Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 04, 1884, Image 4

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A Aerial Navigation. Word conics from across tin water that a certain Captain Ren nrrt, a Frenchman, lias perfected a flying machine which differs from all others in the important respect that it will fly. So impor tant is the Frenchman’s invention regarded, and such is the faith in its success, that England, Gerina ny and Russia are making siren nous efforts to get possession of the idea. Mr. Kenard's machine is said to be cigar shaped, and has tin- power to sustain itself in the air for four hours, during which time it answers completely to the wii! of its navigator, and can be steel ed in any direction. The power used is derived from electricity. Captain Renard lias done the world a great service, if, as stated his machine w ill fly. It matters not that only four hours is the limit of its activity. If the cor rect principle lias been discovered, tbe inventive genius of the age will soon develop it in every sense, and make it subservient to the will of man. Aerial navigation lias for cen turics been the dream of invent ors. Man lias learned to live and move upon the elements of earth and water, and in a measure con trol them; fire is his slave, but the air has defied his efforts anil only disaster rewarded them.— Human power has grown but lit tie upward. The winds which fan the brow are as free to day as wiicn the first bird of Eden spread wings upon them. They swell the ship's white sail and spin the mill's great canvassed wheels but not as slaves. In a moment these toys of the hour may be forsaken to drift helpless upon the waves or lift their arms in silent suppli cation against the blue. Or if not forsaken, torn, perhaps, with unmeasured fury and cast head long to destruction. Not upon the ocean’s brink, as Byron wrote, ends man’s control; ships, steam driven, rend its bosom; rocky walls press back its waves; signal wires net its depths, and the fear less diver invades its solemn caves with impunity; but on the verge of tbe aerial sea, from whose in verted depths the stars look down, man’s power is less than the pom- sweep of an arm—his safety, to! erance. W hat possibilities loom up when the successful aerial ship is pic- lured in the imagination? What dangers to be met, the clash of known and unknown principles? Voyagers will go forth to return no more, as when the sea was not explored, and the storms' wei.t; peopled with the Furies. To the accidents by “field and Hood’’ will, lie added tile disasters of the air. Science will grow, crime be les scued, disease that dings like a fog and Ircts the earth nitli suf l'ering and death be soared above, discovery broadened and the world become as one -great household. Campaign Scandals. Very little attention lias jet been giv^n to the real issues of the campaign. The press and the, party managers !-.ave devoted \ about all their time to matters! that relate wholly to the candi-: dates. The public lias been sick ened with scandals that ought never to have found a place in reputable newspapers. The Re publicans were the aggressors. They first put forth a nasty story about Cleveland. When Cleve land was asked by his friends what tliej- should do about it he answered. "Tell the truth.” An investigation showed that the story had only a slight founda tion, and that it contained noth ing that lessened the respect of honorable men for Cleveland. A Democratic paper then published a story reflecting on Blaine’s pri vate life which placed him in a very unenviable light. Blaine promptly denounced the story as a falsehood, and ordered a libel suit to be begun against the pa per which published it. He will have a chance to show that the story is false probably before the election. It must lie apparent to every one that while these stories tend to lessen the respect of the people for their political leaders, they do not make votes for either candi date. The majority of those who believe them don’t care whether they are true or not, and those who don't believe them, or are in doubt about them, will not be in fluenced by them in casting their ballots. It is perfectly legitimate to at tack Blaine's public record. II he wan dishonest, if lie was a job her, if he betrayed the trust re posed