Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 18, 1884, Image 3

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: thB Latest, Cheapest and test Selected Stock ever SEEN inOuthtert. Extra Inducements Offcrci Be sure to call before purchasing. Respectfully, P. HARRIS. *N>R CHRISTMAS! An Elegant Line of Gent’s Toilet Slip pers and Dancing Pumps for Christmas Presents, at the Shoe and Hat Store of W. D. BAILEY. Prices Down for Xmas Ms Citron, Apples, Desiccated Cocoanut, LOCAL 35TOTES. The Minstrels to night. Cotton now sells atOA cents. + m —- Lots of strange faces on oui streets now. — ^ ^ Mr. ft-ank Hooper is just »oine from Mercer University foi he Christmas vacation. m + m —For $3 you can lun* a pair o* fine Calf Sewed Hoots from It J. G. M ATIIEWS ^ —If you want to know where l* bargains consult the pages o .he Extki:prisk A Appeal. Currants, New York Pippins, Granulated Topioca, Prunes, Fancy Baldwins, Leg gett’s Oat Flakes, Raisins, Jenet, for Cook ing, Corn Starch, Pulverized Spices, Evap- orated Apples, Crackers, Plain and Fancy, Fancy and Plain Candies, Oranges, Tur nips, Onions, Northern Irish Potatoes, Beans, Oat Meal, Flour, Sugars, Coffees, Etc. We are ready to meet any prices that can be made. Come and see us be fore you buy. —Taylor's Premium Cologne for sale at J. W. Stanford's. ^ —One of our town latvycrs got nigged in the Court House tin >ther day. —^ —The prettiest titling Corsets *ie found at J. G. Mathews' Store. It —Can iaiker ui* lay? anybody remember :: iit than that of last Sun August21 lv. nov27*ct Actions Suk Louder than :Or In view of hard times, and scarcity of money, we have reduced the prices on all our Goods, and front this date until fur ther notice, we will sell as follows. Best DKESS PRINTS, 4Jc. Best Yard Wide SHKK 1 ING, 5, l . Best Columbus Checks, at (i^c. Yard Wide Bleaching, at 6c. Double Width Cashmere, iu all shades, at 15e. Brocade Dress Goods, from C>i cents, up. We have a very large stock of —The Empire Grocer* Store '(•11s strictly for “Spot Cash.” nu*• i> iherHore able to undersell an\ *tt»er iJoiisf in Culhhert. It — An oner lias been given b\ President It. A. Crawford for til in lies to be ready for work by the 15«h of January. ^ —The Owen Hoys are doing a fine business. They are now re ceiling their third stock. It —The young ladies of the Meth odist church will gi\e a sacred concert in the Methodist church next Tuesday night We hope they may have a large anoicnce. — m m m —The Empire Grocery Store will pay top of the market foi Corn iu exchange lor Low Priced Groceries. It — ^ # «•—— —Superior Court has been in session this week Judge Simmons presiding. Judge Sim limits is a very fine presiding oil jeer. The c iscs tried have been of a tedious cliaiactor, and only a lew have been disposed of. ^ • m —The surveying corps on the C. C. A F. railroad is several miles oclow town. The road bed will be straightened in several places. — m - • m —We eaa sell y«#u as line Cloth ing as you can buy iu New York. It H. G At. W. K. Owen. —We sell Hut.s at strictly New York prices, litiding ourselves overstocked. tf F. PULASKI A CO ^ — — — Miss Emily Castleberry, after an absence of several, months, on a visit to friends in Texas, reached tint nrtk. — ^ — 1 lie f> 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Cent Cal icos have arri veil. It R. G. it W. B. Owes. —. m — —The very heat business men in town are ueeded fur our next i year's city Government. Let every good citizen see to it that ; liis influence is given in that di- ! rcctiou. Fnmle Crtkge. The exercises of this institu- tion for 1884 will be resumed De cember 25th—Monday after Christmas. The College lias cl ed a successful session, and the next gives promise to be more so. A larger number of boarders am 5 pupils in the College proper hav< >ccu iu attendanee than at an\ inie before during the present ad ministration. Already a nitmhci lave arranged to enter theii laughters the first of January. Andrew College is complete in ill of its departments. Beside? die regular course in Literature, Science and the classics, the Mu sical Department aflords superior advantages. The classes in Art. German, French and Greek are all thoroughly organized. Tuition in this institution is reasonable, and board costs only $10 00 per month. The rates for small chtl Iren attending the Preparatory Department is only $2 or $3, ae cording to advancement. Send for a catalogue, or other inloi mation to the President, Rev. Howard \V. Key. before en tering your children elsewhere. Vmi will find it to your interest to patronize this College. i'lMhisg. In order to make a clean sweep in this <lc] ailment before spring. 