Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, February 19, 1885, Image 2

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4 ENTERPRISE AND APPEAL, W. H. COOPER, J. W. STANFORD, CUTHliEItT, fIA. Intrusive Farming. That a change of some sort must be made by those who farm lias been quite evident for tunny years. J he old methods have pro veil unsuccessful The land litis constantly grown poorer, .while the mortgages have been ! getting larger. Mr. I. A. HARTIS Is unr Agent; W«»"«ge.l by tHelr want nr . _ , at Buford, and isfnlly authorized tn succcss ' m «".v have abandoned | an ‘ l sca,e tl,em rr,,w the garden. | We fear that the rceent eold Thursday Morning, Feb. 1!>. 1SN5. j Ward Slalion Stem*. The Methodist church has a new bell, and its “Gome, O come"’ will jieal forth every 1st and 3 i Sunday morning for preaching, every Sunday evening for Sabbath School, and every Thursday night for prayer meeting. A gentleman here directed his ! little son to shoot at some pigeons (’•IrmaaNlalioa llraw. We will say to the Kditors that our budget was prepared for last issue hut failed to reach you or. Halliu High School. Dear Enterprise «fc Appeal: I dislike very much to ask for space in your valuable paper for account of some misunderstand this squib, as it is of so little ini ing in sending. Since our last. Miss Ella Pal mer has made a visit to this sec tion. to the delight of her many friends here. receive and receipt for all money farming, moved to the towns, and paid him. i found.some kind of business to am U l,l 8Egjg»WL 1 ■ 111 ■■ iengage in, while others have Units county in a recent election ! thought they conul do better in a went ■•wet” by 150 majority. new country, and hence have ta It is said that Sam Small is j ken Horace Greeley’s advice, and Five of them could not get away spell has seriously damaged the without help. ; oat crop of this section, especially The weather has been so bad ; those that are just coining up. this week that many of the* people; Air. W . II. Moore is pushing the work on his here, which will failed to get their clothes‘bathed.* Jesse Oliver is having his house portanec to any other part of the county, but I do beg the space tn| say a few words to Air. J. It. He says in the issue of Felt. 5th that there were other motives for so many good workers for the school, etc. Now I can't see for my life what he is driving at. And again, on Feb. 12, he says he ought no; to have said so, but his evil heart residence near I prompted him. That sounds a be a well eon strange. And again, savs lie is not studying for the ministry. The Leyden House, one of the landmarks of Atlanta was burned last week. Quitman, Itmnks county, had a jail delivery, last week. Three escaped. The Georgia Press Association meets at Bainbridgo on the IStli ol A! arch. It seems now a settled tact that Khartoum has fallen, and that General Gordon is dead. Rev. Bishop Gross has been ap pointed to the Archbishopric ol Oregon. The Crew Street School ITousi iu Atlanta was burned Wednes day night of last week. The fearful snow storms and eold weather have seriously in temipled many brar.ehes of busi ness in the North and West. From Atlanta to far beyond Gainesville no liquor is sold on, the Air Line Bond. The same i> true of the Stale Road from At lauta to Chattanooga. Two have ever. ‘gone West.” A few, how- I '•‘•noddled. He has moved out; structed and commodious determined to st:l y „ i 1(;re j «n his plantation, and will remain i,,g. • until the work is done. Mr. Cheny and Indy visited Ma could not have better suecess.They ! con tl,is week ‘ IIo l» e ll “'.V had » determined not to cultivate so Peasant trip. they are. and see if, by an improv ed method of making errp-, they j ■ .. .... i*n much land, but enrich a small area, and await the result. Inolli- build- I a patron of the school, and not a I well wisher for its pmsjH'iiiy, not On Wednesday night last, the school house about three miles , from here, in which Aliss Sam oi words they tried the intensive j mons was teaching, was burned, system of farming. Instead of all the books anil fixtures were a Several left from this point on j living in that in a'e settle- Sunday last to attend the Exposi- [ meat, etc. Now it is natural lion at New Orleans. We wish them a pleasant and profitable trip, with a safe return. Our Riddle Column. Which is the most positive gen Cer tain. T.-ivior’s (’hero kee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Alullein is certain ti colds and croup. Jt is plcasaul and effective. Whv is tin* letter P like uncle's fat wife going up hill? It ant pant (aunt), and cooling cl' 1 loo soon produces roughs and colds. Tavlor’s Cherokee Beine .ly of f'Weet Gum and Alullein will cure her. Atlanta Druggists. Atlanta, OctoWcr 13,1SS-I. Wo l»o?r::H hamllin^ II. B. 15. from its npf* cxistonoo. a few months ag«», ami have < ~ ’ never hoard a word of ilissatisfaction ex- j>sod rol i;i»*e to its merits, hut have ! neard it very extravagantly praised by j those who have u«ed it. Its sale with us i Cutlibert oh a Boom! . . , THE building of the Columbus. Chattahoochee ifc Florida Railroad cie > j and wc Mmv hliy 11 | being now declared a certainty. and its completion acknowledged by rill akes 1 1 HOWARD & CANDLE!