Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, April 16, 1885, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE AND APPEAL, W.H. COOPER J. W. STANFORD, CUTIIBERT, GA. TliursdaT XorniHg, Ajrll 16, 1S-S5. Cliitsjyiiitr the Gauge, The management of the variml? Kev. F. A. Branch will preach BKSBXB1!iWC tSS~ Official Organ Of Randolph and Qu tman Counties. railroads in jhc'SouUi areconiem' plating a change iu the gauge the roads iloring the coming sum- . JHerT MoSTiff ^‘ Ja -' V have a gauge of live feet, while | nearly all the roads North afid West have n gauge of 4 feet 81 | inches. The difference in the H01HEKS’ FlilFMM QUITMAN COUNTY DEPARTMENT. J Calhoun county, left this (dace on Monday last for the New Orleans Applied according to tii lections 2 Exposition. We Impe tor tlftm a, „ r 3 omntlit l*f„re eonfcvment. W. A. IORDAN^ mt Hr. 1. A. MARTI* is enr Agent at 11 iiford, and Is fully authorized to receive and receipt for all money paid him. is General Grant’s condition setnewhat improved. Troup county will rote on pro hibition on the 13tii of May. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet h-eath secured by ShiloVsCatarrh Rein- c Iv. Price ;VI es-its. N:e,-*l I a iector free. For sale by J. W. STANFORD. Tammany Democrats ere re (Kirted in perfect accord with the new administration. C. C. C. readily cures chronic sores, scrofulous ulcers, djseha:ging wounds, bruises, scalds, blotches, burns pim- pies and all skin eruptions ami ieU In tain'e 1 or impure blood. For salcinCuthbert onlr by 2t -J. W. STANFORD. The Georgia Baptist. State Con vention meets in Ncwnnn next Thursday. SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure is solo i,y us on a guarantee. It rn s ■' •' eruption. Forsalc by J. W. STANFORD. The dining hall of the Kimball house will seat comfortably 2a0 guests. 8I.KEPI.ESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh's t’ttre is the remedy fur you. Fofsaie by 3. W. STANFORD. The Hainbridge Democrat says: If Mr. Cleveland don’t clean out the Republican rats who infest the federal offices in the South our people will hardly know then has lim n a change in the admin istration. The child can’t sleep. An army of worms is eating it up. One dose of Sbriner’s Indiat^ Vermi fuge will destroy them and save its life. Only 25 cents a bottle or five for one dollar. Ex State Treasurer, I). X. Speer, of Atlanta, gave Judge Emory Speer and wife a magnificent on terliiinnicnt on the eve of Judge Speer's departure foe his new gauge of t lie roads North, West a nd South necessitates a transfer of ears at those points where the gauge is changed, and in the movement of passenger trains the trucks of each coach have to be changed to suit the gauge of the road. The different railroad sys tems south will commence the change of gauge simultaneously. One rail only will lie moved, and they will not have to bo disjointed. Willi a large frflce. and aided by special machinery for drawing the ! spikes, the work w ill proceed very rapidly. There arc at present about 130.000 miles of railroads in lint United States, embracing more than a dozen different gauges, ranging i from two feet np to six feet. It is estimated that the change of gauge can be done on all the roads in less time than a week after the work begins. Mrs. Eugenia Moore, ot Perry, j I-. here on a visit to her brolner, Mr. R G. Morris. Dr. J. IV. Mercer and wife. Dr. F. M. Bledsoe and wife, left last Friday to spend a week iu New Orleans. __ _ The boys have been taking in the cheap theatre in Kufaula for the past week. If they would come over to Georgetown one night, the boys could then go over to Eufatila the next. Quite a crowd :11c expecting to stall to the Exposition from here next Saturday. Messrs. Grumbler and Varner Slave purchased the Vault that was built in the court house yard, it was n it properly constructed, and has been of no service to the county. Jl sold fur $43—not the original cost of the brick. Mrs. Lula Arden, of Savannah. 