in hi in while bolding a great public office, the people ought to know it. When a man becomes a candidate for office he, in effect, says that he is worthy of the public, lie expects that his public record will lie scrutin i/.cd. If be has held office and been dishonest, it is fair to con clude that if given another office he will he dishonest again. It is right, therefore, that Blaine’s rec ord in Congress should lie kept before the public; but there never was any good-reason for publish ing the story of Cleveland's rela tions with the Buffalo widow or the story that Blaine was per suaded with a shot-gun to marry the lady- who is now iiis wife. In all probability one of these men will lie President after March I, and it will not lie pleasant to re flect that the occupant of the highest- office in the gift of the greatest nation of the world has a nasty- scandal connected with liis name. It is to be imped Hint the scan dal period of the campaign is about over. Cleveland’s letter ol j acceptance may be- expected in a few days. The issue-will then be! fairly- joined, and the campaign ; Neel of the Willing Post. ugl'o of igi With the large anas of ignorant and worthless population in the South, the Moat stringent laws are necessary. Georgia needs above nil things else a public whipping post in every court house yard. It will do more to keep down crime than all the chain gangs and penitentiaries we can establish. About one- half of the taxes paid in by- tlie whites go to the trial and punish ment of negro criminals. Every- con rt is burdened with such cas es, and our jails are always filled with prisoners. And what is the result? Instead of punishing and improving the morals of this ele ment, they are only sent to train ing schools to learn new depart ures. Now a whipping post would not only prove a great saving to the tax payers of the state, but ip I lie same time act as a cheek upon law breakers as nothing else will. —Manner■ Watchman. Can't our leading dailies let up on the Base ball business? We have all had enough of it. SAVE VOITR MONEY! READ THIS, IT WILL PAT TflD. Sakes Alive! I’ve done H>n*bt * PIANER. I sav hit fur a fack, an’ what’s molt*, I flom* saved a clean $-V». bv buy in’ it from Lndden k Dittos SofliM:! Music Hoase. Savannah, lift. LABOR YS. CAPITAL ‘‘One if the other power. It is e jnctMcd by the most Eminent Statesmen, that the same platform will not hold both, lSut-it Is A MISTAKE, and we can pmdwct? proof positive: The Pauper and the l’rinee Stand on an Equal Footing. . MY FJE^ZEUSTIPS, Thar’s no yuse in talkin’, ef vo haint got ; M VN a Pianer or a Orgin in ytire house.yo* will never know what rale sittton pure happiness is. tintel yo git one, an* when yo tlu, jess take a woman's advice, an’ save money bv buviu’ hit at ; MOaKY is ,\s i.uop as ANOTHER. I have in stock a larger and better selected stock of Goods than any previous season, and owing to the low price of cotton, I have de cidedto assist the good people of this section in making their mon ey go as far as possible, by a general reduction of niv ALREADY LOW PRICES. I have a lai^e Stock of PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES Lnflfci & Bala Smitten Music Hoase. Tliey’s the men fur my money. No swindlin'fur them. They don’t humbug vo with offers of gold dollars fur oO cents, or $1,000 Piancr fur $2»*0, but jess give vo dollar ftir dollar—ytire money’s worth to a cent. They’ll do exactly as ! they agree, in offering tn sjiveyo money. ! I. my>elf. am one of twenty'thousand j delighted i see me smile • purchasers who 1 have In mg! it of them in the last fifteen i years. See what they offer: PIANOS AND OliUAXS. WHERE? At the Georgia Music Hoase. Macon, Ga. 300 STYLES TO SELECT FROM. PIA.^OJL-Uosi'vvoikI, 7-Oet«ve, Hfjuare. I«arge Size. Carved Leg*. Over-j strung lkiss. All Improvements. Only $210. Uprights $22.». Grand Smart**. 7‘r. Oet.. From Old ami Reliable! Makers. Sweet toned, perfect ami dur able. Good fora lifetime. OR«.4**-Walnut Cases. Extend ed Top. two sets Heeds, A Stop*. only $.>»; four sets Reeds, 7 Stops, only $(ir»; !i Stops. $70. In elegant eases, richly or namented; guaranteed in tone, con struction ami durability. Ten first-class Makers and over ISUU different styles to select from. Easy In stallment* ; $1.", monthly on Pianos, or $.’