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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal.
m AN TWags—Neutral in Nothing.’
NO. 42
We ask all the good citizens of Cuthbert and Randolph county who
wish to consult their best interest, (an.I we assure you it will be to
your advantage) to call and see us at our
and we will sell you anything in the Drug Line cheajicr, as a rule,
-»ANY * HOUSE t IN »THE » 0ITY.»-
Remember we,keep everything, every Medicine, and every Sundry,
Patented or Proprietary. * Having our customers interests in view,
we cordially invite you to call that you may save money for your
•elves, and also advance our business.
9apt*mber4 ly. ^
Has received a large ami complete stock of
TATI. AND winter goods,
Hat* Plume# Ribbon*. Silks. Velvets, riushes. and Satins, of all
•hadn Shingle Itang Hair, all colors. Alt these good* arc new, and
•f tbs latest styles. Call ami examine my stock. Resp.-ctfolly.
Oct 9 3m.
We are still in the Cotton business and extend a hear
ty invitation to all to
Store Their Cotton With Us.
Our long experience in the business enables us to
guarantee satisfaction, and we promise to save you
money if you will let us handle ami sell your Cotton.
All we ask is a trial, and you will be convinced of this
fact. Itcfore selling your Cotton be sure to call on us
and post yourself as to prices.
Rheumatism, UeuralgU, Sciatica,
Bold by Prsaidi u4 Dtslsrt ■•«• vnlsara. ' CssU•
W»lr. tHisrtlsa* I* It l,IU<Wp«. '
- V VOdOUtCO.) “■*
Enterprise & Appeal
»u*copy one year .... $l.* r »0
“ Eight month* . . . 1.00
“ Four months . . . . SO
On;- square, (ten lines or lens) 1
insertion $1.00
For each s»u!»#« , quent insertion . 50
AU personal matter double price.
Obituaries will Ik* charged for as
4her advertisements.
Advertisements inserted without
•jieeifieatiwn as to thr nuuil>cr of in
sertions. will lie published until order
ed out, and charged accordingly.
AN advertisements due when hand
ed in.
> sell the
Celebrated Pratt Gin,
which is the best Gin made. We sold over twenty-five
hundred dollars worth of these Gins last season, and we
take pleasure in referring you to any of our numerous
If von want a
First-Class Engine, Saw Mill,
•r any kind of Machinery, call and see us and get the
most favorable prices and terms.
Thanking you for a liberal patronage in the past, we
are, Respectfully,
July 31 3m.
lions ness.Sick Headache, Turpi
' r sr and Bowels, Indigestion
spepr'a, Sour Stomach, Spleen
rtigo, Bad Breath, Malaria
:ndicc, and Pvii'g and Enridi
Blood with jut nauseating th.
nach or weakening the system
'.‘se; l to 2 Borns on going tn bed
Bumfsctcrm h, !'■■'; Prvnt.
Id by Druggists. ST IM
A bright looking yonag fellow
stood in the middle of a handsome
room, holdings large kid ball in
one hand, and a substantial bat
ia the other. He seemed lost in
thought, as glancing first at oae
then at the other of the sporting
article* in bis bands, asifcquallv
attraclive,—he otherwise stood
motionless. At length he started
up with sudden animation.
‘-Ill do it," he said; -what harm
1 should like to know. I'm about
ss much my own matter as I ever
shall be; and the other fellows
will fall in with the plan fast en
ough if once I promise it, 1 know
they will.”
There was some excuse for
Horace Baldwin concerning the
unscrupulous resolve just ex-
pressed. For it was no less sin
ful a resolve than to pro) o e to
the “other fellows'' of the Base
Ball Club that they should have
a game the next Sabbath as long
as the fine weather continued.
Horace Baldwin waa in morr
inde|*mlent circumstances than
most of the members of the cluli,
having some property be could
call bis own. and was naturally
looked up tn. Then the others, lie
ing obliged *o lie at their work
every day in the week, could only
find lime to p'ay of evening—when
they were pretty well tired out—
and on an occasional holiday.
