Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, January 08, 1885, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE AND APPEAL, W. H. COOPER, J. W. STANFORD. CUT lilt KRT, GA. Thursday Morning, Jan. 8. ISS5. Mr. I. A. MARTIX is our Agent at Buford, and is fnlly authorized to receive and receipt for ail money paid him. The Kimball House will proba bly open on the 10th. The bar rooms of Cartersvillc have all closed. There were 1,200 Justices of the Peace elected in Georgia last Saturday. The Independent says the boom has started in Lumpkin, and that quite a number of pat ties have moved into town. The bar keepers in Columbia. S. C., carried the day by a large majority, and the license has been put at $200. Prohibition has again succeed ed in the city council of Smith villc. Siinlhvillc is prospering as it never was. A Lexington bank man was short $37,000. He left a note saying; ‘T am oir for Canada. Needn’t look lor me nor the inon cy.” Ho not allow worms to cheat your children out of their living. Shriner’s Indian Vermifuge will destroy these miserable pests, anil give the little fellow new armor.- for the battle of life. Every visitor to the World’s Exposition in New Orleans is re qnired to deposit a silver half dol lar in a glass box in charge of the doorkeepers, no admission tickets being sold. The Macon Telegraph in an editorial advises the young men in the city now idle for want o! employment not to go hack to the country, and hy all means r.of to lam. The guano dealers in Hawkins villc have signed an agreement not to sell any more guano to parties who have not paid for last years supply, or fail to make satisfac tory arrangements in that direc tion hy the 10th inst. A prominent pltysican above Athens says that tile past year hi did over $2,000 worth of pradio and did not actually collect en ough to settle a $150 drug ac count. lie intends to quit tin profession until lie can make an other rise. The manager of the telegraph olllee in Savannah has discharged all the white messenger boys am employed colored ones in theii 1 daces, lie claims that his pres cut force is more efficient. Ev erybody to his own liking, as tin woman said when she kissed the cow. A negro editor of a New Yoik (taper proposes to start a subset-ip tion fuinhuming the negroes fut t he benefit of Gen. Grant, hoping thereby to raise $50,000, the suit seriplion asked of each negro lie ing $1.00. The “wards of the na tion" would then in turn have a ward. ’There has been a good deal said about the Ohio man who liet and lost his teeth on the result ol the recent election. It is a little strange that no one has noted tin fact Hurt a good many thousand men lost not only their teeth hut their heads also on this same re sult. A maiden lady of Philadelphia was a witness in court the olhet day and when sworn was request ed to kiss the Bible. She refus cd, saying that it was so long since situ had kissed anything that she had forgotten how it was done This is a strange and ia tercsling ease. Aery Intelligent Animals. I I’skaanMlallsn Itmu. Mr. Luke Prior, of Alabama,' is On theevening of the 1st inst, noted for his great natural sense j in company with J. S. Davis, who and his original English. “I see,” j by the way is on a visit to this Letter from New Orleans. said he la a group of fellow mem tiers, “that Senator Hamilton lias been Idling about a cow he owns section from Henry county, Ala., your correspondent attended amn- sicnl entertainment at the resi- that can talk, and Senator Vest j dence of Mr. J. N. Bigbic, of Clay tells about a dog that can black j county, where we spent a most dc hoots and imitate a Methodist ex- lightful evening. Those taking boi ler Now I have a mule on j a part musically in the entertain- my farm near Opelika which is certainly a judgmatic creature. He is an oncry looking cuss, but, as I said, very judgmatic. I must say he is the most imitations ani mal I ever sec. He is even more imitations than the monkey. That mule’s favorite amusement is to go in swimming with the boys, and—would you believe it?