Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 04, 1884, Image 3

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A Come aud ^H 1 ! him. Dress Goods and Clothing a specialty. Be sure to call on P. HARRIS, the Leader and Make? of Low Prices, and be convinced that he is telling the truth. Fair Notice! —:o:— On the first day of September, 1884, we will have in stock, or transit, a fine, fresh and well-assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Confec tions, Fruits, &c,, Which we will offer to our many friends at the lowest possible figures for the SPOT CASH. ♦ % —1 ■ «■ r ’ Quality and quantity of our goods are always guaran teed. We promise the same fair dealing that has mark ed our course in the past, and solicit a liberal share of your patronage. JC .August 21 ly. ■k CwtwiIm TMriar. I * *—— a,4r. The result of the election Tucs-1 The Convention to nominate a day, we think, will be satisfactory ; candidate for the House of Repre- to the people of Randolph county.' sentativus from this county met LOCAL NOTES. —I»w Priim take the lead, and the Snots Stork furnishes them. • o o ■. — When ynn candidates go 10 treat your ft tends treat them to : mew lint or pair of Shoes, and lmj tlJtcm at Tin: Shoe Store:, ct. —Sec notice of Dental Surgeon. Dr. Worsham —May a pair ol those sp endid j Ladies Kid Hutton Shoes with j »miked holes, nil solid leather, at ct The: Shoe: Store:. m o m — —TheCity Registration Hooks •are o|>cn,and will dose on the ad «>( Novemlier. The Perfirtlra I'.frr P.1, —Mr. A. E. Hayes, of Florida, is visiting relatives in the city. ■ • a —M iss Willie Hrooks, of Lump kin, is on a visit to the family of Doctor Hrooks. — — —-w-o-*- - —It will pay you to read tlie advertisement of J. K. Russell, in another column. w o -Ok E'Mt: MII4IKM! Call at the Empire Store and sec those fine Kill Hutton Shoes fot Ladies. Misses and Children. They arc guaranteed to wear as well as any in the land, and you call buy them mo che.njt. It .!. G. Mathews. -re-o m — Mr. C. I>. Hrowu is remodel After ineffectual attempts to noni inate another, Col. Perry was nominated by acclamation. A* ••nr representative, Col. Ferry will reflect credit upon the coun tv, and bring honor to himself. A man of pure morals, and of in tellectual ability, he will fairly represent the virtne and intelli gence of tlie county. We take it for granted that In will have no opposition. Hi. nomination was unsought b\ himself, and after a full inter change of views among conflicting interests, all agreed upon him, and wc have no idea that the quiet and peace of tlie county will be disturbed by anyopposivg candidate. The Large ■'Ire Don’t ask for eredit, as my cap ital is limited. Uespcctfulljr, It W. T. BIG BY. — ■ • m — ■riag f.ll.a f.l'alh* Is the liest. made. Go to It .1 j ling theold War.llaw place on Vil ! la Nova street. When completed, it will he real pretty. w ♦ Wi —Huy your Hoots. Slows, Hats ami Caps at the Shoe: Store: if you want to buy them cheap I mean business. W. D. Baii.kt, el Proprietor. AwriloKv's, and buy one. If \ —Mrs. Willie Estes. ofColum Inn. is. visiting relatives and ttrietids in tlie city. m o -w-— —If you want to see the largest WtiN'k of Shoos an<l Hats ever tanught to Cllthbert call at ct The Shoe Stoke. Wc have this season advan tages that we have never hail be fore, which wnll enable our cotton buyers to pay a price equal to any market in this section. W< have new cotton buyers not con nected in any way with the busi ness interest of our city except as cotton buyers. Besides this our merchants have the largest and cliea|>est stocks of goods ever brought to this market liefore. and they pro|mse to make it to the interest of every farmer to bring his cotton to, and do his trailing at Cllthbert. Our warehouse men arc clever and accommodating, and have made ample accommo dations fur everybody. Bring us your cotton and we will guaran tee you will be pleased with tlic pricc. Boef Market! I have o|M.