The position Mr. Baldwin oc
copied in business admitted of
hia controlling his time about aa
be pleased, but it waa aggrsvat
ing, that with his passionate fond
ness for his favorite game, there
were so few opportunities for in
ilulging it with his pel dub.
Tears ago, when be waa a mere
child, a Christian mother had
taught him to “remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy.”
But father and mother had long
since passed away, leaving their
child in comfortable circmn
or even my good old mother—so
now here I am.”
Sir. Baldwin felt a decided in
dinaiion to edge off, but tbe rep
ulsiveman went on:
“I never sec a real fine, dean
young fellow like you, without
feeling like giving him some good
advice. You see my language
isn't so bad—Oh! I was educated
for a gentleman. I was. much as
I've deteriorated and I've lieen
used in ray day to custom made
clothes like your own. I've only-
sunk into dilapidation through
force of circumstances,—I won't
say unavoidable circumstances,
oh, no indeed. I'm much loo con
scientious a gentleman for that.”
The mocking, bantering speech
had in it yet a tone of real sad
Mr. Baldwin gazed half in dis
gust. half in pity, at the ragged,
attenuated figure, then asked
“Well, how comes it?’
“Now let me tell you; it may do
you real good and it won't harm 1881,
my poor old soul if I do go back a i Great
British FedenUhm.
There is no other government
in the world which is so “extend
ed” as is that of Great Britain.—
The United Kingdom—England
an 1 Wales, Scotland and Ireland
—covers an area of only one linn
tired and twenty one thousand
square miles, a little' more than
the area of New England and New
York, and its population is thir
ty-five ami a quarter millions.
Its colonies cover almost eight
million square miles, and have a
combined imputation ot more than
two hundred millions. These col
onies are on every continent and
in almost every- sea. England's
oldest colony is that of Newfound
land, which was acquired in 15S3;
her youngest is th« Island of Cy
press. over which she extended
sovereignty in 1878.
Large as these figures seem, our
view of them is somewhat modi
fied when we learn that the total
population of the Indian Empire,
was, according to the census of
‘•I begun just as yau are begin
“How so?' demanded Bui
“I didn't keep the LorJ's day.”
“Well, ain't I keeping it?”
“You, ain't in church, young
man; you are on a stile smoking,
while the minister is praying and
“Do you call that very bad?”
“Oh no!tbal'annly the begin
“Pretty soon, you'll take to go
ing on excursions of a Sunday, or
playing games, may lie."
Horace started.
“Oh, you need not jump,” said
the quick observant tramp.
“Then you'll most likely drink
a little, and perliape list sonic
thing on the game. I tell you,
stances in a worldly point of view, young man,” he exclaimed with
hut destitute of the Christian j sudden startling energy, “there's
training which requires line upon j nothing on earth between you and
line, and precept upon precept, in ; me, and your means and my beg
order that they may take root j gary, but G< d a grace, and *
and influence the life in mature ‘ Christian Sabbath and a mother's
years. Anil therein lies the ex prayers! Come now. I’ve preached
cuse hinted at concerning hi* on-!you a sermon,give me the price
fortunate delerminatioB. jot a roll, will you?’
When the pro|K>sal was made,; “Yes,” said Baldwin quietly:
oae or two of the more conscieu-, “I'll give you the price of two rolls
tious members demurred a little j and some coffee but tell me who
but Horace was clever at using' you are, will you?”
what seemed like plaiisablc argn ‘ "No, I won't!” said the man al
For Pub- by J. W. Stas,..™, Cmhbert. I ,n * nt > b * , ” re Idling the en
most fiercely,
from justice.
“I'm a runaway
I'm skipping the
Wm d, kiddoo,
A-rroHxi:v at law.
Cuthbert, tin.
