Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, February 26, 1885, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE AND APPEAL, W. H, COOPER, J. W. STANFORD. Editors. CUTHBERT\ GA. Thursday Morning, Fth. M. INSS. Xr. I, A. MARTIN Is our Ageat at Buford, and I* fully authorized to receive and receipt for all atonej paid bin. The Marvin Safe Factory lias been burned—loss over $200,000. The artesian well in Atlanta is nearly 1,400 feet deep. Macon is to have a $125,000 public building. Macon boasts of the only female switchman in the world. Speer t'oalnaed. The Senate by a majority of one last week confirmed the appoint nient of Emory Speer as U. S. Judge for the Southern District of Georgia. This one vole, giv- PKEACHERS AS FINANCIERS. It is a common idea that the men who devote themselves to the gospel ministry are, as a rule a very poor set of financiers. Many 'here are who sneer at their they do not succeed, But the business of preachers is not to make money. Their great work is to do good, and so to lay up for themselves treasures in snotlier Letter, freai Eufanla. Ei fauia, Ala., Feb 23, ’85. Editors Enterprise A Appeal: It was inv good fortune to be ing him a majority, was cast by j hick of worldly wisdom. Senator Brown, who not only vo j There is the same difference lie ted for him, but worked actively ; tween preachers that there is bc- ir. his interest. Senator Colquitt, on the other hand, Voted against hi*), and did all in his power to prevent the confirmation. Judge S|>eer is a brilliant young man, but his con duct, in political and profession al matters, wc think has shown him to be utterly unfit in point of moral character for the high posi tion to which he lias been elevated, lie has many warn), personal friends who arc much elated by his success, but the large part of thoughtful (iropie feel that an Rev. Sam Jones is at work in Charleston, and attracting large outrage has been put upon them crowds to tlic services. The weekly pay roll or the Kim ball House is from $3,000 to $5, 000. Ex-Gov. Moses, of South Caro linn lias just hern sentenced to a hoHsc of correction for six months for stealing $36.00. Politically speaking, the Quit- man Free Press says: “To the casual observer everything ap pears quiet, nevertheless there is an under current in State poltUcs already in motion looking to the higher places two years hence.”. —While the long protracted spell of cold weather has much retarded the farmer in his early planting, it lias kept the fruit crop back, and the prospect now is that the present year will prove all right (or fruit. The Conyers Solid South says: “An exchange thinks that the prophecy of the late Alexander II.- Stephens that Northern capital would capture the South in detail, bv acquiring eo#trrtf 6rst Of her i *il roads, second of het trade, and lastly or her real estate, is rapidly becoming An inexorable rcalitv.’’ Colquitt worked with might and main to defeat the confirmation of Speer ns District Judge, and we did hope the Tchg'aph would henceforth forgive him. Bet it don't forgive him worth a cent lint blames Colquitt for appoint ing Brown to the Senate. The Telegraph certainly lias forgot that Joe Brown did not get his present AppointMoW from Col quitt. The Dalton Argus thus refers to the effort of the Hancock far mers to break up Saturday loafing on the part of farm hands. Wan- Cock isn’t the only county that is in the matter. It says: “The ag rieultural club of Hancock county has determined to break up this present system of town loafing on Saturday evenings. They will neither pay their hands nor give them orders for trade on Satin- days.” A little plain, honest, effective legislation in the interdst’ of debt- paying is sadly needed* in Geor gia. The tendency of legislation, since the war, lias been in the other direction. There are a num ber of kinds of hard work bv which people earn the means of a livelihood: but.there is no other jail'at Albany, work comparable to that of col lecting ilchts. in all that tends to make labor exhausting and un- remunerative. l’eople whose first thought in the morning is as to how they may beat their creditors during the day arc as numerous as black crows, and quite as repu table in their methods.