Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 30, 1884, Image 1

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    >•41 *1# -m »
r W*6®a
Independent in All Tbings-
NO. 38
. 1 1
i it
James <1. Mathews, Proprietor of THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS
STORE," Outhliert. Ga.. is tmw receiving a btrgr and «t l iwirtol
which I offer to the trailing public at prices that defy competition.
1 solicit a liberal share of « ...... and will certainly secure
it ifyou will only step into mv store am) see the many REAL BAR
GAINS I am giving away daily. I was in New York at the time
when money matters pressed d iwn most heavily upon the people, am
with the CASH in hand i knocked down the Iwst DISCOUNTS that
could lie offered. I am therefore prepared to give you PRICES that
will sell the Goods.
to do you all the good I possibly can hr selling
The Beet of Goods at Bottom Prices— |
Malt* ran a ir. and thousands of friends by desling honestly with j
It was an odd name for a girt
So the giei h—self thought a*
she ttuoiied down beside a spring
it the foot of a cotton wood tree
*nd lazily dropped her pail into
the water.
“It onght to have been gives
to s boy. if It was a fit name to
give to anybody," she said quite
aloud. “But I'm more boy than
( zirl, anyway."
^^■<yfcJni>r nimSiTrahin!^ ' This fact was added rathei j
■ : bitterly, as she looked st her j
1 brown, rough hands and her bare
| aakie. and thought of the “hoy’s
in itt mn swu-i rim ass ina
M Drwc*t»*s ss4 Dstlm evervwhsrs. fttf Crati
W*t!e. Dirwetisws la II *
work" she had to do.
She diil not, however, express
any surprise as she saw him. She
was accustomed to the sight n*
rnngl:. evil men; and at the tirsi
glance she had felt that this on>
could not lie either very wicked oi
very dangerous. He was not vert
much wore than a lad and had an
air of gentleness and goo-1 breed
ing about him that six months o!
Western life and the plight In
was ia at that moment had by no
weans ilestroyed. He seemed t>
be short of breath, too. and wa*
trembling as if he had been run
Instinctively he raised hi.
hand toward hi* head, and then,
bethinking himself, dropjied ii
saw your house. Now—yon liavi | tad concealed the fugitive. Her
enterprise & Appeal.
no copy one year . .
“ Eight month*
11 Four month*
. M
Ami it ira» hard to lietieve that j a “ a,n *
this was the best kind of life for ! ‘ 0uuU v ‘ ,u « ive !nc so “« U » in *
young, girl like Sacramento ! 10 e,t * n, ‘ Hr,,,k - " he 38ke ' 1 - in “
-I Here she lived alone, for her fall, j lies,Ut,n S r <"«- "Anything will
Ur was down at the mouth of tb.! do ’ 1 am Vfr - V l,,,n 2 ! V ' , ~ 1 1,av "
canyon all day. The garden
had nothing to eat since last
work she was obliged to do, and j
tiie care of the gsrden fell ujionj Come
in," said. Sacramento
If yon want Goods come to
i her. It was not otten that she
gravely. In her voice there
ken very good to me. I slial
never forget "
••But what are yon going to d
now?" interrupted Sacramento
•You are not safe here."
“I know it. Rut I threw then
■If the track this noon, and I ih
not think thev are within fiv.
miles of inc. Now. I have hao
something to eat, I will take u
the woods again. I Impel may
get clear away. If I don't," ho
voice trembled and tears came in
to his eyes. “If 1 ilos’t I shall
gel a hanging. I snp|M>se. Oh.
■dial a foul I was not to prefei
limneto this sorlof thing! Am
vet, I--wouldn't care so much
either, if it wasn't for my pom
father and mother." And there
ihe |io»r tel low fairly broke down.
“Hark!" Sacramento exclaim
ed. She had l<een crying, too.
They both listened. In a mo
nielli they both heard plainly Un
sound of horses coming down the
trail. Tiie girl turned with in
icart almost »topi>ed beating as
■lie saw him push njjen the door
nil enter the room, loll.iwed by
us companion.
••We'll make a clns search of it
vhile we're about it." she heard
iitn say within.
And then she stood there in
Saras This?* Far Kiri*.
Remember what Sterne said ot
“the small, sweet courtesies ot
Lord Chesterfield said, “Gco-i
“I Was Using Ts.”