—he can swim on his back and dive head foremost like a fish. Yes, sir. lie has dived at least thirty feet and come up with his head all over mud. This tnule is so .mitalious that he can counterfeit dmnst any wind instrument. There’s a ferryman near my place who has shot at him several limes. ment were Prof. J. E. Bigbie at organ, Mr. D. C. Andrews with a treble violin, and Mr. W. D. Big bie with the base violin. These musicians are considered cx|ierl performers upon their res|iective instruments, and as each one felt the necessities of the occasion, they gave’their audience some ex eellent music. After an hour or so the hand took a recess after which Mr. _\V. D. liigbie enter tained the crowd with some comic songs of sterling merit, which wa* tiic scene of mirth-giving for the occasion. Miss Hattie , who is stuping at Prof. J. E. Big bic's, also filled an important place in the entertainment by giv- The ferryman has a horn on the ing the audience some excellent opposite side of the river for trav elers to blow as a signal when hey want to come over. The mule got onto this racket, and whenever he gets a chance lie goes down to the forty and brays just like a horn abiowing. On foggy lays the ferryman can't sec across the river, and lie don’t know whether it’s the mule or a travel :r. lie told me the other day that last year he had pulled his boat over sixty times to answer that 'blamed long-cared mule,’ as he (tut it. On my farm I have a large lull, with rope attached, to ring up the hands at daybreak An old colored man used to at tend to this duty, hut one night about two years ago lie suddenly lied. Next morning cvcrybidx was astonished to hear the lici! ringing at the usual hour. 1 went out to see who was ringing it, and gentlemen. I hope I may never get hack to Alabama if it wasn’t that mule! Yes, sir; and dint mule has been ringing that bell ever since at daybreak every miming. Not only this, but lie ■asters down between the negro uibtus, just as the old man useo to do, to sec that everybody gets out on time. The old man had a way of kicking on the door of a lian.l who did not move out brisk, and one morning the mule follow -d Ids example. In a certain •ahiu there were a very lazy col ired family that never stirred tin il everybody else was at work, lust at day break the mule backed ip to the front door and gave a ••tick with both feet that sent the whole faintly through tile back window. The mule didn't know it, however, and he kept on kick ing. The next day it took four carpenters to put that cabin to gether again. Gentlemen, as 1 remarked before, that mule's the most judgmatic and imitations animal I ever see.”—i’jniii the IKush ini/ion ltepuOhcan. — m m » WII.I, YOU srFI-'Kll with Dyspepsia uni l.tver ('iiiiipiaut? Shiloh's Vitalizer s guaranteed toeuro you. X-'or .Sale l>v I. \V. sl'ANT(llil). ’ flic ('rimes of 1884—A Summary of solus and choruses, which showed her to lie an cx(K*rt performer with a voice oi admirable sweet ness. Thus the entertainment throughout was a success, and we long for another opportunity to witness such an occasion. Vi e are authorized to say that this band ot musicians will play at Coleman at no distant day tu the future when we hope they will haven crowded house to listen to their sweet strains of music. Hog slaughtering was in ordei last week with quite a number of farmers of this section. So then will be a feast of good things served here for the next few weeks. Mr. J. G. B. Watson, with Mr J. S. Davis, as we mentioned ibove, have been on a visit to rel it ires and friends in the commit nity. They returned . home ot. Monday last. We regret very much to lose as •i citizen ( apt. B. If. Thornton who removed trom this section : few slays ago to the vicinity o Headland, Henry county, Ala., where he goes to take charge of : literary school, which we lean will pay him a handsome salary He has the best wishes of the en tire section in his new field of la hor. W. W. J. Messrs. K rtf tors: Nbw Ouleaxs, La., Dec. 31, ’84. Before leaving for New Orleans several friends asked me to write has the following editorial: ,, , . i . . i , i .i Too many people seem to think them, but I fiud I have but ,. . - 1 1 . . . that a religious ncwspajier should Taking Care ol the Body. The Christian Index, the lead ing organ of the Baptist Church in the South, published in Atlan ta, Ga., in its issue of Dec. 4, 1884. THE BEST PAPER 0 THE SOOTH. to little lime to write. For their benefit, and others who may wish to know, I will write to you. We bought tickets at Eufaula. (my self and wife) and started Sunday evening at half past three; board ed the Atlanta through train 8:15. and arrived in New Orleans Mon day morning at six o'clock. 