—Albany ATeirstt Advertiser. which they could well have been spared, anil for which there was no excuse. What Same Men H ark for. Two men living near Shelby - ville, Tcnn., residing not Tar apart went home drunk one day last week. Reaching the house of the one nearest to town, they both went in, and while at the stipjier table got into a quarrel about a het they had made while on the way home. The wife endeavored to quiet them, hut failed, and they repaired to the yard to fight it out with knives. At this point the wife ran in between the two men and received the thrust from both in her body. Without saying a word, site went back to the house and fell down dead. The men catne to their senses ns soon as they saw what they hud done, made friends, and starting to the house met one of his little clnl dren. wlm cried out,- “inamina is dead,” “mam ina is dead.” F.n ter ing flic house they found her weltering in her own blood. One knife had (icnctrated near the heart, the other had made a fear ful gash on the neck. The men were arrested but allowed to at tend the funeral of tlicir victim. They now lie in jail awaiting their trial. This is another illustra tion of the fearful curse of wins ky, and should serve as a warn ing to all who advocate the bar room business in their comniuui Q-- tween other classes of men. J list as some farmers are not men of good judgment: just as sonic mer chants lack tact; just as some lawyers and doctors lack energy, so now and then preachers are found who lack judgment, or en orgy or tact. But we hesitate not to atiii m that at a class, preachers arc the best financiers in the world, and truly remarkable for their fine common sense. There are no people who have so many, and such heavy responsibilities thrust upon them, who acquit themselves so creditably as the preachers. There is no calling in this world that requires the exer vise of such exquisite tact, and world where rust does not corrupt.' present and witness rather a new and no thieves break through and ; —ygj very appropriate service at steal The great thought of the \ ^ B tirt c .|,, m . U of this place worldly business man is to lav up ‘ , treasures here. The thought of!<”> Sunday night. It was an the true minister of God is to lay tip treasures for the hereafter. And now in tile light which comes from the Divine Word, in the end. in the fin d consummation of all things, when ail the riches or this earth have passed away, will not the opinion prevail universally that '.hey whose treasures endure the great test, and remain in hap py possession after all others have failed, are the very best managers tile world ever saw? I’owrlh District Ileiws. Still we have disagreeable cold weather. The farmers of our neighbor hood arc behind with their crops on account of rain and cold. How ever. two of our enterprising farm ers, B. F. Snell and Barney Lester I , have planted twenty live acres ‘ wise management as that of the j ea y|, corn ministry, and, all things consul j Xwo of our Dawson friends, cred, it is wonderful to see how j Messrs. Pickett and IIar|»cr made these men are equal to almost ev- ; mir neighborhood a pleasant visit emergency. IIow to be ‘all, Saturday in pursuit of game, had things to all men. and yet l*-* j much hut game was scarce, true to God and self is a problem : X ||^re was one gun in the crowd that requires a dm lie ingenuity ; hammers of which went so far erally used all over Alabama* Georgia and Florida- The}* ha'C the Ammonia in the cotton seed 1R#tt i • ii „ i >i.; a ;• Atlanta, <jctulwr lo, is**. meal in abundance, and tins l* lx*gan handling B. B. 1*. front its the most costly of elements which existence, a few months ago. ami have Atlanta I>r»ggMsJf || |] | | |er f qjj j) B 00 ||| J 20 to make up a complete plant food. This Company is selling all they ean manufacture, and will he compelled to enlarge and ex tend their works to meet the in creased demand for another sea son. This is as it should be—wc should manufacture at home all our cotton goods, agricultural im plemcnts and fertilizers. n f. b. Ifon. W. K. Smith, of Albany, lost a barn by fire a few weeks since. It was clearly the work of an incendiary, and a reward of $50 was offered. A little 12 year old boy of Mr. J. R. Forrester concluded that he was the fellow to do that job, anil getting him a bottle of whisky, and a negro to help him in his plan, he went to the house of a negro whom he suspected, gave him plenty ol toddy, got him communicative, and by abusing Capt. Smith pret ty severely, led the negro on to make a full statement of iiis crime, while the little boy's negro lay under the house taking it all in. The result was that the negro was arrested and now lies in the Death at David Dixon. The death of this large and sue cess ful farmer occurred at his home near Sparta last Thursday, lie had just fetuiucd f.'oiii his usual horseback ride,- and com plaining of a' chilly sensation, went to bed, and died in a short time, lie had not only made a success of farming for himself, lint by giving publicity to his im proved methods of culture, hud done much to improve the ngri- cirittHe.i interests of the State. He Ink! amassed a* fortune of real ly a quarter of a oh 1 Hon of dol lars. He died at the age of 75. —Wc see that several of our ex changes are giving some of tlicir neighbors a poke under the short ribs for appropriating “items" and “random thoughts" without proper credit. We frequent!