vUion of W. II. Jertii I gan, which is a guarantee that it w ill be well done. c are several eases of fever in our communiir. None seriously ill, ttpfpvs it is Mr. Fred Arthur, who j n . , , | M ._ ,l.» . 1 yi>nr pnrknitc. artvi*- usbymnil lh»t you have C 'ig'lt to learn tbat then* (tone ,o. nnd state the number of lxiss sent. Name* of sueeessful contestants, with numlier hfbuj-s returned, v-ill be published, IKo. ---gin Delon. Urnild: New York, lternift: rhiladel- ilay even ing, an.l will sell them ' plea sell at the evidences. Weiiis cheap at THE STAND. If. — Messrs. Riilgway * Pearce | are now prepareil to ilo a general livery iiusiness. Their .tallies are new, ami the lot fur horses is large. j cover that the feeling in its favor is steadily growing. Many who were active on thr liquor side three , years ago, are now strong advo Iio]h-s of his recovery, lie has ii.Iation they see clinging to the typhoid pneumonia with whoop- iftmt trcclhere is a imwcrful *tiianlalingex|>ector9nt principle, 1 and in tht-old field mullein a mu .-iiagiuotis one that is very healing visiting the family of! d, tl,c lungs. These two princi ing cough. M iss Jessie ’ | has been liner of Uiithbert ■s- cates of the temperance law-. We j '^ pleases her to withdraw . from iKlieve that in twelve months ' the community we fear a certain the writer the past week.and when pies present in Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum an.l Mill lein a pleasant and effective cure SHILOH'S ITU'CH and t I nrv is sold l.y ns on a guar cures colislliiit.lton. E'orsale l.y sTANFnlill. ; more the sentiment will have such -—- a strong hold tqion our |Kople amw""lt that no effort, however strong, tv. would make any impression. —The first car from Lumpkin reached Cuthbcrt yesterday at 10 a. in. It was drawn by two mules, and turned out to be a Photo grapher’s gallery. Beef Market! I have o|Ktied my House North side of Market Public bachelor in the neighborhood will he sorely affected. It may be that that he will influence her to fake- charge of the hail at u<> distant day Messrs. Moore, Rogers A Ham niiK-k have but recently moved their saw mill machinery down on is reported down with fever. It is unusual for us to have so much sickness in this sec tion, yet we find on comparison ! with Dawson and Cuthbcrt that ours ia much healthier am! less 1 mortality, but it seems that this is an unprecedented sickly season! for South West Georgia. We have had fine rains, and , the cotton crop is doing well j where tlie rust has not caused it j j to shed and to quit blooming.; | The croakers are crying out halt i Sumter county Il.s a brag acre ! "" 1 ^ ,,ne third of a crop, but they j will make enough localise the! typhoid ! 7*‘rcr: Chiraeo. Daily Ncia; San i ruucuco, 1 j Chronicle. AfMre'fl. Blackwell’s DntifAW Tobacco ro., Durham. N. I Brery genuine package has pirtnre of BolL W See our neat uDouncemeaLfl mch 13-1 ir. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, We have a third shipment coming this week, and those who have not bought yet, will do well to come soon and look through our Stock. Do not fail to buy your Hats, wheth er Straw, Wool or Fur Hats, of us. We keep the largest and best selected Stock. Respectfully, P. PTJLASKI & CO. May 15lli ct. for Croup. Whooping Cough Colds and Consumption. Sold by all druggists at 25c and ♦1.00 a , bottle. DR. HOLT’S DYSPEPTIC EM —As we are in need of money solicited. Square again, and air. now selling tlie plantation of Judge I. J. San- good fat Beef, Mutton, Kid, Jrc. ders, of Clay County where the A share of the public patronage is j Judge lias employed them to saw and must reduce the Stock, we ire offering all our Goods at great ly reduced prices, so come before j they are picked over. tf F. Pulaski A- Co. July 31st, W. tf. C. JENKINS. a large amount of lit nhe.