Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, April 23, 1885, Image 2

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EN i'E&FMSE AND APPEAL, W. H. COOPER, J. W. STANFORD, l Editors. CUTintEKT, GA. Tlmrsdav Morntiijr, l|tril 2t, ISW. Appeal *f Railroad Asthmatics. The railroad manager* of Geor jin, without exception. have upi ed in an ap|>eai to the Slate Com mission for an increase of rates ol floor and jrl'n. 'We sTioiiTd Tike 1 Your readers to |mljlisli thedocument. entire, as it llirnishes some very interesting Then and Now- Main. Editor*: _ __ In iny Inst cummoaicatinu yon make tne any, Miller parked the cotton in M**l< OJJ,” I said bale.— Wm'no doubtdi scor er that it was a trick of the DeeiL, if you have one. All newspapers reading matter, and shows t lie [ have one I lielicre. But as one of great mistake of committing the ■ yon is .a minister, -it is presumed Official Organ of Randolph : ; ,i, so lute control of sixty millions : you have as little to do with bis of pro|icrty into the hands of three inen responsible to no human tri- onr A pent tmnal for what they do. The state and Qu'tman Counties. Mr. I. A. MARTIN at Buford, aud is fully antborlzrd to receive and receipt for all money paiil him. A swearing train leaves Wash ington every day. It carries the disappointed office seekers. The Georgia medical assneia lion met in Savannah Wednesday, I)r. A. W. Calhoun, of Atlanta, presiding. The Cartcrsville American says: -‘After resting a day or so Rev. Sam Jones has gone to renew the attack on Tcnnrsse." Tin: KKV. DEO. II. TIIAYKR, of )M«i:ri»>n, inti .says; **R«*tli myself anti wife mv»» our live.** to SHILOH'S CON- Sl" M I r rInX rV llK. Ft»r sale by J. W. STAN FOBI). The Ocean steamship company of Savannah has purchased the Central cotton compress anil warehouse at Savannah, paying therelor $181,000. StlttXIH'S CATAltltll REMEDY-a j.iiMtive cure for Catarrh, Dq-htlu-ria ami Canker Mouth. For sale hy J. \\ . STANFORD. Gen. Grant has sufficiently re covered from his severe ease ot roent made hy these intelligent men is that the average charge in Georgia for carrying 100 pounds of grain for 100 miles is 7 cents, j while in eleven other stales the charge is from 11J cents to 37 j cents |>er hundred. I In Georgia the railroads get on dour in barrels for 100 miles 15 cents per barrel, while in the oth cr eleven states the charge varies from 2(51 to 74 cents. Ohio and | Illinois are two states famous for , tile amount of grain produced, and ‘ carried to market. Of course to encourage transiiortation, the rail roads would make as favorable rates as practicable, ami yet tin- roads t here get just about twice as much for carrying grain—not withstanding the immense amount transported—as the railroads of Georgia do. the railroad commissioners of those states, and we have the interesting spectacle of the complication of Din-tors and j commissioners of eleven states s ire throat, to take a ride through j putting their judgment against majesty as [Kissihle. I think it was in 1822 steam boats were first introduced on the waters of the Southern States.— They may- have been liefore that on the Mississippi river, but I do not know. History tells its that Rumseys “succeeded in North Riv er. New York, Oct. 1807,” and that steam was applied to purposes of inland navigation in America in 1810, and also one Graham sue (•ceded in running sLcamlioats in the Northern rivers in 1808. This may all lie true, but it was not until about 1822 they ★ere intro dueed in the South. Before steam boats, the produce in the vicinity of navigable rivers were trans- ported on large flat boats profil ed by manual labor. 1 have seen flats carrying 1.000 bales of cotton floating down stream, with twenty negro men on hoard to take it back with merchandise for tiic up coun try merchants. And a lively time hat Tbs wealher kau been so lovely *2* this.Sreekthfit w« kasff to ws- |L— all sir adf control to rafrmia from Jaflicting spaa ym a Central Talk, and a walk of foui blocks, Tuesday. -DUbOH's (THE will iniliieiliati-iy re- Croup, Whooping roads is interesting—we might j my mother owned a plantation. cough ai it iu-imchicis. For sale by J. \V. STAN FORD. The Woolen Mills Company at Waco, Texas, have called all its dr ii in in vrs in oil the road ami put them to work in the house. More orders lor goods coming in than it is possible to fill. Man (■factories in Texas are profitable, as they are elsewhere in the South, when properly conducted. Wilson, the great inventor, and the patentee of the celebrated Wheeler and Wilson sewing ma chine is a lunatic, and has been put in the asylum by bis wife and daughter. Another victim ol strong drink lias been brought from affluence to poverty, and lit: ally finds a horns is a lunatic asylum. ARK YOU MADE miserable hy In digestion. Constipation. Dizziness, l.os.- «it Appetite, Yellow suin'.- ehilnh's Vit alism is a positive Cure. For sale bv J. \V.