Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 07, 1885, Image 1

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and Appeal. BY STANFORD &. COOPER. VOL. V. “Indapwtdent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVAV. E. STEVENS’ POTTERY! CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1885. NO. 13 Near SUiiedgevilie. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. Headquarters for Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer, Culvert and Water Pipes, from 2 U> 24 inch calibre, for Draining Land. R. R. Culverts, Road and Street Crossings and Well Curbing? Fire. Grate, Border and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Fines. Lining for Fur naces, Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order. any°Slia|ie or Style on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets. Stumps, Chimney Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clay and Sand, suitable for Fur- Mace Building or other similar purposes. Correspondence Solicited. Our prices arc reasonable. All we ask is a trial. marlt) fun Stevens’ Bros. & Co. Proprietors- •A* i s «*i?» I have just opened at tin- Owen it Scaly oH stand a ft FUiiiSf^BEii and will, as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have on hand a full line of everything usually kept in a k? ry Ha, e Factories, have o -*FIRST-@LASS ESTABLISHMENT*~ of this kind. I propose to bnv in large quantities, direct from F:u- lories, and will compete in style and prices with .-my house in Georgia. A hsofutrly m Free from Opiuicj, Emrtis-s anti A’oimon*. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For CSore Tfcraet. Hoi-r.-T»c^. Cold*, Iaflsrnztt, RroarEltls Aathma.Croup. U'!,«•*». 1»B Ccncb, Qaieij, Pale* I.i first, siiii other •ffmiomc/thoThroct '-**•! Lengi. Price 50 cent* a SoM by DixssMr ctid l>CAk-rs. P’trti'4 unable to induce their dealer to promptly ad it fur them in'l receive ttotlleu Express chary* t paid. by wnddij one il'jllar to THE CUttl LS A. VOt.ELKR WsOwtunn-l M.uinf*rttarrr*, B.lGuure, L«ryUat4, C.S. A. jyl7-Iy Enterprise & Appeal. subscription pric* -*k* copy one year .... “ Ki-'ht months . . ** Four months . . . *1.50 1.00 . 50 JMfithoutHer Consent. It was a chilly November nigh: when the train got to Hampden. Hampden was one of those new. unfinished places which require the brightest of sunlight, the greenest frames of quivei i ng k- (ve to make them at ail presenlubl,- And in the gray, itnc<>inprnuii.-ing medium of the November dusk Hampden looked dreary enough, with the dark chimney of the new silk iuili rising out of Hi*- hemlock woods, the staring Quei-n Ana* depot, the church, which bore a ■ She came," said Phelie, curtly; •but .he's g«ue back again.” "Gone back again?” “Yes. She didn't like it he cans* you've married: so she's gone back by the S 00 train.” "Oh. Phil!” ciicd Mrs. Barrow, who was a round, cherry checked little woman, with soft, hazel eves and a month like a rosebud.— "What shall we do? Why didn't you consult her before you mar ried me?" Pint U.irros broke inlo a great laugh. "My dear." said lie, “it wasn't 1- wanted; it ADVERTISING RATES: One square, (tell lines or less) I nsortion $1.00 "or each subsequent insertion . .VO At! persona! mutter double price. Obituaries will lie charged for as! >ther advertisements. Advertisem-.-uts inserted without J •pceitieation as to the nmut-er of in- - -x-:t;*ms, will Uepnblislied until ordt-r-I ed out, and char-red aerordhe,dv. All -i-ivertis.-iii -nts due when hund- strong family resemblance to a chilli s wooden tuv, and tile storfi j her coosewit quarry to the left, which remind yours, ed the thoughtful looker on of a gigantic fo. liOcalt u in an u.-.fin islied stu'e. "Humph! ’ sail Mis. Ned lev. a 1 she looked arouu-l her. “A queer place." j tea. ller niece P!Iebe was there to j "I tn. stne I can l rat a mouth meet her with a box wagon and a | 1,1 ■- ' »aid Sirs. despairingly, white nosed old horse. ! “An I the biscuits 1 mixed myself; “Folks can't al'way where -''nd Hie Lied chicken, and the •Letter.’ Mrs. Ned ley waa more conrineed than ever now that she was asleep and dreaming. •I wrote you all' said Mrs. Phil. "Don't yon know? I am Silvia Gray. I met Philip when he cams out to D>-nver to look at the new mill machinery, and he would tie married immedi Animats ssd Earth Vibrations. Very probably not only flab hot animals and some birds bear as much by the vibration of the earth as by the sound traveling in the atmosphere, and dc|iend as much upon their immediate per ception of the slightest tremor of the cartii as upon recognition ba the ear in the manner familiar to When rabbits, for in "Ob! But Phil much for you ” "She's a good *ool,l>Ul she sec- centric," said tile mill siipsrinten dent. Go in Pile lie. and get vmir ately. He said he was sure yon ourselves would forgive him. Will you for give him Aunt Nedlrv?' •Yes. mv dear. I will.’ said Mrs. Nedley, her face brightening up like the full moon peeping through was I mist wreaths; *but why didn't degrees upon the ground. The j they tell ine you were Silvia earth is merely pressed, not step she lias done so : Gray?' ^ j ped U|K>n at all, so lliat there is no •Philip wanted to surprise yon.' j jar. By doing this 1 have often Psison Oak. Spartanburg. S. C., March 13. 1884.—Your most vain able medi cine (Swift's Specific). 1ms done me so much goo* l that lj fbeflijic saying this for the benefit of those w)io sutfer like I did. I was poisoned by poison oak. and saw not a well day for six years, until 1 used Swift’s Specific. In the six year* I used almost every kind of stance, are out feeding in the meilivine, but none had the de glass, it is often possible to get sired effect. After using six but quite to them by wjftking in [tie* of Swift's Specific I am re this way, extremely alow, and i stored to perfect health—with n» carefully placing tiie foot by slow sign of that awful poison left. David Nesbitt. will have full charge of the business, and w ill be found at his post a', nil times, reailv to serve all in his usual fair and square manner. UKMEM UKK tlu 1 plnce, Oatii iV Scaly old stand. si.’i - Ruldic Square, Cutklierl, Ga. * Respectfully, J. \Y. STANFORD. Januarv 22 8m. .Protect Yo^ir Yard & nyrlcy??? 1 Clt uv<(w' f mania. J. J. WORSHAM. MENTIS CUTHBERT. GA. Office over Postoffice. JSA M’ptlS tf Wm d, kiddoo, ATTOSt>i;V AT ■« AAV. Citfhbrrt, ila. \ TT5f J | J .r.t ’fi»'(* Jit my j lacc in tin* V State t>\ ;»• cia! contrnrt. tf. W. R. THORNTON, I) E N T I 8 T . White mountain cake—oh. Phil! loli. Philr i **D.»n‘t fret, «lear/’ said Phil. j**niv Allot Ne»lley has mias*tl a * v «*ry "oud supper; that I can tril i her.” ••But T\e blighted your future/* s.ti*i .Mrs Barrow. tragically aeiz \unt NV. U s '* trunk into the j il, £ ?,!C * n S* r wajfun. | ‘ We ll "»» to Concord to morrow j Philip Barrow was Mrs. Xcdlcv ^ I jn ‘ l R< * e 1,1,1 oltJ j favorite nephew. She had paid ^hil. ^ : liis hills at scIhhiI. su|>erintended | * res you, wiltv. i 1 jih fortunes and finally purchased ; Phelie chuckled grimly. they're to live/’ sai l Phelie, who! was always in a state of antagon j ism to Mrs. Ned ley, “and Hamp ! den is gotwl enough for me.” “How is Philip?’* asked Mrs Nedley. ••Philip is wf»ll,” said Phelie, as j sin helped the depot l»*.y to hoi si ' Ne»;le\'a trunk into the; sai»l Sihia, hanging her head. •Well, he has surprised me/ said Aunt Nedley. moved up within gunshot of rah hits without the least aid from cover. Once nowand then I have She went hack to Hampden with ! walked across a field straight at the mill mqierintendent and his wife.and slept in the pretty pink ami white bedroom which Silvia hail prepared for her with so much pains; ami she praised Silvia's them. Something, however, de pcmls on the ilirection «f the Specific (S. S. S.) four year* ago I had for thirty ei«!;t years siif fered every spring and summer with poison oak, which I contract ed in bathing when a boy. I tried everything tor it, including many physicians, hut without any ben efit. I took six bottles of Swift's wind, for then the question of scent comes in. To some degree it is the same with hares. It is chick* n stilad and prune pies, ami!certainly thecasc with birds, as she even condescended to approve j wood pigeons, a flock of them. of Phebe's half completed silk will remain feeding only just the counterpane; for life was all col j other side of the hedge, but if you eur de rose for her now.