X \ T 11,1. practice at any place in the
If State bv i*!mrial contract.
jmie n. j tire club had agreed to meet at
j W billow s pasture the next Sun-j law. I'm—I'.-.i—yourself, unless
j day for a quiet yet jolly game. j by God's grace you keep the Sab-
fbe hour set for playing was bath and the rest of the divine
| two o clock in the afternoon, and laws. I don't know you, my dear,
i on Sunday Mr. Baldwin and I ain't particular about an
if. thought lie would stroll over to the introduction; but you look so
pasture, se called, a smoothly -j clean and sweet sitting there tu
trodden enclosure ou the out i your reckless disregard of the
skirts of the village. ! Sabbath, I thought I'u stand be-
During three or four days 1 side you, and show you the end
which bad elapsed aisce bis pro-! of tbe road. Now then for my
O FFICE Wwt sitlc Public Square,
mcr It 1,. linnn'-i si„ re , (cM7-ly j posal and its acceptance, it bad ! roll.
surprised and somewhat vexed you takes your choice.
The only known remedy that will cure every case of Dyspepsia or Indigestion.
It has been tested in hundreds of eases and has never failed in a single instance. It
has been very successful in
Lira Cuaplalxt, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or i.eartbure, Chroaic
Dysentery or Diarrhea, Heart Disease, Etc.
•eM hi mrr rascof ASTHMA, wlipre romnliratrci with iiuiijsrstion. Torpid Liver, or Constipation, it is a safe and certain
Wt ask DYSPEPTICS and ASTHMATIC!* to trv the remedy and tuejr will be convinced that they are not incurable
Thia medicine ia composed of purely vegetable remedies.
Symptoms of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling of
fullness or weight in the Stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting. Heartburn,
Acidity, flatulence, sick or nervous headache, Dull pain in the head, with a sensa
tion of Heaviness, or Giddiness, Irregularity of the Bowels, sometimes Constipated
and then acting too freely, I/tw Spirits, Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin, Derangement of
Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Ac. If yon suffer with any of these symptoms,
Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir will cure you. The following are a few testimonials of
arties who hare been cured by the Elixir:
B. r. R. Holt. Kfr*m, Ala. : Hatcher's Station. Ga., October 18th. 1883.
daaNit -I b*ve bwn troubled with indigestion and nervous headache for the last fifteen years. During that time I hare
' * great deal ifKh periodical attacks of headacite. Having exhausted my ourn skill and tried the prescription* of
in; physicians. I was induced to try your Dyspeptic Elizis.
e t»l
You sent me a bottle about the middle of Blare, last.
dnioet if not
thirty years,
2ad I» happy to inform you that 1 have not suffered from these jieriodical attack, since. Mr indigestion is almost if not
entirely cured.' I can aat any and everything without material injury. I have been a iiracticiiic physician for thirtv years,
“ ‘ ’ * ran appoccd'to proprietary medicine. You kindly furnished me with the formula for the Elixir, and' on ex-
*" *- — - medical properties and Theraputieel application and I recommend all stitferit g from indigestion
tv disease arising from a torpid liverto procure a bottle of your Drs|ieptic Elixir, for it is almost
aastnatioa eaa testify to lbs
• SMCtflt
•with yarn
Siva properties. Verv truly yours,
T. a.—I can't afford to be without the Elixir.
gls. T. *. Holt. Emru, Au.
him that certain twinges of con
science had started into life from
bis seemingly dormant sensibili
ties. His mother's face had arisen
before him, and a (ar off voice of
remonstrance attempted an in
fluence in a direction opposite to
bis inclinations.
But all such influences were
quickly suppressed, as with
steady stejis Sir. Baldwin strode
towards tbe pasture.
The day was a splendid one,
just cool enough to invite to
healthy exercise, and the grounds
so smooth and inviting scented
luriog the Sabbath breaker on.
Perched on oae of the fences
which be imagined filled with spec
tators ia the early afternoon Mr.!