* on Organs, and With each Piano, a good stoo! and cover. With each Organ, a good stool and instructor. With each Pi ano cr Organ, a book of musi:. An’tornp the climax, they actually de liver the InsL-Mincnt to your nearest dc- |H»t or landing. SEE THE LIST! SEE THE LIST! Tin- Grand OM (TIICKEBING Runo. The brilliant M ATIIUSIIEK.Piano. The Silver Tone I.UDDEX A: RATES Piano. The Soft and Sweet Tune ARloX—the best Low Price Piano in the world—a startling declaration hi t we mean it The World Renowned MASON A IIAM- LiX Organ. The PACKARD Orches tral—wonderful in tone and junker- beautiful in linish. The RAY STATE Organ -power, sweetness, beauty of de sign, and low price—an Organ without a rival at tin* price. Every instrument guaranteed. We know what we sell, so we are not afraid tn promise to keep them up. <>\i: t< i a I. G--ii i-■ 115M.AJ51M1IONS INDORSED BV YSICIANS, CLERCYMtH, am™ AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE OKLY QCNUINK hubs' Lira Mont OX TIIF. MARKET. mV MANt FACTUUED Bl* . F. SIMMONS & CO., St. Louis, Mo. 1 hafMirer win* digs ditches or picks rags can buy as cheap as the Railroad King. Every instruim l.t p iced and printed in plain figures. Descriptive Price Lists with all terms, cash, time and special conditions, sent to any addr« ss. No de viation from printed lists; so do not write letters to find out "v. bat is the best we can do.” but select your instrument and write for it. whether on long time or for cash. Of every kind needed in this section. Tile separate mentioning oi j ALL FJiE Hi JIT PAID, which would fill the entire paper. Sufliee it to say,you can get every thing you w ant in the DRl’G LINK at my store. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel j of purity, strength and wholrsoincif*»ss. : .More economical than the ordinary | kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tot,•short weight, alum or pho-phate powders. Sold only in ran*. (toy a I Raking Pow der Co.. PH» Wall street N. Y. mav-22-ly For presents, in "rent abundance. \ Fine Tit tracts, Vine Cohnjnes, Fine Combs, Vine Dressing Sets, Ftne Toilet Sets, Fine Albums, Fine Lamps of all kinds. Lanterns, Inkstands, Fine Paper, j . School 1looks, and Fine Books tor Presents, Fine Family Bibles, At half the price joh pay agents. POISON GAK And Musical Merchandise Generally, cheaper than factory Call and see them. BABY CARRIAGES; prices. •I Seem** to yield every time to treatment with Swift’s Specific. Spartanburg, S. <’ , March Iff. ISjU. Your most valuable medicine ' Swift’s Speeilie i has done me <tuiuirh good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who Fuller like 1 did. I was poi , soned bv Poison Oak, and saw not a well All Prices, Cheap enough for the (’heapest, ami Fine enough for the >'V :ir:i : " n!il 1 "-'i-'I Swift’s | Kinc-st. A Large Lot rtf specific. In the six years 1 used almost every kind of medicine, but none bad tbe desired effect. After using six bot tles of Swift’s Specific I am restored to perfect health—with not a sign of that awful poison left! Yours Truly. DAVID NESlHTT. J Take inv advice; they did fair hv me, i ..n they will du the same by yo. Rut don’t try tu beat them dowii, iur tliev ! have Only One Price, an they stick to it like a '‘imim to a tree. Buy of them, an’ they will satisfy yo or pay back ytire money. Send ytire name an’ jMistouice. all’ tell ’em what yo want, an’ they’ll send yo inor’u a peck of cat alogues, tin ulars and price lists, which will help yo to pick out the Instrument vo want. Jess put on votirletter: LUDDEN & BATES’ Southern Music House, savannah. ga., an* it will go rite, an’ yo’ll git an answer in a jiffy, fur they all «it up soon in the momin , I kin tell ver. Your’n, Betsy Hamilton 1 Ii<a;ins. I*. S.—They wanted me to he their Agent fur this settlement, hut I haint got no time jess now, an’ I don’t reckon hit would pay. no how, as the folks is so down on sn li tilings. Rut I don’t fceer of they .\ir. niv rianer is here tu stay, ef the hole .settlement gits « own on me about hit. jan-17- je-2d-ct YOU RUN NO RISK— No Possibility ok Loss! WHY? __ Because, if you so desire, the in strument will be sent you on trial. You can thenmv if it is as represented, be fore a dollar is paid. Is this not fair? Who lets the advantage upon tlc->e con ditions? You or the Georgia Music House. In Conclusion, We keep an immense supply of Music Rooks. Sheet Music and Music Supplies generally. jp^*SjM*eial Discount to Teachers in all floods. ^^^spccial Discount to the Clergy on all t inods. tffc^Kroin in to2-"> per cent saved by addressing for catalogue. The Georgia Music House, E. 1). IRVINE. Manager, Macon, tia. f.