Children are very fund of saving,
T was going to." The buy lets
the rat catch his chickens.
He was going to fill up t ie h
sense and good nature suggest; with glars, and to set tia;s for
civility in general."
The more refined you are,
the tr-ater have been vnur
terrible sus|icnse on the |>orcb. • vantages, the more |iolite and
■x|ieeting every instant to hear considerate you should l>e toward*
the shout that would follow the others.
hseovery ol the fugitive. Never let a desire to wear tin
But no such shout was heard, j largest diamonds, a love ol vulgar
and instead of it, n moment later j show a low pride of ostentation,
he two men came out again, hei j take the place of a pure and cleva-
i’ather still laughing at his friends, j ted taste.
What could it mean? Had the: “Oh!! am frank and outspok
young man been able to conceal ieu; there is no affectation about
the rats; hut lie did not i'o it in
tin c and the chickens were ent-
e i. lie consoles Irma.-lf for t ie
loss by saying. “I was going tor
a tend to that.” A horse falls
through a broken plai.k intkesta-
be and breaks his leg. snd is kill
ed to pnl him out of his suffering.
The owner was going to fix that
weak | lank and so ex- :;ses liirn-
e f. A boy wets ii fet t and
8 t> for hours without chan, e ng
bit shoes, catches a severe cold,
and is obliged to have the doctor
“The Empire Store
to bay them, and I* will save von money.
Very Rf*|>ect fully.
One square, (ten lues or less) 1
■ insertion $1.00
: For eaeli subsequent insertion . 50
All pcrtonttl Matter doable price.
Obituaries will l>e charged for as
other advertisements.
Advertisements inserted without
saw any.person but her father. al i“ eit,,er ki, ‘‘ Ws n-> r unkindness, slant self '-possession!
-l.o. I w. ;es.e I.V J; .! i • .1 S z-v
though now and then, in spit-of I sl,e lrvin * lo reali “ ll "' sit " ali “ n
herself, she came in contact will. i* l,e wa ‘ ,u “ C " ,ue ,n antl
the rude men of the mining camp
j up shore. |
: she wa*
Go in there! Quick
There ia nut a moment
Here, take tour hat!"
lo lose.
lie went into a
himself in the room and snevade j me." This is often a defense for
ilicir search? That was not |ios- i rudeness and ill breeding, and an i for a week. His mother told him
silde. Then she thought of the j utter want of politeness. to change bra wet shoes when' he
window. Could he hare escaped j All of us arc like the miller at came in, and he was going to <hr
'rom the room by that? Tiie I Mansfield, “who cares for nobody it, hut did uot. A girl tears her
window was so small she could j—no, not he, because nobody cai i new dress so badly that all her
scarcely believe that he could ol fur him.” Ami all will serve | mending can not make it look
have crept through it, and yet he j you so if you give them the same will again. There was a little
must have dene so. j cause. i rent before, and she was going to
8hc went hurriedly to the hack j A knowledge of domestic duties ! mend it, lull she forgot. And so'
• >f the house ami then down be , is ot great advantage to every wo | wc might go on giving instance,
yonil the horse shells. No one man. Learn how to sew and knit j such as happens in every home
eon Id be seen. She halted a mo-1 and mend aad cook and superin ! with almost every man and wo-
! and began taking
w aiiktto ttsi:: aist>
We are still in Iho Cotton business awl exteutl a hear-1
ty invitation to all to
Store Their Cotton With Us.
Our long experience in the business enables us to
guarantee satisfaction, and we promise to save you
money if you will let us handle and sell your Cotton*
All weask is a trial, and you will lie convinced of tbit j
fact. Before selling your Cotton be sure to call on ns-
and post yourself as to prices.
-)x-citieata*u as to the number of in- 1 t et Sacramento had ber dream, f
sertioDA, will liepubli sheri until order- one ^list she
edout, iuuicharged accordingly. I ,,
All advertisements due when hand- j own * but ll came lo her often a*
ed in. j tdie went about her work.
She knew that down ai Sama I
j Barbara and in the loam# along j cs ’ atrl .oi
. the coast, anti far. farawav aernas 1 Was °^ r * 4 ^ * n
j wide of continent to the F, ‘* ,,,,n ' lr *‘ l
the sum she had liot-n
down !