1 is in town, the guest of Mrs. G. {A. Whitaker; Col. William Worrill. of Cn'.li 1 herb was in town Monday* Remember that it is only about Ed Hurt Enterpnee d: Appeal; Will you please inform me what Smith s Bile Beans are, what they are used for, and Why lie culls them the above name? SfcfiSClHBEIt. Smith’s Bile Beans arc a pill to regulate the liver afid relieve In I liousness. They (lie made in the shape of a bean, and the word bile, if you will notice the or'hog f.ipliv, has reference to l|iat green !sh animal fluid secreted in the 11 ver. Price Fur sale in ( pleasant trip. Monday morninjj Mr. Joe Payne, while at work at hi* ntijl was tlRy seriously and painfully, though not fatally hurt hv a tnal let being thrown with violence in his face by the machinery. Dr. Briscoe, of Morgan, anil Mr. Cheney, of this place went out fox hunting on Wednos'btv nig'it last and had some rice fun. They chased the animal for six hours and 30 minutes, and at last had to leave it. The Doctor any* he is going to try it again when his dogs get rested. A large congregation went nnl last Sunday to hear Rev. Thomas Muse preach his farewell, and probably last Sermon, at Reho- heth church. A good many of us regret very much to see him leave Mr. Player a young man front Ty Ty is with Mr. John A Pavne. C- E. G. Fonrth district Ileus. By the energy and perseverance of the ladies of the Dover Baptist Church they have raised efiongh money to paint the church nicely, and it has put on a much finer np tiearancc. of which we are ail two weeks before the annual Sun-j proud. If we would be certain of day School Convention wiii con vene in Georgetown. Then eferj* one in Quitman county,- Mg. little old and voting, who are connected with the Sunday schools are ex pected to attend* Thu people in ahd Sround town Can govern success in any line, just call on the lailies for assistance, and w-«» Ctrl ijef It. Two negroes on Mr. Barney Los tor’s place not being In a humor for peace making one day last work, tried to see what effect a myat, its effeeGls wonde: fully beneficial and gratifying. The delicate «r gans and parts dicwtily involved are relaxed and softened and lose tbetr rigidity without impairing Iheir-power. while ils lubricating qualities act like a charm, thus assuring a quick and aliiKM. pain less delivery without physical ex haustion. Its «s< diminishes suf Turing beyond expression, and Tenth Sgohlcs of liianyTiours -In re ion lire entirely avoided. uot only shortens the time of labor and lessens the intensity "f pain. hiit. better than alt, it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and leave* the mother, is> a condition highly favoi able to speedy rccov cry, and far less Table to Hooding, convulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to lingering and painful labor. Its truly won ilerlul iSicaey in this respect en lilies Emend tube rank ed as one of the life-saving appli ances givin to the world by the discoveries ot modern science. This Trnlj Great l reparation, while really such an inestimable boon to child hearing women, is one iu regard to which, in due | deference to female modesty, err tificatcs cannot be published; for. as w as remarked by a distinguish cd member ol the legal proiession in Atlanta, when purchasing a boitic of it, “Its superior merits can only lie made known by word of month." L' di-s interested in the above, by addressing the UkaditeLD themselves aecordinglv, and ar- j piece of scantling would have on ,,- , ,, . . , * . i .* iii . . Ret.CI.atou Go., Atlanta Ga., can •••aiioss tint i in lit r tiiif in ! lit* ' #»*ich nt »nr' I n-u ltn>l no inTintlinn range to put the big jw»t in the til lie one. Tlu> deputy Sheriff of Stewart county came last Moutlay and ar- resled oueof our best citizens for using profane language in the presence of females. We under stand that it is a malicious prose eution. but whether it is or not. it two lots per bottle. I should be re un-inhered that swear itlihorl by all *lrug- j i»g is h bail practice that is very gists, and J. B. McWilliams dt Co.' uutuccsMarv, and the laws of the country does not tolerate such IScnevolcMce Items. Our items were not altogether killed out by the late cold, as some of our readers supposed, but were very nearly washed way by Wednesday’s rain. We intended coming forward with a smile of satisfaction upon our faces on ac count of our new acquisition. I)r. Binion. He is no longer a proba bility wiili us, but is certainly lo e.