Baldwin produced a cigar from
You pays your money anti
a large
Horace handed
round dollar.
The poor wretch
looked at it a
only 15,259,724. Thus
Britain and all its col-
j onies. British India excepted, do
j not contain as many inhabitants
[as there are within the United
The governments of these colo
nies arc of three kinds: first, by
the crown, that ia, by absolute
rule, tbe people having no part in
the government. This is the ays-
tear for India, and indeed for moat
ot the colonies in number. The
whole colonial imputation under
this species of government is al
most two hundred and two mil
The next class of government
ia that of representative institu
tions. The people choose legis
latures, anti make laas; but the
home government may veto those
laws, and it retains full control
over all public officers. This is
the form of government for Ceylon,
the Bahamas, the other colonics,
having a total population of a lit
tle less than four millions.
Finally, there is the system of
responsible government, which is
allowed toCanada, Newfoundland,
the Ca|ie Colony and Australia
only, with a combined |sipulation
of eight and one half millions.
The several provinces which
now constitute the Dominion of
Canada were formerly independ
ent of each other. They were uni
ted by an act of Parliament pass-
cil in 18G7. The Dominion is
sometime* called a federation, or
an association of allied States. It
is more than that; it is almost a
true union.
Now there is n strong move-
ment in favor of a similar federa
lion of all lit* governments of
Australia, New Zealand and Tas
mania. There are some difficul
ties in tbe way of this scheme
which no one has yet been able to
Beyond this there is a much
larger project. It is proposed to
make a toleration of tbe British
Empire. The details have been
worked out by no statesman aa
yet, but tire plan involves a polil
Infidels at the Hear *f Death.
Voltaire, addressing his physi
cian said, ‘-1 am abandoned by
boih God and man, I will give
you half what I am worth if you
will give tue six months lile.”—
The doctor replied, “yon cannot
live six weeks.” “Then,” saiti
Voltaire, * I shall go to hell, anti
you will go with me," and soon
after he expired.
A living skeptic was attended
by some skeptical friends, who as
the hour of death was approach
ing, liegged him not to abandon
his skepticism, but as they said,
“to hold on to the last! - ’ “Alas!"
said the living man, “I would
gladly hold ou, but 1 have nothing
to hold on to,” and was soon si
lent in death.
Charles IX, who gave the order
for the massacre of St. Bartliolo
The Deadly Cliaute ot Panama.
Just before Mr. Djngler left
Panama for France say 16.000
men were at work. The wet
season is now in, anti to day not
more than 7,000 of all ranks are
employed. Quite recently, owing
to the very sickly season, 440 of
the 7.000 were in hospital, apart
from nearly 160 under treatment at
home. This tells its own story
about the deadly climate. The
laborers now nr* nearly all Jama
ic.-tns. At Gorgoma, a caaal
camp, between Saturday last and
Monday noon three canal chiefs
had died. We hear of deaths ot
chiefs—as for the men, they die
on the line and are buried and no
attention is paid to the matter.
Two American car|ienlers are in
an unnamed grave near Etnpera
dor. The death rate, a few months
ike Hay tbe States Went, as
I'lnralititle* They Bare.
mew's day, expired, bathed in his ! ago, from a careful estimate, was
own blood, exclaiming, “What
blood! What murders! I know
not where I am! How will all this
end? What shall I do? I am lost
forever! I know it.”