-STANFORD - l-'luutliiig a Turiiuii of the Sahara. There exists south of the fertile portions of Tunis anti Algeria a chain of desiccated lake basins, whose sandy or muddy bottoms, considerably lower than the Jlol ilcrrancan, stretch away south . ward to the oasis of Tozeur. It! Oft’make* the bout oflife careen; was Colonel Roudaires plan it, i " •.'»* be changed to its wonted way, flood these lake basins or sliolt These rates in the eleven other they had of it—with long poles, states referred to were fixed by with pieces of sharp iron fastened to the ends, with which to push — ten on a side. They called the poles gigs, ami pushing them to the bottom of the river, and all walking the length of the boat, would shore it against the stream with considerable velocity, keep ing up a song, such as only ne groes can sing, making pleasant music But when rteandtoal* were put on the rivers the flat boats disappeared forever. Many laughable scenes transpired on the first introduction of steam | boats. I remember when the first ' one np)ieared <)n the river, when the rulings of the commissions of Georgia. The railroad aiilhori ties of this state make an apjieal that ought to he heeded Nothing but a feeling of approaching dis aster to the railroad interests ol the state would have been likely to originate such an appeil. The array of facts ami figures which these gentlemen present in comic • lion with the condition of til say startling. Whether the commission will listen to the request of these prae lical business men, concerned deeply for the great interests which they represent, or will dog matically pursue .another course, remains to be seen. For ourselves, we have always opposed the investment of arbi trary power over such vast inter ests iu three men—or any number of men, anil we are now better sat islied titan ever that the power ol the commission ought to he cut- tailed, or else the law establishing it should he repealed. mum "A pebble in the streamlet dropped, lias changed the course of many a river; A dew drop on the baby plant, lias wuipcd a giant Oak forever. A liver surcharged with vicious bile, By dosing the pilot Bile Beans. with Smith's uts per ! sale in t'uthliert hv all I) ! J. B. Me Williams Druggists, and from llie gulf of Gabes, on tin- east coast of Tunis. By this means he expected to turn about I „„ , " • * .. ~\ 9,000 square miles of the Sahara j The Aristocracy or the Soil, into a navigable sea, convert ad The young man who knows how wide belt of territory aroiiud the j to lay otr corn and cotton rows sea into fu tile lands open a water-; ami to regulate the distance of way for French commerce far j the same so as to get the largest into the country, improve the I crops, is worth a cow pen full of climate of Tunis and Algeria and i nice, kid gloved, fancy overeoated create a barrier against wild I fellows, who may kuow how to tribes from the S.-diura. | lead the german or caper around There is a little doubt that ! at a fashionable waltz. Siding Colonel Roudaire's scheme is per I cotton, setting a plow just right fcctl.v feasible, though opinions | and adjusting gears so that collation, sad all pleased. How “Now,' steaa* apt done, a«t is is act a aea or that is not. navigated ships, and it tfOHs of the earthfa el ship with each other. - Soon after lhi*»41822), the question was dis cussed as to whether it ware pus sible to construct a.ateaaiahip to cross the ocean,, and aome of the moat experienced navigators ex pressed the opinion that it was impossible Facts have demon slraled how erroneous were such views; and it remained for Geor gia to explode nil such ideas.— Savannah merchants, S. B. Park man. Holltnn, ami others, men of mean* and brains, built the.first steamship in Savannah that ever crossed the Atlantic, and called her the “Savannah.” She made the trip successfully, sad astoa ished John Bull no iitlle whan she went up the river sod anchored off from the w.lyarf at Liverpool by order ot the authorities, who fear ed she would aet fire to the ship ping. She was wild to the Ru» sia'n government and converted in to a war vessel. Has It ever occurred to yon, Messrs. Editors, bow soon one discovery (shall 1 call it?) follows another, in the world? Cotton la introduced—the great want of the world, in the.way of clothing, .the nations; anon steam is introduced to manufacture sad tr.iOx|«>rt it to earth's . remotest bounds, anil soon, again, railroads are construc ted. that transportation and trav el might be more rapid, and then comes the telegraph that the na tions of the earth might converse one with the other, almqqt annihi lating spacr, spanning continents, going to the bottom of, and cross ing oceans. Is not tbe “Now” s' newer world than the “Then,*’ to one who has lived in the “Then?” It is indeed a new world, and judg ing of the future by the past, we may reasonably conclude the next generation “s'hnll see greater things than tliese." Another fact seems strange. Nearly every one of these vast discoveries origins ted in our own land. History says Fulton first brought steam into practical use. That, however, is a debatable question. It has Iteen claimed that a native Georgian succeeded In applying it to ma chinery before Fulton. Mr. Oil- lu-rl Longslreet, of Augusta. Ga.. :i