1 find New Orleans anything but a . dry town—the streets are wet as tt ni * ox > the practical has been sell ns f.lii* «n1iwin« S.nttn nf t Iip forth. Ill tlllS JiHl.l be coufined to the discussion of moral and religious subjects only, •orgetting that religion has to do both with the bodies and souls of men. "Prove all things, hold fast that which is good,” has as much to do with the practical side of life as it has with the moral side. Our readers will bear testimony that in all questions discussed in the savannah Weekly News. $2.00 A YEAR, IS ADVANCE. Not a Local Paper, but One Suit able to any Locality. A BUSINESS, FASLY. LITESAEY AND AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL. This mammoth newspaper con tains all the news of the week. In vers on Saturday last, lint by noon Monday some* of t Item be gan to run. and liv night all were in full blast. The strike was made Saturday eveuiug while ev erybody was out-it the exposition, street ears being the only way to go and come except by boats lit., the river. All hands got back P. ] the grandest blood purifier ever the city somehow—some of them discovered Its effects arc won- walked. The distance out to the | » n,> 1 ««»i<ter them almost l, v | miraculous. 1 here is no mem ‘ne com parable to it.” Dr. II. —good as a blood purifier, good as a health tonic. In this opin ion we are sustained by the best men in the church. Rev. Jesse II. Campbell, the Nestor of the Baptist denomination in Geor- • * ___ t . gia, says: “It is my deliberate | " cekly News is the medtu.n lina news, and that of other States, some of I To the farmer, mechanic or ar tisan. the business or profession al man. who has not the advan tngos of a daily mail, the Savan CATAIilill cfKKlI. health and swee- breath secured hy Shiloh's Catarrh Rein ed \\ I’riee no rents. Na-ul Injector free. For sale hy .1. W. ST A X FORD. ——• m Pawned Himself for Uriahs. Dallas, Texas, January 4.—A dissipated looking person appear ed at a well known liar room in this city last night and impor tuned bystanders tor a drink ol liquor. Not finding a generous response to his appeal he propos cd to raffle himself otf tor ou» year’s peonage at teu cents a chance. About one hundred chances were taken and the man was won by a popular newspaper man. The winner is at a loss to know just what to do with his prize. Parlies who know the unfortii nate person say his name is Ar tItur Gordon; that lie is the son of the Record of the Country During j a wealthy New York merchant, and that he figured quite promi nently in northern Texas about a year ago in several escapades. His conversation shows hitn to lie an educated and travelled man. the Year. The New- York Evening Tele gram publishes statistics of crime during 1884. which show a mark ed and rapid increase in murders, suicides and lynehings through nit the country in a year. On an ; irernge there here been about 9 I •nufilers and 5 suicides a day,while | •xecnlions have only averaged j about two per week, showing that capital punishment befalls but one murderer out of every 33. Lyneh ings have averaged about four a week. In 1883 there were, on an average, four murders and two suicides a day, and two hangings No Divorce lain. exposition is about five miles streetcar and seven by the river. Board and lodging here is cheap enough or high enough, from one dollars day up. Pretty good fare can be procured at private houses at one dollar and a halt' per day. If all who come will go at once tu the e\|iosition department of ac commodation, at 15 Union street, or 134 Gravier street, they will get all the