Hebbs, in dying, said. “I shall
be glad to fiud a hole to creep out
of the world at.” Just beftne he
had saiti that if he were master
109 and a decimal, nearly 110, par
1 000, for all ranks. Yellow fe
ver kills the whites, malaria the
natives and negroes. Many an
able bodied, well built negro is
cut oil' in front twenty-four to
thirty six hours after their sciz
ure. Many arc placed in the
ambulance cars of the canal coitl-
of the world, lie would give it all I pany and die en route. None but
to live one day longer. ■ those living here and familiar
Even the friend* of Thomas with such painful sights can foim
Paine admit that he was so habit- any idea of this country.
ually drunk that all his old asso
ciates forsook him. Sirs, Bowen
vitle, who was his nurse, as his
death drew near, left him declar
ing that the scene was too horri
ble to lie endured. And finding
that she was going, lie cried,
“Stay with me, for 1 cannot bear
to be alone. Send even a child to
slay with me. for it is hell to be
alone!” And Mary Kasco, the
Christian woman who afterwards
attcLilcd him in bis last hours,
when all Ills infidel companions
hail left him, says, “It was the bit
terest cup I was ever called to
drink. At one time,” she adds,
“he would cry to God and Christ,
in unutterable anguish, and then
roll profanity from his lips, until
the despairing gloom of eternal
night closed over him forever.
Francis Spira, an Italian apos
To return to the appearance of
canal works: Lack of spirit and
lack of energy wereeverywhereob-
servable. Heavy rains interfered
greatly witb the work. Earth
works are swept away by the trop
ical downpour. A few hours
rain caused a small stream to rise
in such a manner that a railway
bridge was swept awn}-, stopping
canal work there. One may safe
ly say that during the long rainy
season, from May to Ilia middle
cf December, fully half the time
originally calculated on by De
Lcsscps is lost, owing to the
rains, small floods, and the stub
born fact that, while the company
claimed to have 16,000 in its em
ploy at the close of the dry sca-
! son, only 7.000 are working. Some
contractors arc losing money, and
a great deal of it. One firm of
talc exclaimed, just before death, Americans threw up its dredging
moment in genuine surprise, then . ical, or a commercial, union, per
witb the old mocking ghost of a
smile he rasped out:
"You’ve paid so like a prince.
I'll show you how like a gentleman
I can repeat same words of a still
distinguished Prince of old,and it
involves some excellent advice:
“Remember the Sabbath day, to
keep it holy.” Bye-bye. dear!”
He limited off, and Horace Bal
dwin watched him until a turn in
the road bid tbe poor creature
from view, then he dismounted
bis no longer comfortable pereb
and went home.
When tbe club assembled at
two o'clock Horace Baldwin waa
bis side pocket and sat dreamily j awaiting it. without either bat or
gazing about. j ball When Hia comrade* baa
He waa thinking intently, that i tered him on the omission be re-
It tlisclaMof ditUMt. I recommend it to my patron* and prescribe it in mjr prartirf. I would have complied !
Mr rtquMt, made *b«n 1 mw you last, but thought it best to dwir in order to be thoroughly convinced a* to its cura- i
- L. 1*. DOZIER. M. D.
L. I\ D.
I will have it in my house let it cost what it may.
Comptroller General's Office, Atlanta. Ga., July 9th. 1883.
Dear Sib—I am pleased to report that I bars been entirely cured of indigestion, by the use of your ‘Dyspeptic KKxir.” 1
waa induced br a friend to try it after having tried almost every remedy known for my disease, without the slightest effect.
I took only three amall bottles of your medicine before 1 was entirely well. I suffered several years, and although it has been
years since I used your preparation. I have had no return of it. Yours truly,
1 J 1 \V. A. WRIGHT. Coiup. Gen. State of Ga.
Office of the Sinoeb MANTFAcrrmiNG Co.. Eufaula. Ala.. July 4th. 1883.
Tbtoie to certify that mv wife. Mary J. H igh tower, suffered for nix years from indigestion and enlargement of the liver;
feat uhe bad been reduced in fleah from 130pounds to85 pounds, and was gloomy and despondent; that as an experiment^
end by earnest persuasion—she was induced to try one bottle of Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Klixir; that she was immediately and
materially benefitted and continuing its use a few months, she was entirely relieved of her 'rouble*, regained her appetite,
and now weighs 135 pounds. The Elixir has brought us health and happiness where all other remedies had resulted in con
tinuous suffering and disappointment. •*. C. HIGHTOWER.