-I) 2S I v. None ethers CLAIMING; > make Simmons’ Liver; edleine even PRETEND: » have had any rights ; tore than IO or 13 years. TESTIMONIALS. r '.|stu>p T>. S. Boggett. Richmond, Yn., .Tub 1, r-sit, says. “ Votir Liver Medicine lias 1m*bi» great- sen ice to myself and family. We tint .substitute for it 'The parrel which you gen- .nisiv sent tu several wars ago is nearly ex isted. We can’t do witlmi.t it. I wish you send us smother supply. It is invaluable." *• gome year orinnro atm I p.irtlany lost nr* uetile, and what I did rat sonretl en n»/ macii, and I tv!t depleted and often lnu •ttlaclie. which continually grew worse tin I ;•« induced t*> pur»*ha*se a package of Hr. M .Simmons* Liver Medicine, which ha-entirel;. i toreil my appetite and revived my spirits, i-j I have in. more headaches. My wife re- i ds ii a indispensable in our family: we will • l»* without it.’’ J. J. Nelson, Charleston. C., Nov. i!0, istsi. ,'b*v. J. R. Craves, editor and proprieioro* , k R.uTidT, Memphis, Tenn.. says: “ i n • \eda package of join* Liver Medicine, aic' i\e u-e half of it. If. works like a chain want no better Liver Regulator, and cert.iinl i more of Zcilin’s mixture.’’ J. i». Cit.v vi.s. “This i: to certify tint T u cd one packagti ri •ilin’s Simmons’ l.ivcr Regulator pr Mediciic. «l it did m« uo p*mh1. ac.d that I am now uml* ill. A. Simmons* Li' cr Medicine and it / aci-.-.Lt 4l«-il of food. Tliev arc ven T. 1 ling l’mi a great deal of good. They arc vci t cut everv v*ay except the name.** T, w IIollV Springs. Miss., April L'b POISON OAK. All Grn'les. Clicap. He:ul<iual ters for A Largo Lot of SOA1*, all qualities. < ’heap. PAINTS ami OILS. I can save you money on LEAD and OIL. Wcm auber that ererjf thing I sell is OFA BAXTFFD fo be 1 had for thirty-eight years suffered every soring ami summer with Poison Oak. wliich I contracted in bathing when alioy. I tried everything for it. including many physicians* but without any benefit. I took six bottles of Swilt’s coml miui ^ > ,,sl "* rcprcncitlcd hy me or any of my clerk*, and if not so, will re iners have passed, and I have bad- no ,tand the inoncg. return uf it. J( i^t.i il LhAM.\ j j thank niv many friemls ami i.-ustnmers for tlicir pastTilieral )>at ’ ” j ronngo, and their proni|>t settlement of accounts, and ask a cuntin unace of the same in the future. —Taylor’s Ciemiuin Cologne at tf ‘ J. IV. STANFORD’S. —Fruit .1 a i s for sale cheap, at J. W. STANFORD’S. Over tlie tropics, poisoned breath i " ill liegin in earnest. There are ! will speed tiie liiaeliia^-liird’^ ! great dilfereiiees between the two wings, strong as the condor as lie ^ panics, and there are important lifts himself to tlie sun. and over ! problems winch tlie people should the Arctic snows will'they- beat j "ant to hear discussed. It is in the rarifled air wearily, almost ] much better that tlie people helplessly as tlie wings of a tired should be warned against the ccn- dovc. Man’s narrow sphere v*. ill he broadened immeasurably, and the crowded population find a ref uge in tlie clouds. These arc some of tlie dreams which have fascinated tlie invent or. \ ain, extreme, impossible has been the world’s unfailing tralizing tendencies and corrupt practices of tlie Republican parly, and shown tlie injustice of the present high protective tariff, than that they should be enter tained with scandals about the private lives of their candidates. —Sarannah Sews. Kemsii-ksible SmnlK I liavi* ha«l remarkable Micceas witlr, Swift’s Speeilie; have cured several cases : permanently in a very short time. One ease which 1 am now treating was given ! tin to die. and after using three bottles i is so far recovered that 1 think one more i bottle will cure her. The most remark- j able ease of all was a lady with tiiedu-j lary cancer of the womb, for whom I had no hope whatever. After using one ! bottle I am satisfied she* will soon cured. J. Wyiie Qi*ili.i\x. M. IL. Easleys, J?. J. W. STNFORDS’. comment, and pcrliaps tlie world, is right. But had tlie journalist! A cr Rebuked, of a hundred years ago pictured I Co1 ’ although not a the looomotive, the steamship, the b:ul man at l,eart * ,,ses ve, '- v l0, 'S l ‘ telegraph line, the telephone, and I lan S lla S e in his intercourse with the thousand mechanical ingenu ! 