1 have reduced the price on every >101 ill the stock. I still have many nite desirable Suits to close out at a great bargain. Call ear iy. J. G. Mathews. It —The Culhbcrl Amateur Min strels played to a splendid house last Friday. The acting of the boys was really good in most in stances, and elicited the most hearty applause. As friends of fun and frolic, we think we may be allowed to say that several of tiieir “bits'’ were overdone, and that several others, not local, were on too low a plane to be put before the audience they had. These faults the boys assure us will not appear in any future pro gramme. and if they do not, the general public will show llicir ap predation of what was otherwise a good performance liy a large at tendance. The proceeds go to the artesian well fund, an 1 amount to enough to bore several feet. —Splendid Sugar Cane Syrup 50c per gallon; New crop London Layer Raisins $1 per box at the Empire Grocery Store of II. I!. Mathews, Agent. —The frame work necessary ! for boring the artesian well was commenced yesterday morning. It is intended to locate the well about 12 feet south of the enelos ure round the Court House, and | 12 feet West of the walk leading ! from t lie steps toward Depot street, i The frame work will be large and j strong, and so will all the macliin ! cry. The contractors are propos ing to go into the ground till they get water, or the subscribers to the Fund sav slop. — A large stock of Fresh Can- 1 dies and new crop Nuts just re- jeeived at the Empire Grocery Store. It llCIlY Y j —Blind Tom played here last Winter Goods, such as Clothing, and Jackets, Shawls, Skirts and I udtT-juaii skirts, and as the season is nearly at a close, we propose to sell all these A»o(iSat a sacrifice. Note the prices: Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Simpson, Sr., celebrated their gnlilen wed ding on Tuesday last at their pleasant home about four miles ■astof Cutlibert. Just fifty year.- igo these two excellent pcoph inited their hands and hearts tad niaite their destiny one. Tin ■'ears have siied rapidly by •ringing in their train many am. varied experiences, ami now ii heir old age. surrounded liy lov -agand dutiful children, the hap ,>y couple recount with plcasurt f he trials and 'joys of the past, and with quiet resignation awaii what theJuture may have in aton for them. Only the family were present on the occasion referred to, am ;he day was one of great and un interrupted pleasure. Tha writer of this item close? with the earnest wish that this venerated couple may yet be spar ed to enjoy many years of hnppi ness before their earthly career is closed. gar Do you want to make your wife or daughters Christmas present that is both useful and •rnnmental, aud that will aid in making home happy? If so, go to J. W. Stanford's and buy an Or gan or a Piano. He sells them 6o cheap you can afford It. 6t —m —From the present, outlook, Cutlibert has a bright future be fore her. The enterprises now on hand, and steadily being carried to completion, will infuse new life into all departments of business, and will largely affect all our ma terial interests for good. It is therefore highly important at this time that the city have at her head a Mayor and Council in full sympathy with our onward move ment—a set of men solid, trust worthy. responsible, intelligent, enterprising. Tbe min of Cut Ii bert who have important interests at stake ought to see to it that men of character and influence fill these places. In a spirit of con cession and real patriotism, let our citizens agree upon a ticket and s\-e it elected. .So far, we are gl-ul to say, wc have -t-en no fuc lions spirit cropping out. A dis position to harmony ami peace lias been _manifcsled winch is quite encouraging. Wc trust it will last to