Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, January 22, 1885, Image 1

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Appeal. CUT! ibert Enterprise and py —^ fir STANFORD & COOPER. , > - - Cl' “Independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE* VOL. IV. CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY', JANUARY 22, 1885. NO. 50 THE BEST PAPEB IN THE SOUTH. THE SAVANNAH Weekly News. *>.00 A. VEAR, IX ADVANCE. Not a Local Paper, tiut One Suit able to any Locality. A- BUSINESS, FAMILY, L1TEMY r 1 ’ AMD AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL. Tbe Deacon's Last Wife. HT M. C. FAUI.ET. Tor sii|>|>er. It was cold baths in the mornings and cold water bath' in the evenings, and nothing but outward and inward applications Her week was up last Sabbath day, and liein’ as we were to be married in a few days, I told her she needn't stay any longer. This mammoth newspaper eon I CURES This medicine, combining imn with pnre! Rheumatism. Neuralaia,Sciatica. i l*»l>=90. Backache. Headafte.Torflweh.. JndiM-stism. U I ^ Bnta , ro^etahle tonics, I f«rr» Dj*|N-|iRiite tains all the news of the week. Telegraphic Dispatches up to the hour of goiug to press. Agricultu ral Items, Original Serials, etc. Special departments devoted to Georgia, Florida and South Caro lina news, and that of other States. To the farmer, mechanic or ar tisan. the business or profession ai man. who lias not the advan tagn of a daily mail, the Saran nali Weekly News is the medium by which lie can lie informed o! events transpiring in the busy world, whether in his own State or in the most distant parts of the globe. Every "yearly subscriber is en titled to one of the Morning News Library serials as a premium. THE SAVANNAH HORNING NEWS. It is an unfiiiline remedy for Disease? of tbe Kidaryn aad l.ivcr. It is invulnahlu for Diseases p<>enllar to Wtinirn, and all who lend K-deiititry lives. itd*x*« not injure the teeth, muse hwMhiehe.or produce constipation—<Ah-r Ir<r.i aoTrfrWiur*do. j It ••nrirhesand ibe V.ood.rtAnmlates the ajij—tin*. aids the assimilation of licvi-s Ilearthurn and H* h-hii y, ami strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. lassitude. Lack of ( Energy. Ac., it has no equal. fir The genuine has aU>ve trade mark and Crossed red lines on Take no other. IW* Mb by IUOM X t IIEXJ4 XL itL, BUTIIOU, jau-R 1 v. pahttuowT I am soiling Strict ly Pure Lead, war ranted, and Linseed Oil at prices that will enable every- jbody to paint up. Get my figures bo- Barnt, KcalA*. Prw( lilted 1IB ALL DTUEJt MUMU PAliS Aft* ACMES. •wU Vy itruggits Ml PmW« cwarrwhwr-. fifty C«»ll m TNK 4 HAKI.KS A. VWCI.KB f*. mhatinuUIOM Mliawslt.LA.i- It’s a queer world is this one. Neighbor Smith—a queer world.' 1 said Mrs. Drown, wiping her eves I surreptitiously on her checked | apron, as a carriage rattled out of ; sight down the dusty road. •Maybe it ain’t any of my busi ness, and I don’t suppose it :s. either; but a mother can't help her feelings. It don’t sectn long er ago than yesterday that my Mi randa went with the deacon to I lured her. liye in that big house on the hill garden. And here the deacon is. j of cold water until she went into j Tommy and me could batch for a decline. I heard her beg ami plead of him to spare her, hut therewas no letting up until she died. Yes. she died when her child was a day old, and much as it grieved me to lose her, yet I had live times rather see her sleeping over there in the cemetery, as she now di>es, than to have her live and be tortured as the Deacon tor lare-l not refuse to fetch the wa ter. and yet his soul rose up re belliously at complying with the demand. The ‘spring was locat |ed at some distance away, and little while Till you came. Iij there was a small hill to climb in saved me a dollar and fifty cents, j the bargain; but the Deacon had you know. Idlin' her go home.’ . on the ground that springs was • first place, and all my other wives Sister Drown, this is scandal.' It's the naked truth. Deacon always refused to have a well Mrs. Jones said nothing, but j sunk conveniently near the house. | es—they removing her Ixinnct. she sat down in the rocking chair and gave herself up to a few moments' serious thought. The Deacon watched his bride | a trifle nervously. He didn’t ! quite like tiie looks of the straight order.’ The Deacon put down his fork j with a look of dogged defiance. •In all the six years that I've kept house,' said lie, angrily, •we've only had to buy one bolt of sheeting, and that was bought for my first wife, and as for the disli- were mother's in the jviT-ly frisking past my very door with j Jones is a pragmatic, opinionated. Enterprise & Appeal. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : OnprojivoiH* vear . . . . *I.S0 “ Eight . . . L«M> “ Four months .... 51) ADVKRTISIMi RATES: ^ his new wife and poor Miranda a selfish, close listed man. It's his j seem to like it,’lie thought, still! Creek Cemetery, it's a true savin' lying over there in Plum Creek belief that the sunrises on that watching it slyly, ‘but she'll git j that a man don't know what kind of a temper a woman has until after he's married her. Now. burying ground by the side of his .east eighty acre pasture of his. used to it—the rest of ’em did. two other wives, stark and cold and sets somewhere near the edge i And she may as well know to-day and forgotten—actually iu six months.' forgotten i of his wood lot. lie is forty j as to morro’that I am the boss ol ■ there were Betsy and Jane, and used ’em, and I guess llu'v’U he able to hang on a while longer. Leastwise I shan't spend my money on dishes now.’ A Hash of something that made him think of heat lightnirtg shot from Mrs. Jones’ big blue c\cs, and she smiled. Somehow the samejunvarying smile was begin- j years old, and has his fourth wife, this house. Mirandv—they'd a died befori •It does seem a little sudden.' and as it seems, from present in- : The next morning the Deacon they’d a asked me to keery water. assented Mrs. Smith, slowly, -but tlieu ’ (ten lines less; I | . $1.00 One square Insertion . t or each subsequent insertion . AO i .ill personal mailer iloahle /trier, j Obituaries will )>e charged for as i out. •When the deacon’s first wife * face of the earth, and set up head lied,’ continued Mrs. Brown, stones for th*m in Plum Creek A ini no man ctrer worse than he did, a prayin’ and Enlarged January 1, 1885, to an J # 8-2*0ye, oG-Column Paper. j lOFO J Oil Tie LaigesI Daily Paper in He South. Issued Every Way iu the Year. $10 a Year, Including the Great Sunday Issue of tlie “News. The Daily News gives pmrni Bence to nil matters relative to li c Agricultural, Mechanical and Manutattilling interests of the country, as well as the General, j Political and Omitnereinl news. Its Telegraphic. State, General, Local news ami Market depart luenta are acknowledged to he the best and most comprehensive ol any paper in the South. Subscribe through your News Dealer or Post Master, or send direct to J. II. KSTILL dec-251 Savannah, Ga. Queen Olives and Pickles. at ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. Holmes’Sure Cure Month Wash & Dentifrice! ( 1\’RKS l’.leedinj: tluins, l lms S»m J Mouth. Sore Throat, cleanses the '!«rih ami rurilie- the llreatli; used and recommended hy Leading Drugjri-t Prepared hy Drs. .1. P. A; \Y. It. Holme-. ]»enti>ts. Maeon < : a. For sale hv DU. \V. IS. T1IOKNTON. d »;e*.r»-Fit lientivt. J. W. Stanford. Higncst Cash Price Paid for Corn, nt ct ALLISON * SIMPSON’S. ^•-FERRY’S J. J. WORSHAM. CCTHBEUT. GA. Office over Postofficc. •.i-pti-i tf ~ Wm. d. kiddgo, at'i<ir:ii:v at i.avt. CtiUiWrt, On. Dil ALL ABLE TO Al.Lt" Will be mailed I to all applicants | __ and to customer!! of last year " it bout rrflcrinj’it. It contains illustrations, prieet, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc. D. M. FERRY& CO.°^ae ,T } itlier advertisements. Advertisements inserted without, . , ...... . i .jiecification as to the numln-r of in-1 a groamn and crying till it made ! sertions, will pnhlished until order-' iiie verv hair on one’* head stand ed out, ami charged accordingly- . ,* .. All advertisements due when hand- to hear him. If ncra man ed in. I had the sympathy of the people - ■ m1111 ^ guc || a time, that man Wa? Deacon Jones.’ ‘Deacon Jones is a powerful 3 ! good man,’ cautiously asserted i I Mrs. Smith. ; *1 suppose lie is,’ returned Mrs. Brown; ‘though my opinion j of him is changed some from what it used to be. But a year after Iiis wife died when he court j ed up the little schoolrna*am from , | Wolfs Hollow, and married her, i in the } tt I, for one, was right down glad to j hear the news, and carried a pan ] ] of 4iiv very Lest cookies and a mince pie over to ’em. And J told the deacon 1 was that glad j ras there and helped to lay hi*r j cemetery. I really wish that some went on' woman of more than ordinary strength of mind ami l>ody—an other just such a pig headed, ob stinate creature as lie is—Would come forward and offer herself a i the rest of her sex.’ Mrs. f'inith rocked to and fro in her chair. She looked up slow ly at her irate neighbor. Iicr p\es t* ink led. tlie ven IV" » * male i practice nt any plan bv -:»• rial esnitraet. Another Reduction In Buggy nn<l Wagon Harness. Examine our stock before von buy ct ALLISON X SIMPSON. * TiLAXK KOOKS of every kind.size and style,cheap er than ever before, at ar>v>ltf J. \V. Staxford’s Breakfast Bacon aad Dried Beef, at ALLISON * SIMPSON'S. y. R. THORNTON, DE X T1ST CIITUBERT, GA. O r k i'TDK over II West I.. Dunn's : rublie ^'I'Kire. tore. t'eM7-ly —Taylor 9 Premium (’oiegn ffjr sale at J. W. Staxfoud’s. wrnmaem DRUNKENNESS (T'RKI) IN ITS VARIOT'S STAGES. De-ire f«*r stimulants entirely remov ed. Home treatment. Medicine ran be administered without knowledge of pa tient. by simply placing it in cotl'ec. tea or any artic le of lood. Cures guarantee«l. S100 WILL EE PAH) Ft»r any ease »»f «lruiikcnne?s that Gold en Specific will not cure. Circulars containing testimonial- and full particu lar- sent free. Addrc-•* GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. jc-llMy. lS'>RaeeSt., t ’ineiNiiati. O. I — —.. I To Sportsmen! 25 round Kegs of Powder for #4. Shot. Wads and l’rimeis in pro- jiortion. at ct ALLISON A SIMPSON'S. Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Bon-Ton and Royal Gloss Starch. Laundry Blueing, at L- w Pri ces, at T. S. BOWEL'S ct Drug Store. Toilet Soaj.s, 1 Finest Line in S. "W. Ga.. at bottom figures, at ALLISON A- SIMPSON’S. foi him ’ ‘And she died. I)o you min that it wa, just two years to day from the time she went there ' 'f he carriage went whizzing Brown, warmly. ‘His last mar riage is a complete surprise to me. I diil nut even know that lie contemplated marrying again, ami I had not heard a word of it until you came iu a few minutes bride that they dug her grave ( 'W sn rapidiy that I only recog deacon's lot at Plum Who is the nized the Deacon, victim this time?’ Mrs. Smith smiled curiously. provided by nature and cost noth mg. •It’s a true saying,’ said tin- Deacon, sadly, as lie picked up tiie pail, and turned his eyes to ward the three tali white stones little line that now showed ilselljlhat were just visible from the very distinctly in the middle of hill top. ami which marked tin ker white forehead. ‘She don't ] graves of his dead wives in Plum mng to affect the Deacon nn pleasantly. He remembered that she had smiled in that curious way when she had seized him by the ear. and he wondered uneasi ly what was coining now. He re alized, somehow, that she dis dained to use that weapon of fee bler women—tlie tongue. She li id told him at a very early stage of their courtship that she was no scold, and he had been assured by a ncighborjjnf herein W , of whom lie bad made a very few cautions inquiries about the W idow McKinzie,' that she was a ‘woman of pretty high spirit, hut no jawer; not a woman who kept her mouth going all day. talking a body’s Iliad off.’ This h:nl satisfied him at the time, for the Deacon hated a scolding wo man. But now, in view of her present appearance, he wished lie had pushed his inquiries a trifle further. liked money. Though the Dea | drunk water, and you can. Audi Mrs. Jones suddenly lifted a con’s ideas on domestic economy while I’m at it, I may as well tell j pile of the cracked earthenware were entirely different from her j you, Mrs. Jones, that I'll do no; from the table and let them drop more of this drudgery. It's your place to do it. I am master ol this house.’ ‘As for the liouse- dicalions, that his intentions are ' rose early and built a fire in the anil milk cows, and build fires, to marry all tlie women off the j cook stove. ‘I'll git up first this j But this here B idder Mclvinzic tinie," said he kindly to his wife, —she's different.’ •but after this once, yon will hev j ‘I can't find the coffee. Deacon? to build the fires. I alius lie in Where do you keep it?' asked bed till most breakfast time. It i.Mrs. Jones, as he presently re don’t agree with me to stir 'round j turned with the water, panting much till after I've eat. All my j and blowing and feeling very other wives built the fires, and ol i much out of breath with the ex course you'll do the same. I ertioit, and very indignant ovei sacrifice on the Deaeon's matri \ s'pose though, you’re used to j his fancied wrongs, monial altar, just for the safely of; doin’ it, since you’ve been a mar I ‘We don't keep it,’ retorted he. ried woman this longtime.’ grimly, slamming down the pail. The present Mrs. Jones had ‘Coffee ain’t drunk in this l-.ouse buried three husbands. She had j—never was, and never will be. married Deacon Jones because It’s too costly for oue tiling, and she was tired of being a widow, I water is better and cheaper for •Possess your soul in patience, ’ and because he was reported to another.’ His ill-temper rose as Sister Brown. The woman you lie in good circumstances, and she i lie spoke. ‘All my other w ives want is here.' ■Where?' asked Mrs. B. •You haven't heard, then, name of the deacon $ fourth lu re?' own. ami she was rapidly discol oring some of his worst qualities. No, indeed!" ejaculated Mr*, still she did not despair. The •I'm afraid, my dear Deacon, that if you depend on me to build in the j Creek?" ‘Oil, I remember it only too well!' cried Mrs. Brown, with a fresh burst of tears;‘for then is. when he first began to make up toj my Miranda, and. in spite of all I ! moon is over ’ t,len nauie '* ! l ,oor soul—insisted on my liavin could say or do to prevent it, they went to the parsonage and were! prophet, married. For the first few weeks afterward I never saw Miranda bare floors, the hard, high-backed Mrs. Jones walked up to him. chairs, the cracked dishes, were] *To lie sure, my dear Deacon,’ ail foreign to her taste. She had said she, briskly taking tbe an married Deacon Jones on a two > gry man by the car and backing weeks' acquaintance. She knew him up against the wall. ‘I never lie was rich, and not the ghost oT disputed tile fact that you are the an idea of acceding to his com master here. The only mistake mands so much as crossed her there seems to lie is, that you mind. don’t seem to understand that as ? Silver Ware reduced prices, to A- SIMPSON'S. At greatly close out, at ct ALLISON •If you do not change your mind the morning fires, you'll never see as to which is the victim this them built,’ said she, smilingly, lime, ami ll at before the honey -Indeed, my dear dead husband— moon is over, then my name ! not Sarah Smith, ami Iain no a beauty sleep in the morning. Pin sure I never can get along Mrs. Brown shook her head in without it. Mr. McKinzie al credulously. I never knew but ways insisted on preparing me a but what she declared that she! “»e woman who was anything of | cup of chocolate with Clans, Crabs and Olives, at ALLISON Sc SIMPSON'S. gsr Tlie most handsome line of Papers, all Wind*, ever offered before at J. W. STANFORD'S 1 HOLT’S DYSPEPTIC wa* happier than she had ever been in her life before. But it didn't last, and a change came.’ » ‘Poor thin® !* sighed Mrs. Smith; , ‘she soon went the wav of the oth er ones. Though the deacon seemed to feel a*ful bad about losing her. He told Brother 15a j kcr it was about to break him up buying so many coffi is. He said that with tlie doctor's bills and | the funeral expenses, he hadn't j a wav at the end of your wife I have equal rights here with you, and if 3*011 are master, I am mistress of this household. When you attempt to rule indoors and outdoors, too, why I shall have to take you down a peg or two and show you that you are out of your element.’ A pleasant smile hovered about Mrs. Jones’ full red mouth. She looked as if she were break ing iu a wild horse—aad enjoyed with interest. Simultane E» of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, failed in a single instance. It The Widow McKinzie!’ . much to put away at the end of Mrs. Brown looked at Mrs. ! the vear.* I Smith long and earnestly. Mrs. *IIe needn’t complain,’ snapped j Smith returned Mrs. Browns Mrs. Brown, grimly. It isn’t js aze | mauv men that can pat awav j 1 ■ three wive* in six years and still have a fourth one left on hand with which to make a fresh be ginning. People may say what j they please. Sister Smith, about Deacon Jones and the mysterious 11s own a match for Deacon Jones, and j hands, ere I arose.’ she docs not reside in this section The Deacon started. None of of the country and never has. his other wives had ever ‘talked Besides he would cut his head oil hack’ like that, sooner than to marry her. ‘But, ma'am,’ he gasped, in Mrs. Smith laughed softly, horrified surprise, ‘il you don't •And yet she is the very one he get up early to do the milkin’,! templed to strike her, but who’s to do it? There's four cows, an' I never so much as tech a tnilk pail. 1 can't do it; it goes ; lear of agin" me.’ ‘Is that so?' she retorted, se renely. ‘Dear me! I'm afraid you'll have to sell them, for I nev er milked a cow in my life,’ and I she smiled sweetly in his face. as suddenly ou the floor, where it lay smashed to atoms at tlie dea con's feet. •I never scold,’ said she; and I scorn to argue such niatteis.’ Mr. Jones looked at her in quick terror. This was another phase of character that was neil’ to him. •I never was so poor that I had to rat from broken dishes,' said she calmly, as a lot of crip pled cups and saucers went next. Then she deliberately picked up the worn out steel knives and broke the blades under her feet. The Deacon watched her with frightened eyes. Poor little Tom iny slid out of his chair and hid trembling under the lied. None of his other mothers had ever de fied his father's authority as this I one was doing. ' Deacon Jones' word had ever been Sha grasped at a broken shutter. Good heavens' did she mean tin ptiil thn house down above Ids head? lie seized her arm in despair. ‘Mrs. Jones! Mrs. Jones! stop now,’ begged the horror-stricken man, in an abject tone, and‘1’11 get the buggy ready, ahd We'll go bv town, to your town, where we were married yesterday, and here’s the pocket book; you can buy what you please. Only do stop a tear ing the Iiov.Sj down.’ ‘Certainly, ny dear,’ said Mrs. Jones, obligingly. Tt plciisci life to listen to such arguments as those. And I'll be ready in a minute. And I want you to al ways remember that we never would have had this scene if you could have given up tomr wishes —reasonable wishes, too,—a little sooner. Yon arc a very obsti nate |iei son, dear, and you find it hard to give up, I see; but I don't despair of getting you well train ed after awhile.’ The Deacon shivered, but saiit nothing. But that day, while Mrs. Jones was busy selecting her new household furniture at W , her native town, the Dea con slipped out and improved the opportunity thus' given him to make a few inquiries about the late ‘Widow McKinzie.’ What he heard was very dis couraging, but he never told iti He climbed into the buggy that evening a sadder and a wiser man. From that day forth, tlie Dea con’s rule was over. He no long er presumed to domineer, or J?vcn to dictate the smallest matters about the house, and more than one neighbor slyly laughs as the Deacon and his wife pass l»y, arid says iu a subdued chuckle that ‘Deacon Jones has found his match at last *—Chicago l.cdacrt The negroes who emigrated W Kansas a few years ago are get ting hack South as fast as they can. A few return every £eaf. Some sixty of them went to Tex as last week, and as they passed through Dallas expressed thcttl selves as having had enough of Kansas, and said they were glad to be again :n the sunny South. Kansas is a rich State and the people there arc disposed to give the negroes a certain degree of political and social equality, but w ith all that the emigrants fared badly ami never got to feeling at home.—Sacannah Hems. the situation. A cold perspira j the law and gospel in his house tion stood out over the Deacon’s i hold. But now it was to he law body. What kind of an amazon and gospel no longer. Here in was this with whom he had been beguiled int»‘ marriage. He was has married.’ Mrs. Brown threw up her hands. ‘Not the Widow McKin- nsly they rose, shook.hands hear | [j was noticeable that Mrs. Junes lily, and then both ladies sank back into their seals and laughed until the tears rolled down their cheeks. * * * « * The Deacon's buggy stof ped at dispensations of Providence that tlie gate. Little Tommy Jones, lie re , trained. lie was a Christian and a pillar in the church, and for what ‘folks would say' he controlled himself. But it was hard. •I have now been married lour; watched times, dear,” went or. that awful wife of his, with a sternly coufi dential manner that appalled him, •and of course I've learned pretty well by this time how to govern a man of your sort. All my oilier husbands were taught at an early kept nn admirable command of her temper. Her husband, how ever, to whom opposition was a ' new experience, was now literally I stage of our married lives that ‘boiling over’with anger. ] toy rule and my will was to he •Sell them Alderneys!’ ejaeula | unquestioned. And you and I ted Mr. Jones, indignantly. ‘Why.! will get on like a pair of turtle i no matter how angry she might ma’am, them eows are the pride! doves, I've no doubt, if yon can . be, her face never lost its pleas of this decstrick, and I The only known remedy that will euro every east It lias been tested in hundreds of eases and lias never lias been very successful in Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Acidity or heartburn. Chronic Dysentery or Diarrhoea, Heart Disease, £tc. find in every case of ASTHMA, where e«»m\»lieatetl with indigestion. Torpid Liver, or it i* a safe at ul certain ctire. We ask I>YSl’KI*TU’£? and ASTHMATICS to trv the remedy and they will be convinced that they are not incurable diseases. This medicine is composed of purely vegetable remedies. Symptoms of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling of l,c P'ived llin i ° r llIS wives: but I the Deacon sonly child, sat at the fullness or weight in tlie Stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting, Heartburn. - tan 1 1,111 think of those door step munching a slice of Aciditv. flatulence, sick or nervous headache. Dull pain in the head, with a sensa- a,loe flea, ‘ wnn,cn as bein 5 tllree ; l,iead an ' 1 bl,tter an, ‘ ashe saw furat premium on them beastessesji must and shall have my own, musico tion of Heaviness, or Giddiness, Irregularity of the Bowels, sometimes Constipated! “ ,a "- vrs «" tbe •eia.hneMof one his father and the new mamma., at the State Fair.’ and then acting too freelv. Low Spirits, Sleeplessness, Sallow Skin. Derangement of! n,an '’ , he liast!, ->' sU ^ ed bt! " ntI lbe ! ‘l^haps you’d better hire a - - - - — - - - - - - - Mrs. Smith nodded her head open door. good man, Deacon, to do the several times very slowly. ‘Walk in. Mrs. Jones,’ said the chores for you, if you insist on Tiie deaeon is a leetle hard nn Deacon blandly to his bride: keeping tiie cows,’ said Mrs. oon s mental vision, and he t>«. P. R. I!o_lt. Eomcla. Ala. : J Hatcher's Statiox. (i*.. o,tolar ISth. 1S«!. j the women—a leetle bard, that s , walk right, in and make yourself Jones, serenely, as she proceeded thought fora second, that if it so.’ said she. i at home, and he helped her to ; to tie on a white apron. i should please Providence to re- ‘Particularly the ones who have i alight. I ‘Hire a man!' He lifted up his I move this wife soon, as it had re taken him for belter or worse. I The new Mrs. Jones ‘walked i hands anil gazed at his new wife] moved her predecessors, no man the person of the new Mrs. Juries was one who not only rebelled against tlie Deacon's dictum, but who laid down aggressive laws to him, and did battle to enforce them. No wonder Tommy was frightened. Tlie Deacon was star tled and scared himself. He tiie destruction of his household goods with feelings that may be imagined but cannot be described. And lie dated not lift a finger in their defense. •Now, there, dear,’ remarked she cheerfully; ‘the next time I hap pen to need kindling wood, that old table and those rickety chairs will be used.’ It was a peculiarity of hers that, llus take ; only succeed in remembering that ] ant expression, nor her voice its ring—a peculiarity that way.' j lent a strange and awful faseina For a brief instant the dazzling ; lion to her actions. Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, etc. If you suffer with any of these symptoms. 1 Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir will cure you. The following are a few testimonials of parties who have been cured hy the Elixir: . P. R. Hoi.t. Eufaci.a. Ala. : * Hatcher's Station. (*a.. Octoltor IStJi. 1S83. Dear Sir I have been troubled with indigestion and nervous headache for the last fifteen years. Ibirinij that tune I have suffered a prrat ileal with periodical attacks of headache. Having exhausted inyovn skill and tried the prescriptions of a great ninny physicians. I was induced to try your Pyspeptic Klixir. You sent me a bottle alnmt the middle of Man - last, and I am happy to inform you that I have not suffered from these periodical attacks since. My indirection is almost if not entirely cured.* I can eat any and everything without material injury. 1 have been a practicing physician for thirty years, and have ever been opposed to proprietary medicine. Yon kindly furnished me with the formula for the Klixir. and on cx- ami nation can testify to the medical properties and Thrraputicai"application and 1 recommend all stifle rit r from indirection and nervous headache, or any disease arising from a torpid liverto procure a bottle of your Pyspeptie Klixir. for it is almost , <*a\' r specific in this class of diseases. I recommend it to mv patrons and prescribe it in my practice. I would have complied with rour request, made when I saw vou last, hut thought it best to delay in order to he thorourhlv convinced as to its cura- L. P. DOZIEIL M. lb L. I*. L>. As the Dea shafts of marble in Plum Creek con watched her beaming counte cemetery flashed before tlie Dea-! nance, as she successively smash ed up tiie things that were sacred w ith rour revues t4ve properties. Verv truly yours, P. S.