After banding bis hat to him ment under a live oak tree ju.t at lend a household In gaining such j man, boy and girl. “Procrastina-
dic halt pushed him across the! the e*lge of the garden. The \ information, it does not interfere. tion is” not only “the thief of
scarcelv dared tol ,nilk an ' 1 l » ,ea ‘ l an, ‘ she' room and into her own little room I evening was very calm and still, < with intellectual acquirement or
slowly did so turning the matter that led otf front it. Then she I and the twilight shadows were, elegant accomplishment,
filter in ber mind. Here was this | hurriedly finished elearing the ! dee|>ening last. Was it the rus-{ Remember, young ladies, it is
in-in a ho had been stealing bora- j table again, barely finishing the i'.ling of the wind in the boughs I not sufficient to dress anil look
whose capture $500: task as the horsemen halted
own kitchen, the door.
at I overhead that
i She listened.
become not
but accom
great East, there were girle who
caught her ear? I well. Emloavor to
I only well educated.
Exactly , There were three of them. One: “Hist! I ain here—in the tree." i plished. It not only improves the
wishing i was tier father. Sacramento The words came iu a distinct! fingers, voice aud figure, but the
lived verr different from her life i ^' ,r — l * ,e s,,ln 1,1:11 would take her I knew the other two men by eight. whis|ier from directly above her. heart and intellect will become
I an ,| ,| le dreamed of such a life for i dl "* u to J ’ :ln Francisco to school [ They were rough, out of the liet- i Then she went hurriedly to the refined, and the happiness greatly
herself. i ami make a lady of her. And ter sort ot those who made up thei house. The three men were still. increased.
‘Oh, if I eon Id only *»o awav j ^lai* aum may be hers if she could 1 dwellers of Kelly Gulch. The sitting at the table and Sacra-i Politeness is an excellent good
from here!" she cried iiuC almost j 10 * omew * v sec " rc t,, ' a stranger faces of alt three were hard and inrnlo felt rather than saw that j quality, a necessary ingredient in
evidently one of them still regarded her . social comfort, and a capital as-
They di. suspiciously as she came in. 8he j sistant to actual prosperity. It
as one cries out for help. “If | , ,,r keep him in the house j forbidding, -and they
! could only go down to San Fiat. I l,nlil 1,e l|' arrived. IIilp! Why | had been riding hard.
5. seUtHe
Celebrated Pratt Gin,
which is tho best (»iti made. Wo sold Q\^or twenty-five
hundred dollars worth of these Gins last season, and \vi
take pleasure in referring you to any of our numerous
If you want a
First-Class Engine, Saw Mill,
or any kind of Machinery, call and see us and got the
most favorable prices and terms.
Thanking you for a liberal patronage in the past, we
are, Respectfully,
July 31 -3m.
cisco and go to school there for a
single year. Ah, if I hail $500."
Suddenly there wa* a step—not
a mail, hot of ahorse—on the
bank behind ber, and iben some
| one spoke. She knew the Voice
rillioiit looking up. It was Pete
:ltIH!:ribss.Sl~k Hufizche, Tui'jJV ^ Larrahee, a fellow who lived down
'ST nnd Ek'^/eIs, Indigestion \ on Halinemau's plantation, t""
£iomach. SpJeEZl ■ mile, along the trail. He some
tl-os-1 Wslari* I iiin,i r.,1. !>»• lie hail not hear t
<t ail; vet, st; angc
Vigo. Bod E-szE, IZzlariz (time* roitr by.
riioe, and E —ify and EnriE j her liflu wo
Bland v/iihojt mureating tt.
■::a:lt nr vreaheninq the syslar.
sic; i in 2 3: ..; or. going to ten
■cambctarrn It Pn-pa.
Id by Brnggtats 85 i :£U1£, ■
Ft*r Sale by J. W. St\nf*»kt». Oitblwrt.
Ga. jane ?i-6in.
Wm d kiddoo,
trroHAi:v at
Cuthbert, Ga.