the end, and result in giving the city a government for the next year of which all will be justly prou<’. —15 lbs best new crop Rice for $1; 10 lbs good New Orleans Sugar for $1: Choice Family Flour only $4 per barrel at the Empire Grocery Store of II. B. Mathews. Agent. To tlie People oT RaaUolpb Coasl). My name is before you for re election. I am too much oven pied with official duties to think of running about soliciting voles; so I take tins method of inform ing you that I am not indifferent to your support. On the eon trary, I ask"jrour cordial, active support. You alj know me as a man, and know my character as an officer. I am trTday wliat I have always been, and always in tend, l»y God’s help, to be, an honest, earnest man, devoted to right, and to tfl£ duties of my po sition in life. Very Respectfully, H. O. BEALL. of the Sacred Concert to be given by the yonng ladies for the bene fit of the Methodist Church Tues lay evening December 23rd. Ad mission, 10 cents. ZFUA-IRT I. ANTHEM. Instrumental Pnet, Misses Hunter and Chastain Miss India Hunter Miss Monroe Shaw Misses Aurora and Nymmie Brooks Instrumental Duett, Misses ClitT and I.iiev Chastain. Miss Pixie Harris Miss Aurora Brooks. Vocal Solo, Recitation, Vocal Duett,! —We present the following “Hymn” composed by one of our colored preachers. He has had a number printed at this office ind offers them for sale. Our eaders must be their own judge jf its interests: "(Sftc tl r ft 6|’ 5too ft. Announcements. Recitation, Vocal S*olo, IFA-E/T? XI. AXTIIEM. Vocal Solo, Reading, Organ Solo, Vocal Solo, Recitation, Miss Alice Porter. Miss Ileney Sherman. Miss Lucy Chastain. Mins Stella Simpson. Miss Fannie Hunter. Vocal Solo, Miss Ella lxm Chastain. Vocal Duett, Misses Cliff Chastain ami India Hunter. Recitation, Miss Gertrude Gunn. Quartette, Misses Hunter, Chastain, Mrs. L. E. Key, and Capt. Scaly. DO XO LOGY. BENEDICTION. won sic Ills ( s mii\ occasion. lie is :t n i lie musical world, rt a in men > was greatly —F. Pclaski tfc Co., are reeeiv ing a new lot of Shoes which they will sell very low. They are over stocked with Hoots and will sell them at a sacrifice. Be sure to call ou them before vou buy. tf Overcoats from $2 25, up. Cloaks, from $2 75, up. Blankets—from 75c a Pair, up. Balmoral Skirts, from-50c, up. Shawls, from 75c up; Breakfast Shawls, from 25c, up. W« sell a full slock Brogan at $1 00, and all other shoes in propnr tion. Our better grades are made to order, and every pair warranted. Wc can save you from 15 to 20 per cent, on Hats, of all descriptions ; an immense stock on hand, and will sell them strictly at New York prices. In Clothing, we can show 10 SMiS, to any other merchant in town one. Foi* Nalc Cheap. I have two good mules which I will sell cheap for cash or on a credit. Apply to A..T. AMOS. 2t — Tuition in the Preparatory Department of Andrew College is now reduced to two and three dollars per month. Considering the facilities of this famous school, this rate will surely be considered very low. ^ ^ —It will surprise you to know how little cash is required *<> get a goo 1 Over Coat at Mathews Store. It —Good chewing Tobacco only 35c per lb; S lbs Choice Rio Cof i f»*e for $1; 12 boxes best Parlor Matches for 10c at the Empire Grocery Store. It m —The preachers belonging to the South Georgia Conference left from all parts of the lower half of the State for Savannah on Monday last. Many went carry ing cheerful reports of good re suits attending their labors, and salaries fully paid. But in the! —There will be an election for number Is many a heart hardened j officers of Washington Lodge No. with the reflection that there are j 19, Saturday night. Every mem- debts left behind because of un- her in good standing is urgentlv paid salaries. Reader, did he go requested to he present. Refresh i from your church, and are you to' meats will be served. blame for it? » » » — * w —F. Pti.aski <fc Co., are ex ! —Still another large shipment pceting a new lot of latest style ot Shoes received this week. I Dress Goods which they bought buy from first hands, discount at reduced prices, aud Will sell every bill, ami sell at “rock bot- j ^ em * cl 5 Lw. tf tom prices.” No old stock to work off. Evert tiling