Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, March 26, 1885, Image 2

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~*CZ,0TEING1 CLOTHnrGii—P. HARRIS has just received the Ha.Tvjsm.Bst Stock of Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing ever before offered ih this OTEBFUSE HID APPEAL, W. H. COOPER, J. W. STANFORD, I Editor*. CUTHKEttTi CM. Tfcr CMMnto>cwnb. Tire Macon Telegraph and Sa vannah Near*, in G nrgia, ami eight or ten journals in other Tlurrfir Morning, March 26, an<i other documents, written du lcw :u " t "‘-•are at last enjoy-! practice. ring tile latter part of the late ’ our •***”-• of it. We are not! Mr. John Searcy, a young man that bring to light some q««te anre that this complaint is, just in the bio-im of life died at ■r. I. A. MARTIN is our Agent at Buford, aid Is fatly authorized to rocs I to aad receipt for all money paid him. Ward lltau, For nineteen years our better | Dr. W. T. Rogers lias i»een half has monopolised all the .neu j slightly indisposed for the past ralgia of the lainiiy. This thing j week, but we are happy to aay __ _ States, are publishing some letters 1,1,8 * ,eCn clmoged within the last {that lie has again resumed hi* i Colh-ge of Cirtlilieit think of clial- 8 I 1 leging the Andrew girl* for a prize drill during commencement. U .he Agricultural boys hare any _ reason to believe they will get left things not generally known he 1 Yonduvive to spiritual growth, bill j the residence of his father on the in the drill, we would advise fore. These letters show that j I’tC'onls one from becoming toOj 16ili inst., after oulv a few days Gov. Brown, Gov. Vance, and i wcl1 satisfied with sublunary j illness. Gov. MaGrath were out of 8vm-| ti 'V> 8S ; ... . „ • , i Dr - R "S cr ® is preparing to en patliy With the Confederation,! Saturday with a pa, t of hi, ph,.V*"™ * l^ge amount of bi. farm with a show of jealous}' towards ! losophy class, lie came to use j a neat |>kank fence. which he Mena Whisky an Argwateat far Prs- Mr. John Tyc, of Quitman eoui Wbitlwn. tv died last week. The time lias come in the his- ‘ The pupil, of the Agncnltorali t fV. ,f,ht lk ) u " r • - ", . .. i Vstuff in no adulterated, and filled with so many various kinds of potsom, that it‘is unsafe to drink 8t. John sj>eaks in Atlanta to- Uj. Dawson is in a whooping cough. Georgia’s Day at the Kx).ositioti was a big success. Work on the street railroad in Macon has commenced. The annual parade, inspection j and drill of the Fire Department nt Rufaula takes place to day. A large portion of the capitol building in Trenton, New Jersey has been burned. Gov. McDauicl and Ills staff have b-jeu at N\w Orleans tbi« week. Dooly county had a cyclone last week, which did considerable damage. It is said that Senator Colquitt stands well with the new I’resi dent. Ex-Gov. Joseph E. Brown made au etrort to get Gen. Lawton in the cabinet. Attorney General Gray has been elected United States Senator from Delaware, to succeed Bayard, who has become Secretary of Slate. If the Legislature had taxed Hie base ball nuisance, it would have been entitled to hearty President Davis that ill became men occupying sn.-h prominent tussle with Potions in such a tryiug time.— They show that while the Confed- tliem to ratch some lizards and scatter them over th* ground where they will inarch. This will certainly cause a stampedeamong the Andrew girls, an-i the- Agri cultural boys will win the prize. If the devil does not reward our apparatus in demonstrating | claims to erret cheaper than to scienlilic tacts, which cannot tie j-bave rails split for the same, siuire evii-ooing and lure frail mortals understood without :«PI»ra;i>*.— be saws his own lumber. to violations of the moral law why , f „ -— „ , the cl»b» } « « . , ! l * 11 t,ial mor * can indtrlgcnee lo set a imn a raving | Ik* as awewt a luxury ,e i»l’ the i ‘ ^ i Ih* euiighi cm Suinllv liluQ any maniAc llo iRi'omPii an itnbe ! the tobacco fumes liti lhe young ladies ot could not come because of ilic eracy was in the greatest straits, rain, lie prqjioses lo hi ing tlte Vil.ulah church o:t tlte and the brave boys were at their |H>sts. and President Davis heroic ally exerting himself to insure 3id : othe 1 d j ? Tins Sabbath in this month wit'i prom ! f; a U the counties "‘“•"jising results. A full corps of; were'sa quiet pear !officers and teachers have lx* elected, and *e trust all wili i,! and law abiding ill the state fat. orderly as Cjuitinan A Rage Pipe Stem. A well known Lumpkin gJwtle ■nan smokes a fine meerschaum pipe, the bowi of which will carry a hand full of tobacco at a time. Wanting a new pipe stem he con cluded to send In Eufattla for one it at all; and this, probably, more j and W. Q Garrett, the comluc than any other reason, has been instrumental in exciting such a wide spread and growing opposi- lion lo the manufacture anil sale on Singer's road wagon, was quested lo purchase a large cherry pine stem. Bill kept order well in iiiiud and when of it. Formerly, when it was man- j got to Entaula he knew that ufarlured in its purity, a man could drink it fur a life lime and never be seriously impaired by hail to buy something that was