Eufacla. Ala.. May 1st, 1883.
Pb. -Holt—Dear Sir; About five year* ago I was taken with a violent cough with enlarged liver and constipation. I grew
worse and worse until it was almost impossible for me to lie down and sleep at night for 18 months, ownng to the severity of
t bo cough. The only way I could sleep was in a chair, my head resting upon a pillow on a table. Was treated by two cliffcr-
ent physicians, and tried'a number of Patent Medicines, all of which did no good. After having despaired of ever getting
well, rav wife consulted you bv letter. You sent me two bottles off your Dyspeptic Elixir; in less than three days I could lie
down and sleep as well as I ever could ih my life; a few !*»ttles cured me perfectly. I have recommended it to a great num
ber of persons and never knew It to fail to cure in a single instance. Yours truly, r. khHOk.
Mr. W. B. McLendon, of Ilatchcrs Station, says Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured him at indigestion., Ala.. May 1st. 18*3.
Dr. Holt—Dear Sir: Your Dvaiwptic Klixir cured my daughter of Dyspepsia of s very aggravated form of twdre months
I had tried several of' the best physicians in the county, who failed to benefit her
BRYANT GRIFFIN', White Fond. Ga.
April in-ly.
old, brooding sensation of coming
ain and wrong doing again as
serting itself, when he nearly lost
bis Imlmice at bearing a harsb,
but bushed voice say rsspingly:
“For the love of heaven, com
rade, give me the price of a roll,
will you?’
Horace started ia surprise. A
man so thin and haggard, so
dast-begrimed he looked as though
be might have been starving in
tbe mire, stood close beside him.
“Yon don't relish the thought
of my claiming comradeship, with
a young gentleman like yourself,
do you now?’ asked tbe man witb
a sickly grin.
“Well, now yon would hardly
believe it, but I wae once quite aa
gay and well kept an individual
aa yourself,” the tramp want on,
“but yon aee, my dear fellow, I
knew more what was «sy good
than the minister or tbe
plied so quietly as to arrest tbeir
“Boys, I want to tell you some
thing.” His friends gathered
around him while be told the
story of his morning’s caller,
and he concluded with the right
manly confession:
“My dear old fellows, I cams
near dragging you into sin witb
me. I ask ysur pardon. I shall
never be guilty of doing so again,
far I tell you what, boys I don't
like tbe looks of the road!”—Mr*.
Harriet A. Cheeeer.
“What Men Need Wives For,”
is discussed in a recent issue of
an agricultural paper. Any man
who has gone around tbe house
at 3 o'clock at night, pistol in
hand looking for a burglar, with
bis wife abend carrying tbs light,
ought to be able to Miwer the
haps both, of the home govern
ment anti the whole or a part of
the colonies.
T he idea is a grand one, but in i
carrying it out tberc will lie ira !
mensc difficulties. For England [
would hardly care to give up the
absolute power which, in spite of
representative governments, sbe
holds over her colonies; and Can
ada or Australia would apparenlly
gain little or nothing by sharing
with each other the government
which each now possesses, inde-
|>endent of any other power than
II, however, any way can be
found to accomplish the desired
result, it will attach the colonies
to the mother country mors strong
ly than ever, and make of Great
Britain a much more powerful
country than she now is.— l’owfA'x
m a
Tbe Rev. Archdeacon Farrar,
returning to this tradition says:
“Considering that there ia hardly
a pauper in England who has not
wasted on intoxicants enough to
have secured him long ago a free
bold house and good annuity, I
say that if the curse of drink were
thoroughly expelled it would rain
gold in England, not (or three
days, but for many days.—Alii
anee New*.
For tbe life of us we can not
understand bow tbe high tariff
works to the at) van tags of the
laborers in the different manufac
turing enterprises of thia onion.