YXTIi.8. i-riielii-c ll snv |>lace in tlie
VT Slate ' : o i1 contract
she hardly needed help. He was mutinied together.
weak ami exhausted, and in the
did not sjieak lo them at all, but ‘ in not like a Sunday bonnet, al-
• Sac,'
. began her father, as he went directly through the kitchen ; ready fixed up, hut locked up for
drawer of the kitchen table there | entered the door, “her you seen to her own room, aud ina mo the special occasions. It must be
>adcd revolver.
Modest Maidens.
There is an old aud very sweet
lime,” but it is the worker of vast
misekiefa. If a Mister “I-waa-
going to’’ lives in your bouse,
just give him warning to leave.
He is a lounger and a nuisance.
He never did any good. He lias
wrought unnumbered mischief.
The girl or boy who begins to
live with him will have a very un
happy time of it, and life will not
lie successful. Put Mister “I-
vvas going-to” out of your house
ind keep him -ut. Always do
things which yon arc going to do
— Youth'* World.
A one Eaten aff.
young man named
i •
FFICK West Side
over B. I,. I>unn’?
The only known remedy that will cure every ease of Dyspepsia or Indigestion.
It has been tested in hundreds of eases and has never failed in a single instance. It
has been very successful in
Liver Cieplilet, Cemtipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or heartburn. Chronic
Dysentery or Diarrhoea, Heart Disease, Etc.
and in every uaseof ASTHMA, wiierc conii*lir»ted with indigestion. Torpid Liver, or Con-dliKiiion. it is a safe and certain wi
cure. We ask DYSPEPTICS and AS T HMATICS to trv the remedy and they will In* convinced that they are not iiicur.thle _ ,
diseases. This medicine is c«nu|H»sed of purely Vw*gctaole remedies.
Symptoms of Dyspepsia or In ligestion, loss of appetite, loss of fk
fullness or weight in the Stouiaeb, oceasioBallv nausea and vomiting. Heartburn, j ulators'll la»»o him and «trmg
Acidity, flatulence, sick or hervoits lK«d;rt'he. Dull pain in tiie head, with a sensa- him up ’lore the law ii git started
tion ofHeaviness, of Giddiness, Irregularity of the Rowels, ^flnetimes Constipated I •!.*>
and then acting too freely, I»w Spirits. iSfeeplessness. ' " 1 " " '“
Kidneys, Palpitation of the 'Heart, <£e. If yon sufl r
iv hi* own vvon s wt ii
icpelilioii oi them
’’Five bundled doiiai>. >.*••.
aaifl he; “$5()U in gold! D'\
w »ut ter earn it! Ther a y«*.
chance," and he threw d »v n u
Her a hit of paper crunipictl in!
i ball.
She picked it up. and slowly un
folding it. ran her eves over tin
$500 UK WARD.
The above amount will be pai
for luformalion leading to the ar
teal, deatl or alive, of Walter
Somer*. who ha* worked for som
time past on Maxwell * ranch.
Said Somers ia about 18 years old
land the and a half feet
l e
| lather goo-l luuking, with light,
null hair, blue eyes an-l a light
I mustache. When last seen lie
; hail on a black slouch hat, gray
; business suit ami blur ilunnel
shirt ami boots with red tups’
uiarkeil with the maker's name. I
The name of the county sheriff
was signed at. the bottom of the
'bill. Sacramento, having glanc-
1 rd it tltrongh, lookeil up.
“He'a lieen a atealin* horses!”
ed Pete. "Got off last
ilh four of Maxwell's best,
isomew hercs. That reward won't
-ll, ;l feeling of do much gisal. though. The reg
"as a loaded revolver, which she i anything of a young chap afoot or j meat more came out, went about uniform, carried everywhere, must
e.rll knew how lo use. j a horseback coming this way?" | her work in the kitchen and took . he exercised on all occasions, and
She came out presently, and set, Sacramento had exacted the! up a pail, apparently to go to ll:c ' toward all persons.
