Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 25, 1884, Image 4

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N JiGfliiGn u CHRISTMAS. Some persons appear to be pos sessed by an evil spiiit of misfor tune, at least that is tbe sort of explanation they Often give- them - sdves concerning the n i-.liaps that befall them. Mrs. Derby thought she certainly belonged to the class thus defined—in holiday lime, at any rate; for it really seemed as though everything dis agreeable and malapropos had conspired to make that season of the year anything but a “merry” one to her. Tim Hist year of her married life,Tom, her husband, sprained his ankle and was conlined to the house until long after the new year. That was unfortunate; for v.hile it lessened his salary, it, a: the same lime, enlarged their bills considerably, and JIrs. Derby thought they had begun lift “troubled’’ indeed. The second year, Tom's mother died a week before Christinas, and the holidays wore consequently sad and dull; the third anil fourth years were marked by serious illnesses about '"In istinas time, and the last am fifth “Merry Christinas,” Day ‘itlle Tom Derby got lost on the street and was gone all one terri *d - night, it was not to be won dared at, therefore, that Mrs }teidiy looked f-e'ward somewhat fearfully as the holidays drew near, and not being in the mos? robust lie.dill, sue was naturally morbidly nervous, over the matter, and was prepared to magnify the lightest shadow of any unpleasant coming event into a very disagree able substance. “I wonder what it will bn this year'?” she would say to herself, as the time drew near. “It” began a couple of days be fore Christmas, lliilget. the cook, fell very ill and was obliged to leave and go to her sister’s; the second girl scalded her foot and was laid up, the range became un manageable, the baby- had a se riou.s at tack of croup, ami Christ mas Eve found Mrs. Derby in a state of mind not to be envied. to a pitch of nervous frenzy, threw herself on to the lounge in a pas sion of tears. A furious ring al the bell startled her from lici grief. The servant could not come down stairs and, with a pre monition of some terror to come —was it nut Christmas Eve? and her cup seemed to hold a full portion of misfortune, Mrs. Derby flew down and opened the front door. A carriage stood at the curb and two men were lifting out a third one, who could not help him self. The hall light fell upon Mrs. Derby’s pale foe: and light hair that had csea|ied the comb and she looked like something ethereal, 'i he men stared at her without speaking. “VV iiat'is it?” she asked in a hoarse whisper. “Tell me at once. Oh, Tom! Bring him to me.” Ami klie stepped out on the step to receive the poor creature the men held in tkeir arms. “ s not her—’s not my wife, tell ye. My wife’s got black hair, black as mid—midnight. Rang the comparison meant. “What do you mean, Doll?” urged Mr. Derby, in surprise at bis wife's agitation. And then she told him all—told him of all the hard, rebellious thoughts she hail held in her heart, ol the wicked feeling of envy j she had harbored; how she had coveted her neighbor's goods, ai.d then what bad been revealed to her. ‘ "And I shall never feel that way again, Tom,’ said she, “no matti r what may come—sickness or death or anything. I have you. and your love and honor and res ; pect, and we have the children. And I see now how little we know of other people’s troubles; our own may be hard to beer, but how much worse may be our neigh bor’s! I. for one, shall never break the Tenth Commandment.” Next day. when a prettily dress ed loll was sen! in to little Doliic Derby, with “Mrs. Eidridges love.” Mrs. Derby looked al it with new eyes. It was to her not only a toy, but a symbol of the AT- MRS. S. HOUCK S. cf 3 _r - -.r. -rc i n — - •<«•-?