Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, January 01, 1885, Image 4

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H*w to Treat Him. In some respects the slanderer is worse than the thief and the murderer. Ae a true man holds his honor at a higher price than his fortune or his life, so is he who strikes our good name a deadlier foe than he who takes our purse or seeks our life. For such an offender, no punishment could be too severe. And yet, when a Christian man is the vic tim of malignant misrepresenta tion, it is not alwsys easy for him to {determine what course he should pursue. If the evidence of slander is at command, and if the offender will not repent, then he ought to be cast out of the church. But slander is a subtle sin, hard to track and hard to punish. The false tongue abides only in the mouth of the coward. The slanderer must be a coward. It is not morally jiossible for a brave man to stab another in the back. Indirection, insinuation and false hood are wc»|>ons used to injure, in their absence, those whom it is not safe to attack when present. So their slander is usually a wrong done out of the sight of its vic tim. It is an attempt to destroy us in the opinion of others—an eflort to despoil us of the confi dence and good will of our neigh bore. 'Pilose who engage in such a dastardly business will, of course, work under eorer. They will bare method in their mean ness. They will adroitly mix falsehood with truth; they will weave abuse and praise together; they will hint a wrong motive for a right deed; they will paint a fault in the hideous colors of crime; they will transfix a virtue with a sneer; they will talk one way to one and in quite a differ ent way to another; they will coal poiton with sugared Words; they will smile while they lie; they will carp, suap and disparage, and yet all the while they will sweetly set themselves forth as paragons of fairness and truth. Tell us not of the slanderer. IVc know him. The poison of asps is un der his tongue. And yet, how can you catch the villain? He is oily, nimble, and bard to corner. If be lies to hurt another, he will also lie to help himself. lie de ntes this; he explains that; he modifies the other. He will use anything—even his religion, t< mask his diabolical deed. And so when you undertake to grapple with him, either in self defence or with a view of punishing him, he is bard to arrest ami hard to hold. We have seen churches upheaved and raeked with discoid by at tempts of brethren to punish their traducers, and the tradu cers mustered as long lines of friends as their victims. We have seea committees at woik, sifting reports, examining witnesses, and at last reaching all manner of un satisfactory and compromising us hold to the way of duty and fear not what maa can da onto us. It is aot our business to settle the account with the manor woman who saya all manner of evil concerning us falsely. It is ours to rejoice that we arc ac counted worthy to suffer. The avenging of the saints’ wrongs belongs to God, and he sternly re fuses to let us invade his depart ment. "Vengeance is mine,” he says; "I will repay.” Let «s do oar part; God will do Ins. —-a m Aw Old Field Weed. The old field mullein has been a seemingly outcast for many years, but now it lias suddenly attracted the attention of the medical world who now recognize it to lie the best lung medicine yet discovered, when made into a tea and combined with sweet gum. presents in Taylor's Cherokee Remedy o r Sweet Gum and Mul lein a pleasant and effective cure for Croup, Whooping-Cough, Colds and Consumption. Sold by all druggists at 25c and |1.00 a bottle. The Davis Letter^ Abo at which Gea. Pare Olive OIL Absolutely pure olive oil is a commodity seldom fnuad in this country, so great is tlis temptation of manufacturers to adulterate with cotton seed oil, which re sembles the other very closely in some rcs|>ccts, and which is so much cheaper. To get the abso lutely purr, therefore, is informa tion that many would like to have. In reply, therefore, to a qnerry, made through these col tinins some months since, we would say that we know of but one place, and that is Cannon's Poin’. St. Simmons island, of Mr. W. F. Shad man, who has the only olive grove in this country where the oil is manufactured. There arc a few trees at Dungcnncss, on Cumberland island and elsewhere, but these are not utilized in this way. Mr. Shadmun has 160 full hearing