information they want free of charge. Twelve dollars is the tare from Eufaula to New Orleans, and for ten or twelve dollars more one can s|>cnd a wreck pretty com fortably. I mean that $12 is for the round trip, and good for 15 days. When the conductor on the M. A E. R. R. came around for tickets, and saw mine was for New Orleans, he warned me to keep my eves o|ien or I would lie killed or robbed. I told him that 1 had visited cities as bad as New Or leans in tny opinion. “No.” said lie, “New Orleans is tlic worst city in the United States.” I find no in.ire trouble here than at othoi iilaces. Generally when a man gets into trouble he is in sonic bar room, gambling den, or somewhere else lie has no business. The exjiosition win n completed •t ill be llie greatest show ever put together. 1 thought the attend nice was small when I first calm here, but 1 can sec that the crowd ias increased each day since I have been here. Nearly all tin vislors at present are from the North and West, and a great many of them are disposed to cal: the exposition a failure, for what reason I cannot imagine. Tbe\ also abuse the city for its mud and water, forgetting thal-it is built in a bog, and can’t be made u tter titan i is. The exposition grounds are beautifully laid out near the river. It is low and wet. rater rising in every hole six in ches deep, but tlie walks every where are splendid, and no need of getting in the mud. The grounds and buildings are lit up it night by electric lights. Theta r.-lwu nr three hundred acres en closed, ot perhaps more, and most , , | ( j of it is covered with a beautiful ' growth of grass, as green as a rye patch, with orange trees here atm there filled with ripe fruit. A description of what is to be seen inside the building is too much for my |>on. Georgia’s ex liibit is not tip yet, except Savan nah cotton exchange, iu fact a great many things are not on ex liihilion yet, nor can be for some time yet, but there is as much as one can examine in a whole month. ’I he engines in machinery hall that '-ini the machinery are quite a wonder, there are six in nuiuher otie of the driving wheels twenty four feet tn diameter, five and a half feet face, and a six feet stroke. Win ever may go, don’t fail while iu the government building to give special attention to the ex Dibits made by California, Japan, and the Worlds Scientific estab , judgment that Swift’s Specific is 1 '>- v which he can be informed of 1 events transpiring in the busy world, whether in his own Stale or in the most distant pai ls of the glolie. Every yearly subscriber is en titled to one of the Morning News Library serials us a premium. C. Hornady. one of the best known ministers in our church, says: “Swift’s Specific is one of the best blood purifiers in existence.” These brethren speak advised ly. But few preparations can bring forward sucli endorsements. The Index desires only to endorse these statements. We have wit nessed the beneficial effects of this medicine, not only in our own households, but in several other cases where seemingly all other remedies had failed. It is purely a vegetable compound, scientifically prepared, and per Cecily harmless in its composi tion. Il renews the blood and builds up broken down systems— gives tone and vigor to the consti tution. as well as restores the bloom of health to the suffering. Therefore, we do not deem it in consistent with the duties of a re ligious journal to say this much in its behalf. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tije Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. A One-llorse Farm iu South Caroli na. Youkyii.i.e, S. C., January 4.— Mr. W. II. Walker, of this county, who cultivated a one horse farn l ist year, sends the agriculture department the subjoined state ment: Eighteen acres in cot to i vielded 7.2G9 |Huinds lint, vvliiel. brought him $371 (il: 480 luisheb cotton seed, at 184 cents. $88.80: 10 acres in oats, (iOO hushtls, a. 30 cents. $3G0; 0 note; in corn 200 bushels, at 75 cents. $150: 1.500 bundles fodder, at $1.5t hundred. $22 50: 4 ai rev in whoa' 14 bushels, at 90 cents, $39.