—I can’t afford to be without the Elixir. Dr. P. R. Holt. Eufatla. Ala. 1 will have it in niv house let it cost what it may. CoMrTRoi.LEK General* s Office. Atlanta. < I a .. July 9th. iss:’,. Dear Sir— I am pleased to report that I have been entirely cured of indigestion, by the use of your "Dyspeptic Klixir.” 1 ’ it after having tried almost everv remedy known for my disease, without the slightest effect. never shall forget to mv dying how that poor little school ma'am begged for water, not an hour before site died, and bow lie ! refused to let her have it, simply ! because he hud read in some old in.* Evidently no one was ox in blank astonishment, peeling her, for there was no sign • woman alive air 3011 crazy? Why. wnulil buy bis marriage clothe* so to li i 111—sac-red because be bad bought them cheap—an overpow ering fear came to his mind that she must be mad. The cook- stove that had been a source of lieiqietual worry and dissatisfac tion to her predecessors now came in for its share of Sirs. Jones' at tention. It hadn't a whole lid to was induced by a friend to try it after having J look only three smallbottlcs of your medicine before 1 was entirely well. I suffered several years, and although it has been ; allowed three years since 1 used your preparation, I have had no return of it Yours truly. \V. A. WRIGHT, Comp. Gen. State of Ga. that if lie had called a pht’sician Offi« e of the Singer Mancfutfrincs Co.. Kupaula. Ala.. July 4th. 1SS3. This is to certify that mv wife. Mary J. Hightower, suffered for six years from indigestion ami enlargement of tlie liver; that she had been reduced in flesh from 130 non mb* to S3 pound*, and was gloomy and despondent: that ns an experiment— and bv earnest persuasion—she was induced to try one bottle of I>r. Holt's Dyspeptic Klixir; that she was immediately and naterially benefitted. and continuing its use a few months, she was entirely reliev.d of her troubles, regained her appetite. A ! joyfully as he would bin* the cof- of dinner anywhere, and no prep- i lured man costs money besides tin for bis new bride, a rations for company had been bis board. All my other wives! There was a very frugal break- made. Crumbs littered the bare j tended to the milking, and done j fast, and Mrs. Jones made some floor, the unwashed breakfast, the housework, and split the kin tea. The Deacon very ostenta-1 its top, nor a sound foot to stand claptrap book that water must not dishes still stood on the table, and I tiling wood, and raised poulirv. tiously sipped a glass of cold ! upon. Years before it bad come through the partly opened doors ; An' we alius sold enough chick- water. But if he rtekoned on sub- j into the deacon’s kitchen, it had she could see that the beds were 1 ens and eggs and butter to mnkejduing tbe present Mrs. Jones in j outlasted its usefulness, and a in a tumbled condition, as if the our livin'on, besides buyin’ a j that wa3* he certainly reckoned occupants had just left them. S calliker dress once in a while for without his host. I always will believe id called a physician ! in time, and had not practiced his a to try one bottle of I>r. Holt’s Dyspeptic e a few months, she was entirely miov5;l and now weighs l.V> pounds. The Klixir has brought u* health aiul happiness where all other remedies had resulted in con tinuous suffering and disappointment. J. I’. HIGHTOWER. Et FAt'LA. Ala.. May l>t. 18S3. Pr. Holt—Dear Sir; About five years ago I was taken with a violent cough with enlarged liver and constipation. I grew worse and worse until it was almost impossible for me to lie down and sleep at night for IS months, owing to the severity of the cough. Ike only way I could sleep was in a chair, my head resting upon a pillow on u table. Was treated hy two differ ent physicians, and tried a number of Patent Medicines, all of which did no good. After having despaired of ever getting j married mv Miranda, he well, niv wife consulted vou by letter. You sent me two bottles of your Dyspeptic Klixir ; in less than three days I could lie : . down and sleep as well as I ever could in my life; a few bottles cured me perfectly. 1 have recommended it to a great num- | a COl ber of persons and never knew it to fail to cure in a single instance. Yours truly. own ignorance upon the poor thing—that she might have been alive to day*.’ “You're awful hard on the dea con, Sister Brown.’ I dirt that now surrounded her ‘And I've reason to be,’ cried ; sent a cold chill of disappointment Mrs. Brown, angrily-. ‘Before he j to the very marrow of her bones. became | ‘Where is the hired girl, Mr. The ‘Widow McKinzie’ was celebrated for her housewifely qualities, and the disorder and the woman.’ Mrs. J( incs |>ut her hand on her husband's arm. •But I am differently bred, my dear Deacon, and I could not d i ‘Noor, then. Deacon,’ said his wife after they haJ eaten, ‘you must hitch up the horse and take me to town. I can t and won't live the wav vou have been doing. those tilings, and I wouldn't do There isn't a deeent dish in tiie them if I could, so let- us say no j house, nor a rag of carpeting. JOHN F. KMiloF. water convert, and she had 1 Jones?' she asked of her husband. • more about it. If you will bring ! Tlie sheets ami towels are in tat- 3lr. IV. B- McLendon, of Hatchers Station, says Hr. Holt's Pyspeptie Klixir cured him of indigestion. Ecfath. Ala.. May 1st. 1*83. r liy-pentie Elixir ruroU mv daughter of Pyspepsia of a very aggravated form of twelve months I of' the hc-t nlivsicians in the eouiitv. who failed to hem-tit her. 1 ' ' 15KYAXT GKIFFIX,White Pond. fia. FOB SA.2LE BIT A.3L,Ij IDIELTJC3-C3-ISTS- April m-iy. standing. 1 had tried several i not been Mrs. six months before he was experimen ting on her ten times a (lay with cold water in some sitape. It was cold water for breakfast and cold water fur dinner, and cold water who at tliat moment entered the j me a pail of water now from the I lets, and everything is at sixes house. i spring, and put the kettle on while i and sevens. There must be some He stared inquiringly at the] I tidy np this bed room a little, |new things bought, for the con- questioner. ‘The hired galf ejaculated he, in surprise. ‘There ain't any. we'll soon have breakfast ready.’ Something in his wife's tone cowed the obdurate Deacon. He I duce the chaos to something like dition the house is in is a dis grace to you. I propose to re more unlikely, disreputable, and patched-up affair would have been hard to find in a jun?< shop. ‘This stove most go,’ said she. placidly, ns tiie lids followed each other in quick succession into the door yard. ‘I am Airs. Jones the Fourth, and my- advent must be celebrated by a new stove. I shan't worry myself into Plum Creek Cemetery, trying to boil and bake on litis old thing.’ The deacon, greatly worried, tried to argue the case. But he might as well have tried to argue with a stone. An Knterprlsiiig, Reliable Haase. J. IV. Stanford can always lie relied upon, not only to carry in stock the best of everything, hilt to secure the Agency for such ar ticles as have well know n merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining tlie reputation of being always enterprisiug, an-1 ever reliable. Having secure l tlie Agency for tlie celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Langs,anil Chest, anti to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. The Cedartown Advertiser re ports th* arrival in Collardtown of M iss Lola Hu rst and her father add mother. They had a ten day’s rest occurring in their plans that were without engagem-nts, and they concluded to improve the opportunity in a visit home.- They leave for Chicago, where they are to appear on the 2bi ll — They will go to unvisilcd availa ble points in llie west after which they will visit New Orleans ami remain a season. Owing to tlie closeness of the limes, they haven’t made big money in their later cn- gageoients. —- A boy was caught stealing car rants, and was locked up in a dark closet by the grocer. The boy began begging most pathetically to be released, anti after much persuasion suggested: “Now, if you'll let me out ami send for my father, he’ll pay you for the cur rants, and lick mj besides.” The g-<Her could not withstand this appeal. —w — To make good starch, mix with cold water and add boiling water until it thickens; then add a des sert spoonful of sugar and a small piece of blitter. This makes » stiff and glossy finish equal to new. David thought he was doing a tiig tiring when he slew the giant Goiiah with a sling. Tliat’a nothing The modern sling of American gin, has killed its thou sands. —m In Columbia county a ma<>L* trate will sell at public outcry, at •in early day, one pair of pants, received in payment ol costs.