*. as being: the most potent fsi Wholesale Druggists. Why are persons who are fati gued like a wheel*? They are tired. More so if they have a cough or weak lungs. Take TaylorV*Cher okee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein and be cured. What tree bears the most fruit to market*? The axle tree. The mullein plant bears the fruit of good health to the lungs and bron ehii. Tavlor’s Cherokee Remedy the Mr. Ren Dele he i is preparing to re-cover anil otherwise re.model his residence near here. enough for one to think that lie has got an evil heart. As lie does j of Sweet Gum and Mullein is not live in the settlement, it seen s ! ‘ °ugl» and croup cure, that he wants to prosper, and at j Why is a dancing master like a the same time see Ins neighbor i He is tuil ol boughs (bows). I r U Office of Jacobs’ Pharmacy. * Atlanta. June in. ’Si. \ h months ago wo had no demand for j I». 15. 15.. hut now our retail demand i- Mich that wo arc forced to buy in two gros< lots. Wc attribute the rapid and enormous demand to the comparative size and price of 15. It. B.. and its posi tive merit. It sells well and gives our customers entire satisfaction. < >ur sales have increased nun percent, within a few months. JAeolJs* PHARMACY. l’er Fred 15. Palmer. M. D. Atlanta. June 12. ’SI. We have been handling 15. 15. 15. only a few mouths, and take pleasure in say ing it is superseding all other Blood Rem edies. It sells our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully re commend it in preference to any other Blood Purifier. A.SIIKK «fc MubRK, Druggists. go down. Now, scattering what manure they* could raise over twenty acres, they put it on four or live, and now after a It w years of careful, thoughtful work, they are pleased with the outcome. Our readers have not forgotten how Farisli Furman took 00 acres of land, which, without mrnure. unde 8 bales of cotton, and con slantly enriched it until it made 80 bales. If we are not mistaken in our recollection of the result, the same land made 120 bales the year in which Mr. Furman died Mr. I). W. Perdue, of Pike, has some very satisfactory experience on the same line. Last yea** he made 4,545 pounds ot seed iotton to the acre—a little more than J total lus^. The patrons have (it | ted up another house, and the! school will continue. Judge T. A. Wall suffered two days last week from a severe at j tack of industry, and as there was no “smutty end of the chunk” for him to get hold of, he got on the brier side of the fence to repair it. j He is convalescent. At the academy Friday we placed a glass tube over a jet of We won hi artfully sac to Peb, that is a the citizens of this section that we are now acting as agent for a high grade Guano, and would be pleas -d to shale the patronage of all good citizens. Apply to us for terms Married, on the 15ih inst., Rev. J. S. Xoles officiating, Wright < oleman to Miss Sea rev. i t * „ • : I lie consumptive bows from loss dear Johnnie . .. J, , . . _ , . j of vitality tell him to take 1 aylor s ba»l spirit. * 10,11 ; Cherokee Remedy ot Sweet Guui the tenor of the Utter it seems that 1 and Mullein. he ! vjs in Brooksx ilie or near by. j Why are corsets like opposition He may live in three or four miles.‘omnibuses? Because they reduce but I know lie don't live in the the fair (fare). So does neglect village. F«»rin\selfl want both coughs and colds. lake in Brooksville and Mullins Schools to prosper. About a year ago 1 was talking to Dr. Cleveland and, potent factor that could be named in giving life and impetus to the city, and even the surrounding country”as a well wisher of all. we bid the enterprise God speed. Cuthbert is alive as well to the importance of an Artesian Well an attraction that would draw many to our community. This work is rapidly progressing, and we hope soon to seethe pure water bubbling up from the low regions, and this section greatly benefited by the success of the enterprise. The .success of these two enterprises, together with our School and Church eventually p 1 his effect will be felt sensibly throughout the country, affecting the price of lands in the county, as well as city property. “A prosperous town a prosperous county.” Then let us all puli together. i - - *■ >)' 11,1 • " mi i ot,iiutn c-li advantages, with the acknowledged health of Cuthbert, Luallv put the town on a boom. must SCHUMANN’S PHARMA* Y. » Atlanta. June 1*5. ’Sl.» Since I have he-'iin handling the 15. 