‘iicil my Market i House North side of Public Square again, and am now selling good fat Beef, Mutton, Kid. Ac, A share of the public patronage is solicited. W. C. JENKINS. Julv 31«t, if. —Mrs. Dr. ltolieilson, of En fatiia. has been in tlie city for •oreral days, on a visit to the family of Mr. E. T. Davis. mom —Ludlow Bagging and Delta Ties »t The Empire Grocery Store of II. B. MATIIEWS, It Agent. -“-Mr. George Walker left for Macon last Saturday. 11c takes a place in the rstablishinentof W. A. Julian Si Co. —It will pay you to buy your Slum and Hats at. ct The Shoe: Stoke. —Mr. J. J. MeDufliu is with Mr. B. W. Ellis’ Warehouse this season, where he will lie pleased to have his friends call and sec him. «iaalac:tlUalB(!: We are Ginning Cotton at #1 50 |ior bale. We are also prepared to haul cotton to and from the Gin when parties desire it. No danger from sparks, as the Gin is run by water power. It GUNN A- STANFORD. maw — —The t’nthliert Amateurs gave a performance at Fort Gaines last Thursday night which was much enjoyed by the good people of our sister city. —Sir. T. P. Itr inch left on Sun : •dav last for the Fall session in i Vanderbilt University. Nashville. Venn. Mr. Branch made many friends while home on his vnea tion. who will lie glad to see him •gain as soon as possible. — —Mv stock of Shoes and Hats is immense, anil my prices are s-Xtremely low. Call at the Shoe Store and examine them, ct W. D. BAILEY. —My |2 00 and $2.50 and $3.00 Ladies Kid Button Shoes cannot Iw equalled ill this market. Be open lor the collection of City j sure and try a pair. Tax. I will lie found at the Clly Tax. Tilt. City Tax Books are now Laces, Laces, Laces act EabreUeries. A large assortment, and many new styles at the Store of It J. G. Mathews. —M isseu Wil lie and Mary Lee Kiddoo left for Miss Baldwin's Female Seminary, Staunton. Va., last Tuesday. Judge Kiibioo accompanied them as far as Allan ta. counting room of J. McK. Gunn. John F. Kiddoo. sept4-tf Treasurer. ■ « w t —New Crop Turnip Seed, all varieties— by the pound or pa per, at J. W. STANFORD’S. —m- o m-— —The advertisement of Messrs. Ii. G. A W. R. Owen, who have inst • pened their New Stock of Dry Goods. Notions. Shoes, Hats. Clothing etc., was received ton IaijfTof'flJis' week's paper. Look out for their advertisement next | week, and in the meantime you will find it to your advantage to examine tlieir goods before buy ing Every thing they have is NEW. ■•I Meals a* All Hoar*. I have opened a first-class Res taurant at the old stand of Isaac *aaley, where tlie public can get a good hot Meal at any uotir ot the day. ‘ ct w: D. BAII.EY. Proprietor Shoe Store. —Mr. J. J. McDonald was called by telegram to New York on Tuesday to visit Mrs. McDonald who is quite sick there. A later telegram places Mrs. McDonald out of danger. t'sllrgr 0|M-ala(. The Agricultural College open ed on Monday tlie 1st, and the number present the first week equals the highest |*oint reached during the whole of last term. The pros|iects for our School are encouraging, and its friends are very much gratified at the oat look. to — . Va nicer. You must remember that W. T. Biobt will not charge lee to any one. You can buy Ice Tickets at the rate of 40 pounds to thedollar —can get tickets good for as many pounds as you wish. Don’t for get—lie will not charge Ice, Ia in ons nor Fish to you nor anybodv else. Those owing him will please call and settle ot once. Fruits of all kinds will arrive soon. Respectfully, It W. T. BIG BY. mom - —Prof. Willcnx, of Athens, lately elected to a professorship in the Agricultural College arriv ed here on Monday, and on the following day liegan work. lie comes highly endorsed, and wc have no doubt will do much tie wards increasing the |sipularitv of our splendid school. — -»-o m — Mr. J. G. Mathews has an at tractive advertisement in to-day’s paper which our readers will not fail to