Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 25, 1884, Image 3

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great bargains in Gents’ Furnishing Goods, ; F. HARRIS' t.JHf DEATH KNELL HAS SOUNDED! r»-. HIGH PRICES ARE NO MORE! W. D. BAILEY TAKES-THE FRONT RANKS ]* >a tiO»;;¥.rice«- *ri<t will keo|> tlicin throughout the season. Boots. Siiiivilttii. Gaps, Trunks anil Umbrellas, have got to sell, anil Low 3; Eiir-ret-will sell them. I liave enough to supply the country. No Mnl to go elsewhere. ^^P^ItymcnilK-r "THE SHOE STORK.” at Kempner’s corner. flW W. D. BAILEY, Proprietor. •*#b a wm Have this Week, s, Onions and Irish Po- it tatoes. dim HEW ©ODDS ABE HOL13H© IN, fa**-.- I! Low, and wiD Sell Clieap. Full Market Price Paid for Cot ton. August 211 y. Septl 1 ct COTTON MARKET. COjtltfXTKD WEEKLY BY 1». W. *- house ami coj t'UM- MEltCH ANT. MiiUUin". . Is>w Miilillirijr Good Ordinary Market firm. 0: <> 8v LOG?*-*. -W-OqiJS- —CoSrt is in sessi in Glav. ■ session this week —-Novelties, jo Lmlit-*’ Neek wear, a fji.Uiasiuiftntedt. at if* F." PULASKI A CO.’S. —— — 1 Tile division of tlie wliite vote is to elect a Negro to the Legisla ture. — m ♦ m THAT II.VK1N4! COl'CII ran Is- so quirklr rnml l«y Shiloh's t'uir We •"-.-•Mitci* it... Kor side 1»y J. W. ST A N- FQftDfc r , —'dlipiducAiou with the wltili niarwi»,-**T:iriI afford to llirow away my vote, and so allow a ne v g n to lie elected to the legisla ture?’’ si., 'Am*. Tin City Tux Bttokt are now o|H-n lor ft lie collection of Cit\ Tax. Irfrid •>* found at tin- «-«mntinge-risim.»f J. Milv. Gunn, j jiiss" F. Kinnoo. sepptf ■ " i Treasurer. —We call tlie attention of o.ur readcrMn tlre'a'd vertiseincnt of tlie well known house of T. S. l’oweli, to lie found in its proper place in this issued This house lias an cn viable refutation in all this sec tion of^utjnwy, and-its trade is very extensive. They keep the best of goods in tlieir lino, and in great variety. - «HILOH> VITAtlZEK is what you need for Constipation. I-ossof Ai»]H-tit(’. Itizzinr.-i. mid all symptoms of I>y s|M"l - si i. 1*1 c - H> unit To eeiits per ii, ttie For -a e by J. W. STASliFi *Iil>. — Mrs K. Gibson lett on Mon day for a business trip to Atlanta —. ■ —Mr. J amie IjiglitfiMit, left for bis home in Texarkanayestenlay —Mr. Fred Antlii my. left on yesterday to seek his fortune in Texas. tv 11.1. You witli Dvspepsin and l.iver t’omphuit? Sliitolds Vitidizer ts .iinrnnteed to i-iue vim. Fur Sale a 9. \V. STANFORD. — Mr. Frank IIoo|icr left fin Mercer University Monday. ... — - m • -M-— — —Miss-Monroe Sliaw reached home from a visit to Amcricus last Friday. ■ • m The l B «-rlV«*f ion C.ftVr P.|, Istlieiiest made. Go to R. J. Anthony's, and buy one. tf —Mr. .1. P. Toombs is building a fine house on iiis farm a mile be low town. *’•* ■'erry the Sacfnltea el Cmalryaiea. Tlie name of Col. Perry ns • mem tier «.f the Legislature was first urged by men from thecoun try. They recognized him ns their friend, and saw in him a fit man fur the position. It was “horny handed” son of toil—one of the wool hat boys, who, in tin midst of the wrangling of the nom inating convention, gras|ied Col Perry by the hand, and said to him, “you are the very man lor the place. If we can fairly get your name before the convention, the whole difficulty can be settled in a minute.” And lie was right The suggestion was like nil u|>nti the troubled waters. It brought a great calm, and put liefnre Un people of Randolph county a man fully deserving their hearty snp port. His nomination was no “town trick”—it came from sensible, thoughtful men who live in the country districts. Let the conn- try people then rally around him, and work for him. We will war rant that the town district will do its whole duty by him when the time for trial comes. bhTshowT Having had a large lot of Ap ples, Oranges, Onions. Cabbage, Raisins, Cncnanuts, Dried Figs. Dates, and 50 Bundles of Bananas sliip|ied to me on consignment, I am obliged to dispose of tlie same, and will sell cheaper than ever be fore for tlie Cash. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pie* baked every day. Large lot of Fisli of ail kinds every Saturday. Respectfully. tf W. T. RIGBY. . —Tlie Senatorial question is settled. Dr. Baldwin, after con sidering tlie matter, lias decided to make no issue over what In- thought was a deprivation of Iiis rights, resulting from tlie wrong division of tlie vote of Clay, and leaves tlie race to Col. Hoyl and a negro barber from Fort Gaines— we don't know w liat iiis name is. — -M- • ■ — c A TAR It II1 [Tll.D. health and sweet I rrath -i-nirnt hy Shihili'sCatiirrh Rem- erlv. Price Ao cents. Nasal Injector free For -al- Ity .1. \V. STANFORD. — —• m —This part of Georgia is dry. dry. dry. The dust is deep, and when stirred Hies round like thick clouds. Tile cotton is nearly all open, and no top crop will be made. 4 aevt .tlsaday. Next Monday is the Great Day A'oneinent with our Israclitisli friends, anti this being one of tlieir holy days, their houses of business will lie closed on that day. ^ —Tlie wliite men of Randolph j county will decide next Wednes ; day between Col. Perry and a ne- 1 gro. Trlhalc rflnrNt The following preamble resolutions were adopted by the Fourth Quarterly C4mftm.Mil of the Spring Yale Circnit, on ’tlie •leath of Rev. J. If. Potter: Whereas. It has pleased Al mighty God to remove from our midst, hy death, tiur late beloved pastor. Rev. J. M. Potter, who died July 25th;. therefore. /iesoUetl, That in the death ot Brother Potteh, the din re h has Inst one of i:s most zealous and useful ministers, ami this Circuit a faithful and devoted pastor, whose life was blameless, and whose latmrs were blessed to the good of tlie circuit. Resolved, That we temler to his lie reared family our heartfelt sym pathies, and pray that the grate of God may sustain them, nxder this sore iM-rravemcnt. < Resolved, That a page in the journal oltbc Conference lie in scritied to Iiis memory; and that the Ccthbert Kmaraisr ua Appeal le requested to publish these resolutions. Nk«ppla( fcj Sail. Send an order for samples of DrfGamlrtn W. A. Jciiax ft Cot, Macon, Ga. Dress Gnotls, Flan avis, Cnssimcres, Silks, Velvets, Black Goods, and anything in the Dry Goods line. All g«mds are delivered to your addnst through the express Co., nr Post office, free of charge when the or der is for $10 worth. It HASCftCI* SCUT now. Csuutf’i T> My FHUw t'llisrsa That everybody may understand, once for nil, wliat my posiliou is oa tlie Fence Question, will say that I am a fen- einan, and if elec ted a member of the next Legis lature will pledge tho |ienple that I will not. under aay circumstan ce, interfere with the fence la-. tYbat more can I say, t'l.-m to as sure the people of iny honesty and sincerity in tliit matter? Hcs|iectfiii!y, T. J. Peurt. 1 — Mr. M. G. Hancock the fa molts plow man has been in this city for two or three days, but left yesterday for Louisville, whither lie went Tor the pur|K»s# of making a contract for the man ufacture on a large scale of Iiis sulky plow. He will liu back here in a few days, and those who want to see a plow that is excit ing a great ot attention in the farming world will do lhcmsclv«s a service to call round and see it. —Samples are sent free and Goods delivered to you free of charge, when the order is for Ten Dollars, or over. Send orders to tY. A. Jciiax A Co., Mae-on, Ga. Dry Goods in every description. The best and cheapest Dress Goods, Silks in colors, and Blacks. Try our Sample Order Depart ment. We- will save- you money and please- you. It 1 —»-• — Drslh «r.tlr. Dus Tksapwa. Tlie sad intelligence of tlie We have had occasion, several Jmes already, to allude to the sue cesses which have Itcen attained by Mr. Taylor Hancock, “tbe Ed ison of Thomas county.” It gives ii< great |deasiire to lie able one« more to speak of him, and t< chronicle tile fact that he has al ready scored a great success- greater than all the rest—in tin latest product of his genius, Ids sulky plow. All who know Mr. Hsncock. remember |icrfcctly well the dim cutties and embarrassment