connected with s pipe and smoke and so he selected a two foot sec- sane , , ‘"'litigation, and lawyers w-uhl lie in the right direction to make the toivc-i to soil tbeir libraries and aboli* class next Saturday, shows Mr. Harris Lo tie ; and zealous teacher, and en inly *j worthy of the i literal patioaag ' success, here was a number of In* coiiunuuiiy is licslowing upoa men in a positron to do a vast, him. anion ut of good, quibblin'- ovci ' Some of our farmers are plant-' school an wuumni to the church , -ck cmploi mint tin other fields. the ‘-conslilulionalilv" or”ineas j ,U K , ‘ l, * 1, l i l,e e r ‘ ,,l "‘* j and eomuinnity. j J «• Ildirnan got on the outside Our merchants arc beginning, °f four oz n the first il-xv mg the aspect of miowibler. t\e, ( ^ a:u , n ,; e „ . 9B 1 the 1 ’ * . ;•»» around Hie w»Hs of the s.ff .on j *«> |H»rnifi«»us tlmt eveg lituftr i’ll t ho wvre j»crmiU*<I *‘* , Wirl| w i, v ^*n. you Jihvcsoiim* iu'lnlge iU uw most fre»*l\ know beat about MHO mallei s. i > i b K)k lliroogh some of tin in. mi-1 t ii- ul , ... it not a pity lliat taiuong won t; tixm.] them first , lass in quality j me,. and at prices to mil the tunes. «*s I' Judge C'l.u k, ’» l„-a, We j j lear they are a .little- * too previ j ! mi#." lull 11 is quite probable they 1 to goods. onstitiitionalily” of meas , ... . ,, , . j : and the trees an-1 all uulure ores made a necessity by the cxi i gettev ol the situation. They further show tint matters had gone so far that a convention o« the States of Georgia, S,.,i: I. j Wt>| . k Ult . l, kL . „ Carolina an«! Alalmnia was ativo ! tioes ou j»ajH*r? 2^*ar!\ tvtr} iunky j.* 1 cated, looking to tlieir m itln’rauul ‘ »Im» Iisim i>*»i uicMi it, knows li«»w j I^viuilv ttiat oCica iy vb from the Southern hi faim. and those wm-l,.svc ; in. d j mg it,Uni t Know bow. tX’tcKy. 1 b-- I Corn planting isover. and fat-in !i,-ve ihat if we could take ij,e its effects; but now, such is the I tion of sheet-iron stove pure and poisonous cuBt|K>unds of whieh ■ brought it over to the owner of the the drug is comp,ise,i that it re j mcerebaum pi|>e. AA bile onuik- quires but the lapse of a lew years’) ing through a stove | ipe may not as to draw maniac, lie Irecoino* an itnbe | the tobucco (nines throogli a cher eile. and. in many instances, l<*es|ry stem, there i* no doubt loti his iniu,I altogether and is rent to j what the colonel c:,n now enjoy a an asylum to be treated as an in- j flee and easy smoke.— IntJcpcHil Bill Arp has been out in Texas t„ eat expression on hi»! ai *** I acti | lilllM* AA ! ( « ixubrinte. In anotiuT id cm£. stance a mniini to imtn, and in a little while lie l»ec»iiies in flaUHl with a halt |»iut nr so of the'and tiie Indian Territory and is -p.p skull,” ami th, first thing he | 8 „,| W ; U| „f «-| la , wants t«» do ia lo kill his nei^h . *• , i *r . si *- . >aw. B;ir for all that he wil c »n- ln»r. I h#* em-ets. tlieiefore. **l its; iua no failure and wale are i^ iUUi * lt * .llrxivaai IVmalr Krmrdy. It is a .simple combiiiati -n of the ... i .» | most h^aiinc anu inviuoratiui* a- rin- active ami Zealous Out* ! .e.iuknotvnto medical senut.v, which STEVENS’ »V! Near Kiiledgevilie. P. 0„ Steven*Pottery, Ga. in nianv iu>tnneew, i*w uiosl j lh-: * *!l , aide ; J. lhe ahiesil i This movement with K**euis to lia\<* hi reference 1 • • the matter was the fear of the! brave soldier* already in thr !i*- from these States*. W llh Mich a state of affairs ex- prcjwiring It Meeiiis liiat winter is fond of originated with Vice President . V , ! ' ^ are jmtin- out their ler ” , . . ... * , i w hole world and li v them at eaidi ; . . .. Mej.hens, who, it is well known. , ‘ tiiizers and' otherwise ‘ , . . i otreii pat ion sueees*ivci\. tlieiei . ne\ei was iu s\ inputliv with Mr. , i *. . • . I for their eottoa emu ,v • • , ' wotii«l he a la leer per cciita^e <»■ ; uicir ioliou vioji. liavis. I Jus <’oni.spniidfiM.-i . , , , . I lailnrew in farming miows that the only trouble that ' . .. •••- * . , Gov. Vance bad in retetence her catling. _ i he 11 hill I-. It re- li„ S et ing 1,1 the lap ol spring ami _, quuvs a ol rare lal j llIHl i# backward in se.ling j enle l<> make liiriinng a success. ' • Mr. J. A l’aylie has gone the winter season asioe. | Tv T\. lie will be ab-cut sever-j Mr. J. A. l*,»ster is shipping a ,, , ald»w» large amount of lumber tnmi this lslina, it 1^ oil IV w<»ll«tel!ul that I a » r\r.. . i i 1 , ., « * l lie Confederacy lasted us long as t m *any o,m’),!eie,! tbaOie has muvrU j V’" 1 ' 11 1,1 an ' 1 it <li*l. } into it. lie v.iil liave a handsome I from his mill ideated a few liiiies I In the light thus thrown tipon | ami ro-nny dwelling when no vein-! |, c | 11!v (j,..‘aCe. lhe histtii v of this Jel ‘lueiesii. , I , . 1 “ ’ , fers.,1, Dai is. K. E and their , Jlr - Ldlingslee has moved into 1,is Our siek people of whom we eoiniiatriols will -,i,,,--ir to «r.-it ! **”.“?*■’ lb bmsbta. At. C^de men!ion in our last are , 1 ■ II 1 - , * 'o "i*.,i j itiiamgslee is a newcomer, whom «<■! praise. er advantage than ever, and w in i are pleased to welcome i» lhe niost I improving, and weliopetiiev Mr. B. II. Hill, of Atlanta, Inis praisi* from m-iny who have li,-,-n ! pleasant town in Gera,a. | be restored fully to Ih-allii s, , • . . 