Newspaper Page Text
and Appeal.
“Independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.”
NO. 39
‘•There. I
i He will never lie
nize llie handwriting.
toil thc op|M>rtiiuity to give such |credulous look:
a girl a chance." j “X did it to punish yon for
think that will do ! “She's a trump! her letter inter- j laughing at me, ai_d at inv unso
ble to recoo me immensely. Tnen." he! phistieated idea of editors.”
added, seeing his friend’s look of
amusement, “you cannot doubt
and Nan
Janies G. Mathews, Proprietor of “THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS
STORE." (ill Idicrt. Ga.. is noiv receiving a large and well assorted T3 ATTVT
HOOTS, shoes. TRUNKS, SATCHELS. U.MHRELLAs. Ac., Rheumatism.Neuralgia,Sciatica.
w hich 1 oiler to the trading public at prices that defy competition. LuraSago.Backache. Headache. Toothache,
I solicit a liberal share of'your patronage, and will certainly soenn
it if you will only step into my store and sec the many REAL 1>A1,
GAINS I am giving await* daily. I was in New l'Jik at the lime
am giving away
wlun inom v mailers pressed dawn most heavily upon the people, an*
with the CASH in hand I knocked down the l»est 1)IS( Dl'NIS that
could beolfereit. I am therefore prepared to give you PRICES that
will sell tile Goods.
to do you all the good I possibly can by selling
The Best of Goods at Bottom Prices—
ml thousands of lriends by dealing honestly with
hope TfanmL Kwellin(a. Strain*. Drmlac*.
Entbs. Sea!' 1 *. Kro«t Ultra.
A>» AI.L 1.«;!>:!. Y PAiJH AND ACWS.
1 Sc'. i 1 y froggi-M «nd Dealer* etcrv where. Fifty C*»a t
>w»(;l<*. Ilirerttoo* in 11 l^ncuwcws.
nie Kavmond held at arm’s length
! for inspection the letter she had | h,>r abiIit - v - ° !, ‘ **> the wa J' Kate
! been writing. After slowly wav- wisl,e,1 ,nc to a ’ k vou lo ,line
1 ing it to and fro she put it into
: the envelope and, with a laugh,
Jfr. Sidney Moore,
“Surely my pathetic appeal
would touch a heart of stone, aud
I have very little tcason to thiuk
Mr. Moore hard hearted,” thought
Nannie, while a faint blush crept
iuto her face.
What Farmers Are and what fhey
Might Be.
1. They are the most numer
ous of the productive classes.
“Indeed! Weil it may all turn j 2. They cast votes enough ov 1 the venerable brother J. II. Camp
nut far better than I lio|ieil. You [ cry fvur years to elect the Prcsi hell, we asked him for the news,
know mv heart was art on getting I dent anil a majority of Congress His reply was, “I have two more
Tub Stare Important Cases.
Your agent being in Columbus.
| Ga.. a few days ago, and meeting
Enterprise & Appeal.
>ti;sctuptiox prick :
>m copy one vc:tr .... if 1.50
“ Eight month# . . . 1.00
“ Four months .... "Hi
Make miinpv
If you want Goods cnnip to
“The Empire
to buy them, ami I wi.l saw vou money.
Vfl V ftillV.
On** fwjnare, {ten I n > or
For each subsequent insertion
.1/7 personal w a tier finable price.
Obituaries will he charged for as
•liter adverti-e incuts.
A'lvert;sc:n *hN inserted without
'purification a*; to the number of in-
■ic t ous, will Ik* published until order
ed ott*, and churned acc«»rtittyly.
A 1 ad vert is Mounts duo when liancl-
.*■1 in.
: with us on Sunday. Miss Ray
mond is visiting her, you know/*
‘•Thanks. Tell Miss Moore
that it will give me great pleas
; lire to accept her invitation.” and
Frank Hunt passed off in search
of some dilatory artist, leaving
itis (riend to congratulate himself
on the success of his advertise
That evening he told Miss Ray
mond his intention of giving the
Nannie Raymond was visiting l ,laec to ll,c ^ rl w!,,> ,,al1 80
her school friend. Kale Mount. , Wrongly enliste.l his sympathies.
File former had been making a i '' Y "’ 1 1,3,1 betu ' r ans " tr
prolonged trip through Eur,.|>e, | ,liatel - v - :,s ' “° ,1oabt ‘ l,le «'°" r
and. on her return, was spending
a little time in New York before
going to her Southern horn
at school Xaumc
a strong friendship
that very girl anil a hundred fold
more, so now I wish to offer her a
different position—that of private
secretary and general manager!