=* ss i » S’ P55a *S apr3-iy A Certain Cere For RHEUMATISM ' —MANUFACTURED BY — BE. J. D. EOYL, Fall & Winter Goods,l™!lMr#L» Is now in and was never more! Y !, K ' \ KK f ' ,r "henmatis,., in t i-i .. t | Ai-isitsvan:»’.i't form*. In mnuv cases Attractive and Elegant, embrae- it win e-tt-. t a (TDE in TiiiiKK or ing everything wanted by the I Furl: DAYS, ami XltviCIt kails tu I civc relief. My Stock of wrong boll, gemp'lem—next door, j emptiness other neighbor's Christ- I tell ye.” And the staggering] mas! Acocsta de Biiisa. man endeavored to pull file other loor bell. Mrs. Derby saw now, by the light that fell upon his poor blear e.l face, that this was her neigh Bill Nye's advice to parents: Do not constantly tell your Uiy "how tall” he is—that he “grows like a weed”—and finally make him think lie is a gi ratio. If you MERIT WILL TELL- 0.1. c. (Old Indian ('ure.) Is taking the lead of all other blood purifier* with awtonisliinji rapidity. As a blood purifier, it is absolutely without an equal. As a tonit* and npjw*tiz«*r, eminently ndapte J to female complaints, it has the indorsement *»f the most respeeta- hle ladies in the land. EMINENT PRACTICING PHYSI CIANS INDORSE IT. Pr. r. A. To*micr. Perry. Cm., says: ” I hare used it in my practice twenty- live years. It is a^H*rfeet blood purifier, jin infallible specific for the <li.-easos for which it is recommended, a hue tonic and appetizer, and a(«od*cnd to Miffer- ins women for their peculiar ailments.’* Dr. Joseph Palmer, Feajrin, <«n.. writes ns: ’-It is as great a specific for Blood diseases as <iuinii»e is lor fever._ Have lined it more than twenty years in my practice/’ S. \V. W. Smith, Keneeonnee. (hi., writes; ' it cured meof an old and se- 52 o < zn a E3 ; ts M & y 3 A <0 2- % " “nun iiv. «i ^ii «.ut . * a I wii t* 1 lit ' . v .... -- kee| it up you will finally make a \ yen-ease of *erofuLi..f eight years’atand- 7J1 Ladies. Pattern Bassets and Hats, HATS AND BONNETS UN TRIMMED. LACES. TIES, RIBBONS. TRIM MINGS. SATINS, PLUSHES. VEL VETS. FLOW ERS. MOSS CHEXEILE. Daisies etc. Baby Caps IIu- 1T !S AN INTERNAL REMEDY. USH/TIPICATBS; KfFAtT.A. AI.A.. May It. tsst: I iiavc 1 attlictetl with ('hroim- Hiniimati-m fur tn-<> years, off ami nil. ami have trir.i variuas tvrr. ifr-. Cnu- I;I,■ of p r . iluyi's iUuuimath- Krmedy ji.-.s enthci v relieved me. Less than one hotile entirely stoj»j*ed the pains. J. A. HAY. LUMPKIN-. OA.. June At. lssf. Bit. .1. i>. IloYL, Eufimla. Ala.- Hu \n Sir : I was severely attacked with rt • » P r, , j Uhemnarism. and secured a Uittle of man Hair, lot let Goods, Zephyrs, • your ishfiumitisji, medicine. Alter etc. Ladies and Misses ‘-'Ur about one-fourth of the l-..:tle i J n.C'!eiir\ed i.i all pam. Thinking that l. Y j a »j t was wed did m>i take anv more of it. KCiHl)-Jlade feints. I A . f, " r ■ 'I -< lm-'.e,i: I then ;.ur- • j elia^eu t«\o ai;:l Took according Everybody invited to call and I r '.* directions. It ha l»een tlirec mouths examine goods and compare ; /’J]!'/’*V.'; ,kr “ , " 1 ' 1 l fed n» • ■ ,, , 1 , > mptonis n> return. I consider mv- pnccs. An trouble to show <roods ( -elf ell ircly 1-are.l. and take pleasure- in and satisfaction guaranteed. ( -all rt ‘ , ’ 4:!!I! uendin.£: your remedy as a safe nnd see me before purchasing* ** y ' ' ln * - ,or ^hewHia.i.-in. iIM.AJSILlHOHS’ CURES Lost Appetite. Sour Stcltach. foul Breath, LOW Spirits, V CNLARCM TCW ** Spleen,ia ffl MS SSffiS IHS SSELit SWSORSEO BY YS!G!*HS, CLERGYMEN, akotei AffLiGTED EVERYWHERE. LegaL Advsrtissjoeats. Mortgage Sheriff Sales. W 1 '; 1 ' i C *>l'l la-forc the Citurt Molise If , m fiitlihert. (la., .m Hit- 1st 1 iics4la> in .»a mi ary ne.\t, between the legal ll.mrs «f .-ale. Id ll.,- highest hhliler ...l ''' 11 'fpllnwinf: prwpertv to-wit: lli.-.t parcel **f land etmtainlng s'g seres, .m Ihe Soulli fhe laml herein (liter descril ed. The same eimr all the land eonveved l.v J \ i.... ,,, H I. Mutlwx jitul hy said .Matt',..v J. It. Irtissev. Abo that tract a.Ij.,i„;„ K „„ tin North the almvc dv.-s-ritied laod, and in the mi, Jiisirietof t.hmd.dph etmnty. and being a ,. f !(lt N - iMimulcd hast by Lumpkin X„rt|, ’> Imm, 1 from Uimi.kln t „. V v. r.amhlc s Kesidence, West t.v l . j' iT It.Tra f( p 1(.„'| fV/V oest rilied—<teor-ria Wine (\ ael THE OMLY CEMLHfi^ « V ON THE MAl’.ICE*. ers. ami being tile land IwiigiVt ‘ hr /‘iX Lussey m Mrs. Marielln Mathw, a 3i coi.t.unm^ l.» acres, more or i rss i ..... led <>it as the pn.pcrtv ..f said J If O . Lussey. under .-md i, v virtue of a \i,,rt- £> t-.' 1 -”' ? 1 ■' m tavor of n ,) jr,.-, pi I (.uardiini, cte.. vs. said J. jt ' ; 'SI] 1K ""'‘ d " ut « fa. and Tei"ut i sp in S3 cast ani 3! packages asi boife | F.SIMMOHS & CO., 9t- Louts. Me. ] « nTS i'.T'K, 1 .... .1 .... ..i. — | Ilaukot Atlanta, (la. — lnl Wf‘ None others CLASSVHHC: Also, sihik* ti Mi. ..ini .1 > make Simmons’ Livei j gabion 7 warn oi.i cdicine eve'u PRETENCI■>" as''be , | r r ‘i', rtv' l .',n: 1 k* * lutwe hail any ri R bt, J 'ZZ tore than 10 or 13 years, ft A#'£k£i lidr.I.Ij. PKAKrK T2ST1MDHIALS. elsewhere. octO ct ! round shouldered, awaw.