Wages are steadily being reduced,
and there ia no telling what the
end will be.
“My sin is greater than the mer
ey of God. I have voluntarily
denied Christ. I feel that he liar-
ileus me ami allows no ho|ie!”
Gibbon, the historian, as he
approached death said, "When I
look forward, all is dark and
doubtful.”—Gospel Banner.
Snatched frsm the Grave.
Mrs. Sarah E. Turner and her
mother, BIrs. P. K Bryan, for
nineteen years residents of Hum
boldt, Tcnn., make tbe following
statements as to the merits of
Swift's Specific. BIrs. Turner’s
case is well known in that commu
nity. She says:
• “I was afflicted for two or three
years with Ecgcmaand Erysipelas
combined. My whole system was
brokru down, my strength and
appetite gone, and I became as
helpless as a child, being lifted
from place to place by my friends.
I was treated by *he best physi
cians in the country with Iodide
of Potash and the other usual
remedies for such cases. 1 was
given up to die by my friends.
My sufferings were beyond des
cription, anti I had lost all hope
of recovery. I.aat January I
was induced to try Swift's Specific,
having received a pamphlet from
the company detailing its merits.
The first half dozen bottles had
the effect to bring hack hope to
my heart, and tbe thought of be
ing well again brought joy and
gladness to tbe household. 1
have taken altogether 24 liottles.
The sores have ail healed up and
disappeared; my strength lias re
turned, and I am able to do all
kinda of house work. Swift's
Specific, I honestly believe,
snatched me from the grave, and I
do not know bow to be grateful
enough for my recovery.
Mrs. Sarah £ Ti rnzr.”
I know S. S. S has saved my
daughter's life. She wae tbe
most wretched looking object that
I ever saw when she commenced
taking it, being |ierfeclly help
less. I thank God that we ever
heard of it. It has saved my
Mbs. P E Bbtax.
Humbult, Tenn.. Oct. 1, 1884.
Gen. Clingman. who has noth
ing to make by it, continues to
record tbe wonderful cures of
many serious maladies liy tbe ex
ternal use of leaf tobacco. Now
would it not be a good idea for
some of our doctors to try this
simple remedy, which is pro
nounced by a truthful ami un
selfish gentleman to be so wonder
fully healing?
contract rather than lose men and
money.—Correspondence Mon
treal Gazette.
e ■
Take eff Year Hat.
The Hon. Phillip Iloyne, of
Chicago, relates the following: “I
was going along the other even
ing, when a savage dog flew at me,
evidently ready to rend me to
pieces. Now what do you sup
pose I did? Whipped out my
pistol? Not a bit of it. I simply
lifted my hat. Don’t laugh. The
dog stopped, looked at me, growl
etl, and finally crouched back to
the door step anti began wagging
his tail. I hare done the same
thing over anil over again with the
same result.
Dogs, in my opinion, think—in
a crude way. They see a man
such as I, walking along, say with
a plug bat on his head, and so
forth. To him I present a com
plete picture, just as a tlog witli
flapping ears, swishing tail, and
four legs, presents one equally
complete. Now, mark! The four-
footed picture cannot, so to speak,
disintegrate. No dog ever saw
another dog take off his tail, or
lay down its ears, or throw away
one of its hind legs. This human
apparition suddenly begins to
take himself to pieces. He lifts
off its hat. The dog doesn't know
what is coining next, perhaps. He
begins to think. lie meets witb
a power which is beyond his com
prehension, and he snecumbs.
“Blind yon, this is only my the
ory, but I hare tried it on several
times, and I always found it to
succeed.”—Baltimore Methodist.
California .. —
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Pennsylvania ...
Rhode Island
South Carolina -
Tennessee .
West Virginia ..
.......I 4800
Two lovers were once gazing at
a mill dam, when the female ob
served, “Isn't that tlam splendid?''