Will yon bo tho jiowor. not bo
and the State legislatures. j important cures effected by Swift's
3. They own and represent i Specific to report.” This venera-
of t he
nation's i ble man is known far
: for his unmnittin
hut one fourth
4. They furnished three ] in the behalf ofthe poor of Coluin-
liiml the throne hut ojam it, mv I fourths of the soldiers, and bear hus. It will lie remembered that
queen?" J three fourths of the nation's tax the Swift Specific Co. has donated
“If I should ever try to exert burdens. i quite an amount of their famous
The Hired Han’s Hear]: Ben.
A Swedish farmer had a prittjf
daughter, with whom his hired
man fell in love. The old man
refused his offer for her hand, he
determined to emigrate lo tlie
Vnited States. The old man. un
able to persuade him lo slay,
went to the steamer to see Iiitn off.
wide |l e offered to help him carry his
labors of love ; (,[„ p|n c i )ox on l| u . steamer.
“It's pretty heavy,” said the
old man.
And so it was—the same minute
for the lxittom gave way and out
anvof the sovereign powers thitj 5. They produce nine tenths ot: medicine, to he distributed by . rolled the pretty daughter. She
you suggest you might remind me ' the wealth w hich annually
that you made your royal offer on into the coffers of the rich cor
April first!" j poratinus ami millionaires.
“Well, then, in plainest En : (*. They- arc poor and hard up
glish, will you lie managing edl- j from being excessively taxed to
tor as far as I am concerned?" | support extravagant national
••No, but 1 may trv to be assis ; States and local governments, and
tant editor—a little. Indeed, I j depreciated prices of their pro
(lows j Mr. Campbell among tiie poor ol
the city; hence his remark, lie
“I have just seen a
blushed and explained, and the
upshot was that her father prom
ised the young feilow that if he
lady who j would come back with some mon
ey in liis pockets within two
till is anxious to hear Irmn you.*' think I will be the girl you had \ ducts, as a result of exorbitant treated by several physicians
said Kate. “I intend to write ‘ set your heart on getting. I told | transportation charges and com
some letters and yours can be you the truth when I said I had ! missioners to board-of trade mid
has been greatly annoyed by
letter in one of her hands. If ■ years’ time he should be reward-
had given her much trouble and | c .l with the hand of his pretty
| am. Slut said she had been i daioditer.
for i
J j While
less) ] ' formed
• 41-00 Kate, but had not met the rest ol
.-,o I
the family. Ou the steamer she
had often sjiectilated as to what
Kate's home would be like,
knew that Mrs. Moore hail died
when Kut: was but a child; that
Mr. Moore had been very success
ltd in business; aud that his son.
Sidney, was an editor on the stall
h.„| posted with mine, this evening.” j perfected myself in stenography. 1 die men.
Nannie and Kate exchanged ■ thanks to papa. He said that we 7- T hey
are blind partisan
significant glances.
girls must lie able to take care ol idolators w ho furnish the jugger
! ring the past three or four years
with the old remedies, but with
i out giving any relief. I suggest
ed Swift's specific and she took
four butties and is now apparent-
There are two gentlClttctt doing
business together in the city whose
lives form a striking parallel.
They arc about the same age;
went to the war in the same com
same time as
Later in the evening the two! Jursclves if he couldn't take care j naut and the Uflffl which rolls i*; ly perfectly well. Tier hand Ts j P an . v; detailed :.t
gii Is held a council of war. and ,,f us. You may talk as fast as) over their bodies every fot: 1 smooth and not a single si
Sju , Kate triumphantly produced her; you please and I w ill give you I years.
sum . ( sharp shooters; captured at the
. . _ it.... _ . h ! 4 .. L’ i Ft/,1 A*
’ the disease left. Itis marvelous
. i same time; both sent to Ft. Dele-
brother s letter. Nannie seized hack ev.-ry word just as you said And wliut they might be?
it anti hastily tearing it open 1 jt, with the t*s crossed and iV 1. They might, if united. be
read: .lotted. Try me!” the controlling power in the land
Deak Miss Rivers:—I received j **I*11 take your word for it. Ii! 2. They might repe al every
I your letter in answer to my ad , take your word for everything, j unjust law that afflicts them, and Site had been fleeted
j vertisement, and would be pleas- j even on April first—Isay, Hunt! enact su ;h statutes as would se ' eczema f*»r four years.
I to have you call on me Satur-j—Hunt!” he called, and his cure to litem justice, equity
how thi< medicine renovates the
-What about the other ease?”
“Well, that was a lady also.
with the
Her face.
: O: -
and extend a hear
We are still in the Cotton business
tv invitation to all to
Store Their Cotton With Us.
Our lon^ experience in the business enahles ns ti.
guarantee satisfaction, and we promise to save von
mimev if vou will let ns handle and sell your ( o',ton.
All we ask is a trial, and you will be convinced ot this
fact. Itefore selling s our Cotton he sure to call on u
and post yourself as to prices.