(10 I’o'al receipts. $1,832 51 1‘aid for 1.000 bushels c itton seed, at 15c.. $150; two tons aeiii phosphate, at $18 50. $37.00; bin and hoard of one regular hand -rl80; extra labor $75; for use o horse and fee l $100; for picking ■otton $108.95; blaeksmithing Total expenses $000.93.— Net profit $071.58. The cotton seed was broadcast ed on stubble land and turned till let* last December with a two horse plow. The arid was put iu at planting time. Ordinary cttl- (i cation —Constitution. THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. Enlarged Janaary 1, 1885, to un 8-Page, 56—Column Paper. Tie LaigesI Daily Paper in tie Sootl. Issued Every Day in the Year. $10 a Year. Including the Great Sunday Issue of the “News.” The Daily News gives promi Hence to all matters relative to the Agricultural, Mechanical and Manufacturing interests of the country, as well as the General. Political and Commercial news. Its Telegraphic, State, General. Local news and Market depart nents are acknowledged to be tin best and most comprehensive ol iny paper in the South. Subscribe through your News Dealer or l’ost Master, or setu lireet to J. II. ESTILL dee 25t Savannah, Ga. breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, it ALLISON & SIMPSON’S. LUMBERS LUMBER! Lumber in :inv y — fill kinds ol Pine Luniltcr from Kuughcdgc to sfolec . I cart at ! Rock Rot to m Prices, According to quality ami SIZE OF BILLS. New Advertisements. TERMS: ■trutlv Casl Fodder, Harter for &e. Corn. - :o Lumber Yard at my old stand, (South West Corner Public Square.; Cuthliert. i iooriria. Call in one ami all. JAMES A. FOSTER. Cuthlieit. da. Jan. 1st. 1XX5. 3in Special 0ri7e far30Days! English BREECH LOADING SHOT GL’NS, at Bargains, to close out. at ct ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. South Carolina is the only state tishment on the upper floor. in the union in which it is impos sible to obtain a judical diyorce fur any cause, and while the ((to pic of South Carolina do not by any means claim to be any better titan their neighbors, any mote ind two lynehings a week. Since ! long suffering, sweet tempered, I the beginning iff tl.e year 3.877 j m( . ek , ol . affectionate, it is certain persons have been murdered, against 1.491 last year, 215 of ‘‘Welcome, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise; Weli-ume tu this rejoicing breast .'.nil these reviving eyes.” And as sung by the average choir— “Wavv-kavv, svvavv daw aw vvavv, Thaw saw, thaw law avv vvavv, Wavv-kavv. taw, thaw, ravv-vavv-vaw brew Avv thaw revv-javv-saw avv.” The pastors of the Baptist and Methodist churches in Hawkins* vilie have the same initial—K J Coates and E J. Burch. In Ma cun, the two Methodist churches— Mulberry Street and First Street —have as pastors J. O. A. Cook and J. O. A. Clark. All of Gen. Grant’s property, including many of the valuable presents he has received from friends at home, and potentates abroad, has lieen levied on by W. H. Yauderhilt to secure a debt ol $100,000. Gen. Grant's friends propose to raise the money to re lieve him of the embarrassment. Vanderbilt himself pn>|>oses to give $00,000 of the amount. The bill passed by the Georgia Legislature to authorize the Guv j alternate section. The lauds are ermir to issue bonds to the j exceedingly rich and produce ex amount of three millions ! celient sugar, the plants rattoon hundred and thirty five thousand | in S fo1 ' fourteen years instead of dollars, and sell the same for ti e them mysteriously. Forty eight children were killed hy their pn- ents; 83 wives were murdered by Iteir hushan is, and 12 husbands by their wives. ' The remaining ••family jars” ineludce 13 frarti •ides, 9 parricides, 2 matricides ind 2 sornricidcs. There is a very rich company, leaded by Hamilton Disston, of Philadelphia, which is at work draining the everglades. Lake Dkeet.hobee, about forty miles square, is a shallow, bowl shaped reservoir that, eight months in the year, overflows a flat area ol like extent. By cutting a canal to the Atlantic they have lowered ly evident that the absence of a divorce law has not injuriously affected the general state of so ciety or the happiness of the pco pic of the state.