which beset him at the outset of his ca reer as an inventor. When he first invented bis “double stock' plow, the public looked upon i: with a distrustful ere, and, with out examination into iu merits, hastily jumpe<l at the conclusion that it was nothing possessing any extra claims to su|ierinrity over other plows. Finally, af ter much trial and tribulation, certain parties were induceti to give it a trial, and its rx<*c!k-m-e speedily became known. Mr. Hancock received. what then seemed to him a good remunera tion for his labor—$1,000. Encouraged by this success, Mr. Hancock again put his fertile hrain to work to improve ii|M>n himself—beat Iiis own record, as it were. It was not long before lie evolved another plow, this time his “single stock.” The rc potation which the inventor had already made, lie found now to lie of immense assistance to him, and the difficulties lie had toencounter in making known the merits ot this plow were considerably les sened. After a few trials, the article sold itself, ami Mr. Han cock speedily found himself the happy possessor of a snug little sum of $20,000. Fortune now begun to smile steadily upon this genius of Thom as county and spurred up still more hy his uncx|K.-cted success, he determined to get up something which would eclipse all his for mer efforts. This caused the production of Iiis “sulky plow,” which lias been a success from the first. Its effective work, its great value ns a labor saver, m these days when the labor (iroblcm is one of such vast iin |iortnnce in the south, ami grow mg constantly more vital t-ccry day, and the ease with which a hoy could manage it, all sjieak Dudly in its praise. So manifest are its merits that Mr. Hancock lias recently, with scarcely an effort, sold the rights to half ol Alabama, Mississippi and Florida for $15,000 and he lias a mine of wealth in this invention alone. We sincerely congratulate Mr. Hancock on his deserved success ea. Thomas county has reason to lie proud of his genius, and a SHILOH’S core!! and Consumption Cure is sold hy us on a punrnnU***. It i cure- i-i-ii-utiij-tion. For sale by J. W. Is all right when confined STANFORD A Friendly Mhnkr. to the hands, but when the system lie gins to shake t'-ere is only one thing that can lie done to put a stop to it, and that is to take Smith'11 Chill mnl Feeer Tonic, a purely vegetable remedy and an absolute-cure. $1 per ImiI- Tate Springs, Tcnn . on Tuesday j tic See that J. F. Smith A Co., —Mr. Oscar Gamble now smiles behind the counters at Mr. P. Harris’s popular store. —J udge -w • Hood got back from tragic death of Dan Thompson, ot i brilliant future for him may well Sherman, Texas, was received in j J* •nUc i |*l«L-T»MD4r.«fte E„ lerprite. our city last week. The cause of! T t t his death was the result of some I J. J. ^VORSHAM, business complications between liimsclf and oneCapt. Gunter. Mr. Thompson was raised in Cuthlicrt, where lie has many triends and relatives. He was from one of tlie first families of Georgia.— He leaves a wife and four children. last. — Kid Gloves lor Ladies snd Gents, the best quality, and at lowest prices, at tf F. PULASKI A CO.'S. m « m . —Mr. 15. L. Moyc has become the corres|iondent of the Macon Telegraph from this place. He wields a facile pen, and represents our lovelv citv well. St Louis. Mo., is on each wrapper. For sale by J. W. Stanford. Smith's Bile Beans have Ina-n tested by thousands with the same result of relief. Kor sale by J. W. Stanford. • w —As an educational centre. Cutlibcrt takes the lead in South west Ga. Send your children to Cutlibcrt. —Sovic of our readers think there is no danger of it, but we forewarn the white |>cople that nothing but earnest work for Col. Perry w ill keep tlie negro candi date from this county from being elected next Wednesday. — m 0 Sm —The colored Republicans from Clay, Terrell and Randolph met in this place Inst Saturday and nominated a colored man BEHTIST, CUTHBKRT. GA. Office over Postofficc. septl* tf • m Referring to the cotton rc|Kirt from Texas, which in only ten per cent, short of last year's yield, the Philadelphia Press says: “As the crop is elsewhere large, a fair average yield is likely, falling lie- low 1880 and 18S2, but rising above the comparatively scant years of 1881 and 1883. With such a crop, and in view of the henry stock of cotton goods, the & WELL KNOWN PiCl!