—Jf*t j stamp the earth, will rise instant rittn Crate fort/. fly. So will rooks, though they • will not fly far if you are not arm , , , , ... ed. Partridges eertninlv iM-nrp! I l»<* oest blood purifier «1».11 These are Noini Farts. * in regulator ever [dared with a share for him in tlie new silk i mills. I “He** all I've got.” i Nedley, “except Pliebt j and I never did hitch The Cheapest is Not the Best! G 1 O TO FOSTEJVS LUMBER YARD. T and get .some good P( 'ST. PALI NOS. BASi: BLANK. SI1.I.S. SCANTLINth 1- l.i>» )ltl\<«, CElldNL. A N D \Y E A T11E1 i BO A1 i I) 1N (I. The FUioring. O iling and Weather- boarding is krj»l Dreused t*r in the Koii.’di to suit the parties needing it. Kough l’lank of the Best, for Well Curbing, Flooring, Etc. Refused Plank, Scantlings, and Rough Edge or.Shectuig. till at Bock Bottom Prices, For Cash, on the Wagon, or on |#resen tut ion ot Bill. Lumber can be had on any rea amiable time, when special con tract or satisfactory arrangements are made. Lumber Yard at my old Stand. Respectfully, J. A. FOSTER. iTuving removed to Lufaula, I have employed Mr. MOSES^r-PKLK to take charge of mv Lumber Yard. feh2G-ct ‘ J. A. I-OSTER. O FUKE over !» < TTHBERT, GA. I’lthfic •A',.1 L. D'i na s >t«»r«-. '< JII H IT Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Bun-Tun an-i Ruyal GIukk Stnrvli. Laun'lry Blueing, at L- w Pri ce*. at T. S. POtYEL'S i t Drna Slnre. Toiist Ssaps, Finest Line in S. "W. Ga.. that. Sybia Gray waa an orphan lliat eiiie wrote a kunl li-lUr ll( | it iti.l il^oa liuit November nij • If you like it, aiy iti-*r, there ‘ 1 L-oMijjan Nllll Silver Ware! reduced prices. to West’s Nerve anil Brain Pills The great nerve ami brain rein- cilv, for sale, only at tf J. W STANFORD’S. Painl Now ! Oil ami Leaii never than now at J. W. Stanford s. The above disease *»f tin* brain i-* of ; mop- ir.Mjn . it t**Turrt nt‘f than is gen- oraiiy suppu^t d male and female victims being mi inhered nnumg :di elasM-s. In some eases it might Ire tcrg.ifd a taiieifid ehimera «»f the brain, the mind seeming to be on tlie l«».-kout fur Home | new iilea «»i delusion, which really has ; n » fotiiidaiUHi ill fart, it seems to he an intclieetual eoiieentratioii upon one idea, the mind remaining efi-er upon every other point. Tlie integrity of the iiitefieetuai portion of the mind heroines apparentlv overpowered l»y th**d« le.sion and remaining in a kind of quasi stale, until tlie false idea' become* a jwr-itive j eonvietion. Jealousy, amhirion. disap- j I'-•iiitnicnt and any cxeiting eau-e rrea- ling an unexpected eoneenin.ii.m of m- : te.leemul forces, are frequent causes of j monomania. A man’s wife nccivingj sudden and un<-X}»e«rte«l iniorui.-uioii re-1 at bottom fi if ores, at lAlhiS tulii* -.vuii amuii.-r wu-j A | [.[SON A- SIMPSON mail, vInch, although without any loun- ! dation m fact, is rcvt.lved over and over in her excited mind until jealousy is thoroughly aroused, a species of mono mania being tlie result. These affections have become very an noying and grievous. and if not relieved aie apt to cud la u more abnormal con dition of the brain, producing family • piarrels, dissensions.* aecusasions. de nials. »V:c., between man ami wife, lover j and sweetheart. They should all he | treated as eariv as possible, and the most • speedy and certain remedy i> the use «»f j li. B. f*.. which produces an immediate transforination through tiie blood, the j effects of which are felt and aeknowl- I edged before using one bottle. 1 lwr Duvn T o*wl wm* The patients are ail easily arous**iI mi j 1 ▼ X HI L X-iv. cllt^ tv <11 certain subjects, and allhough ridicu- . IT* 1 lous in the extreme, eanimt he ennvine- FHlltCCl* <111(1 LlllSOCu ed of their err*»r. One jmrty may j»re- i 7 # suiiie that the whole human family itre|/'Y*l fltitf' itilicted with some “mineral poisim/' V-/I1 <IL ^11 lo ^ lli<Il. while vet another mav argue that “pot- j « i ash mi.\tures“ are poisomn:.” tt.e hloml ^Vlll enable everv-j • •l rue li.- Hon. amt th..t revehtUons from : # • * die Almighty placed him m a special , K^wl v flSllIlt. 1*1> jM.siiion to oiler the only antidote, while j ail else are frauds. These conditions j o emanate from tlTo^e of honest and pure j (j0t 111^ OS • j .. motives, but are powerless to throw *>fl"| * c ~^ m l . Acuicy. VOll paillt. | "N„, he <lo„' t board. .nn.