-ded here, and lias gone to work. With his sound common sense, and honest*, straight forward in tentions, we predict for him a home in Savannah. Many prom- '‘right I’utuie. Our friends, no inenl men and their families were present, amd^g them Senator Brown and Gov McDaniel. croup. Whoopi sc, coron ami Bronchitis immediately relieved 1>\ 8h ' -Vs Cure. For sale bv J. W. ST A N- FOKD. * june-PJ-ly. Jefferson and Emanuel lotibt, are prepared to congratu late us on h xviug secured tlie ser vices ol this promising young pliy sician. If he succeeds iu life, mudi of his success will lie due to the fact that there is much of tile father about the son. Mi*ses Laura and Georgia Me\ , AIie-lutc 1 made a living people arc greatly excite,1 over j | iU | e llllV!1 ) ;i *a Wl .;. k . We are al- the discovery of large quantities. , ways pleased lo have visitors, and of meat scattered throughout! trust these voting ladirs will not practice. Last week while a crowd wan out ou a rabbit hunt. Bob Morris accidently fell into a gully. While iu the act of lading bis gun was di>ch»rgfed, and burned n hole in the lappel of his coat. This was a narrow escape. The careless u >e «>f guns and pistol* i*> a dangerous practice. A voting lady, daughter of Dr. S. 11. Latimer, of Stewart couniy each other; they had no intention c*f killing, however, as they com menced clubbing each other over the head. After cutting several gashes in each other’s head, both went over the doctor and had them sewed up and plastered to gether. the fun being |iostponed till another day. We had the pleasure of attend ing the uu!>icul concert at Wards last Friday night, given by Miss Fannie Coley and her music class, l’lit in-u kdlprcvinioD niili n hi li community S at unlay an.I Sumlay. That Money Is Very O § r 3-i r* - - ?-(‘it?:; 5 1; §|fS i r--; 5zi u a The people of Cutlibert and surround ing country will not be disappointed when they visit us in search oi Bargains in DRY GOODS, CLOTIIIXG, Itave a in,ef. inaileil them free of cost, enntaining full parlicularr. npr 10 let. Bnfurd Items. Biifuni h:i<l a marriajre a few nights a^", the first one in some lime, the parties beiu^ B-.izil l’-.,l lici t an I Minity Martin, (eol) Mr. Aimer R,.licit. au,i I’amilv. They will find our Stock the cheapest in this market, and All wc ask of vou, is to conic and see for yourselves, as it costs nothing to come, and you will be benefited thereby. We have made a great reduction on all our Goods, as we are bound to have money. We wiil sell you * . -• r „ - u t.* s-i-'G r.a ■^srsn:*r. Near P. G., Etevsns Pcltsry, 6a. -:o:- Ifen Iqii.irters for Doubled GhizeJ Vitrifieil D-ain, Sewer, Culvert snJ Water Bi'.ies, from 2 to 24 inch tptlibn*. fur Draining Larol. It R. Culverts. Korol ::n<! S"-eet. (Vns.iBtr* anil W'-l!f'ur'iintr. Fire. Graft, Horili-r an<l Ile.-n-lh, Brick Smoke ami Hot Air Flues. Lining for Far- naees. Fire Brii-U for Setting Buiiers, ma<le to Or-ler. am - or Style on short- notice. Khmer I’ .ts. Sniuoino Baskets. Stunp*, f’liimn.-v Thimliles .-iiui Top*. Fire Clay ami Sami, suitable for Fur nace BuiMing or other similar purposes. Cfirrespun<!ence SuliciteJ. Gor price*are reasonable. All we ask is a trial. Stevens’ Bros. & Co. n»trl9(i-n pROPHTETORS- « * n rn < t rers "yri -f /'x —•> £,*x I- "> -y Oil Ilililyll Doasstic Goods, at Factory Pricos. Yard Wide White Victoria Lawn at 8c: Yard Wide Bleaching at TAe; Checked Nainsook, at 10c; Fine Press Niagara Muslin for 10c, (worth 15.) We have just re ceived a beautiful line of large l'laid Ginghams, which from Miller county, were in the wo sell at 10e, worth 15c; also a .large lot ot ;iid» one played, and the round ness* of melodies which came from the piano, when each pupil per formed, showed with want care and diligence each hart bix*n train ed by tlicir ettlcient ami accom plished teacher. All enjoyed ev- e»y part «.f the concert very much ami went away wiili merry hearts Wards may justly feel proud of her schmd. for, with Prof. C. K. j., .nine near having a serious acci* jGnibbs, (one of the linest schol- dent at the <le|H»L last Thursday j ars in the State) ns Principal, and j H*.*i,*'r ti, { . ou l v eliild/ it was nat Attending 1 Mi-»* Coley, with her thorough | knowledge *»f music, in the MtUsie Msiling the family of Rev. C. C. Martin. Mr. T. A. Bass had the misfor tune to lo.&e a valuable horse a few days ago. Roy Stcwnit, a bright little boy ot a little more than a year old, and the only child of Mr. and Mrs. 1 X. S Stewart, died last Saturday, and was interred in the cemetery •it New Bethel Sunday following. those counties poisoned. with 1 '* 11 * l ” cn,l,c Miss Laura , , • ,,,, . . I hits had charge of the school at Htrvchnine. 1 lie meat was cu-ln. tlw r .. , * lirooksviue. the lice term of which dcntly poisoned lo . destroy dog-j expired last Thursday. She de have been but other amnia ed by it. Cured Third Bay Chills of Month’s Standing. vid V> hav« n eliild { ing Third-Day Chills and twelve un nth.