|Everytliingoii Wheels ■Ned. At the residence of her dangh ter, Mrs. M. L. Coopy/-„. in. this) scription account, for - -)Oii. lost 'return thanks. —The students of the Soiitb- —Money s"od bv hi.ving vom ! wcst Ga Agricultural College arc Boots and Shoes at F. Pli.aski A i r«jmuted to call at F. Pulaski A .. . .,,, , , 1 Co. sand examine tlieir splendid to. s. llievhavc a line assonen 1 , , ..... . ! stock ol t hulling, routes, Ilats and stock, from the finest Hand Made. Gents" Furnishing Goods. They to the cheapest Brogans. It -will find it to their interest to buy — - ! anything in that line, at —Many of our subscribers have j if F. Pulaski ft Co.'s, already called and settled suh- bicli wi fi on Fort Gaines tor the Senate j large supply from the East, and in opposition to Col. Hoyl. | the practical closing of an ini|>or- roods —W. A-.Juuak A Co., Macon,! tant market for cotton city, on Sa Sirs. K. Alt JLliii ?0£h ibst.. rx. Aldcn was 71 j A>M*mrrmrnl. years of agT,j^rt^l,!.yf»>r-_- some tiim- 'flic Workingman’s CandidaD- had been qwite feeble. The sym pathiet of the community arc with Mrs. Cooper in her bereavement. AaasaacrairBl. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tux,/Jtcticiyer -of Ran dolph countv.'. THOS. A. COLEMAN. September 25th, 1884. —The Dawson Journal says that a good deal of cotton fioin Randolph is going to Dawson this •eason. Wlign the Randolph far mers find out how they have miss cd it they ,|r'ni-.- be -sorry. Cuth bert baa made herself famous by approaching io nearly- Savannah prices this season. for Sheriff. td JOHN r. GEORGE. — Miss Florence Powell left on Wednesday toattend the Fall ses sion of the Southern Female Col lege at LaGrange, Ga. — • — —Cotton picking will soon he over, and the farmers will have a long time before December for plowing in oats, provided it rains. —Rev. Mr. Pickard, a recent graduate of Mercer University, preached two excellent sermons in the Baptist church on Sunday last. He has resigned his chsrge of the Baptist church at Thomas ton to take a course of theology in the Seminary at Louisville, Ky. -»•-*— —Bargains offered daily in Dress Goods, Jeans, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats—in fact in every line, ami kept up all the year. F. PULASKI A CO. —Mr. P. E. Pearce is opening , a splendid line of Furniture on i tlie east side of the square, in the j old Owen A Sealy house. So when you desire to purchase anv- —Some people do not knflw'liow ; thing in the furniture line, give dose at hand the day of election the new furniture store a call. See is. Next Wednesday is the day. j his announcement elsewhere. —We never lorget the ladies.— Our samples are sent out for tlieir inspection and purchase. Orders sent to us are never delayed. Our stock is the largest and most com plete in the country. es|M-cially in Dress Goods in any quality aud price. Send all orders to W. A. Juuan A Co.. Macon. Ga. It FOR MAI.Ft. My House .and Lot on Lumpkin Street, oneiiuflfecfropi'court house. 4w>nt*inin^1>8 acres—about twen ty-three acres cleared—balance in wiKtds-vgoqii'- .well of water. Terms easy. ^ To II. O. Beall during niv absence J B. BUSSEY. Sept. 11th, 1884. tf improvements new. Tel For inforuWjtfifli-S^fy' —The weather has been first- ■ rate for cotton picking, and tlie ; colored man and brother has been i in great demand. Tlie cotton is nearly all ogien, a nd fully one half has been picked. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH snd Bronchitis immediately relieved bv Shiloh's Cure. Fur sale "by J. W. STAN FORD. june-UMv. —Next Wednesday, the first day of October, is tlie day to vote for Governor, State House officers. Senators ami members of the House of Representatives. For Kepreseataalve. I hereby announce myself a can didate to represent the jieople of Randolph couLty in the next Gen eral Assembly. James II. Dinnikgton. sept18 2t by tlie France-Cliincse war, an ad- vanee of cotton appears now un likely.” Waalrd I* Sell. I want to sell from Two to Eight Hundred Acres of Land, within 2 and 3 miles of Cutlibcrt, together with five or six splendid Mules. There are two goml Settlements on the place—20 acre Vineyard, good Orchard, and splendid W.t-lli- of Water Any one desiring to farm near enough to town to send tlieir children to school,. can get -flic hugest stock of Men s, i a bargain by applying early. Ga., carry the largest stocks of Dress Goods, Silks, Black Goods and Velvets in the South. Vel veteens, for Trimming, samples sent on application, and Goods sent free for all orders of Ten Dol lars or more. We can please you as well as if you were here in per son. It —A full white vote is neces sary. There are negro candidates both for the House and the Sen ate. Boys ami Children's Hats and Caps ever brought to Cuthbcrt, in all the latest Styles and Shapes, sold lower than elsewhere, at tf F. PULASKI ft CO.’S. —A bunch of keys was found near town last Friday, which the owner can get by calling at this office. A Dwelling House of five rooms, act of congress. on Lumpkin street. Office. Apply at this —Cutlibcrt needs a Bank. It is wonderful that a place doing the business Cuthbert dues should not have such an institution. — m —The Literary Club bad a pleasant meeting Tuesday night at Judge Clarke's. Beef Market 1 —Mr. Fenton Armstrong while j I have opened my Market I House North side of Public Square again, and am now selling good fat Beef, Mutton, Kid, ftc. toying with a pistol yesterday ac cidentally got his hand shot—just how seriously we have net learned yet. m m m One of the curiosities to be ex hibited at the New Orleans expo sition from Smith Carolina, ia a palmetto slump completely petri fied. It was dug up rreently from the sand beach near Blount Pleasant, and weighs about ibrty pounds. It is solid stone, snd the grain of the palmetto wood is ess ily discerned. It is regarded hy geologists as a remarkable speci men, since no instance is on re cord of palmetto wood being pe trified. :Ch- 17 YEARS AGO -i>' : • The Firm of PULASKI start oil business in this place, scllin® Goods at prices never before known in this section. It continue)! 'list way. always improving, building up a trade which is astonishing for a market like this. Although they have hail some very hard struggles through thi springing up oceasionally of uould-lw enn»|ietitor*. V4ff. it stands snlio here, giving their patrons the lienefit of low prices, ami as well a se looted Stock as can lie found in larger cities. Everybody knows the result of these com|>eting houses, imitatin': ns. pretending to lie leaders of low prices. Most of them are gone, but the solid firm of F. Pulaski & Co., stands now more solid than ever, always T.TiATITTRft OF LOW FKXCES. determined to undersell everybody in their line. We extend a general invitation to the Ladies to look through run St-K-k of Dress Goods, acknowledged by all who see them to lie tin handsomest ever brought to this place, with a full assortment ot Trimmings. It will lie quite unnecessary for Ladies to send off foi stylish Dress Goods, as they can find them right b- re in our Kstah incnt at lower prietts. Clothing! Clothing! Our Clothing trade is increasing with every season, a nd we no« keep an immense Stm-k. We have a splendid line of Dress and Business Suits, a fine assortment of Boys and Childrens’ Clothing, anil everything al bottom prices. You will save money by buying vour Boots anil Shoes from iis. We carry the largest Stock, aud you are sure to fiud just the article you want. Reiueuilier our Shoes are made to order, and come direct from Factory. Furnishing Goods Complete in Every Line! We have the Cresent Shirt, the best unlanndried Sliirt for 50 cents, worth $1.00. We have the exclusive sale of the Peer Shirt, the best one dollar Shirt in tlie world. We arc headquarters for all lines of Goods usually kept in a first class DRY GOODS STORE, • such as Hats anil Caps, Jeans. Cassiiueres. Trunks and Valises. No lions. Umbrellas, ami thousands of other articles, loo numerous to mention. We would again request our friends anil patron* to remember that wha'cver they price Goods at in any other Store, that we will, anil- must undersell, and thev will save money by calling on us bclbrc buying. Respectfully. . » .!