-”We S€53L3L
ware; took small [>ox at salUC
tiin'; each received two wound*
nearly in the same place, and cam*
home together. They arc now
doing business together, and
when one takes a drink, both
feel frisky. Yet they arc no kin,
and were strangers prior to the
war.—A meriens Recorder.
! currency on a bond securit y at j remedy at command, including w hite prisoners. This is a most
-T- r -
hi k A
’• Headachy,Turpi'
~d E. : _:j, Indigestion
5dlf Stcmac.
-Ll^il J i
Cr, 7^
Celebrated Pratt ini
which is the best Clin made. We sold over twenty-fi ve
hundred dollars worth of these < iins last season, and wi
1-tke ]ileasure in referring you to any of our numerous
T1 \ <>u want a
First-Class Engine, Saw Mill,
or any kind of Machinery, call and see ns and get the
most favorable prices and terms.
Thanking you for a liberal patronage in the past, we
are, Respectfully.
July I!1 3m.
’ Einod r/ith .t nauseating tl
~r, ;h nr weshininq the sgstoir.
i (j 2Bs:art going to too
KaarfartcreTa ft ’ Prc ds»
Id by Druggist:; ST j I Ui5E
For NaL* bv J. W. >r\NF<»i:i‘. <’uthbc*rt.
•a. Juno
of a prominent magazine. Con
scqnontlv he must be very learn °d to have you call on me Satur-j—Huni!” he called, and his ! cure to them justice, equity and j hands; and arms, as well as hi
ed very near sighted and quite j l1:l J'^morning. Yours truly, i friend and Kale entered the room. I protection. | body, was covered over with sores
<dd Sd often had she pictured I Sidxky Moore. “I have the best of the joke after 3. They might pass laws to and scabs. It was one of the ^
him to hersell that he became a : " 0! clie ' 1 N:,n,li, ‘' dancing ; : ,1|. | have secured that stenog j obtain from the government all j worst cases ol'this terrible disease Gov. McDaniel of Georgia, ha*
around the room with the letter rnphvr!” eurreney th v need on bind h*-j Hint I have ever seen. The suf \ notified the lessees of convicts in
j in her hand, “to think that an cd Mi\ Moore and Nannie cx eiirily, at \ he same rate and r«s? : ter - iug of the poor creature was be- i |n S State, that they must not em
it"!' could be so awfully fooled! ■ changed glances of intelligence that national hanks now bank , 3ond expression. She tried even plr»v any more negro guards for
\\ hat «lo you think of mv answer, ;:n ,j the former said: “You have
Kate?” The girl had seated her i the proof of a short poem in your ! one per cent for twenty years,
sell at a table and was carefully pocket, sit down with your back 4. They might establish a
' writing in her assumed hand: to the audience, and don't look transportation system, that would
To Mb. Swxet Mooke, ! aronud, on your honor.” be operand at cost as llie postal
Nannie produced from her j system now is.
Renicin1a*r me pocket a small note book and | 5. They might abolish the
pencil. -Now read,” he conclud- \ debt and usury sys'.em,
ed, and Mr. Il'iut read the brief, filling the land with a
poem rapidly.
-Now, Miss Mary Rivers, it's
your turn.” and Nannie laughing
ly read the poem aloud from her
Hunt looked at the blushing
girl and his friend's excited and
happy face and said. -I congrat
ulate you! No one ever turned
his First of April ex peril nee to ct/tjo Scut! ml.
I»ctlcr account.— Pauline S. lloc. •
1 entity.
At dinner, on the day of her j
arrival, Kate said: “Nannie. I;
want to introduce you to mv
Nannie looked up at tiie hand
some man who was entering the j
room, and, after greeting him.
tui *cd quickly to her friend and j ^ a o ,,z ' ne i ^ *
-aid, with comic dismay: “Why. 1
Kate, you told me he was an edi |
Wm d. kiddoo,
Citffiorr?, <itt.
CiUitf bv >:»• cud contract. ti
I> E N T I S T
< r i'IILERT. GA.
•’Fit 1: Wi->i
over It. !. 1 >
I’nblif Sqitarv
tore. fel»17-l\
T?T mj
S> 9-«-S ^ ....JL
Tho only known romcily that will cure every ease of Dyspepsia or Indigestion.
It has been tested in hundreds of eases and has never failed in a single instance, li
has been very successful in
Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or i.eariburn. Chronic
Dysentery e-r Biarrlicea, Heart Disease, Sic.