15. B.. which is alntut three or four months, it grows so much in popularity. and its sales increased so much, that I have to hitv it in gross lot', as it sells quite raj>- idfv. * Til K< >. SCU UM A NX. : time Taylor's Chemkec Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Atlanta. June 12. During the past few niontl ‘riven 15. B. B. severe tests in the Blood Diseases, and unhesitatingly pro nounce it a safe. sure, harmless and spec ie Blood I’ttrilicr. fully meritingtlic • •ontideneeof tliepubli We stanil rc.nlv to do our part, and will ever lie alive to anv com- ?ndablo enterprise* for the gone I of our people. We are trying to keep pac.i with the spirit of enterprise now pre ding, and with pride and satisfaction call attention toour elegant Store, filled with Choice Goods every variety, which wc are selling cheaper than was ever known the history ot Cuthbert. We propose to be headquarters for gjave Plows, Plow Hods, Heel Pins, Ulevicss, Trace Chains, Axes and all Farm lyscessaries. Mv customers I We are handling a superior Steel, worked no inin r* i , are ilrlishtn! with its eOi-ets.aml the .!«■-!, - ,T • . ... 'u sen up into these (e iods. and Send a 2 cent stamp for 10 page | "“•• | >* 1 Ini. so wim.h rfitliy im-ri-nsi-dthat ] e '?‘) *- ll ll * el in tl.e county will consult his lutercsl hr givin-"- us a .... 1 1 ° jl have keen compelled to buy hv the j call. " D ° as it is the i-o.-t selling blots! rein- ! negroes were accidently i, :l |cs. He gives an itemized poisoned in Pike county. Iasi week. “Bough on Rats” had heen used and some food on which it count of expenses and profit: Cost of cultivating an acre ol 'round, $15.-10; fertilizing, $12 50; burning hydrogen. A shrill mu j We regret to learn of the feeble sical note was produced; llii» : liess or Uncle Jas. Morgan, one or would continue as long as it was , , , . . T not interrupted l.y n* discordaU ° ,,r oUIcsl :w ' 1 Urst tu,2 ‘ :n8 ' 1,e note, but when it av:is thus inter troubled with asthma, rupted it woidd remain perfeetly The pastor in charge, Rev. Jno. still until started by a note which | Martin, failed to meet his corded with the scientific music. If the “Hydrogen Tones’’ are pro du _*ed by the jet being rapidly ex-, , . lingiiished and re ignited. Avliy ] place was filled by Rev. J. S. ; «a*lies ol the very best type. Prof. Cox. concerning the two, and told them then that I wanted Brooksville and Mullins to have a royal good school. These arc my sentiments, so help me God. Both communities arc good and a p j deserve good schools, and 1 hope Riddh* Book to WALTER jy 2t A. TAYOR. Atlanta, Ga. sloes a disc* r 1 from the outside! Noles in stirring sermons, cause it to burn steadily? pointment at Villubdi church on Miss Me. and -Mrs. Passmore | Saturday ami Sun-lay last, and ' l,;,v0 gl'U'inus success. They are and why J. 11. wants to pul! down the ; crop, Sold 1,540 pounds I >f lint cotton at 9 cents per pound was spread was left where the lit picking, $15 90; ginning $0 18; tic negroes found it. Great can |'<>tal cost per acre of raising the ought to betaken with all poisons. In the recent contested election I $133.05. 8.000 pounds or cotton ease in Mitchell county it was I *ecd, $18.20; total, $158.25. Net developed that 700 people voted pvol't l-er.acie.^de'hictiiig all cx paid who had not paid their taxes Nothing but a good registration law will prevent such iniscondncl and every county ought to have such a law. President-elect Cleveland is a Presbyterian in faith. His fath er was a minister of that dcnnmi nation. It is likefy that the con gregati ns of the Presbyterian church in Washington City will be larger than it has been. With one week's work at Hut t< ville, Ala. Rev. Sam Jones war instrumental in llie conversion o! between two and three hundred all the churches reaping the bene fit of his services. The citizens of Huntsville raised seven bun tired and fifty dollars and present ed it to him. lie went from there to Charleston. S. C.—Columbus Enquirer Hun. On the principle that ifyott arc going to tell a lie, tell a big on**, the following’ is-a success: A farmer living in the Eastern part ot the state missed a couple ot his cows some tune ago, and a diligent search and notices in the county papers failed to bring them to light. Yesterday, However, while in* the field he noticed a hole ponses, $110 27. Mr. R. A. Mathews made last I will, no doubt prove year 25 bales of cotton on a one | acquisition to the lii in. horse farm in Talliotton. II v c Mr. II. W. Moore, of Henry , , | county, Ala., made a short visit tons ot guano and over 200 dozen , J eggs Saturday. Pretty good for a j t,lis s ‘‘ l ' tion last "ock, and re rain\* ilav. |»orts fanning interests badly be Mr. Wm. M. Sc&mlrctt is at Ft. j :,j m l in that section. Valley, sick. Robert Scandretl is j We have rocolve(1 fi , )m the A „ here to attend to hts affairs during , . liis absence. j l!,or ’ ] > r - G * " • L - von ’ ot Atlan B. K. Arthur Son have s<» j l;l , Ga.. a copy of his new song cured the .services of Mr. John E! j book, “Gems of Song for the Sun erbee. Mr. K'erbee is well and fa- jay School,*’ whieh is made to ! vorablv known in this section, nnd j . .. . . . . correspond with its name, as it is valuable! ... 