Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 21, 1885, Image 1

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i ***** rim BI STANFORD & COOPER. independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERRS $1.50 IN ADYAN E VOL. \ T % •. CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY r , MAY" 21, 1885. NC ►. 1 STEVENS’ POTTERY! Near Miiledgeviile. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. Headquarters fur Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer, Culvert and Water Fipes. from 2 to 24 inch calibre. for Draining Land. R. K. Culverts. Road and Street Crossings and Will Curbing. Fire. Grate, Border an<l Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Flues. Lining for Fur nace*, Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Shape or) Style on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets. Stomps,' Chimney Thimbles and Tofts. Fire Clay and Sand, suitable for Fur nace Building or other similar purposes. Corresjtondence Solicited. Our prices arc reasonable. All we ask ia a trial. Stevens’ Bros. & Co. marlS fun PROPRTFTORS What a W'omam Most Os. Hal Burton’s Mistake* ; r > It. than by the requirements of to make the exchange?’ j Murder in Battle. When Hal Burton wiotc and | *rt, * bitter tiling to bear, now j ‘Oli, Harry.'she said. T must! It mnst needs beth.,t newques j A woman, speaking of what is nailed these two notes one morn that he was compelled upon every ; go. They nved me in the dress-. linns arise or old perplexities in a j required of her aex, says, ia the he little imagined the trouble , nig'-’t to »«ffer from it. j ing room.’ j lie was calling down upon his dc j Even the relenting, demanded; -Little witch! do you think I voted head. The first one ran. j by the plot of the play in the end, 1 will release you till the promise is Dear Old Fellow: i was one in which she put So little 1 made? One little word is all I ask. bloodshed committed fresb form ami of these one that lias risen again in our time is this: Docs any moral stain attach to upon the * battlefield! If you really want her. don't let j animation that lie drew no com j and, sweetheart, that ia ‘Yes.’ 'battlefield! Or is the difference me stand in your way. Go in and fort from it, ami was only with j ‘-Someone is coming. I have j between military and ordiuary w in 1 thought you understood j [,y pride from giving up the j no time to promise. Please let me ‘ homicide a real one. and does the ^ Absolutely JVw/rflWl (Jpirtft.i, £iitrtfcv n, A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Fop louck-s Sore Turunt, Hor»r*«-pp»w. f.l.’w, luPncrTa, B.-cnthltls, Asfhtna. C'na?, »Vhn«i>* Ilf Cok|S>, Qoliisy, I'olitw In Cncri. tad uthtr aCwciinnaof H.u Throw! <u»d I.nRga, 5’ricc 50 Cf-Dta % bortle. Sold by IlroKtffwtit and Dealers. Furtiei unable to induce ihnr dealer to promptly a+t it for th*»n vitt rerrir• tiro bot'lei% £scprct* chare.-* pant, by tending one doilnr 19 nutiiima a. iMtun coartAY, Bj«OwiiWtth4 Ksaufrrtiirirs, Onttimrr, MnrjUmd, C. 8. A. jvlT-ly that 1 was fooling from the first. J character „ lit . h br-ught him lor Youth in haste, IIauky. I . , ” 4 . . . 11lire every mzut. An<l the other thus: ‘ * . . , . , _ I The afternoon of the hist rehear- Deai; Mish Mabel: , ~ . . . ; huI cime au«l ail final arrauge- Owing to pressing bu^nos en i gaqemcnis, I shall have to defer ; ''>««* »*•»« ««nplete.l my call for this evening. May J Mabel, wearing a gossamerever come soon again? Your friend, - Hal Bcetos. | go: I, -The world in ay come.’ he an Lowell Times: A woman must wear a No. 2 boot on a No. S foot and she must manage to dress well on 75 cents a week, and she must be vain, and she must lie kind to the poor, and she must go regularly to the sew ing society meetings, and be ready to dress dolls and make lidive plea of duty sanction any act however atrocious in the abstract, swered, with decision; "but von ! provided it be committed under• and aprons for church fairs. She shall not leave until you say what [the uniform of the State? The j must be a good cook, and must lie able to “da up’’ her husband's I desire to hear." ! general opinion is of course, that -Weil, then,’ with a |>out. -since j no soldier in his military capacity shirt so that the Chinese wasber- lirr bewitching Scotch costume, iywn compel me. I will say—nof I can he guilty of murder but opin was putting some finishing touch j darting swiftly from his hold with . ion has not always been so fixed. The first of these two notes, ad j rs to the stage decorations, while j« mocking little laugh. land it is worth noticing that in A moment later however, when , the forms of civilization that pre 1 Salerprise & AmteaL I iu tl,:l1 3 “ lin 8 1: “b' s hands t***! carr i c ,l on in the gentlemen's dres dressed in a bold chir-graphy t‘>; Mr. Fremont prepared evergreens Miss Mabel Beaton w*« nlsi-wl I was pin ceil j f ur w h i I<* this conversation | ou the stage, he eang to her: j ceiled our own, and in soma ex ^CT.SCKIPTIOX PRICE •no copy one year . . “ Eight months “ Four months hours Inter, and the flush whicti room met her interested cars: . ~ j overspread her face as she recog ! Xoni,* exclaimed Hal $l."»u j oized the (lashing hand, told a • liu,*t«>n”» familiar voice, as some story in itself. Old Fellow" were woman would groan with envy and gnash his teeth with the same holy passion at sight of them. She must always have the mas culine buttons of Lite family sew- isting modern races of lower type ; ed ou so they will never coiue off our own traces clearly ap j while in use, and she must keep 1.00 : 50| 1 ADVERTISING KATES: I have just opened at the Owen A Sealv old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE, “W hat in the world can Hairy . ( JOV - %TL . |,avo missed you woeful ; mean!" she stopped to say, but as | , y ' ia lhis a -- jiri nn( j j to ld Hack ett last night if I could onlv , hands ou you, we’d have ‘Norman and i hand ill, as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have on : a full line of everything usually kept in a -sFIRST-SLASS ESTABLISHMENT*- of this kind. I propose to buv in large quantities, direct from Fac tories, and will compete in style and prices with any house in Georgia. one entered the room; "glad to see Dear Old Fellow" were the ' hal . k; wbetl aid you come:’ words which struck her amazed ; cp 0 < j nv twelve.’ j —--—--t —--- ! vision aa she began its peiusal. i ‘Soil*}* vou staved so inn:;, nsv One square, (ten lines or less) 1 • •* •• 1 I nsertion . *. . . . . * . $1.00| l Kor each subsequent insertion . . r >0 \ Aft pcr-ional motf>r ,/oublc price. 9 \ ie read on the flush on j Obituaries will be charged for a* chwt s deepened to a redder, ! »ther advertisements. * | Advertisements inserted without grier line, and when at us close ; McGregor’ at your service done ^il^piluhTIl"untn orde": i they were full j llp in le. The character is very ' distasteful to ine.’ -Pshaw, Hal, my talent doesn't run in that direction.’ "By the way.’ remarked Hal. ng something, 11 snail act on uus revciauuu | *ai.l you get my note before you ‘You tangled my luo in your hair, Ja- j ’Twas a golden and silken snare, my j th * n our ««n traces clearly ap-j while in use, and .she must pci; | pear of a sense of wrong attaching | the family hosier}* so that nobody Eut hufvlore* ll1 * '* >n<lase m - v ®° al liul | to any form of bloodshed whaler- I would ever mistrust there were The right to continue thy slave ever- er, whether of fair battle or of base j toes in the stockings while the}* more * * J treachery ending alike for the pu | arc on. She must hold herself in ;*ves spoke so plain and gl:*d , r jf v j n ^ influences of expiation and ! constant readiness to find every that he scarcely needed * i‘. Q - , T . « «• • r 1 J cleansing. In botith Africa, hr I her I ; a ‘yes, that he scarcely nee j the confirmation given by gentle j. ' lips, as, after the play was over. I flier hasband has lost—as a her au close Old Age Seeking Belief. i lins and his battle ax. ed (»ut, and