trees, and will make this season between 100 and 200 gal Ions of the unadulterated material in three grades, pure, merchanta ble and crude. From him we learn the process of manufacture, winch may be interesting to some of our readers. The olives, which arcilwut the size of plums arc first gathered and passed through a mill which crushes the berry but not the kernel. This pulp is placed in small crocus hags, which are dam- |icncil with cold water anil knead ed like bread on an inclined table with trough attached. The water washes out the oil snd both drain into the trough. The oil being lighter floats, ami is skimmed off and filtered. This makes the first quality, which sells from $8 to |10 |icr gallon. The same proenns is gone through witli warm or topid water which yields a second grade of oil, almost twice the quantity of the first, and is sold a", from $5 to apr3 ly Sst.iian, N. C-, December 15 In reference to the recent contra versy between General Slierman and Jefferson Davis, in which the former charged the latter with having threatened to force certain slates to remain in the confedera ev, It has been stated that Mr Davis's letter containing thi? threat was written to Gw. Vance, now United States senator, in re ply to his letter to President Da- via, of October 35,1862. It has al so been stated that the letter of Davis had been destroyed. This is a mistake: the letter is here and is nowin the possession of a gentleman of Raleigh. It is as follows: Richmond, Xa., November 11. 1862.—To His Excellency. Gov. Vance, Raleigh, N. C.—Dear Sii: I have the honor to acknowledge yours of the 25th ult., and regret the disappointment to which some of the recruits of North Carolina hare been subjected. I concur with you as to the policy of allow ing the conscripts, as fsr as tlie state of the service will |>crniit, to select tlie companies and regi ments in which they are to serve The right secured by law of a rol unteer to select his own company was lost, it is trne, by the enroll inents, but the policy was so ob nous of associating men together who would best harmonize with each other that it was my pur|>ose to continue the privilege beyond the limit fixed by law. The dan ger to the coast of North Carolina, and our inability to draw troo|is from the army of northern Virgin ia. rendered it prn|>er that tlie greatest exertion should be made immediately to fill up the regi ments in General French's com mand; liut this did not interfere with allowing conscripts to select among those regiments the one to which they would be assigned, so long a* vacancies existed in the companies chosen, and that I ex |iected would have !>cen done, i will send your letter to the war department with a copy of this re ply to yon, anil hojie for the future tliattherewilllie .no ground for ! dissatisfaction, and that as far as j feasible tlie disappointments to ■1 DoorEast of lWCarriageFactory, • C<* it/) vo <3 ■EBIT WILL TELL 0.1. c. (Old Indian Cure.) I* taking the lead of all other blood purifier* with astonishing rapidity. A* a blood purifier, it is absolutely without an equal. A* a tonic and appetiser, eminently ad ipte 1 to female complaint*, it has the in«U)r»ement oi the most respecta ble ladies in the land. EMINENT PRACTICING PHYSI CIANS INDORSE IT. I>r. F. A. Tooxner. Perry. Ga.. says: -I have used it in my practice twenty- five rear*. It is a-perfect blood punlier, an infallible specific for the diseases for which it i* recommended, a fine tonic ami api*otizer, and aGod*end to suffer ing women for their peculiar ailments. Dr. Joseph Palmer, Fcagin, Ga,, writes us : "It is as gnat a specific for bh-Kl diseases as quinine is for fever. Have used it more than twenty yea**s m my practice.” _ ., S. W. W. Smith, Ecnecnnnee. Ga., writes; "It cured me of an old and se- verecasc of scrofulaofeightyears stanu- "riic following are fair samples of hun dreds of testimonials we ran produce: I had in mv family a ease of jM.ison oak that for ten years defied physi cians. O. I. C. made a |*ermanent cure. It is without doubt the ‘ gem of blood pu rifiers.” 