-mi. bash The ful’naine are fair satnplesof Imn- '(• r's husband, and in that most pitiable condition that makes |p u j bean-pole out of a mighty | dreds of testimonials we can produce: beasts and brutes of God’s crea ; good looking boy. If every lad Lure, man. t boy in this country will agree to “Oh!” she moaned, as siie saw ' litk evorv livadcd man i. , tA . , t who Icihs him “liov lie ilocs uiow/* Hall. Oil, poor woman—unhap r f t , ,, . .. 1 1 * I will aoriue to hold the coat til pt, wietched wife! j^aid tall h >y. I am now dealing d'iie outer door opened now. and • with a subject of which I happened the two women met face to face. I to lit? informed. Tim same rule “It's her, that’s the right one.! a l , i ,lit ‘ s l ” ^, irls !ls ' velL If . vo '! : want to make votir daughters fall gempdem; walk right in and take! a drink—ii*s mv house.*’ I bad in mv family a case «»f jhiihou oak that for ten vears delicti physi cians. O. I. made a perm:»n«*nt cure. 1» is without doubt the’igem of M«m.k1 pu- lifiers.” s. d. n<K;i:r.s, A.ircnt rentrnl r;t 1 oad. IVrry. <1::. Pekhy. £ept. mVr 10. 1 W M—I heartily indor*H). I. c. < M l Indiant ’ure i as a remedy of wonderful cllicacy isi troubles peculiar to woman. Have used it in my family, after a faithful trial of numb**: less other remedies, and unhesi tatingly proi nunc 1 it without an equal over tlie piano and learn to climb I M , the trcatim-m of tiiis of cm | a tree whenever she sees anyone The men went in with their come toward the house, tell her heavy burden, and the women looked al one another. Mrs. Derby's first impulse had 1) ’on to retreat within her own door, and thus make a pretense of plaints. 1». 11. «TLLKR. Clerk Co. Commissioners. Houston Co. W. 1». Johnson, Macon <in.. It. M. Kin, not having seen tlic skeleton ( ,f «tiH boas beautiful ami symnic- !.erneig :bor’« hearth and homel lri,i " 1 88 ll,e l' 1 * rt « r tasl of » what a great swalloping tom hoy I IVrry. Ha., and ah»»stof others indorse she is gelling to lie.** In this I as tlic greatest of all remedies for ' . , . . , 1 rheumatism and other hit ion diseases. wa\ il her patents act judiciously j j,, (M»nclnsion the oronrietors say they and in concert, we can soon have have yet ta meet \ridi ibe first failure of a nation of young men and wo j <^ J/’• d«>-’dl that •y hunwd for it. . ° , ! 1’rice. p‘*r large bottle, men whose manners and carriage j THE O- I C CO FERRY. HA. SoM bv all Druggists. < IctiiVly. urs truly. .1M» i*. WKST. of the firm of Williams A West. iau TVV-V. TVV. v r- . -rrrv I ^ S1 P£r BOttlS. 6F SIX MM fd *5- Tdii FisLDo ARli V/rilTE .wte-v nr. ,r, n, n , v i ,, r n. c. Bui- lock. Kufaula. Ala. THY ( ) l - I l Compound C1u-I:o;ui M;*cltire for Fever i , . and Ajmc, I an<i Diseases arisiisjj i:»»m liiliimis De- HARD KEASLY OVER! •: put up m palatable bu.’iu . > that any >nc ciiii take it. ll ba certain cure. WITH GOT ! ’•isficp I\ S. Tifbniotnl. V;i., .Tnh l. lC-'So. say-*. ** Voitr biv--r Al.*-.»!« iue has Heui- •p eat service to myself and family. We tint •sal-sriTHtc for it ‘Tlic |*arrel which you ^eu- .e.slvhCMt Hi s<-\eral years ajro is nearly ex- i We can’t do without- it. 1 wish ym* scud us aikotlici’ supply. It is invaluable." *=?tHue year rrrioro rcoTpartiallym'« elite, j.i.d what i did <*;:t soured in nij out in li fa. 4t •'dieriir. Kandolpih Slienff Sales. W II.I. I a- S..I.1 be for,. tl,v (-..urt H„ a . e • b...r ml ntlilM-rt.lIa.. .>„ the Hot l iivvlay m January, bctiveel. the . *!• 'S* l r l£r a,r - t, *e «olk>wiii{j vro| CT- ty of 1*. A. I rice, to-wit: flu- House and l\ ( >f jj, the ’utl.- rii>:rA!:i:i) nv E. G. BULLOCK, A glorious harvest i* at hnnd, and prou- :?criiy wiSi s«k«u prevaii. ’i'housanu> of { famines who have Ih-oii riasio- ; and Organs tor maiir Inn? rears v. 5:1 i _ i*d’Y this vkail Anticipating die , wnol e s£li & Hecail Dni^gist, ! demand, we have 11^ ’ r ~J { * I l I MISLED ODE GOmCfS Will liS I ... , n i i . . - i formerly resit l- ls :t ;• *• inms]M-if.;i.d.- in «*ur iatnilv; \r» will cd. ami south bv the citv lot \v! - - J. J. NVI-U.L Charlvstm, IJ. MvK. vlunii lfvv-,1 his nf.- rin " !--• without iT. C. t Nvn . -JV, containing tw« : e:ys. more <»r less. A - the Utli District . . Kalidolplt >upcri».-r ( ourt. m favor of Jlurst. Fur- ■‘Tb?