—JTetrs & Courier m Buekleu’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world ‘or Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,Chilblains. Corns and all SLm Eruptions, and (osi lively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. W. Staxfoko. jan 24 ly. — » • Vic do well tv) guard against the blinding influences nf pte- Fresh the lake three and a half feet, 'judiee. How difficult for the most This has drained about a million acres, and where the dredging boat floated two years ago is now a sugar plantation. The com pany is now cutting a like canal tot-he gulf, which will draw the lake still lower by four feet. This will permanently reclaim three million acres, ot which the state honest man to state a case with exact precision when he has tak en sides on some question relating to it. If one looks through glass n the city at 150 Canal street, there is a museum of anatomy. No jierson in New Orleans should, under any circumstances, fail to spend a (mrlioti of his time within this magnificent temple of nature and art. Ordinary piaceswif en tertainment afford but a tempo rary enjoyment. The impressions produced in the museum are as instructive as they are absorbing, and while inviting the attention, conveys such permanent lcsson- to the mind as cannot be easily forgotten. Here one will liml j food for study, thought and re flection. Each department is a I re| ««i orv of striking biaulies, staitling won !e:s, and bewilder ing sign.?. M. N. Phillips. » • Deaf Mi: es iu Ancient Greece. Among the ancient Greeks deafj mutes were looked upon as a dis grace to humanity, and under the barbarous laws of Lyeiirgns thoy * were exposed to death. Nor was highly cultured Athens less cruel than Sparta toward these unfortu nate creatures. Deaf mute chil dren were pitilessly sacrificed without a voice being heard on their behalf. Aristotle declared congenital deaf mules to tie inca- Hark Seeds. Just Received, at TOBACCOS. \Ve are offering Special InUacomml*. At et ALLISON A SIMPSON S. Dm ct T. S. POWELL S, irjrist. Bookseller unit Seedsman. Home Mixture Guano, M.YNl FACTritKP BY The Columbus Fertilizer Co. 1 OR SALE BY ]. C. MARTIN, CBTHBERT. GEORGIA. C 'lALL on him for Grier’s Almanac J ront.-iininjr testimonial*. He also buys lumps for the C jan-l-4m mi|»any. Another Reduction In Buggy and Wagon Harness. Examine onr stock before von buy Et ALLISON & SIMPSON. SPOT CM We sell only in this way. HAS ARRIVED And made His Headquarters for the Sea- FLOUR. FAULTLESS— Bids. 4s $0.00 150 LUXURY— Bids. 4s $5 50 1.10 CREAM— Bids. $4 75 DAISY— Bids. i* 1.20 $4.50 4* 1.15 75 4* 70 60 K S 00 1 10s 1 10s 55 l-10s 50 l-10s 45 AIJ^YTS. '. R. Bulk Sides, strips . . 8c SUGARS. 'nt Loaf Powdered Granulated. . B .12.) lbs. for $1.00 .12) llis. fur 1.00 . .13 lbs fur . ..15 lbs. fur . . 10 lbs. for 1.00 1.00 1.00 -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron \rith pure vegetable tonic*, quickly and completely IndiffOitloR, WrnknrM, Will be mailed toall applicants _ and to wtttMww descriJM Vegetable and Flower H _ D.M. FERRY&CQJ ■FREEflpH astomen of last year witboot it It contains iflnatrationa, prici oos and diractiooa faTptantiMaM decll-13t t ■rrs iiyNprpttlfli inBigrsnu"* »* • hhbihs, _______________________ ; Inpurr lilnod, J(alaria,( hiil»aud Fevers, ssatar* drunkenness; It is invaluable for I?iscnses peculiar to Women*and all who lead wdentary li'PS- ri’PFii iv i>pu y (DiAl’tt KTirra I It does not injure the teeth. oa use lieadaelic.or vlIibD V AK1V19 91 AliIiS* j pn»duce constipation—utU'r Iran medicine* do. « , , , r • . . . . . . | It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates ! Desire for stimulants entirely remov- 1 oi lusiiticlion, an<i tins was the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re- j ed. Home treatment. Medicine can he I STAPLES. Meal, per bushel 70c Salt, per sack $1.10 Wheat Bran, per hundred $1.05 SUNDRIES. Kerosene Oil, 15c per gal, 2 gal’s fur 25c Maccarnni, best impl'd, 15c per lh, 2 llis fur 25c Cheese, licst Cream, tier lb. 15c I Fancy Rio Cuffee, 7 llis for $1.00 j Choice Rio Coffee, 8 lbs for 1.00 Rice. 13 lbs for 1.00 Lard, 9 lbs for 1.00 Buckwheat, 24 lb sack 1.10 Buckwheat, 12 lb sack 60c Starch, best, 3 llis for 20c Bunciess Cod Fish, |ier lb.... 10c Soda, Dwight’s, per lb 5c Tomatoes, standard, 2 3 lb cans for 25c Peaches, standard 1 2 lb cans fur 15c Okra aud Tomatoes. 