1 . led with gems in the wav ol Misses Mattie Whaley and Ada | Jumper from Terrell and Mr. Pole j had the space, wc could continue j Saunders, from Webster, arrived to great length giving the names i yesterday to attend school here. J of those whose experiments Avith i Gl course Ave are pleased to wel- I I t he intensive system iia* c In cn ' C,,|,1L ' ,, " r loi 1,,cr i ,,, l ,ils to onr ,u " j eminently sat islactory. Med..; 1\ V() of our young gents, with » ; not wish to be u i c o d as say- zeal that was not unto kuowlcdui ! mg that all who have tried it. j visited their sweethearts Sunda\ 1 Sabbath School Songs. Sabbath Mullins* settlement, and a widow ! —it must be as lie says, from an ! evil heart. Hold up, Johnnie i Reb. bold up. Some people in j ihis community think that Prof j Cox is Johnnie R., but I know enough to know that Prof. C. nev er thought of such a thing. Some I also have thought the writer was Sorghum, but I never thought of such a thing until I saw the piece in the paper, and the only thing 1 ever wrote for publication had my Washington, February 11 — Butler Mulione, son of Senat r M a hone, was put under a sj'l.OOu bond to-day to answer in the Police C urt to the charge of as w jjl sank Avith intent to kill, preferred by one of the employes of \\ el cker's hotel. Young M ilione en tereil the hotel last night, ami while under the intluenc-* of li<j nor became violent. He fired three shots at a hotel porter, one of which took cited iu the man's i linger, and another plowed ! through the hair of John Welcker. j A warrant for his anv si < ■ n the j above charge was Bailed tins I morning. Pos masicr Windsor, ol ! Aiexamliia, Ya., becoming hi> bondsman. e«lv I handle. W. A. ORAHAM. Dmgjdst. Atlanta.June 12. *S4. We find the safe of B. B. i». largely on the increase, and ns a Blood I’m ilier we consider it first-class. ’Tis one of the best selling medicines we liandie. SHARI* BROS , Druggists. fel*o-lm. :';-a ivA MEAT! ! =■> Schools in want of new song books | name signed to it in full except would do well lo correspond with I l ^ ,c one I wrote last week. ; be Author. I " ill close by hoping J. R. will A very sudden and unexpected i leconsider, and that both schools leatli* occurred in this communi prosper. Yours, truly, ty on the Dth inst., details Imin One who Wokks Hard, about as follows: Mr. William j Otherwise, J. T. Jay. have succeeded, for such is not j tine. Some have failed at it. for 1 he same reasons that they would : a givut way off. They r<.rg»t tl„*ii StL '' l ’ n “ ,n * :,n n,:,n - l "" | umbrellas, got there too late for '’eccntly became a citizen of iliis : 1 dinner, and came home with theii , coinniunity, avus, ou the evening I r . Sunday fixings thoroughly soak j .,f U.e aforesaid day out in the have Tailed at any other business, ed and in a bad plight generally. ‘ * . .1 . . , , • 1 \i 1 i! .! . i i* b’ld with his two step-sons, where earming is now a close business, alorat: Have sAveelhearts close by. , , t- • .11 a ffirful ImiI«•■- cviiliKinn #.*«• ■ l ‘ K T Uoing some cutting.! Lvt r, thing must be done system I v ua.iui ooiui < xpmsion oc- . • ... 1 -,i , ' ,, j etirred at 10 o’clock T uesday inor " lien to their surprise they saw atically, and with regard to the* , . ... I ... : mug at the steam mill <*! Mr. I*, linn tumble over on Ins lace, and greatest possible economy, i here i r Conner live nrl-K krmfh 1 - j \ : ' 01 hastening to him, thev found him ! is no room for waste or idleness. 1 \\ arils, killing Mr. S. R. Jernigam , . . . .. . 'li,- 1 .1 ! in tile last agonies <»i death. Another thing is true. lh<*j ;, nd hinting si*\eral others ven , The Albany 2ie*vs very M‘ii>i ulv remaiks that “mcichai.ts ought to encourage the fa rim is lo diversify their crops, with :• spicial AieAv to making tluir f *rms self sustaining in the war »f piovisitins. When the l'art;:e:> beeoine prosperous thtye i 1 i he betier sales in other than piovis ion lines for the merchants ami heir collections "ill be vasti\ i letter.” Mev/ Advertisements.! I l'-nve IionRl.t largely, an.l to great advantage, and while Low the farmer should reap tlie benefits. ’ I have bought largely ui' Staple Goods, such as we all ,n„ s t have: Ste:ti2j, Si iriinj. Osnaburgs, Stripes, Checks, Etc. These G<«.*U haxe already advanced, but my customers shall have 'he benefit ot prices at which 1 bought. Boots and Shoes for the Multitue l. i •< >t ( Hats for all the Men and Boys. 1!) I Bill. o , ... 