notice. Mr. Mathews is a good judge of goods, and has on hand a splendid slock. ■prrSilary 1M Taint. Hon. Tbeo. J. Ferry, ex-Senator from the 9th District of Georgia, and sow a prominent citizen of Cathbert, sends the following'tet ter to the Swift Specific Company, which will be read with -interest. And this only one of the hundreds of pcopie being relieved every year hy the use of Swift’s Specific: Clthsekt, Ga., Sept. 1, 1884. Gentlemen:—Some time ago my attention was called to the very- serious illness of Mr. John Pal mer, Sr., oi this city suffering with a most fearful Hereditary Blood Disease. Mr. Palmer, who is now 73 years old, told tlie wri ter that his malady dated back to his early boyhood, and had been gradually growing worse from year to year until be bad lost all ho|ie of being cured. He had sought relief from every suggest ed remcily, lint without avail. The disease had become com|di- cated with rheumatism, rendering him totally unable to work. Mr. Palmer being my neighbor I' be came quite familiar with his Con dition, and at once set about to do what I could in restoring the old gentleman to health. Your cess of the party. lie announced j justly celebrated S. S. S. remedy liiinself not only a Democrat, blit j was suggested as a positive cure a parly Democrat, and pledged for such diseases, and believing his best efforts for the success of that Mr. Palmer would be bene the nominee. Capt. Tuinlin’s ad- fitted by its use. induced me to dress was in good spirit, was well t secure a supply, and to day I am made, in a real, magnanimous able to inform you that Mr. Pal spirit, and maile him many friends, mer is on the sure and certain After (.'apt. Tumlin's address, road to permanent health—able Mr. D. I. Weaver, presented the to work, happy and joyous. liar- name of Mr. S. E. Freeman, and j ing seen with my own eyes the Mr. Freeman received quite a flat- wonderful results of your Specific, teriug vote. After the 11th ballot ] in its effects iqion this particular a motion was made to appoint a case, forces ine to give it my im- coiumittec of three from each side; 'l l| alified endorsement. Mr. Pal mer lias used only «i bottles of | your remedy, which has almost eradicated from his system this in the Court House at 10 o'clock, on Tuesday, Capt Sealy was made Chairman,and II. Tobias, Secreta ry. Tlie two-tliirds rule was adopt ed. Mr. J. A. Allison presented tlie name of Capt W. M. Tnmlin. and (.’apt Crittenden tlie name of Mr. D. L. Ferguson. After three bal lots, with varying results, the -.-onvention adjourned till 2»’clnck, when balloting was resumed. On the 7tli ballot, the name of Mr. George Oliver was voted for in place of Mr. FergusoD. the vote standing Turalin 16, Oliver 20.— After tlie 9lli ballot the friends of Ca|it. Tomlin withdrew for con sultaliou. On tlieir return to Itiej < ’ourt room, Capt Tunilin address ed the Convention, withdrawing from the race, and pledging him self to support the nominee of the Convention, "whether lie be friend or foe.” He declared that the re sult of Saturday’s election in the Town District declaring in bis fa vor l>y a vote of 141 to 33, fully- satisfied his ambition, and now be had a higher ambition: the sue- NEW FIRM! HEWBOODS! LOW MCE!!!! -4 3-5 James G. Mathews, Proprietor of "THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS STORE.” C’uthlN-rt Ga., is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CLOTHING. HATS. BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS, SATCHELS UMBRELLAS. Ac., which I offer to the trailing public at prices that defy competition. I solicit a liberal share of your patronage, and will certainly secure it if you will only step into my store and see the many REAL BAR GAINS I am giving away daily. I was in New York at the time when money matters pressed down most heavily upon the people, and with the CASH in hand I knocked down the liest DISCOUNTS that could lie offered. 