^!? fa fe»r*’fv ♦bat f v. -d me paekasro c, | At *U i Co Vi, "i • i V* 1 ttr * ili'i -, siuu-.v. is’i i.’-K'.iatcror Mcilirin. i» ” '{ 1 .! - I rice.— A :* did me ikivkh!. am! tiiat i an. ii.-wu.-ii , ] *. \ 1 *l ,0, , nt ‘ d out m Mortgage Fi Fa. ' it ■' Ih’veinher .Id. IssL bevy made hy Dt-puiy Sheriir -ml laid in an immense stock <>f SI T blti; iNSllUMliNTs Flpi.M TEN LABOR VS. (’APITA 1 _ no |T •.?.!. A. Snuiao:^'’ >b-di tne and ; .m-g I 1 ,-: a ;• ••• deal of good. They :u\- vets ! j* *‘!:t e-Vi v hj’tmt' f the uaim-.** T. L w-.r.lIoi!y V-j»riaK*. Ali--*., April 21,1811- t For sale in t 'urhhert, (la., bv J. \V. STANFORD, only. * tf LKAlMNtt MAKKir: which ws* shall I but the men had barred her, and now the two women stood face l<» sore toe. I- 4*1 •era .4 ppies! “I know it «ill be somelliin<r j face - | Eaten in the sj.i ing time, or I dreadful ibis year, Tom,” si," ' “A Imppy Christmas to yon.! :in ' olkcr season i.i liable to give j saiu, as he kissed her after sup- j Del * sa, ‘ l hUlrubre. | sj)C(Mli i v shocked by the use of I)r. 1 , . „ , lpFr . of Vn ^ Ciirr : per and s lid he must work down I -* cr vo,eC sounded harsli and Biglers’ llucklcberrv <’onlial ‘.he | at the ollice until twelve tlint j sl!aUl ^ her face was like j OKKA USOU rilKIIN KKMKDY, night. j niarbie so hard and cold. YTith | that will certainly cure ( ramp j C -lie. Diarrhica. Dy sen lory and \ ‘Yua are nervous, Doll; don't i sinswering her, Mrs. Derby i restore the l i; l WM. LINK’S Purniture Store. Factory, Eufaula, Alabama. IIA YKthe Latc-t Stylcsof Furnihnv bv the Car D»rid. 1’hnmbcr S‘.:(ts offer on our usual easy In-taiimcni I ^ ne !S the ether power, I crius. lo accommodate tbo.-c who I If is c »ncc-h*ti l«y the m-*-t Kmincnf • v, **h tobiiv now. ami hold their cotton j •'tjii.'-incn. liu:t iho same platiorm wilt until later, we make this ! ,mt hoM rfin it is v MiSl'\KK 3dj:U1 Offer is Flaw m Crgai Baysri.,■ "' r •‘ • •.•r- f;-. ".-v..: jCasii Prices, With Tires lTte I'aiiMcr and the Prince McniilS Time. stand (li! ail Ivina! Fi axing. | ])tn‘imj the months of $• jitem her anti October, IS3J, tre tc/ll stl- j m \n’ ; Put nos anil Ortjans at our Lotr ' cst Pock Hof tom Cash Prices, re jin ganaBaB MtiNKV l< AS -s \X warn i . a» quiruig only aviikkk:' At Sis Georgia 'Aus-Sc IIcusc. Insurance Agency. T, S. Powell nm-nF.sF.xTs FOWiFA HOMKFlRKI.VsrRAXrj- X (’<>. Assets, .f(£HMinu. H RITISH AMERICA INSURANCE CO. A ssets, ^ I ,:r>s.iis L’>. N ASSURANCE Assets, $I.:j:iO,oon. j \7"A. IIOMI: INSURANCE CO.. V Assets, ;». —. yy^En Jiac >ii-, one gradually ! irom*fI') to bureaus as low us 5l-i: think ol troubled possibilities; wc ;l1,11S her and drew \ wasting awav Imni t he effccLs rii i , ’ e Js teads from Chairs from 7-> aru all 'veil—baby hasn’t b oe:i |'‘r aside to her own home an.Un U,-ul liing. jLr^Wrl.y a'll drug I n^rttA^'lt.H*Ca**. Writing luster in inti’ll?^ lb-ip_ ^O -b T7lH~k'CTict 3 r-pn* t Vtii‘. Tiie men Tii sls at ">0 eonfs a bottle. | Desks. Hat Racks. Window Shades, Ac. ] Wood t’ottius ami Caskets nil .sizes, and 1*25 CASH DOWN* ON A i *io cash in-w:-; v>\ ax o;u;ax. , i -^.T. " jr^- L' ~f LL r Aik! (illoir/ny three months' •>(;'! STYLF.- To \iimc on the balance. Wi : In- Ga. TATZ-T-Z. rS3dj» ^:u:< r ^>nk<i:yt!’rian mutual life Jl. INSl RANCH CO. Assessment Clan. Al! safe. I’rompt 'RlTi.tVtteTonipi un s. ct forest or ail mnee of fir ice. SHE THE LIST! SEE THE LIST: ! i aufATiST, KOI t*. K. i*ie A! o. -'isiiic tune and place, one Mouse night. The [jrusvnt is cortainiy iJvaacfni and |ileasnnt; don’t bor row worries; let the future rest in hope and trust—” “Yes, but something always does happen Christmas, you know Tom—” “Well, this on? is going to lie a truly ‘happy one. There, good night; I’ll lie homo by half-past twelve and we’ll liil (lie stockings, and 31r. Derby hurried off. had gone on upstairs with 31 r. j O-tonJ | Prices Kldridge, and could be heard pe: -! ' ,0 “ S ‘ ! , 1 Mamif-o '-.ire and Kepsir Knrai- I I In 1 vifid of oniwis ill Mass:;- i b* r (-‘ uI knidsan.i at tho >iK.-rtest m»- Sliading him lo l’utirc. . I tu-e. and at Lvm.-C pru-cs. I will .sell (», " i i . i ! tthusetts this season is reported at Furniture as Ch^an anv of the Nci^li- 1 here was silence between the: „ , boring, iries. Having b.-’en .-ngagcU i . ... 4| ,, ... from .n)0 lo tOO btisheU per aere, • -- - two lor awhile; then Mrs. fcl . . , 1 , . , , , . . , and in some localities in New •ridge put her head down upon . 