'T r: ;*i n - < ' B ' JSl an '' L: ' :l ' ,in o Brands. Good as the Best, m l ( Iicap as the ( licapesl. * ft k of Hanbvare to and < ' Pri< "uplete, and in this Line I am prepared to give Sp e . n l amest every Artirle known to a Notion Department I In fact 11 •lock, ay stort ,nV s".t "ash* 1 CV ‘-‘ r ' t,li " S • Vl>1 ‘ " ant l»c found lit the Furii'- Yard & Gardens. The Cheapest is Net the Best! Magnolia Balm 8 a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh BREWER’S ROBBER ROOF PAINT, 7r.MSF.ES, CEMENT, ETC. ( 1 I) T<) I-’I tSTKK’S I.l'MItKi: YaKI) V.X Ml. farms, which arc mentioned, as having been brought to so high a point of fertility were not brought 1 tip to this point in one year—lim it! two. Land cannot lie suddenly enriched, to be permaueutly en riehed. It requires time for the tenilizing element to become as Minilateii with the soil, and the anxious husbandman lias had to learn patience in wailing for large results, lint even while waiting ! badly. Three men were framim writer was only a short ja house 300 yards away, and a from them, but before lie could large piece of the boiler was ; g c *t to them he was lead It was thrown that distance will. s.iHi j supposed that he died from heart dent loree to knock tlie house, ... . , ... down. Tie wreck was complete. I 1 llL ' deceased during C. E. G. i * ,ls sh«»rt resilience here had won — ! the esteem and confidence of his Biifort! Ifcins. i • i i , . , , . ! neighbors as a high toned and Mr. J. II. Mauerv has been vc- Tiie ness to it, who would rather not tell,, and you cant tell. Mill gt-t v * •.Hi fe!»-12-t-in-I2. I'roasi IVartN. Editors Enter prise «(• Appeal: j ehrislian gentleman. He ha: pairing his mill, and says he is , again ready to serve the public.! He will also keep meal at his res j Melhoihsl d,u,dl for “P^anU «.f in one side of his pumpkin, and. j I* 1 -* has found that, with ordinary idenceto exchange for corn. i h^’ty years, and was also a prom mi getting a lantern nnd going in, j seasons, every application of ma Some of our fanm rs speak of ineut member of the Masonic fra he louml the lot«t cows quietly eat j mire to the soil lias been profita- planting corn next week, hot <»r ! ternitv. Ilis I wrote a short piece week be a high toned and i fore last, requesting yon to aliow email. He has j me a little space in your columns. 11\eel a consistent member of the: You did so, and I thank you kind ly. 1 stated that if some one would brace me up aud encourage ing pumpkin seeds and getting lat. i’he hole in the fruit was caused by the rapid groAvth of the vim s, which had dragged it along over the ground for half a mile.— A i;n• !$ 'j'etofaU*r. r ! lie Albany News and Adver tiser “points a moral” in the ac c.-unt it gives *if the treatment be st owed on two different person^ soliciting assistance in that city One was an infirm, crippled old lady, who had to call 5 in a pair of clutches to enable her to get about over the city. A few nick els and dimes were grudging^ doled out to her, and the total was lady handsome ble. | cold. Wc are glad to know that in, The question now is, did the our own* section the number of* oats get killed during the recent those adopting this plan is stead- void spell 4 ? After all. oats seem to i 1 v increasing remains were in- tered on the Uth inst.. at the Yillulah cemetery, lie leaves a "ife and three stepchildren to ?ft»itf!i the Criminals. T he following timely suggestion hy the Greenville News is repro luced lor the consideration of judges, la wye i s and jurors of this section. The News savs: ‘Ti would be well if somebody . could devise some legislation to prevent the compromisi fciiminal cases. It is very common for nu n who commit assaults to escape pun ishment by paying the person or persons injuml a sum of money and the costs. We cannot blame be a very uncertain crop. We j mourn his sad demise. Verily it ! heard a farmer say the other day ! ‘ V:,s another child of Israel called , he had not made but one crop in to come over to the promised , fifteen years. ; Land of Canaan. An old colored lady at our place ; W. W. J. of business a few days ago had a I girl Avith her that bad both marks | Spring' Vale Item*. I of a chilli an.l nn ol.l person about | X , 1C we:ll | lcr has becn exC ced- her. lien asked how old she , .. , , m”!y unfavorable for farnifna;, ami little lias been done :-'iiall. A young lad iy dressed,- a iu! atinactive in man oer solicited aid front Lite busi ness men to reach a dying brothel in Cedar Key**, Fla. Her story h v as touchingly told, and tln- witchery of her pretty face threw pocket books wide open, at.d a considerable sum was realized. The one was a case of deserving she was going to do with it, and she said she was going to put it it her party to these transae.ions. I ‘V 1 ,' 6 ** to tVo "' A man' who has committed an