8. D. ROGERS, Agent Central ml oad. ferry. «a. Pkrky, Ga.. S>ept*m’*er 10. _ lfcW—I heartilv indnroeO. I. C. t Old IndianCure) aw a remedy of wonderful efficacy in troubles peculiar to woman. Have nsed it in mv family, after a faithful trial of numberless other remedies, and unhesi tatingly pronounce it without an equal in the treatment of this class of com plaints. __ I). H. ti I'I'hR. Clerk Co. Commissioners, i I mis ton Co. W. 11. Johnson. Macon Ga.. It. M. King Perry. Ga., and ah»»st of others indorse itas‘t»ie greatest of all remedies for rheumatism and other blood diseases. In conclusion the proprietor* say they have yet to meet with the first failure of <>. j. to do all that is claimed ftw it. Price. $1.50 per large Untie. THE O- I. C. CO., PERRY. GA. Sold by all Druggists. Oct30-ly. ** O -AT- MRS. S. HOICK'S. My Stock of Fall & Winter Goods, Is now in and was never mere Attractive ami Elegant, embrac ing everything wanted by the Ladies. Pattern Boanets and Hats, HATS AND BONNETS UN- TRIMMED, LACES, TIES, RIBBONS. TRIM MINGS, SATINS, FLUSHES. VEL VETS. FLOW ERS. MOSS CHEXEILE. Daisies etc. Baby Caps Hu man Hair, Toilet Goods, Zephyrs, etc. Ladies and Misses Ready-Made Suits. Everybody invited to call and examine goods and compare prices. No trouble to show goods and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. oct9 et THE FIELDS ARE WHITE WITH COTTON. HARD TIMES NEARLY OVER A glorious harvest i* at hand, and pros perin' will soon prevail. Thousand* of lanulie* who have been want ing Pianos and Organs for many long years will BUY TIII8 YEAR. Anticipating the demand, we have W WM. LINK’S Furniture Store. conclusions. We have known j l wr Cbriatians to resort for redress to I ^ third washing or kneading “that erookel device "—the law in w:ir,,,rr w * ter stH1 - b, in S» or the land, and then come out | lUe trn,,e oil ’ in q» a »t«ty, besmirched and suspected, and j tl ’ l * lc * lr3t ’ ant * which sells at that, too, when they had really ' r "' m *" 41 r ‘ n " been rutblemly slandered. Often from these contests tlie slanderer emerges with his colors flying. He has done his work—he has covered his victim- with the slime of hia false tongue—but he has done his work with such Satanic shrewdness that lie cannot be brought to punishment. Then, what must we do? Now, we do not indiscriminately con demn all efforts at self-defence. There are times when it maj be wise to face the slanderer and hush his vicious tongue. If thifc j can be done, then let it be done. But it is not an easy thing to do. To track and tree a lie is a va gue and uncertain task. It often involves worry, excitement anil bitterness winch make exislcnce almost intolerable. Such an un dertaking excites suspicion, kin dles prejudice and multiplies strife. It makes us a prey to the fears of some, the bad ittemorii T of others, and the insincerity of others We- confess that it de presses us always to see a Chris tian inan walking around in the interest of an endangered reputa tion. It seems to ns an uncon scious confession that Lis hold upon pnblic confidence is very slender and may easily be sunder ed. A man’s reputation is some times lost in an injudicious at tempt to Save it. "He that find- eth his liic shall lose it.” After all, slander is not often very dangerous. It is a weak thing—shy, contradictory anil easily disconcerted. It has an up-hill task and encounters many difficulties. It antagonizes all. tlie virtue, justice and charity of a community. Itstirs sympathy lor its victim and abhorrence for itself. The pulling down of a man's reputation is an arduous work. When the public once measures a man, it ia slow to change its opinion. If we pause to consider, we will probably con clude that we never lost a true friend through the malicious in terference of others. We must not worry about the wagging of the fool’s tongue. Let from 32.50 to $3.50 per gallon The proportion is 25 |>cr cent pure. 50 medium or merchantable, anil 25 crude. Mr. Shadman has been ex|>oiimenling for several years to find out just how to get out this nil, and lias at last found that washing is the only process by which all the oil can be ex tracted. The pure oil, of which we have a sample before us, which is delightful in flavor, and will keep [lerfectly sweet for a century or more. The other grades, be ing loss pure, in course of time become rancid. This grove of Mr. Shadiuan'a was planted near ly a century ago by Hon. James Hamilton Conper, the father of Mr. J. M. Couper. The young trees were secured for Mr. Coup er in Spain, by the then minister to Spain from the United States. Tlie trees arc still vigorous and in fine bearing order. w e — ■elker! If the little darling ia spending such sleepless nights, slowly and pitifully wasting away by the drainage upon its system from the effect