4 . , .... . . , , .. . P , , j , . i ork at 1,000 bushels per acre. Ikm* Inend s shoulder and burst .... . , „ 1 . . I ha; is the reason farmers can into tears. ! , t .. . i sell so cheap and still make inon- I on see my sorrow, oh, Airs ! Derby she cried. “I am a most j ^ ormoIl8 Tllc lnt ,^ ivc i ..f “«.«*’ Carriage KaCory.” miserable aiitl wretched woman. I . , . , , , ... .. . , i system is pursued and time, la ’ And she buried her lace in her 1 thc*Furniturebu**im*ss for twenfv year** mill jriven ?*;itisfacti«>n. I would thank my old friends mid customers for their past favors, ami would be glad to see them ajrnin. I^-The Ladies are especially invited J tocxaiujue my stin-k - ^K| # When visiting tiie eity «h»nt fail to i»ay 1 lie bud IS made to yield ! -uen vi - it. HhhpiiiIkt theidnre. One a Rcsp«*ctfullv. Octgrj-Rm. WM. LINK. Mrs. Derby put the children to ; j 'Weled hands. bed and listened to their chatter with a sigh in her heart and on her lips. She wished she had it in her power to give them all the Pfetty things they hoped “Siianla Cbmlli,” would bring. “If I was o’ly rieli, now, like 3Irs. El dridge” (her next door neighbor), she thought, “how happy I slioul.i b-! She has everything heart can wish, nothing lo do ail day but amuse lu rself. I dare say she never even feels tired; her rooms • re always in order; no one to put neni in disorder. Oil! dear!" nd Mrs. Dcrli'. eghed again as uc.ved up ai;- limiisan one articles the little si 1 (■■■', I 1 rdt;.i|l “Oh! I have tried so faithfully j bor and manure are not used to! dilute many acres instead of en ! South-W est-Georgia to reform that man,” she went on, I , ... .. it.. , , . , | produce like crops when he m a fevensh haste of words which 1 it seemed imperative of her to lit ter. “I did love Itiin, my life is a mockery and a lie. 1 have noth ingto live for—I want to die!” “Hush,” whispered .Mrs. Derby, as she would have pacified a re Swres Gam asdJIalMs, hellions chi d “Hush; do not! Very few realize that in the ex think nor speak such words: trv tidation they see clinging to the riching a few. The South will AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 1 far ern experience and get rid of the idea that they wiil starve with out their hundreds of lialfeultivs ted acres. (iSraiS of Go University of Georg-*.) CUTHBEJIT, - - GA. I ... ibs-st fir ' 1 .u- ‘ « <’i . ' ! I Ii ,; C UR I N*( J I’irmtt. i lh«;si- tvii-i Idiy unio-r t.n- si:;.* ; flic i’.riiiiynt M A i .il'MIIA. v\ :llu >. Tbe n 1 r P* ’ r |'0 >' t r fo-Meeb-m im<I thc;:»-t..lf,*s tumble mulct'- |-ilv-r r I.I DDilN • i:\ I U. I ju \ ] j’. \ { ,S i ( ssr»; r 5: ct!, r " :,u hvi Sf,rt a/-*•»:•- ^ -mmis.^ : t.i ■ v ; ,U< 1 c ‘V n \ ,\ui fin the, iiiii... Iiy iifrivt’iiis M |-:iy ; !( c| Low I ; I'iam. i:. Ut- worbl imir-uv exm./inri.;--t.r-‘.I ■, Lui- nr ruirulnr I:i-.t:illinent I'raes. ::ul ,-<»m-j ,(; tl :!iu.^ <lt.!;r.i:ion • «r v. r: it ’v «»l m vit-r ;*■■-•* r .j* r. •lyuifr- with our lu-ttnllim-nt , i‘enti«« of J The Rt-.i/.wtu- 1 >1 > \ l|\\i. »; ;■•/ .' ’ 7 ,• ’’ f layment. SjmuM they pity!u, !f the- LI N OrWu. i’he rjr A lfl> (i. l * v ‘‘ r - v i ■■•iti,■! (!nr>.> . ..... i i ■ . ., . " * 1 * i 1 ■ payiur riimmnttbio nt throt- nbmtfiv. t,r ui:il;c;i I :rsi! w«H-.l«- r fitl in i..r,c »:ir^e cash payment, ;m u'jujt;js*le price I I'oanliftil in i!ii:..Ii. T <• LAY STATE : !7. 1 •» V*\ JI nrr.mjr*M.I. I‘-hya!! power.-w.-et!ies>. l.c.tntv of tie A.I will Be trented fairiv, ami eliar^f-il j -i^n. ami !o-v price an w’ithimt:i I. >F I- B.UMV.ll A CO., itt.r-' of Rnrentf*. EstjBlislied l.SfjJ. W.\.^JiiN«.Tt»x, D. C. may 11-if. S. s. prices in ace.trtlanee wi:!i tiie time rc- | rival nt tiu- pri juiretl for purchase. All purelia^ers j i^S^Hvt rv i:»>trim:« :t jr::nranfee<!. umler tins Sjh-cihI (Mfer «re re*iuir*-il to l W,* know wf;.;: we til. o we a .-« not .->i"n our 'Usual form ot Lease Con tract. ! afraid t *■ promise to keep them iih. nnd i.irni>li refermees as to'their re- ; 0nIVvl.T.*>. :it J. W. Stantoki/s. spo'i-ihihty. Instruments will Be ^’iitL ,yn l>*» T , «i' n't * \ : i hm on the usual fifteen tlays trial, when j ' ' \ 17 £ i\‘l 17 1(1 .\ !)(' referenee.