™,l urge them to use H. I». B. and lie cured, | y W Crr I vl?ADTt | Pliebe. ‘‘His* wife keeps house ! tor him.” action of B. B. B. is of such paralleled j j j nature as ♦«» convince any one of the un it has over all blood ; gi-ti»#r. And I want him to sue | cced in the world.” ; But within ;t few day* a new 'claimant had arisen to Aunt Ned l«*y*s protection and lender consid- : ei atinn. i -To be sure, shv is na reUtion] pretty'young sister in !»«r. Uo me." sai.i Mi*. Ncilrv. "But aleo; an*!, after all the .iainlv j l»er mather was tuv tl.-aieNt frien.i. j ^* l tle siij.jK-r was eaten uu*l euj-’V ; an-l I think I will *.!<>[,t tier ‘fi.r j «*. wen tlioiiyh Aunt Ned lev* ! , DV sa |, e .’ ” ; face was steadfastly turned toward j And it was tcarc-.-lr an liiiiirj <,,n, ' or, l- ; from the lime in which she learned j ^ cr °*’ n fireside had neter i-mcd ho bolilarv and dreary a» sys sooi!i<*d j lu jj K . ri .. u .j, ufsntfenng huuiamtv. She must surrender if she j trul; j s Electric Bitters. InaV tivity of the Liver, Uiliotisiies*. Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the tiri uary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stirnu lant. will always find Electric Bit ters the best aud only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaianted to give entire satisfaction or inonev | retutided. Sold at fifty cents a] bottle bv J. \V. Stanfued. “That's all very well,” «aid slir,! j “hut you forget that an old said Mrs. ■ ani ^ a voting man d«»u*t look and Pitt-be j g irl wil!l lh * ***** ” horses t.. ! "H»M jour tongue, PJu-be," lady at a mill sti|KMintendenl.— Hit- use of aiurat * i-roak ; said 1 lie ■•Where*, ino.” And llii-u Airs. Phil beuan to : laugh, aud 1‘uehe, who aft.-i her ' t-rabhe.l fashion, waa loud of her ed. Partridge* .-ertninly aecnre tliemwejrr* by their attention to the faint tremor of the ground. Pheasants do so too. and make off running through the underwood long befi.rc any one is in sight, j and it oared me sound and well Three summer* have passed, au.i I have had no return of it. JosKi-n Beaslet. Colu nbus, Ga. Blood Taint. I was Rnrteriug from Blo.ul on and Mercurial Rheumatism. ' and iiad spent $500 for treatment with no benefit, and it seemed laugh- j ls known, nu .led" train between New The most sensitive arc landrail*.! j t jt and it is dillk-ull to get near them, for this reason. Though the moving gras* must cone.-al an approaching [hr son from them a* it conceals them from him. these . bird* change their positions, no j matter how quietly lie walks. Let him I* a* cunning as he will, and think to cut off corners and ems* the landrail's relroal, the bird bailies him nine time* ill ten. that I was doomed to die. Caught at Swift's Specific ns a drowning man would at a straw, and it has saved me from a horrible death, and cured me sound and well lit. the A Valuable Vie.ule. The Pennsylvania railroad, as truly “liiu- | and Chicago, and pledge. bIcb!™* 1 U " 'i»" •liw-tio*. % j,/w/'The Lulide of Pot'- ■ I | . , I the pnrsuer takes by the vihra- ,i._ s t<* lantl ils passengers w llhin twin . e . .. . , j H*»n of tin* Mirfaee i* *t least pro hours of sctieri'.ile time or eUe to; 1 return to each of them $5. Ami j O’her hir«Ia sit, and hope the road lixes up to ltd promise. ! t«* eacajKf by remaining still till The only way that it ts>ca|ws the they delect the tremor payment is by avoiding the.UL-nse., , lir#ct t „ war d them, when thev <be girl askingJUer to eorac to ll.e { , ' 1 > c maui*. gossiping in East ou a Visit. 1 kitchen, wertf called Hpon to re kindle the dead fire. The tea. Recently the the greatest the world. C. 11. Smiley, medicine in Quincy, 111. Horror or Hiueral Poisoning. Thousands of persons are pois oned in America by the continued use of Mercury. Iodide of Pota* siumund other miutrala, for va rious diseases. The Mercury works if way into tlie tissues, producing rheumatism and decay y„ur g,> smoky and half cold, waa served, -We are!* 11 ' 1 Era. Nedley waa Just resolv ing to go to bed when Betsey brought u letter. "Postman, mum; he left it a At greatly close out. at ct ALLISON <fc SIMPSON'S. PAINT NOW! I am selling Strict- white ! w* ago," said slur. "It had fall ; -”l oftheadvi*ability of pushing j facf . bl|t< ,, ci lo Ule en down hack of the letter box ” ! l,lin « !S - an<l he put his engine to developed! | - j danger signal and had to stop. daugli-! ,,n her spectacles and scrutinizing ! H, e track was temporarily bl<K-k- ilie seal and directions “from Sil before more serious results occur. lc;i<i-1 lo in^.iiiity. The actual anti jit.