charged accordingly. I of both pride and pain. All advertisements due when hand- j This note was intended for Tom • ed in. | , — i lint • 4 H L H - ; > •> Steele or some young of that | set, she thought, with bitterness, ••and has been sent me by mistake.; sn rtdenlv as ifrecal or; c w ^ T will have full charge of the businesH, and will be foiin 1 at his post at | all limcH. ready to serve all in his usual fair and square manner. gjMT* KE.UEMBKR the place, Owen A* Scaly old stand. East side Public S(|iiare, Cuthberl, Ga. Kespectfuliy, J. W. STANFORD. Jannarv 22 6m. J (-c*t. Tour Yard & Gardens. Wo ]t> a SH I'l.f.J f.l Yy! Physician, Surgeon «k -.ccoiichcnr. ! The Cheapest is Net the Be st! j Oltire opposite Gille^’s store. ' Residence :il the IVrkius* place on j Lumpkin St root. t f. J. J. WORSHAM, v a r. i > Mild jrrl Nome FOST. I'Al-IStlS. BAbE FLANK. I ILLS. K'ANTUNn. FLOOR I Nf». (. Eil.INO. AND WKATM EKUOA K I>IM. TL® Flooring, Ceiling and \Ve;«tbcr boardinx is kept Dressed or in the K..u;h to biiii me parlies neetimj it. KougW riant of the I test, for Well Curbing, Flooring, Etc. w r- ilii 1 1 rUTHUERT. GA. Office over Fofctoilicc s«*]*tlR tf Wm. d. kiddoo, ati<h:m:y at i.iiv Ciifhbevt, (ia. ^ysi.!. si :m.v place 1 t Slate- l*\ >:>»ci:d ' **ntrai t. W. R. THORNTON, 9 -SL? L j h—^ cv k L k K !> % cl > 0 hi ci y b w k! ^ i f if ? !T z a o X n td o m p CO > Z C o i I shall acton this revelation 01 i y 4)U ; fate, however, and in future avoid 1 Mr. Burton and tin* jesting he has! , enjoyed so much of late.” | sa .. j t j on -t | -Hal is getting oreadful polite. , cause of youi overwhelming , muttered Tom Steele as he threw iltcnes5 . That little appeal. -May j war proceeds with all his arms to ' anything. He will put his boots j a y , they walked slowly and happily t [j« nearest stream to purify not | carefully away on the parlor sofa. 10me ' | only his own person hut his jsve-1 and when he has hunted for them The Zulu half an hour he will suddenly ap ill a counte- Bechuana war j nance like an avenging angel, and. Dear Old Friend— Puffs similar I ri ‘ >r wears a rude kind of neck I demand “what in thunder she has to the enclosed (Rev. Jessie II. ! lace, to remind him of the expia i done with his li.iots." i:he must Campbell's “Two More Important li'in due from him to the slain and j shut all the doors after her lord Cuses") occur almost weekly in disperse the dreams that might I and luastci, a,id ..nowise t.:e bu r=|—: ;y. Haetfokd. Kt, March 21, 18S5. j t™> practices ablution* on same | pear loins wife Dr. John M. Johnson: I occasion and the eftr "Why. yes, I did; but I must • our pagier in ; Specific, I relation to Swift’s ' otherw ise tnmble him and perhaps j reau drawers, for a married man presume upon our, te be aving _ . ; years through the most important _ ; part of the world's U2 ill j ' i convenience. Very truly your old friend, IIARRISON I) TAYLOR. Atlanta Ga., March 26. 1885. II AKKisoN D. Tailor, E*g C, - i: < .^3 r S. " N X - Ciq ^ - r D' X n z H m m in the tf. o ry V'W !^V r'W c w appea j Hie note just received r.n l read, j t *ouie soon again,’ waa qui I .miong cigar end?, tapers, et»*.,' y OD( | my comprehension.’ ; which adorned his center table.—j -tv hat are you driving at, Steele? "May he come soon again! When I've scarcely ininacd seeing him 1 • night for a week, what docs the boy mean?*’ “Mav I have this waltz, Ma bel?’* whispered Hal, as the two inet m Mrs. Trenton’s ballroom two days later, his eyes full of tin : disguised admiration as ! *e looked j down at her. “What hypocrisy!” was Mabel ! mental comment as she caught' Hal. illuminated by a swift the expression, and she answered ' i( ] ca |, rn ko into a fit of laughter. coldly. "1 am sorry, but my ball j .j | lave ; t now ; i, c . sa id. -1 wrote book is quite full.” handing it in- Migs yj a l lt l IK-nton a note the j ' differently to him as she spoke. ! sarae morning, and iu my haste! A hlrancr. litrlit fttire-ol into II*r 1 . i .1 1 * If ! medicine Upon tllDSC who A sliangt. i.