} - see sonic of our valuable sayings going the rounds of the press without any indication of tlicir source. We shall make no fuss about it, however. That they should thus be esteemed by others is compli incut enough. KITCHEN ECDNOM V. Interesting Tests Made hjr the (Jor- enftnent Chemist. to solve, and yet as a rule the preachers are successful in the | effort. In their ministerial work ! a thousand complications arise, j in which the most wily wordly j diplomat would fail, and bring ! upon himself the scio n of those j with whom lie stood connected. 1 But the preacher quietly moves on, with heart ami brain intent upon iiis work, and before any have thought of nliat lie was doing, tlie work is done, the ditli cullies arc removed, the complies lions are ended. True lie lias not built a railroad, no: e tabli-licii a great factory, nor developed some wonderful plan of internal im provement, hut he has done wliat required more line common sense than any or all of these. So too of theirfinancial manage mont. Vanderbilt knows a great deal about money, but the Mctli odist and Baptist preachers oi Georgia could give him valuable lessons for some time to come. There arc no people in the world from whom so much is expected. ami fruin such limited resource* as is expected from the preachers. We suppose that wc would be put ting it veiy large if wc estimate the average salary of the Method ist and Baptist preachers of Geor gia al $600. Yet there is hardly any limit to what they are ex peeled to do with this small amount. They must dress as fine on this $600 as the mail of $50,- 000, or complaint is made that they do not go in a style worthy of their people. Their wives and children too, must appear to ad vantage whenever they go out. They dare not go sli:ihhiiy dress cd. The children must lie edu rated, anil the general cxpccta tion is that they shall lie better educated than other people's cliil dren. They must lie hospitable, and entertain liberally and fre quently, anil this is very expen sive. Their position requires that they travel a great deal—and that at their own cost usually. They must Set an example of liberality in all tilings. Tiny must con tribute to the poor frequently, be cause in their daily rounds of pastoral work, they find cases where it would lie a crime to wait long enough to call the church together. They must subscribe to newspapers, for of all men preachers arc expected to be well posted. New books arc to be back that Harper declared he could see it falling in time to dodge the shot. Dr. F. L. Baisden and wife are keeping house now, anil Doc lias gone to work in earnest, lie says he lias a cook, hut stands much in need of a store. Bill this hard work doesn't agree with Doc. lie was seen out on the street recent ly and was not looking so well— respiration qui k, pulse rapid, to-in ] >oi atnrc cool. The school of our neighborhood, • Mix Up" is increasing some ev ery day or two, students in atten dance now amounting to seventy: pupils from Marion, Terrell and | Lee counties have already come here to attend school this term. 1 Not liking theoid name for the| school house, the neighborhood has centered on the name, “Flan lers Academy.” and we hope as wc "ring out the old and ring in the new” her success will lie crowned more abundantly than ever. i'll). » • -•»-— Our Riddle Column. What is that which a gentleman has not. and never can have, but may give it to a lady. A husband; and all wise ones provide against croup and coughs by keeping Taylor's Cherokee Remedy ol Sweet Gum and Mullein. Black and white and re(a)il al! over? A newspaper, and all the best ones advise its readers to keep «n hand a bottle of Taylor's Cher okee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mull cin, the great cough and croup cure. At what time of day was Adam born? A little before Eve. And at that hour we are more apt to contract coughs and colds. I)o not neglect them, hut take Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Why is a proud woman like a music hook? She is full of airs. And if they blow on her, coughs and colds must iollow. Do not neglect them, hut take Tavior’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Why is cold weather productive of benevolence? It makes people put their hands in their pockets. It also produces coughs, colds ami croup. Take Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. fel 1-12-1-111-12. ■ ♦ m—■ The ceremonies attending the dedication of the Washington monument in the city of Washing ton were very interesting and appropriate. It is claimed to be the highest shaft in the world. Vitality of Crest lea is not always innate or horn with them, but many instances arc known where it has been acqnired by th? persistent and judicious use of Dr. Harter's lion Tonic. New Advertisements. Send a 2 cent stamp for 16 page Riddle Book to WALTER A. TAYOR. jy-2t Atlanta. Ga. Martli Bras. In reply to the question I youthful correspondent, the stiunion gives the following I tory of the origin of this festival: Mardi gras is the Tuesday preceding Lent. In Roman nounced and the public—with the officers and members of the other churches had been invited to unite with the church in a public recep tion of their new Pastor, Rev. G. A. Nunnallv. At an early hour this large and elegant church was filled with the good [leople of this city, of all creeds and sects. Tin- object of the gathering was foi- mally announced by Maj. W. M. Reeves, when Mayor Comer was i ivited to preside, who made a s-nsiblc short talk, an 1 extended in behalf of the city of Eufaula a hearty welcome to this good man and Iiis family. After this Maj. Reeves, in behalf of the church. Welcomed the Pastor with many good and sensible words of en couragement and love. He was I followed by Rev. Mr.' Lowery, of the Methodist church, inbelialfof the other denominations of tiie city, and the presentation of the Holy Bitde. His speeeli was full of brotherly love, and was well timed, and will do much to unite the Christian people in stronger and more cudcring bonds of fra lei mil fellowship, and remove all sectarian bias or prejudice. Wclr? were made to feel tiiat we were indeed all children of one com mon Father, and soldiers of one grand army, banded by the love of Christ, and striving only for His honor and glory and the sal ration of the world. After Mr. Lowery, the Rev. Dr. Stout, in be half of the Eufaula Association, and the Stale of Alabama, ex tended a welcome, cordial and heart fell. His allusions to his work and eo operation with the Pastor in our grand and glorious, old Georgia, made me feci proud that 1 was a citizen of such a {State, and lived among such a J people. | The rcsjioiise of the Pastor was well-timed, and at times humor oiis. lie replied that lie was mu such a stranger after all—that lie was a native of Alabama—Iiconlt happened to be born on the other side of the Chattahoochee; said he had come to stay, to work and do. for tiiC up building of the church and the honor of his Mas ter. His talk breathed a Catho lic, Christian feeling throughout, and we predict for the church a season of growth and usefulness never before witnessed in this city. We know the man; knew him when b >ys together among the old red hills of Georgia—he was then, as now, a leader— bril liant, high toned, honorable as a boy—he has developed into the highest type of a Christian gen tie,an ami minister of host, pjgg f R33 ? AN3 WATER PROOF, and when I grasped lus hand and | , K . 11W , ll} . t(rry | w]v „„ lh , he welcomed me by my boyhood • roofs of their dwelling houses.- stores. " . i farm implements, machinery, pumps, name, 1 lciL Hint to Iiavc known fences around yards, farmers* lots. etc. such a bov and now such a man, 11 is , ,! '. < ' r ;T' ‘l , f r, '* ,i « ,t . • ’ j most dura He Paint manufactured. It was an honor as well as a great prevents shingle or tin roof* fmiu rot ting. or old roofs from leaking. It will pleasure. ' pay you to try it. The music by the choir was the ; best we ever heard it anv south ern church, and added greatly to ! f ***** f8r the interest and pleasures of the! ■ evening, and wc went oti*. feeling : POOR NERVOUS SUtFERbRS. H i ii i , • TF your I lead aches and can’t sleep, ow good and how pleasant ll Is Weak and net roue. Face pale and for brethren to dwell together ii»! hassarJ. thin in flesh, broken down in mind and body, use Dr. l>odd j* Nervine 1 Tonic. It will restore you tohcaith. never heard a word of dissatisfaction ex- reused rel itive to its merits, hut have heard it very extravagantly praised hy those who have used it. Its sale with us is rapidly increasing, and we now buy it in three gross lots. ‘ ' HOWARD 4 CANDLER. Wholesale Druggists. ) Office of Jacobs’ Pharmacy. Atlantv. June 13. ’SI. i Si, months ago we had no demand for R. ]i. j;.. hut now our retail demand i> such that we are forced to buy in two gross lots. We attribute the rapid and enormous demand to the comparative size and price of B. B. B.. and its posi tive merit. It sells well and gives our customers entire satisfaction. < hir sales have increased nOO |K.