*»itlvc J lxr no occasion for ing ha<-k,” «iac wrote, hoi It alone. Let u* he ion* l‘» one another/* She had Hailed aud wailed no reply had arrived; ami site waited a [dan had itftelf in her mind. “If she iii her mother** ter she can't help being pretty,' said Airs. Nedley. -Phil is a , via Gray! Now I shall have some handsome lad. She shall marry ! ,,ne 1 ‘* *‘ ,ve ' n Philip s [ilaee. Pl,i|i-- ’ | But she had not read three liars ! And this explain* Mrs. Ned-: ber, ' re » l,f fl,in « l,i * letler indi S- ley's presence at Ham|iden. ’ nan!on l * ,e au’king fire. "I supi«>se yon arc atill keeping j “Married! she exclaimed, house for Phillip?” sai.i she t„|"Tbat chiM! Is everybody Phelie. as they drove along in the ll ’ 8*8 married, 1 wonder? And she i cliiil t wili-dit 1 hopes I II excuse her, but her bus "No," said Phelie. skillfully : l,aa:1 t-Bifks— fidly and nonsense! guiding the old horse down a sleep i " * lal - ' s k pr I* uwGan'1 to me? Bit- place in the road. I -J'- ™J chamber candle! ’ -lie boards, eh?” said Mrs.| "Hiess me. uia am!" said Betsy. -What ha* happened?” -Everything!'’ said Mra. Ned lev. “Don't l«t me be called he- Of const', l lu-re are various inter | esiing experienves involved in ‘.lie daily history of tlie trains, one of which runs each way every day. limited” from Chi cago reached Philadelphia two hours and 10 minutes late. Soiled ■lie time ou tlie division between Philadelphia and New York is about as fast as most Indus can run; but the engineer was remind rise. Rain and dry weather change the ausceptibility of the surface to vibrate, and may aome limes in part account for the wildneta or apparent tamenea* of birds and animals. .Should auv one doubt the existence of such tremor* lie ha* only to lie on the ground with his ear near the aur- | its speed. Suddenly he met , |*rituenl. lie will at first only no ant Mrs. Nedley, nLting | ( j ansersign!l | an d had to stop. ! lice the heavier sounds, as of a wagon or a cart horse. In recent I. 1 hat was quickly ckariffl [ ,.x|,erimcnt» with most delicate away, an I faster lime than before was made, and finally the engi j faction of stop- | assimn eats away the coating of the stomach, and dries up tlie gaslricjuices which digest the food, and tlie patient lingers a Ion, coining. j n ugi>ny- or is glad to die to gel away from misery. Swift’s Spc cific is a complete antidote to ail this |ioison. It eliminates Mer cury from line system, removes the •vil effects ol lodi.le of Potas- jsium, and brings back lieallh and happiness. Seud your addresa for a copy wf Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Si-ecific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. cx- | instrument* devised to show the cosmic vibration of the- earth, the end of the i movements communicated to it route only one hour and 53 minu- by the tides, or by the “puir of noer had the satis ping his train at the Tobacco. Tobacco. Cheap, Medium and Fine, ’sale veiy low. at J. AV. St ax ford's. cheaper I paralleled pov. , i |»«»i<ons scrttiahuis notch, swcilinjjs ;itnl taints, kii'.ney an*l rheumatic alloctions, j catarrh, tetter, chronic ulcers ami sores. | ^ tfco.. Ac. All these jistoumlinff cures are j provei* hv doctors, hunkers, prcjichcrs, ‘ incrchuiits. editors, farmers, and men ami women here in Atlanta, where ev ery witness can be seen and talked with. Anril h-1 m. for Milo Maize! i For a Fornr/e Crop, superior in j Cat Tail Millet. For sale at tf T. S. POWELL'S. prices ilc < paint gures aint. J. \Y. Stanford. Highest Cash Price Paid for Corn, at ALLISON A SlAlI SON S. j j n which slie might have naiit: „ ~ . „ i -Ii's a cold evening.” or the train j Home Mixture Gaano,; i, i,te l ire eight o'clock to morrow morn lug. I almost with Shade Tree*. A home without shade trees has au appearance blank and drear, and we are forced to be lieve that the inmatea have n>> poetry in their soul* if they are content to'abide there year after year without making efforts to H„ It . - adorn their premise*, when »o lit in brill. ,| ie ceaseless and inexplicable ,, ,, ... , . . “Boss,” he whispered a. he vil , r!llions of lilc M rth. | U * and '“ o0 leaned over, the counter, “de «le There i. nothing unreason,Ida r„ I ? » • Free* beau Lift- a tea -ni-’htv ' home, anil nolonly Ihi*. they make ” the supposition that, if an instru testate. Turn one minute saved was worth $250 to the Pennsyl- i vania Railroad Company.