brother of lhe illus*rious A. B. Longstreet, whose fame is known all over the eonetry, and an uncle of the great and gallant Gen, iamgstreet, of the Confederate war, built a boat, a small one at Augusta, and constructed an en gine. pul it in the Imat. and ran it up anil down the Savannah river, lie was a poor roan, and hail nri tlier means or friend* to di-trlop it into practical tisc. Gen. James Hamilton, ex Governor an-l l'. S. Senator of South Carolina, was the first man who obtained a char ter for a railroad in tbe South, and it is claimed, built the first railroad in the world. Rhode I* land. I think, contests this |«iiut. and it i* said there was a railroad built from Dover to some point in England liefore the Charleston A Hanhury Railroad wa* built. This mar lie so, but it is doubled. It is admitted on all hands the South Carolina railroad wa* the' longest in the world. Then comes the tel (•graph, discovered by Morse, all American*. Ui* generally claim ed that we are indebted to Amer greguled on the banks of the river j ican genius for their great im and waited as patiently as a crowd ! prnvement. 1 do not no think. My ..... ruler ol the universe, for the improvement of the race, and christianizing the i t mu. scene I shall never forget. Tin igent in the seaboard city wrote iny brother, who managed my mo tlier'* place, that the steamer would be at our landing (if noth ing transpired to prevent,) on a certain day, and asked him to have a supply of wood at the land ing when she ariived. Very few people had ever heard of a steam boat. and knew but little,* if any thing, about steam. Remember. ••Then" there were very few news- papers published in the land, n< telegraphs, or railroads to truns mil intelligence as ‘-Now,” and hence the ignorance of the |>coplc on the subject. Before the arri val of the boat, my brother sent runners all over the country to let the people know the wondertill eu i-iosily would arrive on a certain day, and the whole region “round -ilioiit'' came to see it. Men. wo men and children, with a full *np ply of dogs and negroes, all eon Every thing is quiet and Not a do nothing quiet, however. Owr Iowa la still rapidly bniidigg up, and this growth is baaed on a fonadation so solid that before waxy years it will - have outstrip ped many of the old sleepy town* of Georgia. We ante ia progress of construc tion, a nice residence hy Mr, Jo* Payne. When be finishes it there may lie one house to rent at Ward but we doubt it. Somebody will buy it as coon as it i* pat ox the market. Capital can find no bet ter or safer investment taax in comfortable dwellings here. Dr. Clarke; of Sinilhville, is building a dwelling here, and will move here. He will prove quite an acquisition to our society. Mr. J. A. Payne is building a large warehouse. Mr. Payne bas not been among ns long, but be has shown by bis energy and en tei prise, that he will prpve to be an active agent in the future pros perity of Ward. Mr. Johns, from Florida, is building a nice residence near tbe academy. He ha* moved here for bis health, and we hope that lie mar soon lie restored to perfect health,- and permitted to spend many years cf happiness and use fulness among us. Two more stores will be begun in a few days. Our community has been enli vened by, the presence of quite a number of visitors this week— among whom are the following: Miss Anna E. Collins, of Ogle tliorpe. Misses Saliie Harris and Luia Haines, of Cutlibert, and Misses Cora Anthony and Jennie Stevens, of Dawson. There was quite an exodus Sunday. The fa ces of some of our young men have grown perceptibly longer since. Messrs. Tom Player and II. H. Herring, from Ty Ty, are visiting Mr. John A. Payne. Messrs. D. S. Newkirk. Z. A and J. F. Crittenden left for tbe Exposition Monday. Mr. Zack Dean, one of our most valued citizens, has been quite *ick this week. The omens point nrimistakeahly to the loss of one of our citizens shortly. A certain Brownwooditr is irrcsistahlv attracted here. It mar be fraternal affection that brings him here, but we fear more serious things. Mr. Wm. M. Soandrett was insr ried at Butler, Ga.. on the 16th inst.., to Mias Lula Montfonl.— Messrs. Fed and Luther Arthur accompanied him from brie. Wr congratulate the happy couple, and hope and lielieve that a bright future lie* out before them. Mr. Skan-lrctt's energr, business ca lamity and integrity are sure to win success for him. C. E. G. . Wot ms are often tbe cause of great suffering and disease in children, which frequently termi nates lb death. One or two dose* of Shriiirr's Indian Vermifuge will remove that which causes lIn- trouble and save the lives of tbe little ones. CtCATK UP UJCOJthlA, < , P .. QemiAS Caewrv. tie Least MreriSiiw oTtbe Osflaary ef Qakaisa eoantv will bedqawin the EstesfbuS AMD Given differ as to its utility, ill it tee appointed bv the government rrported \ com shoulders and backs of horses French will never hurt, are worth a thou- that the sand fold more to the country plan was practicable, and could j than knowing how to |mse in a be advantageously executed. The parlor, or to adjust the shade of lute M. Tissot, the explorer ol j the cravat to the complexion of the Tunis, fully agrees with Kou-1 wearer.