- are‘riven. j ■ .j- . ^ I colored mare Mule, nlmiit 12 vears old, :ss the proj erfy of Mary A. Farter amt -Y u "'.v l’tieips. to satisfy a Tax Exectt- :i(»n tor theirState and I’ountv Tax. for the year l.sM. deei-lm I'illldl* PKAUf’E. Sheriff. Citstfou fur Letters or Dismissi«a. DTATi;( F (iKUKLIA. li VNlHJl.l-If Coi'XTV. WliereiM, Ceorge McDouall, istrator ot \\ . Jt. Dixson repie.->entH to die Court it his lVlition dulv filed ami -iitered on record that he has fully a«i- ;iiini.-sicied \V . 1*». Dixson's i’Ntate. * Tula i-i therefore, toeitoall jiersons e*n»eern- •d. kindred and Creditors, tosliow cause :l any tlicy »*an, why said Administrator -houi.J uoi Bedisduir-cti from his \d- .iiimsiration, and receive la-tters «>f i fi-mis'ion on the first .Monday in March < liven under my haml undidUeial -11'nature, tiiis Dccemher 2. 1X.SI. deei .’>in M. (!()RMLKY. < » r linarv. OTATJ4 OF OHOiRJIA. C? '— RAaDoLI’H CorXTY. To all whom it may xoncern. AH persons are hereby no ifi •.! that if no rroi.d cause Be shown to the contrary, an or«’c • will Be granted Bv the timler- airned on the 1st Tuc.dny in January, iss^, establishing a new Road, a - mark ed «*ut By the if on; l Commis. ioners ap- p,tinted ior that purjtose, co.nuiencin^ it the iaimpkiu Rond, j.-ndmic from t’lithberr, at or near the residence of Je hu riiiliips. and running west to infer- scct the road at Turner’s bridge, m the «•«unity of Ouitmnn, and tlirou^h the muds of Jeiiu I’Billip- andTlioma.- i<hir- ley. Oiven umler my Bund and ndicial signature, this DeeehiBer 2d. 1SS1. .M. tiOKMLKY. Ordinary, doe Mm and Ex. Officio Clerk. SGD i EhRli lilUSIo HGOtJE, ' Bverv i;)*‘r!::;:" :r pi is ! printed ir: o A -rr A -B.T'T A TT ^ . ’ pla'11 figure-’. Descriptive I Vice Lists SAVAJSii\AH^ GA. nli terms, i time an«l special •oiiditions. s .|.j t-t ,i!jy ediln ss. No de viation print' 1 lists; so do uoi j write letter-, to find out “what is the best we can do." But c-leef your instrument mid write for ;i. whet Bur on Dm; time or to bear your sorrows: we all have ! Slvoot,rec :!l0n ‘ is » stiinulatingcx|Kn tornnt j>rinci|»l». cit)^av.< ^ ^ | ami in tlic* old field mullein a mu* 111,1 all." indignantly cried j ciluginmis one that is very healing 31 rs. E!dridge. "\Y hat have you? ;'*> tlie lungs. These two pritici A happy lioine, a husband who ! , ' 1 * s i'tesent in 1 a\lor s (. iierokee i , i . ., , , ilemedy of Sweet Gum and 3Iul I and i hoes «md honors you. children— , . , ... " ,1 1 ' ... „ leiu a pleasant and effective cure on.'s had I nh, Mrs..Derby! thank God for for Group, Whooping Cough l she .-at down '3 mir li'iie eliildron. If I wen BENJ.T. HUNTER. A. M. President hi ne and i'-hed” a‘ , “stitelted, i 11 inother 1 could hear even this, of il;.- N-I, do no! say afl. 1 .envy vour happy ltie. And shesobbed ITit Colds an 1 Consumption. Sold by all druggists at doe and <f!.C0 it bottle. Dr. White’s Famil} MEDICINES A 111’. :i!J made from tbe Prescription? of one of the most celebrated PIit- t j-t . >» » \ .. . t • • : dciiuis tlmt (icuipaover pr«*iuced J*Ie i from G" ;;’-*!-’ per ni.iiidi. , atal„ K m.s . has u,i, K l H fii B atl.ere.l t.» 1.-, father.- 1 .-•'vinr futl aiiil ili liMiu- infonimtion sent. hut tho iioni,- of Hr. W]|ITE will never be forgotten. As Ionjr as humanity suf fers from disease, so Ion" will people eon- J tinuo to u>e bis valuable Remedies, and praise bis name and skill for the relief and cores they produce. “Now. ’ said the photo^raplier. ! taking In 1 ! nl'the* clot!i over the C IORPS of Teachers full. The Fall J Session opens «*n the First Monday in September. The approj*riation to tbe ( wlleire of $2.1MJ has been restored, thus enabling the Trustees to put the Inciden tal Fee ;it -fa.on. NO UJIAIiGES FOG TUITION. Board can be bad at prices ranpjnc on applii-ation to the i’re.-ident. July lu-lv. • pile <d work lli-i; myiiiii.i j latcs wiiore littie ones abi.h. Hi*? (Lu ly. ! taking hold of the clotli over the hat!; ached and her head throbbed j Mgs. Derby was silent. She ; ' , ] slrH “:uc you all ready?** an’, as site sat there, a tired, 1 tliosi^Iit of a wiv-ked feetiRg in her ' <s ’ r *' en# ‘ t “M ell. weary, nervous, overworked moth ' '•«•»«- "Hl» *!»e had regard i l^l^i/jminiin^U.°"on | er. rt bell inns thiuighls rose to her j u ‘' ,le1 ' neighliur not an hour ago— ■ the trail which read, ‘Positively i mind. “Why should Mrs. | and now! Oil! what were all her No Credit.’"and look pleasant.” \ dridg.i have so much and 1 so lit- j little*, petty trials tothis! jt!ie-i\'U.