1 am therefore preiiared to give you PRICES that will sell the Good*. MY MOTTO IS to do you all the good I possibly can by selling the The Best tf (Seeds at Make money, and thousands of friends by dealing honestly with everybody. If you want Goods come to “The Empire Store” to buy tlicm, and 1 will save you money. Very Respectfully. “•i**- JAMCS C. MATHEWS. to see if they could igrec iqion a I name, which was carried. The committee retired, and after a short consultation returned pre- sont’ng as the result of their con tciencetbe name of Col. T. J. Per ry, who, after a short interchange of views among the members of the committee, was nominated by acclamation. A committee was apjiointcd to notify Col. Perry of his nomination, which duty they performed, and Col. Perry ap|icar ed, addressed the convention in a happy speech, and accepted the nomination. Tlie convention then adjourned. m o m Solial Hlarl. Hmt For Ladies, Misses and Children, cheap at the Empire Store. It J. G. Matiihws. —-re- o m —- —It was our pleasure to visit the city of Wards last Tlmrsdsy, and witness the game of base ball between the Cuthbert and Wants boys. The game commenced at 3 o'clock, and was played with much spirit, Ix-ing witnessed by a large crowd of spectators. At the close ot the fifth inning, the game was called by tbe Wards boys, and tlie score stood, Cuthlicrt 45 to Wards 33. Tlie ball was then presented to the Cuthberl boys by Col. R. F. Crittenden, in a short and appropriate S|iccch, which was accepted and replied to by ] Mr. Jesse C. Speight. The horrible blood disease, that has been poisoning his entire organ ism for the last 60 years or more. Very Respectfully, Theo. J. Perky. Having examined tlie contents ol the foregoing letter in reference to my own ease, certify that every statement is true, and that 1 con fidently believe I will be perma nently cured in a few weeks more. John Pai.mkil Cutliliert. Sept. 1st. 1884. fW Treatise on Blood anil Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga., 153 W 23d St., N. Y., and 1205 Chestnut St., Phils delphia. 2t mom V "Money and news are as scarce as anything could be,” says the Talbotton New Eia. m o mm— KMscjr ('•■plaint. For over six years I bare been a terrible sufferer from a 'loublesouie kidney mniplaint, for the relief of which I have s)«-nt over $250 without liem-fit; tile most noted so-called remedies proving failures. Tlie use of one single lsittle of IS. has lieen marvelous, giving more relief than all other treatment eomhined. It is a quick cure, while otliers.if they cure at all, are in tlie distant future. C. II. Roberts, Atlanta Water Works Catarrh. The China and Qecnsware House of Mcltride & Co., Atlanta is jw-rhaps the largest in the south. Mr. A. J. Mc- ISrule of this firm lias lieen eured of catarrh of the nose of D> years stand ing by file use of IS. B. IS., after every knowu remedy and treatment bail NOTICE TO < r oot 1 • tailed. B. B. B. cure* catarrh in a , c i i i ot • | lew weeks, after slothful stuff has l*o|»ic«»f UanlsiiuUverytlnngin |l;liM for rears. Write to him and their |x»wer to make our stay i learn all the facts, pleasant, and everybody express i , , laV e entirely cured ed themselves in the highest, terms ! of nasal <‘afarrh of several year* standing. by .’I hot ties of B. B. B. 1 have tried manv other remedies, hut lever |ieo|de of Wards. We will none equal B. B. B. It is a quick eure, of tlie pleasant day spent, and the he glad to have the Wards boys visit our city and play our boys j again soon. ■eadarlir i'aml la Thirty .HiaatM. Siek Hea<laelie, Nervous Head aelie or any kind of Headache can |»osilively lie cured in 30 minutes . , i bv usini» Weeden & Dent s Head I he ^iioe Store at prices so low ,, , , ' ; ache Medicine, ror sale by can afford to pur-L J0 t J. W. STANFORD. «. D. Bailey. - mam Proprietor, i —Everything you want in the Shoe and Hat line can be had at that anybody chase, ct while others are slow. J. J. H aroy. Editor ‘‘News,” Toccoa, tia. ABNER JONES. i Three weeks ago the cotton pro6|rect in tbis section was, in most nciglilNirlioods, real flatter ing. Now it is very discouraging. A few localities have bad rains, but the larger part of the county ia dry, very dry. A very large falling off in tlie estimated crop is Bow admitted by all. Perhaps we mar peach two thirds of a crop, but we have not heard it higher than that. Clothing! I have Just received a large •lack of Clothing direct from Manufacturer*. Call and buy a nice Suit for little money, at the Empire Store. 