*r cent, within a few months. JACOB*’ I’ll. Per Fred B. Palmer. M. D. Atiaxta. June 12, ’M. We have been handling 1». B. B. only a few mouths*, and take pleasure in say ing it is superseding all other Blood Rem edies. It sells our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully re commend it in preference to anv other Blood Purifier. A5?II EK & MOOKK. Druggists. SCHUMANN S PHARMACY, * Atlanta. June 1<». 'M.i Since I have begun handling the B. B. B.. which is al>out three or four months, it grows so much in popularity, and its sales increased so much, that I have to bnv it in gross lots, as it sells unite rajc idlV. TIIF.O. SC HUMANN. Atlvxt.%. June 12. ’84. During the past few mouths I have given B. B. B. severe tests in the cure ol Blood Diseases, and unhesitatingly pro nounce it a safe, sure, harmless am! speedy Blood Puri tier, fully meriting the confidence of the public. *My customers are delighted with its efleets, and the de mand has so wonderfully increased that I have been compiled to buy bv the yross. as it is the best selling blood rem edy I handle. W. A. r,RAHAM. Druggist. Atlanta. June 12. ’St. We find the sale of B. B. B. largely on the increase, and as a Blood Purifier we consider it first-class. ’Tis one of the i»est selling medicines we handle. SHARP BROS .Druggists. feb-5-lm. *< No pressure oil the hick. No thigh strap to ehafo. 1st Premium and Medal awarded at Cincinnati Imposition. For sale by J. P. TOOMBS & BUO.. jan2’.*-*;in C’uthhert. (in. BREWER’S RUBBER ROOF PAINT, ON* CEMENT,'ETC. PTM IK public are hereby notified that I A. am prepared to furnish Brewer’s Celebrated .lubber Paint. Varnishes, f’c- ni «i.t. Ktc . to Builder^. Manufacturers and Farmers at wholesale or retail in any quantity. rlJ.'W. STANFORD, New Yodk. February 15.—Mr. . 1 ;;n Kelly, the Tammany leader. 1 a) been ill - lor some time, and li is taken no part in public af ftiiis. Mr. Kelly having express ect a strong belief that sea aii «« :ld cure him was taken ti> K-.iekawav beach recently liv his: Dr. Edward G. Love, tlie Ana { They must pay doctors bills, lytical Chemist for the l T . S. Gov- , • . , . . suffer frequently the heavy ex eminent, has made some inter ! ’ esting experiments as to the l ,ense and tedious illness comparative value of the baking their families. While others i ponders. Dr. Love’s - tests were j can select their homes, and re made to determine wfcit brands are the most economical to u«-, and as their capacity lies in then leavening power, tests were direct | plaee to place as Providence di ed solely to ascertain the availa j reels,or the whims and fancies of hie gas ol each powder. Dr. Love's ! a congregation may require, and report gives the following: | Uie8e removals cost a great deal Name of the Cubic inches da* of money. And thus wc might continue, if not to an indefinite. bought every year—many of then: ‘ very costly, but they are just such : as these preachers arc obliged to | Catholic countries the faithful have to keep abreast of the age.; upon the eve of entering Lent were and unity.” The Baptist church is to be congratulated upon securing so eloquent and yet so pious and useful a Pastor, the community so progressive anil useful a citizen. J for lie is, and lias necn, one ot the of a | most active and zealous support eon ; ers of the great temperance or Iiis- ; prohibition movement in Georgia, and lias written and spoke in be half of this great moral and re give you strength and increase the flesh, bring the pink to the cheeks, cherry to the lips, and produce sound and refresh ing sleep. Trice fl.UO. For sale in <’utlilH»rt. Georgia by J. W. Stvnfoki*. and nil Druggists. fch-12-lv. F*i*otect Yonr Yard & Gardens* The Cheapest is Not the Best! G 1 n TO FOSTFit’s LUMBER YARD, f and get sonic good POST. I’A LINUS. BASE TLANK. SILLS. Sl’ANTLINH. FL< MlKISii, f’KII.IM;. AND \Y F. AT I i E U Bo A RDISti. The Flooring, (’riling and Weather- boarding is kept Dressed or in the Rough to suit the parties needing it. Rough Plank of the Best, for Well Curbing, Flooring, Etc. Refused Plank, Scantlings, and Rough Edge or Sheeting, all at Ruck Bottom Prices, For Cash, on the Wagon, or on presentation of Hill. Lumber ean be had on any rea sonable time, wlirn special eon tract or satisfactory arrangements are made. Lumber Yard at iny old Stand. Respect full}', J. A." FOSTER, Having removed to Eufaula. I have employed Mr. MOSES SPEER to take charge of niv Lumber Yard. febdR-ct ' J. A. FOSTER. THE building of the Coin mb us. Cliattalimclicc * Florida Railroad being now declared a certainty, and its completion acknowledged by all as being the most potent factor that could lie named in giving lift and impetus to the city, and even the surrounding country, as a well wisher of all, we bid the enterprise God speed. Cutlihcrt is alive as well to the importance of an Artesian Well—an attraction that would draw many to our community. This work is rapidly progressing, and we iiojie soon to see the pure water bubbling up Iron) the low regions, and this section greatly benefited !