1,ls f;l:nll - v ' °n returning to his Hies of the day, the generaf ver- 1 luuuc fr " m llis of >»>sincss, a ilict would have been the same.! Ic " l * a T s a S°> Ile tound his wife The man who half a century since I ' cl ^ mi,< --h excited over the out- propesied that the dwellers ..non ! nl = cons comluct (,r a tram P. upon the sliorcs of the Atlantic would] converse through its lie whirled across in seven days, would have been looked upon with the same suspicion as lie who to day may predict the subjection of the fourth element to man’s will. —Macon Telegraph. Anecdote of Lincoln, lien l’crley Poore tells the fol lowing anecdote of President Lin coln: He was ouce terribly bored by a New York politican, who con sumed nearly an hour in repeat ing liis recommendation for office, although lie hail left 2o or :!0 in the antechamber. IVlien lie final ly lett Mr. Lincoln accompanied him to tlie door, and.glancing Ids eye around tlie anteroom, said: being dissatisfied with tlie food depths 0 ,1 j S>'en hrni by Mrs. McLeod, had 1 abused her in a most outrageous manner. “Johnny,” said Col. McLeod to his ten year old son; “when you heard that cowardly scoundrel abusing your mother, why didn't you run to tlie store quick, and let me know? Didn't you hear?” “Yes, pa, I was out in the sta ble and heard«rhat lie said about the victuals in a gave him, and how lie abused her, but ” “But wliat?” “I Jhought. it was you scolding ina. lie used tlie same cuss words as you do when tlie dinner don't suit yon, sol thought it couldn't he anybody else but you. I didn't think anybody else would dare I want to make a little speech, j talk to ma that way.” Our Treatise on RUmmI and skin Dis ease** mailed free to applicants. THE S\Y I FT ^ r Et ’I FI < ’ t’O., Drawer M Atlanta. On. N. V. Office, 10U \Y. 2Udsi., between Gt-.i A - Tt11 Avs. jy-2t-lm t^ j2 * o pajjgHt sa y S c f ji; “The Pastillrs I pnrc!ia«?e«! from you In AngiiFt f -rove to me i«k. : l c«uicl'Jr.ivcI v that “while there Ir tfe L’icre i3 !:opc.’* Tltey Hid tlicir w.-rk f»r be- yond my utmost expectations, for I certainly did not expect that a halot of FOURTEEN VEABS* I>(TRAn< >> i -•/»! t^'y gotten under con trol in the -. .i. . ioi • time oi tr-o montlis I can assure vuu tltj no iiodexty will keep me fr-’ui ioltip ai! !!iat 1 «-m jo adriftt* to tlie mtecc’j which w..: sttiwj crow a m» LbCeiicial a remedy.*' Ahovo extract- from a letter dated—W. Ya Doc 25, J&2 The Partillrs are prenarod cad sold only by the HARRIS r-EMEDY CO. HF-C CHraiSTS, 33«:r H. !Ct> ~L ST. LOUIS, MO. y3, t*T3 n52t?2 $5, tirse CCStis 7 TAKE 3Ierroll’s Hcjmtine, For All Diseases of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Etc. I*oi’ sale by all Druggists. inav2*J ct curiiitEirr, ga. For sale in < ’ntlibiTt, STANFORD, otilv. (la., bv J. W. tf REUABLE SELF-OURL A favor: to pri*s^r : pt i on rf one of t" most notrd rttul MS.-cerjilul nt-i in the T*./ jnmv r<*fir»ili iur iiu>ciiri'(if jr-rreu*fkrbi/R; JLoaf Sl/mhosut. if'es?/.-;*«*«*.- mul Praayi. N'i iu pia.usettle*I »*iiv«*lo|H-yyee. Druggistscau Silt Address D" Y/ARD Cl CO., feuisiana. Tfi*. scptd-ly Sinrial ln«ln«*«‘iiM*nfs* Oia Flour, Sugar, and Ci.lfie. at ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. jan24-ct 4aar«I<*si Seed Of every variety, at wholesale and retail, at J. W. STANFORD’S Wheat Rran, AT ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. jan2i-ct gOP - Linseed flil and Pure Lead at.such low prices as to deft competition, at tlie l)rug St (.re ot J. W. STANFORD. Ha’man’s and Avery Plow Stocks, FOR $1.25, AT ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. jan24 ct S TATMDF S:< »RGIA. kUsmi To All \Vl*«>m ft majPT^ticer Willis c. Jenkins, administrator of J*. M. Duke deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands and personal projierty he- h.mfriti^ to the estate <*f said ileceastil, and said application will In* heard oil the 1st Monday in October, M. (iORMLEY, Ordinary. Aujr.. 25f!». l.ssl.— atsjr 2M td. TATE OF OEOROIA. 