'lie things before him, bringing ' question and was ready for iL ! spring tor water. i
also the teapot from the stove and And she meant, if possible, to an Ten minutes later, standing in
jioiiiit.g for b:in a cup of tea. swer without a lie. I the shadow of the cottonwood,'
i. . „ i „ , i . „ i . i . , i , .... , , .: world which has now gone out of ever seen. His throat finally be-
I lieu she went anil sat down l>t “A young chap about eighteen young Somers beard a step, and .... ... , , .
fashion, and that is, modesty. We; came involved to such an extent
hear of some girls being steady that lie eould only swallow liquid
and respectable, and some girls, foml. After using all the reme-
.... : Iw ing “doubtful," or “giddy,” or 'dies without checking the ravages
111 It?) i SIIC. "•II l. I. > . I... a.lil “I It/.l- M1.SC o T ° u
Navea, living near here, had an
eating cancer on his face, which
bad eaten away his nose, part of
his check, ami extended up nearly
to his eye. It was one of the most
angry eating sores that I had
Public s-piarc.
tore, fcl-17-lv
Uie window, and watched
iirtfvelv as lie ate.
Ill spile of his caution, he
k- a oi! his hat while lie was
sting She could better see
wiiat be was like, ll was almost
» bovisb face. worn, tint not wick
--d. with the curling hair Ivi.g in
dark clusters nimn his pale brow,
in the hands, small and well
shaped, and in all bis motions
and manner, she felt that she
eould read something of his story.
She hail heard before this how
young lads in the East, filled with
romantic notions about Western
life and adventure, sometimes
left their luxurious homes aud
found their way out to the ranch
es of Ihe Pacific. Perhaps he
was om- of these.
•A young chap about eighteen young Somers heard a step, an
him ■ years of age. ami about five feat then Sacramento, leading Bueno
! and a half high, rather good look-' att saddled and bridled, appear-
had ing, and with rod top boots?" re- ed. He started forward.
“H.isii!' she said, “thev may I
coine at any moment,
what I saw Your life
, “rough. We speak of “girls of | of the eating cancer, Ins general
Listen lo; ‘ , ,, ... . , , ,
the period, and fast young la j hea th was broken down, he was
i dies,” but wc seldom hear of a confined to his bed. and thought
on it. loo must rule straight .... ... , . , 1 .. . , , .
. , , girl being "modest,’ or “maiden ! it to lie only a question of time
“I was only quoting from tins down the trail lor a quarter of . . . - , r ,,
, , , .... , ... Iv.” Mv dear, old fashions are I about Ins death from the
hand lull, said Sacramento, tak- tune, then, close by a lug cot
"Yes! ve*! That’s liimr' cried
one of the other inen. “Has le
l*eea here?"
ing the pa|ier from the shelf IoowimhI, just like this, you will
where she bad laid It. | strike a path to the left. Bueno
“Then you liain't seen him at will know it, once you gel him in
all?" asked her father. : it. It will bring you. hut half a
“I have been right here all day, • mile on, at a corduroy road that j
and nobody has gone hy except; crosses the swamp. The end of
Pete Larrsbee. It was he who: this corduroy lias got out of or
ly.” My dear, old fashions are I about Ins death Troui the cancer,
sometimes better than new. We: I put him on Swift's S|iecifi<: as a
i would not have you dull, or sad i last resort, and lie began to im-
: or downcast, looking as if you : prove with the first dose. Ilia
j were afraid to siieak r.r move. ! general health improved at oner,
I That is not modesty! We would I and rapidly; his throat got well;
have you fresh and joyous, and ! the ravages of the cancer were
j innocently gay; but still wei soon slopped; it began to heal
gave me the hill. Are you sure | der, and there are some logs laid.!
that he came this way—the—the j Lead Bueno across and then pull;
horse thief?"
“No; hut we didn't
. the logs away. If you do that it
know hut will make trouble for those who
would have you gentle in your
ways snd dignified —yes. dignified
in your behavior. You liaveearli
around the edges, and after a few
months treatment with S. 8. S. he
lias gotten entirely well. Hi*
lie might. The chances is that j follow you. Beyond the swamp
As she linked at him, fancying ' ha is sloped off to the mountains, 1 is a big plain. Strike straight
all this, and realizing the terrible meania' to go through Stovepipe! across it, having the moon square
strait he was in and the probable ! poos. They'll get him though, | on your right—the moon will be
i one of you a jeweler to guard, a* I face is all healed over with new
precious to you, and far more pre flesh, and his general health ia
eious than the richest gem could ! excellent. His recovery is won-
wit It
Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir will enre von. 71 if*
parties who have been cured hy the Elixir:
I>k. P. R. Holt. Eitai-la, Ala. :
DeiaSi* -I Mavehcen troubled with indigestion and nervous ! i .