| tie?” she thought. "It is unjust: 1 vc'ntked at^d asfanud. - ; It ivjts 1 deserve as much as she—I work ^ r i' !:t 'T upstairs* anif the iptu came day and night and she—” Jus! \ silently down IluvftaH and, passed MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VIOLINS, ACCOItJiEOXS, , BAEJ03, HARMONICAS. Dr. White’s Vermifuge, A certain Cure fur Worms. Large B.if- tlc g> cents. Dr. White’s Compound Fluid Ex tract Biichu, then a ‘-uddcii gust of wind blew } out without speaking. Mrs. * ’ AT ct ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. GROCERIESr ! Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Etc., at prices that will defv eoinpetition, at ALLISON & SIMPSON’S. I Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A R It A XTKD to (five Rctisfactro thi* wb .bi.v hii ,f. s aiideand Mrs. j b/vruy rose to after a low mufo Derby looked over into her neigh ; "ori’s of wann, io\ing sympathy, | bur’s sitting room, that was just ! aIK ' : F.i dridge stilled her grief j across Ilia narrow yard. Her cur- an, l said: tains were drawn and the room ; “Good night, my friend. I was -brilliantly lighted. J{ ls thank you, as a woman, for your E!dridge sat in the miilst of a j woman's sympathy. You are the pile of bright- ribbons and Silks ! )>rst one to whom my secret has dressing a doll. j been bared by mo. When you 3irs. Derby dropped her work j soe me sgiin forget all I have and cam' to the window and look sali '- I will try to live on as I e-l closer. Yes, there sat her ! * av< -‘ lived on, and oh, .Mrs. Derby! neighbor, dressed in an elegant whatever trials you may have in costume diamonds in her ears ami >’our lile, thank God for votir lov jewels on her fingers, dressing a 1 n ”, honest, honorable husband doll babv! 3Irs. Derby glanced I nuil your littie eiiildreuand now, | down at her own plain wrapper S ,)0 1 night—and a happy Christ ’ which she had not time to change , ,nas - since morning; she looked mound i * * * * *■ j her untidy room, Itchcl 1 the piles I “M ell, you see, nothing has j of plain sewing “a month beliiud,” i happened so far; it is‘to morrow,’ ..’IhU,, v , ar !r', A m ' jn ' pl i „ and a bitter, w icked feeling < f and we begin Christmas happilv,” j Mo™ economical than the ordinary FlNE CHEWING i 03ACC0S, envy erept into her heart. j *aid Mr. Derby, a half hour later, j ^’Cmu" Iff'lownT^^ ! "Shelias everything—I have ! when he returned home. “Why,! £ p 'i r,,: - 1 «r idiosphatc powders. ^ , * ! JNiitj oiiiv means. Koval liak:t!» l*otv- notliin^! She is rich—l am poor! "’hat s the matter? lie asked, as J ‘ier(’<>.. HK> Wall street X. Y. For Sale hv T. S. POWELL. c*t Drusrffi^t nnd Hooks< Her. Also a fine line of Gut and Steel : F,,r a,! Ki,lnc - V I'iwaw*. Price 30 C’cnls Strings for Violins. Guitars andjDf Wllte'S C'ffiPSHail STITID Of HOoTijMS, fida27, WUg Clicrr/ aai 'far. The (Jrcat Cou-rh Keinedv. Price 50 Cents. Dr. White's Magic Liniment, The Hreat ^(inmlatin^ Liniment for Man «»r J least. Price* 25 Cents. Dr. "Whira’s Cathartic Liver Pills, t'nfiinallod as a Cure for Biliousness. Xo u. ^ Po not make you sick. l*ricc 23 Cents. Dr. White’s Com]>ound Fluid Ex tract of Sarsaparilla, with Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest. -:o:- YOU RUN NO RISK— Xo Possibility* of Loss! WHY? ^’S?^I>c.-:'** , .sc. if you so tlc-ii-p tin in- 'Jnnm-iit wiil be scut y m tr:;;!. You ••an tlii’ii see if it;-- as repr sen led. be fore a floilar is j-aid. Is this not fair? 'A bulias tbe a.'Ivants;^! I'pojj sh *-<»*-o!i (fitio:is? You or tlic* («ct*r.c:a .Music House. in Conclusion, We k« ••}» an immciisc **U}*j»Iy of Mu.-ic . B«Miks. sheet Music and Mu>i.* .^tij'piies ■ general!'-. r^Si^cial Discount t.» Touchers in . all (B" ».l'. i ■X'orial Di>o*aintto the Clergy on ali< too-Is. rom 10 hi 25 j»'*r cent staved By aildrossinp: for cataBse. The Georgia Music House. E. 1). IRVINE, Manager," Macox, (>a. fell 2S Ir. Hirlman’s I’amily Bibles, 2.11 si/.t-s and j»ri«’Cs, holograph Albums P l Lanro, Medium and Small, FINE AUTOGKAPII ALBUMS. Cigar f’ascs. Rami Mil r<u s. 1 : i.- cy (’audios. Fino Toilet Sots, Fine Extracts and Col ognes , Harris* Tooth- wasli and Tofdh I’oir.l.ors, School Books, Accur- dians. All |*ri< e.