of teething, procure a bottle of Dr. Bigger*’ Hucklelierry Cordial.the GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY, and find w*hat uisnv ot icr mothers have by its use—a complete cure, as it will in all bowel affections in both young aud old. For sale by all drug gists at 50 cents a I ottle. —^-e ^ There is no g|iectaclc mere pain ful than the man who is the vic tim of unhappiness from every slight misfortune he meets with ! in his business. He literally ] makes troubles for himself—lie plants thorns and thistles along his pathway through life, and trets out body and soal by rub liing against them. As a rule, man’s a fool; when ft’s hot, he wants it cool, when i.’s cool he wants it hot; always wanting what it’s not; never lik ing what he's got; I maintain as a rule, man’s a fool. Tlie New York Host states that" bees do not licgin to gather honey until they are sixteen days old. Now we know the- origin of the flowery, phrase “sweet sixteen.”' which you refer may be corrected by transfer. I feel grateful to you for the cordial manner in which you have sustained every proposition connected with the public defense, and trust lliaie will always be such co intelligence and accordance as will enable ms to co operate for the public good.— Tlie conscript act has not licen popular anywhere out of the army. There, as you arc aware, it serves to cheek the discontent which re suited from retaining twelve months men beyond the term of their regular engagement, and was fairly regarded as a measure equi tably U> distribute the burden oi the public defense; but the state authorities have nowhere offered any op|»>8ilioa to its execution or withheld their aid, except in the state of Georgia, and so far as cadets of military institutes are concerned in the state of Virginia. I shall endeavor by judicial decis ion to settle tlie question raised in those two states, and in the meantime, I have been cheered by the evidence of popular sentiment, which sup|iorts any measure nec essary to protect our eountry and secure our |M>litical inde|>endrncc. Like yourself I have hoped that party distinctions, which existed at former time, would lie buried in t he graves of the gallant men who have fallen in defense of their birthright, and that we should all as a band ot brothers strike for the inheritance our fathers left us. With sincere regard, I am res|>ect- fully and truly, Jefferson Davis. Eufaula, Alabama. I ll AVE the latest Styles of Furniture bv the Far lerail. Fhamlwr Setts frotn'flOtofSOO: ltureau* a* low a* Jltl; Bedsteads from (w to Fliairs from 7S < ’ent* a piece. Safe*. Wardrobe*. Hook Cases. Writing IVsk*. Hat Rack*. Window Shades, »fce. Wood Collin.* aud Casket* all Sizes, and Prices I will Manufacture and Repair Furni ture of all kind* and at tlio shortest no tice, and at living prircs. I will sell Furniture a* Cheap a* any of the Neigh boring Cities. Having been engaged in the Furniture business for twenty year* an«l given satisfaetion. 1 would thank niy old friend* and customers for their past favor*, and would he glad to see them again. ||^Thf Ladiei are especially invited to examine my Stnek^Hl When visiting the city dont fail to pay me a visit. Remember the place. One Door East of' Ross* Carriage Factory.” Respeotfuliv, OctiMn. * \VM. LINK. 4 € P DOUBLED OUB CONTRACTS Will MAKERS A Certain Cure For RHEUMATISM —MANUFACTURED BY— DU. J. D. HOYL, EUFAULA, ALA. T HUS MKDICINK IS A sl'RK AND (JI ICK cr*E for Rheumatism in AI.I. its various forms. In many cases it will effect a CURE in THREE or FOUR DAYS, and NEVER FAILS to give relief. IT IS AN INTERNAL REMEDY. CERTIFICATES: ON* TOE M ARKET. .1 cp in 25 cat d II packages d bottle MAN U FA< Tt* ltKD HY EUFAULA, ALA.. May 14.1*4. I have been afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism for two years, off' and on. and have tried various remedies. One Bottle of Dr. Hoyl* Rheumatic Remedy has entirely relieved me. Less than one bottle entirely stopj*cd the pains, J. A. HAY. LVMPKJX. <*A., June 25, 18S4. HR. J. D. HOYL, Eufaula. Ala.