of ^ C:,L ’= cl,,ck ‘ nS ,' ? l,c sa - vs fensc is very naturailv anxious to ! : \'T k "" nwcr ' oth ' r * v " ,lr escape the nnnovan.Ae of a trial: ‘‘ s " !,,n F »* '-“'e an andthesuir. he is a p nor j «»•> s, '<* >“ ,l,c h«* i man. generally finds that it will ■ to ids advantage season. oident to his appearance as a wit-! was, she said: “According to ..., , , judgment she is twenty-three i,Ule 1,as 1,0011 ln tl,ls years old.” The same old lady preparatory lo planting. had an old horse shoe carrvim- i N ’" le f*:"' “ r *-‘siwak'ng of plant!ng ~:corn this week. I Notwithstanding the Ycrdict of fully two thirds ol the farmers is i t it at commercial fertilizers do no! pay. they are buying them exten- j sively again this season, and why they will persist in using them without any remuneration, wc can ‘ not understand. Valentines have put in their ap I pearance. We have seen some very pretty ones, but in the main they aie comic, and productive of Mr. W. L. Taylor dm ing tbe re cent cold spell killed the heaviest some substantial cash compcnsa- i 7? !la ^J IC:,, ' ,, °f lhis 5 „ tion and avoid the loss of time in- i .T ,, ' lun > r 4S » l KUI, »' ls » ef * Mr. Taylor is quite a successful meat tiess before the grand jury and the courts. No special harm is done : raiser, selling a gi o.l deal of home I raised meat every year, after sup- 1, while the criminals are persons of charity, but failed.- The other ; moderate means, who led tl.e loss was a first-class fraud, a female! l,Io ncy they pay enough to. tramp, and succeeded; The moral nla !' e a pnnishiuent to them which the News draw's is that plying his farm and family, ln ! very little good. Miss Ktila V. Crapps, one of Spring \ ale's most beautiful and amiableyoung ladies, is away on atisit. Didn't we feel sorry for me, I would endeavor to give you the news of our section, six miles north of Wards. 1 am happy to say that I have received great en couragement. AAe never know what is going to happen. Last week father's dog barked himself to death at wagons hauling guano from Ward Station. That is about all that was done last week, hauling guano, and me thinks there were more buzzards to be seen last week than usual. Whether they were enjoying the scent, or just waiting for some old cow to lay down aud die I cannot say. It was cold last week, but it did not interfere with school at the Mullins school house. The tea eher and children were promptly on band *y y a . Tbe si li >ol is getting larger eiery week. We ikink it will soon run up to thirty scholars, if the epizootic don't break out among the children. W e are fearful .hat some far mers have had their oats killed last week. There was a valentine party at rpiIK |.nMR* arclitreLy notified that • JL am pfcjiared t»* faroi*h Brewer’* * fii’brnlt-.i .:!»’:»••»• I’aint. ('«•- ment. Ktc , t<* Bu;I<k-rs. Manufactum.- *.n«l ParnuTs" at whuk’.-alc or retail i; ; any qtiautitv. i l.i- av: Titlc-rful r.-sint. Brine: FiRE FR : J0F AND WATER PEDOF, j should Ik* iisoil l»v veryh.»dy on t'u- j nw.fs of their (UvcMin^ houses, stores. { 'arm imj.icmeiits. mariiinery. j>iim{>-. j feiH-rs around yards, farmers* lots. etc. j It is the r);.*:i|»f't, jic.-t. |»retliest and j most durable Paint manufactured. Ii ! prevents shiniric or tin rcH.fs from rot- i tin^. or o! 1 roofs from leaking. It will j |»a\" Aon to trA" B. J, W. STANFORD, Sole A^ent for Randolph Coc-ily. ! fe»nl2-tf. POOR NERVOUS SuTfERERS? I F your Bead aches and can’t sleep, weak and noiwms. Face pale and • ha«*rard. thin in flesh, broken down in 1 mind and body, use Dr. Dodd’s Nervine : and Tonic. It will re.-tore aou tohealth. j rive you strength and increase the llesii. j i»rinr the pink to the eSieeks, cherry t*» J the lips, and produce sound nnd refresh ing sleep. Price i*.a* sale in jt’uthbert. CJeorpia hy J. M. St'Ntoki*. j ami all Drupjrists. fe!.-l2-!v i'* >ST. RA FINDS. 15ASK PLANK. SILLS. scant lint;. FLOOLIXD, CliH.INC. axd \vi:.vtiii;11\v)ardin<; The Flooring. * <ilintr and Weathcr- hoardin^ is kept Dressed «»r in the ilouy! •o suit the parties neetlinr it. Itoii^h Flank of the Best, for Well Curbing, Flooring, Etc. ! Cannot and Will not Bo Undersold ! I Will sell again nn Time lo good parties. I am better nr i o. | to do :i * Furnishing and Advancing Business NESS, anil now is YOUR TIMK. fully, J. McK G-UOT. liar, ever before. I mean BUSINESS, and now is YOUR TIME ( nine one, come nil. Rcsj ectfnllv. jr. n'2'l-ci Refused Blank. Sean:! Rotigii K ige or Sheeting all at; Rock Bottom Prices, For Cash, on ilie Wagon, or on presentation of Bill. Lumber can lie had on anv rea sonaide time, sj eei .i eon ’ raet or satislaeJory arrangements are liiadt. Dumber Yard at my ohi Stand. Keaspeetfiillv, J. A. FOSTER. j in20 ct Cnthhert, Ga. * TO uitr N Sale of Valuable Property. Dr. Mott s P..