Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, January 15, 1885, Image 1

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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal. BY STANFORD & COOPER. independent in AH Things—Neutral in Nothing. TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE.. VOL. TV. CUTIIBERT, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1885. NO. 49 THE BEIT PAPES IN THE SOUTH. THE SAVANNAH Weekly News. # ; civTuime to allt\2 $2.00 A YEAR, IS ADVANCE. I Will be mailed! | to all applicants! Not a Local Paper, lint One Suit al>le to any Locality. A BUSINESS, FAMILY. LITERARY AND AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL. . tyear witnan ^ [ ordering it. It contains illustrations, prfeeo, ! descriptions and directions lbr planting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc. D. M. FERRY&CO.°^£B£ ,T «!t*clM3t Another Reduction QiJ In Bnsgy ami Wagon Harness.! Examine our stock licfore vott liuv ' et ALLISON * SIMPSON. ' ON PROBATION. Mr. Lindsay was preaching in j with us. Miss Susan;" and Susan J pies and Mrs. I)r. Slow’s tarts? o ened e mouth and chanted as j Of course Lucretia went, and Mr. nobody in the choir chanted before. •Bravo!" he cried. ‘ had ever! Lindsay with her. Susan hap Horrors or African Slavery. Mr. Stanley said in a recent lec ture that the local history of the I the Lennox parish on probation;! j that is, he hail been engaged for year. After that time, if lie I-' 0,1 ' e ' lM1 '*' suited Miss Rich, who had the | . “ Wl,v ’ 1 ,,nve hpar ‘ l h aI1 pnnsh in charge, so to speak, who j * " n ' 1 ^ ^ no " money to paint the i cou ^ ,n 1 ^ When did my I ! pencil to lie making preserves and i Lower Congo must n it he studied pickles that day, and the berries ' too closely, and especially that of The Cart Before the Horse. Mr. Torreyson. the blacksmith of this city, is noted for his kind ness towards animals, lie has just built a road cart, now on ex canvassed for $100 WILL EE PAIR This mammoth newspaper con tains all the news of the week. Tel egraphic Dispatches up to the hour id going to press, Agricultii ral Items, Original Serials, etc. Special departments devoted to Georgia, Florida and Souili Caro lina new*, and that of other States. To the farmer, mechanic or ar tisan. the loudness or profession ul man. who lias not the advan tages of a daily mail, the Savan nail W eekly News is the medium jcontainingtestimonial b\* which lie can be informed ot hirs .m: fn-e. AiMn*. events transpiring in the busy j GOLDEN SPEC IFIC CO. woi Id. whether ill his own State j je-HMy or in the most distant pai ls of the globe. Kverv yearly subscriber is en j t tied til one of the Morning News Library serials as a premium. DRUNKENNESS CURED IS ITS VABIDES STAGES. J p. sirc forntiimihints entirely reiimv- i*4. Home tn;i< input. Mflirim* can be iiilniinistcreil witlmnt knovl *«!^t* of pa- __ ■ • « iis: Enterprise & Appeal. ‘ church, looked up prior children THE GREAT .^#1^ fur christening and Sunday school.; ^ y j | exhorted the young people to join 1 the confirmation class mapped cures * out \m»i k fur the sewing society. "SStSiSSStSSS^ i -i -* j- s.r. nmi. is 1 *!"*- »"“«• > it lie suited Miss Rich, it lie was Unrn*. SetiM*. rrmt lilt*-*. A>D ALL OT1IKU RUDILY PAINS AM* trilFS. JJj S*iM by Dniffci -'* »•*•! I>eal*-m ever* when*. Fifty Cents * j •_ Dircctvw.. in 11 I-nieuas**'. TI1K < II VSJI.KS A. v«»uf.!.::k CO. iSiiewwm to A. Y• A CO.) iUllianrr, H<l.. t, 5. A. i For any case of »lrimkenmv \ CIl Sjirr ilic will not cure that Hold- i < irculars ! and full particu- i I so Race Si., Cinciwnati, O. i r : THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. To Sportsmen! 25 round Ke^s of Powder for $4. Shot. Wads and Pi imeis in pro portion. at rt ALLISON & SIMPSON’S. Enlarged J<wv<try /, /.V.V5, to an ' S-ToyC) oO-Coluinn l*aj>cr. Tie Laigest law Pacer la ft! SohIS. Issued Evrry Hay iu the Year. $10 a Year. Including the Great Sunday Issue of the ••News.” Queen Olives and Pickles. it ALLISON A SI Ml’SON’S. -rnsutiPTinN pi;ki: Eight months Pour months ADVERTISING RATES (ten l'ncs *! .-"*<» 1.00 oO h Church enough for Mr. Grimm and Low enough for Mrs. Phelps, if he believed with Dr. $iow in the doctrine of election— why, then, they were sure to settle him. “What a capital wife Lucretia Shaw would make Mr. Lindsay," vouchsafed Miss Rich, shortly af ter lie adorned the Lennox pulpit. “She’s just the person for a par son’s wife—hustling and—” I’m afraid she’d take the parish ofl your hands.Miss Rii h.” answf r* I “We must have you in the choir,” he said. “Susan Shaw in the choir!” 