-' o.i tloe:*.» *.r p::;l medicines could not cure her. I pur- j j “ires to continue teaching, and w* ! feel sure of her success, -because ; she deserves it. j The school here opened again j Monday last with an attendance at had been hav- j of 22. There are others to enter evening. Sue has been school :u Dawson, ami was com ing home to spend a ftrv day*. \\ lien the cars arrived, before she could get safely olf. the cars were again iu motion. The young l.oh being excited, and fearing she would be carried beyond livr ties tination, jumped from the car. and was caught in the arms ol her father. 1: it had not been tor sii to our the promptness of her*father, she would ha\ebeen seriously injur ed. As it was, she only received a sprain in one of her ankles, ii was one«»f the many careless acts conductors are guilty of. If it is not the duty of conductor* to sec that ladies who are enlru-Aed t«* their care get safrdv on and oil of of every description. A fine nml cheap lot of Ham- burgs, anil a cheap and well assorted stock <>t Lace Col larettes ami Collars, for both ladies and misses, of the latest Styles; - and as I am determined to do a moving business this spring, you will find some Handsome Goods at Moderate Prices. M v Fever f.. rha Jia t run d iu*r RtMiu.'l ? nd wed. J. M. M* - 'L u frri’nes Co., For gale In Cutlibert onlv l>v ‘Ji J. W. STANFORD. The E;,i 1\ Lnuiiiy News nfList week gives the gralilj iug intelli geiice that tiler county ha<! “gone <irr.” This is good news to tin; friends of temperance, and •hows how steadily and ly the gl.rious work of pioliihi- tion is going on. Miller county a few years ago, was regarded utter ly and hopelessly enchained by the liquor traffic. The writer has not got fingers and toe* to count the murder*: and deaths directly occurring from the sale of whisky ! xv in the county during the last trfo or three years, saying nothing of its fearful ravages since the for mation of the county, twenty five years ago. We do most heartily congratulate the good people ol the county for Uiis wholesome change in their internal affairs, and confidently believe it will be lasting. department, combine to make oil of i lie hovi schools in Georgia. Miss L**ila (lot nudy,ofLaCros*, G».c, is •spending a fear days with j Mrs Frank Crittenden, greeting! her many friends and admirers of liiijs lieighborhond. Mr. Tom Jordan left last Satur- 1 day fi»r Hu* K\|*osiiion. wi«ere he mi! spend a week, but not. so ph-jwant ly as if he hail an ncquaiu taiiee with him. The school children had a. par t.y ?u the rusidt nec of Mr. B. F. Sne.l last Friday night. :»::d wi 1- couH-fl five or six young la«li**s from Dover In belpenj *v it. We had some very nice music, vnatle urally idolized by its parents and it seemed more than they could j bo ar to give it up.' We extend j •! them o*ir sympathies in their sore' will save YOU ITlOnov. bereavement.. We learn that Mr. E iirene Shop- J herd and Miss Annie Manerv, *>t! Keyt* ii, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Sunday* I evening last. Rev. E S. War<l,; j officiating. Knowing the parlies! as we do. we can but expect for j ihem a happy and successful fu j lure. ‘ I. A. M a chance | is certainly Complet il save you money. In connection with the above we have a AI illinevy Dojiaidment, M'lu'ff lion - * it Florida R lilroffrf •kn > bvkll THE liuil'linjj of theCiJitmims. Cliattaii i. lioin" now ili-claruii :i oprtainty, a n - i its i-o-n; il - as liein^ llie most potent fai-lor that poiil i lie nmnc l in jpvinj; lift and iiniirtiis to the city. an.I even the stirroiin-iing country, a* ■ well wisher of all. we iii.i the enterprise Go ! speed. Cuthiiert is alive as well to the importanceof ail Aria dan Well—an attraction that would draw many to our c*»!mnu*!i!y. This w«*rk is rapidly progressing, an 1 we iiopc* soon to so:* lh * ninre water bubbling uj» from llm low regions, and this scciioii greatly beii'di.ed by the sma-ess of the enterprise. The success of these two cnferpnsi?*. tog.qliar with oti-S.