>v tiie success of tiie enterprise. The success of these two enterprises, together with onr School and Church advantages, with the acknowledged health of Cuthbor:, must eventually put the town on a boom. This effect will he felt sensibly throughout the country, affecting the price of lands in the county, as well as city property. "A prosperous town a prosperous county.” Then let tis all pull together. We stand ready to do our part, and will ever be alive to any com mendable enterprise for the good of our people. Wc are trying to keep pars with the spirit of enterprise now pre vailing, a ml with pride anti satisfaction call attention to our elegant Store, filled with Choice (foods of every variety, which wc are selling cheaper than was ever known in the history of Cuthbert. Wc propose to be headquarters for Flows, Plow Rods, Heel Pins, devices, Trace Chains, Axes and all Farm Necessaries. We are handling a superior Steel, worked up into these Oooils, an I every Farmer in the county will consult his interest by giving ua s call. MEAT! MEAT! I have bought largely, and to great advantage, and while Low tlia farmer should reap the benefits. ’ I have bought largely of Staple Goods, such as we all must have: Stenting, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Stripes, Checks, Etc. These Goods have already advanced, but my customers shall have the benefit of prices at which I bought. Boots and Shoes for the Multitude. Hats for all the Men and Boys. 10 4. 4 4 Pillow Casings, Best and Leading Brands, Good as the Best and Cheap as the Chea]>est. ' ” My Stock of Hardware Is large and Complete, and in this Line I am prepared to .ri vc Sno- cial Prices. ° And almi st every Article known to a Notion Department I have i stock. In fact, any and almost everything you want can be found it my store. For the Spot Cash I Cannot and Will not Bo Undersold! I am. better pre- Furnishing and Advancing Business 1 ban ever before. I mean BUSINESS, and now is YOUR TIME. Come one, come all. Resj cetfully. tRF" I will sell again on Time to good parties, pared to do a jan29-<*t J. McK GUOT. -:o> I have just opened at tiie Owen k Sealy old stand a IEW FURNITURE STORE, and will, as soon as it can he shipped from the Factories, have hand a full line of everything usually kept in a -*FIRST-(3LASS ESTABLISHMENT*- of this kind. I propose to Buy in large quantities, direct from Fac tories, and will coin|>ete in style and prices with any house in Georgia. Dr. Mott s Powders. N ever fails to cure inflam- iiKition of the Kidneys. Cl ravel. joicc in the increasing accnmula lions of years, they must go from Baking Powders. |M*rcaeh oz. of Powder. “Royal” ( absolutely pure’> 127.4 “Patapsco” i alum powder * 12.V2* ; **KuintordV’( phosphate i fresh . 122..V* Kuinford’s” (.phosphate i old .... .*12.7* friends,- am! he spent several days j tihere. * His hopes were not realized, { however, and finding that he was { yet certainly to a great length, in enumerating the necessary ex penses of preachers. It is snfli cicnt to say that they must do and have the same things that men and women of means do and have, and then they must do and have a groat many other things ! ' fr.->h .. 121.U ' old S4..-.5 1 "Redhead's” 117.0 I “Charm” ( alum powder) 11(5.9* ' “Amazon* (|>owdcr ) . ... lll.JJ* “Cleveland’s” --hurt weight % oz. VIlO.j? “Sea Fottin” .107.9 growing Worse instead of better, j ..locis f. , . . . . i • j "Dr. Pncr s 102.6 his physician decided to bring Klakc"(«iroftV,st. Paul) him back to New York, which was] .VV.'. . . . accordingly done to day. His i "l'carl " condition is said to be critical. j “«’• (con,ains w 1T . S — ^• “Hocker’s” 92..V American Legion of ilouoiv I ..♦iilk-tV’ , I .1 • . i "Bulk" .S0..V Below we append the receipts . r ..i>~.. i *In his report the Government and disbursements of toe above 1 ... 1 .chemist says: order for FS84:- ' “I regard all alum- powders as There were fifteen assessments ; very unwholesome. Phosphate during the year, or a little more { and Tartaric Acid powders liber- than one a month. 