„n spteaii into uai cxchan'tcil the envelopes. IIow, . r I ty's eyes as he saw on every other ve i v careless! But my overwhelm ■ "* ed ,t * an ' 1 bcar W,, -' B S ' ! line the name of a handsome ! j " ljtene , gi lUal j. rit . b ; acJ mouy to its good result* m a great j vnim-r Wl™ vl.n h1 111>>lv e-nine ’ . , , . . , : majoritr of instances. The firm : young ituoA, wuo na.i iauiy c >mc | 1C ] a ., SC( i la to another merry peal,; J in Morton nn.l nlm lied already • , . . ... , , engaged in its manufacture are' to .vioi ton. and who nan aiream ln w i, K .j, fom also joined. > " ° even drive'him to die of remorse.! j old friendship to inquire of yoa in ‘ * ‘ ,c * a,,,e feelings may be detect- ^ ; relation to it—its curative quail-j 0< ( * n Old Word. The Mace j 1 :<> | ties, price and manner of procur jdoniaus had a peculiar form of j recreation, ingit. Having lived eighty-three | aaerifieiatory purification which j consisted in cutting a dog in half! was never known to shut a draw er, il would be as unnatural asfoi a hen to go in a swimming for She must go to bed first ia cold weather so us to get the bed history the ! and leading the whole army, ar-1 warm. Her husband, if lie be a prospect of dying from cancer on} rn -' < - - ' 1 in flll > armor between the; wise man, never asks her to do •The note of regret you sent the j llie fa( . e ; s ‘ ot ver? . C0n , o ij D g. j two parts. As the Boeotians had j this. Oh, no! hut lie sits to “jnsi ' Let me hear from you at earliest ■ l ^ c same custom, it was probably > finish this piece in the paper. gbl before I left—’ ; *Mr note of regret! is the boy ! macl? I mote you a note in regard ! i to that horse of Brown’s; told vou | i . ,. * . i bn*! no intent on of standing in ; your way, ami hoped yotiM be sue j jcessfui in getting her. Is not that | the one you received?’ •No such note has ever reached! me,’ Tom answered, decisively,. i | V . r . ■ * «v .- * In Jewish liistorv ; Hartford, ky.:—My Dear Friend i |—Your very highly esicemo Ivor of the 24lh inst. reached mej ' on the 25tli. Y'ou want inforina Itionin regard to the celebrated ... r . * , had only been ill ; raeduina manufactured here. J known as S. S. S. 1 have watched for the same reason. At Rome and waits until she lias got the | for the same purpose, a sheep and j Hurts to a comfortable tempera , a bull and a pig or boar were ev ■ f 11 re. Ah, there- are a great many cry year Icil three times round the fricks in the trade ot living to I army and then sacrificed to Mars. ! gether. A woman is expected to the prohibi- take care of the baby, even afler fa lion to King David to build the j tl'e first infantile wonder has mu . i temple was piation, to be admit- j liplied into a round halt dozei rtl me i 1 ‘ ........ .... iipl ted to though bigs, and | D E N T I S T . , nil at Rock bottom Prices, Refused Plank. Scantl Rough Edge or Sheeting, nil at 2 i; 2 E rirniRERT, ga. O FFICE West siilc FuMic Stjnnrc, over 15. * ‘ > For Cash, on the Wagon, or on presentation of Bill. Lumber can be hail on any rea tollable time, erlun special con tract or satisfactory arrangements are made. ytf— ' .umber Yard at my old Stand. Respect fully, J. A.' FOSTER. Havinp removed to Kufuula. I Lave employed Mr. MOSES si’lihU to lake chare* of mv Lumber Yard. fel>26 rt ' J. A. FOSTER. Dunn's IVMT-Ix Laundry and Toilet Soaps, !»on-Ton and Royal Gloss Starch. Lnundiy Llueing, at L* w Pri nt supplanted him as Mabel's escort | for llie evening. "It is full,’* he replied careless ly, and he relui ned the book with (out another word, lint he led his moustache as lie walked; ! away. Is Mabel’s manner lost none of its I urn selling Strict-; gi,velv I,eca,,se ,JU beM A 1 .lit "But what can Mabel think inc?" he wondered next, as he re-: membered that all allusion to the ■ gentlemen a ml < and are ^^ "ruiiri:icu ,1110 ,.aptali as far above falsehood or deception j as any men in your community dozen the mysteries of Ceres, {And if he doubles up with thc that stained his