11 V.NKO^nt (’oc?xty. To all w'honi it may eofieertm Thos. r. Ryars has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for |»eriiianeiit Letters of Administratioii on the Estate ot E. D. Rvars. late of said couiiGv. «le- eeasi'd, and J will pass iijhui said a pi*li- cationonthe first MoimUv in Ortolier. isftl. (iiven under my h.tttd and otlieial signature, this loth day of August. lt<AI. M. («ORM LEY,Ordinary. aug2l-4\v TAX NOTICE. C fOVIIT of ORDINARY, August f Term, Sitting for County Pur- p«»ses; Ordered that the Tax (’nifector**f Randolph < ounty.’ be and he is hereby authorized and directed to lew anil Collect a Tax for the vear 1SS4; Twenty Cents on tlie One Hundred Dollars for Superior Court; Ten Cents on the Om? Hundred Dollars for building and repairing Bridges- Ten Cents on the One Hundred Dollar* tor Jail and re pairing Jail; Five Cents on the One Hundred Dollars to pay non resident witnesses and officers of Court. Total tor County Forte-Five Cents on tlie One Hundred Dollars, aml Thirty t ents for Mate. Toial for Mate ami county Seventy Five Cents on the One Hundred Dollars. (liven under my hand and official signature, tins August “>th, lss*.. M. UOliAiJ.EY. Ordinary. ;:iig7-G0d and Ex Officio Clerk. Citation for Letters of Dismission. S TATE OF OEOROIA, KaMkiLI’II Coi'NTY. Whereas. II. O. Beall, as Exe«aitor of A. S. F. McBride, represents to tho court in his petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that’he; has fully ; „i- ministered A. S. F. .McBride’s estate. Ibis is, therefore, to cite all person* concerned, kindred and creditors, t,» show cause, ii any they eaxi. whv said E.xeeuror sliould not be disehargecl from bis Executorship and secure letters of duniission on the lir.-t Monday iu Oct., issl. Witness my baud offiei'allv, July :t. Issl M.IUMU LEY, Ordinary July:!m. Pryor’s Pile Ointment Will positively c urt' IIEM(MtRIIOlD’S or i'lLl>, of any form. <;r in any stage! For this annoying trouble it has been in popular use for many years, and is very favorably known as* a* Specific Cure. It is al>o tbc“very best remedy known for Sore Nipples. Felons. Corns, Old Sores Scald Head. Tetter, Fleers and kindred disease*. From Montgomery. Ala , a gentleman writes ; “I bad bethi sorely atHieted with Files for ich year’s, and o*btaim*d imme diate relief and a jiernianent cure bv us ing i’ryor’s Ointment.” A gentleman writes from f’lisseta. Ala.: “I used iVyor’s Ointment in an aggra'. :.{' <! ease-of Biles of eight yearn standing, and "in an incredibly short time It uitk?e a Complete cure.” Sent Lgniail on receipt of tbei»riee- Nne. a box. 1 Sold !*y Druggists and Dealers every where. Prepared only bv the s«le Proprietor. J. BRADFIELD. 108 S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest Holinau's Family Illliloi?, All sizes and prices, Photograph Albums Large. Medium and Small, FINK Al’TOGRAHI ALBUMS, Cigar Cases. Hand Miirnrs. Fin ley Candies, Fine Toilet Sets, Fine Extracts and Col- • ognes, Harris' Toofh- ^ wash and Tooth ■$.* I’o’.nlers, School Ikniks, Accur- dians. l)r. IVliitr’s Family MEDICINE^ \ RE all made from the Prescriptions /V of one of tin* most celebrated Phy sicians that (icorgia ever produced; lie has mug been g.itliered to his fathers; but the name of Dn. WIIITE will never l>e forgotten. As long a- humanity suf fers from disease, so long \v : !! peoplh con tinue to use his valuable Remedies, and I praise bis name and skill for the relict and cures they produce. Dr. White's Vermifuge, A certain (’lire for Worms. Large Rot- tie 2.1 cents. Dr. White's Compound Fluid Ex tract Bucliu, For all Kidney Diseases. Price .10 Cents 2 Q • t . • 5 £ * e 2 —‘ x * Pil L: gm| !|| - c 2o-- =£ • c l|iz u —— j! JS e. e. C in M c rf 5 f 5.5-*.5 i.3o i I : 2g 1 ^-S | N « : H c* ! J ! o < * a -AT- feb7-lv Silver Ware! Dr Whites Ccmpoaim symp of Hoariuimi, H joy, Wild Cherry aa-i Tar. The Great Cough Remedy. Cents. Price 5Q | * ‘Quadruple Plate, on White Metai.” ! We are closing out at reduced pri- j c-es. Call and get a Bargain, at : ct ALLISON & SIMPSON’S. You all want to see me on busi ness; it is a matter of no impor tance to me whether I spend my time with half a dozen or the whole of yon, but it is of impor tance to you. Therefore, when you come in please don’t stin king.” Tiic President bowed and retired, amid tlie