'I-licre lias ate their gas too freely in process is not good financiering, wc should beeu paid into the supreme treus-1 of baking or under varying cli I like to know what good financier ury on account of assessments . matic changes suffer deteriora- ing is. The reason of the mis (rom January 1 to December 34.: tion.” .take which the men of the world 1SS4, $1,569,438.36, balance on I Dr. H. A. Mott, the former . make in their estimate of a preach hand $9,549.28, to! -1 in benefit : Government Chemist, after a care-; er’s financial skill- is to lie found fund during 1884, $1,578,987.64. | ful and elaborate examination of! in the fact that they look at the and there has been paid to the | the various Baking Powders of; matter from an entirely different beneficiaries of520 deceased mem- j commerce, reported to the Gov- i standpoint. Business meti give bers $1,577,500. Balance on band eminent in favor of the Boyal | themselves to the work ol making December 31, 1SS4, $4,487.64. Brand. * j money, and are judged failures, if indulged with fiermission to give themselves up to festive enjoy ment. The form of this festivity is generally a carnival which is celebrated with more pomp in Home, Venice, Paris and New Orleans than anywhere else. It probably had its origin in the saturnalia of pagan Koine modifi ed by the early Christians into a feast during the several days pre- ceedtng the great fast of forty (lays supposed to have been in stituted by the bishop of Rome before the middle of the second century. Mardi gras means-Fat Tuesday.” In I’aris its celebra tion was first permitted in masks by the regent dnko of Orleans. In this country it has never had a foothold except in New Orleans. The Dnty of State Iz'gislatnres. Legislation in every Stale should ! regulate the sale and use of the many |s>isons resorted to hy ;ioiis move, which is destined ^ ^ 'olJitaZ.'i'il’cv ! (»U*<*t. Strictures Hud :ill Urinary cliseas- j es. Nervous and Physical Debility. f»rn- } ital Weakness and all those untold inis- | eries caused by indiscretion or Excesses*, j Sy]»hi!li» in aii its forms ]>crinaiient!y cured. Yellow or brown spots on face at and Nose. Scrof- :riua. Tetter and ail wipe out this meat curse of our! Blood and Skin diseases. Urinary dis . . ; eases cured in 3 da vs. Price $3. For age and time; and in his new held i in cuthbert.(ieor^ia by J. W. *tax- of labor lie will find much to en- 1 ford, and all Druggist*. ‘ feb-12-ly. list Iiis best efforts on this line. ] TAR. DODD’S NERVINE no. 2. Never This town, like Allierieus and ±J fails t«. cure Nervous and Physical Albany, or our State is cursed j Debility. Seminal Weakness. Loss of with dram shops and places where ! this “call*mitV juice, as It IS prop- been treated by ijrnorant Physicians and erly called, is sold—and wherever { liave taken ali'kimb of medicine adveiv c tised to cure these Diseases without we find tins to be the case, wc | lK , nfflt , |n ,„ lt (ie , ;i , 0 , lUra ., <l r . c .„ r Dodd’s Nervine No. 2as directed, it wi restore you to health and make you feel yourself a i.-nn a"am. For sale in Uuth- !»ert. tie^rgia by J. W. Stanford, and all Draeglsts. fei»-!2 I v. besides, which are required by j mcn ill their,Icqa-ration to obtain their position as preacher*. And ! beautiful complexions. There all this is to be done ou the small! exists in Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic salary liiey get. The wonderful j every requisite to accomplish the part of it is, they do these tilings, {object without injuring health or Wc do not believe anybody but endangering life. 2t preachers could do as much with This is for Yon I have opened a general so little. Wc do not believe there are any business men who ean make a dollar go as far, and do as j much as a preacher can. If this A man can lie imprisoned for debt in New York, but a bill is T*-' 1 ' 1 -. sanl to be pending before the Leg 1 " e find the young men, with very- few exceptions, drinkingand often drunk. It is no uncommon sight here to see young men who mix and mingle with the best society and move in th? best circles drunk and staggering on the streets.— ; 1 am glad that if we have such disgraceful sigh's in Cuthbert, that the mean whisky to cause it must be brought from somewhere else, and that not one drop is li censed to be sold in our county. I feel proud that 4 live in such a county, and among a people who are strong enough, brave enough, and good enough, to say we will not tolerate this evil—to dishonor the father and mother, and dis grace the fair name of Randolph. Prohibition with us is no longer an experiment, it is a fixed . a , !owratcs . fact. All mir people need now to, Itrin(; VOI)r ( -, K , kins Stov „. sewing do is to watch all'l prosecute those { Machines ami Furnituret Sale of Valuable Property. Georgia, Randolph Uocnty. U NDER ami bv* virtue of an Order and Resolution of Stockholders of The Georgia Wine Company, passed January —. 