— Dear Sin: I was severely attacked with Rheumatism, and secured bottle of your Rheumatism medicine. After taking about one-fourth of the bottle I was relieved of nil pain. Thinking that I was well did not take any more of it. After a month it returned* I then pur chased two hoUfea ami took according . nr n iOnv to directions. It has U-en three months l ° rC 1,141,1 01 since I finished taking, and I feel no symptoms of its return. I consider my self en irely cured, and take pleasure in recommending your remedy as a safe and sure cure for Rheumatism. Yours truly, JSO. p. WEST, of the firm of Williams & West. Price $1 Per Bottle, or Six Battles far $5- Address. Dr. J. I>. Iloyl or E. C. Bul lock. Eufaula. Ala. TEY OUR •5MJLSIMM0HS* -jtnm. Hum mm mue INDORSED BY iYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, anot* AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE ONLY CEMVINE MMMfetofe „ § IMAM mm OT IHsp Legal Advertisements. C8. ConqHUind Cwrlmiut Mixture for Fever and Ague, and Diseases arising from Billions Do- rangenn-m caused by Malaria, such as Chills. Fever, Billions Fever, etc. It i> put up in palatable form *o that any one can take it. It is a certain cure. PREPARED BY E. C. BULLOCK, Wholesale & Retail Draggist, EUFAULA, ALA. April 2«-f»m. t i -ml laid in an immense stock of SUP-I LABOR VS. CAPITAL. ERB INSTRUMENTS FROM — LEADING MAKERS, which we shall j ‘One offer on our usual easy Installment 1 Vmis. To accommodate those wIn is nr.i^ht, the other power. It is c #nceded by the most Eminent wish to iiuy now. and hold tlieir cotton j ^taK much, that the same platform will until later, we make this i not hold Imth. But it ISA MISTAKE. Special Offer ts Fins and Organ BuyeR. 1 — e, ' i " , '“ ,Klu “ ,,r,K,f,H ’ si,iv Cash Prices, With Three I Flu- Pauper ami the Prince Months Time. . S MONEY !< \S < I AS *.NIITHKI:. J hinny the months of JS*:/jfein her and (Jcfohet\ 188.}, tre trill sell Pianos and Organ* at our Loir est Iiock' Hot tom Cash Prices, re quiring o nig CASH DOWN ON A PIANO. ! $10 CASH DOWN ON AN ORGAN. And allowing three months j »>0U STYLES TO SELECT FROM. time on the balance, Wiihout In- j South-W est-Georgia AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Vi Y. (Brand of tie UiiTersitr of Georgia.) CUTHBFliT, - - GA- BENJ. T. HUNTER. A. M, President C 'lORPS of Teacher* full. The Fall j Sc**ion open* on the First Monday in September. The appropriation to the College of $2,0U0 ha* fe rn restored, tliu* enabling the Trustee* to put the Inciden tal Fee at $5.tV>. NO CHARGES FOR TUITION. 02 Board ran l*e had at nrice from |lo to per montl prices ranging tn. Catalogue* Dr. White’s Family MEDICINES A RE all made from the Prescriptions of one of the luost celebrated Phy sicians that Georgia ever produced. He ha* long been gathered to his father*: but the name of Dn. WHITE will never be forgotten. A* tongas- humanity suf fer* from disease, so long will con tinue to use hi* valuable Remedies, ami praise lii* name *tid skill for the relief and cure* they produce. Dr. White's Vermifhge, A certain Cure for Worm*. Large Bot tle cents. Dr. White’s Compound Fluid Ex tract Bucli ti, Also a fine line of Gut and Steel, For »« Ki;I R<T Diseases. Price .10 rents Strings for Violins. Guitars and jn r WMte'S CCBIIOMll 87115 Bf MClUl, Haet. Wild Cierrj at Tar. giving full and definite information sent *n application to the President. July 10-1 v. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VIOLINS, ACCOJtDEOXS, BANJOS, HARMONICAS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength aud wholesonicncss. More economical than the ordinary kind*, and cannot l*e Mold in competition with 44te multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder*. Sold only in cans. Koval Baking l*ow- derCo.. |ft» Wail street N. Y. may-22-1 v —Taylor's Premium Cologne at tf J. W. STANFORD'S. Oat. Now is the time to plant. For salfe cheap, at J. W. Staxtobd's. —Taylors Premium Cologne for sale at J. W. Stawfobh’s; Banjos. For Sale bv T. S. POWELL, ct Druggist aud Bookseller. Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats, 65c; Feed Oats, 50c- ct AT ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. GROCERIES. Flour, Sugar, Coffee. Etc., at price* that will defy eoinjietition, at ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. Spectacles and Eye Glasses, W ARRANTED to Give Satisfaction. Prices from cent. t»» $2.00 i»er pair. T s. POWELL, ct Druggist and Bookseller. Window glass, Faints. Oils, VarMss and Bmsles. At lowest prices. T. S, POWELL, sepfiVct Druggist and B<*okseller. Fine Chewing Tobaccos, Smoking Tobacco AND CIGARS. T. S. POWELL'S. Druggist and Bookseller. At ct —Farmers Pills for sale by J. W. Stanford. —Sweet Gum and Mullein for salfe at J. W. Stafford's. The fiirat Cough Remedy. Cent... Price .10 Dr. White’s Magic