-wdsrs. Usobbix, roesu. KVKIi K.MI.s To <Ti;K IM'l.AM- '^J’XI , EK_ mill by virtue of an <>r I have just opened at. the Owen & S.-a!y old stand a and will, as soon as i; can be shii-pp.1 from the Factories, have on band a full ime of everything tisuallv kept in a -sFIRST-SLASS ESTABLISHMENT!*- of this kind. I propose to buy in large quantities, direct from Fac tories, and will compete in slyie and prices with anv house in Georgia. and Resolution of St«»ckIi.»Mer. ... , I Le Georgia Wine Company, parsed | January - . Is.sN. jit their Annual ing. AA‘i 1! he sold before the t'ourf Hoi Door in the city of Cuthbert. on tin* first u or Kxcesses. I |,,M 1 , ,:i !l "*' J'y <'« » utliiiert. on tin* first permanen:: v j Tuesday'in .March, is.S.*». within the legal spots on face : hqur.< *»i sale, the following property t«»- I a’ v *h: All of Lot of Land No. Ti.iiiv-Siv niation of the Kidneys, Grave!, j <fleet. S:riclitres wid ail I’rinary i es. Nervous and Physical Dehiiity. Gen- | ital Weakn *s> an*l ail those untoid mi.— i enes caused hy in iiscretiitn Svpiiillis in all its forms ; cured. Ytllovv or i.roAvn sj . and hotlA' Sore Throat and Nose. Sc rot- . v,It j *V J ot ot Land No. TLirty-Six. i ula. Did Sores. Frzemn. Tetter aud all 1 1 1 ' ‘h* 1 X(*va survey in the city of l5i«M«l and Skip, diseases. Urinary dis 111 r B ;,,i 'l m1| «*r No. Thiity-Four ; ea-cs cured in .‘5 days. Price ^.*1. For ! ;,n ’* * * :lr, .y'-•'*»-v'en in J 'ilia Nova Sur- ! sale in t'tithbcrt. Georgia hy J. W. Stax- ; that lies north oi .: line running j Fottu. and all Drugjdsts. fel»-12-!\*. ; F ; st and \\ est troin a point 'flirce llun- ! I dred aud I *.venty->ix yanls due South R. DODD’S NKRYINKNO.2. Never; A tluNo,t!: Fast corner-,i Lot of Limi fails to cure Nervous and PliA'sieal ; ‘ N V* l > - K ^' Hiitnlref\ and sixty-? (lie, i:i the Dehiiity. Seminal Weakness. Loss 4) f ; !,f h i‘istrict ot sai<l county : also all of ; Manhood caused hy Errors of Youth.: '-ot ot Laud No. < |ne Hundred and >ixty- Kxeesses. A'e. Price ?>. If you have j !‘ ,,c ™ :, L’ S ' "*>t dned in tii« following t 1h*cu treated hy ignorant ITivsieiaus and "'"indaries: < omiuenein I) will have full charge of the business, an.I will In- fonn-1 at bis post ■ill limes, re.-uly fuM-rve all in iiis usual fair an.! square manner. E.MEM1SER the place, Owen & Sealvolil stami, East si 'Iarc, Cutiii.-ert, Ga. Respectfully, J. w. STANFORD. January '22 G:n. i0 Bills. E-istern —BY TUB- QUART PECK CR busee: AT It . t i ami to *.ti luce* tlicm lo he careful 11 ; in their conduct. But ilie in-iti one expects to succeed, he must! c ipie is bad. A very rich man. put on “style.” Style is all— ; for instance, would probably u-ol tloreforc cultivate style. j at liberty to maltreat any |>ooivr y -*■ - i citizen while tie knows that he Eu aula lias hail another fire. ’ can ‘pay out’ of the consequences rn ! addition lo the one just mention ed he killed two that netted 540 ,, , .... ... . pounds pork, ami ten that netted llc younggaHant who drove his Misses Ola and Eliza Mullins DJ5. heauliful gr.13* to !>. \ . Sunday. : residence last Friday night. The St. Valentine's day came and H.!°u hate any ( I° u Lls about: nreatimr was so bail I didn't turn went without much notice in thmmbt^'foTdavs. dash around re I out ’ UHt fivu of ln - v iargest chil hert. < M -.rgia hy J Druggi-ts. W. ?Staxf*»i::». nnd all fci»-12 1y. | along the ha>i line of said Lot I lire ' Hundred and Twentv-six vards to start- I ! ing point, excepting Two ' Acres within i11 .>"t!,!: I■ V:'N;LV 1 i>.' 'k!Ii*.JColamnas :'erillizcr Co. X via ,l ! 1 ' ''The (ic-irgia Wine fompanv.” .... Also, one large Wine Press and Fixtures, j . A Lr. 1» 1 t 1 i 1 | ‘»ih* small Wine Press and l-'ixtures. One • t n IfADBHV n T, n , nn7 T "i>si I have, opened a general , Grape Gutter, one Wheel harrow. Two j I* u* MAKilP. LumBEET. GEORGIA. parts. It Avas decided partial.a ... to have a valentine party at the I , bachelor quarters of M r. T. A. j a . l, "“ t tl,c 4Ul of Man -‘h an-l the Bass, hut frit-lid Tom after'think- ; ^"yjDo'X of \Ibnny was here On Monday night the largo! of his conduct with a turn which ib'i'.M Ia ' Ulcl 'I'cdued lie pi K t, Friilay in the interest of S Grange lVn«l,„„„ „a, ™ll J. a ,* l. TI,. I “£‘,‘ . ^1 JI.J« * UU.ta,. **~«—• c™,.., >*,&**. " SPJ.K.MMO HONORS. R iiU’AIU StfDF Savannah, and corrcspon | i dent was remembered by some i sweet g-rl. It was as sweet as the i . honey dew of heaven. I. A. 51. Davis's store and inquirc Abe Stokes. , _ " as > B sured for j i he poor man must suffer full le-ml $. 