M.-c of A ST 11M A. \y !uto futii with iniliga*.-: i*»n. lorpiii Liver, or Foit-tipaiicii.
mul in every i M.-cof ASTII M A. \\ lu re t iiiiiplicDted with Lirpid Liver, or (■•hi-u;-.*:: i - :\ -;:fe nt:«I eert;tii:
euro. We ask DYSI’LPTICS an.l ASTHMA P<*s to try the reme.iy ;m-l rin-y will lv rerniiafl ti.nt !i.;-y not iicr.r.ibic
diseases. This inedicitie is eotnpo.-ed ol purely vegetable rente*lie?
Mr. Moore was very much
amused at Nannie's evident stir
prise an 1 embarrassment. an*»
bantered her about it inercilessh
Several da\*s later Mr. Moon
| was Idling Nannie some of ids cx
j pciiences as an editor;
which he mentioned the 1 uniei
1 oils letters that lie received froii
'■ ,>eoj»!c who offered to give hi 11 -
j ‘ * ° !
heir history, provided he slioub j
write it up for the magazine, tin--
1 * ° i
• Having the peciima y help and it ;
I die glory. He then added: •*!* |
whose people would <»uly becom* j
1 stenographers or type writer?
’ Itcy might be of some use to :
Magazine. Why. only to day
nivcitised for a stenographer.''
Nannie immediately' conceive
1 scheme by which she wool
punish h in for the discomfit 11 r-
te hail caused her on her arriva;
^lie would answer the ad\crti*««
; tnen*. He had told Iter what kin
d letters weic most effective, am
-ilte could not doubt but that Ik
would give her appeal some at
; ention.
Mr. Moore began receiving in
i numerable answers to Itis ad\er
j cisement. One aspiring steno
zrapher assured him that siic wa-
*t*ry pretty, and could play on th*
,*iano. Another s:ti*l that slu
• odd not write very well, bin
would soon learn. One morning
Mr. Mi Hire came up to the desl*
j of another editor, aud exclaimed.
I triumphant]}*:
When this you see.”
He w ill get that <*n Saturday.
April Fools' Day, you ktiow.
Heigh oho, Mr. Sidney Moore!
Now '*c are quits!”
Saturday evening came, anil;
with it Mr. Hunt. After a little
paust* he exclaimed: “Have you
1 teard about Moore's stenogra
arnoii* . 0
i plu*r?
“Oh, she was to call to day. !
Fell us about her!” cried Llie two.
-Instead ol the vi>ii Moore was !
j mercury and iodide ot potash, but wise and commendable act on the
she only grew worse. She was in j part of the Governor. Keep the
this condition when I first saw j r W o races apart,—in freedom or
Lite case. ! soon had her taking j r , bondage, in life or in death,
-'wilt s Specific, and she has now I While both are here and insepar-
o:nv taken two bottles, but even j ably connected with the future of
111:11 k ol the disease has almost ;? he South, let each work out its
entirely disappeared. Her strength Own destiny and 111 its own pecu- he:.I li have greatly j liar sphere. In rele ,r u , in
improved. It is one of the most
j tics, in prison or pallor, Kt«qi the
remarkable cures that has conic! whites nr.d blacks apart.
which is
few rich
.ml many poor, by prmiding
means for labor to do a cash busi
ness, as capital now d«>« s.
0. They can swap places will’ * under my observation.” 1
. those* ho are robbing and op “Mr. Campbell you have Itnd a j
pressing them, and make the r
farms as good as gownsmen.
Kinds, by making them the>
of currency of the country —Chi Lite men s of Swift’s Specific? I v\
iently expecting a message !
Tiie 23om.»‘ wilc*«
* anil yarii'ii cx,.erW in min- I
gong *.\illt men, and ohser\ing ( na nc-> «>t ten married ladies., isameud-
tlieir allbctions and the remedies i dre=s f and 12 t\v«-« t. stamps f«.r iH»*ita|re #
. . . 1 .Mir handsome, entcrtainitic ami instruc-
’ opinion as to -j^ 0 Journal, devoted to Fashions. Fancy
V\«». .. De-oratin;-, (’ookiit|r and House*
‘•In a urn is tiw of sKty years I ! 1,011 ,,,:lttl T s * ,u '" n,rir >* rI V 00 -
• • i'«»-»»,\v, andseeitre next imiiimht. Ad-
; nave mingled wilu every dais (1, he <. Domestic JOURNAL. Vunda,
—-v. -v— - j lloihrr! | society, anil have ckMcIv !"•• V. <M23-lm.