bands |colic or trials of cutting teeth or of thieves and i the necessary evils of mumps or | robbers. And in the same spirit measles and whooping cough and ; Hector refused to make a libation j scarlet fever and rash and throat have lo th® gods before he had purified ; distemper ami short sleeves and ' Ilia hands after battle. j hare leg* and pins sticking into “With unwashed hands,” he : him and loo much candy and bad said, “to pour out nparkiing wine | temper, why her hushann tells to Zeus I dare not, nor is it the : b* 1 ' thtd he “does wish she would j custom for one soiled with blood ‘'ry and quiet her and (lust of battle to offer prayer ; »ays it too as if to the God whose seat is in the j alone was X» Time Like the Present, A wedding, under unusual and quite romantic cireuuistancea, oc curred in this city yesterday. The suddenly accepted groom is Luiea F. Bishop, a good-looking young man, who keeps * Ba*«? *r»tst Des Moines. Yesterday Miss Mary Shoemaker, a pretty miss with a merry-laugh and pretty figure that is tbs perfection of grace, came into Mr. Bishop • bakery to buy some fresh rolls, and she looked at the yonng ba ker in tu:h an irresistible way that he was quite beside hnust.f with admiration. “Miss Shoe maker,” said he. “you look to pretty that I have half a mind to go right with you and get mar ried.” “I never refuse a dare,” said the pretty girl, with Hushing checks and eyes that sparkled with a rougish light. Well, shall i go and get my coat and go and get a licenser’ ••If you want to you may, and i"l! e<> with you, loo.” The young man’s face sobered down a little, but be went and got bis coat. ••Du \ou still want to go?" he | gently inquired. i “Why, 1 thought it was you that wanted to go." said the maid en, hesitatingly. “Well, Ido, but I thought may be you would give it up.” “II that's all, we ll go," was the reply. Loren was caught, and he bad the good sense to 9ce it. They went to the county court and got a license, and before the sun set thev were married. — Des Moines Special. The commissioner ul pensions has directed the suspension at the I’hiladelpkia agency of 102 pen sions which have been drawn al though the pensioner is dead. In some cases, the commissioner says, the persons in whose names the pensions were drawn have been dead since 1S71. He also directed the suspension at the same agency of pensions to seven widows who remarried in 1881, j hut who have continued to draw pensions ever since. The com missioner has addressed a com munication to the attorney gener al requesting him to-bring suit against the pension agent and his bondsmen for tlie money so un lawfully disbursed. baby,” and he he thought she responsible for its be PAINT HOW! , ,, . ... j You mav confide implicitly ini horse had been made through the - * i , , I any of their statements touching, gnaw t pronoun -her.' ! J , ,. its utility. You can get it at the Ql ji cmliiFn * B ! clouds.’’—Gentleman's Magazine, j I! ’*g ,n considerably to blame for it ton. And when she lias the headache His eves flashed ct CCS, T. S. ROWEL’S Pnur Store. Toilet Soaps, Finest Line in S. W. G-a. .distantly aloot from her the rest 1V l*lirc LOclIlf Wcir*iofthe evening. She had never, !ranted, and Linseedi'^nmoreanimated. j i “If she can throw me over like Oil at prices that .that." thought Hariy, moodily, asiibrow j n - 0 will enable every- 18 i. isrooai U' 111 Di ” l!l l,e wo,,t ; straight n sudden idea suggested itself to him, but; ere he had time to follow it out be was called upon the stage. The plnv proceeded smoothly to j the end: no lack of life character j izel Mabel's acting in the last scene as before. The interest she j it scenic.i to spring West’s Nerve and Brain Kills at bottom figures, at ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. —Th« great nerve and brain rem nlv, lor sale, only at tf J. W. STANFORD'S. P*i*l Now ! Oil and Lead never cheaper than now at J. W. Ytaxfokd's. Tobnrcc, Tobacco. Cheap, Medium and Fine, lor sale very low. at J. AV. Stanfokd's. Silver M are ! reduced prices. At greatly close out. at ct ALLISON A- SIMPSON'S. to roin her heart. Her: . 