-!r>o! ai> | Church advantages, with the a *kn e.vle lgetl health of (Liihbert, m*wt cvcntnnlly put the town on a boom. T!»is effect will be felt sensibly throughout the country, affecting the price of lands in the county, as we!! as city property. •‘A prosperous town a prosperous county.” Then let us all p»!) together. We stand ready to do our part, and will ever he alive to any com mendable enterprise for the good of our people. We :tfe trying to keep pare with the spirit of enterprise now vailing, and with pride and satisfaction call attention to our elegant Store, filled with Choice Goods iff evert variety, which we are selling cheaper than was ever know* in the liistnrv "ft'iiMihert. IVcr propose to be headquarters for I 3: T,7”CJ > -..y u» y fl! . Flow 11603, HOD! Fi23, U137IS33, Hi'iZd complete in every particular, and of the latest Styles and Designs, at 1’rices Low enough to suit the times. i •_ Be sure to call and examine mv Slot k of Goods ^jAx.t jj "T T?f?**»tl P** ri A li -j Ct t. d fc-ik a )S3uuS3. V.'e are hnndiintr a superior Steel, worked up into these Good*, and every Farmer in the county will consult, hi* interest by givin* us a call. ITT?}. J-V iL .ai- Ja . h m ■p mT M j? ..a m .JL Our Ridule column. When can n man have some i thing and nothing in ins pot j before pureiiusiiig ( ewaere. I aprlG-lm liespoctlu p h’A o —1 : 4 kTs cars, it bliftuld be niad« tlicir rtuty [ by C'apt. Snell an i 31 r. Phriir* Tucker, which wa.** cnjfiyeti vmy much by the* vUitois, aud cvciy one cUe. Sid. so that they would be held ac countable for neglect of duty. There was a iitile altcrc;U«on between one <»f the boys, an 1 :» negro, on the streets last Saturday in which brick bats played a e *r»spicn »us part Sometimes I. the use of slang phrases ate atm very wholesome, stud too much familiarity breeds contempt. Those « ho nish lo avail them selves of the iulrmlticlory an i exchange prices of the hooks nooplcd byt he Board <>l K<ilicaliot) can find .Sanford’s Ai ithmelies. McGuffev’s Renders and Maiirx ’» GiO^rapiiv at W. A. Jordan’s Store, for the next thirty days. T ho overseer on Mr. John Greene’s plantation killed twenty rattle snakes in one heap Iasi Friday. “Melicnn man no • telle lie.’’ A • Itile was ft i* Mr. 2. A. Clark, of Atlanta, Ga., in speaking of $4S0.1H) in g.;M desires! t«» s:.y !«.» di» l* a !i j.s ul this pap»er, • that li: - - vl.ole of the above amount! w'osspmt i:i a fruit!- sseffort m fiml-! ing relief from a ter* .hie lilwod Poison ! alloc ting his body. limbs and nose—! prcsciiling ugly running ulcers. He I is t: *.v sound and well, having beer in a few days. We are really uneasy about enr jj i friend of the Brooksville Items ! He appeared last week in a poetic ell us nm on the coming of Spring and •‘pretty girls.” Which in spired him? If Spring did it. there are hopes of recovery for him. If the coining nr lire **;)rct- ty gilds*’ be the cause, we tremble for t he result. We cannot accuse him of plf.giarrsm. for tire diction is peculiarly his own. Tnrbably effective-i l ,lrl . lV r?re so Pt ‘ sirec ,n 1,18 ' section that the sight of one pro duces this spasmodic gtfsh. If so we me sorry for him. Come up our way, friend Bunn, till you become so accustomed lo the sight :us not to have your equanimity disturbed. The Baptists nrc preparing to paint their chinch. think the building wilt present :i respectable appearance j Last Saturday and Sunday the regular monthly services wei< I held by the pastor, 31. B. L. Bin I ion. We doubt if ever a people- were niore completely in love with j I a pastor than are Mie members <»1 ! this church with 31 r. Binion. His auditors are always many, and in credit to them, we say are ever quiet and respectful. The church, under Ids rule, has become healthy and active. Why are we never permitted here of late, to see the light of j ure and prosiierity, B-»b Simpson’s countenance on* our way? Our Sunday school is as l!< ui fish ing. our monthly meet ing is interesting, and our little village as inviting as ever. Wc do not understand it. No doubt 1 he lias come to the conclusion Hard lima. . The weather lias been fine for l ^ IS .V* ‘ several days, and if we can just \ i n I ■ 11 n is w 111 1 • _ ; hold out a little while longer, we' a day long to be will be solid, as the garden truck is nearly eatable. .. T 'i i ii v . day I have hud in a b n 3ir. John A. Payne naw gone to T . , , . • ® Mrs. Jay had what my Macon. He will kc absent but at lew days. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents on the utli instant Wards, Ga., Mr. Ode Smith to 3Iiss Lula Tison. We HiilliiiM' ifixfe (‘klissl. Editors Appeal: The question is often asked whnt iv.ubevomeof Mullins* High School? I will sary to i«.s mm\ fr iends that the school U progres* ing finely, though we haven’t a*» many aeliolars as we had last year,- because several who sent last year have moved out of reu *!i of the scliool, but it averages abo'*t twen ty five scholars daily. Some say we talk too much about our school, but I don’t think so; others over the country are blowing for their schools, and why should not we? The health of i»t»r people is gen erally good. Farmers are plant ing cotton, and all seem lo move quietly along. i The fifth Sunday in March was remembered by me. as I think I got one of tliej best meals at Mr. J. T. Jay’s that; while.