ficsli and new, consequently I fear no com- [•etition. When you want good Shoes eonte to headquarters— The Empire Store. It J. G. Mathews. —Mr. Westmoreland, father of Dr. Westmoreland, from Green ville, with law. Those interested in —The female base ballists did S. C. is altogether familiar not play in Gath bert .is advertised j Empire Store of J. G. the operations of the stock i are trulv glad of it, and shall Buy somethin Those interested in the 1 • b 1 —The Randolph County Man ufacturing Company added 50,600 lbs. more of new machinery last Tuesday. We arc glad to note continued signs of Us prosperity. a ♦ -w— —Christmas Presents for your Mothers, -Sisters,,Cousins and Aunts, all can be supplied at the Mathews, useful as well as matter might ^ssilily get him to i be S ratified if al1 olUer * nc1 ' cllar ornamental. We would like to give you the exact number of yards of Piece. Gills, and Pieces of Clothing on hand but our Clerks oreAoe, busy , Goods at these ^ Merest to I to compare our Prices make a speech on the subject somedav at noon during Court. actors will give us the go bv. elling measuring and counting our customers. All we want is —Our New Shoes have conic in and are selling fast. Respectfully It R. G. i W. R. Owes. for same quality of Goods. Wc are lower than the lowest. F. PULASKI & CO. November 27, ct. _ PAINT NOW! I am selling Strict ly Pure Lead, war ranted, and Linseed Oil at prices that will enable every body to paint up. Get my figures be fore you paint. J. W. Stanford. m. • OmUh Now is the time to plant For sale cheap, atJ. W. Stasfokh s. —Don’t he humbugged by every traveling agent who talks sweet, but go to R. J. Anthony's, and buy VO u°a Stove at one fourth the price, that will last twice as long, tf 3^^ The most handsome line lth others ! of Papers, all kinds, ever offered before at J. W. STANFORD Sj m m r Lookout (7r* tur C arrier. Amwlewr Kinlreh Our Carrier will be around We are requested to announce bright and early next Thursday j that the Cutlibert Amateur Min morning—Christmas Day with strcls will make their second ap his Address. If you think lie has nejH-^uce to night in Powell s Hall, been faithful in his visits to you TUe mme is entirel . ncw , this year, vou can leave a pleas ; , 1 ° . . , . ant reminder of a quarter or a half with one exception which is re in his hand. It Treupims Xolirr. I licrcbv forewarn all persons, black anl l white from hunting, trappmg. fish: An Arknewlrdard Fact. You can do better on Boots and Shoes at Mathews Store than at any place in Cutlibert. He han- |>eated by request, and we are a»- thorized to state that nothing in delicate or improper will be pre sented. N(rs,r4 *r Mules, iii»n>n ii* : • * i milts ill the nth District, known as ; ti'i'c carter Place,” consisting of Gvt* | 9m | sells them just a little cheaper j than any man. Ladies and Miss- cuted to the extent of the Uw- E j cs p inc Kid Button Shoes a s[>e d«c 4-3t 1'* 1 ' * * * »*s* ciatty dies only the best makes of Shoes. p rf>m m v plantation about the middle of October my Bull, a large It For Sale. My house and lot on College street, at. a low price anil liberal terms. For particulars apply to E. Titlebauui. tf. F. Pl laskl Our county bill with reference to Court House Bonds has passed both houses, and bv this time no doubt, has been signet! by the Governor. red Bull, with a small skinned place on right hip. crop off each ear, with split in the right, toler able short horns. Any informs tion concerning his whereabouts will be thankfully received and suitably rewarded. Address me at Cutlibert, Ga. 2t. E. PlTOLAS. —Why don’t more of our far mers raise mules? Those who have tried are much pleased with their success. A Card. On account of a change in my business arrangements, and for other reasons best known to my self, I respectfully inform my manv friends that I am no longer a candidate for the Office of Ordi nary. I desire it known that I come down in the interest of no one. Respectfully, It W. G'. COSBY". Christians Presents. Cheap at the Dry Goods Store of J. G. Mathews. Stacks of new goods arriving this week. It —W> call attention to tbe ar ticle of “At Home” in another col umn. The views there presented are important and correct. Let us