1 . , ; ver and over again the events of| f ] owncas t eyes, the natural flush j body to pillllt up. ! the evening, ‘and for lbs acquaint-■ 1 upon her cheeks, the trembling ot i IlIV figures bl' - j ance o£.a week, too, she is not the | t,h,r little hand which lay within: c _* 1 -a. j girl for me, and I have no earth I his own, told Ilal a glad truth; j ----- .. j bnt she has grandchildren, great j tore YOU paillt. j ly reason to care.' lie did care, and wllC n at the last she raised Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. j graa<1cUi!( , n;n an( , grea ; great- J. W . STANFORD. ; lhou k' h -a* a pa> a a 1 1**» heart ^ h^reyes, it was to Cad in his s The Russiatt* must have had , grandchildren, numbering in all smotheied it l,iok of exultant gladness. j an easy job in handling the Af-; about 100. She never wore spec | "You ran away from me this af- g|, ; ,ns. The Afghan matchlock Oacles in her life. She could to ternoon, Mabel,’ li ng stores in Louisville, Evans j ville er even in Owensboro, Ky. 1 am sorry for your | but I believe this medicine will ! cure you if persisted iu. I would : not stop tin lerune dozen or more | large size bottles, which can be! I secured at reasonable cost. JOHN M JOHNSON, , , „ i years. <2 Marietta street, Atlanta. Ga. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. A Remarkable Woman. Therein living in the upper, nobody thinks of minding it—a gave proof, but he Home Mixture Guano,i ,lewn andJclcrn,incd l0 “ akeno part of Bartow county, an old j woman’s always having the head ! lady. Mrs. Carrie Vaughn, whose j ache. And if she is “nervous 1 - 7 O’ ^ | | history is as remarkable as it is! enough to fly” nobody shuts the interesting. She whs born in j door any quieter, and nobody j Habersham county, Ga., in 1788 1 tucks her on the lounge with a making her 97 years old. She shawl over her or coddles her to ! was married at the age of 17. Her j death as a man has to be coddled : husband lias been dead forty one ! under such circirtnsU.nce9. She raised eleven <*hil-j We might go on indefinitely Iren, saw them all married, with j with the troubles of being a wo- families of their own, except one. j man, and if there is a man who The children are now all dead, ‘ thinks a woman has an easy time i of it, why, just let him pin on a pound of false hair and get inside a pair of corsets, and put on » Tbe Bate bridge Democrat re marks that Gov. McDaniel cannot he a candidate next lime because he is clearly ineligible under the constitution, sad adds: “Another existence, and if she was-l man, then, must lead the Demo cracy in that campaign. If lie is not from South Georgia every del egate to the convention from this section ought to be killed w ith a stuffed club. South Georgia must stand square up for her rights."—Albany News. MAM* PACT l’ It ED BY Milo Maize! For a Fora;je Crop, superior to Cat Tail Millet. For sale at tf T. S. POWELL'S. Base Balls and Bats, Croquet St: Rubber balls Marbles, Harmon AND The Columbus Fertilizer Co. nur • •j’.' FOlt 8AI.E BY n. In the cast of characters for! at announced the chair glians. The Afghan matchlock hlspered llarry, | orjazail has no parallel as a lire-1 day thread the finest needle, but they stood that night in a little • arm on the face of the earth. It: for nervousness of her bands. j is aht . filled near A flea, one sixteenth of an inch in length, can jump a distance of twenty inches. This is 320 times its length. The common gray rabbit jumps about nine feet clear on the level ground. In propor tion to length a horse, to jump as far as a rabbit, would have to clear C4 feet at a jump. There is no qnadruped that has such pow- pull back over-skirt, and be a wo ! r| bil muscles in hisquailers as man himself, and see how he likes j the rabbit, anil none excel him in it. the muscles of his loins and back. j entry back of the stage, waiting j is about nine feet long, anfl