Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 28, 1885, Image 1

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Enterprise and Appeal. BT STANFORD & COOPER. VOL. V. “Independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE. CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1885. NO. 16 CANCER ClfAP* IIii.i., I)oruLA8 County. Ga.,1 Hcptombcr 1st. 1879. j Gentlemen—This is to certify that I have been curc«l ««f cancer on iny n»»^v of years’Mtamiinjr. from theti.-cof oi - ly one small bottle of Dr. HuyrlwiNNlV Kreat cancer remedy, star Curine. whic h I purchased from my old friend. Mr. Canij*.your agent for* Douglas county, in August, and I atn now entirely well— this tlie first of November, 1 &7&. You <*nn use iny name in rejoin mending this great remedy to the public if you wish, as 1 t hink it tlu* greatest remedy for can cer* in the world. Yours truly. •» a*KS. K. WILLIAMS. AND FRENCH WINE COCA S END for liirjre Illustrated raliilnpw of the DeLoach Water Wheels, fur- t.d>le Mills. Mill •Stones, and all kind of Mill Supplies, g® Strengthens anil F.x Idle rates. OF HIS EARLY DAYS. >n\v Mills. Gins, a limit a Mill. A INS and refreshes, aids diges-! impart** i cw energies t.» the*! xhaiisf**cl mind and Ijoclv. and I and anythin: a Mill. NYatex* AYlieels Atlanta Ga.. June 30,1879. Gentlemen—1 wish to say to you that I have been suffering with a sore leg for several years, and 1 have had several doctors to practice on it without success. Tlu y all said it would have to Ik* ampu tated. hut I could not stand that. 1 saw your advertisement in the papers, and concluded to try your star < urine. I have lieen using it for six weeks, and am Uovr entirely well. You can use my name in any way you see fit in reconl- -mendin"your great remedy. I know it w ill cure Any kind of chronic sores, by erjHTlenee.’ I v. i h you success, gentle men. T banking von for the medicine you saved my life'wlth. 1 am Yours verv respectfully, liKtTII-: FKEKMAN. CATARRH Atlanta, Ga., June 30, 1879. Gentlemen—You can use my name in recommending Dr. Havelwod’ Star *'u- rine for < ’ancer. 11 has cured me of l ’an- , cer of sin years’ standing. Re**|»ectfullv j ye ws. * ALFRED EDWARDS. ' | Atlanta, Ga., June 30, 1879. j Dear Sirs—You have mv consent t«>' use mv name in recommending Dr. llay- olwood’s Star Curine for Dry <’ntarrh. I have had Catarrh for several years, and the Star Purine has cured me. Yours truly, ( APT. \\ M Mct'ONNELL. ‘ 'out factor. about half the usual price, ami Portable Mills so cheap that every Farmer can af ford one. and they are guaranteed to make First-Class Table Meal. Sent for prices, and v»m will be sur prised. A. O. DELOACH <<• PRO.. Atlanta, Ga. IM^As to the merits of our Work, we \ refer to the following gentlemen, who have bought of us: t>. A. Darrv. Gunn A Stanford. J. V. Ivev. K. W. Pittman, and J. T. George, (’’utbbert. Ga. Also many others of the best citizens of South West Ga. iu«y21*3w Elam Johnson, Son & Co., Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants, 12 Decatur and 13 Line St**., . ATLANTA- GA. COCA, is a wonderful in\ isolator ui the genital organs and Is a iqs-eiHe f..r all nervnii* complaint., sueh assn k iikaiia* he. \kv- KALOIA, W.MCEFUI.NKSS. LOsS OK MKMuJ:V, NERVOUS TREMORS, L*»SS OF AI*I*ETITE, DE PRESSION OF SPIRITS, ETC. Pemberlon'D Wine Poca Will vitalize y«»ur blood ami build lip your health at once. Lawyers. Minis ters, Teachers. Orators. Vocalists, and all who speak in p'.iblic. will Hud the Wine Coca, taken half iionr before speak ing, a specific for the voice. WiAE COCA. I From the Bartow (Fla.,) Informant, (ot'onr children if their father THE ‘*KI>'(! OF THE CRACKERS” treats them so?"’ This brought j GOES SOME Rr.liI.MS4 EXCES jont the devil lully, and he became ; enraged; and there was a billet of : wood at hand, and be picked it up There ts a pond one mile west , , , , . „. v , n r ,, . ] n i 1 and struck her on the head. She bled, groaned and died; all from whiskey. ~ I He was tried and condemned to »on laws, as we called them, in of Newnansvillc, Florida, called tl ‘a negro hung under the old Jack freely was a came; and if ever Jonah's fish j ey-and liquor. I soon saw that! He Wasn't Dead, tried to throw up, he tried, and ’ most of the chickens would be all 1 A good story of Judge Bond, of rolled about on the sand. We | right, and I began to fed east-; 1 j the United States District Court threw him back, but he came out! had done a good Sunday’s work, j is told by one of his Western as fast as he could. I soon saw I Putting these things together—j friends. It occurred in Boston in the jiowcr of the strong man in ; the hideous looks of a hung ne 1 1S77. The two went to call on a the ’gator, and it made a different * gro, and Adkins killing so good a i medium. They were shown many thing of him, as he quit his own j woman, and old John's sermon j wonders, and at last the judge element. At first he was very j about the strong man, liquor, and ! was told to write a list of uames : get along all right. A Had W'sman. •Now, the best thing yon can do,’ said the Judge to an old ne gro who had applied for a divorce, •is to go home and behave vour- se! f.’ 'Yas, sah.’ T do not see why yon should not snappish, but soon became sick my practice on the ’gator, bear, j on a slip ot paper, which being and helpless. I hog and chickens, for fear I would : done he was instructed to run his Not long after this I was left at | be delivered into the power of the home to keep the house, while j strong man, unless I really need my father' and mother went to | cd him, never to call on him, or finger down the list and stop when the accustomed rap on the table was heard. When he got to the middle of the list a violent blow was struck upon the table. There upon a lWng conversation ensued between the judge and the mute- , . ‘die bv being hung; and while un the territory o! Morula, about the, , .1 ,, , , - 1 dcr the gallows he spoke year lf>32, for rapeou lus young , . ... , 1 J ° and to the point, for he unstress, Cosar. She had gone , , , . good orator; and he sung this to a neighbor s, Saturday evening,; , , , . , j while very many shed tears: and was lo come home Sunday . . i i i / i , : Sinners. p.M>rsinners take warning bv 1 chill cii, (some se\cn or eight miles,; allow him to take possession ol evening; and as Cosar had but i , , , , j I = | me; i lor in those days churches and | mo nor friends, if I could help it, | one ne ro. ic was treatci as cue ; Tl,*. fruits ot trangression behold you ! preachers were scattering in the ! for I have seen and known of a ill rmloTTc I he urcfai qua cmun nt i ^ fimi X* aUl to e a j mo* see. . i territory.) We had a half grown i good deal of cruel treatment in 1. emlorse.l t.\ Otef Ju.UKipnineot Med,-(Tpfy Iuan ami only Mv soul is fermented, mv bodv con-! . . . , . - , , ... . . , cal Men m Il.e "..'l.l aiul iv-inbcrton S ,, , .. ‘ ! pot bear and a lot or young pigs, i families, and the wealthy brought rial need spirit, in which was re- Wiuc t'«K-a is awarded the i.alni over nil , about 22 or 23 years obi, ailtl as' nncl; . i. , , . - . , 1 ... other iavipinuo by pl.vMeiaus amlp* ^ , , c „ . ! >fv friends and dear children )cft | »nd a fine lot of chickens; so I ; to need, want and nun. bo I; hearsed many astonishing facts, »«*,!" In ^ w Km?'