stand by our home institu tions. They have given us our reputation abroad, and we should give them ear hearty, earnest support. Concert opens at 7'. o’clock. ^ • m Earenrage Home lastitstiens. Messrs Editors: I ask here, through the columns of your valuable paper to give ex pression to a few thoughts that have for sotne time liecn on my mind. I am a Cutlibert man in every acceptation of the term; was born in the town, grew to man hood within its limits, anil expect to sleep my last long sleep itt its peaceful cemeteries. It is thus that I claim the privilege of writ ing in the interest of ourlicauti ful little city, and ask the calm, thoughtful consideration of our lieiqile to the subject matter of my communication. It requires but a superficial knowledge of our town to sec that wc have rctrogadul—lost in every thing that goes to build up and sustain a city, and are in great danger of losing faith in ourselves and the future ol Cutlibert. Now what must we do to stop this backward tendency in otti affairs? In order to answer this most important question correctly, let us see just what wc are doing that lias brought blight ami mildew upon our prospects, seeing which, I take it. every ouc will admit the wisdom of calling an immediate halt and reversing our course. Well. In the first place, what are we doing to build up—even sustain our pel institutions? Wc ail admit the very existence of Cutlibert as a city of any charac ter or importance, depends on our Colleges. Wc talk this at home and abroad, yet I ask again what Cutlibert man or Cutlibert woman is really, earnestly anti heartily engaged in the effort to build up our Colleges and add to their character and usefulness? Take Andrew College to-day, and how is it? Why, 1 am as sured that its support—meagre as it is—depends more than two- thirds upon the patronage of non residents and strangers. We publish to the world the excellen cies of our Colleges, that others may be induced to patronize them, and yet withhold our own support, aud send our children elsewhere to school. We cx|>eut the officers ol these institutions to speed their time and means in “drumming” for students abroad, while we, as a community, are utterly indiffer ent as to our duties in the premis es. While this applies forcibly to our Female College, it also ap plies to the Male College in our midst. We have even ceased to talk constantly and earnestly for our Colleges—many of us allow ing ourselves to make disparag ing remarks and unfavorable com parisons with other schools. We come now to consider our duties, one towards another, as citizeus of the same town, sup posed to have a community of iu tcrest. How many of the readers of this article have tried to do their “mite” in building up our city by sustaining with Ibeir pat ronage its merchants? How many of you have speDt your money at home? It is a fact, to be con fessed with regret, that every large city iu the stale (and very many out of it) has its regular customers in Cutlibert. I might goon almost indefinite ly. but have said enough to show that we have but to "cease to tlo evil and learn to do well” to be come once more prosperous at home and respected abroad. Every citizen of Cutlibert is proud of her prospects to-day. Would that every one had the faith and the tongue of my friend “Hub” Elder. Why, we could soon lie great by the force of our own confidence. Let us all, men, women and children resolve that Cutlibert is great. That whatever is a part of Cutlibert is great, ami that we will show our faith by our worka, giving to home institutions such as go to build up and give char acter to our city, our full, hearty and constant support. We live in Cntbbert—it is our beautiful well- beloved home, and for it we will speak sod think and act, nor have ought to do with anything or anybody speaking or acting against Us welfare. Yours truly, At Home. •om-OSED BY H. TV. l.EAII, OF Till C. M. E. council. The Ark was seen'to rest. On a hill; The Ark was sees to rest On a hill; There pious Ncali stood, Ami spread his hand abroad, And sacrificed to God, Ou a hill. The Fiery Law was given On a hill; The Fiery Law was given On a hill; Amidst the flames and smoke The Great Jehovah spoke, While an awful thunder