good humor of liis audience and subdued cries of “Good! good!” . c . Girls don’t like lawn tennis be cause it makes them flush. Alas, if it would have the same effect on the male sex, how popular the game would become. Johnny unconsciously adminis ; tered a severe rebuke to bis iras cible pa. who never again spoke | to his wife as if lie were a tramp. I — Texas Siftings. The Americas Recorder says: “A dispatch received by E. A. Hawkins, Esq., from Anniston, Ala., Friday morning, announces tbe gratifying news that in the ease of the State of Alabama vs W. A. Hawkins, Jr., for killin'; young Hardy a few months ago, the Grand Jury found no bill, but reported a bill against him for carrying concealed weapons.” Dr. White’s Magic Liniment, Die (ireat stimulatiiur Liniment lor Man or I»ca>t. Price 25 Cents. Dr. White's Cathartic Liver Pills, l ncqnatlfMl as a Cure for Biliousness, j No Grijiine. Ito not make you sick. Price 2o Cents. Dr. White’s Compound Fluid Ex tract of Sarsaparilla, with Iodide of Potash. Price 50c. Physicians will all tell you this is tlie ONLY ltemeily for 1‘loml Disease. All of Dr. White's Family Afed icincs are for Sale by Dn J. W. STANFORD, jelfl-ly C itliliert, Ga. DRUNKENNESS CURED IN ITS VARIOUS STAGES. "'Desire for stifmilantjs entirely remov ed. Home treatment. Medieine eati l*e administered without knowledge of pa tient. by >irtij*ly placing it in coffee, tea or any article of food. Cures guaranteed. $100 WILL BE PAID i j For any case of drunkenness that Gold en Specific will not cure. Cimijars containing testimonials and full particu lars sent free. Address GOLDEN SPECIF! C CO. jc-ltMy. lSJKaceSt., Cincinnati. O. | Orsiinsainl PinniM of all styles, for sale cheap, by J. W. Stanford—cheaper than factory prices. Gallon him and get illustrated catalogue and prices. He will save you money. MRS. S. HOUCK’S. Hazard Gunpowder A SPECIALTY. ALLISON & SIMPSON, ian24-c.t Agents. —Celery Bitters, the great rem edy for Nervous Headache anti Dyspepsia. For sale at the Drug Store «f J. W. Staxkouo. 4t. —Pyrafugc for Chills at J. W. Staxfoud’s. ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! Fishing Tackle—all kinds, at ct ALLISON & SIMPSON S. My Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, Is now in and was never more Attractive and Elegant, embrac ing everything wanted by the Lad ies. Pattern Bonnets and Hats, HAJTS AND BONNETS UN TRIMMED, LACES, TIES, RIBBONS, TRIM MINGS, SATINS, PLUSHES. VEL VETS. FLOW ERS. MOSS CHEXEILE. Daisies etc. Baby Caps Hu man Hair, Toilet Goods, Zephyrs, etc. Ladies and Misses Ready-Made Suits. Everybody invited to call and examine goods and compare prices. No trouble to show goods and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. oct5-ct ZHLft.IRID'W.A.IRIE —AND— GROCERIES. Anything in Our Line. Will give-Special, Low Figures on. Can't lie undersold, (if Seller pays for hi3 Goods.) ct ALLISON A SIMPSON. i!KA!)‘it'Ai:Tr:i:s rust Cool: in;; «C I fen tint/ Store* Ti tt trnrr, f ’rtu-ktrtf, do**trrtre. Lamps and Star int/ AI a chines. Will duplicate any hill within five him-} drod miles of this place. juu7-et O s * ^ J- O QJ ' C ‘S~ Z' 5 >: o i-j Vis - rj (~r *r» Sash, Doors and Blinds, We make a specially. Call and get and our prices. ALLISON & SIMPSON. jan24 ct 'i l . o *». f r t) Q_ £■ G> All prices and kinds. BABY CARRIAGES, PAINTS AND OILS, Drugs and Medi«-in«*s of all kinds, fl D J W STANFORD^. ; Mother’s Friend. Quick and Easy Child Birth. Thousands of women over the land testify to the wonderful eff’eets r*f tlii* great remedy; it will not only shorten labor and lessen the intensity of pain and suffering beyond expression, but betterthan all. it thereby greatly dimin ishes the danger to life of Initfi mother and child. This great boon to sn fieri tiff woman is Holmes’ Liniment, or Mother’s Friend. Prepared and sold by J. Rk.m»- kiem». Atlanta. <Ja. Sold by all Drilg- gists. I*riee $l.iV» per Imttle. Sent by Express on receipt of priee. aug2K Ini. PAHTTHOW! I am selling Strict- ly Pure Lead, war-] ranted, and Linseed Oil at prices that will enable every body to paint up. Get my figures be fore you paint. J. W. Stanford SiOO.OO A WEEK! \Ye can guarantee the above amount to good, active, energetic Ladies as well as gentlemen, make a j success in the* business. Very little cap- j ital retjuired. We have a house!;* !d ar- ‘ tick* as saleable as Hour. ■t rrnii:LF ! It is used every day in every family. ; You do not need to exidaiii its merits. Vt a. u rooms There i* a rii li Lanest for all \Iio em- :.iY, t.. b’2u LOCUST braee this gohlen opportunity. It costs . ??