ie j She is remarkably active and j maskable family of chickens has liently awaiting the appointment man of the Morton amateur theat f or their cue. *1 wanted an ex : fitted near the muzzle with a! spry for her age. Rather thau^oj] 1 Bainhridge Democrat: A re iiy of chick ! recently developed at Climax. While who are impa- lEI-.IEJG'ALlNrT TOILET & LAUNDRY SOAPS, Unusually cheap, At J - P. TOOMBS 61 BUO.’S. ct Pistil Task Another Reduction In Buggy and Wagon Harness. Examine our stock before vou buv ct ALLISON & SI.MKSON. * SI moke! The Universal Favorite, or the Koval Arch Cigars, the best in the city, at ' J \V. STANFORD'S. Pniet the roof of your house? with Browns Rubber Paint, and prevent fire, leaks, and decay. Fm sale onlv by. J. W. Stanfoud. ! JUST RECEIVED. AND i For sale at T. S. POWELL'S, i Prussist, Bookseller ami Stationer. I ct Cotton Planters! Maist be j upon the stale of his fnse, and ! her corn grist, they find it already td, and together for two weeks nt have been s | wrote to Tom Steele? he inquired, therefore he is by uu means a cer- i shelled by her own hands. She j the mother aided the half grown j more suitable cast as far as teal! with a merry light ia his eye. : tain shot. During the last Af-{ attends to her business with great i SO n to hover and scratch lor the : circumstances are concerned, -Yes, it was, Harry; but I don t j ghan war It used to be a joke j diligence. No idle bread is eaten | young ones, w hen she deserted the j | " f thought Harry while reading over ^ ihink it fair for you to tease, a* among the British soldiers that j about her. She has smoked her ' family leaving tbe son to scratch DRUNKENNESS le ,,la - V \ * Sorn, * n aml Eis:lr i**er ejes drooped beneath the an Afghan would poise his jazil j pipe of tobacco regularly from j f or numerous and interesting j I are both in loye with Janet Gray.; laughing light in his. upon a rock, calculate when his! early womanhood. She is all | family. IT RED IS ITS VAlSIOl S STAGES. Norman desperately jealous, and | -Then 3 0U know, Mabel, lo what 1 coemT would be likely to arrive in ! sufiicicnt to bei self, ask9 no out- 1 ■ Desire for stimulants entirely remov-! E.lgai successful for the time,; jt referred?' od. Home treatment. Medicine can tie | i8 ppy circumstance for me,’ h admimsiered witlumt knowledge 01 |>=*- ' greatest number appointed on any one day was 133 on April 27. A majority of t he appointments were made l» fill vacancies. took ■Yes, I overheard you tell Tom itient in- simple placing it in coffee, tea I added, with a sigh, ‘if the real af- 'Steele ’ I or any irticle o'f/oed. Cures guaranteed., fair coul(l assumtt lhc aspect of j •What reparation do you intend This he faithfully undcr and performed, and has with the and then gooff to some little dis furtable home and farm. She j exception of one, which was acci tance and sit down and smoke ; and her husband were here before 1 dentally killed, to “frying sized" If the enemy arrived in front of the Indians were removed. She is \ chickens. The mother of there I 1 1 1 I t-SlOO WILL BE FA!!) thl3 al iU _ olose - Borman is , to make for your unmerited treat- j matchlock just as it went off, | stout enough to live many years I markable family is now carrying feOlCt.! , successful in the end. ( ment of me. Mist Benton T be next • w j,y then he would most likely be 1 vet.—Carterscille Couraut. ! another brood, which she will AT I •{S-frwinT« e ?Sm nwuSS; | ‘Why arc women so wild al-1 whispered, as elaaping one arm j killed , but if he didn't, and the' •— probably turn over to him soon, . I eoiitinninc testimonials and full narticu- wavs, he cried, giving a savase .l,nnt li.r ilr.s her close to his: ... —..te « nnn.i.. .. n A Great Diseoverv. 1 .1 ...r .1 . BLANK BOOKS of every kind.size and style,cheap er than ever before, at ancoitf J. W. Staxfobd's Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, at ALLISON & SIMPSON'S, j The most, handsome line 1 offered 1 »'S' {ct ALLISON A- SIMPSON'S ! h7 ITgortato wsk y, ! : WatEfcmaier, Jeweler and Eagraier, And Dealer in I Clocks, Wlllehes Jewelry 11 ad Silverware. .. f'BCCl..