—Hurl- 1 ford Couraut. -What?" said Mr*. Nedlev. . ,, . , „ ' . goto sleep and sleep forever, “lie s married- announced “ 1 ‘ I m s ■iiaiMcn, announced j Phelie. verv much in the tone! woman wants some bad, ar. I hasn't got any “Can't help that sir,” was reply, "I'm giving away more than I can afford to without tak ing <>n any new applications." “ Zactly, boss—1 presume so. h that i couid! Bo,,s !; le3se « ive ■* > our r,,1 ‘ name. | "John Y. Blank.” And Airs. Nedh-y, in the sih nee ! -An' dal of yer pardner ” the *un and moon, it lias been found almost impossible as yet to carry out the object, so greatly are these movement* obscured by the of the solid earth. m money." | ~ 1 r I it pleasant l»v lending shade in tin. 1 ment can be constructed to show i , , . Ulp 1 the sultry summer day*, an-i these, the cars of animals and . , , , ! yielding to the breezes a rich fra- birds—living organisms, and not * iron and steel — should be able to discover the tremor* of tlie »ur face.—Life of the Fieldt. and solitude of her own room. "His name is William J. Jones. M AM FACTVRED !!Y Base Balls ami Bats, The Columbus Fertilizer Co. FOIt sai.i; by Croujnet Sets RUBBER BALLS, ELEG-AHT TOILET & LAUKOSY SOAPS, Unusually cheap, at J. r. TOOMBS .t BRb.'S. « t iiauiki-! The Universal Favorite, or the Boyal Arch Cigars, the best in the city, at ' J. AY. STANFORD'**- .— Pain’ ihc roof ol'your hon>c> wiih Browns Kulibcr Paint, and prevent lire, Je.aks. and decay. I""- sale only by. J. W. Stanford. j Garbles, Harmonicas AND ]. C. MARTIN, CBTEBEST. GEOLGIA. | -’.O’.- C if ALL Oil liint for brier's Almanac j containing to-linmnlals. lie al>o buys bones f»;r the t’om[>any. * jan-l-4m j “Phil»[» marrierl!** rejieHtcJ the • ! i Ia«ly—gtoj>. Piicbe; j «ion'l drive a step further! Turn j around at once. Take me back lo h** station. I'll return to CY>n •old/* : fell to thinking to what charitable r°" ,v:,nt of ol,r names!" "Wall. I didu t get the tea, but you talked like a gein'’ bein’ as we hasg«t tw ins in our family I'ze gwine to name 'em arid you Vaui i an . v<, ' lr |<*rdnerf’ institution she could leave her money. With the Psalmist of old she could earnestly have cried, tv of vanities, all is vanity’’ "I loved Philip.” she said, I had set mv heart on Silvia 4a Auecdute of tieucra! Kilpatrick. The late General Judson Kil patrick used to relate tin* story at his own eX|M-nse: Soon the announcement in the newspapers that he had been appointed min i “Oh! you said. tea. eh? Why, j yes. I'll bt* happy to put you up half a pound. Green or Japau? -and : Twins eh? Hope the mother is “and ; glance, and affording a resting place for the sweet-toned song sters. Birds will asseinld* where trees are growing, and the more wc associate with the innocent little warblers the belter we be come. Popular Detusioa*. Science dc-slioy* some of the ister to Chill, General Kilpatrick | most cherished popular iieltisions. was met by an old lady who had j Catgut is derived from sheep; known him from childhood, German silver was not invented BLANK HOOKS of every kind.sizc and style,cheap cr than ever before, at apr-'ltf J. AY. Stanford's Breakfast Bacsn and Dried Beet at ALLISON tc SIMPSON'S. The most handsome line inf Papers, all kinds, ever offered before at J. W. S I’ANFORD S Clams, Crabs and Olives, •l ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. JUST RECEIVED, AND For sale at T. S. POWELL'S. Druggist. Bookseller aiul Stationer. ct Cpttoa Planters! ]VIust be Sold! Ct ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. hTIT^ortatowsky, WatcHtfer, Jeweler aail Ecgrarer. And Dealer in Clock*. WalchM, Jewelry and Jilherware. gm- All Clock and Watch Work War ranted. rn.arl9.ct Another Reduction In Hussy aii‘1 W :v><m Harness. Examine ourstot'k before vf>u buy 2 ’t ALLI80N A SIMPSON. DRUNKENNESS | I I I!ED IN ITS VARIOUS STAfiES. I De.