> WE want, to see all of our friends from this anil the surrt un 1 2 •otintics, at our NEW STABLES, On Foster’s Corner, where we will stable tlieir Horses as CHEAPfa inybody. Cotnc and see how We mean “Business,” an<l will treat von right. Our ( itv t riends, who want a nice, nobby Turnout, can flttd •t here. No broken down Horses, and no old riioty Bugsy offered for hire. Our Horses are fleet and spirited, and our Huskies new and bright. HIDGWAY & PEARCE. I also have one of the Largest and one of the Cheapest Stocks ot Harness and \\ hips ever kept in Southwest Ga. Those wanting Bug gies, Wagons, Harness, Whips, or anything else in my line, would do well to give me a call, before buying, as I am going to sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. F. PULASKI & CO. SeptenilM-r 23, ct. We ask all the good citizens of Cutlibcrt and Randolph county who wish to consult tlieir best interest, (and we assure you it will be to tour advantage) to call and see us at our and we will sell you anything in the Drug Line clica(ier, as a rule, than -«ANY * HOUSE t IN * THE * SITY.s- Remeinlier wc keep everything, every Medicine, and every Sundry, Patented or Proprietary. Having our customers interests in view, we cordially invite you to call that you may save money for your selves, and also advance our business. *T. 1*. TOOMI3S & I3RO., DRUGOISTS AND APOTHECARIES. 8ej»tenitier4 ty. Do you want a nice Buggy, in which to giveycur wile or your lady lore a comfortable ride? I keep That Sort of a buggy. Mine are new and stylish, and of all kinds—high enough for the rich, and cheap enough for the man of moderate means. 1 will sell you ft Buggy as cheap as anybody, and don't you forget it. Jump Into the Wagon, and We’ll All Take a Ride. I keep Wagons—One Horse, Two Horse, Four Horse, or any other lize required. These Wagons arc of TIIE BEST MAKE, and will commend themselves to the people by their excellencies, sad thoir moderate-cost. All I ask is a trial. I know I can do as good a part by tire public as anv other man. Conic and see* me. aug28 ly E- B RIDCWAY* ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE, ffUT/rilERT, GA. Opens Its Next Annual Session 8i’ptrnib<‘r 17, 1881. O NK-'f thclir-t l-i'ltegcs (or rirtuir ladies in Ibe South. <’ ol study c<jiial to any in tl»e State. Faculty composed of thoroughly tfained gentle men and ladies. iJtiiiding.s and sur roundings beautiful. Climate and home comforts all that can la* desired. <>ur work is thorough in all the departments. We appeal to Patrons and Pupils for en dorsement. Besides the regular College course we have well organized departments in German. French, Vocal and Instrumen tal Music and Art. Noextra charges for instruction in Calisthenics, Class Sing- fug and Penmanship. Terms among the best, considering the advantages afforded. Board $1© pci month, wasliing not included, For Cat alogue or other information, write to the President. Rrr. HOWARD W. KEY, A. M. July 3 td South-W eat-Georgia. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Bract of tte Unirenity«[ Btonli.) CUTHIfEliT, GA. BENJ. T. HUNTER. A. M. President ( tours of Teachers full. Tl»e FaH j Session fujx'Hs tm thr Fif*f Monday in September. The appropria*if* totba College of J2.U00 hits l»ee»i restored. thiaa enabling the Trustees to put the fftcide«~ tal Fee at NO CHARGES FOR TITTIIIT. Board can lx* had at nrioes ranging from flu to per month. Catalogue# giving full and definite information sent on application to the President, July 10-1V. —Taylors Frcmivin Cologne fur sale at J. W. StaxkouH's. Call on me al the place. 