- for him of corn, and this is the estimated measure as given l»y the Kcpubli 'can: “The rows 60yards long, 3 : feet 9 inches apart, making 50 to ! the acre. The corn is 1 ! apart in the drill, making a total Almost every day our ex- | changes bring us news of some murder, caused by too free use of -In the ^n*teX Wednesday! wl,iske > ' Tl,c J"' 1 *" of the -Su- afternoon of last week, between ; > ,crior Co " r,s leslif >' lh “‘ threc - Tltey expect to begin running in ' of 10.855 hills to the acre; all | a few days. j ing 1^ ears to the hill, while it Our enterprising citizen, Mr. | O. A. Barry, we learn is haring : erected a large and commodious I gin house at the rear end of his price to go below cost of produc tion. Such reports do no good, an.l deceive no one. We are glad to sic that Jack- inches son vminly has joined the prohi bition march, and by sucli an un mistakable majority as 050. We |..uce lived in this county, and ; there were many stills and dram j a small average, and you have a j shops among these people, but so ; potent became the curse, and so real the evils and vices giow iri 1 total ol' 14,472 cars to the acre: ; then allowing 125 cars to the Indigestion. Jt The only known remedy that will cure every ease of Dyspepsia or It has heen tested in hundreds of cases and has never failed in a single instance, has lu-c-n very successful in Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or Heartburn, Chronic Dysentery or Diarrhoea, Heart Disease, Etc. •nit] in every of ASTHMA, when* i-oinj*liratefl with intli^ustioii. Torpid Liv«*r. «>r <'<>!i«ti]»:irion. it is a «»fc an*l certain run-. Wc ;i.<k BYSl’KITirs and ASTIIMATM'st»» try tin* remedy and they will lie convinced that they are not incurable di.-c:i>es. This medicine is composed of purely vegetable remedies. Symptoms of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling of fullness or weight in the Stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting. Heartburn, Acidity, flatulence, sick or nervous headache, Dull pain in the head, with a sensa tion of Heaviness, or Giddiness, Irregularity of the Dowels, sometimes Constipated the Spring Vale ami Cuthbert buy*, tlie Cuthliert boys won by a ! score of 20 to 14. “Is life worth living?" asks an Euglisli writer. That ilepcnils «*n Smith'! Jlitt Menus. Use them if that large gland is out of order. —Our merchants are getting rauly for a brisk trade this fall. Their goods arc choice,and select j 35 cl g. 1<0 “battle, cil with care. They will be put | W. Stanford. upon the market at such prices as will bring trade in flits direc tion. that very little credit business lias been done here litis summer. The farmers are in lietter plight for cash and tlie economy which they have practiced lliis year to keep out of debt will render all the more enjoyable the ability they have thus earned to buy liberally this fall. We arc decidedly of tbc opinion that C'ulhbert is in for a fine business this season. fourths of the criminal cases brought before them for trial re i suit directly or indirectly from the use of whiskey. Yet there are a few who want the liar-rooms open ed in Randolph county again. mill dam. where he expects to be bushel, which would make a frac- able to prepare for market cotton ia the best of order. He expects good and true men, aided by the to use one of Clatk's Seed Cotton Cleaners, when the services of such arc needed, which will enaldc liint to make good samples from dirty cotton. Bevs. John W. Martin and J. tion over 114 bushels to the acre." good women, determined it must — t — cense, and it is settled, for such THAT HACKINU COUCH call Ik so quickly ruri-if t.v sliiloh's t’urr. Wt' protracted For sale by J. guarantee it. For sale by J. W. STAS- 1 * WIlrAwakr Uruzzlsts. Dr. J. W. Stanford is always ! alive to his business, and spares no pains to secure the Iks t of every article in bis line. He has sc ’ n jcitred the agency for the ceiebra- o«l Dr. King s New Discovery for out 01 this ruinous traiiic.'