1 gasped every hotly on t lie way out ; of church. “Mr. Lindsay is bring ing her out.” “She’s Lucretia’s sister, you know,” explained Miss Rich. “And her voice rather drowns LucretiUs,” said Dr. Slow. Mr. Lindsay was giving great satisfaction. The parishioners talked of remodelling the old roc tory, adding a wing anil a bay window, and even spoke of taking in an adjoining field, so that ‘*Lu cretin might have a ll »wer gar* • 1**11.” They even meditated an increase of salary as Soon as he What Women Want. A well known physician, wlm?c practice lies in the direction of fashionable uptown avenues and is largely among women, was wouldn t keep.and so she stayed a! the Bnma, as it* was altogether too i hihition at his blacksmith shop. ! talking health matters generally home. At about t!ie mid*lle of the , befouled with crime, unnatural which is destined to revolutionize iviih a reporter of the Mail and afternoon, when they had had din i sins, and nameless atrocities for | traveling by road and to material ' Ex press yesterday, when the con- tier ami cleared away, am] tilings reiietitiou. It was cmmgh that it | ly lighten the labors of that mililc | versatton turneil upon the ill were a little slow, and they want I kindled them to persevere in the* animal the horse. The idea is to ; el somebody to start some music, j new an.I self imposed mission of I occasionally give the hors Mr. Lindsay was nowhere to be j endeavoring to rescue the Congo I chance to ride in the carl as the found. ! from the chance of such a great j driver. The idea was first sug ‘Oil, hesgone ofl with Lucretia ; misfortune as Portuguese rule gested to Mr. Torreyson by sec j “is the majority of women who snmew.iere, said Miss Rich, wlmj *rould be to that regioii, to which jinga turtle move along the road have passed their twentieth year li lt it hci duty to account f«»i t i ie International Association ha> j carrying his shell with him. The know next to nothing about the attracted the attention of united vehicle made by Mr. Torreyson j exertions of mind and body. Europe. If Europe judged wisely i has four high wheels and the j ‘‘Well, women do not eat, drink, ... o ! health of women as compared wiili a that of the sterner sox. him. ' great blight, which clung to Africa The driver sits just over the horse’s neck and the others in the One s«jnare, (ten Files or less) I insertion $1.00 j For ea* li <nl»se«jnent insertion . .">0 . III Iirrxatal double /irire. cd M i s- Phelps, " ho having no do Obituaries will be chargt*«l for as sire to do the hard work which »tlier advertisements. , . „ . . Advertisements inserted without 10r nei » 1 * 1 °' jH*rifiratmu as to tin* number of in- her the credit of it. ^•1-ti.ins, will bvpublislH-luntil oribT-: .. We l|, there’s -rin k enough for •harmed arroroin^Iy. d. vet grmlgeii •d out. and« All advertis-m.-nts due when liaml- *<1 in. The Daily News gives promi j nencc to all matters re!al ; ve to t he ! Agricultural, Mrclianical and j Manutacturing interests of the i onntry, as well as the General, Political and (.’*nnin« icial news. ( j| et my figures Its Telegraphic. State, General. * . Local news ami Market depart 101*0 ^ Oil J)«11I1T* meiits are acknowledged to l« PAIUTITOW! I am selling Strict ly Pure Lead, war ranted, and Linseed Oil at prices that will enable every body to paint up. bc- J. J. WORSHAM. V7 the of I best and most comprehensive any paper in tlie South. Subscribe through your News Dealer or Post Master, or send direct to J. 11. ESTILL dec-25t Savannah, Ga. I ■ I U ■ , ■■Mil 1 CCTHBERT. GA. gsr- Office over Po-»t**lfice. JUS S<*| 11 s tf Wh 5 KlDDOO, ATTOBMIY AT MW. two of Phelps. Iml IM “To Phelps, the p:UI h, Mrs ubln't be :i bit afi'aiil | * 1 1 " 1 tJ I , .. 1 nothing. 1 supi us in I Will git mv sliai lie sure,” pirrsueil Mrs “Lucretia’s smart, and 1 f'nthhrrl, Cn. w ILL pra Si.iCt: 1»\ ■ Jit any plan rial rnntract. in tl*e 1 . J. W. Stanfohi). Hignest Cash Price Paid for Coi n. at ct ALLISON ^ SIMPSON’S. W. R. TSORKTOH, I) E N r r I s r r < I'THItEUT. GA. O KFI* \V« >t S;d«* I’ublie Sijuare <»v»*r R. Dunn’: I’ublir store*. Ml Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Ron Ton and Royal G:o-s Starch. Laiimln - Blueing, at T.-w Pii ccs, at T. ct POWER’S Drnar Store. Wo ask all the good citizens of (’uthhert and Randolph county who wish to consult their best interest, (and we assure you it will be to your advantage) to call and see us at our and we will sell you anything in the Drug Line cheaper, as a rule, than -•ANY * HOUSE * IN * THE * @ITY>- Remember we keep everything, every Medicine, and every Sundry,] Patented or Proprietary, ll-iving our customers interests in view, we cordially invite you to call that you may save money for your selves, and also advance our business. J . 