2 miles from town on the Benevolence road —or address me at Cuthlicrt. 4t j. t. Stanford. Mrs. Folk, who it living in Tennessee, Mrs. Taylor, who is at Richmond, Ya., and Mrs. Garfield, who lives at Mentor. Ohio, three presidents' widows, are among the United States |H-nsioners. Each receives $5,000 year, according to A share of the. public patronage is solicited. W. C. JENKINS. July 31st, tf. Rev. Clement A Evans has al ready been suggested as a worthy successor of the lamented Bishop Pierce. Edison, the inventor, said a few days since in Philadelphia: ••Electricity is simply without hound—wc can't get to the end of< it. It will he used for everything. I have now an apparatus by which I can produce electricity direct from coal but it is not yet perfect. I should have shown it here, only it makes aiich a muss, and be sides it is rather a dangerous ex periment. as it is apt to explode sometimes.” m m i M<-r*ratlu Carol. Atlanta, (Ia., August, 18S3. My six-year-olil son has had a ter rible sloughing S-rofulons Ulcer of tht: neck for three years, .attended with blindness, loss of hair, great em aciation, and general prostration. Physicians and various Mood reme dies were resorted to without Is-nefit. Tlie^Xcw Atlanta Medical College treated him for three months, but his condition grew worse. I was urged to try the efficacy of IS. IS. IS., met to the astonishment of myself, friends and neightsir-, one single bottle-effected an entire cure. Ulcers of the neck entirely healed; eyesight restored,'and the hair i-om- tneneed growing on his head again. 1 live at :S4> Jones Street, Atlanta, ami my boy is tlie re to be seen. Fhank Joseph. . Df HOLTS DYSPEPTIC ELBE A second hand Piano, lately toned and in good order. Can lie seen at Mrs. Platt's residence on College street. For particulars, apply to JE8SE COBB. The pros|ieeta for Democratic success in Wisconsin are said to lie very good. — •-«— Batklra's Antics Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, anil post lively cures Piles, or no pay re : qiiircil. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents |>er box. For sale by J. W. Staxuokd. jan 24 ly. SOLID SILVER STEM WINDING FULL JFWELED GENT’S SIZE WATCH FOR (11.50. FULLY fiUARASTEED. This offer made for iin days only. IvihhIs sent , Express I". O. if. subject to inspection before pun-basing. 1. P. STEVENS, *00., Jewelers mch-Kset. Atlanta, ti t. Tlie only known remedy that will cure every case of Dyspepsia or Indigestion. - It lias been tested in hundreds of cases and has never failed in a single instance. I$> has keen very successful in Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or heartburn, Chnafe Dysentery or Diarrhoea, Heart Disease, Etc. -v. and iii ov«*rv ra.*eof ASTHMA, where complicated with Indigestion. T«irj*i«l Liver, or <'• nstipnriim. if n»-a snfr anti certain cure. AVe ask UY.^PKPTH.X and A>TH M AT I < >' u» try rlie remedy and they will lie convinced that t)tey are tu4 jjiet>,*abi* disease*. Thi* medicine is composed of purely vegetable remedies. ^ 4 • : Symptoms of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, loss of appetite, loss of Hesh, a feeling of fullness or weight in the Stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting, Heartburn, Acidity, flatulence, sick or nervous headache, Dull pain in the head, with a sensa tion of Heaviness, or Giddiness, Irregularity of tlie Bowels, sometimes Constipated and then acting toil freely, Low Spirits, Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin, Derangement of Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, tfcc. If you suffer with any of these symptoms, I)r. Holt’s Dvspeptic Elixir will cure von. Tlie following are a few testimonials of parties who nave been cured hy the Elixir: U*. P. B. Holt, Ki facla. Ala. : * Hatcher** Station. Ga.. October I8tl». IMS. HkakSik --I haveliecn troubled with indigestion and nervous headache for the last fifteen vean*^ During: tliat time I’bare •Miffered a preat deal with jieriodical attack* of headache. Having exhausted my own skill