brokt On a hill. Moses saw the Promised Land On a bill; Moses saw tbe Promised Land On a hill; At God's divine command On Pisgah lie did stand, And viewed the Promised Land, On a hill. And afterward he died On a hill; And afterward he died On a hill; Go up the Mount and die. The Lord to him did say; He went up without a sigh, On a hill. The Holy Temple stood On a hill; The Holy Temple stood On a hill; This was Jehovah’s scat When He the tribes did meet, Who worshipped at His feet, On a hill. H.WK YOL K JlO.tLV ! All Fire Insurance Companies doing business in tliis State have one and tiie same rate, then win nol'insurc with the Southern .Mu tual, which Company divide an nually the net profits with policy holders, lessening in tins way very frequently more than hall the premiums paid? Then if you can get your insur aDce for about one half of what you are uoiv paying with a Com pany whose standing in every sense is unquestioned, why not take the advantage? Everybody should carry some insurance, and this Company having this advantage over other Companies deserves your patron age. Dwelling risks specially de sired. Resjieetfully refers to nu inerous policy holders in the city. geo. McDonald, dec 11 4t » Agent. Bsrsnl I team. Quite a heavy rain fell through out the community Sunday nigh', washing away a great deal ol fencing, and doing great damage to the roads. Mr. J. II. Manery ginned about three hundred bales of cotton this season on his steam gin, and lost two weeks and a half in the mean time, caused by a break in bis screw. Mr. Manery made this season with fifteen plows 105 bales of cotton. Sotne would call that a good crop, but it is about three fourths of a crop foi him, compared with last year. Miss Lulu Martin is off at Coleman Station, visiting her sis ter, Mrs. S. I. Saunders. M iss Nannie Manery, daughter of Mr. J. II. MaDcry, is visiting relatives at Damascus, Early county. A little son of Mr. Bart Odum, about six years old, fell from a platform Sunday evening, falling on his head and hurting him so badly that he died - Sunday night. Buford is on a boom. She is to have another emporium soon. Our clever citizen, Mr. Taylor is fast completing him a store house, and wc presume will place a stock of goods in it as soon as completed. We can but wish Mr. Taylor much success in his new enterprise, and will say if he makes ns successful a merchant as he is a farmer, he will ere long he far in advance of the common merchant. Mr. Taylor is what might be called a model farmer. His smoke house is never with out home raised meat, nor his corn crib without home raised corn, besides you find everything in plenty that is raised on a farm at Ilia lionse. Mr. Thomas A. Coleman, late ot Buford, but now living at Hardmoncv, requests us to state that lie is no longer a candidate i for Tax Receiver. Mr. George W. Saxon, a prom ising young man of our vicinity left Monday for Florida, where lie expects to make his future home. Please say to friend W. W. J. that it takes two to make a trade. I. A. M. Beef Market ! I have opened my Market House North side of Public Square again, and am now selling good fat Beef, Mutton, Kid, Ac. A share of the public patronage is solicited. W. C. JENKINS. July 31st, tf. J. J. WORSHAM, CUTHBERT, GA. ’ Office over Postoffice., septl8 tf For Clerk of Snperlor t'onrl I am a candidate (or the office •f Clerk of Superior Court. 1 'eel that I am competent, and will ippreeiate the support of my f«-l nit citizens. td J. W. Dixsingtox. For Tax Receiver. I am a candidate for Tax Rt •eiver, and if elected will sent he [icople faithfully and well. Id M. H. Melton. For Tax Collector. I announce myself a eandidati .'or Tax Collector, td. T. A. GOODRUM. For SIic 1*1 II'. I am a candidate for Sheriff d. L. A. SMITH. For Nhrrifi*. At the earnest solicitation o •itizens of the various Districts o he county of Randolph I ban consented to allow the use of Tin name as a Candidate for the olfio ifSheriff If elected I promise : full and faithful discharge ol every duty connected with th> office to the very best of my abili ty. Respectfully, GREEN R. WATSON. Fount? T reasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of Capt. Jno. F Kidihm as a candidate for re election b the office of County ’Treasurer- election 1st Wednesday in Jauua ry, 1S85. td For Ordinary. We are authorized to announct the name of Mr. Wm. G. Cosiiy a? a candidate for the ol” Ordi nary of Randolph county —election 1st Wednesday in January 1885. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re election to tin- office of Tax Receiver of Randolph county. If elected I promise to serve the people as faithfully in the future as 1 have tried to do in the past. Respectfully, td SANDS STANDI.EY. For FIcrk Siapcrior Fouri. Grateful for support iu the past. 1 announce myself a candidate fin re-election as Cierk. In the event of a nomination for county officers, my friends will please remeuibei me in the primaries. oet9 td II. O. BEALL. Xo IhrCiliarns ami Voters ol Ksm«loSoil i’omily. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary of Ran dolph county. I have endeavored to do my duty in said office for over sixteen years, audit elected again will do all in my power to fulfil all the duties «f the office Thankful for past favors, I am, Respectfully, Ac. td M. GOUMLEY. For Ordinary. I announce myself a candidate for Ordinary. If elected, I prom ise to give my entire time and ser vices to the duties of the office, and to lie faithful to best interests of the county. Very respectfully, td. B. W. ELLIS. Kriplhr Xrrdy. I am a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Randolph coun ty. I need it, and if elected will discharge its duties faithfulfy. td. A. C. WARD. tanonuci-meaL I hereby announce myselfa can didate for Tax Receiver of Ran dolph county,. THOS. A. COLEMAN. September 25lb, 1884. For Tnx Folirctor. At the request of many friends I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Collec tor of Randolph county. Id T. .1. f’HIPPS. Announcement. The Workingman’s Candidate for Sheriff, td JOHN T. GEORGE. FOR NAI.F. My House and Lot on Lumpkin Street, one mile from court house, containing 58 acres—about twen ty-three acres cleared—balance in woods—good well of water, improvements new. Terms easy. For information apply to II. 0. : Beail during my absence ' J. B. BUSSEY, Sept. IIHi, 1884. tf I Fan tor the Million. The following are some of the I Humorous Books just received at j J. W. Stanfokd’s: Sketches from ! Texas Siftings, Jokes for-the Jolly, i and Mirth for the Melancholy, Mrs. Partington's Carpetbag of Fnn, Diary ot Village Gossip, Bill Nve’s Boomerang. Major Jones’ Courtship. Major Jones' Travels, Pickwick Papers, David Copper- field, Chatter Box, for 1884, for the Y'oung Folks. Also the fol lowing Poems: Jforidieth, Milton, Herbert, Moore. Spencer, Brown ing, Lucile, Poe, Tennyson aud Goldsmith. 6t :!AT GUNN’S SPOT CA.SIT •TILL TELt, and for Spot Cash we arc offering the Biggest Bargains •ver offered in this market. Our Goods are all paid for. We got lie benefit of all discounts, aud vearc now offering our laminoth Stock of GOODS, Embracing Every Article of MercIianujO You may be in need of, at such LOW PRICES Tiiat the Goods arc 33oinid to Sell l Do you want a WOOL IIAT? Wc arc almost srivins them a wav. Do you want, a WOMAN’S SHOE, a M AN S SHOE, or a CHILD S SHOE? If so, we can sell to 3*011, as our prices arc Rock Bottom. And don’t yon forget it. Do you want a pair of BLANK ETS or BED SPREAD? Our Low Prices are Moving These Goods!: So call while OUR STOCK IS FULL Do Y’ou want Anything in the' Hardware Line? Such as HAND SAWS. ’ CROSS-CUT SAWS,- HAMMERS,. hatchets; AXES, TABLE-or’ Pocket Cutlery FILES, AUGERS, or ANYTHING ELSE- In the Hardware Line, Just remember we can »ave yon 1 BIB MONEY! On this Lino of Goods. We have a big stock of Furniture which wc are going to sell in the next GO days, “Profits or no Prof its.” A Carload Flour! To arrive. Bought at Lowest Ebb 1 of prices, which enables us to Knock the Bottom Out of all prices heretofore quoted by any merchant. Now just re member that during the coming 90 day s we are going to con vert 50 per cent, ol our Mammoth UUU ;) For Rent. A Farm, and Houses in city for 1885. Apply to Nov20 tf. M. C. PARKERSON. into the Spot Cash, and our low prices, are the Inducement- You are requested to call and be con vinced of the truth of what we advertise Respectfully, J. McK. GUNN. nov6-ct