1- 1 e. . 1, 1 reluctant to bestow it before. i B. K. Ai ilnir vy ,-oh nave the quilt-1 . been appointed Lulled btates At | , , . ing names. T’.iev ,:ui make abeut a j Btl - np ifu'icl „» chtotmle th, tnrnev for the Norlhern District of j A Ilcy 1 -trio ion Law N';-eIi*,!. ! '!° zcn quids ad;,,, 1 bebev'. H lien J ; ious illness of Mi. >eaborn Bsgr h | gland j'li V was -. 1 fmirul. He i. one ijudges in tlie j rai, thifig for i In- Snpieme ,*,-u;t 11*, reverse one of his tleei-l.ois j We think he is eminently lilt.,I i f-»r a p’nee on tio- Supr,me Bench. He wotil i give digiiitv and char have II MS I it t*. ;,n ex Headquarters for Doubled Glazed A'itrilied Drain, Sewer. CulTe*.*H and Water l*i(s*s. from 2 to 24 in<*li calibre, for Draining Land. K. l; Culverts. Road and Street Crossings and Well Curbing. Frro. Oral, Border and Hearth. Brick Smoke and Hot Air Fines, Lining fm* p ur ' Maces. Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Sli : q, t ., Jr Style on shoit n-itice. Flowei l’.,ts. Swinging Baskets. Sima.,, Chimney Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clav and Sami, suitable for pj,-’ na,*e Building or other similar purposes. Correspondence Solicited. Our prices are reasonable. All we s a trial. ge to the! 1 '"""' - -.s,:.. ,, ,*• .,u| having liecn us,*,! by one of the most j festive iiijtu iou«* ex'eel «re ; e!itiu»*ai phyMi’ians < i Mixi -u lor ;» > titim'i ,tui ye:»n* with urns' ^Monish- j resuits f-*r J’r. hipvus l ieii «»r |i»s imiuti.a. mum, i.iitni, II vis • • * . , ... 4 . .lfl'1 l T 1* M i , - 1 i' H.iilljj <>I the W ’Ill's, 4. Mil, 111- marl!) fen Stevexs’ Bros. & £o. PRa^ilTO R s* • In It M r. W H K.y sit \ -s ht ha- a mm < a: Vt*t*vi;s : 1 n»i in j’l.,- Hr •bu s n »» U : • \T tip. It *. AS i V t. bll c a |*I 1 1 if ia! tr* :li i 1...- U»*' i fin n • »ni* in it. Tin* v* ••il is * 'rite. Inn i hi* a.h is deep n • !. ar h.* s :dk and tiMidei* an i k ar** red. He bfuii 2 «i !. ti *• an ca l and tin* -iiiiv k is as r* -.1 as !,!, <»•!. He j fully prepared t«» promiunt*^ tipen its «i.*n^er.'*. >iuef\, ii tin: class ol men arc Vea«iy 1 *> mhH e:tte its ab« 4 itinn from tbe ian I. j il will be n<> clepiivati«»u to li e i man t\ho mu use it i«» lei it i £»•*. II. nee, tl»* # fincluMioit is. t * * J :m iirptriial observer, tlrii l!»e |his ..ry of the l oom* iraClk* in j Aiiici ii*a !•* r:tpi !y :i|>pr«»a«*hiiiu . •:» •*u-1. i- l ie T**-.tins »:i\ 1 fi .iumxiion «*r iM-pIaei’iiwnt of the Womb, Leiii’ilorio’.i or Whites, an.I ; i for ail i avN «»I Female e-,in- i j <• tfiliiijr Irregular • ri’abilui Meiistiu- fiiHibcrt on a Boom! r -I’elVe f r -III ..I v liizfl A:m* t|.mt t«*i s — i> l It'S til rJi/Uf 4 *\\ n £, r?,< j »,,i. the M’-. ri e li' i lilfl t ii sev«-ral man i:i F it tv a** •* a.-f Men Think tion. III.* proprietors c<'lentiy offer it* t«» tin* pul»:ie as the iiHisi valuable ivKic yd. •naied to suffering women. Put V ip ii i two s >*zos. L.irge >u/.e ron- t iiniir; i n.iia i Diiiber >yrin-e, price •v.lH.l -ize o -mainiiu; same a iioiint oi iiio* licine, but no svrin^e, pi':et* ^*0 p*-i r bottle. All persons •Oiou! M b 1st i' ll * the largo si/** in > r- tier t«> gi- Uht-4 •rin.ze. after wi.icli it will i K' t roixotie y to ptI: cIium? the smalt SiZH. l.’ ( >r sate in C’uil inert onlv bv J. Vi. . St ■ \M*ol; i». l*t I><irin** llie tii i-nt Clevelami’s \e ir of Pres> term hr •m a lo i >ro tl«- :*< a*.v • u Georgia. I Gu ’ we want a quilt mini** we ju*t gel ilic j , , i — * v * mi-Daiii 4 1 has been busy | material ami go tie-re to try the thing. ! ° ** 1 Judge Samuel Lumpkin, of the in deciding election conies: s fmm a oUr w 1 Uia eon-htion ° . * ; and we don’t need the irames. time to time ever since the county j .-aiur lay e\e.iir.g .Mrs. J. C. Mul- elcctions in January itere over. t,rt,k ^vera* of^ our boarders out * j to her home and feasted them on all 1 lie gicst number of these eases. . ris «>t got*! thing?*,and brought iUlu* the expense attending their de ! back in time r. i ^ usd iy Jicdoo! .>un- i.iwE.r, ri.. i .m .ii , s " • . day evening. Kvidemlv Mrs. Mullins ciMon, the length of lime required ! kl!llWS wi: ,. r -. t „ , K . r i„„,- t;lL - Nurlhern Circuit of Georgia has ■holislied flic habit of kissing the bible when a witness or juror is sworn in his court. A colossal statue of Col. AVad loy has been cast in New York. It is ef bronze and weighs 4.000 lhe. It is to be erected in Ma con. The three negroes who killed Stephen Godwin in Mitchell coun ty a few mouths ago, were convict ed last week at Camilla, ami a hanging w ill soon take place. The widow of the famous writing, w« are hnpi>\ to say. for their investigation, and the bitter feelings e-ngendried b\ them, all demand the passage of such a registration law as will compel all voters to vote only in their own precincts, and then only after they have complied with the law in the payment of taxes, and other particulars. By a simple John 1 la " t "' s t * 108C v **«tious tie . ,, , o- j lavs can be obviated, and aeri A. Murrell is still alive—aged So. | monious feelings between neigh hhe resides in Chester county, Tean.. is a kind old lady, and is much liked by her neighbors. 