< and kinds. RARY CARRIAGES, FAINTS AND OILS, Drtttrs and M^dit-inos *.»f all kinds, a It J.W STANFORD’S. OTATK OF (iE<)R(JIA. ^ IkAXDOLPn CorXTT. Whereas. II. A. Crittenden, Adminis trator of Lewis Sandlin. n>iiresent.n to the ( otirt tiiat In* has fully administered Ton* is Sandlin’s Mstab*, this is, thereftne to vite all }»*r.soi!s 4'oneprned, kindred and rretliioi's, t*» show «*ause, if any tliev ran. \vliy said Administrator should not be discharged from his Adinim.-tration aiid receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in Fehruarv, lfitsS. M. (iOKMLKY. nov0-3m Ordinary. (■ardni *e«-«I Of every variety, at wholesale ami retail, at J. W. STANFORD’S ^Vlieat Bran, AT ALLISON & SI3IPS0N'S. jan24-ct Linseed Oil and Pure i Lead at siteli low priees as to defy competition, at the Drug Store of J. W. STANFORD. Texas Rust Proof Seed Gats, 65c;'Fcec’ Oats, 50e* IIEADQGARTEBB FOR Cooking & Heating Stores Timrare, Crockery, j Glass tea re. Lamps and Soring Ala iR«l9CKVt Jv 4 TC*t 5flKQ - Sr* Oi Ut U-. —-^e- e VL»i- a fc* £< i 3 ..-a r ! c . = e. I s C - - o *«J KS2fe*» £51 *•« WcV’r.'=b£=Ss ifs K* ' (SK/eA ; iZp BIAMCN3S. SILVER St VGt\VE3 ViLAE.Y ill It Will duplicate any bill within five linn dred miles of this place. jim7-ct chines. |i^ w ta K o c£i> -iiint : _ '-1J i Arc a certain cure for i ,S1 SJ !>~f-J? and nervous disorders. ■<-' > 2s — 163 BROAD ST. apr-10-ly. Wet’* .Vrve un:! Hniiit Pill all mental For sale I nv J. \V. Stankoiid. 4t Iodide of Potash. Price 50c. 1‘rices from Sect, to «i ^rians wil! «H tell you this fa the ———; fchT-iy Sash, Bsors and Blinds, Matches and Smiff, I Hazard Gunpowder Ca “ an< ’ Cheap as can be bought this A SPECIALTY. ALLISON & SIMPSON. side ofN. T. at ALLISON A- SIMPSON, L^_ ALLISON &. SI.MPSON’S. .) ::n -* !l1 Agents, j Kimtiicr Braces JtLAXK BOOKS of every kind,size and style,cbt-a, ertiotn ever before, at ai> r ’ltf .?. 3V. Stanford’s. DRUNKENNESS LURED IX ITS VARIOUS STAGES. Desire for stimulants entirely remov ed. Home treatment. Mbliruic cun iw administered without knowledge of j»a- tieut. by simply plaeiiii: it in coffee. t*\i or any article «*f food. Cures guaranteed. 8100 VJJLL BE PAID For any rase of drunkenness that (’•old en Specific’ will not cure. Circular* containin'' testimonials and full particu lars sent free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. je-UMy. ISoUaceSr.. Cincinnati- To Sportsmen! 25 rdnnd Kegrs of Powder f#r $4. Shot, Wads anti macis in pro? porlion. at ct ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. T row ELL. Drujrgist and Bookseller. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Window glass, Paint", os, Vsnisies oi Enisles. At lowest liriecs. T. S. POAVEI.L. sept25-et Dengght amt It-U-r. I work nnd slave—she—dresses dolls! Oh! this is cruel and wrong; why should that woman’s life be beautiful and iinppv nnd ndne t»i«eralil n an 1 tvretehe.1? ‘ and poor 31rs. Deriiv. worked up his wife's tear stained face smiled up into his. “Oh. Tom! I sm so 'nappy; it is the very happiest Christmas in the world to me.” And the tears —T'avlor's Premium Cologne at tf ' J. tV. STANFORD’S. Onion Kris. Now-the time to plant. For fell again as she thought of what j sale cheap, at J. VV. Staxfokii’s. Smoking Tobacco AND CIGARS, At T. S. POWELL'S, ct Druggist and Bookseller. ONLY Remedy for Mood Disease. jan24 ct Ail nj Dr. White's if htihj J/etl icine* are far Hale by Du J. W. STANFORD, jell) ly Cutlibert. Ga. —Farmers Pills for sale by J. W. Stanford. —Sweet Ginn nnd Mullein for sale at J..W. Stanford’s School JJooks ! B IBLES mill Testaments, Blank Bot»ks. Scrap Books. Hymn and Note IJooks. Fine stationery, etc., at low est prices. T. S. V(> A ELL. scpt25-ly Druy;:ist anil Bookseller. T.S.POWELL ^^FFERS A LARGE STOCK OF Drugs and Patent Medicines, At Lowest Prices. se|»g-.t. —Onion Sets for Fall Planting, at J. W. STANFORD'S, Rrg^asaad Fiaaes Buckwheat Flour, and Oat Pvleal, at ct ALLISON A- SI3IPSON S. | Kiiomacr Braces j BlGSKiSSl BiCOII &0f! 0,(^4 i For ladies and gentlemen, of tlie i Beef, of all Styles, for sale cheap. b.v latest improvement—all sizes, at ! JTa. 1.3? I.L W. Stanford— cheaper than nev.lA -i.1 .1. W. STANFORD’S. : »t ALLI.sON * SIMPS03PG._ Gail on him am’ factory prices. •ret iihistrated catalogue and Pyrafuge for Chills at 'J. VV. Stanford's. Special Drive for 30 Dayry! English BREECH LOADING ; SHO T GUNS, at Bargains, to - ! utose out. nt U t ALLIfeON ik SIMPSON:^ TOBACCOS, We are offering iperial Iwlacnaralis At ct - ALLISON A SIMPSON"? J —Hew Crop Tuhilfi Seed, all varipties^ by the pound or pal*’ per, at v~ Y 4. W. STANFORD’*^