1\ TOC )A I 1 Nr IH U >., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. Seplemtiert ly. Toilet Soaps, Finest Line in S. W. Ga., at bottom figures at ALLISON * SIMPSON’S. Silver Ware ! At greatly reduced prices, to close out. at et ALLISl)N A SIMPSON’S. Clams, Crabs and Clives. at ALLISON A SIMPSON’S. 1 he most liandsome don’t believe in a pastor with a I doll of a wife who can’t darn tin* children's clothes, and is too fee i l*le tr* get. along without ’help.’ ” \ *• Yes.” put in oi l Mrs. Smith, j “slic'd be no cud of a stepmother to Mr. I Jndsav's* boy, and if ever a boy needed a stepmother, its him. Lucretia*s powerful smart, ns you say, and slic'd make him walk Spani/Ji.” “Yes.” was the reply of Miss Rich; “a widower needs a wife more n anybody, to sympathize with in his loss. I >h didn't won dcr if Lucretia would bring the boy up to the ministry ifsl.e had her way.* “Between yon and me.” said Mrs. Phelps. “I think that llie parson g‘*o* to the Sltaws* rather more than is necessary for the sal vation of their souls.” “You can’t tell. Perhaps Lti i cretin lias doubts.” “And perhaps,” said Dr. Slow— | “perhaps it’s Miss Susan.” Everybody laughed, and cried j “Miss Susan!” with fine irony in their tones. “Who ever heard of Susan hnv ing attention?” asked Mrs. Phelps. “I’ve engaged Lucretia to cm ! broider a new altar cloth,” ex plained Miss Rich; “I raised the money for it last month—I tell you its like pulling teeth to get money *No; there's Lucretia now. talk ing about free will with Dr. Slow.’ •P’r'aps lie’s gone home to write ids sermon,’ suggested somebody else, the picnic grove being onl\ • i.iil .i mile hom t‘»'\n. j baps should go unchecked till the the -Or he’s Amlin* -tongues in | „ f li!Ue . ‘ A sl:lvu traiIe w:ls 3 | lar , trees, ami seiinons in stones,’ out here.’ But at sunset Mr. Lindsay strolled back, nitli Susan on bis should be settbgl in the parish, j arm. in time to join them at tea, and Mr Grimm thought he should and lie and Susan made the coffee add a codicil to his will, in favor j and pitched the tunes they sang of the ne>v pastor and Lueretia’s | before the day ended. Iinsli-md ! “Now wasn’t that real thought |, r ,, , iiuso.iii'i. - !ier of villages massacred “When they're married,” reck ful in Mr. Lindsay to go after S.i I oned Miss Rich, with unchristian j S! '»? Units what I call real till ir*. "yve shall have all our Christian, and a brother in law nhroidcred ) oi -! worth having,’ commented oneolii sup[M>se. ’ lady. “Do you think Susan will live j But when Mrs. Bishop, who had with ’em!’ asked Mrs. I’uclps.— stayed at home with a teething ba- "L’Vaps he won't care about utar ’’y, reported that Mr. Lindsay lying the whole family.” had not gone home to write his “He’s powerfu! kind to Susan, sermon, but had walked straight though." into Susan's kitchen, and had and well at the furthcoming Con-1 place between them arched, so j or dress with reason. They nib- ferenee, we might mark its date that the horse is hitched under jlile too much. Their stomachs down as tne beginning of an era , the wagon between the wheels, his ; are constantly at work. It is al- ot expansion and grov. lii that per | head projecting a little beyond most impossible for that organ to the front wheels and his tail just irelv clearing the hind wheels. ! like an aggravated pest, destroy , ing men taster than children could be born, lie overtook a party of Arab marauders on the I Congo in November of last year. ■ j over 1,200 miles from the sea. I’hev bad utterly desolated n num- :i 11 the wagon face outward on each side. I'he horse is so fastened that the 1 pulling is distributed over his body and does not all come on his neck and shoulders. In this po sition he is greatly protected from ; the sun and storm and therein 1 enabled to make long journeys with less fatigue. But the principal part of the lies secrete any chyle—that is, the juice which acts as a dissolvent of the contents of the stomach— so long as that organ is at work. By this too frequent eating a ra tional appetite is spoiled. Only one thing, then, can follow—an unpaired digestion and dyspepsia. “The greatest cause of poor health of American women, how ever. ‘is the lack of invigorating employment. They loll too much. The brain and whole muscular system become Muggish and at sustaining anv fled, and carried off the women and c hildren. lie never saw such a sight before: In a small camp j invention lies in a belly band 