8inc,: Murrell's death, she mar- tied z Mr. Bland. Hon. Mark A. Cooper is dead. Me did more for the improvement <*f Georgia during hie life time than perhaps any other man in it. lie was a sterling man in every sense of the term. Hon. Henry G. Turner has made • fine record during his two terms | «f otliee. lie has taken his stand right among the strongest men in the house, by dint of merit and ability. Ex-Gov. St. John lias been in Eu fan! a and Columbus, and bora entirely avoided. — . • . —- England and Germany are di t iding the lower half of Africa be tween themselves. Russia wants Afghanistan, France covets a part ol China. England is looking the Soudan, and Barrios wants to tions. Hope she will include lhe head , oi the coueein next time- t'. K. ti. ^ Time to Tut in Her Teeth. It is told of an old farmer dow n in Georgia, who put liis new on the train for a visit to -his folks.” whom she had never seen, that he pul her in charge of the conductor, with the special re quest that the lady be told when she got to Ward's Station. The conductor was interrngat ed frequently and oPencr as to whether the train AVard’s Station: the The f'siHpariom. ,, , , Dr. II. M. Ihirlirhs, the wel!-l;n»wr attack of pneumonia : whoierai. and Retail I'roooMt.U St. is better at this i jy-sjph, Mr,., !>er. lg. l-o.;. writes iu 0. F. Simmons ec Co., -t. I.*.uir : I l;a'•* Is ei--scilii! - drug.- h, r. for tin* At. t\ . J i p-ist tw.-nty-i-uir yrars, and n-i ni--,Ii- — ! rin.- I oell giv:-s sacii uoiv-Tsal .-at;.— faction as M. A. Shunton.-*' Liter Med icine. in fact I sell two bottes of it where I soil one of Uegnlator, and those w ing it or,.:,ounce it farsnperi-: T or in poini i l is:*-: it. Ft r sale in Cutlib*Ttc*niv bv 2t J. W. STANFORD. they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Tew do. Not to know is not to have. have the :,p|Hiint ment of six Inin died ,,lli*.*«*rs to fill the vaeanci,**. •it' tho.-e wbo-e i-erms expire. Aniericnn States and be tlieir j w ben the mistake wr,' disc head. How aspiring is man! a! iI,u s ' v< '“ !,n ' 1 1,1 Boston millionaire once ask ed how much it woo'd take to satisfy a man. nn<l wisely iinxwi'i* Nr«* |]ir E*raol*. Extike Satimfai’TIox.—Your nuili- | rim*s sell well an-.i ^ivo ^ *cnl sati.-*lao- ' tit.n. Tom A. Man-ball, Dni^, Kietlisburj*, FI., April 14, ’S4. N>.Ki»a Js.iKisL Lot or Chillauink.— Chi liar me takes very well here. I _ want a lar^e lot »»i it. F. J. hoaeek, i ~ 9 .. w . „ Dntggi.s:, Fayetteville, Texas, March j , ' rMer ^ huln - wife !'" >t *dsl. ; Jl&rsrs. Lditorx: For sale iu Cuthbert onlv bv I ... o t j STANFORD ' >*ix miles non li of >A ards ,-nrn • • m | planting is otor ,u nearly »:>, ami Blnfi'lvs Items. Last Saturday and Sunday were quite disagreeable, with rain and a cold northeast wind. I guess it was bad on that two inch corn was near j spoken of in the fourth district negative re j items by Sid. piV was given many times. At j It is our aad duly to ehronie e each station he was nervon-dy t |.e death of Mi. James Mansfield. questioned, “is this A\ ard ?” -No. I nhieh occurred at his resi ienee in j hominy the next; now and then| madam; I WiH tell you w hen we Bitilfton ln«t Sunday. His illness | l>lir ,|„g Sank will tree a rah get there. But lie <ii,:ti t. I he | was very short, but a complicated ' train approached Ward’s Station, j one. lie' leaves a wife ami »cve small children, as well as a li of Lunds who will regret to leain in' lit.- death. Mr. A M ( tiiiii!«, t % «»l ! fcb-12-t-m-i;. 100 Bats i«t 0n«* Ilnur. Our RiJjle column. M hen <*:in :i man liuve ^oiih’- ilii:<n i noiiiing in Ins jmirkut :il iii»? same tiim*? \Vli«*n tlit*re:s :i ln»U* in il. IF llit*re is ri link* in liu* hini*» it can !>•• wiiii laylor’s (.’liciokM* lb-nictlv ol Sweet Gum ami Mullein. THE bull ling of tlieColiinibus. Ciiattah-wochee it Florida Railroa,| being now* declared a cerl.iint v. and its completion aeknowlc iged by ail a*> being the most potent factor that could be named in givin" |i( E iml impetus to the city, and even lie* surroun ring conutryd'.i, t «*!l wisher of all. we bid the enterprise God speed. Ciit-hliert is alive as well to the import*,,ice,il':m Artesian AVell— S s at:ra, tion that, would draw* many to our community, j This wmk is rapidv progressing, and we hope soon to seethe pure j water bubbling up from tin* low regions, and this ' section great;, j bencliicd by thr success of tile enterprise. 1'he success of t hese two enterprises, together with our School an I wi 1 j Church advantages, with the acfcn iwletlged health of Guthbert, m.ut j evcritoa'lv put tlie town on a boom. j i’liis effect wiil lie felt .sensibly throughout the country, j t he pi ice of lands in the count v. as well as citv pnqwrt v. j " A prosperous town a prosperous county.” 'Then lel-'ns all j ilit*r. | 'Vp st.-iml nvulv to do our part, :»n 1 will <*vor be* alive"tm any ■ men 1 lable enterprise for l!i<» jjooil of’ our people, j We are trying to keep pacv with the spirit or enterprise now n vailing, ami with pride and satisfaction cull attention to our elegant alketiag pull rorn- Bennie Santliford cnine up from last Friday, and M|»enl two or three day* visiting his sister. Mrs. J. \V. Luveit, of ... While here Ben told ! ^ 1 , Ki?,iK ‘ , !