BKsscd are Tajin? SnbMTilwrs. , If tiie littleil.-ii lin^-is »|K-mlin» : tin: vari:-ly of iliscascs wliich af j ... ~
> >v ciuie luin-in-t iro-t tuiieli Blcsse.1 is llie man who cloth , s:,l 'li slw|.lo». ni s lits. slowly an.l 1 tli. t humanity. Bloo.l diseases 1>? ,n ° lo " i " 1 “ ° " r ® *
\ I .line, uiin s in„ a n.o.. toiieii 4 ,i 11 In! i.v wasting away hy the are the most numerous and the! ttmei> sugwestion:
ng b:ilet duux, in the fair stenog , u - st l 1 t,r u Ui • Aj, l M l , ( r a iraimge upon its system froii: { most <lifii -ult to remove. In n:y j “Every mnn who has a ruiMBrngr
pa; thendor. His feet shall 11,11 tiie effect of teething, procure a earlier life,' Sarsaparilla:
stand upon slipper}’ places; he bottle of Dr. Riggers’ I Im-klcbcrn was the great blood purifier. Many,
shall not be forsaken by his Cordial.! he GREAT SOUTHERN , ol Iters have come to the surface.;
REMEDY, and find what many 1 but it. is mv debbetate judgement
other mothers have by its use—a that Swift's Specific is the grand
complete cure, as it will in :;!1 e*L blood pitrilit r i ver discovered.
bow«*l affections in Dot ii young i’here is not liing too good to say
and old. For sale by all drug
gists at 50 cents a bottle.
.apher's haulwriting, reminding
dm that it was All Fools* Day.
md that lie was one of the fools
ion cun imagine ln.5 disappoint
“I had every reason to be dis
sppoiutcd,” said Sidney. “One
t‘*e< not ofti n find such a girl as J l kc office of the newspaper, yea.
HS promised to he. By juve! *-‘ v ‘*n entereth the sanetmn and;
I ;1 find ..lit who she was. If—” ! imclli a year's subscription there ‘
forsaken by
j friends nor persecuted by bis en
einies, nor shall his seed ever be
; **ecn begging.
Rlessetl i> he that walketh to
for. Selah!
He shall learn wisdom day by
and be exalted above his fcl
“Why, S dney,” said his sister
‘w iat difference jan it make? To
■■ sure it is rather annoying, but
I then you can easily find some one-
! for the place. Nannie, won't you
j play that nocturne 1 heard you 1 *dl
I practicing to day?”
Sidney immediately forgot ev ! ness of bis learning.
Foor On! V aioierhilt.
I learn with much sadness that
Mr. William II. Vanderbilt's once
princely fortune has shrivlcd down
day. ami wruitc, aoo.c ...a U) # l 50i000 000 . X|, i8 p R -ce
into!tualion comes lo me like a
lie shall talk knowingly tipon cl-(| <jf Ull|n<k . r out a ck . :ir
sky. Once pelle.l, fondletl am;
! caressed, William II. Vardei bilt.
| shorn of Itis wealth, and resting
i’llv-re is nothin<
about Swift’s Specific.”
Treatise on l>lood and
Diseases mailed free.
Tin: Swift Specific; Co., Draw
♦*r d. Ar.a!i f :», Ga . l.»J V». 2ffd St..; county but has
N-Y., and 1205 Chestnut St. j upon it l.-tr*o* . n
I’hi la.
siream on his prt rises ought to
>.* able to raise his own fish. No
food is more paint :ble or whole*
some than fish. They can <-c:*tain-
\ lie rais<* ; to g.»od size, ii there
• s plenty ol •..ab*r. In fact, they
will grow without, attention, if
they have an abundance of water.
There is hardly a farm in the
i.— a running stream
upon it Jartfe . n mgh to siipplv a
! Ii-»b pond with pure
subjects, and his neighbors |
I.a ighnhic Eccentricities
Railroad Men.
not perfectly |
fish cannot
tv of water.”
water. But
aiseil without tficn*
He shall not contract bad debts j
or lose good bargains.
S upon no foundation lull his sterl
ing integrity, must struggle along
Symptoms of Dyspepsia or in ligestion. loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling oi -I have it, Frank! Just
fullness or weight in the Stomach, oeeasionally nausea ami vomiting. Heartburn, kind i.r girl one likes t.. help, t.s.,'
Acidity, flatulence, sick or nervous headache. Dull pain in the iiead, with a sensa-1 ••x.iusunsp. Moore. You're in
turn ot Heaviness, or tJiddiness. Irregularity ot the itowels, sometimes Constipated urelv too-ymp.-uhetii. You hav.
and then acting too freely. Low Spirits. Sleeplessness. Saliow Skin. Derangement ol i.i-m ki-pt'in a state of ihmv.i.