—Dalton Citizen. dairc's views. The Count dc - — Lcssepsaud the engineers who | Mr - K - *?• “‘Th » mechanical him j so it could be heard for mile*.— j was conveyed to hi* residence, and | -V bo ill a mile Ik-Iow the lauding [after only three applications of St.; was a sharp hend in the river, and Jacobs Oil, all tin-swelling and pain when the {disappeared, and he resinned his |, | l( - flames ’ duties. imagine the speculations: What sort of a thing is it? What does it look like? How ti|M»n earth can it run up stream, with no one to push it? And I wonder if there is any danger of its hurting any ol ns? Nurses were directed to keep tile children at a safe distance.— Well, after awhile smoke was ob served several miles down the riv world, inspire* certain men, at dit ferent |>erinds to invrn', and pul into practical use such discover ies. And see what effect it has al ready hail on the heathen world! The Bible has gone with the steam ship, and Missionaries to the ends of Hie earth,.and it is almost liter er, then the most unearthly noise. [ ally true .that the “Heatben has not liing like it had ever- been heard j been given to Christ for an inher- before. It was a high pressure I itanoe. and the uttermost parts engine, with what they called a j »f the earth for a possession.” walking beam—a large piece of! In my next I shall have some wood, something like that used at your artesian well—one end fast, and the large (.ml moving up and down, turning the shaft, to which the wheels were attached. The noise was a sort of eoin|K>und of scream, shriek, howl and groan went over the ground with him ! .e* r wTnb^lT i a 11 mixed and sounding out loud. . , “ , | Iron, was severely in Hired bv a huge : > , •„, early in- LsSA. approved the pro j ,l,. r riek pole falling on bis foot. II ! * u tou,d ,K seps is now one ot ! ject.nnd Dc Lcs its chief promoters. “We have no mountains to tunnel or level," lie said a few weeks ago. “The project is perfectly feasible, and we will turn the desert into a garden.” Those who oppose the project dcuot that tlie inland ocean would revolutionize the thing more tossy aliout railroads, particularly in Georgia. Tiiey have a histoi v. Ax Oi.d Maw. Aitkal on and after my -a*"* 1 signa ture. thi* the aft day of April. lMv X. U AlBRITTOI*. aprXIm - Ordinary S T ATX OF GEORGIA. . (JcmiAs CersTT. The Legal Adrertfeinc uf tbe Kbsriff of Quitman con sty will be dune in tbe b- vaaeana asr Amu from thi* date. Given under at attcial einnatnre. this tfasSib day of April. IMS. J. X. HABBICLI.. aprX-lm - . Sberilf. tiHellrsie. Prosjieets are for a giod fruit crop. Farmers are engaged in- planting cotton this week. Thi* is rather late but the spring is late. The sleepless whippoorwill has come forth to sing a few verses of Itis newly made song. The musical entertainment at the resilience of Mias Viola Mill litis was oneofthe most brilliant i-ocial events of the season. Mr. N. Shelley, of Eufaula. and a member of the Eufaula bicycle Win ter seema to “linger ia the lap of spring.” County court next Friday. Rev. W. S. Rogers will preach in Georgetown Sunday. Mr. A. A. Lewis expects to run a hack line to and from trains, and do a general livery business. Wa wish him success. Doctors J. W. Mercer, and F. M. Bledsoe, together with their wives, arrived home Sttadar from tbe Exposition. Next week we will give the pro- gratne of exercise* for tbe Sunday School Convention. Mr. E. E. Varner is progressing finely with bis dwelling. Mr. Jim Oliver came to town Wednesday, with a fugitive from justice from Alabama, charged with the offense of burglary. Through the dull summer months we should bare an organisation which would meet once a week, where tbe young people could go and spend an hour in recreation, and also enjoy themselves. Would not a reading club be the thing? When the aisles of the church are car|ieted, then Georgetown will have the prettiest church in the county. A large crowd left from this county Saturday for the Exposi- ! lion, numbering forty. Mr. Reuben Atwell, of this county, died Tuesday of some throat affection, after two day* illness. Monday morning a negro cam* to town who waa severely beaten, and his left arm broken. He aays on Sunday night when nearing the Pataula trestle, he was attack ed by three robbers, who l»eat him severely, broke hie arm, and Ibn robbed him of $25.00 in money This would do for the West, btr. ia out of place her*: A strenu ous effort should lie made to cap lure the robber* and villains. Georgetown is on a building boom again. Those who own vacant lot* in Georgetown ought to put tin- price of them at such figne* as wouhi induce people to come and build on them. *~ Do not forget that there is an express office in Georgetown, and it was established for the accnmo dation of the people of Quitman county. There will be some very inter esting speeches made at the Sun 4av School convention. M rn. £. A. Knsf rt*turned liomr . M<»u<iav. She has Iteen «p -ndii g : ’ A S S* l>'. > *-1 