>;‘ o| Gun* ami Mtiilein will shorten your col and cure \our eou^li. What woid is tint to which if ymi add a syilatde it will make il shorter? Short. J'avlor’s Chcro p ilin’ 4 <iown gttann is the go now. tation of Mr. Pete (”.ift.>n. We think it will pay n<*w, but j Perry’s* mills, kille<l 100 when time comes to pay for it we! (actual nt) in one hour's time. • it , t . i j Fh’se varments <*ertainlv must 1m will ttuii nav u never pant. ... . . .. . .. . I plentiful th wu that way.—Last , in a u Times. ! This pi ace. \\ hile here l*en jus the bijigest rat killing story j : we ever reineinlier to have heard, j He said that he and two othei j Why was Eve not afraid of the boys, while removing a pile o f j measles? Bc< vu»-e she had Ad corn a few days since on the plan ; uni, and the evil effects, su< h as a near j cold and eotii»h, could not follow, rats, but not so with ail. and Taylor’s Cherokee Kcmcdv of Sweet. Gum Store, filled with Choice Goods ,,r every variety, which we are selling cheaper than was ever known in the history of Cuthbert. AVe propose to be heailquarLrs for ! Plows, Plow Rods, Heel Pins, devices, Tra:s Chains, Axes and all Farm Necessaries. AA'e tire handling a superior Steel, work,*,! up into the.vjG,m,|. n n q .-ery Farmer in the county will consult Iris interest by *,ivim. u. , .11 - t ‘r» * The greatest troulde wc ha\«* now ia getting something to boil for dinner. 1 believe the rule is now speckle peas one day, big ran by five miles with not a thought of the fanner’s wife. The nnsmfidnle all five of the Central j bell cord was pulled vigorously and Mullein should bo kept to cure tlie cough and colds. Why is your nose in t lir* middle of your face? it is the seen ter But when you have a col l \\ loos ♦*s its virtue. Taylor’** Cherokee , . , .... . Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul at lnggerticarls. lhev <vi „ , (ll , v0 u „, in the ,.*„,,, , „ „ ,*,, ,* I-‘kc up the same subject and bea ,, ani , rBgt(l ,. c t,„. M . nie , a l | **lt, and all «>f the children claim j ,liscusb it m tlieir ci>lu,iiiis, givej What is The Cause Editors, ns a rule, rarely ever j agree, and consequently are con- i Itiuiialiv at loggerheads. They] ! will ! eve call. , ! the him! quarter puny comes in | rabbit on the lint when coin- [ it a thorough analyzing, show and linds a plate „l! :l!l ll,c : ‘ ml if >“ u wiil ,akt ? j . , ,, .. {their articles and compare them. m'-Mci t;,ou we then cad ... .„ * • r...L- „ vei l'. .; train ,tiiii p!:uc, I ba<’kcd up to Ward's. The con ! f-.ili js j din-tor ran into the ladies* car: j “Now, madam, iliis i« Want’s; : come, let im* hc|;» you off. the train 4 ’*! him lox squir. v wh«> w<*Lt to T’ X:t :»»*k oft :i vi*,it. If i iv cd: “A little more." So it is with'Vinu*. | all earthly ambition: we never fill I ly reach the point when we a i j saiisfled. ’ ranee has ordered the arrest charmed the people with lit* pro-1 nn ,l expulsion liom her soil of the hibiti in speeches. T he largest j dynamiters who have made T.-nis hall in Columbus could not buhl j their headquarters Swiizerltin*i near all that came to hear him. J |, a ,I already given i|,.-m their or James Gordon Bennett says In*: dels, and now if tin* United States has all the fortune he wants', and would only refuse them a home declares that he will keep tin . , ’ - , ; Herald independent at all "'.dt pluttmg death to citizens! ards. Under these eirciimstames ' « n d^destruction to all i li t is sta- j everydiody can afford to wish Mr. die in government, these ! -But I am not eoing to get rdf) at Ward's; my husband told iff.* I «h**n I gul to Wald's I'd be pret tv near Cutlsberf. an ' it would b time to put in niv teeth. Milch; oblige for lelliu me." Whereupon she proceeded to) put them in—St. Louis Ittpuhli | can. have not lean; till !i»*w i •Uki Lon wilt remain wi! III IIS, but ill . *e <•♦* a i • l > lay Uii’gt n-iiigh t*r ! Lei 1 tl- Ait :\bf»ut Texas. Dr. Wcsitiru ■ei.xnd h.v i been 1n ro.vh •several <i: fiVs f**; jMlijc- s , i !*t.:.i i !tUs t ;iess. and Is eivm^; sal. *l':i e tl»Il gener:ili\ . a ti«i We util »'•*< • ittiinif :i«l I hw d « tor t • 1 in lit Ci «if<lmt:il noik as a li: st-v ’iass tivll i there will always I of ,.;s:!grr*.*i!i,'t,t. ihcrc arc, Time is a »idotyei in »ur t*,u;n jronrse. exceptions to this as well tv that il would It.kv' a g'sid pack , as to all other general rules, and fox dogs to ove. take on .Sunday.! " e l’ ro l‘”^' t« .Si Sintiirs ^ood .*»L Bnxsksvillc What erwping tliine cx:ir»l\ j four? IV (Ivy). But th? obi j BOOTS in plant is fotn nuist in the • l>c souk: point! , *ank of medicine, Taylor s Cher \ There are. of j *>kce Remedy of Sweet Gum and j Mullein will cure coughs colds- and con.suinpiiou. St nd » '2 crni stamp for 10 page MEAT! MEAT! I have bought largely, and to great advantage, and - while Low the farmer should reap the benefits. I have bought largely of Staple Goods, such as we all must have: Sfceating, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Stripes, Cliecks, Etc. These Goods have alrcailv advanced, hut my .customer* shall lure I the bene lit. of prices at which I bought. . 