1 It J- G. Mathews. A.licr. Mrs. N. D. Workii.i. proposes to resume her School on -Monday next, lhe8lh inst.. at her resi dence. Profoundly grateful for past patronage, she res|iectfully solicits a continuance of the same. m o m —There will be a sjjecial ser vice for the children in the Ba|» list church, at 4J o’clock, next Sabbath afternoon. All the chil dren of the town, and old folks, as well, arc invited. — We regret that our eorres- imndcnts from Buford. Bluffton. Brooksville, Quitman county, and * large part of Wauls was crowd oil out this week. —When you see your friend with a nobby Hat ora pretty Shoe the question naturally arises. | -Where did you get them and j what is the price?” The answer S largest cotton firms New 4'allow Ha} er. Mr. J. W. Robinson, of Charles ton, S. C., has located in our city, and priqiosrs to buy cotton and pay the highest cash price for it. His headquarters will be at the office of J. MeK. Gunn's, where he can lie found at all times. Mr. Robinson comes highly recom mended. representing one ol' the n the United —W. T. Bigby will receive a large lot of fine Fresh Fish Satur day evening, and will sell them cheap at TH E STAND. tf. Hi Iher is. bought them at the Store, and bought them cheap.” Shoe States. Messrs. Cole Br. s’ A Gra- rer U ham, that deals direct with ct. 1 - Liverpool, and has a buyer in —Rev. R. T. Goodrnm has lieen quite a numlier of towns in Gcor- doing much real good work among ’ "' a an< ^ Alabama buying cotton ....... .. ,! for them. We take pleasure in the churches tu tins section «f; recommendingjnm to al! who have late. His laltors have been great ly blessed everywhere he has been. Wc shall be verv glad to see him cotton to sell. He lias extra ad vantages, shipping direct, and will therefore tie able to pnv as engaged permanently by some much for cotton as any market in church or churches in this section A Cant. Having opened a Dental Office in Cuthlicrt, I will, from and after T«»X Maa 4'« to the Empire Store and dress up in a nice stylish suit of Clothes— j this date, be prepared at any ami new Hat, and a pair of those all times to serve t je people of a fine band sewed Shoes. All of the above goods you will- find I have marked low down. It J. G. Mathews. The Cuthbert Amateurs re peated tlieir entertainment last Friday night to a good audience, which was much enjoyed by all. Between the plays Mias Ida New elf, of Atlanta, delighted the atidi cnee with a recitation of "The Blacksmith,” and being encored returned and recited "The News boy.” The performance through out was well rendered, and onr jicopie will be pleased to see (Item appear upott tlMtsUge again aooB. Cuthbert and surrounding coun try. Respectfully, It J- J. Worsham. -a- • -a— —The spirit manifested in the Convention Tuesday by Capt. W. M. Tnmlin was very gratifying to liis friends, and is highly spoken of by all—even by those who worked earnestly against him. —m- o m Tbe contract ior grading the entire Americns, Preston and Lnmpkin Railroad was let last Thursdsy to Messrs. John Wtm'- aor Sc Co., of Americas. They ex pect to finish it up by July, 1885. Jlalliaa High Me kook The protracted meeting at Brooksville closed last Sunday, with only two accessions. Wi heard some excellent sermons preached by Rav. J. H. Corley, the pastor of the church. There will be a three days’ meeting at the next regular appointment. Mr. N. H. Miller lias lieen quite siek for some time, but is now convalescing. The farmers have commenced flicking cotton, and they think they can gather tlieir crops very casily, for there will not be more than two thirds of a cotton crop made in this section, although Mr. C'has. Phillips says prnspect.