*"v.'t "lie™ ! Hearing lire visit was to he made ! ' vctpi " s | ,,,w " sht noW Wa ‘ m - v t,n,e 10 C3r ' w0,lU1 M . v lo ‘' nen ' it ' s »»*• rrieti.l**. most ol which the judge had iu- SmiWS:-. J - "• STAXF,J,:1 ’' a ‘! and knowing when the girl or Much intoxication my ruin has been;! T “ ut teat * I,iak 'T- | Ilot 10 [« *“ a " ^ j to in U ‘ e 4. S. PEMBERTON k CO., ! , , . .. Mv dearest companion I’ve barbar- « c always had plenty of liquor possession of you, Tor health, life, opening of the conversation with ; . . f ’ • : on sir slain. ) as it was a honseholu dweller, laid her some two miles from r ,* ,, 1111 In yonder cold gravevan! lier Inxly; . , j . home Sunday evening, at a clay • does lie * ! Enterprise & Appeal. ! h,,le ’ an,,aftcrat::o " ,,,l ‘ sl,i " g | * i *!wi,iui am condemned and shortly 1 u,e lhreetl,ar:ulcr *’ 1 #wcetcn int in the slutll! will 1 ■ ■ -■— rr • purpose he killed her, as lie sui>- j must die. Sol-; Proprietors and Mamifaclurt rs, n»ay21-ly 1m ATLANTA. GA. ATTK feel that our present f? foree, having Six Yes cnee. an*l living !o :il»le«listrilnitin^ p l»<* a sul«i«'i<*nt guarantee to Fhijipers «>f tin* he-t results utforiletl by the markets, j \Ye shall alw a> s sell here when we; 4-an. am I only forward Melous and Fruit ! when we must. Consign men ts solicited. ELAM JOilNSl'N, SON-«t GO. mav2l-3ni I soon studied up a plan to dose Laundry and Toilet Soaps, si DSC I* 11*T 1 OX PRICK : posed, anti threw her in the clay a whole life of sorrow ran never atone •nccopyonc year .... $1.."»U \ hole. 1 lie children started lo For this cruel murder my hands they 1 meet her, and plat ing on the way 1 have done. j ed a lot of milk very sweet with honey, and gave it to C'utfey. At limb and property suffers, as I the medium. Finally the exhibi know of some 30 out of 12 of niy tor suspects something and the friends that were about my age, i-spirit’abruptly departed, and raised up in Florida at the; Then the judge fell into a brown same time, and there are about 30 i study from which it was difficult Eight months Four months right I !;o warn- CURED. ^! concluded to look in theclay hole, i 1 ani justly condemned; it i which was near the road, ami to should die, , . , Therefore K*t;ilDlrun;.arws ta their surprise saw tneir sister ly- ;' fM \ injr in the bottom, bloody and r _ , w s /-. , i nscrtion . . . . . . . . el AN) * A soluinn death warning for dnink* Bon-Ton and Royal Gloss Starch, For each subso<|iu*nt insertion . >u groaning: there was but little »a- .1// ,,erso„"l my/ter double price. | ler in iu which is supposed to 1 while this (Rli , lmdv K „ 1>>M ADVKRTISIXG RATES: One square, (ten lines im; bv me. Laundi*}’ Blueing, at L* w Pri ces, at T. S. 1*0WEL'S ct Drnjj Store. •d for as CiATi:nil ni;i)i( i\i:( o, 38 Wall Mroft, Atlanta. For salt* bv J. W. Stanford may21-ly Obituaries will be eharj other a*lvertisen»ents. Advertisements inserte*! without -]K*eification as to tlu* number of in- sertauis, will Lepublislifd mifil «»r«Ier- ed out, ami «'}iar^4**l ai*is»nlin“l\'. i I ! All advertisements due when hand- —Taylor’s Premium Cologne cd in. j f »r sale at J. \Y. Stankokd’s. " 1 “ 1 jNTOTIC P] TO If you want to jum-hasp a niif Dili h y & 1U id IjLsIJ A Cotton Gin, A Cotton Feeder, A Cotton Condenser, I:i i £J JU y J. J. WORSHAM. DENTIST, CUTHBERT. GA. rsr Office over Posto nice. sept IS if WM. d. kiddoo, ATl<!i:Vl:V AT i.V H. ( iit/ibrrt, On. prai-ti* t- at any place in tin- State la speeia! eoutrai t. tf. \J. JL THOSHTtHI, I) B N T I 8 T . CUTHBERT, GA. O FFH’K We**t Side Vublie Sqimr**. over It. L. Dunn’> store. febl7-ly have brought lier to conscious ness. The negro came home Sunday evening, anil to his surprise found her there, anil conscious enough to tell the tale. artls I have, in the grave: ' Remember John Adkins, his death, mul reform, Lest justice overtake you, and ven geance comes on. first he did not seem to like it; that liquor has ruined and caused | to arouse him. Suddenly looking and after drinking a little lie left- their death, anil I do believe I can up, he said, with the most admir- it; soon Mr. hog got to it and be 1 <late my success to sobriety. j ably assumed tone of astonish gan in earnest to drink; Mr. bear, could not stand it, so he drives’ hog away, and began drinking more