4 e nd Shoes for the Multitude, Hats for all’t]je Men' a-nd BOY:'. and i be Muiiins Hflinul ho:i««e. f t»UiR an ever, S. when* three Oi-uf^in lalilrffs arc: Riddle Hook unaniuiotiidv of‘he si-mo opinion. { WALTER A. TAVOR. : ... i liens m. speak oi IS n lord We hear vi some who planting cotton next week. Mrs. W. T. Saxon i- still quite si<*k. it is hoped her condition is List. We have not heard of any <» f our fairmrs plaisting cotton seel yet. but from the na\ W. T.; G ei-n** is seliinsf planter^. i»ody must think of engaging in oon* • t-xii-nii to Mis< l he editor of t!fe S. # i:tliei u j jy 2t Wtuhl. published in Atlanta, savs:, *1 know 1 he proprietor* of Br;i«l ! The hard held s Fi’inale K**g»Hator, and can six h#»te!s in New For sale byJ. W. j vouch for tlieir high standing in! llrirv j iliis coiumu.iity. I al-«, from m% gmammmmmmaKK&m • m l.tWQ Siriowiedg**. can t< stify lliat i ri.e .;n<*ct.T» ami managers .<f ; is a „ re!1 , | >(M1Il t „ an .' the Kiiub’iil House C* inpanv and) has no superior, an 1 even Sa lv he lessees <»f tile Kilii'ciil House : onjfht to ^elld for :.ini lead i!i i' Siri!.«>lTS FATAfkltli KKMKDY {■•» i;:\r curt- for Fa.arrh. I»iphtheriy j am* < *ai:k' r sSl'ANI" Hit’. A 1 ir»tit;«. Ga. Ii-ue rloNeil up York since Jan fieniteU well. Il is sard there are ! creants might (icrliaps lie i somewhat improved. : f «r sonic nice \ lie mis j Mrs. D. R. Si e wart returned last! that lujsim-s We extend lo Mis<es Lena an Loiiuic IIattaway our l»<*st ihnnK* music a lew even ings since. Fi:ki>. i.., • t*.; Saturday Iroin Atlanta, wiiere she ium j ... a- i turn tliiMi- .. , .. , • been the past three and a half months apf)i j turn vnoii alien.i«»ri to m:iki!H r an , . . . ... i «* J _ * - | under the treatment of the famous Dr. j cants for the position of Collectord honest living by tlieir own labo»-. ; Love, *.f that city. Tor some time ; «r the port of Atlanta. It is null j eel,.re Mr-. Stewart left for Atlanta, j • bad position to Imvc-.ron, one ! , Th ‘ <•-“<«* « ""'"I standpoint at least. The salary \ ,,f ‘ ^ ^ ^ B«. love will find a remedy. 1 ‘ ' ° 1 c,t ' '* Kev. .L.iin Martin has received liis By ioulil not fair means; 1 I oik. leal-son, the present il * 'spring We thin the people i * snatch her from the jaws of death jot' tin? surrounding vicinity will find! B. giving her Smith’s idle T.eaus. it to their inn-rest to examine his 1 Jbits |.*er bottler Tor salby J lol in good, and the v<»rk atnounta nothing. Mr. John II. Inmnn, of N*-w York, telegraphs to Atlanta that be will take t he entire issue of $3, 500,000 nt new Georgia 5 per cent. 30 year bonds nt par. Gov. Mc Daniel thinks they will bring 105, j and declines the offer. bull 's Lament. 'ly thirling girl quite thin has grown, >he’s saiiow and very pan*; Sin* says she don’t know uhat to do, And i iear her health will tail. cumhrnt is a Republican, and has made a good officer, ami the R*«*’. ieals insist that President (’1 80 j long, all are urgent that the rich I plumb shall be given to one of the The Republican organs are very i faithful much troubled about the appoint- * -toek before purchasing elsewhere. . ' here Jliey will find everything in eom- i„n.i 0 1.m ... • . .. j plete varietv for the rmr.inir sea.«*on. land siiriti mi»point Imn 1 }•#* • , , , 11 ‘ “• 1 * in any style and qualii) tlrMri-d. numberless Democrats on the oth- * * I. A. M. or hand, who have been out Not m I race. W. £tanfoki> and T. S. Powki.l. at Allan! a have agte* Apni 30. as iin forma! •petting *•! the entire hob-I Bv j i this time the huti-i will be finisii eti Loin !«»p to hoit*»m.everv store • •pen and every room !ii»i-!ied and deeoiaUsi. I he llott-t* Will Im- thrown open t». visiio.s from He kitchen i«» ill** roof. A banquet wiil Ur given, beginning ai i» oVlo. k and ending at 10. at w!i-c*:, seals mil be pio*.i*ie<l for From 0 *» clock tinfi! 3 there wil* tic a grand bait. Dui «g ih»* «*\c’n ing the AI e\tcuu band Will giv** U concei t on «he io< f ano in ihe ar cade, and there will be piano reci tals in the grand pari us. invi triUons will be issued to pci sons in every eitv in th** Stale. on feurde l *«p *n j 1 .1st,. ,,| li '.v Ill-Ill 11 The ediYor of' h< : Ch’ oniefe say ■* !»«• l •*?!: i fielii’> T« Ttiah- K jr.I ie-t b!*‘M>ing 4*ver M *!»••• »g»*v i if - lb: . fit- -Jl'. ; •o*rn| iOR LADIES ONLY. xjiff-ring i of -ix la- who ha' e -V* li b\ f r rotnart; -*a\> : i.*.*) in h:s •cell cured ns -: t til' i and b»* :n- ;;it souu ! jift< would a - i! lo It' Backicu s Aruba Salve. The Best Salve in the wo.M for As a maUter <»f course Mr. Cleveland will have t<» ex<«eutetbe civil service reform law. It is on the statute books, ami he has Dr. D. F. iVnington. 1). D. S., 530 taken an oath to execute the laws, i I mollis .I.H-* not alter tl.e fact , ..tud. st.i * h ih.u ht .j .s }Krson.dl\ * . ami all >km rsi tiptions, and post l used lhe Ked >tnr i.«mgh Cute an 1 j that those Federal nifscials who ... 