\ill the jitml tlicii acting too freely. Low Spirits, Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin, Derangement of Kidneys. Palpitation of the Heart, etc. If you suffer with any of these symptoms, Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir will cure you. The following are a few testimonials of parties who have heen cured by the Elixir: —Tlie 3d bale of cotton for this „ , , - season was brought in on Satur- For our part we are gl*d ! (lay liv M „ Tom Stevens, the 4tli hale was brought in Tuesday by Mr. Dock Crozier. Both were stored at the Brick Warehouse of Mr. 11. W. Ellis. meeting at Viilulah.„ .- , - . , () f Consumption, the only certain I cure known for Consumption. —Three deaths—all of promi nent- persons—occurred in Daw though but a few months in the sou this week within 24 hours of | ministry, heclearly proved to the minds of those present that he each other: Judge Bragan, Judge Leonard and Judge CainpiKll.— The remains of the first named gentleman were brought over to —Judge M. C. Parkerson is j this city on Tuesday and interred having the lumber hauled to his j ' n Vhe Western cemetery. I Jt, preparatory to having a fine! _ A ~ great* r'erbiction in new residence put upon the spot I clagse# of shoes unli i , urUlcr occupied by bis present house.— tICC We are glad to note such signs of F. Pulaski & Co. tf —At F. Pulaski <k Co's all 811 inmcr Worsted ‘Dress Goods, from the finest to the lowest grades, will Ik offered at actual aB ,j A |,|,| e chiller on draught, and improvement. REFRisHMENTS are still on aliooin. You can get leeCoM Lemonade, Ginger Ale. Soda Water, Champ agne Cider. tost price for the next 30 days. tf j all other Temperance Drinks at It. W. T. BIGBY'S Stand. church. We had the pleasure listening to some very impressive.... , _ , , sermons by the former. and ! Loughs, Coldo, Hoarseness. Asth ■ 1 ma. Hay Fever, loom-intis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free, ltegular size ♦1.00. reforms do not go backwards. Johnson county claims to be tlie first county in the state to pro liibit tlie sale of claim to be so w tlie results of liave advanced so rapidly that make up a good and happy people that prohibition is strong er now thau ever, and so it is everywhere it has been tried, and so we are becoming in Randolph pn. p. it. IIolt. Ki fu-la. Ah. in. I*. K. Holt. Kourm. Ala. : 1I.ITTI1 ll's Stitk.n. G.l, Ortolx-r !8th. 1H.-CS. lino: So: -I have Iki-ii trouhle.1 with iinligi-stiou ali.l nervous Iteailar-lic for the last tifr.s-n years. Oaring that time I liave sutTertsI a great .lea! with ls.-ri.Mlical atta.-ks of headache. Having e-xhaasted mv own skill an.l trie.1 tin* i.reserit.tions of and nervous headache, or any disease arising from a torpid liver to procure a Is.ttlc of your DysjKptii- Klixir. for if is almost a sjicoific in tbisclass of diseases. I recommend it to my patrons and oreseriis- it in my praeti.s*. I w ijn!.' liave eonmlk- i with your request, made when I saw you last, thought it !k-sI to delay in order to la* thoroughly convinced as to its cura tire projKrties. Very truly yours, _ L P. ItOZIKK, M. 0. P. can't afford to he without the Klixir. I will have it in mv house let it cost ivhat it mav. I.. P. l>. was earnest ia advocating the Master’s cause, anil bids fair to be the means of leading many to a knowledge of the blessed Sa viour. Miss Nannie Brown, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brown, «T Cuthbert. is i rilica 1- a ly ill of typhoid fever at tlie resi dence of Dr. W. T. Rogers. Sin ks.* every care that human kind ness could provide in tlie family of the Doctor. Besides, her raoth er is with her doing aH in her |Kiwer to console ber in her sad affliction. May the All Wise An flis unerring judgment see fit to ... . . restore her ti> her usual health. 