Liniment, Tlie < stimulating Liniment for Man or llea.t. Price 25 Cents. Dr. White’s Cathartic Liver Pills, Vnequalicd as a Cure for Biliousness. No Oripintr. I>o not make you sick. Price 25 Cents. Dr. White’s Com|m>in<l Fluid Kx- traet of Sarsaparilla, with Iodide of Potash. Price 50c. Physician, will ail tell yon this is 1 the ON 1,5 Remedy for Blood Disease. Alt of J)r. White's family Med icine* are for Sale by I)r. J. W. STANFORD. je!9 ly Cuthbert, Ga. School Books! B IBLES ami Testaments, Blank Rooks, Scrap Rooks. Hymn ami Note B«iokM, Fine Stationery, etc., at low est price*. T. S. PO .VELL. septiEvly Druggist and Bookseller. T. S. POWELL QFFERS A LARUE STOCK-OF Drugs and Patent’ Medicines, At Lowest Prices. seplivet. —Onion Sets for Fall Planting, at J. W. STANFORD S. Stand on an Equal Footing, i s m AND WHERE? At the Georgia Music House. Macon, Ga. teres t or advance of price. - ISEE THE LIST! SEETHE 1.1st! Mortgayc Sheriff. W ILL he sold liefore the Court flousc* d«*»r in Uiifhbert, <Ln.. on the 1-t Tuesday in January next. I*»twecri »l»e legal hours «»f sale, to tlie highest bidder for cash, the following projK-rty to-wit: That parcel of land containing acres, adjoining on the South the land herein alter dcscriiieil. The same being all the land conveyed bv J. A. I^e to 'V. I. Mattox, and by said Mattfx to J. B. Bu.»t*v. Al*othat tract ad>*biing on the North the above dost riU d land, ami lying in the itth District of Randolph eonnty, and Ij*iug a part of lot Xq., na Bounded East In* Lmupkiit Road. Norfi •y Roa»I from Lumpkin R »ad to A. A. Gamble's Residence, West bv land of Ik Tr«f>p, and South bv Janii first« de*crine«i—Georgia Wine Co., and ©tit ers. and being the land bought by J. H. Bussey of Mrs. Mariclla Mattox, and containing -15 acres, more or less. Lev- ! on as l . h c property of *aid J. B. ■ Bussey, under ami hv virtue of rnMmm- gage Fi Fa in favor of II. O. Beall (tuardmn, etc.. v». said J. B. Bussev! 1 rojiefty pointed out inti fa. and Tenant notified. Also, same time M,d place. 50 ac esof Land off of the Southeast portion of lot | No. 131,111 the f»th District of Kandoksh county. Levied on a* the proper**^ * . F. SIMMONS * CO, St. tomln.Me J . S3^JK fflSTife Bank of Atlanta. Ga. Pro per tv p . , , None others CLAIMINC! ou *^“Tenant,nst*j,i« » make Siimumis’ JAvj j |ptaiiion 7 t edlC'lllC eu’li PR ET E fa V • u tl the I roperty of B. E. BrMgxnan » have had any rights h . y v,rtu « uf . a . M v>rtgageYi Fa ir 12 years. TESTIMONIALS. ’idiop D. S. Ti<*ggctt, Rich mend, Va., Jnh I. list*, sjiys “ Y**ur Liver >fe«ii«*ine haa l**;©: great *ervi»'o to inr-df and family. We tin* •smbstitutc i.*r it The parrel which you geii- :.uslv sent us several % ear* ago h nearly e.\- ”.i*t« : d. AV" can't do without it. 1 v. i>h y«n* send us another supply. It is invaluable." • Some rear or more mro I partially lost nr* •petite, soul wliat 1 did eat foured un d:;», and I felt depressed and often hat •adache. which et»alimially grew worse til* I ;s iinln«:e<l to purchase a package of llr. M. Slnnmmr/1 iver Medicine, w hit'll h:v*«»tirel:, rtt»red my appetite aud revived my spirit*, 1-! 1 have »:*► more headache*. My wife re- r d* it a* indispensable in our family; we will ;t be vrithtmt it.” J. J. Nelson, Charleston, C., Nov. 20, lSi*). rtev. .T. TL Ctravo*. editor anti proprielor ot -k ii.vrrisT, Metupliis, Teim., savs: “ I r**- .ved a package ol your liver Me*licine, am! ive use half of it. It works like a ehartr- .vant no better Liver K«*gulator, and certain!' »mure of Zeilln’s luixtiue.” J. 1L Uilwes. "Thi< iv to certify that I used one package 11 iliu s Simmon** l.i\er Regulator or Medicim id it ditl me nogttotl. ami that I am nowuxu.i r. M. A. Si if mon*’ IJvcr Medioine ami it i* )ing me a great deal «>f gt*t*tl. Tlioy arc vett jk -'-iit ererv wav except tlie name.” T. i w. »r. I lolly Springs. Ml.**., April 24, 1874- For sale in Uiitbhert, Ga., bv J. AV. STANFORD, only. ’ tf Insurance Agency. T, S. Powell Rbciuesents G 1 F.ORGIA IIOMKFIREIXssrKANCK T CO. Asset*. W0.W. AMKRKV et*. fl.;tA.S,4»!i3. 1 > RITISII AMERICA INSURANCE O). A- ■BMMMMRXOBSBI ; The Grand D|«i CJIICKKRIXG 1’iatB . _ Thoaa* who buy under this plan, and ! The Brilliant M ATil USIIEK Piano. The find theniselvc* unable t«» complete ! Silver Tt»ne LUDDEN A BATES 1‘iami. after the three tnonthh. will he ■ Tl.c Soft and Sweet Tune A RI»>N li.i payment j given further time, by :»»rreoii»K *«» pay j our regular ln*t::]imenf Price*, nmlfoii:- plyiug with our Installment Term*- best Low Brice Biano in the worl< tnrflinu •Ivulurullol) Ul'T WE ;ir.