freely; lie soon began to feel it, and such rolling and playing I never saw; and occasionally lie would go back and try more; but ’ ! as soon as his funny feelings were overlie became very savage, and wanted to tear up things, so that J. 8ru.UEKi.ix. Orlando, Florida. inent and conviction: ‘This is ; the most remarkable thing I ever | Farewell, iny dearcliil*Iren, wherever roll be; Tho’ ijuite young ami dear unto me; No father to shield you from hunger ami cold, My poor little orphans arc cast on the world. In those days there was noreg I ulators, but Jackson’s laws were sufficient, and were carried out: and I do hope, if we have a Slate i Convention, they will use the pen itentinry for a uilTerent purpose, j y n mo therto teach you, uo father t and put no man there for less Ilian guitlo 20 years, up to 1)9: ami when he Though your tender affections tliron; ! comes out use the Jackson laws sin’s rapid tide; on him: brand lnm on the right ° i I check ’.villi the letter It, so wc may all know him. Jackson’s law was 30 on the bare back, with a moderate size l cow skin three feet and one inch long, and bran.led on the right ! check with the letter K, or hung or pilloried. I have* seen the whip I had to climb a sapling for safe ■ ty. Before that he was always i gentle and mild, but now lie was j dangerous; but I soon saw* he was staggering and weakening, ami 1 j was glad of it, for if the old folks hail come home then Cuffcy would have gone fur them ; so I became ! very uneasy, as I thought there might be *a disappointment; so I leave you exposed in nature’s wide *t made me uneasy; but my bear field, : was soon overcome by the strong To all the sad dangers of this wicked : man ; and Mr. hog had drank up world. ! all the sweetened milk and was t When sorrow surrounds von and sick- squealing for more; so as soon as K lieu mat ie. I suffered with rheumatism for many months, at limes uuuhle to I w alk or get about only on crutch es. 1 took eight bottles of Sw ill s ! Specific, and have been entirely i relieved. P. T. Bautuim, Macon, Ga. i Yas, sab.’ ‘We all have to make sacrifice*.’ 'Yas, sail, so I heali ’em ssy, !>iit iniglity few men haster pnt np witl sieh erlrife ez Use got. I ken stan’ de common rnn of wins mew, but dat pusson, Judge, is rank pizen. W’y, sail, if she wuz er sleep an’ wustcr dream dat I wuz enjoyin’ myse’f, slic’d wakeliersef tip an’ sec dat de enjoyment wuz stopped right dar. She like ter died some time ergo. I wuz mighty in hopes dat I wuz gwine to lose her, but when she foun’ dat I wuz pleased, blame me if she didn't turn ober an’ git well. She's a bad ’oman, salt ’—Arkan- ninc Traveler. Wbv do little birds in their nests agree? Because if they did nut they would fall out. Why are fowls most profitable things to keep? Because fur every grain they give a peek. but ness conies on, You will cry for your mother, alas ! she is gone : Your father in auger struck her on the head; She bled, groaned and languished, and alas! she is dead. I got down I fixed Imu more; and of all the drunken sights lever saw, Mr. hog showed, for it see n , ed lie did not know w hen lie liad enough; lie got so drunk lie would wallow,'spew and root over in it, From (hr Mountains. For many years I have been troubled with a scrofulous affec tion. My right leg was covered with sores'from the hip to the, ankle—some of them large ami ■ painful, a great deal. I tried everything 1 could think of or friends could suggest. The phy j sieians did what they could, but brought no permanent relief. My lease was well known in Ibis tom immily, as well as the fearful suf Icrings I endured. 1-ast fall, at beamed of. I almost doubt the I power of Omnipotence to equal it.’ |-All,’ said the medium, 'I can how you greater things than that.’ Further conversation cn sued in a similar strain, when Judge Bond burst out with: ‘But I tell you, sir, I challenge the A1 One man in Germany has made mighty to do such a tiling. Why, < and sold 3,000,000 thermometers, sir, can you believe it? I left this ■ That’s what you might call gentleman not twenty minutes , ing money by degrees, ago on the steps of the Parker What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?" One sells watches, and the other watches cells. mak- Hoiise!’ At this the medium be came naturally furious, and ex claimed: ‘1 told you to write the | names,of the dead men on that Ii-.t.’ ‘No,’ replied Judge Bond, with a look of child like simplici ty, ‘you did not; you told me to write the names of Irionds. and 1 ilid so. There isn’t the name of a single dead man on that list. ‘•There,” said the young hus band as lie placed the paregoric ; handy before going to bed, “I’m like the prudent sailor, making ready for squalls.” is needless to add that the judge and his friend departed without ecrcmonv. Tlic old lady who asked for • gold ling sixteen parsnips fine was probably related to the elderly gentleman who said Ins daughter It was attending the conservatory of r w AW MI Pullovs, Shafting, Hangups, AND MILL WORK, Write to us for PISK’ES ami DISCOUNTS, make it to your interest to l>uv direct from us. E. VAN WINKLE & 00., 3yE-A-TTTTF-A.Ca?TTI^E!I^S, ^Atlanta, Geovg’ia. Notice to tiie Trade—We give discounts to the trade.; mav 21 3in. STEVENS’ POTTERY! When sorrow surrounds you, my eyes ! « n,il '*■ « disgusting sight to overflow; i sec how l»a«l off and nasty he was. Therefore, iny dear children, I bid yon I soon saw Mr. hog was badly out a, fi l ll: 1 of bis element, and I tried to coax I hope my kind neighbors your guar-! hiln to cat C|)rn> ,, ut , ie ai(l not rSF* All Gluck :«ii< 1 Watch Work War- ! ranted. marlD-ct _ I pins' law put in force three times, A Cotton Press, or a H. I. G0RTAT0WSKY, ■ on i*o while men and one negro, Witciuiker, Jeweler Ed Engraver, ' :lD,i 11 l,rwli ‘‘ l|,, ’ ,n,,i < asl|icl,r!, ii'i told the tale, go where they would; And Dt.iKr in it is one of the best and safest <’ioc*k», Yl si foil**?*. Jewelry laws for rogues that can be made; au«l Silverware. for it kept down roguery in Ala . dians will be, . , . , ... i * , .r j . ,,i -if have anv appetite; a thing I nev ehua county for many years; and , And Heaven, kind Heaven, will save 11 ” if this law was properly and con : you from woe. | stitutionally prepared, instead of When sorrow surrounds you my trou- a pleasure place called peniteutia- j Wes increase*; j ry, an»l many seek it for pleasure. This world can t receive me nor grant as it looks to me, there would not mc , ; There is none but mv Savior, whose : be so many there. . - : r * mercies arc* free; 1 lie next law was hanging, or ^* un j )ar j on a sinner, a rebel like me. : set him free. , , ... ... My soul through His mercies I hum- a little I got a bright milk pan As many came to the territory ,. • m h , * . 1 , r .. . e, ami poured a lot of corn in it and n lb2o~2b—of the worst of men— » 1- » i ! * the suggestion of a friend, I be gan the use of Swilt’s Specific, li prod ne :«l a change so apparent { Aii Enterprising, Reliable House, that it astonished everybody as ,| # \y. Stanuoko can alwavs be one ulcer after another disappear- I relied upon, not only to carry in ed, and none were more astonish ! st,otK ed than myself. Six bottles pro best of everything, but ! to secure the Agency for such ar ticles as have well known merit. : and are popular with the people, c* ^ 3 k H L ; 1 a; » i - a • E. 2 ~ i * S* 3 ~ d zr 2 Z o Near Miiledgeville. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. Hemlquartcrs for Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer, Culvert and Water I’ipes. from 2 lo 24 inch calibre, for Draining I-aml, 15. R. Culverts, Road and Street Crossings and Well Curbing. Fire, Grate, Border and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Flues. Lining for Fur naces, Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Shape or St vie on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets. Stumps, Chimney Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clay and Sand, suitable for Fur nace Building or other similar purposes. Correspondence Solicited. Our prices are reasonable. All we ask is a trial. Stevens’ Bros. & Co. mar 19 6m PROPRIETORS- rv k . 1 <-u k r*"’ y/. r o i—i irv Fiiiiiliire! -:o:- I lfavc jqst opened at the Owen it Sealy old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE, and will, as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, Lave on hand a full line of everything usually kept in a -ssFIRST-6LASS ESTABLISHMENT*- 'of this kind. I propose to buy in large quantities, direct from Fac tories, and will compete in style and prices with any house in Georgia. i> r* w H P V* 0 K Cl 4 i> 0 h! y b bJ K| “ c:’*< < * 2 'k k 2 * = c x 2 '< ^ - S' 3 05 p- = " mi j - S3 - '< v ri o ■x -3 X W tx) o m r C/3 > D O X r D x tn 2: 1-3 Pi n H vw ^1- ta— L-J ta- *»W . 1 1 My soul through llis merries I I lily resign, With saints and sweet angels I hope j these laws were of good service, j there to join; for thev To tell oi His mercies bis wisdom and er saw him refuse before; so left bear and bog, and concluded to finish my practice on the feath ered tribe. I was a little bother | ed at first bow to give it, as I wanted them to drink it of their ; own free will, giving them a fair, free will chance. After studying milk duccd an entire cure. My restor alion is due entirely to the use of thereby sustaining the reputation this medicine. It is the best ! of being always enterprising, and blood purifier ill the world, and will come nearer doing what is ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Dr. j ' -" 0 . V | Kings New Discovery for Con- claimed for it than any medicine I sumption, will sell it on a positive have ever tried. 'guarantee. It will surely cure! music. “I'll make you dance!” cried an irate mother, pursuing her er ring son, slipper in baud. “Then,” remarked the juvenile, “we shall have a bawl.” A gypsy marriage consists of tile bride and groom stepping over a broomstick. I11 Christian marriages the broomstick usually comes into the play after mar riage. A scientific gentleman in Lon- J. XL Watkins, Jasper, Ga., March 11, 'S3. I any and every affection of Throat,! don is trying to produce cats i Lungs, and Chest, and to show without tails. This should not and Sik i 11 Treatise on Blood Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. our confidence, we invite you to : call and get a Trial Bottle Free. : called the chickens up, and they i soon went for the corn. I went a littl ‘You are doing nicely,’ said the doctor encouragingly, to an old j darkey patient. ‘1 w ill call again i to morrow, and will leave you this „, e most conte niptuous, A pretty young tnaina, with a prescription now to save you from | loots at everythin*, irl by her side nearly as ‘ pain in the interim.' Then he was being en She Had Found Him. be a very difficult undertaking he has a good sharp cleaver. if Wisdom and politeness are not always associated. The owl, said to be the wisest of birds, is also He and a great protection, .... needed the brand. I love; and poured out about a quart of | jrc -tty as berseir, was being en went out. ‘Da’s or ’scription dat This nemo's crime came under Who pardons poor sinners and crowns j liquor; I believe it was gin or j tended 6y a stranger who had ,| e doc-tali lei",’ said the patient , . 0 , , , them above. ' rum, as it was very clear, and I ‘ a f r ,ir.Lr the hanging law; and I saw him: 1 ’ - ’ shuck up After this man was h ung by Simon Dell, who was an acquaintance feebly to his wife, ‘an' I wans yo' usual and always ! ter go tor de drug sto’ an’git it hung, it' poured it in the pan. and then .through the 2 O n o W ta- 4- ' ta-i li C3 5— 1 L.