-irc fur stimulant* entirety remov- I ,.,t lliiinc treatment. Medieim can be i a.tministercd without kiiowli-dpe «d pa- : lient l»v slniptv [.laeiliK it tea ! or any article of lood. Cures piarantced. Sica WILL BE PAID | For anv ease of drunkenness tliat Onld- } on Snecilic " ill not curt*, t irctilurs j containing testimonials and full [mrticu- lai> sent frw. Atltlr**ss . « GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. je-19-ly. ' 1S5 Race St.. Cincinnati. O. “Ain’t j-ou going to sec Philip?" asked Phelie. "Not if he's married." answered Mrs Nedley, in a choked voice. ! “He's got a proper, nice wife," pleaded Phelie. “You'll like her." “No, I shan't.” answered Mr*. Nedley. “Philip—married. Phe-il’* n ' - I ’Betty such a match it wouid have been!" She waa silting at her luncheon the next day. with the cockatoo on lining well. Say. if you want 1 those lioy* lo make smart men give’em smart names. If I were you I’d call 'em Washington ami j one side of her and the poodle on ' Jefferson.—Free Press. the othei, when Betsy o[iened the door. Please ma'am,’ »aid Bet*\\ "coin- said Mrs. Taylor’s Premium Cologne for sale’at J. W. Stanford's. To Sportsmen! 25 Pea*4 Kegs »f Powder for $4. Shot. Wads and Primeis in pro portion. at ct ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. he. if you don't turn .round. I'll | UL ' l,v - *\-dlcy. •* getout and walk.” rcrely. -I told you I was not at Mrs. Ned ley’s will was like ad ; h,,rae 10 »“' l .mly to day.’ amant. and Phelie Barrow was! forced to succumb to it. And so it happened that Pliebe! and the white nosed horse arrived. solitarj’ and alone, at the little cot tage of tl.ig mill superintendent half an hour later. Phil came out into the porch, i carrying a lamp in his hand. Mrs. Phil ran after him, with a pink apron lied around her trim waist and her brown fringe of hair blowing back from her fore head. •‘Where’* my aunt?" said Phil, as Phelie jumped out “Didn’t she come?” ‘Please ma'am,’ giggled Betsy, •he would come in.’ •Who would come in" said Mr*. Nedley. ‘It's me, Aunt Nedley.’ said Philip Barrow, ‘and my wife.— Dou't be vexed.' The tall young mill superinten dent came in. with his pretty wife hanging ou his arm. ‘Won't you kiss me. Aunt Ned Ivy?' said Mrs. Phil, putting up tier rosebud lipa—‘for my moth- er’a sake?’ ‘Eh?’ »aid Mrs. Nadley. ‘Didn't you get rojr letter? 1 said Philip'* wife. Name* for Drunkeaness. We preserve the following from an old magazine for tiie benefit of posterity: “Drunk (from drink), over the bay, half seas over, high, earned cut. cocked, half-cocked, shaven, disguised, jammed, dam aged, sleepy, tired, snuffy, whip ped, just so, breezy, smoky, top heavy, fuddled, groggy, tipsy, smashed, swipy, slewed, crank, salted down, how fare ye on the lurch, all sails set, three sheet* in the wind, well under way, *pree- ing, battered, blowing, boozy, sawed, snubbed, bruised, screwed, stewed, soaked, comfortable, stim ulated, jug steamed, tangle legged, hawk eyed, pbclgm cut. fagmatic, blue-eyed, a passenger on the Cape Ann stage, stripped, ail over the bar, faint, shot in the neck, baniltoezled, weak jointed, tick, used up.” and to whose bucolic mind the gallant general’s large way of re lating some thing* had sometimes seemed exaggeration. ‘Wall. Jud.' she said. ‘I hear you have been called to the ministry. Glad to hear it. You'll make a real good preacher; but (solemnly). Jed, you must stop your lying.’— A'eir Turk Tribune. Maxim* for Farmers. From a book entitled, “Money, and IIow to Make It,” we get the following extracts: A farmer shotse daily bitched r nt the village store is one way of advertising a faun for sale. Weed9*1! a corp or potato field are like notes on interest at twen ty per cent. **» « Mon in ay deceive each otfcer, but thev cannot deceive Mother Earth. Dealers may sell sawdust guano at fifty dollars a ton. but thev cannot count on the soil aa a helper in their imposition. There arc two things a farmer must have; things that subscr\e like purposes and are about equal in importance, a grindstone and newspaper. A jjo°*l double bladed jack- ^ * knife will do more towards mak ing a buv contented on tlie old farm than daily homilies on the temptations and bcsetinents of the outside world. The true remedy for “hard lime*” is industry, “iu all labor there is profit; but the talk of tho lips tendeth only to penury.” “He that tiileth hi* land shall have plenty of bread; but he that tolloweth after vain persons shall hare poverty enough.” It is better for a farmer to eat sail on his potatoes instead of lmt* ter, if the latter is needed to pay an old debt at the village