2 an s towing is - aD( j t i,ereliv rid an anxious family of a deep affliction, is the earnest wish of the writer. W. W. J. The country just now is having a surfeit of politics. Lies without number are being told on both i prohibition sentiment among us, county. We are now threatened with one or two dram shops or doggeries on our county line just over in Terrell. The more of these that afflict and curse tile good people of Terrell, the stronger will grow the sides. —Mr E. B. Riilgway proposes to do his share towards supplying the public with new buggies, wag ons, and harness. These goods can be found at the store of Mr. J. L. Sanders. all that Ed asks. Give him a trial. (irrea Apples! Eaten in the spring lime, or any other season, is liable to give as well as increase tlie chances for getting rid of the curse in that county—for they will get the scum and low degraded and dirty ' I)R u„ tT „j) r , from our side to add to their own.' CttSIrTR.>t.LER fiKXERAI.'s OFFICE, ATLANTA. Ga.. July Otll. l-SAV. Itsik Sik—I am pleased t.» rr|s.rt that I have la-eft entirely cure!I .»f indieestiini, l.y the use t.f “Itys.H i.tie Klixir." I was iti.hietsl hy a friend t.. try it after having; trie.1 a Im. .-t every remedy known f. .r my disease, with..tit the lightest cffla-t. I tis»k nnly three small buttles <,f your m.slieini- ! was entirely well. I stilfrre.1 several years, and alrh-.-igrh il lias Iteell three years since 1 useil, I have had no return of it. Yours trnlv. W. A. " HitiIIT. 1 'onqt. Gen.-State of Ga. Office of the Six.ter MAxt-F-..-rt i:t:«. Co.. Euf.u li. An.. JiUv Itli, 1K*I. Tins is to certify that iny wife. Mary J. Higriitmvcr, si.iUtasI fur six years from^estioii an.l ei.iarRi-mi-nt of the liver; titat sin- had heen r-shacl in rtesli tilt pounds to-So poun.ts, and was y-l. smiv and desjaMident; liiat as an ex|M-rimelit— and l.y earnest i-ersuashn)—»he.»;as imlneisl to try oae Is.tti. ,,f I»r. Holt's Ityspeptie Klixir; that she was immediately an.l materially len.-tiited, and eontinniiigrits uses few montljs. sJmwas entirely relieved of her troubles, retrained her appetite, ami now weijrlis 135 ptmmLs. Tlie Klixir liashroiyrlit us health and happiness where all other remedies had resulted in eon- tintions sillTeriltR and disajqiointmi-nt. - " J. C. lUGHTOtVEK. KfFiri.i. Ala.. Mav 1st. HWS. About hve years asq I was taken witli a violent etmgh with enlarged liver and . onstipation. 1 -ia w months, owing; t.» the severity nf >WD, ' worse a;td Worse until it was almost irnyussihle for me to lie .town ami sleep r.t niy-lit for IS qne a bowel trouble, which can he anti the tights disturbances and the cough. The only way I eotild sleet, was in a ehair. my head resting upon a tallow .at a talde. Was treated hv two .litter- -- 1 ent physicians,an.l tried a number oUPatent Medicines, allof which did noVy->«>d. After having despaired of ever getting well, my wifu cotisulte.i you by letter. You sent me two bottles of Ityspgptie Elixir: in less than three days f timid lie down and sleep as well as I eve- emiM in my life; a few Udtles cured me pCTrteUv. 1 have it t.. a great minis tier of persons an.l never knew it to fail toeure in a single instance. Yours truly. JuiIX F. KKIIOE. s|teetlilv checked hy the use of Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial tlie GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY, that will certainly cure Cramp Colic, Diarrlm-a, Dysentery anti restore the little one gradually wasting away from the effects ot teething. For sale by all drug gists at 50 cents a bottle. murders which follow such traffic, will band the good and true, aud make them say, “This must stop, and the ballot box is the place, and prohibition tlto remedy.” Judge Wall and wifu left on Tuesday for McDuffie county, to tisit friends and relatives, anti to attend the White Oak aud Coluw- Mr.w. It. McLendon, of Hatchers Station, says Dr. Holt's Ityspeptie iSteir etireij him of indigestion. I'B Holt—Dour sir: Dys|ier.tic Elixir rured my .laughter of Dvspensia of a very aggravated f.iriit‘ii(tw^n^iue«Ut» statfding. I had tried several of the tx-st physicians ill tlie euuutv, who failed to benefit I nr ' „ . , ... BRA-ANT GIGFFIN, WfcjftyUmd. G.-i. FOR SALE BY ALL LRTTGG-XSTS. April itt-iy.