- were never better, and the farmtr- liave cheerful faces ia his com inunity. 1 hope some of them i will he able to show the Major a silver dollar soon, as lie lias not i seen one in some lime. I do not ; think be will see even a quarter j from this neighborhood, for there i is only one man with a cheerful face and that is Mr. $. K. Bush, | who says be has Ins gin ready to [ gin fur the public. lie has one of the best gins in tbe county, and will assure any man as good a turn out as any gin that he may fiatronizc. He earnestly so licits tbe patronage of his neigh bors and friends. J. R. WHY tv I LI. YOU cough when Shi loh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. aOcts. and ft For sale bv. J. AY. STANFORD. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver complaint. Von have a p -inted guarantee -on every le'ttle of Shiloh's Vitalixcr. It never fails to cure. For sale by J. W. STAN FORD. TI1K REV. OEO. II. THAYER,..of THE PUBLIC!! Everyth ingon Wheels WE want to see all of our friends from this and the surrounding counties, at our NEW STABLES, On Foster s C orner. We will stable tlieir Horses on their first visit for nothing, as wc want our friends to see hoiv We mean "Business,” and will treat you right. dM Our Citv Friends, who want a nice, nobby Turnout, can find it here. No broken down Horses, and no old rusty Bti*gr offered for hire. Our Horses are fleet and spirited, and our Bu^ries Ilow am i br,g U R IDG WAY & PEARCE. It I will have one of the Largest and one of the Cheapest Stocks of Harness and Whips ever seen in this country. I shall keep all the Grades. Those who want a real Fine Set, can find it at my stand, and those who want a Set for a little money, can find it at the same place. My Harness is kept at the old Alhambra Budilin", now occu pied by the new ami popular store of Mr. J. L. Saexdei;s.° Do you want a nice Buggy, in which to give veur wile or your lady love a comfortable ride? 1 keep * J That sort of a Buggy. Mine nrc new an»l stylish, ami of all kinds—high euomdi f : »r the rich and cheap enough for the man of moderate means. I will sell ’ Buggy as cheap as anybody, and don’t you forget it. you a We arc just opening our Mammoth Stock of Goods, and are very busy ar ranging them. This space is reserved for onr regular Advertisement, which will appear in next weeks issue. In the meantime, we cordially invite everybody to look through our Stock, and all we will say now, is, that our Prices will be the cheapest, and we will undersell everybody in our line. Respectfully, P. PULASKI & CO. September 4, et. Jump Into the Wagon, and We’ll All Take a Ride. I keep W agons—One Horse, Two Horse, Four Horse, or any other size mpriml. These Wagons are of TIIE BEST MAKE, and will commend themselves to the people hy tlieir excellencies, antf* their moderate cost. All I ask is a trial. I know I can do as good a part bv the public as any other man. Come mmI see me. aug28-ly £- B R1DCWAY- ANDREW FZRALE COLLEGE, CUTHltEKT, GA. Opens Its Next Session - September 17, 1881. o NKf the first ('»ll("fs for yoiui" ladies hi tlie South. Toiirse of study equal to any in tl»«r State. Faculty i-MujNMfl of llotronghly trained gentle men and ladies. Buildings and sur- roundings beautiful, riiniateandhome comforts all that can l*e desired. Onr work is thorough in all tlie departments. We appeal to Patrons and Pupils for en dorsement. Besides the regular College course wc have well organised departments in Ocnuan. French. Vocal and Instrumen tal Music and Art. No extra charges for inst met h»n in ralisthcnies, < lass Siier- fug ami Penmanship. Terms