-.v it The World Renowned MASON A HAM- The BAGKARD Orche*- payment. should tIk*v pav one-half the ! LI X Organ. ... amount due at three months, or make a i tral- wonderful in tone and power large cash payment, an r.putable price ; !*‘wttt;ful in finish. The BAY STATI for tlie Instrument will be arranged. { Organ - p..uer. sweetness, beauty of de- All will lie treated fairly, and charged j sign, and low price—-an Organ without v prices in accordance witli the time re- { rival at the price. quired for purchase. All purchasers j g£y m Y'.\vv\ instrument guaranteed, under this Social Offer are required to j We know what we sell, so we are not sign our usual form of lensc Gontract. ' afraid t* promise to keep them tip ami furnisli reference* as to their re- * sjHUisibilsty. Instrument.* will tn- sent | on the usual fifteen day* trial, when J I linnCM Jg. I laborer vvho digs ditches or picks rags LUUUCn CL DA I Cd I huv a* (heap as the Railroad King. SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, K'-.Tv mMru.ncn. |.ri v e;i : ,, „l j.rii |, . | 4 h> » plaui figure*'. Descriptive Brice Li-ts SAVANNAH, GA with all tenn>, cash, time and sjK*cia! ; conditions, sent to any addn ss. No de- : viation from printed list- : s»t do not ! write letters to find out "what is the 1m.**t OXK PKK K TO A LL-Tlic •KTJ2STEKN ASSURANGE INS. GO. ▼ ▼ Asset*, ^1..100,000. \ T\. HOMI5 INSURANCE ro.. Assets, Ji-2u0.0ut». P RESBYTER FAN MUTUAL LIFE IN s U RAN( 'E 1 '0.—Assessment Rian. All safe, Prompt and Reliable Compa NO PATENT, NO PAY !> \ TrVTC'H t dned for Meehan i A 1 i O ical Devices. Doin- aounds. Designs and Label*. All t>re- iinder ami by virtue 01 a aiortga*’ , ". f ?y» r ” f ,! i ‘ , , n;ir ikinkin dr Lai...r. said B E Bridgman. iTopertv iK>inted out m fi fa. rillLLIR BEARl’E 4t .Sheriff. Randolph Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold lie fore the Court Ilou-e door in Cuthbert, Ga., on tlie l»r*t Tuesday m January, l.yc*. betvreeuthe legal hours of safe, the following proper ty t*f B. A. Brice, to-wit: The House ami Lot in thcC'itvofCuth- bert, whereon the said I*. A. Brice i.o.v lives, and known as the "DeLacv Place ’ jxmtided East by Box uiklc street. West by Lumpkin street. North bv the vitv lot. whereon J. It. Owen formerly wSid- i*d, and >outh l»y tin* city lot whereon J. McK. Gunn lived during his life time, containing two acres, more or le**. A - ■>0 Lor of Land No I«>7, in the tith District of said county of Randolph, containing ^ acres, more or less. Lc\ie ! on a* the projH rtv of p. A. Price, to *u!i«rfv a Aloitgagc hi Fa issued irom Kandoiph superior Court, in favor of Hurst, i’ur- rtell A Co., against raid P. A. Price.— BrqpcrU pointed out in Mortgage K» Fa. i bis DecemberRd. l.*5l. Ia>vynia(fe bv P. L. Pierce Deputy sheriff. Also, same time ami place, one Jfou»c colored mare Muir, about 1Z war*-old, a* the property of Mary A. Carter ami Nancy satisfy a Tax Execu tion lor their State and County Vox, for the tear RUM. dec4-liu PIIILTB PEARCE. Sheriff. iiminarv ex iMiiii.It i ms : s to patcntnhili- ty i;I oil*:. lV« "Gniilo for ()htaining ! atents" is > ent tree every where. Ad dress— LOUIS '.At GKRtk CO., S.»lii ii »r* •f Patents, E*tabIi*liod 1M0I. W AS! I IN;-TON, D. ( . niiiyl 1-tf. X • s. s. Only .f 1.7 *>. at J. AV St.\nuoki/s. Citation for Letters of Diswtaiion. S TATE OF GEORGIA. R*5i» County. \\ lieren*. George McDonald, Adiuin- istrutor of W. JJ. Dix.-ou rcpiesetit* to the Court it iti* Petition duly fifed ami entered on record that he has fully ad ministered W. B. Dixson’a E*Ulc. ’ Tbia is therelore, to cito all |.>er*ou.* concern ed. kindred aud Creditors, tosliov. cau*>e if any they can, why said Administrator should not he discharged fn.itt iiis Ad- ministration. and receive la'tter* of IMsmis.-i.»n on the first Monday in March l.vC>. Given under mv hand and official signature, this December 2, l.vU. «iec4 Sm M. GORMLEY. Gr iinary. S TATE OF GEORGIA. il \sihii.pii County. To all whom it may - oncern. All persons arc hereby uoiiii-d that If no g«M*l cause l*esho\v:i to tlie contrary, an order will he granted by the under signed oil the 1st Tiicxduy in January, lNSf>, establishing a new Road, av mark ed mut by I ho Road Commissioners ap- |mtinted i<»r that purpose, commencing at the l.umpkin Road, leading from Cuthbert, at or near the residence of Je- *»■* and runr : *.