— appetite craved—chicken pie and turkey, which was nicely served. The ta ble was tided with all kinds of ed ibles, but I mentioned my favorite dishes. Myself, 31 r. Amos Ward ! and Mr. Bun Shelly were the | guests of Mr. Jay that day. I [ ?t i at the same time? When there ir u hole iu it. if there is a hole in j the lungs it can be healed with Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Wiial word is tint to which if ;♦ •ii add a sy llable it will make it shu’ter? Short. Taylor's Chero kec Remedy of Sweet Gum ani Mullein wiil shorien your cold and cure your cough. Whv was Ev»* uot afraid of the Eos’s. 13 for Si 03. Pr3 ?- 05. liiil-r 1.03, i; ice/use she ha-1 A inea.-h am,- nnd the evil rib'cls, sin h ns a cold and cough, could not follow, but not sn tf;:h ail. and T:u lor’s ! “ *" • 13 The above disease of the brain Is of !•>*•»• imp.! -ut <K*cunvnc4- in j ?: Sily mriJr n!:<t i>r.i:dt' victims lit*;*:-; numhercl ainorv rla-ses. In some eases it nn^hr i>e teriMcil a tai.ciiul ciiiincr:: the brain, the i -•• •mi: % to'be on tiie i'x*kotit for n -.v uie.i oi ujl’.i.- * n. wl.i.-h really I bar- f i nu'.T - I hav- P' A • l.O! h «»i! ght I::r: Iv. : while Low, the O’ : These Good-/ hue t he benefit of price in t to great advantage, and the benefits.- h- Ill’S: qJ- G:k*i!s, s:t;-li ns >ve -,I! must hire: ftrr• t-«,ia.i G: 11 ready advanced, b nt which I bought*. FOR THE M'JLTITH P ATT TT4 tr M ar A my •in-, rtn '“-.s, ~»3. etn’imrrs sh.-tll har. •'11- Boots and S:i:i Haio for all the Men and Boys.'l*, GdoJ ns tile Beat, 10 4 -1 -I f’tll-w (’’•rsin !!•■ ‘j J and (’heap as the ('h^apesl. an 1 Le id in j it -nt r •ii IV' 3 1IT Td. i Ut •«i !»;• thi-.K-iirsiou but not sn Hr;: h all. and I :i\ Im* s | (jj *s ?! fi ^ ' \ * 4 , rj !/ 5* ml r-;;t^ia-i star*'. Cltcroket* UftOfiy «.f Sweet Gum i f* \ SIU l{ i| | f |,a 1 il f I “mlUi'-s.? jk.''n- atl'i Mullein siioulii he k.qit to ^ t i . t 5 i 1 ;-:.t n::,: „.:y -r,- a in Great variety. :.ii unex; ev:vJ j tc.Icciuai lo/c -s. 2 moiiomn iu. A id.k-n cure til** cough and colds. Why is nose in the mi Idle i of your face? It is the scenter. 1 But when you have a cold it loos ;Silk, F! AX, GrflSS, Jllfrl (^)t- | !* V*i * -V-w-1 ton Lines, Hooks. Corks, •“ f! i r, - 1 is i in ner excited men. : I &C., wish the newly married couple a i beg to differ with J. It. S. iu re- long* life filled with much pleas cured by the most s;>• ecly and won-! that t lie ktmosphere of Cutlibert dcriui rcmc«h* ever before mown, and . j.. : any iiu crest id par.y who may. need :i Bl« oti l*urifi< r wiil learn trout him I that three i-ortles of I». Ii. li. restored j his appetite, hea.ed all ulcers, reliev- j ed his kidneys,* and a«h!ed twenty-. one pounds to his weight in thirty d»v 3. lm 3I«»se Ks-:u«.*u unu Puier J«>!in- son (col.) will be hung iu Camilla next Friday. They were convict ed at the InU term of 3Iilcheli Superior court lor murder ng Sieve Godwin and family last Novembtr. Sheriff G \V. Swin dle is fixing »•,* l » have t!:e cx«» eutiotl w* II g.ujc. M :!»y \ k.\.- a® wiil »•<.*{ .. ut witness the hanging Ui• B lake place on the public ^qnai« as the laml owners near C .mil will not allow a gallows erected • «»n their lands for fear of d.vnag ing its value in the estimation of colored laborers. *im.0irs VITALIZES is what you need for 4'on.sfiparion, ho** of A^ppet Ifizziness and »5S symptoms of Dyspep sia Price 10 75 cents i»**r bottle. for by J. w. «TAXHFOKl>. is lately been much purified, anil hcnccfoi th dcsiics to breathe no other. We would be glad to know if any of our friends can tell us when* the rabbits and fish ale this season. We have been wander ing about for several days in quest of them, but have not yet discov ered their where.::boots. Iv «» o * The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. feb-12-t-m-12. m m m* 3fiss Lula Reid of Ala., whilst, on a\isit to Atlanta last work was severely bitten by a mad •hum -log. The Lillies inff some others met at tlit- fliun-li .Satunlav evening to praetice singing. They pro pose to meet Friday evening next for the same purpose. The Sunday School has