The male living of a pious turn of
mind remarked that he waa not
in the habit of hearing young la
dies swear, anti proposed to see
her home.
“Everybody,” says a philoso
pher, “has twenty four hours in
each day.” “Yes. except the edi
tor—he has almut twenty-five, anil
then don't finish half what he's
expected to do.”
An exchange tells a marvelous
story of a canary bird belonging
to a Boston lawyer, which chew*
tobacco, eats mucilage and drinks
ink. Can 'ary bird beat that?
“What were the worst results of
the civil war?’ died an orator.
“Widow#,” shouted Jones, who
had married one.
The minus fact ure of mate bn
requires annually over three mil
Hon dollars worth of wood.
Total electoral vote Cleveland 2IU.
BhiiliD 1*2; Cleveland's majority 37.
— m » — —
It Den’t Fay.
It don’t pay to have fifty »«•
|K*>r ami rugged, in order -o have
one saloon keeper dr«s*ed ia
broadcloth and flush in money.
It don't pay to have fifty >»«»
live on bone eoupsnd half rations,
in order that tbe saloon keeper
may flourish on roast turkey awl
it don't pay to have rr others,
and children of twenty families
dressed in rags, anti starved int:»
the semblance of emaciated scare
crows ami living in hovels, in or
der that the saloon keeper’# wife
may dress in satin and her ghil
dren grow fat aud hearty, and
live in a bay window parlor.
It don't pay to have one citixen
in the county fail because anoth
er citizen sold him liquor.
It don't pay to have ten smart
active and intelligent boys trans
formed into hoodlums and thieves
lo enable one man to lead an
easy life by selling them liquor.
It don’t pay to give one matt*
for fifteen dollars a quarter, A
license to sell liquor and then
spend twent} thousand dollars on
the trial of Tim MeLsuphlm for
buying liquor, and theu commit
ting murder under its influence.
It don't pay to have one thou#
anti homes blasted, ruined, defiled
and turned into bells of disorder
and misery, in order that on*
wholesale liquor dealer BMjr
amass a larger fortune.
Athens Banner: Mr. Sikes, whs
stabbed John Moon, seems to he
deeply affected about the bloody
deed, and says that be had rather
been tbe one that received lbs
wound than Moon. It was report
ed on the streets yesterday that
Bfoon was dead, and when Sheriff'
Wier went into tbe jail to feed tbe
prisoners Sikes ask etl after Moon’s
condition. Tbe sheriff told him
that Moon was dead SikeS
clasped hia hands together, rush
ed back in his cell aad exclaimed.
“My God can it be that I am a
murderer!” Afterwards, it wwa
found ont that Bfoon was not
dead, but ia a sinking condition,
and he said aa long aa there is
life there is hope, and do I hop*
that lie will recover. Bfr. Sikes
is a jierfeet stranger ia the city,
having only been here a few weeks.
Whisky was the eanae ot t he dif
ficulty, and we have no doubt
that Sikes's regrets are genuine,
aa lie had never seen Moon before,
and only cut hi:u because hia
brain was maddened with whisky.
“Oh, I do so dote oa the aes,”
she gurgled. “If yoa only had a
yacht, Augustus, dear!”
“I have no yacht, Wihemina,”
he saiti, “but I can give you a lit
tle smack” And then it sound
ed as if# cork bail flown ont of a
William H. Vanderbilt and hia
sons, says a New York dispatch
in ths Cincintati Enquirer, hare
lost nearly $50,000,000 the past
few years in ill limed speculation
of rarious kinds.
■■ a m
“Mamma, Johnny baa taken all
the marmalade.*’ Then marma
lade Johnny over tier knar, aad
tohI him that there waa many a
«lipi*er between the boy and tha
A printer's toast: ‘-The Press!”
It expresses truth, re presses er
rors, impresses knowledge and
oppresses Done.
Jonathan Grubb of Kentucky,
is now tbe rather eff twenty-five
children. Plenty of grub for on*