Kidneys, Palpitation oi’the Heart. Ac. If you suffer with anvof these sym'ptoms. j disgust all the week t>y the epis
Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Klixir will cure you. The following are a few testimonials ot : ;U-s you have received, and—”
parties who have been cured by the Klixir; “Just real this letter yourself,''
Jli:. 1\ K. IFoi.t. Kckacla. Ala. : II \tcmkk*s Statu *n. <?<)• -tuber 7 <tli. lssR. , , ,
I»K\nSn: -I V;tvi* bfi'ti troubltMl with in*iit:t';-ti«!:t :ttnl nervous ]ii*;h1:!«-!k-for the L.>; j-iti-en year.-. I>uri:i;T tiiat tiuie I Lave : :1 ®‘* “C lian«*c«l U Hi Ills It lend:
suffered a jrtvat tle.d with perl'nlit-al attark> ol hca<bteiic*. I iaviti^ e.\h:ut'*te«l my own sk!M ;*ml :r!*-*l t-;*■ > r «-i . %«.
•Treat many physicians. I was induced t«»try your Pys;*ej»tt*- Elixir. You <«*nt me a bottle about t!;« n;i.:• :I. : Marc* 10 T * 1 * U,T K ** .MAGA
and I am happy to inform you that I have not suffered ir«*:n th- ]*eri*nli» ..! attaeks sirtee. My ii;.’.- . . : <t if P |,,; ZIXF-—Dear Sir I SAW Votir :td
entirely cured. I can eat any ami even tiling without m;it*-ria! injury. 1 hav* ; • :i a j-raeriei.iy pLvsi -; , • thirty years. * .
and have ever been opposed to proprietary medicine. You kindly i'urn:siwd iiewii'i the tormuia Vo;- »h. Kiixir. and *'-n « \- x ’Crtiscilient III a New 1 oi k paper {
aininati«»n e^ai testify t«» llie medical properties and rheraputira! application aud I n-.-onitucnil ;tii si . A
ami nervous liemlaebe. or any disease artsinj* from a torpi»l liverto }»n»eure a b*‘ttle Nt * ai a * ,,n ‘ price ..<1 liberal
a specific In thiselassof diseases. I recommend it t » my patrons ami nre-rrihe it i Tertns. For purticul
ervthing and hastened lo the pi
mo. alight a thing could not ! *r losegiaai bargains.
worry him. and he thought again ! He shall not pay an additional j WJl | 4 l j |e rest „| US>
and again how .sympathetic and ■ per cent. <»n taxes, for his eyes
.diali i»ehoid the notice of the col
lector, and lie will lake warning
The following is not perfectly! -Mercer, over in »\ -
fresh, but i-? good enough to be I cfunity, runs a < otton gin by .vrf-
giveil a new lease of life: Girls j ter power. A few days ago the
ought to be warned ofthe fright
ful danger to ho incurred in mar
rving a railroad man, especially
brakemcn. There are many
stories told of railroad men du
lu conclusion, I do flirt know
what to say, unless it be to appeal ;ing their moments of sleep,
lo the newspaper men of tiie i a story comes from a certain
machine suddenly flopped, and
llii! proceeded to ascertain the
cause. Going up the road to the
pond Id* found that a countryman
had di !•. en a yoke of oxen into
but the mill pond to water, and they
ciH !<i :ul (flunk tl.o pond dry, thus
lull of pallios was her renilerin
•f ilie music.
Alter she had finished, Mr. j thereby.
Hunt asked Kate if she would j Verily, lie shall brinjj his pro
look at the proolsof some pictures j luce to market when the prices
that lie had just received, and j are exceedingly good, and with
they went into another room. i hold it when the price desccndetli. ________
•Mr. Moore, said Nannie, 1| H 1 : shall not 1»> hold of m. eff.-et, I,i,t nc do not care for found hy the neighbors silting up j J>
have learned the : hot linkers, for his knowlcd-. - Let us forget all that am. in bed holding his w ife hy the i “Wh-.t m-.k s vou look
f ...ctaliurgy will teach hnn that r . , ° ! " hat m.ik.s ton look so dis-
w 1 rjinember t!iat his su«l late iu:i\ cars having nearly twisted llie; , r|lsl< .,] Sbant^”-isk^l one vonntr
:i.»t iron burns. i , »_ i * . , i . ,. is ’ ’ 1 *, , } , ®
1Jl lawyer ot ain»ther, the other day.
country in Mr. Vanderbilt's be- which is quite laughable iudctMi. ! s b>pping the flow of water and
1 Half. While lie was wealthy lo- ; It is-i».4:;le* l that a few nights ago j imaging Mercers business. He
ivuK proud am’, arrogant. Ib- i me.’.iber of the huni working fra | ,,:li5 slllt ‘ e fenced the pond in, and
- saitft: “Let the newspapers be ! ternity, on being roused from u •' ls _ ready to attend to the wants of
blanked lo blank,” or words t«» dream of an impending crash, wa 6 ‘ c ustoniv! +pnc/tcux Ac-
1 pnx
»:unien«i it : unv patroas :»n<l i»r< - t-nbc* ii 1 t«*nns.
with your request, maffa -.hen I saw you last,but thought it best to delay in order t j.- *j |
five properties. Wrv truly yours.
l\ S.—I can’t afford to be without the Klixir.