2 21b cans for 25c Borden’s Milk. |ier can 20c Blacking, Mason’s lrgesize liox 5c Matches. 400 S & C. t for 5c The above prices arc for Stan ilard Goods. the universal opinion of classical antiquity. The Rinnans treated the unfortunates with the same perfectly clear and pure, he will I cruelty as the Greeks. As soon sec things just as they are; but it ; !18 a child was found to lie deaf the glass is discolored,'everything ' i!,”! 1 " : ' s , . , • f | liber. Onlv tho he sees is more or less distorted i iiovr. ouiv ti lose esc a | led whom j the waves washed back to the Prejudice, self interest and the shore, or whom the natural love gives the drainage company every | heated passions of the hour make j of their parents kept hidden from purpose of paying the public debt falling due iu 18So aud 1S86, was approved and signed by the Gov ernor on the 24lit day of Decem- tlirce, as in Louisiana. Steamers now go up the canal front the ocean, and the work will be son eluded in a tear.—Constitution. it absolutely impossible for one however honest and sincere, to pronounce a correct judgment j the eves of the world.—fix. upon a matter in regard to his feelings have been enlisted. cnurr, Bronchitw ’s Cure. FOKD. WIIOOIMXG corr.11 ami imimMliiitely relieve*| • l»v For sale by J. W. ST A N- junc-liMy. iieves Heartburn and I5« lulling, and strength ens the museles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, " Energy, Ac., it has no equal. 4aP* The genuine has al*ove trodc mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Itdewhbv CROWN (HEMICAL iO„ BALTIMORE, MD» jan-S-lv. ;i<1 in mistered without knowledge of pa- coflee. tea un ran teed. 3100 WILL BE PAID ■^Lasritude, Lack of tient - by simply 1‘locinj; it ill coffee, tea ■al, or any article of food. Cures Several districts in Spain have recently suffered severe earth quake shocks. Much property The bonded debt of Forsyth is i has been destroyed, and nearly a ■ ... ....I it... ..o.„tl A vacant acre lot in Eufaula sold a few days since for $3,675 cash—Good forFaifaula. — — SLEEPl.KSs Ml i UTS. miserable bv that terriblecou^rh. Shiloh's Cure is the remedv for you. Forsuie bv J. si r t vi.’i*i.m» Holmes’Sure Cure Hbath Wash & Dentifrice! C URKS Bleeding Gums. Ulcers, Sore Mouth. Sore Throat, c leanses the Teeth ami Purities the Breath : used and reromiuended by leading Druggists. I're; rtred by ]>rs. J. I’. A W. R. Holmes, Dentists, Maeoy l-*a. For sale by I)R. W. IL T1IUKNTOX. de**2.V!3t Dentist. j For any ease of drunkenness that Gold- l en S^ecitir will not cure. t’irculnrs containing testimonials and full particu lar-- sent free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. je-UMy. 1X5 Race St.. <*inci*nati, O. BLANK JtOOKS of every kind.size aud style,cheap erthnn.cver before, at J. W. Stanford's. To Sportsmen! 23 round Kegs of Powder for $4. Shot. Wads and l’t iincis fn pro portion. at ct ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. Gueen Olives and Pickles, at ALLISON * SIMPSON’S. STOW & CO, EUFAULA, ALA. iiov-27 ct. son at J.WStanford’s W here He will Distribute, to AH who Cull, at very Low Prices, TOYS! OF EVERT DESCRIPTION! From a Complete Menagerie to a Gen uine Locomotive with a Train of Cars in full speed, or Anything Else in the way of Toys you may desire. 1 ine .Silk Plush Alliums, both Photograph anti Au tograph ; Fine CeluloiM Dressing Cases, Fine Scrap Hooks, line Hooks for Presents; Fine Moustache, Fine Toilet Pets, Fine Vases, Ink Stands, Work Boxos. Shell Boxes, Fine Extracts, and Fine Cologne Bottles. -:o:- Dolls, Dolls ! Dolls 11 All Sizes* and Prices, and Kinds I Musical Instruments! Yon can bny Anything in this Line, from an Harmonica to a Piano or an Organ ! Call and Make Your Christmas Purchases of Me, andl wOl Save Yon Money. J. W. STANFORD. decll tf