1 **."», at their Annual Meet ing, will be sold !»eforcthc Court House Door in the city of Cuthl*ert. on the first Tuesday in March. 1SS5. within the legal hours of sab*, the following property to- wit: All of Ij.tof Land No. Tnirtv-Six. in the Villa Nova survey in the city of Cuthbert. and all of No. Thirty-Four , and Thirty-Seven in said Villa Nova Sur vey, that lies north of a line running East and West from a point Three Hun dred and Twenty->ix yards due South • f the North East corner of Lot of Laml No. One Hundred ami Sixty-One, in the 9th District of said county ; also all of \a>1 of Land No. One Hundred and Sixty- one that is contained in thu following Itoundaries: Commencing at the North east corner of said Lot. and running due •rest along the North line of said Lot* Two Hundred and Eighty yards, thence due South Three Hundred and Twenty- six yards, thence due east Two hundred and Eighty yard.-; thence due north along the East line of said lx»t Three Hundred and Twenty-six yards to start ing point, excepting Two * Acres within these boundaries heretofore l*v deed con veyed hy the said Willian I). Kiddoo to the said “The Georgia Wine Company.” Also, one large Wine I*rcssand Fixtures, j one small Wine Press and Fixtures. One Grape Cutter. One Wheelbarrow. Two ! large Wine Casks of Four Hundred Gal- ! Ions each: Nine ('asks of One Hundred it? .}(' I 3 if I ? ,*-4 Pf-f j O and Ninety Uallon, each. Two Wine 11 *re v .L v A -A l > l 1/ l j Co»ka of aliout One Hundred and Twen- will have Tull charge of the business, and will be found at Iiis post at all limes, ready to serve all in Iiis usual fair and square manqer. UP REMEMBER the place, Owen Jr Scaly old stand, East aid* Public Square, Cuthbert, Ga. Re«|iectfully, J. W. STANFORD. January 22 6rn. ONION SETS I 40 Bbls. Eastern —BY TUB- QUART PECK C’R RUSHEL AT J.P. Toombs &Bro.’s. In front of Mr. J. C. Martin’: Warehouse, where I do all kind- WOOD OR IRON. When farmers give me their year’s work f will work as follows: Sharpcn- • ing Sweeps I2‘ 2 cents; Turning Plows. i S,*ootcr-> and Turning Shovels. 10 cents; i and all other work in proportion. Buggies aud Wagons Guano tv Halloiia each, and one Ca.-k of about of work Rijrhty Gallons. j Above Property to be sold for cash, for purpose of division among the Stockhol der* of said Company. The Personal j Property above described can at any time l>e inspected upon application to the Superintendent of the Company, as same.will not Ik* exposed at the Court House on day of sale. Bv order of the Company. WILLIAM D. KIDDOO. President. ARTIIUR HOOD, Jr.. Sec y. jan2!Md. Home Mixture Guano, MANl'FACTntKD BY The Columbus Fertilizer Co. FOR SALE BY J. C. MARTIN, CDTHBERT. GEORGIA. ( NALL on him for Grier’s Almanac J containing testimonials. He also buys bones for tiie Company. jan-l-4n> EARLY BEAUTY OFIIEBBOX, EARLY ROSE, PEERLESS. WHITE ELEPHANT, BURBANK. ho violate the law on this sub- Jan 22-1 v. J. R, WILKS. isiature prohibiting it. What the Sexton Said. Mr. Lewis Edwards, Sexton of Mt. Vernon Place Church, Washington,. certifies that for several months past he had been suffering with a se vere cough which distressed him day and i.iglit. He was very mueli de bilitated, with constant pains in his chest. After trying various remedies he used the Red Star Cough Cure, which gave liim entire relief. find business of all kinds , here at a stand still, the recent j fires causing the loss of so much i valuable property, and destroying! some of the finest and he>t paying j industries here, has clone much toi deter investments and retard and hinder progress. The recently organized Chatta hoochee Fertilizer Co., is now un der headway, and manipulating a Fertilizer of the highest grade, and one which will soon be gen- Wheat Brail, ALLISON k SIMPSON'S. inn24 <-t TOBACCOS. We are offering (ipia-iiil IntliM-enia-Mlnt, At et ALLISON it SIMPSON'S. Just Received! Tlic Genuine Eastern Seed Irish Potatoes _ _ ^ EARLY ROSE. EXTRA EARLY VERMONT, SNOW FLAKE. PEERLESS. BEAUTY OF HEBRON. At J. P. TOOMBS & BRO.’S. A Full Sloek of Drugs, Chemicals AND Patent Medicines, —AT— J. P. TOOMBS & BRO/S. jan22 ct —New Crop Turnip Seed, all varieties— by the pound or pa per, at J. W. STANFORD’S. FVesli Sardsa Seeds, In Great Variety Peas, Beans and Corn in Pint Packages. ’ Full Quantity Paper Seed sold at 5 Cents |>er Paper. Golden Dent, Improved Learn ing and Blount’s Prolific Corn, btr the Peck or Bushel. Silver Skin, and Danver’s Yellow. Canary and KM Bird Seed, For sale at T. S. POWELL’S. Druggist. Bookseller and 8coisuian. rl Linseed Oil and Pure Lead at such low prices as to defy competition, at the Drug Store of J. W. STANFORD. THE CELEBRATED BUIST Garden Seed —AT— Wholesale or Retail at J I\ TOOMBS & BRO. S. ft