^ u’***t t«> inter sect the road at i tirner's Bridge, in the county of tpiitmaii, and through rue lands of Jehu Phillip* and Thomas Shir ley. Given under my hand aud official signature, this December 2d, ltw*. M. GoRMLKY, Ordinary. dec4-lm and Ex. < Uficio Clerk. S JTATE t»F GEORGIA. K V X DOLPIf Cor XTY. Whereas. II. A. Crittenden. Adminin- trator of Lew is Maudlin, represent* to the 8 T A ^11 i we can do,” but select vmir instrumei . j. AatlMft • , Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest. ^ [cite all persons concerned, kindred ami Holman’s Family IJiltles All sizes and prices, Photograph Albums cite all per: creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said Administrator should not y j i»c discharged from hi* Administration and receive letters of Dismission on the first Monday in February, ls.s3. M. GO KM LEY, novC-wm Ordinary. CUTIIBEliT, GA. No Possibility of Loss! WHY? nr Because, if you so desire, the in strument will be sent yon on trial. You can then *ee if it is as represented. 1m*- fore a dollar is paid. I* this not fair? Win*ha* the advantage upon these eon ditions? You or the Georgia Music House. In Conclusion, We keep an immense supply of Music Books, sheet Music and Music Supplies ; generally. £^-Sp**cial Discount to Teachers in . all <stood.*. special Discount to the Clergy on j all t ioods. Front 10 to 2.) per cent saved by ; addressingfor catalogue. The Seorgia Music House, E. D. IRVINE, Malinger, Macon, (ia. fel. 28 lr. I arge. Medium and Small, FINE AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Cigar Gases, Hand Miin r*. 1 ni cy (’am lie*. Fine Toilet Fcts, Fine Extracts and Col ognes. Harris' Tooth- wash and To(*th Powder*. School Book.«. Accor- dians. Garden Need Of every variety, at wholesale and retail, at J. AV. STANFORD’S Wheat Bran, AT ALLISON A SIMPSON S. jau24-ct AH prircs an<l Liiul^. BABY CARRIAGES, PAINTS ANI) OILS, Drills amt Me-li-’ine* of all kiitit-. a It J. W STAN FOB It’S. ^SF“Linseecl Oil and Pure Lead at siu-h low prieos as to defy competition, at the Drug Store sf J. AV. STANFORD. BLANK BOOKS | of every kind.size and style,cheap j er than ever before, at aiv’ltf J. A\ r . Stanford’s. HEADQl'AKTEBS FOit Cookimj «f- Heating Stove* Naj Tinware, Cvoekert/, j GIas*irare, Lamp* pDo anti Seiritit/ Ala eft hie*. Will duplicate any bill within five liun- i dred miles of this place. jun7-et 9 B Z KZc* 2 I k* 3 ^ S • •• • j -r.ct I&1 i* 1 : •s-e. n? ■ ’ ‘ 71 2f*>-1 l^t^^v^jDRONKENNESS _ c-s£|?f 15. ft. | •ezlsfg lit Tel P co. «.«.* s s« ^- M g _ ssecas •» «.= =.- .5 9 to cs S DIAMONDS. SILVER ;r\9t ^WilliLK,^ J£ 163 BK/OA.U ST- I apr-10-ly. WMl*«Jlcrve and Brain 1*111 Arc a certain cure for all mental and nervous disorders. For sale bv J. W. Stanford. 4t p. i CURED IX ITS VARIOUS STAGES. Desire for stimulants entirely remov ed. Home treatment. Medicine can bo administered without knowledge i»f pa tient. l*y simply placing it in coffee, tea or any article of food. Cures guaranteed. $100 WILL BE PAID For any case of dmukenness that Gold-, en S|>ecific will not cure. Circular* containing testimonials and full particu lars sent free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. jc-liMy. 1H5 Race St.. CinviMnati. O. Sash, Doors and Blinds, Matches and Snuff, j Hazard Gunpowder!^ m! * e * * Iipoi!,Uy ’ CaU and Cheap as can be bought this side of N. Y. at ALLISON <fc SIMPSON'S. ! jnn24 et A SPECIALTY. ALLISON & SIMPSON! jan24ct Agents. . , . „ and nnr (wive#. I A LLI SON A SI 51PSON. to. 21. it Slionlder Hrsfos For ladies and gentlemen, of the To Sportsmen! 25 I’anud Kegs of Powder tor $4. Shot. AVaiU and Priincis in pro- jiortion. at et ALLISON * SIMPSON’S. Breakfast Bacon-and Dried Orgne«awl Piano* nt'ai'. suit’s, for sale cheap, l>y latest iinpravemeot—all sizes, at Buckwheat Flour, -I. AV- Stanford— Cheaper than! nov.’?0-4t J. W. STANFORD'S. Call on him and — ' Y 7- —Pyrafuge for Chills at J. AA'. Stankobos. at ALLISON A SIMPSON S. a flat «»* ! factory .prices. Call on him and ana oat Meal, at; Illustrated catalogue and r r u>r\v f. ctaincfAV'C ! c ALLISON & SIMPSON S. He will save yon money. Special Drive for 30 Days 1 i English BREECH LOADING i SHOT GUNS, at Bargains, t< close out. at ct ALLISON & SIMPSON’S. TOBACCOS. AVc are offering Sreelal Iadacna^ah ct ALLISON A SIMPSON S. -Ifew Crop Turnl Seed, all varieties- by the pound or pa^ ^W.STAMFORD’S.