1 last incapable of 800 lighting men kept in manaeks about four feet wide passing un | strain at all. The need of Amer- and fetters, 2,200 naked women * dcr the horse. When you reach and children, their poor bodies en j tllu *op of a long hill, down which crusted with dirt, all emaciated : a horse would have to go slowly and weary through much misery. ; !ls I* 1 ’ *>cl I back the load, you sim It was like ravening human ken ' ply turn a crank and it lifts the He lakes a sight of notice helped her seal up the preserve i crllc ] enol] her.” ! jars aud set them awav. and had ] . sat in the front porch an hour or mur j e two afterward with her—when lie might have been with Lucretia— reading secular poetry, and not Dr. Watts or Charles Wesley, at tiie Shaw homestead.— either, the parish rose in its wrath ! so | ( - „(• •r.ic, at prayer meetings or to* woman. This would do; Lit- meeting, he was always at cretia must not be trifled with. uels—a sight to make angels weep oh Ids feet several iuches h to make strong men ! from the ground and the vehicle ‘ You kinder forget she’s Lti ! cretin’s sister,” put in -Miss Rich, “.in' ail she's got.” It was surely plain that Mr. Lindsay took pleasure in the cicty AI pi i 'Vengeance on the then runs down the hill of its own iean women is not doctors and medicines, but advice and more out of door exercise, more useful employment in the bouse and more interchange of ideas and opinions. Women, instead of be ing man’s inferior an-1 the weaker ol the two, is intended by nature hand to take Lucretia and Susan hom*'; he lent them his books, and directed their reading; he brought them flowers from town when lie happened to go up. ‘1 shall be so glad to give up the presidency of the Bethel snei cty and the Dakota League to Lti cretia,' said Miss Rich. ‘It's on Iv proper for t!-.e clergyman’s wife to be at the bead of them.’ ‘You'll feel sorter lost without ’em?’ asked Mrs. Phelps. •The parish is a large field. I think I can spare them to Lucre tia. Do you know, the other I »s » preliminary preparation?’ ers.” Here was the net re suit of the burning o! IIH vilUgcs and tlie devaslati n of Ifl clis triets, to glut the avaricious soul of a man who had constituted him a district some 200 miles higher up. Though over 75 years old, here lie was prose- liis murderous business. momentum. It is provided with to be the greater and the strong ”—yew York Mail ami i’.-c- a steering apparatus and a brake, 1 er. that the vehicle may lie steered \ press. and its velocity regulated. Several times during the day the tired horse has a chance to ride and is very much rested. Also when the horse attempts to run away you wind up the crank Mr. Lindsay had inspired hope in Jj her gentle heart: .-.o must marry |,. lv j n „ s i, c .,{ a3 much human 1 am l 1:e > s lifted off the ground jier- Lucrc-tia or leave the parish. ' blood in three months that, it col | feclly helpless. •Yon see,' explained Mr. Phelps leetaI int() , tank) it mi !lt | lavo \ - *• — ‘we want to settle you, Mr. _ lt , , . . . Liih.c of the Nicaragualana!. i sumccil to drown him ami all his _ , . sav. You suit us to a T, but it Lake Nicaragua is ninety miles .* , tu.ity wives anil concubines. I. . .. . kinder seems as if you outfit to: , .>r,rv ... *‘ ,n o an5 ‘ forty miles at its great ^ out of this parish—and I suppose- . i the parson has to advise her about of Papers, all kind*, over offered night as I was going to watch with Miss Hart when she had in formation of the lungs, I came across Lucretia and Susan and .Air. Lindsay. I must sav I should think Susan would have more taste than to follow ’em anywhere. Why don’t she keep herself in the, LI be new to background?* parish has set its sufficed to drown him and all his thirty wives and concubines. 1 hose 2.I500 slaves won hi have to be transported over 200 miles in canoes, and such as could not l e fed would die, and perhaps 800— perhaps 900—of all the number would ever reach their destination. This was the last latest story of the slave trade in Africa, and his liaea t» pr«iK^to Lueretia^Jiaw . 0 , |jwt W(mk , ,. e fll j Iy g!liae( , if he jeoiilil make liis hearers sympa thize with the work and aims of the International Association. propose to Lucretia Shaw, you’ve been so attentive.’ ‘Propose to Lucretia Shaw!' re peated the young man, with a startled air. “What lias that to do with settling me? Is every cler gyman who comes to Lennox ob- ‘ Weil, no, not exactly,’ laugh ed Mr. Phelps, ‘not unless he's give the parish reason to expect it. Yon know we don't want the credit of settling a philandering I Skin Discuses, have a little daughter parson who makes love right and j years old, who for the last four left. I’d .no idei the thought years has been afflicted with a pc- j'ou, but the euliar skin eruption on the face heart on the and one hand. I have tried seven licfore at .1. W. STANFORD'S I HOLT’S DYSPEPTIC DM 9 «♦» The only known remedy that will cure every ease of Dyspepsia or It lnts been tesletl in hundreds of eases and has never failed in a single instance. It lias Ik'OU very successful in Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or heartburn, Chronic Dysentery or Diarrhoea, Heart Disease, Etc. and in .every case of ASTIIMA. wliorc i*onij>lit-ated with indigestion. Turbid Liver, or Constipation, it i< a safe and certain cure. We ask RYSPKITJO and ASTHMATICS to try (lie remedy and they will he convinced that they are not incurable and disease*. This medicine is coni|»oscd of purely vegetable remedies. Symptoms of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling of " lo ' Tln ” fullness or weight in the Stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting. Heartburn. Acidity, flatulence, sick or nervous headache. Dull pain in the head, with a sensa tion of Heaviness, or Giddiness, irregularity of the llowels, sometimes Constipated and then acting too freely. Low Spirits. Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin. Derangement of Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Ac. If you suffer with any of those symptoms. Pr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Klixir will cure you. The following are a few testimonials of parties who have been cured by the Elixir: ]>k. 1*. R. 1Ioi.t. Kvkavi.a, Ala. : II vtchkk’s Station. CJ <h-t«*l»cr lst’.i. is>3. PearSir -I kave been troubled with indiarc>tion and nervous hendtiehe for the hist fifteen yetirs. I hiring that tune I hnve IWflered a jjreat deal with |*eriodical attaeks <*f hc:id:iche. llavinir exhausted my o:.n skill and tried the prescriptions of .1 great inanv phvs?i*ians. ! was induced t«» trv vmir !>vsi*e»»tie Klixir. the proper designs and things; Lucretia ain’t well drilled in sym bols and such, you know.” In fact., everybody in Lennox had decided that Mr. Lindsay should marry Lucretia. and per haps Lucretia had decided so too, for she was an everlasting time, 1 lulmestion. j over tllat “bar cloth, ami nectlcil ‘She's been pretty much in the match, yon see, and we wouldn’t or eight plwsicians, among them background all her life.’ said Dr. like to see a man, if he was elo the best in California and in Slow. “Perhaps she’s tired of qnont in prayer, who'«l trifle with province, but to no purpose. no end of ad vice ami instruction; , her ignorance ami interest were quite touching. And Mr. Lind- I say seemed quite willing to spend his leisure under the Shaws’ roof, watch the sacred symbols i under ihe white and shapely hands of Miss Lucretia. j “That hand of Lucretia’s will be sure to do the business,” some-; body had said. “Mr. Lindsay’s! a man of taste, if he is a clergy man ’’—as if the two were not usu ally found combined—“and—I heard him say it was fit for a duchess.” Miss Lueretia’s hand Y«»n si'iit me bottle alnmt the iniiMlo of Mari-V last, since. My indigestion is almost if not was, indeed, her loveliest feature. and I am happy to inform you that I have not suffered from these periodical attacks since. My indigestion is almost if not i . . . . . . entirely cured. I can cat any and everythin*? without material injury. I have been a practicing physician for thirty ycar«. ‘ R ! >oa * v wnite as snow, with and have ever been opposed to proprietary medicine. You kindly furnished me with tin* formula lor the Klixir. and <»n ex- the pretties :uuination ran testifv to the medical properties and Theraputical application and I recommend all sutVerii irfrom indiircstio; 1 i_A - - 1: —? - * iii: . * .1 ...i, I. i.-i*.i.. . . tbc sititation.’ ‘But she ought to have more consideration. P’r’aps the lovers don’t mind her. There they were ‘ all three of them, watching the 1 comet and studying the heavens.’ ‘A i;ro|ier study for a clergy- ; man.” said Dr. Slow. ‘And he was pointing out all the consternations, and it seemed 1 to me they was looking at him in- I stead of the stars,’ pursued Miss Rich. ‘It would lie a complication,’ ! suggested Nlrs. Phelps, ‘if, while he's courting Lucretia, Susan i should get in love with him.’ ‘It wouldn't be no use,’ said i Mrs. Grimm. •Lueietia's that smart she’d make him believe it was her he was dying for.’ The Shaws had enough to keep the wolf from the door, but noth ing to spare: they owned their house, but kept no servant. ‘Help would be dreadfully in their way,’ est width. The water is fresh and affords abundant depth vessels of the deepest draught. Several islands give facilities for establishing coal stations, supply depots, harbors, and places for re pairs. The lake is 100 feet above tide water, tjix locks, or five in termediate levels, are proposed. Seventeen and one half miles of the canal lies between the Pacific and the lake; the distance across the lake is sixty three miles; from the mouth of the San Carlos, where the canal will leave San Juan, to the harbor of Grcytown, the dis tance is thirty six miles, w hich, it is hoped, will by new surveys be sliortcnetl ten milts. The total this j "*r-*l excavation would he thus For- i from forty-three and one half to a 1 fifty three and one half miles, and Llie lake and river navigation. There are earthquakes, thun der storms, atid tempests in na ture, but the harvest is produced by her quieter operations. The noiseless dew, the tender rain, the soft breeze, the calm firmament, and the silent sun, here are lor great powers. Agitations and excitements have their place in the history of religions, the great work is to be done by calm, deter mined and continued labor. We f or should work from principle, and with the regularity of Natures laws. There is great power in unceasing effort. How firm and fast is the rock on the high moun tain side. The mightiest s'orm cannot shake it from its place, tl e wildest tempest heats upon it in vain, and the thunder sends forth peal upon peal, but the rock re turns llie echo as if laughing at their feeble attempts. And yet the continued, persistent drop ping of water will loosen it, an l cause it to fall into the valley be low. What we do may not be great, but let it be regular and by law—let drop follow drop without ' ceasing, and what cannot be done | by violent agitations shall be ac complished by quiet, constant work. in cure the affections of one of the flock j tunately, I saw a statement you know.’ St. Paul, NIinr. paper, of a ‘But my dear sir,’ said Mr. j of a disease similar to that of my j amounting to 119 miles liy the Lindsay. ‘I'm not in hive with Lu- j child. It was effected by Swift's ’ present, surrey, would be sotne- cretia Siiaw. You wouldn't have ; SueciGc. I secured six bottles i " increased, if the new surveys ine perjure myself?’ •Not in love with Lucretia parish won't believe its own again, I reckon.’ ‘Well, sai 1 Mr. Grimm, severely, •we couldn't think of settling a preacher that hadn't no more prin ciple than to throw over Lucretia Shaw after taking lea so much to her hopes are successful. Front New York route and commenced giving it to my j The little giii. In less than one week l r ° by this . . for sailing vessels, the ti neis ten eyes | this terrible disease, which had llays sllorler t | lan l)y thc Panama baffled all thc known remedies route: to Hong Kong twenty seven within reach, began to disappear.! days; to Shanghai thirty four She has been taking it three months—is perfectly well, and her skin is as clear as wax. G. A. Smith, Trenton, Ont. Province Canada. March 2S, 18S-L What A Minister Sajs. Extreme weakness aud general ! the prettiest taper fingers, pink at ^ ^ ^ ^ and nervous headache, or any disease flri.--iii^ from a torpiU iiver to’procure a liottle of your liy-pepiic Klixir. furii i.-aho-t the ends. Once when Mr. Lind- ’ ’ ' . . , a snecilic in rhiselaisof di-cases. I recommend it to my patrons and prescribe ir in my practice. 1 would have comolieti j . i t . • , , n. 11 they don t feci glad they can t af- usefulness— with rour request, made when I saw you last, but tlioi alit it best to delay in order to be ihorougbly convinced as lo its cura-! ‘ 1 Mentioned mem natter- * live proiM-rties. Vcrvtruly votirs, ’ * L. P. DOZIKU, M. IJ. in‘riv Miss Susan who was ih.ino t°r(l any. P. S.—I can't affoid to be without the Elide. 1 will hove it in mv house let it cost what it may. L. P. I). , ~ ' ’ , . ~ Susan always wore the simplest * ’ded -Ir. Gttmm. 1 'And larger salary, allowed Mr. her house, and raisin as it were.’ Perhaps,’ said Mr. Lindsay, after a pause—‘perhaps you will lie able to forgive me for not fro posing to Lucretia when I tell you that I have already proposed to Susan. You see. it would com plicate matters a little if I tveie to accede to your wishes: TIow ever, I have lately received a call ; from a Western parish, and should | system. Adopting tiie sugges ted obliged to decline tiie Len utms of intimate friends, who had ! nox parish, even if von had! . , ,. „ - - -, , ‘ .. , ... experienced rebel in similar cases thought me worthy of it. as this; * wonder other furnishes a wider field of '’N’Inking Swift s Specific, I now find myself restored to a perfect ‘An 1 a large salary, I suppose,’ condition of health and strength. •lays; to Callao fifty-two days. tic Sltonlil Sira)) His Banner. Sergeant Bates, the personified flag staff, is sick and in poverty atSaybrook. There is probably heaps of fun and glory in toting the ‘star spangled’ around thc world, and waving it under Brit ish nose, but if the sergeant will debility, produced by exposure i uke OIlr a(Iv ice he will swap his and over work attendant upon my I , )anner r<)r a , lani , orgiln am , mon . luties, were gradually developing | kcy . XIie latter mav not be qllitc prostration of my \ so p a triolic, but they are a into an litter A Iiov who is polite to his lath er ami mother is likely to be po lite to everybody else. A boy lacking politeness to his parents may have- the semblance of cour tesy in society, but is never truly polite in spirit and is in danger, as lie becomes familiar, of betray ing liis real want of courtesy. Wc are all in danger of living too much for the outside World, for the impression which we make in society, not coveting the good opinion of those who are in a sense a part of ourselves, and who will continue lo sustain and lie inter ested in us, notwithstanding these defects of deportment and charac ter. We say to every boy and every girl cultivate the habit of courtesy and propriety at home— in the kitchen -as well as in the little I parlor, and you will hostile in more fattening -Huston Globe. Pit. P. E. IIot.T. Kmri.A, Al.\. CIIMPTUOI.LE1I flEXERAL's OFFICE. At!.\XT\. ti t.. July mil. 1 Peak Sir.—1 am pleased to report that T have been entirely eu ml el ill' licet inn.! IV t he use ef your "Pyspeptir Klixir." I 1 . was imiueeil by a friend to try it af e • having tried almost every remedy known for my disease, without the slightest effect, he 1 took only three small bottles of your medicine before I was entirely well. I suffered several years, and although it has been j trouble to three years since 1 used your preparation, I hnve had no return of it Yours truly. W\ A. WUItillT. Comp. Gen. Stateof tia. Offh k of the Sixer::: \i vsi-facteeixo Co.. Ki'F\ri.\. Ai.a.. July 1th. Ix.<. This la to certify that my wife. Mary J. Hightower, s-uffered for six years from indigestion and enlargement of tin-liver; lin. and she bad noticed. Nobody ever took the, flatter .Miss Susan — Lucretia sang in the choir, al though her voice was thin as mus no ear; nobody 'beamed or cared if Susan sang j in Lucre the week's mending near bv, drew her own hands under her' work. ^ rments ’ w,,,cn s!,c «»« , Lindsay. ‘Double, in fact.’ <‘xecute<l herself, while Lucretia— ‘I suppose,* persisted Miss Rich, after the wedding—‘I sup pose Lecretia must have refused him first.’—Harper's Bazar. liuu Uii mu ucavi »»» mu |).u ion. | con fesscil NI r. love of finery.’ wnich she designed and herself, while Lucretia— ! -Well, if there's anything that un future posi-, i lion at the head of tiie parish.’ ; Phelps, ‘it’s her! While everything within us, and around us. reminds us of the ap proacli of death, and concurs to loach us that this is not our rest, let us hasten our preparation for , • ,u„ r another world, and earnestly im Accept my fervent wishes tor t our ; , 1 J . . ,, plore that grace which alone can continued prosperity in your well j put an to lhat fata | ffar chosen and successful method lor : which our desires have too long other places to deport yourself in a becoming and attractive man ner. AH tile Same. A well known railroad lawyer, whileaccompanjing several ladies on a tour of inspection tlirongb the penitentiary the other day, i stopped in front of a cell where a waged with our destiny When ! these move in the same direction, j that which the will of heaven ren Stillwater Place. Stamfoid, Conn. unavoidable shall become relieving those who suffer. Rev. B. Stockton, D. D., Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co.. Drawer ii, Atlanta, Ga. our choice, all things will be ours —life will be divested of its vani ty, and death disarmed of its ter rots. He Only Serves. 'ipottmis toss p'lnmls.amtwasghMnuv amt iK-siioiuient: that as an experiment—i , , , .. ’ ! love or finery." i In his letter from Albanv to the ml hy earnest jiersnasion—site was induced to try one bottle of l>r. Holt’s Ilys|H-ptie Klixir; that site fois iiumc'liatoiy ami j d' e *mcd or eared if ?*usan sang i • PI ii i.i'ii., Tb nan V’ I nel mr.