ilceHnl to pie nic. A enmmittee has hcen appointed Vo select the lime and place. Miss Nannie Coley gave a eon- eert Friday night. Although she hail hut a short time for prepara tion. tiie people generally pro nounec it a sueeess In the i>ro tieteney of her pupils. Miss Nan nis lias produced the very ltest evidence that a teacher ean pro dure of her own superiority. ^Ite had tiie Ijcst lic-Vavcil andicneewe ever satv on sneli an occasion. There was no moving about, no conversing, no noise of anv sort while thegirls were playing, sing ing or reciting. The decorum was simply perleet. This will liesttr- oii'-ing to an outsider, hut not so •rttieh so to one acquainted with • he people here. Miss I-otla llornady. of E'la- ville, is visiting relative# and fr lends in and around Ward. Misses McKellar and Waters, of Ckiekasawliatehee, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Simpson. Hon. O. B. Steven* and lady, of Dawson came over Sunday on a visit to Mr. Goode and family. They returned Monday. Several gentlemen of Morgan. 1 gaid to meeting with S*>r an*l J. R. at Mr. Jay’s. lie says J. U. was at tile head of the table, as he walled his eves on him. I do not know who was at the head of the table. Mr. Jay’s dining tabic is round, and 1 iloii't know where tiie head was, but I have stated above who were at the ta ltle, besides Mr. Jay’s family.— Mr. Jay some time back came out in an article in your columns and cleared himself of being "J. R..’’ and 1 now do tiie same, and want uiy friend* to know that 1 am not. nor have not been, the -author of the“J. R.’’ writing for some time past, nor do I know who the au thor is. I Wrote over the name of ■•,” last year, for your pa per. lint never over tiiat of -Johnnie Ueh." My friend also stated that tie was with the Sorghum girls at Mr. Jay’s. He is again mistaken, as I am the Sorghum writer, and have no children of mv own; but we are ail liable tu be mistaken at time*. Our school did not run away on the lirsl of April, and our lea- acr now promises them a pic-nie at Crittenden & Oliver’s mill the 1st Friday in May. Will not the .school# at Brooksville aud Wards join in and have a jolly time? Those wishing to go lo the Ex position, anil have not got the money to go with, enH easily get as much as they want from Gen. Arrington without mortgaging their property. Yours as ever. N. H. es its virtue. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein will relieve the cold iu the head au*l restore the sense. What creeping thing is exactly ; four? IV (Ivy). But the old; mullein plant ts four most in the t ank of medicine. Taylor’s Cher-j okee Remedy of Sweet Gaiu and J Mullein w ill cure coughs colds j anti consumption. Send a 2 cent stamp for 16 page Riddle Book to WALTER A. TAYOR. jy 2t Atlanta, Ga. A holiness meeting is in prog res* in Athens, Ga. The interest is increasing. New Advertisements ; - - Y’ : • City Election ; : . ■..•T* /f. > -V • •’ .: ' - rro . ■ - . . -■ k 1 /’ . AT • ; - - , - -1 -v --- MAYOR S OFFICE, I CrTHitiiUT, C«.v., April 15, t$35. f j T"TNdcr mid by virtue «f Hcsolution of U tbc City Councii. and Ii I oi same. I. liMi*ge McDon.ab] | ot Cuthorrt, Vi corgi a, iitrcby order* an Klcction to De held at the usual place of holditi£ Elections in said city, on May lsth, id&5, tor the purpose oi Mibuiiitin^ to tUe qitaiiiied Voters thereof, the ques tion ut issning itonds of said city, in terms of la w. The Bonds so to 1>e issued, to be (20) Twenty in number, or so many thereof as may be necessary, and for Unc Hitu- (Ircd *l>oliars each! The Bonds, so is sued, to »k> for t lie purj*ose of com pick ing tiie Artesian \\ ell m said city, same being for the purpo.- eoi ahbrding >vater- suppiy lor ti;e lire liepai tmer.t, and for other uses. Two of ±hid Bonds U> ma ture. and be payable at othce of City Treasurer, r,a J anuary 1st. li «.». and Two of »aid Bomis to mature ami be payable am ually inercufter; each Bond Co bear intcrest’at seven per cent, per annum, and interest to be oaid annually on first day of January of every year. The last of said Bonds to »>e doe, and payable on January 1st. 1 ti'JJ. * -’V. - * v =ye ,A 'r »y Aumority •I. as Mayor I -fxs.tSSSz'it&Z ” ° rd " a, ‘ r Ay*jTi,- - ^ _ CCl: r<' v cj<f * ij o For sale in Cuthbert. !