I will have it in mv house let i: t
apply t*.
F. Fit. a ski.
to the song you asked for las!
evening. Would you like to sing
it now?” and she played the open
ing chords of “My Queen.”
There was that in his voice
and glance, as he sang the words,
j that deepened the color in lies
hecks and rendered uncertain | led «s to its future state,
touch that was usually ■
His children shall not vex him,
nor his wife wear breeches.
He shall live a good old age,
! and when his dving hour is ai .
1 _ . n j some good paper,
hand, his soul shall not be troub
&nu in bed Holding Ins wile by
id fate iu:i\ ears having nearly twisted
some day be our ow.i. In out • terrified woman's head otT in
affluence lei us n »l lose sight o! ■ ineffectual exertions to “down “Why yon know that old skin-
Lhe fact that Van is suffering. Let brakes.”— Sumfer Republican. ;jjJones don't \ t u v ”
j us procure a place h.r him ou j : “The millionaire? Yes”
“Well, he died v ester day wit!i-
j anil spelling are a little licketj, » out making a will, an.l here are
an.l hasten lo answer it, I,opine i ll,eeKS uncertain ; .eu as .« its ...-ore s.a.e. | l(Ul Ue tollU , begin as janitor and . A 'Ivv-rUsc-r. to the especial poms
that I may obtain a hearing. ] ; lhu lula ' h tl,al was usually so! But it were better for him that gradually work his way up. p ar of r-omi: o! the so called inffucn
fear that I am hut one among ! tru f !refuse to subscribe forth.] tics having clothing or funds |
many applicants, hut it is so im Then, as if yielding to an im j newspaper that he he hound hand j w |,j,.!, u^y fed like giving may
half the lawyers in town starv
ing to death. Itis heirs wit! pro
bably get every cent, the
Many people do not seem to be founded <>id hunks”
the most handsome line
iff. red
Dr. F. n. IIiu.t, Ecfatlx. Ai.v. <\».mi*tk*>1.1.1::: (»Exr:nM.*
DkakSir— I mu pleaded t«» report that I liave been entirely cured of indigestion. I* f
was induced by a friemltotry it after hayinir tried almost every remedy known f* ( “ A apers. all kinds, ever
I took only three small bottles of your nicuirh'.e bfforc i was entirely well. I suMbn i, t .j 0 s-e *ir
three year* since 1 um.i1 your preparation, 1 have had no return of it Yours trulv. ’ * * ** ~ . .. , r . , ,1. _*n .,
^ ♦ m> i met with severe losses in friends suspense, llie wonls will come
Our friends in the 5t ii didn't j and means, hull will not inflict j In you I have found my queen.’
Offdt: or tuf •'■tngf.i: MwrFAm-Df.iirn out well Tuesdav Thcv let
x Tliis i> t*'certify that my wife. Mary J. Ib^htower. sutfered t*>r six years front in»i # . . •
that she had been reduced in tiesh from l.'inpounds t«»S3 poamls.aml was_irl*>.>my an »>laine beat ( 'lcvcland six votes 111
port ant that I should have work l»ilse that eoiild not he longer re And foot and cast upon a feather j forH - an , thc sanle lo me at ll„d '“ware of the community interests |
I.*•»»>( ... . . . ..._,
and by earnest persuasion slie w as induced to try-’He laittleof ! ; r. Holt’s Dv.-pepti. j..., 1 ?
materially benelitted. am! eontinuinir its ikgi few immtiis. she was entirely relieve**’ * ‘ '
ami now weighs I .'A pounds. Tiie Klixir has brought us health aiu! happiness wlier.
tiuuous suffering ami disappointment.
—C’lolhin*r *_'l,L*.
E't.u la. Ala.. May 1st, 1SS3.
that I must not lose the slightest stra,nei ^ * lc ‘ • Ikj I.
chance of obtaining it. I have] ‘*0, Nannie. I cannot wait in He shall have no rest either by
day or night, for visions of credi
tors shall dance u|mn his stomach
The music grew confused an«i hy night and their actual pres
Kate was heard saying rather
jluidly: “These are very inter
esting, Mr. Hunt. I wish that
you would tell me the story they
Brownlee, of Elbert
you my sad personal his ;
Cory. It is sufficient to say that:
i l iret:instances make it necessary
i I *or me ti> support myself or be-
| come dependent on charily. This
liver and constipation. I rrrew : l K 11
; nths. o’a iny to the severity <>; time, but. i
fact gives me no claim upon your j illustrate.”