-teriallv benetittol, and eont inning its use a few months, she was entirely relieved of lier trouhies. regained lier appetite, | ] i j, a seraph * she sat ill Lucre- ' Lucretia always blossomed out in | * 11 "* tel pm a I i.ncs, colonel nnd n*»w weighs 1*5 pounds. The Klixir has brought us health and happiness where all other remedies had resulted in eon-! ’• ’ ‘ - , ... c : Alex. Met.lure speaks of the tinuous suffering ana disappointment. J. C. H1GHTO WKlt. tin’s shadow, and people almost' * lifet'y spring bonnet wutle on- [ ..f OI . c jjj 0s t; ,1 a iies” of NIr. C'leve- 1 forgot she was there, till they nee^ san IDa, ' e lier la *t year s one an | land's rule—referring to his term ■ Bhtn to How. A RasoHa Dragtitere T>r. Hoi.t—Dear sir: AlKiut five years ago I was taken with a violent congh with enlarged li'ver'.-uui eonstipadnn.' i"girew j ded Iter help. Mr. Lindsay had 1 swe r—and a smart new suit made jin the presidency. We are sur-i All stiff clay lands ought to l.c , Never was such a rush for any worse and worse until it was niiuosi impossible forme to lie down ami sleep at night for Is months, owing to tiie severity of : t a i<o-ht tl,e ohnir him-nlf on 1 .f in the latest wrinkle. prised that a man so well inform- thoroughly ol often up tint ing the , Drug More as is now at .J. . thc rough. The only way I could sleep was in a eliair. my head resting upon a pillow on a table. Was treated l.v two differ- j -- 11 1 tit nisei I, anil ai- i , thoroughly doin' cratic and fall aud winter, while moisture is 1 STANFORD’S for a Trial Bottle of; rnt physicians, and fried a mindidS- of Patent Medicines, all of tv hi eh did no good. After having despaired of ever ....trinw «i.« .n,. ..un, — — i t: .1...I il.i. itm. Uioi ilml ’ w - ^ - ‘ . . .— — . — — - ..... — :. , .........It...1 ...... i... \-. ... * ..... «... i. ..i . c .. .... 11.. ........... i.*i: ..: — _ :.. i .. . . si..... t A. no I pm |my>iriiiu>,iiini tutu u iiiiiiuht m i ;nt*ii‘ .miuniirs, an tu ayuh*ii hm m* .uu*r uaYiu^iH->|iaircd<>f OVCTjjfttiti? tC!" tllC nltfll’ doth COllld no lon <r er well, niy wife cnmisuIUmI yon by letter. Y»*u sent me two l*ottlt*s of your I)ys]H*j»tii" KHxIr; in les*4ii:tn three days I could lie J down and sleep as well as I ever could in my life: a few bottles cured me perfectly. I lmvo recommended It to a jrrvat mini- ” e 111 rule a pretext to cover a mill l>er of persons and never knew ii to fail toeure in a single instance. Yours truly, JOHN F. KEHOK. { titutle of calls thee were the Mr. AY. R McLendon, of Hatchers Station, say* l>r. Holt’s Dyspeptic Klixir cured lmn of indnresfioii. Er Dir. H »i.t— Dear sir: Y«»nrDysj»onfie Elixir cured my dau^hrer of I\vsj>ej>sia of a very aj^rravared form of twelve month: I h»«l tried several of the Dest physicians in the county, win* failed to benefit lier. •tam.ii;^. FOR S^-XjE BY QGISTS. BRYANT GlUiTIN, White 1‘oliri. Ga. were I the chants and fugues to practice, j One morning, lie drilled Lucretia , j for half an hour ineffectually, anti j suddenly turned to Susan. April in-jy. 1 Tome," he said, “try this chant It was about tins time that tlle j withal so able in Ins journalistic ‘ plentiful, and that the air aud parish picnic occurred—an insti j nsl i nc ts should speak of tiie rule rains may pulverize them in tizic tution which everybody believed in. Hadn't there bec-n more matches made at the last titan du ring all tiie year besides? And wasn't it a fine chance to test Mrs. Phelps’ recipes, Miss Rich’s cream of a president of litis republic. j fur tiie crops. 1 his work at the Our presidents do not rule. Neith right time will add a large per er do they reign. They serve. ; cent, to tiie yield. Sandy land Wc are happy to know that the ntay be deferred until later, blit man who fills tiie chair of chief; should certainly be plowed a executive in litis happy land is i month or two before planting for not a ruler.—ATetc York World. 1 the same reason. Dr. King's New Discovery Consumption, troughs and Colds. All persons affected with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of llie Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great Remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Regular size$1.00. grim iookiug fellow sat, and said: “Ladies, here is an excellent specimen. How are you?” ad dressing the convict. “Sorter slow at present.” ‘You don't find life in here very enjoyable, I presume?’ •Waal, it ain’t as full o’ fun as it might he.’ •What were yon put in for? •Wall, podne-r, you an' me was fori about > n same-business. I know you.’ ‘In the same business? What da you mean?' ‘Same business, that's what I mean. You are a railroad lawyer arn’t you?’ •Y>*.’ ‘Waal, I am a train robber.’