0Ut>. i here were about 1.4001 -mnishment f-,r his crimes for The bales ol cotton in there, all ol j |. ltk of a pule cash.” which was burned. Doctor Mer- J _ . _ cer, of Georgetown, had nc-si iy ” 1.000 bales—-fully insured. Doc tor Dozier 30 Iiales—fully insiir e-l. Nearly all.the cotton was in sured. There were two offices-aud! , . , , , , , destroy and expel them and bring llll!e comes to ieei the ilrcn wore present, and llu-y toil me it was one of the best parties they ever attended. Something will take place be fore a great while at Ilie Mullins school house that has never hap pened in Southwest Ga., an-l when you hear of it, the old an-l the The pnblic should note Ihe fact that the only proprietary medit-iue on ! young had better I large Wine Casks of l-'uur Hundred rial- j ) Inns cai-h : N'im-Casks of Due Hundred i and Ninety liailons each. Two Win,. ; In front of Mr. J. C. Martin's (ii.ano i Iv^dimiseaY’an,!t"'f Warehouse, where I do all kin,!.-of work fii^myVlalknsl' ° ! ** b ** wt j 1,1 Property t«» Ik* s«»M f»»r cash for' WOOD OR IRON : purpose of;liviri‘.„i among the >!...klioi- j i .. f . , . . j‘ I *»‘ IS sai I Fompanv. Tlu* Personal ! "f un fo n »erM give me their years Pr..j»erfy aliovc descrihetl can m ;u ,v ! ; work i will work as follows: Sharpen* ; time Ik* inspected upon ai.plicathm to ' ; ing SAVrcp.** 12'. cents; Turning Plows. ! the Superintendent of r!»e Pompanv as >e«Htiers and i urniugM.ovHs. lOeents; i same will not he exposed at the Tom: ! ami all other work in proportion. j House on day of sale. By order of the < 'ompnnw WILLIAM D. KfDDOO c- huvs 1 ALL :u for Grie Ahnanae Nines for the Uonipnnv. jan-l-tm Bngnies and Wagons HEALTH IS THE GREAT ,-st blessing. No child can be healthy and worms in its stomach. Shrincr's Indian Vermifuge will Few people know what bodily a grocery store in the building. I : the blessing so long sought. The groat question with Allan $25,000 above the insurance. The! ta l's what to do with the railroad origin of the fire is not known. ! crossing at Whitehall Str.-et. and their cot!tents were nearly all lost. The-Times-state* that' the loss to ditli-rent parties will reach who ilo sutler, lint never knew before, tin tii ink everybody is soulless anil unfeeling because they won't come and rub their aching bones. — Union and Jiecorder. , - be present, for | put ,”^1 order at ,o« rat.-s. ** ! JhTirt'R HOOD, Jr„ .SecY’'"''’" 4 ' ■ »H*tli tl*.it Civi icit*iacu 12io supreme 1 it not <*omc to *i«rain •» . . . juii..m 1. : awaol of Gold Me.h.1 at the -ovat In- “ l ° ' WSS »n'> K your' D-.kyng Sewing n|r , temational World Fairs, Industrial ! 'n a century. Yon will have due, Ma ''' : "“ l suffctin^, i.,and fewer stth kuow j |.; spo sitions ami State Fairs, is St. and timely notice. They sav that! . , J. R. V.^ILKS. how to sympathize with those' Jacobs Oil. After the most thorough i , , . I - , Jan _-iy, when their ! »»>•« practical tests, in hospitals and ; 8 ° ,ne,, ‘ M, .v 18 S oln S to get married, — — : \f lioat llnuh : tii *a e,sewi,erc » It lias universally triumph-; mnl that Before , l, e :' ? v ‘‘ r , al1 , competitor*, amt been pro-, Guess who it is. in n iii« 3 claimed l>v Judges and Jurors, in- eluding eminent physicians, to Is- the ' I write again ] I am tlie same i SoKUUL'M. ‘ Some attribute it combustion, some Ui rats getting hold of a box of mutches, some think i possible that it was the work of an incendiary. ptans-have, been proposed. Mr. R. A. Mathews, on bis one pox. Two have died—both old ; insured against wind storms as. ! Several 1 I to avoid the danger serious objections - I against them all. best pain-curing rcim-dv in existence. , . _ . , , t, , m ' i —In view of the great nnmtier; Thomson in McDuffie county | of tornadoes we have now, would I lias Had several cases of small I it not lie well to have our houses j ALLISON <t SIMPSON'S. j:ll)24 ot to life, but horse farm in Talbot ton made 25 arc found , bales of cotton last year—as bad la crop year as it was. and feeble—while the others are I well ns against fire? Mr. M. C. -,hang well. There is no prospect | Parkerson represents a company j iof a further spread. | that takes that kind of risks. I ct TOBACCOS. We are offering Nprrlal Indut-mrats, At ALLISON & SIMPSON S. Just Received! The Genuine Eastern Seed A i* it 11 Stock of Drugs, Chemicals AND Patent Medicines, —AT— j J- P- TOOMBS & BRO.’S. Irish Potatoes —New Crop Turnip Seed, ail varieties—■ — (by the pound or pa- the CELEBRATED ii in Great Variety Peas, Beans and Corn in Pint Packages. Full Quantity Paper Seed sold at ,> Cents per Paper. Golden Dent, Improved Learn ing and Blount’s Prolific Corn, hy the Peck or Bushel. o oao tv mktm, Silver Skin, and Dancer's Yellow, Canarz ana Mixed Bird Seed, For sale at T. S. POWELL'S, Drajr_M>r. Bookseller ami ScriDnum, EARLY ROSE. 1 Der at iniL LtLtBHA TED BUIST SN(ny A KL\K f |.; V V£BM0ST * I w. STANFORD’S. Gfarcleii Seed 6-9 Linseed Oil :ind Pure —AT— i Lend at such low prices as In defy | TITi , , t» j •» j competition, at the Drug Store of I WllOlOSalO 01* RctiUl i J. M. SlANbORD. l a t J. l*. Tooiifw Jc isno. s. t -i PEERLESS. BEAUTY OF HEBRON, At J. P. TOOMBS A BRO.’S.