1 1 j in bis family, and has found- it r; j|ave gjj ci j Hu ir ) v|se ev eiy st|J! ! ,r - From tlie c.b:*»r of ihe int >- • vide High*: "l consider B:ad ! Jiejd’s F* !nab lJ’-jubitor tin* bt—l I medicine ever compounded and ; off -red lo the pubhc for which i f j is recommended. / am iCi‘,11 ac \ ottaiu/etl with a Imtu w ho never ... ! , . . i w , nut* yon are •uitimgup and e,*n>i«Ier it i I 11a*i any uniil she com- : lut{ ^ ,..>uA\u:<tu>n Acr gotten t*- for whieh il is recoin* ! ^ K E.ll EIIV cn«!»»r«r<l * y the best; - • .'ruggist- at .is it hi.«. A'ni:TJKI»V .Hr.;-. n .N'.i!.; •. : .* .Tlx-i. Ala., -ays raised his wife; from an o.valin's i»ed, aad he believe* [ ' • • heid-b*. I* DMI’.IIV of which a prominent j All i!;U ia r« j.a..l said : **J have ! giv*-n >.Vi>» as soon as I would a nickSc ‘ for what two bottles of your im di*‘ine ' did *'■ •!' ai\ *!•:- /:»ler.” A KSv ; iIiIIV in regard to which, S. i .* Fa*. •.*!!.- »i. ip. Druggist Ti,om:is- { vilie. <ia..>ays; *-I ,-a-» r*-ea!l instances in w2d«-h it .dlbpied r*!ief after ell the! usual li«. s had faiJc-b A Itldli Ol ah« ut Which Dr. n. i:. kr-nvil. i«»or;tiige, <-a . write* : "1 have • 1 for the last tvrentv veJxrs the medi i l0 *-* 4 1> " l "T <! " ! T' n - s ' »»•' tiling Brj.n.Is'Coo'r as the Bes’ I and ( heap as tnc C # , . w . » i * My Stock of Hardware f : ’ T;"' nn, ‘ CompU-lc-, ami in tills Lino I am prepare.1 to K ire Sue 1*1 ICCM. S" ‘■F r XBZS.XSSS G5-OOD3, \n*l almost every Arli. le known lo -i Notion Department I have ! .1 *i*k- I., r- r- »|>V ;.n I almost everything you «r :lnt esn he f, um | my store, bar the Spc»t ( ash -v I Cannot and Will not Be Undersold! gw l will M'll aoain on Time to gmel parlies. I am t, c t'er nro pared lo d*» a * Furnishing and Advancing Business 'Imn i vor licfore. 1 mean BUSINESS, ami non* i* YOUR TIME. Oumr one, collie all. lies* c !fullv. . J. McK GU2TIT. j.tn20-ct Cuts. Bi ui-es. ' Rheum. Fever Suvs, i C’happc’l Hands. (Diiibiain i meneed using it. it gave her mi | rmnliate relief, and Imm tluil time • until non* she has enjoyed thebe^t •s. Uicers. Sait i of healt h. I can sav nilh hearty -:o:- Tetter. . Corns good will.‘God speed l)r Bradfiebt in t!u* sale of j»i< never fulling Fe male Regulator?' ” went of one Eugene' Hig»ins. of) Mrs. Dixie Ilayg.ssi of Mil-! :^p t ‘“aml'Vur“‘r-^ meriy TT "eo*Trl." ! I,av *: nilc “ U,, ' ,r l' ,,sll ' 1!U * B ilt'mn»r« aa‘A|>p(>intincti>c Clerk/! lerigeviiie, another of Georgia's j and c-lds. N'o I'.iri resuhs of o:her) partisan way will have to go. The. main iliffieulty seem^ to la* j that in Magnetic” won,iers, went down 1 l ' n ' 1 *-’ 11 r ,, n"tlie-<. No: a trace of ui'inni j 1,1 lie a violation of the spirit j or morphia. i Republican was put ou t, | Macon last w eek, anil uslou i —■ • m j of the civil service reform law not •nd a Democrat was put in. i ished the people with Ivor wonder-| ttnrlcd in Her Bridal Kobe. j to dismiss them. This eiassifiea- Ilon Phil Thompson of Ken | T ul powers. It is now proposeil; ir M ,'f s ' 1, ' ,or -'' Rskestraw «f uon will embrace all ot the iead- xion. inn. iiiompson, ot Ken-' * , 11 Paulding count v, was lorried here . .. . , ...... tocitv, who wanted to be Internal! 10 bnn S M,ss I ' ,,U «»«* | at the Tamilv boning ground of *"*, f'*'™ 1 ^ ‘"i U L ,C _ Mrs. Haygood together in Maeon | Mrs. Margaret Bullard last Sat- ! j",' Ut lhc *' W1 * a k Ule l ,Iauk and let them pull against caeli; urday week. Rev. Mr. Edwards; - " ' lively cures Piles, or no pay re •Iquircd. It is guaranteed to give ft 1 perfect satisfaction, or tnon>*r rr funded. Price 2i> vents per box. For sale by J. IV. Stasfobu. jan 24 ly. Revenue Commissioner got left. We are glad to sec the whiskev 1 - - , . , ring gel a black eye. Up to tlli ' s | “U'ef with a view to decide what on-octing U.e funeral services. lime, the whiskey ring has been j **ke-force” is. the greatest power in the United I Slates. Tvbec Island has been .Vein. ail question.—Albany Mr. Ed Mercer, who was hurt in a burning building in Atlanta Wednesday morning of fast week died on Sunday morning follow- 8he died with meningitis; was an estimable young Indy, and had she lived would have been led to ... . , , .... . ; fall* to cure. i ,, - the altar and united in marriage I mill) | fatal sickness in nearly all parts | toMr _ Walkcr Parri „ ere now. I There has been a great deal of n-t fra- water from licr artesian v. KOI*. DYSl’El’tilA Sint Liver com plaint., . . v«0 liave a printc.i euaraiin-e on every! h * i, -‘ ,'v - ? o. . . . ,, , Littie Of Shiloh’s Vitulizcr. It nev. r I ff*’ ;,t i'crfumel nee » and cents, i has no further need for bar rooms.: t lu „ Fur sale by J. W. STAS-■ tur »“ e b - v J - w - bTA5 ‘ io “ u - ' r for t;K* tli- iiicul.tL | A ISlv^IIsIfV about which Dr. Joel Lra'.iiiMin. A:iut:ta, **l have « x ' ;!!tii:i»?*i the wipe, aiul .have ?io !io.*«iia- i rio>v in .iovi*=iupr its uv-. anU confidently • rfa-oi'inieiv* it." * i A i:i:^lt:s>v wlnYh the Rev. H. B. j Join."on. near Marietta. <»«.. «ays he ha.