>r fpib&j-titu. J. P. TUOilI^S & BRO. f Ms is for Yoa I have opened a general VI lose in favor of i««ning Kw* wiff j 7T3 ClAP A IT L? M f? lialiuts -Bond*-." ana ' JrAwilA b O-. ] endorse on thi ir Baiio: j those oj»p«*sed to issuing Bonds will en- (iorse on tfieir Ballots “.No».” tiivea u.uier mv i»;.nd and oilicial si£- uature. GEO HUE ilii)05AU>. Attest Mayor. W. J. BaURY,Clerk. aprhJ-id 500,000 Tn front -of Mr. .1 t - . Martin’s rtoann \Varrinm*e, where I do all of wori: Different kinds of Pills, at J. P. TOOMBS k BUO.’S. Among them, •‘Smith’* Bile Beans.’ Queen Giives and Pickles, »t ALLISON k SIMPSON’S. WOOD OR IRON. tVhfii farmers give rue their year’s work I jrill work as folbnyss Sharj^en- i::*'S'.v.-»-ps 12’o cents; Turning Plows. rsml 'FiiTUing ^lioveK. JOceiUs; and aH other work in proportion. Buggies and Wagons pnt fn gbod order at low rates. Hying vour <‘«M>ki!)g Stoves, Setring Machines hn*f rundture to me. T . t J. R. WILKS. Jsn K-lv. ■ • ir** 1 ] 1 iCi11 causes •>. ijcm’s wife receiving ted infonmdion rc- with nnotiier wo- with ;ut any uu’.n- v*‘.i o;cr arid r id until jealousy, is thoroughly aroused, a s|»ecies oi mouo- n/ania being the rcmt. Tisese aiii clioii :ave heroine very an* noyisig ar.dg: ii vows, and i: m»t reiieved are apt toen.i in a more ah;>onuai con dition «>f tiie brain, protiuciug fondiy •jonneN. di-seii'dons. accu-a-ions. «ie- tuats. A-., between man and wile, lover and sweetheart. They should all be .routed as early a-; possible, and the most -peedy and certain remedy is tiie use of B which produces an immediate transformation throu^ii the 1 i“od. th** effects of wiib h are felt and acknowl edged before using one bottle. i Jic [-atients are ail easily ar*»useti #n T-i frir«T<* and Oimpleto, and in llii* Line rial Prices. •a: am prepared to Spe- And almost evory Arti< If known to a Notion D, stoi-l;. In fret, anv an 1 almost everythin mv store. I-'or the Spot Cash 3 iriment f hare |„ g yon ' can be found at I Cannot o T 1 (iii v.i gy: pa re* l 7^ I will sell again to do a vril! not Be Undorsal I! n Time to good prrties. Inn, better pre- Fiirmsliing anil Advancing Business NESS, and now is YOUR TIME. 'H'WK. GU2T1T. than ever before. I mean BUSINESS, and now is YOUR TIME. Como ou»*. come all. Respect fully. isn29-ct certain subject^, and airii«»ugl» ridicu lous in the extreme, eat mot be convinc ed of their error. One party may pre- s nne that the v»hide Jo: itaii family ar. a.;..cted with oiu *,..i:n rul poi o. . ‘ while vet nimtiicr may argue that •*j..,i- u.-h mixtures*' are poisonin" the 1iIo*m! <»f the nation, and tii ;t rcccSi.tioii' from the Al nighty placed him in a speciid position to offer the only antidote, while all el.-e arc frauds. These conditions Giiaiia!'.- from tim e of honest and pure motives, bm arc pov»erL-.-s to throw off 0 f: iU.. tin* shackles which hind them. The j vi L£l 4 TD T?s i v 1 I • ■Jt V i I 4- friend’ami relatives of all such slioul urge them iJ. }>. I». and irr cured, * wore -’ori"'.!* res til’s «»ccur. lead-j ing to insanity. The aci.ial and positive j action of 1». B. B. is of Mich jiaraflelel t nature as toc^r.rlncc any one of the t:n- j paralleled |«rwer it has over all IjIikm! j tMii-touB scrofulous sores. xwellbtgH and t mints, kidney and rheumatic affections. •*atarrli. tetter, chronic ulcers and sores, die.. See. AH these astounding cures arc proven by d>s-tor.«. bankers, preachers, merchants, editors, farmers, and men and women here in Atlanta, where ev ery wiiness can be seen and talked with. ApriMMni. I have just oppnul at the Owen ifc Sealy olj stand : spfl Base Balls and Bats, Croquet Sets, RUBBER BALLS, Garbles, Harmonicas AND • nd will, as snnn as it can be shipped from the’Factories, bar. *■ hand a lull line of everything tisuailv kept in a -*FIRST-6LASS ESTABLISHMENTV- of this kind. I propose to buy in large quantities, direct from Fac tories, and will compete in style and prices with any house in Georgia. JUST RECEIVED, AND For sale nt T. S. POWELL’S. Orugsist, ISook-eller and Mutioncr. ct will have full charge of the business, and will ho found at bis post at all times, ready to serve all in his usual fair and square manner. if '2> REMEMBER the place. Owen A ScalyoM state), East side Public Square, Cutlibert, G.-u Respectfully, Janunrv 22 6m. I'eflon Plan Must. .... . 1 xazx.ui.ij. A new Line of New York Opli- c? 1 1 • eaLSFKC FACLES reeeived. Pri be OOld.jee*—from 25l-to f l 50 )K?r Pair. Call aud see them at T. «. POWELL’S, ct Druggist and Booksel'cr. AT ct ALLISON k SIMPSON’S. J. w. STANFORD. H. I. GORTATOWSKY, ffiEifflifcr, Jeweler ul Earner. And Dealer in flocks Wnickcs Jewelry and Silverware. * All Clock and Watch Work War- rented. murlD-ct