f"? a* , .. . ■others’ nusm Applied according to directions 2 or 3 months Mur* tonfinamant, iu eJTect is wonderfully beneiciai ami gratifying. Tbe delicate or- gxn* and |iarto directly involved are relaxed and softened nod lose their rigidity without impairing their power, while it* lubricating qualities act like a charm, thus assuring a quick and almost pain less delivery without physical ex haustion. Its use diminishes suf fering beyond expression, and death agonies of many hour* du ration are entirely avoided. not only shorten* the time of labor and lessens the intensity of pain, : but. better than ail, • It greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and leave* the mother ia a condition highly favorable to sj>eedy recov ery, and far less liable to flooding, convulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to lingering and painful labor. Ita truly won drrful efficacy in this re*|»cct en titles Motheus Fbiemd to be rank ed asonc of the life-saving appli ances given to the world by the discoveries ot modern science. This Traly Great Preparation, while really such an inestimable Ikhid to child bearing women, is one in regard to which, in due deference to female modesty, cer tificatrs cannot be published: for. as was remarked bv a distinguish k r H tg i = Ol wamm H to 1 (Cutlibert on a Boom ! THE building of theColumbus. Chattahoochee A Florida Railroad being now declared a certainty, and its completion acknowledged by all as being the most potent factor that couMbe named in giving lift and impetus to the city, ami even the surrounding country, as a well wisher of all. we bid the enterprise God s|>ced. Culliliert is alive a* well to tbe importance of an Artesian Well—as attraction that would draw many to our community. This work i* rapidly progressing, and we hope soon to see the pure water bubbling up from the low regions, and this section greatly benefited hy the success of the enterprise. The success of these two enterprises, togother with our School and Church advantages, with the- nekn Jwledged health of Cutlibert, must eventually put the town on a leiom. This effect will he felt sensibly throughout the country, affecting the price of lands in the county, as well as city property. Then let us all i A prosperous town a prosperous county. 1 hen let us all pall ed menilier of the legal protession , together. in Atlanta, when purchasing a We stand ready to do our part, and will ever be alive to any com- . ... ' ■- — J mrndable enterprise for tbe good of our people. Wc are trying to keep pace with the spirit of enterprise now prm vailing, and vrilli pride and satisfaction call attention to our elegant Ironic of it, “It* superior merits can only 1>e made known by word of mouth." Ladies interested in the above. Iiy addressing the Buadkielu Regulatok Co., Atlanta Ga., can have a book mailed them free of coat, containing full particular*. apr 1(5 1 m. The Stale ol Georgia is about to issue three and a ball million of 5 |>er cent bond*, and already the Governor (las on hand bid* for tile bonds amounting to seven teen milliwits of dollars, the bids averaging 106. What State in the South or in the country, it inav he asked, has a I tetter credit than Georgia. l\ P. C. re:i«Uly cures chronic son**, icroiuiou* ulcers, discha: ging wouiuLs, bruises', scalds, IiIoO-Ik-s, burns pim ples and all skin .-motions and fed by tainted or impure blood. For sale in ('utMs-rt oniv bv 2t J. W. STANFORD. Banner Watclimau :■ “The pro liable Eunqiean war is having a demoralizing effect on the cotton market, auii the price is tumb ling fearfully. Fortunately, the -|.eculalor*, and not the farmer* are the sufferer* this time, as tin crop bas changed hands.*' A l.Mtie Gsid was Spent. Mr. Z. A. Clark, of Atlanta, «•-•».. in speakiugof £4*0.00ill gold desires to *av to the readeis of ibis paper, that I lie whole of the above amount wo* spent in a fruit less effort in find ing relief from a terrible Blood Poison affecting bis Issly. limb* and nose— presenting ugly running ulcers, lie is now sound and well, having Ik-cii cured by tbe most s|ieedv and won derful remedy ever before snown, anil any interested parly who may need a Blood Purifier will learn irom him that three bottles of It. It. It. restored his aj,|*-tite, healed all ulcers, reliev ed his kidneys, and added twenty- one pounds lo his weight in thirty days. Im Store, filled with Choice Goods) of every variety, which wc are selling cheaper than was ever knows in the history of Cutlibert. We propose to lie headquarters for Plows, Plow Rods* Heel Pins, devices, Trace Chains, Axes and allFarm Necessaries. are handling a superior Steel, worked up into these Good*. * n ,| Farmer in the county will consult his interest by giving , ,We every F call. MEAT! MEAT! I have bought largely, and to great advantage, and while Low, tbt farmer should reap the lienefit*, 1 1 have bought largely of Staple Goods, such as we all must Jure: Sbestiig, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Stripes, Checks, Ete. These Good* have already advanced, but my customer* shall bat* t-he benefit of prices .at which 1 bought. Boots and Shoes for the Multitude, Hats for all the Men and Boys. 10 4, 4 4 Pillow Casing*, Best an I Leading Brands, Good *s the Best, and Cheap ns the Chea|H‘Sl. s My Stock of Hardware Is large and Complete, and in this Line I am prepared to give Ap*. rial Prices. some weeks in Fort Gaines. Bark lea'* A rules Naive. The Best Naive iu the sorld for Cut*. Bruises. Sores, Ulcer*. Salt Rhemn. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi lively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give! Lewis Giiliert, colored, hrouglil ,,ne hundred pounds of lioint raised bams to town yesterday and exchanged them for goods ia-wia is 00 year* old and iloexn't { liny corn nor meat. How many ol >ur white farmers can say a* much for themselves.—Early County j Yew. And almost everf Article known to a Notion Department t - liars ft stock. In fact, any and almost everything you want can be found *t iny store. For the S[s,t Cash I Cannot and Will not Be Undersold ! I will sell again on Time to good parties. I am better pre pared to do a * Furnishing and Advancing Business. than ever liefore. I mean BUSINESS, and now ia YOUR TIME. Come one, come all. Res[>ectfully, man J- MCK. GUOT. I above the smoke stack, and look Haying With Batches. j ud frightful. To people who liad , .... .... „ , ; never even heard of such a thing. , ,. KUn second j. it wonder Iu t that they were very ehth! of Mr. and Mrs D Neuman. I nllu . (l alarmed? When she arrived cliiiiaeof that part of the Sahara - imVug^i'not .langJrousTv* l.nrncV Wit ' ,in three ° r f °" r l,l,n '‘ re,t a,:.! believe the sea would be Uke j w|li , c willl ' InatcIlcs . ly silt up with saline iu-|h>*Us ; whic|| . n „ knows llow s|lt on aeeouut of the rapid evupora , lIlinw ,' V csterd»v afternoon. It non in so dry a climate All - setms that S , |C was trviflf? to soe-n to agree, however, that it;. „ Utk w |,en her clothing took fire. Fortunately a colored gar h-ner was at work near hy, and the little one's scream* soon brought him to her. lie succeed-j ed in tearing the burning clothes Bfaftap B. N. Bsgfitt, Richmond, V*., *av*: I have used Simmon’s Liver Medicine at intervals' for two years, with benefit, and be lieve it to be a very valuable prepara tion. It sets upon tbe liver and liowcl* with great certain’}-, :m,| without debilitating effects. It re- b’oat rounded the |M>iiit i l 'v v <'-' the system from oppression. * were about three feel P ru >;* 0,< » digestion and invigorate* the functions generally. To use a com mon phrase, it i* no “liiimlmg." There is no quackery in it. It is a genuine, l*>na fide miupuund, pos sessing unquestionable iurdiriiuil pro[s-rties. 1 rcsimmeml it a* such when uscl according to your direc tions. Very tmly, II. S. ItiKintn. For sale in Cutlibert only bv 2t J. W. STANFORD. would give fertility to hundreds of! thousand* u! ueres. The promo-1 i tors ol the enterprise ask no ns • sisl.-ineu from the treasury of France, hut wish only lo receive a (yard* of the landing, the engineer i let off the steam. Never was any ! such tiling heard or dreamed of liefore. and all hand* look to their heels, men. women anti children. Horses ami Busies broke loose, and added to kite excitement by tlu-ir neiglung, asd dogs barking. I ttKik a sapling, ami a negro boy. : my playmate, ran to tlie tree, say iing, “Climb, Mass f ) tell adult, come over last Sunday on a |>erfvct satisfaction, or money re visit to home folks. He r<«de j funded. Price 25 cents |>cr box. from Wartl* to his old homestead, j For sale by J. W. Stankoui*. a distance of ten miles, on a bicy- jan 24 ly. vie. Nick returned home in Eu- j m a m faula on Tuesday. ■rarrsIt-Kt- laraw. Oat* are looking fine in this j We Uenr c „ n | ajlll among section. Some have complained!. . V of baring a poor stand, but we ' farmer, in regard to tbe own cr. . are all going to make a whaling j Considering the season, wc do not h g cr*p, staml or no stand. i sec bow they can exited it to A young man from Ward* and 1 gr(lK ao ,| | wu j l . wc ||. since it was two young inen from Dawson were! , " , _ , . . , , t' . ^ i . . . : planted we liave lta>i a weekly up last ttiiniiav lo get a peep at i •' our Brook* ville girl*. When I r » ,n - :, “* 1 » coidspell ui variably they arrived our friend Bob 8L, I »fterwanl*. "Greens.'' also got indignant ami said they j very slow in-(tutting in au shouldn't have bis'n. W’e bare noticed somewhere; that a certain farmer iu Georgia : . . I The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. New Advertisements.' I WM. LINK'S Furniture Store.! (I Door Ea-t of lions’ Carriage Factory,) j Eufaula, Alabama. ; I <ra5§ 5 frb-12-t m-12. (■•.ucesston of the bordering tracts, n „w » * a ,,.lv waste, which they !"T' mr ; , ‘V" , t u *7 " :,s , V ‘T V ", M \ \ you the ling is coming!” and climb expect to reclaim. ' | ‘; V . . b “ rn ;-!’ “‘A *‘T i *e did unld we reached the top. i ’omm:in<icr Lamias will first • Ja'* ij-j' l^.VaV Vs I irr^ iu 1. i 0,1 the plan tnt ion a very take aminditigs in the gulf of IIhanu Xeu* • ° j pious old negro man, Jack, and he Gabes* ami select llie most favor - . ; pray^l the l^ord lo -protect hi* uble place for a harbor. He then why WILL Yt tf cough when 8t.i-! u,iR,re, »- w, "‘ a S" 0 * 1 *’'*•*V' ntvts.lo sink au artesian well! l"h*N Cure will >rivc iimm-lintc reiicf. j lerinn, and tin* place, for he was for the purpose of supplying the j ^* 1 ' lur ' i,l ° h J' doing hi* lotst lo live right and 1|e lhe ,, rgwt workmen ixi lhe proposed canal — — I keep all the |H*ople straight. —i-* v<kr .-i.i.aned down the Rlekelv with water.—Acur York Sun. j The Gubernatorial question has About that time another bluet ofi « ! Imen sprung on the public h v cor-! »•»' "<■« left.;exteus.ou to one bouse at one Death ofa Female JlLser. : tain anxious patriots in Atlanta with a small Itolt tail, cut eared | time. This allow* what our ea A New York special savs- last There- » ao particulsr harm in |ye»»w c(k>b dog. and it *»a neck j torpriaiag meichanu are -doing, '. . } •' * ** ,! that, neovuled't -»o ahead ! oeck raee betarccn them lor | but the egg market la not so good Taesilay an otd woman named a&il settw jt „ivi n » the j • ol,,c ‘Balance in the direction of a* it i* at Ward*. Sands died on a small farm in j people- in t bis section a “sav ° !,lc ‘bieket. The old man Mr. G. A. Bighie has completed Westchester county. She was in the matter. Lower Georgia rn struck a l<ig. Last Sunday and Mnaday were rather cool day* for youag cotton, although it i* still looking a* well as we cowld expact. Mr. J. F. Andrews, wlioiaageni for the celebrated eclipse engine*, saw mills, earn mills, gins, Ac., la <tff on a general caavaasing tour tbis week. Messrs. G. L Collins A Bra. bought one hundred barrel* of flour atone time, wbieb is said to nt that waa anil over be went. suppose i Li be poor. When her to take a band in uanmtg ! saying. “ The ^““d have m*s*y up efleets were cx--. t- .e-l to dav there I " ,e noxt Governor of Georgia—if* "* Y s<mt \ 1“ e 1 1 8 L (x ' im 3 a ' l,uu i y ews ((ni i jileerti*ei\ l«ta* indv or »t>re of his tail was found sewed up in an old-' jii-lit, neighlior. Soutl»ern!*t eveay Naeioftba whistle until petticoat $30.00(1 iu greenbacks, j Georgia has been left out s j •'* resehe.1 the th-iefcet ; he never an-l hank htsiks show ing deposits long enough, and it is time that it i •tol’i’*'^ runmug to enquire of$110.000, and *100,000 in Irnn.U. i sl "* ,lM 1 Wl ' ivc •»* share (tf the | I'nt 1 public honors. The next Govern 1 “Oat tame to the laittling and sent : or of Georgia ought to hail f roln i <>ut fastening* to her to the the 2.1 Congrssional district— j 8,,, " e - Tfae Ga|>Uin, and his wife Early County A'eire. ( who »** *"h him.) came ashore and coaxed the |teople back, aaeu- It) acltiiliitn to this, Mrs. Sands left real estate in various parts of of tilts city and the farm ujhiu which she resides.. The hulk of ihec-state under the will wiil go to her four nephews. Correct, brother Flemming, and Cutlibert bolds the man for tbe• ;in ,| gradually all went on bosr<L place. * The Captain spread a sumptuous bis baodsnm* residence, anil I* looking forward to a future day. Fub. The Most Effective Astkiscexv and I’.vix Auocviatob in tub Wolu.— Is es|MS-Ully designed for that class Of of Femal* Diseases, owlv known to aad appcceisted by ladies, inelnding all weaknesses, inflammations, ulcer ations, displacements, irregularities, etc., an.l differs from aO utfcrv female medicines, in that it is applied di- reetlydo the affected parts, which it cur- s at once. F*e- psle in Cutlibertonlv bv 2t J. XV. STANFORD. are I tni BltlH IU iruUiUJJ vu sffffff sip- ! ; (tcarance. The painting'of the Baptist; When can a man have some- _ — , . . . , _ i . j ... -thing an<l nothing in his imcket will ex|teriinent with guano* this {fburch is about completed. U «,, ^ U|e fcJ|lne linie “ When there is year, ir that gentiemaa will come (with Mr. Sam Grier as big bos*, a bolc in iL j, t | lere is , ho | e in lo this section he will fintl plenty | have Iteen putting the fiuisliing j the lungs it can be healed with of men wlm have been ex peri j lhi , becoming dress. Taylors Cherokee Remedy of menung with the worthless stuff; ... ® : Sweet Gum and Mullein, for the last leu year*, and now! Th Method st e learn, in end , W|iat wof(t ^ , h at to which if they have nothing but expert-! pawUog their h«m« of worship! #(1<| a it W1 „ make u ence. !*«.n. We are glad to know this, [ dorter? Short. Taylor'sChcro W hen our merchant. Mr. Brown ; $ uc |, movements U|k>d the part of! kee Keinctlv of Sweet Gum anil waa fixing np a shipment of egg*; <iur |e W ak _ rowth . and ! Mullein will shorten your cold] some time since, ol one of the] . ' 1 . * ? ' and cure vonr cough, egg* to l*e shipited, our friend j Benevolent* an air of ini|j<»r- was Eve n f >t afra ;,, of tl|< . Jim Cox wrote tlic following: j lance •hecaBNot otherwise claim. •*Tlie Tormg Wf into - wIiomc j Do not accuse us of ‘‘blowing” our IIAVK the Latent Styles of Furniture 1 l»V the far Iy>:td. (*haml>er j front $-K» to $!!U0: ISurcan> as low as $13; \ Bedsteads from $3 to fGfi; Chairs from T.'» | Cents to fix a piece. ^ j .Safes. Wardrobes. B*w»k (’uses. Writing i Desks, Hat Backs. Window Shades. Ac. j Wood Coffins and Caskets all Sizes, and ! I*riees I will Manufacture and Repair Fund- . The craq.l jury of the Superior; all kinds and at tho shortest n.