and tried the nrcjM-ription* of m jjreat many physic ana. I was indticevl to try j our l>j’s]»eptic Klixir. Yon sent me a ln*ttle about the mffldlc of MarcV lauf, and I am liappy to inform you that I have not suffered from these periodical attacks since. My indigestion is* almost if noC entirely cured. I can cat any and everythin? without material injury. I have lieen a i»racfi< ?ii? physician far tliirtv yean* r and have ever been opposed to proprietary me«Iicine. You kindly furnished me with the formula for the Klixir, amf cm rx- animation can testify to the medical projn*rtic* and Tlieraputical application and I recommend all -Mifferii ? from imfigoliuft and nervous headache,or any diseaseansin? froin a torpid liverto procure a lw»tlleof your l>ys|*eptic Klixir. forit foaftiMMt a ajieeltic In thisclaanof diseases. I recoinmend it to inj* patrons and i»rescrM»c it in my practice. I would have corafrBtif : with your re*jue?t. made when f saw you last, hut thought it l>est to dtlay in order to lx* thoroughly convince*! as to its ears' tive properties. Yen' truly yours, L. F. l*l)2KKR r 31. I*. • P. S.—1 can't affoni to be without the Elixir. I will have it in my house let it cost what it may. L* Y. D# Dn. P. R. Holt. Eufaula. Ala. Comptroller General's Ovnrs, Atiaxta. (t.%.. Jnfy fHh. MBX HeakSir—I am please*! report that I have been entirely cured of indigestion, by the ns«» your , *l>ysw*ptic Klixir^** f was imlncetl bj' a friend to try it after bavin? tried almost every reincsly known for my disease, without tin* sli?l»test e I t«mk only three small bottles of your medicine Ixfore I was entirely well. I suffered several years, ;tlr)ioii?h it ba» three years since I used vour preparation, 1 have had no return of it. Yours tmlv. AN'. A. WRIGHT,Gomp. Gen.Stale<A Gm. Office of the Linger Mani facturino Co.. Eufai'h. Al\., JnKv 4th. IHUX Tliis is to certify that my wife. Mary J. Hi?htower, suffered f«»r six years from indi?estion and rnfar?enieTit of the liver; hat she had been reduced in Hesh from 130i>ounds to So poumN.and was?lis»my and des|M>ndent: that as an experiment— nd by earnest persuasion—she was induced to try one Imttle «»f I>r. Holt’s Dvsixptic Klixir; that she was imincdiutclv iwl that ami by earnest persuasion—she was induced to try one liottlc «*f Dr. Holt’s I)ysi»eptic matenaliy bmentted. ami continnin?its use a few months, she was entirely 'relieves! and now weighs L>» |M»unds. The KJixir lias brought us health and happiness where all other remedies *inuoiis suffering and disappointment. J. ('. HIGHTOWER. he was entirely relieved of her troubles, regained her aj*pethe tf had resulted ini Db. Holt—Dear Sir; worse and worse the cough. The F.i faul\. Ala.. Majr 1st, UW3. irSir^ About five years ago I was taken with a violent cough with enlarged liver and coii.-tipution. 1 xretr until it was almost inif*ossihlc for me to lie down and sleep at night for is months, owing to the severity nt -. ct. . anlyyav I cmihlsleei* was in a chair, niv head resting a inflow on a table. AA’as treated by two differ* ent physicians,and tried a number of Patent Medicines, allot which did no good. After having deftpwirvd of ever gettSnff well, my wife consulted you l»v letter. Ymi sent me two liottlcs of yonr Dyspeptic Elixir; in less than three days f could lie down and sleep as well as I ever could in my life: a few ltoftlcs cured me |icrfcctly. I have recommended it to a great num~ lu*. .il " .r .mil. .. it J iiAi’iiF L* i# t/h Oil In piim as, • ■ m.tnn/M. ■ . *«. 1*.. p* >»er of persons and never knew it to fail to cure in a single instance. Yours truly, Mr. W. B. McLendon, of Hatchers station, says Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Klixir cuml him of indigesfion, l>r.vrL\, Am., 3Ujr R INK. Db. Holt—Dear Sir: Your Dys|»ei*tic Klixir cured my daughter of Dyspepsia of a very aggravates! form of twelve moniW standing. I had tried several <»f tlie best physicians in flic countv, wln» failed to Ismclit her. BRYANT GR1FFI*,White Pond. Oa. FOR S-ALIE BY ALL IDR,TJGK3-ISTS. iftiv.