in view of what might
Dr. IIoi.t—Dear sir: About five years ago I was taken with a violent rough with enlarged liver
worse ami worse until it was ahuo<t .impossible for me to lie down and sleep at night fori
the cough. The tally way 1 could sleep was in a chair, my head resting upon a pillow on a tatde. Was treated hy two dim-r
ent physicians.and tiled a muubrv of Patent Medicines, allot" which <iiu n.> g«*od. After having despaired of ever getting happen, I have perfected myself
well, mv wife consulted vyit bv letter. You sent me two Imttles of your Dyspeptic Klixir; in less than three days I eouid lie : • 1,,. 1 1 .. -
down and sleep as well as T ever et»uld ui my life: a few bottles cured me perfectly. 1 have recommended it to a great mini- 111 S'Wri Apl»\ , . n»l Ulinw 1 can
ber of jienHms and never knew it to fail to cure in a single instance. Yours truly. JOHN F. KLIIOE. i honestly say that I could do the
Mr. W. B. MeLendon. of Hatchers station, s.iy? Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured him »>f inuiy
I a in, very
rr.A. Ala.. May 1st.
“J will promise anything if you j wickedness, they shall put their
will but give me a chance!” he hands to their noses and vex
work you require,
respectfully yours,
Dr. Holt—Dear sir: Your Dyspeptic Elixir cured my daughter of Py-pcpsia of a very aggravated form of tw elve month; ; Mai.Y RiAEKs.
Standing. 1 had tried several of* llie nest phvsicinns in the countv, who failed to benefit her. j *•]>.. i flV _i Af™,,.,, ;«
I5UYANT URIFFIX, White Ford. C.a. j ' e ' * uoorc - 3 011 ,,a ' e ,n
‘FQ'R- 5^ A T .TH ~R~V~ A T .T » "n~P,TTfT-n-TRTg. jo-jy. 'deed been successful. I envy she added quickly, seeing his in Xctrs.
“Mr. Moore,” said Nannie,
hanging her head rather guiltily,
“l have a confession to make.
\Yi!i you promise lo forgive me?”
cnee torment in m by day.
If perchance he has a moment**
. - 1 , * r ,1 —distinct from such as are pure ^ ,u * ^*
! cloll.Ls'.V. n.Tut*V:in a they ma.v ‘.V personal, or else tiusy (lisix- reports that fourteen hands
I toss, ill v fit me.—Rill Syc. ] ^ar.l them. Cities and tonus pros- j ,in lls l ,|:lt -' ,J nhont half of wbcm
- * _ ! jkt just in proportion as commu- ■ '* e,e children, picked 4,(00 pound
I.«di«* .llrdicl »*»»i-T. : uity i ateri , stJ ln ^t, at the hands "f^ ton one,lav last week. (Iw
han.l»ml , !vl«a.n. , rin l rl,?m f an''"!l!a" : | t(| e people, that consideration i ,lan,, \ J,,lln Sllus . 1‘ieked 533
trated. Tells how to prevent and cure ■ which they are entitled,
all diseases ot the* sex, by a treatment at * - j
. . , , . , . home. Worth its weight in tJohl to every I lie spirit is an important factor in ;
peace, it is only* that he may have lady suffering from any of these di>cas- i ^j Jt i * ~
a little rest ere the memory of
pour: (is.
The Georgia Legislature con-
nn v.-. Over>niM aireadv. Fostpmi.I "V" ?} In ll,e ; venes on the day alter Ui* i>fC8(-
nn ! only OU Cents. Foetal Note «*r . :i!, sence ol i«, no man can meet; ... . • i -*
evil life lacerates his mind, as the J .■'tanijw. Addr-ss N IN I)A I’t'lil.iMi- the full measure of hi a obligations *_ 1 J * l ’ 1 l<,n * oa ' : *Uw
I.No *-**-, Xunda. x. ^ . Uet2a-lin. . .| M . com.nnnity in which ho ^ * 3 said that i-t In: as aide &
ifoail point pritks thc hide of the
strong os, so that his punishment
may he no longer drawn out.
His children shall grow up in
answered promptly.
‘T am the stenographer!” Then
iiiin to wrath, and his wife shall
kick him out of bed.— Walton
A .' .an who laid claim to have
the iar.d on which Buffalo is built ;
body as ever
n&sewbled in the
E. VY. Cole, of Nashville, Ten-
Twcnty eight members of the
forty ninth congress have now
been chosen, and the republicans
have spell red seventeen and thc relinquished all rights for and • uessee, has bouglit and presented;
democrats eleven These delcgn ■ a thumping big drink of whiskey. " the county, a mansion and stx*
tions in the present house consist That's his regular rate for rub.a- tv-live acres of ground near that
of thirteen republicans and iiiteen .pushing, and he is taking the -itA", to he used as a house of ref-
democrats. i cities in rotation. ijfc.