ruffe red a great deal with periodical attacks of headache, ijuvi-ur. v,;. tt>. *
great manv physicians, 1 was induced to tnr*yo®r Dyepejiri* ‘’.iix* V
and I ain happy to inform you that I hare nut suffered ir«»»u tat >:• i t r
entirely cum. I can eat any ami everything without material injun I h:*
and hare ever l»een oppoaed to proprietary inetljciiie. You kindly Uuni'l;r<:
aniination can testify to the medical propertUaandThertipnti. af npplit ;*tion
and nerrous headache, or any disease arising from a torpid liver to prwury *
A SMciffc in thisdasaof disease*. I recommend it to mv pat mas mi t i*re.^erih
with your reques*. made when I saw you la*t # but ttiought it best t . deify ii: «.
tire properties. Very truly your?.
p. g. I can't afford to l>e without the Klixir. I will have ir in my u**u*» !.»? :
Da. P. *. Holt, PcrArLA. Ala. Comctkoi.lki: Gkn
DwabSib—1 am pleaded to report that I have been entirely cured of i:idi;?«**t.
was induced br a friend to try it after having tried almo.nevery remedy
I taok onlv three small bodies 4>fvour medicine before I w:i* «-ntir* I • h •!! ! >
thiwe y«an> since 1 usetfvtmr pr«|»arati«»n. ! have ha<i . ivtiir;. ».f It Yfiir;
Hown?di\i .1
1 > ^ aiitrcmentof; :4t tll< *
f these symptoms,
v'iY testimonials of! 11
- "T"i
•. ! IStU. !8S3.
r».:t fane l liuve !
tit of j |
. • ty
tir and’ on i
■ } --
I Eli.
‘r^icr. \rr >
.1:. .',t
I*. I>.
dr.” I
Orrux of the Singer MANiTAUTrniXG Ki f vi a. All. JnU iih.
Thi» i* to certify that mv wife. Marv J. Hightower. Miticred f««e .-i\ years .Vmii iudigesthm r«n*t . ldarircnicnt t*: the liver
that she had been reduced in flesh frmu FlMnoumlt* lo»> pound*.an l wa.< my and desjwHtdcnr: that ::s ji\ e.vjK-riinciir-
and br earnest itervuasion—she was induced tf> try one bottle ..f i>r. Dvspcptif Klixir: that she was immediately am
materially henefitted.and contirmincits use a few months she was mtircty relieve.i of her troubles, regained tier aj j- ii'r
and now weighs 135 pound*. ThaKtixir has brought us health and happtuos win-re nl! other remrdies liatl resulted in con
tinuous anfferina ana disapiKdiitment.
J. 1'. HHjHTO'VKK.
Kufaula. Ai.a.. M;tv l<t, lsS.3.
Da. Holt—Deal
worse and worse
the cough. The
a^1 nnTwife «m«ilVed tou*bViettcr." S'on sentme tw«ili*»nlcs of your Dyspeptic Elixir; in less than three days I could 1;
down and sleep a» well n» I ever could in my life; a few Iwttle* cured i»»e j>< rfectiv. I have recommended it to a gretit nun;-
her of person# and never knew it to fail to cure in a single instance. Yours truly, JOHN F. KEHOE.
Mr. W. B. Mclzendon. of Hatchers Station, say* Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured him of indigestion.
ErFArLA. Ai.a.. May 1st. l.W.
Db. Holt—Dear sir: Your Dys|ientic Elixir cured my daughter nfl>v‘ ! |*e^ria ofa very aggravated form of twelve months
’ ’ "’thclH
I had tried several of the best physicians in the county, who faitalto benefit her.
1 * BRYANT GRIFFIS, White Pond. Ga.
April DMy.
re havin' a meet in* now up
lulch. I tell \t they ate
They'll make quick work
ihey ketch him. Y«m father*#
there. Ye needn’t look lor him
! h< nic afore night, much **
i brn. after a word or t wo uior«* j
the in ;n rede on, :*u«l present^ j
>;;;•! .»n n . .n»k up hei pail, and i
a nil idv sUci ilTs bill still in ber j
; :aud. went sdowlv up the hank j
■in actoss the trail U»ward tix
j h4*usc. ihiukiug very seriously
j ahuui Id $500 ali the while,
i U *v • h aonie iioui s after this.