store. A farmer need never say. “If I could onij' get work I should be happy.” His store never lacks- customers. Ills factory never needs to be run on halftime. When the farmer allows pro ducts that would pay hi* current purchase* at the village store to decay or waste, and .lias what he buys “charged. ’ the transfer of his farm to another owner is only a question of time. Remedy fur Toothache. One of the lest aud most pleas ant things that can he used to re lieve toothache is chewing cinna mon hark. It destroys the sensi bility of the nerves, am! sn*|>ends the pain immediately, if the hark is of good quality. Alter repeated trials, and in different cases, we are convinced that it is generally as efficacious as any of the other remedies suggested for odontal gia, and not attended with the un pleasant consequences of creosote, carbolic acid, etc., which relievo the [isin but leave the mouth as sore aud painful as the tooth waa previously; though these results ar? usually due to carelessness in using.—Poston Journal of Chem istry. m o-^— Over a year ago Miss Hattie Edwards of Dalton had several teeth extracted by a dentist while under the influence of chloroform and immediately afterward she was seized wi'li a had cough and gradually wasted and took her bed, ns it was supposed in con sumption. Several physicians ex amined her ease, one of whom at tributed her illness to an ulcer in the throat, and gave her a reme dy. The medicine resulted in a severe paroxysm of coughing, during which she threw out a tooth that had been lodged in hec throat while she was chloroform ed, and had remained, nearly costing her life, t-he is now rap idly recovering. in German.y, audit contains noj silver; Cleopatra's needle was not erected by her, nor in her honor; Fonijiey's pillar had no historical connection with that [icrsonage scaling wax dors not contain a particle of wax; the tuberose i* not a rose, but a polvanlh; the strawberry is not a berry; Turk ish baths did not originate iu Soap trees siiuiliar to those growing in China and Japan are said to flourish in Florida. They ire prolific bearers of a berry about tlie size ol a marble, which may he used as a substitute for soap just as they are taken from the trees. In Florida, however, they arc usually boiled down ami east into bars. It is thought they may he made to grow on northern farms after a. little ac climatization. A female dentist in Oregon j»!Turkey, and are not bath* at all; said to have resorted ton novel device to obtain a husband. She had as a patient a handsome man, and one day gave him a dime of ether lliat confused, but did not make him insensible:. Then she sent for a clergyman, and while the subject was under the infill cnee of the drug, the two wore de- v elared man and wife. When the man recovered his senses lie ex presstd surprise and sumo dis gust at what had occurred, owing to the fact, not before known ta the fair dentist, that he already possessed a wife. ^ e i ' The Aral and laat thing which is required of genine i* the love of truth. is not hone, and eon tain* not any of its properties. A 4 years-old child, saying her prayers at her mothers knee, haring concluded as usual, with God bless papa and mamma, grandpapas and grandmammas, uncles and aunts, etc.,* gave a great sigh, and said, "Oh, mamma dear! I do wish these people would pray for themselves, for I am so tired of praying for them.* A solid silver balustrade which had stood in one of the Mexican churches since the time of Cortez, was torn down not long ago and taken to the mint, producing over •0,000 silver dollars. What do jou charge for h.Aging inquired a man with a watch eve, bringing himself in front of u hotel register at a prominent Au> tin caravansarj*. One dollar, replied the dia mond hilled clerk. One dollar, oh? Saj", couldr-'i you lake 75 cents and wake me up 25 cents earlier than usual. A prize ol a gold watch pul u» recent lj- by a tradesman of Ottoc *», la., to any one guessing the number of seeds in a certain pum pkin on exhibition, was won by a farmers daughter, who guessr.l the exact number—434. ^ a — Base ball, according to the pro visions ot a bill that has passc-i the Tennessee Senate, cannot l*> played on Sundays in tliat at* • hereafter, under penalties of $23 and $50. The heavier of the fine* ja probably for the umpire.