••;’.! i ?_7:ic:as a ! voiionlv oneeent to learn what our bus- ".-J. I Lzizz.z: JCia»2 r. jinessis* Buy a postal card and write to tis and we will send you ourprosper- tus and full particulars Sweeps ! Sweep*! Sw eep* ! ! All sb:ii>cs and sizes, at ct ALLISON & SIMPSON S. ' :-r> »•!«• an . V. .iji- ii «!s l«» a la . i», cv i::loryesuf ■-i i: - .• i«*»Ii.-:it >isr^i«*:»l |ir ■:il (til sgi, ulaic treatnu ut j C v:t* <•: !!.«• Head, spl ■j ‘*’0-0 |.|in;> ;tll<l Air !’ F It J] IU! NO PATENT, NO PAY o D l r r IT V r |'Q Obtained for Meehan 'A A I I O iea 1 Devices. (*om- j }»ourid>. Designs and I.abels. All i»r<*- liiuinary examinations as to patentabili ty of inyentir.ns. free. Our “Guide for Olttaining Patents^ is sent free every where. Address’— LOUIS BAGGER A CO., Solicitors of Patents, Established l.Sfil. Wasiiixotos, D. C. mavll-tf. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS, Of All Kinds, at ct J. P. TOOMBS & BRO.’S. - - -Xml we know you will derive more good •i‘ , e:.n ti asul .lMuu . than you have anv idea. Our retmta- --a. < ID-i: au«l A*tiiii.a. ; e • , ‘ f f i»j «-rif<**i nr rani ’ton as a munufaetunng comj»any is * *1i 5 L\ i>: i-urc i siieli that Mecaii not afford to deceive. • l '> v, r ,* ! i tr> * Write to us on a postal and give vour ; > VrrV-'. c ArrJ-N. i l. '“t/iscai atidress plainly and re< eiv«* full par’ticu- r * ii #*a. i- i*-: 7t in. tf t” j*s etc. | [ars. Iluckeve Tl'f'g Co., > >i»rio». om.. —Sweet Guin and Mullein for sale at J. W. Stasfobd’s. It r«. tni::irLi»->* aiul r;-**«*«. ra; i:•.£ pa:’i in «• l»a«*» or sU!r. ctr. | ,vtcr\ii-w< niih |iaii«*:ilr ar»- alw; | i hesi* i!’i:»t»i«* t; -ii ih<- liiftltulr » - • v"- h h!a;il, lir-f« «|in-!»li*tii> ilia! « \ mi ■’ ! n« ,i til! stairitiriil id tLrir c» ; • jr a -iirfii'sl l!i«-j t ■ id,- irefoi Hv ••••ri ♦•f.|»«»inicuce. ai ’,:;x;;vr ,T..iiTi.y^ 1 side ofN. y. at *+* ! allison i Simpson’s. Ar?v« A -enit*. and >■> - mi'.iluT hcwi'Hifrin lh- Vnsrwi-. Mbiliir JVV Matches and Smiff, Cheap as can be bought this s. s. s. Onlv$1.75. at J. W. Stanford's. lr^oinl ti^ fibiliiy ; rf Office or tr mail free «nd Mint : septG-ly ; v. Nhoaldrr llrac-rs. i 'Cream Cheese, Fresh Crack- ■ j. rs and Imported and American For ladies and gentlemen, of the —Farmers Pills for sale 1*3" J. latest improvement—all sizes, at W. Stanford. nov30 4t J. W. STANFORD'S. Sardines, at ALLISON A- SIMPSON’S. jan24-ct . t, Z - j S l S V s F c s , is io E —J-2 a 2 - gilts 3 fell’s«E5i-a “ “ c *- 3 3 - = Is £ 3 s- a . =ls *i k - gSlli ir = S f=l?-|sS il s t 7-Tf r. 1 = Vi -s is .-rfjsr; iZiizljg g=ls»U. II infill o 2 5 >.*£ z t* m. Sx* | St gT a S ^ - c J 2 SS1.3C M % *S £ g v p Sfo cs < +i ¥ 5 o ■3 OB I PiLLS TOf.PlD BOWELS, mSCRDERED LIVER and I^ALAStA. From thcr«! dtmrced arise three-lotrrtns c the dis3 cf tins human ruee. TIM •jyajptouisir. ilsircxioitnc*: let* I ippctitc. Bow Is costive, hitk H«e4 •cite, folln '•*« alter CMtiuf, avmlM 1 ■ sertioa of Lody or nihtil, Eraetatl't 'tf fitoily Irrit*.bI2Jty of temper, LM iplrlt*. A fueling of htviaf acglcola mme n 1>I 'Fiattrrfar&iIk Heart, Dots before tbe tve*.hichly««l mil Cri:»f, ( OSSTIPATIDJL and 4} uudJ the use of a r*^me«ly t;«at a* t» direoU in tbe 1Jv r. AsaLivorTrcclicincTm* •fl.IrfS have no e-pi.-iL Thdir action oa tM Kitlnrystmd Skin isa’ ”j prompt; ret >.ovtM til impurities throng A these three rng?ri of the system,” producing apfl ite,sound ffigsstfi n, r»-gulr.rstool*, a cleg ”kln and a vigorous bod v. TFTTN FB41 ennso no na*4?orL or griping nor intcifH with d:tily work And are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA Nil lertyffii t-,8-Te. Offlw.41 TUTTS HAIR DYE, Grat Hunt oa TYhiskfur eknnged r Bl'tnUy vosniimssT Black by a singlaM plication of ll»*3 Drr„ Sold bv MH Or sent by exnrasa oil receipt of ••• OflL-n, 44>»ur«*ay r.trc**t, Tfltf. vm % M A«UAl OF USEFUL OECOflS 9MI sopt(My Wml'K.Vrve mmd Hrmlm rill Arc a certain cure fur all mental and nervous disorders. Fur sale I*,- J. W. Stanford. • 4t —Fishing Tackle, in* rietv at J. W. STAxfbKD-'s.