; amt .he :*!iernoon sun wa# going
e* t-
iicbin i the t-qis of lh.-
iniiiialaios. that Saciamrato.
having tiui-tie.1 be housework
'V:ife Iiivj ai ing to si’. .111 tile
pul i'11 Lo do her sewing, s hen sin-
«as met in llie doorway by a
young man whom she hail never
seen before. Anti yet he was no
stranger. The girl knew him in
stanlly. although Uie slouch ha.
was pulled down over llie fiaxi i-
hair and blue eyes, and the gv:._r
oania, torn anil ranalilr. had Uti.
drawn out of the boot legs so a>
to no longer allow the red tops o:
ihe boots with the maker's nano
to Be seen. It vu the horse
dark fate that was before him.
her heart yearned with true wo
manly sympathy, and her feeling
found expression before she was
able to restrain herself.
“Oil, how could you lo it?
How could you do it?" she sud
denly exclaimed, her voice
tnll of what she felt.
He hioked up at her in wonder;
but as his eyes met Iters he tin
derstood her.
“I didn't do it. U|M>n my lion
or I did not," he said. “It was
that man Dennis." Sacramento
breathed a great sigh of relief.
Horse stealing was held in that
section to be a crime worse than
murder; ami she was by no means
free from the popular estimate of
grave nature.
"Ob. I am glad of that!" cried
-lie. “But ” she hes-lated.
and then went on doubtfully.
“But, then, how was it? Win
afore sundown."
“It's sundown now,"
Sacra iru-nlo.
“Then they've got
him now,"
was the sententious re.*|>onso.
"Anri we shall he too late for the
bangin' vf we sit'd go hack,
quite Leastways”—this was added to
his companions—'you'd better
come in and have a bite afore you
So presently the three men sat
down ... the stipjier that the
young girl quickly prepared for
them. And while they were rat
ing. she iicrseir, at her father's
bidding, went out to take the sad
die otf of Bueno, his horse, and I
give him feed. As she approach !
lid you mn away?"’
I “It was Dennis' doings, their
laying it to me. He did that to
clear himself. And after that
you know as well as I do that
there would have been no use in
trying to prove myself innocent,
riiey always hang a horse tliiel
aud then consider his guilt after
ward. I had to run to save my
•‘Do you know that there is a
reward offered for your capture?”
“1 know that the regulators are
after me," answered the young
nan snlleuly. “They came near
catching me, too, this noon. 1
.ust esca|ied them, and canu
loan the canyon by the mountain
trail. I have had a hard ran ftu
•*, and what with no sleep loi
1 WWy-fair hours, I am about
used up. I felt as though 1
could not go another step when 1
up liy that time—and three hours
riding will bring you to the new
ilerful. M. F. Ckumbi.ev, M D.,
Oglelhrnpe. Ga.
Treatise on Blood and Skin
“Never mind that. Here, take
this. It is a little money. You;
will need it. Now mount and
ride slowly a little way, and then ;
Ire; I mean your virtue, your char
acter. your honor.
De|iend ujion it, however «• ak
or unprotected she may lie, she 1 Diseases mailed free.
! can make herself respectable if The Swift Specific Co., Draw-
: she respects lu-rself remembering ; er 3. At.anta, G:c, 15!) W. 23d St.,
; that she as a Christian maiden, j ani * 1205 Chestnut St.
! pledges to fight against all that is j , , ,
| evil, and serve Gml, who loves and ; What Fear Uses*
! blesses the “pure in heart." Gcerge Augusta Sala tells an
Guard your eyes, and your Eastern story about an Arab
Sheik who, pursuing on horse hack
his way to Damascus, gave a lift
Never try to know about a wrong j to an old haggard, and ragged
| thing that you need not know i wn inaii. whom lie found lying, con-
railroad. After that—Gml help!
you to get sale away!"
Sacramento paused and put out, , , „ , ........
‘ , ... | pledges to fight against all that is
her hand. “Can you remciuberr * 1 “
she demanded.
“I can, but I can never for
!ears, then, I pray you.
• sound of evil, as far as
from the
you can.
for your life.”
The young
vulscd with paiu, at the foot of a
man still had a j
came into his eyes,
moment he was gone.