>-1 ' tire, and at living pnees. I will sell Court at Ittairsrfllc has relumed j Furniture as cheap as anv of tho Nei^li- . a true bill against the man Smith j ^^tret.nsfo^W 1 for the murder of bis owu child ! nn-l?ivcn sstufai-tiun. I would thank, ... j my old friends and customers for their | With Whisky. j pn>t faror> t and vr«*u1d be ^ii<l to see I — — ^ ; ihenin'rain. £^*n»c Ladi«*s are•especially invited j toexaniinc niy When visiting the city <1 out fail to pay j me a vKit. Reineuilier* the place. One • Door Fast ««f “floss* Carriage Faetory/' ; Res|H*rtfullv, aprSMkn. ‘ WM. LINK. UJ? Qg.ocili! .> x w - > CL , j o m O - U j< ■ ~C Oo t- X 3->5 (D O- o 5 ■f ‘AJ-cS a lJ {ft ir*) d 2 '-V LJ o C(Y Uf- u O a g CL->- . Our Riddle Column. m hands this may chance to fall, will pi ram mldirsa ma at Ward*,Ga.’' Two weeks later Jim received a letter from Nellie Cox. Brooklyn. N. Y., staling that she had got the egg on which he wrote. Jim and Nellie are now correa|»mding ; lbclr oev tor Misses Ola end Tommie Jay, «>f the Mullins' School House settle ment. and Miss Lizzie Kenny, of the Vicinity of Dawson, dined with us on last Sunday. Oh! how we are “mashed,” ami that last storm didn't blow the howac down on ns either. The season for pic nics is open- dearly beloved, for we have Iteen invited to one already. A citizen of this place sustained a pretty serious scrape on the Bose while scrambling (Iowa into a cyclone pit one night last week. In the midst of the dust and scattering truths that we hare gatheretL it is almost impossible to determine with entire accuracy whether “J. R.” is the magnificent rosette on the headstall, or the big brass hackle on the crupper of th* MuIUim School House department. • WiH Hon N. 11. Miller please be I an kind as to explain this loti*? J. B. S. little town. XVe simply desire to state facta. XV bile oa tbe subject of the Methodist building, we will sav, we attended services held j there last Sunday by Mr. Bryant, We beard from this divine an able sermon, aad decided st once that he earcly will coat np to the standard re quire! by this church. It takes the negro to give you a faint idea ot what our Doctor ia. . We coaoot forbear inserting here tliia darkey's views cm this sub ject. Having need of In* medi cal aid, be was hastily aunaoued and aa readily rcs|KMtried. En tering tbe house, and examining bis imlieat this geatlamaa of col or states that be immediately -laid out fire >hdlar»' worth of medicine of one kind, and nine quinine pills, and charged only three dollar* for tbe wlndeL lie is a doctor of the right qtampu surely. Our school this week numltcrs 30. K. measles? Beevuse she had Ad sin, and the evil effects, such as a cold and cough, could not follow, but not so with all. and Taylor’a Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein should lie kept to care the cough and cold*. Why is your nose in the middle of your face? It i* the scenter. But when you have a cold it loos e* its virtue. Taylor's Clierokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein will relieve the cold in the head and restore the sense. XX'hat creeping thing is cxacllv four? IV (Ivy). But the old inillciu plant is four most in the rank of medicine. Taylor's Cher okee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure coughs colds and consumption. Send a 2 cent stamp for 16 page Riddle Binds to WALTER A. TAYOB. jy 2t Atlanta. Ga. The Bainbridge hog-law went into effect yesterday, mi! now the squealers can’t stay on the streets there. Hoses. 16 for $! 00. Ge t-: 1 DIBS. 16 for; tl.0P. | v!j«o ail otb- cr kin is «.f j plants _ in ; proportion, i deliver* d j safely by Mail or Express Send for il-! liiHtrati-d catalogue to TIIOS. McBKTIf. ! Springfield. Ohio. i O/tf For sale in Cutlibert. bv fel»-3R-6ni. J. P. Tt X >MlW A BBO. This is forYou I have opened a general miiU* IN GREAT VARIETY. In front of Mr. J. C. Marti*'* IMan* | WareluniBC, where I do all kind* o4 work in WOOD OR IRON., When farmer* give- me Uieir year'* work I will work as follow* Khar|»en- ntfCSweep* 12* j rent*; Turninjr Flow*. Setmter* and Tnrmng Sliovela. Brents; and all other work in proportion. Silk, Flax, Grass, and Cot ton Linos, Hooks, Corks, Baggies and Wagons dec., put iu order at low rates. j Brin;: your Cooking Stove*, Sewing Machines and Furniture to i— at ALLISON k SIMPSON’S. J.P. Toombs & Bra’s. Wheat Bran, AT J. R. WILKS. Jan 22-1 y. SPECTACLES! jan24et A new Line of New York Opti cal SPECTACLES received. Pri ces—from 23c to 91 50 per Pair. Call and sec them at T. S. POWELL'S, ct Druggist and Bonkaellar. TOBACCOS. We arc offering figrrlal Iniacnnrel*, At ct ALLISON A SIMPSON S. 500,000 Different kinds of Pills, nt J. P. TOOMBS * BRO.’S. Among i them, “Suiilh a Bile i>can».' ct Spadal Drive tor 30 Day* 1 Enghsk BREECH LOADING SHOT GUNS, at Bargains, to close out. at ct AI.LISON A SIMPSON'S. t