among tlie liest. considering the advantages afforded. Board $1<» J»er mouth, washing not included. Forl 'at- alogin* or other information, write t- President. lift. HOIV ARB W. KEY, A. I. July 3 td South-W est-Georgia AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Erancii of tie Unirersitr of Georgia) CUTHBEJIT, - - GA. BENJ.T. HUNTER. A. M.Presided! ( NORPS of Teachers full. The Fall J Session o(»ens on the First Monday in ^eptemher. The appropriation totfn* t'ollcge 4»f fi.imn has hcen restoml. thus euahiiug the Trustees to put the Inctdett* tal Fee at NO CHARGES FOR TI ITION. Board can Ik* had at prices ranging from $!u to #1^ j«'r month. Fatahigues giving full and ilHinitr ififuniMlIon amt 1 on application to the President, Julv tO-1v. . the —Taylor's Premii'm Cologne for sale at J. W. StaSeokh's. 111,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY T« SMOKERS of BtackwO'i Genuine Boll Durham Smoking Tobacco. . H BOLTS DISPEFHC ELiXIiL -• m Drpo«a F to rnmtce tfa this section. ■ . m Raeklen’s Arnira Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi lively cures Files, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give jierfeet satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale hy J. W. Stanford. jan 24 ly. m o -a- —Our readers will notice the new advertisement of Messrs. J. P. Toombs A Bra These gentle men carry a real nice stock or wife .,w r mir lire*' to shiloiVs roX- goodg, and are doing a fine Idui-i^xFOKP^ * 6 For sale by J. W ness. 1 .SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY—a — ! |io*i!lre vurr for Caiarrh. Diphtheria ARE YOV MADE miserable be in- ami <'anker Mirnth. ,For sale byj. W. •’ | STANFORD. i HACKMETAt'K. a lasting and fro I grant perfume l*rice 25 and aft rent.-. 1 For saie bv J, W, HTANFOHp. t pprrh>Mng, Ilourbon, Ind ,8ays; ‘*Br»th myself aiuK P# ffrEVENS, ACO., IfWflff*, it i—■ ... viifiritf-u /'av — l J. ... . .. , ■ dijRstion. Constipatioii. Diaxinos*. !«*; of Appetite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vi - aliaer is a positive Cure. For sale by J. tV.STANFORD. Tho onlv known rcinulv that will euro every case of Dyspepsia or . Indigestion. It has been tested in hundre<ls of cases and has never failed in a single instance. It has been verv successful in . Mitipitiw. Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or Heartburn, Chronic Dysentery er Diarrhea, Heart Disease, Etc and in errrv rawnf A.STHMA, wl»er** cri»mpliuatcd with ifMligp»tinn "* We in*k BYSPEFTICS and AffllllATH S t«. try the remedy ; «h-*s. TMfl medidarhMMpi«W(l «f purely viable ren»«!ij*fi. . r 4J 1 1 * C Sviuptonis uf I)vsjK?p.sisi or Indigestion, loss of nppotito, loss of tlpsh, ii icpling |ness or weight in tlio Stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting, Hcsirtburn, d of mrc 4li!«ea^e Torpid Liver, or Cnii-tipatimi. it is a safe and certain * ‘ will he convinced that they are not incurable inline Achlitv, flatulence, sick or ijervous headaclie, Dull pain in the iiead. with a sensa lion of Heaviness, or Giddiness, Irregularity of the Dowels, sometimes Constipate! and then acting too freely, Low Spirits, Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin, 1 lerangement o Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, tke. If you suffer with any of these symptoms. Dr. Holt’s Dysjieptic Elixir will cure you. The following are a few testimonials of parties who have been cured bv the Elixir: Dr P. R. Holt. KrrACtv. Aka. : * IlATi tiEti’s Station, fi t.. Orfiibcr IMIi. 1»C. Heir Sir T hare-bren troll tiled Rfitb imliRestion and nervous headache for the hist lift*-on years, puriim that lino* 1 have null 13-ly. Canty Vow Coitoa To tlie Dixann Water Gin. Only ♦1-50 per bale. If bale exceeds 510 iintiDiU in weight, 30 cents |*cr 100 |touniU will be cbargetl. (Vill haul cotton when so ticsireil. Krerything new and in gntnl or- •ler. For wagon apply at tlie Gin or to the nmleraignetl. II. O. BEALL, for Proprietress'. August.7,1884. im. SOUD SILVER STEM WINDING FULLJFWELfO GENTS SIZE .WATCH FOR $11.50. A FTLLY OCARANTKED. Tilts offer ifiade for fifldavs only.' Good* sent hy C. O. !