- oiit.nniu? testimonials and full particu lars sent free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. je-HMy. 1S5 Bacc St.. Citu innati. O. To Sportsmen! 25 Ponnd Kegs of Powder for $1. Shot. IVads and Primeis in pro- rantcil. All Clock andAVafch Work War- • portion, at marlO-et : ^ ALLIS0X & SIMPSON'S. of Papers, all Winds, ever offeree lo-fore at J. W. STANFORD'! Clams, Crabs and Olives, ct ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. Highest Cash Price Paid for Corn, at ALLISON A SIMPSON'S. ' i et —Tavior*s Premium Cologne j for sale at J. W. Stantohd's. Wheat Brail, ALLISON & SIMPSON S. jan24-ct ways,' he cried, giving a savage i about her he dr«w her close to his ! weapon went off a quarter of an clutch at a paper weight sitting { s j,| c . ‘I have been very miserable ! |, our a f lcr be had passed it. then neai, about handsome men? U of late; more wretched than you I a0 harm was done, and its owner tor ' can imagine, and deserve a rich ! W mil,l philosophically “set" the now | re ward for the suffering you have again in ho[ies of catching she scarcely deigns :i Uance in my | caused direction. Heaven knows 1 wish I ! could have sworn she cared me until Fremont came, and 1 ‘Some one else has suffered too,’ I could give her up as easily as j she whispered, with a swift glanee she has me, but I can't do it. and f roa , | ler long-lashed eyes. it costs a desperate effort to wear the indifferent face I do.’ A* Janet Gray, Mabel was more fascinating than she knew, and Norman McGregor, the unsuccess ful suitor, found her constant cold ness prompted more by nature, he the next coiner, and then go off to his rock, smoke and await de velopments. Martha Bryau. of Annapolis, Mil., died from an over indulgence -Ah. Mabel!’ he cried, impul sively, ‘if such is the case, prom ise to take what I give you. and ! in Iau i5 l * u ‘ r . wllkh • lie toul< ‘ n,,t give what I ask in return ’ i re ®‘*“ ^ w *® •What do you demand?’ | »P**>J>odic hilarity of the woman ‘Your heart for mine,* was the] lasted fifteen minutes, at tbe end quick response; are you willing' of which time she dropped desd. A Great Discover;. ; and proceed lo raise another lam Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton, | ily. Ia., savs: “Mv wife has been sc j . . , •“*“ T 1 .. A good joke is told on a Lump rioiislv affected with a cough for 1, . ° J , ..... twenty five year-, and this spring j kln Y° UD Z ma “ who J f,,ned a 1$lb,e more severely than ever before. ; class last Sunday for the first She had used many remedies time in his life. It is customary without relief, and being urged to for the members of tbe Sunday try Dr. King’s New Discovery, did so, witb most gratifying re sults. The first bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle has absolutely cure I her. She has not had so good health for thirty years.” Trial Bottle Free at J. W. Stax ford's Drug Store. Large size S1.00 school with which this class is connected to answer roll-call by re pealing a verse from the Bible. When the came of this recruit was called he sang oat: “Do unto others as yon would hare them, and so forth.” lie now wears the blue ribbon of tbe Band of Hopc- Mr. Jesse E. Mercer and Mis* Dora Colley, of Calhoun count-, were privately married on the 25to of March. The fact of the mar riage has just been mad* public, and the fellows who have shown the bride so much attention fee; spotted about the matter. The New York World truly o’ serves: “When the good Ilorac- Greeley went bail for Jefferses Davis, if Davis had been grate!, enough to join, the Republican party would have made him min ister to Great Britain fifteen c: more years ago.” A preacher aged sixty years, who lives in the up country, t. ccnlly rode twenty miles, preach ed two sermons and married him a wife all in one day. He was mixing business with pleasure. A boil in the pot is worth two on the ncclc.