Never listen to had talk. Never palm tree. The ancient crone
; read a book that you would be j told the Sheik, itcidentally, that
ashamed to read out openly. Ntv- s | lc W!ls the Cholera, and that it
C ‘ er allow youeself in action that W as by Allah's will that she was
i you would not wish those whom ! going to Damascus; but in con-
1 he next morning Saeramento I' . . , _ , ». . , . „., ... ...
,, , , . , ; you respect to know of. Never aidcralton of the kindness which
told her father the story and i , , . r i , . , , ...
! enter had respect of amusement.. s |, e received, she promised that
1 knew the fugitive was safe.
! Six weeks later a lawyer from
all liter while's though she sorter
hed something on her mind like.
Ye don’t s*|iose she knows any
thing'bout thrt young feller ar-
ter alir
Sacramento's father laughed at
this, as though it was too absurd
to b# considered.
The other, however, was not to
be laughed out of liis suspicions.
“For all we may know, she may
liev hid him soinewbete on thi
“It's easy enough to see." sai<
the proprietor of the said “prem-
aes.” testily. “Where d’yi
think she's hid him? In her be<
As lie said this, Sacramento,
who was now near enough to sc
into the kitchen, saw her fathei
ise from his chair - and step t-
Lie door of the room where aht
iirces Apples?
Eaten in tiie spring time, oi
any oilier season, is liable to giv.
one a bowel trouble, which can lx
speedily checked by the use of Dr
Bigger*’ Huckleberry Cordial th.
hat will certainly cure Cram,
-'- lie. Diarrhoea, Dysentery an-
vesture the little one gradual);
wasting away from the effects o'
eething. For sale Ivy all drag
gists at 50 cents a bottle.
everything . she would slay only sixty persons
a0<l ; pestilence broke out, anil the peo
ple died like sheep with the rot.
true always eoines *o light.
Dear girls who read this, think i J | ie Sheik reproached her with
ed the door once more, a few min _
.ties alter, she heard words which him into forgiving her. j ^ eBlher 8ecs
can fieri her to #Uq> ami litten. ; ArfTI the Gil lowing aftern ion a j an< | |j DOWg everj* thing. Remem ; there. Soon after her arrival the
“I don't like ter say any thing man ‘nought Bueno over from ^ too> that w | lat „ (MK ,
against thet kid o'yourn, neigh-! th ® railroad town, and then she
lior," one of the men was saying.
“hut it hex kinder seemed tome
Santa Barbara appeared with a
letter from Waller Somers. He
was with hi* friends in New York.
He begged Sacramento to accept,
as a gift of gratitude, at least tin-
amount of the reward that had
iieen offered.
And so it was that she went
down to San Francisco la action
-hat winter after all.—Detroit
Free Pre**.
of these things, and may God in
his great mercy enable you U
“walk in white” amid the black
temptations of the world; so that
you may walk in white with him
above in the heavenly country
where sin shall be no more.—The
An Arkansas man thoughtless
ly set some spring guns in hi-
Itou 1 try yard, and the next morn
ing in the rising snn he rubber
ilis sjieclacles and started it
imazement at eighteen candidate
sitting on the front fence, pit-kin-
bird shot oat of their thirty-si>
— ♦ i
First Young Lady—“Did yoi
hear of the death of Kate Jone'.-
alher?" Second ditto—“Yea;
waa much surprised, 1 didn't kno-
tie was alive till I heard U* w:
lead.'’ -
'•reach of faith. “Not so,” quoth
Dame Cholera; “I kept mv word.
I killed only sixty. Fear killed'
the rest.”
“This 'ere hanimal, uiy little
dears," observed the keeper of a 1
nenagerio, lo a school, “is a leop-
ird. Ilis complexion is yallcr,-
md agreebiy tliwersified with-
duck spots. It vos a wulgcr
lidca of the hancients, that the
irilter vos liincapahlc of changin'
iis s|iota, vitch vos disproved in
nodern times by obserwin* that
te wery frequently slept in one
pot and next night changed to-
nother! ’
“John," said a teacher, “I am
ery sorry to have to punish yon.”
Don't then, please, sir," said
Johnny, “cause it makes me feet
ueer ton; then Well both be sor-
y we did it."