* used in his family w'th the **»itmo»t ; i»!itisfat'ti«vti'’ arid recomniended it t«> Send f*r«ur book c*ryntAinin« valmthie lor women. Il will Im* ma licit free to nopli ,, ..... , . * i been sell:iIK it for many ■ Ntantly incrcaaie^snlei. * The Bradffeep Kegel atou Co., a staple Witii us, undone of absolute; Box 28,'Atlanta, Ga.; ™«i ( t/’ ) x# M t i o i ; A K E.HED1 of winch Earnar, Ban-; Alarcii 1- im. j fcj n Laiuarsay: “We sold Tiftpro-s in • ♦ four r <tilths, and never sold it in anv this kiml. The whiskey license of Leary! j.agKu.w.m, U j tones and will compel*in style and priced w^r an? lmusVi'n Geor'gil of Eatiranjrc. iiii., says: “I cured one 1 of the most iMjstiiiate eases of Vicarious > ithin iuv J I just at the Owen & Sealv oltj stand a NSW FURNITURE STORE, ■ three families ** who found it to be j«>t wii-.t it i-s rc«*Mi*,im*nded.” A ISKTIEIIY of which Pemlierton j ! I*.. 1 -<.. , .. ,t l>er".i-.r.n j and will a* soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have »n The article is ’ hand a full line of everylliitiy usually kept in a «FIRST-6LA&S ESTABLISHMENT*- I propose to buy in large quantities, direct from Fac- Ims been rcilucctl fr<»m $1,000 to $200. Now that Leary has a pure » j Menstruation that overcame witi veil, she «‘th a few bottlcN.” • a ui.'tia.’Kkr iv. * A of which Dr. J. C. I itasiiUa. Ala., savs: “1 ami chased by Captain D. G. Purse of ^ * of the State thus far I : from pneumonia. And now men ) and buried in her wedding gar j ingetis is epidemic in Atlanta, | utents.—Marietta. Journal. ; :luil lhe disease is likely to j AB ,;T U U MAD* ^ih«ral7irby In spread in all directions. Mediual diKesthm. Constmution Dizziness I-m. ; of Appetite. Sellow Skin? sluloh s \ it-1 ihe (.atliedral of Csilogne was 1 ..1 inr sale by i 3(X) years in process Savannah, for $15,000. The new proprietor is arranging for exten sive improvements and develop ments. A new hotel will proba ldy be built, a theatre and church ! thus far, seem not to know j alWr'is a posirive t’urc. house are spoken of. [ pi,l,C1 ' ! * >w to prevent or cure this J - STAS'FOKD fearful scowrire*. ^ _ | Here tofol'e ‘‘bud water’ 1 lias been I fuiiy eon vine*.d that it i* unrivaled for , The Republicans of Virginia i " r S c ‘ l »» tllc ri:! ' st,n fnr so copious j V. 1 ^* oidlsc “c* which u «Wia* t« j It took about Curly years to get j are trying to take the control of j 1^7 of "metlicine” down that! A | -ill hare full charge of the business, ami-will befOund.t bis post al the Washington monument I affairs out ot the hands of 11a- " _ _ !-ly known alt over the I'mtol Stai.s a. all times, ready toserve all in his usual fair and siittare manner up the Washington monument;affairs out ot' the hands of Ma-: after it was commenced, and from j hone, this lime must be deducted many ! , , , —. years in which no work was done. ! SHILOH’S ITRE wili immediately r<*. : lieve <*r»>uj», Whuoping uoujeb un«i i Br«*nc!ii(U. JCur $ale by J. W. STAN-1 ttii' ..i- * »i riuviai , r * a Funeral Insurance Assent, says: *1 and of erecti<in. t Iu* Stia^bur^ eatbfctlral is Boarboii, Inti . say wife o\v« our lives SUM HI D »X (UHL. STiNFuKD. stHlLHU’S CON- * , * ir - e ptantiitinii on a (treat . for sale bv J. \V. : l ' as, '“ *. alwilutc s. Ilcnrv Ward Beeeher is in Geor- j g m 1 We do not violate cttnliricnee hardly yet fiui.shcd after two cen- gia lecturing this week on “Evo-1 President Cleveland has norn; " hen we state that many days ; , ! l “‘ * .f° n . . ... , . ., ... . I , j .j , i> i t t wrfl not pass lief-ire Joseph Elw 1 sideretl, the surviving tellow niton anu Lev.vl.iUon. We be-; nttUnl Henry R. Jacksou to be j ^ Hr | rtrn nnij Ai „* ri |! countrymen of George Washing- Le\e the Southern people take; minister to Mexico, K-1waul J. ‘ Cdlmiirt wpR have «»acl» <*t u er bv ton very well.—Jtichmaiui more kindly to Beetdier now since p, R .| of Vermont to Great the collar ho»d demanding «-!«-<«* £,rI>»•'-**«tbu.-1 M„V-1 a™--.,r.,„U. of him, he evidently lias a head IVu —and its ‘*bis own.’*' illcton of Ohio to Geriaanv. i i lh Mrs. W. IL Valley i« Ueadv ikxKCi, of Fori. A NASAL ISJKt-T<*K fiw With f bt.ttlr of Shiloh’s Fat *rr ; i kruj- i’i Z*j cents. Yof sale bv J. \V. is A AN- I FUBD. FORD. number of A RE.UKIIV .iboot which Mr. J W . Strange, of < artersville, (»a.. <‘ertifie“ r% . * • . that oae b«*ttle cured two members of Georgia reccivcti t!ie first post a I , |,j s family of menstrual irregularity of ual fair and siptare manner. REM EM BLR the place, Owen <k Sealy old stand, East side Public Square, Cuthbert, Ga. Respectfully, J. W. STANFORD. January 22 6m. The Illinois Scnatorsbip is still i appointment under the new a q. j mauy >e*ir* M*.iv<Utvg. in a muddle, and so is that ot! ministration. Judge J. B. M, i |L Arkansas in tlte place or Mr. Gar* winburn. ex ordinary of Hill! _“' K ’ ,- D S | county was made post master at 1 J JvSffTllStuQr champion re j Gainesville last week. j ® He Cleveland is the former as President. pays WHY Wilt YOU congh when Shi- 1 Send for na'rTreatise rfti /;'!fe»Uii *ud fur liis newspnner, hotel* bids amt i •*6's Cure will -nt hnniv tiare reftrf. j ••-W'hx s.qf tVomsa,” mailed free. 1 * I vw» 10 ct*.. Vrcts. audit-* Fur Sate by | , , IliunntiDBoatrt.uif'o., railroad fare. | Frier 1 j.J W.f STANFuWDt \ faclv-*l2!nj. Atlanta, tia. | 1 01H01T SETS —By THE— QUART PECK CR BUSHEL AT J.P. Toombs & Bra’s. Milo Maize I For a Forage Crop, superior to Cat Tail Millet. For sale at tf T. S. POWELL'S. —Farmers Pills ft»r sale by J. W. StanlWd.