>.. subject to inspection • .ATLiyrA, t».\. nicMSHt. SHILIH’S CFRE Will iuimcdiatelr re- !>ve Cmop, ..Wh«Siinjr ettoph and Iffoiichith. hW talc in' J. W. STAN- F JKB. ' ' - r * A NASAL INjriTTOR'W With each bottle <*atarrh Rrmcdv. Prft.-e 30 cents. Vue sale by J. V. *TAN- FOItU, • amination can testifv to the medical pr»»i*ertu*s aiel Tlieraputieal appHcati<*t» and ! reeimimemi all suffeni g from ri>dig«-^fi->rr inrl nerr(m> lieadaeiie. or any diseaMf arising from a t«»rpiu liver h» pr*N*ure a boHle of your |)ys|K*ptic Llixir. font is ainio*: a Mieetfie in thi-ffclanscrf tliwase^. I rtn-ommend it ti» my patnmM and prescril»e it in my practice, I would have cmntJie.i witn vour request made when I saw von last, but thought it liest to tic-lav in order to lie thoroughly e«»nvinet*d as to its (U f a* five properties. Very truly yours. * ... ... L P. UOZlfcU, Jl I» T». **.— I can’t afford to be without the Elixir. I will have it in my house let it what it may. L. 1. D. Bn. I*. R. Holt. Ei'FWla. All. roMprnoLLKir Okxe sal’s Offh k. Atlwtx. fi\.. July ftth. 1>F. m: Siu—I am pleaseil tore|M>rt that I Ikito entirely cured of indigestion, hv the use *•! your “ I dyspeptic Elixir/* | wa* induced hy a friend ta» try it after haring tried ahimst every remedy known f»*r my disi^ise. without the slightest eHvf. I took «mlr three smallh4»ttles of ymir meflieitie In-fon* 1 was entirely well. I suffered several years, and although it ha* been three vears since I used your preparation. 1 have had no return of it. Yours tr**v. t „ r 1 W. A. WRIGHT, Comp. Gcn.Stikof Ga. Oynrr. or the .^liCOKK M.\xv JAcrrinxu Krr.u'u, Ala.. Jfil>* 1th. IACL This is to certify that mv wife. Mary J. Iliglitoirer, suffered for six years front iivtigestiou and eidargeurmt «»f the fiver; that shebadbeeii reduced in tlesli from 1.H)immiimIs toii) |M»unds. and \vasg|t»Mity and des|MMi«lei»t; that as an exitenmenl— and by earnest |icrsiiasion—site-was indneeu to try one liottle of Br. Holt’s Bysi*cj»ti»- Elixir: that she was immediately and materially liene‘titted, and c(Hitinuing its use a few*iiM»ntlts. sin* was entirely refievetl of her troubles. r»*gaim*»l her appetite, and now 'weighs U> pounds. The Elixir has brought us health and happiness where att (»ther remr.lirs had resulted in r«t»* tiuuous suffering and disappointment. A** IlHlHTOWKk, IHl noLT—BearH'ir: About Ihreyears ago I was taken with a violent cough with enlarged fiver jrnti iTUistipalhni. I giwur Utitit it was impossible for» Eufaula. Al1st, i,w, _ f fiver ;rlr«I lauvstipalioii. I grit' worse ami worse until It was •&«»••* impossible for »»»e t*» Ue down and sleep at night for is months, owing ht the severity of the cough; The only way I ('ouM sleet* was in a chair, my head resting upon a pillow on a fable. Was treated l*y two differ ent physicians, and tried'a uumher tit Patent Medicines,' all of which did no g*»«d. .tftcr iiaviiig «U*spau*e»l of rv»rgetf ; nu well, my wife consulted too hr letter. _ You «rnt me two iMktth^s your Bys*|*i»$ir Elixir: irr less than three (lays I could lie down and sleep aa well as I ever couM in my life; a few lM»ttl«*s eured me perfectly. I leave w*»si»nK«mted it t»» a great hum- tier of iieraona and never knew it is* fail to cure in a single instance. Yours tni?>% JOHN F, K EUOE, Mr. W. B. McLendon, of Hatchers station, says Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured hun**f tmltgesiUnt. Et’F.xrvt, Attlik Mitr 1 at. I*W. IHt. Holt—^Bear sir: Y«nr lHrs)«t4ir Elixir eurwl my daughter «*T I*y»i»epsia of a very aggravated ftttfa of twelve month* standing. 1 had trhsiseveral of Ike last |»hysieians m the county, wfio falle*l to ItcnciU her. BRYANT GRIFFIN,White Pond. ii*. FOIL SALE BIT ALL DRUGGISTS. April my.