-4 I—I WW ta-4 taW K| a c w j sheriff and drove the cart from i aeernea to pl! * ce U,e drunkard in ; poured corn in the pan with the j tonvellicIlt mcdiumsliip .or the j filled. Tell de drug sto’ mandat under him, and let hint down easy, j °I* n vic , wof , llis com T :lni « n ' wl,i * j li ff" or ; aml ' :llIed u l* l J ie , father. litlle gir |. The stranger did all u’s fo’ my interim, an’ lie sho’ an' ..., . 1111 kev, and liad a great tendency to! ed tribe, and they pitched in the 1 he most people I had ever seen - ’ ® J > . 1 r. 1 1 stop so much drinking for a while. I liquor after the corn. I saw a few were there; and after he was hung 1 *» , * . , , , . ,, ,, ,, , , , r: Not long after this I lieard J. ! did not like it at first, and I oniy 20 minutes Dell pulled the black 51 , ,, , , : Tucker, a Baptist minister, preaeli, gave them corn enough to see tnc cap off, so everybody could see ’ * ’ ‘ 0 ..... . . ', , , from a text; that was, as long as ; effect. I waited a bit to see the how a hung man looked. ’ ° 1 I was within a few feet of him. you kept the strong man ont of; effect; and I soon saw they bo und described the drunkard, and made him safe until lie invited the the and anxious lo look at him, which I did to my satisfaction; and I am not in possession of words to . describe the horrible looks on bis slron S raan ,n hi * llo,,sc - an ’ 1 black, fat and ! 9tron S man l,e P ut ,lown as " L,s ‘ key; and inoffensive in its proper ml! place, but out of it it was your house your goods were safe; came very merry, and even the! anr | <lc*murely the talking. He was one of those :lx him ef I'se to lake it eternally, men who think they know every or jes’ rub it on tho outside, an' tiling but only rarely get a good j ef so wharr.’ chance to tell it. The lady an sweretl only in monosyllables. The little A girl with three arms i.-; one face, as he was very licr.s tried toc-row; so I concluded to thriblile the dose, and I gave them plenty, »nd before they got too drunk I never was so amused in mv life to see the bens crowing girl listened patiently j of lhe altrauti,,ns of a Ir“'"sian:t rely for a time, and then side s,low ' Tllis - v °fr n - la,1 > rTs 1°" Said Brougham when lie was ■ struggling lawyer: "Circumstan ces alter cases, but I wisli I could get hold of some cases that would alter my circumstances.” The bees legs arc said to be very powerful. It can draw twenty times the weight of it. body. Wc always supposed a bee's strongest point was in hi. tail. began to fidget around in her i ou S' lt to sm, Sht scat. Finally, as the stranger slopped for breath, she said: “JIainma, you’ve found one, ain't yon?” “What, mv dear?” marriageable youn neighborhood. She ; capld for fry every j m^p in An Illinois man sneezed a bul- th c j let out of his nose the other day. „„,l Those fellows who will persist in , . . 1 looking into the muzzles of their two arms around a man s neck. 0 rith f5 llns sce “ *'“ e y arc loaded while she turned pancakes the other. must suffer the consequences. Why, don't yon remember what j ‘Yon say,’ said a judge to aj ‘XIa,’ said little Johnny, hold- c = n £ K 2 = ls|- > 1 , - . ,1 >i- ^ ,; hiucc, Dutuui ut it it wits a rob- j und pituli in for fight with the lar set of teeth. His eves ami 1 ’ .... , . t , ' 1 ... D . . , her. a sneak, a broiler, and a blood ; rooster, striking at each other and , tongue are in snv view to this day;, * * ’ ° . and for months this tale was told, thirsl - v deeeiver , »» d wa8 arao “8 st j missin S thc I,ck - s0,nrt ' mcs ,,vc i you told pa’ when he said you’d witncs8 , ‘U, a t the plaintiff resorte.1 i i»S >'P bis mother’s slipper, 'c-an | and repeated in every howsehold i the * tron S cst tl,in S s on earUl ’ f‘>r or six inches,and over on ,, e lonesomc on tlie cars? You i t0 an illgPnious use ofcircumslan-1 vou tell me why your slipper i. for a vear or more, or' until a man ! il wonIli ruin man or beast put of i U,dr bcails ’ S cttin S "P an<l hittin S : said you'd find some bore to talk ; lial cvi ,l,nce. State just exactly ! in Georgia killed his wife, and lbcir P ro P er sen8C *' 1 P aid 3 j at tbe fir8t cbicken to corae ,n \you to sleep.” what vou ...can by that.’ Another Reduction In Buggy and Wagon Harness. Examine our stock before von buy ct ALLISON A- SJXIPSON. * was condemned to be bung. This man’s name was John Ad kins, who was a gentleman in ev- ! cry respect, and a man of great in fluence and talent, and very much i.ei -i - • , , ; to vear, as it was a common habit thought of, besides a minister and - ’ , to invite vour friend to drink and •Well,' good deal of attention to him, u| reach; and continue until they. ji am ma looked out ot me win- sa id thc witness,‘my exact mean he frequently alluded to the rope j became so drunk they would fall j (iow an( } t | ic stranger suddenly ! in „ is t ] lat | ie Red.’ and look nsi.i 1.. i._ l.j i...,,.. — " as the last end of drunkenness. ] about and lie down and look I thoii-sht lie bad better gi into In those days almost every man ! sick as they could be, and three ; l j lc 8mo kjn" car to find bis friend. kept liquor in bis hsuse from year j of them died. j Chicago llcralrl. 1 went back to look for Mr. bear; be was yet asleep, and so was bog; and I began to think of what I had done; perhaps the liquor would kill the pile; and I knew I poet; but unfortunately would ! drink a little too much. ‘He ha( ,. be social, and was only worth 50 DRUNKENNESS aver - vniccamlawoiuan of i to62iccntsasalIon - good education and standing,! I kept'this idea of the strong CURED IS ITS VARIOUS STAGES, very kind and generous; but one man ' n m >' bead, and concluded 11 would stop the growth of a two- day Adkins had been to a gather- j would give it a trial on beasts, or . year-old hickory if the old folks ing and had drank too much, and t anything that I could get it down; j came home; but I saw Mr. bear returned home, and at the gate too i so OIie ‘bay myself and a few | move and stretch, and I went to A boy- in one of the schools, while engaged in defining words, a few days since, made a mistake that was not a mistake. He said, ‘A demagogue is a ves sel that holds beer, wine, gin, like the after sail of papa’s ship?* •No, my son; why is it?’ ‘Because/ said Johnny, ‘it’s a spanker.’ — ♦ Garfield Desire f**r stimulants entirely remov- e»l. Home treatment. MeJiume can be administered without knowledge of pa tient, by simply nlaeiiijr it in eoil'e*. tea or any article of food. Cures guaranteed. friends was in the Suwannee riv-; him and called him, and he seem- I A nen - explosive, known as kin • etite, is at present being studied i in Germany. It consists, it is : said, of a mixture of oils and gum whiskey or any other kind of in cotton, and is superior to dyna- toxicating liquor.’ mile, as its manufacture and ma- ; — —— nipuiation are absolutely without Lhera are 300 applications on danger; it will detonate ouly un- *"d e - l ’ r admission of patients to der certain peculiar and well <le | theinsaneasylumat Xlilledgexi.le. lined conditions of , M rs. Garfield is worth about public; $450,000, which nets an income, at 4 per cent, of $16,000 a year. Her (icnsion from congress is $5.- 000 annually, making her entire resources $21,000 a year. f shock. Only j Patients arc only admitted now as 1 U(;t ' 0 ) concussion ex vacancies occur by restoration, re j '., ’ ,! inoval or death. One of the new will have full charge of the business, and will be found at his post at all times ready to serve all in bis usual fair and square manner. REMEMBER the place, Owen & Scaly old stand, East side Public Square, Cutbbert, Ga. Respectfully, J. W. STANFORD. of his little girls ran a-.d met him, j 3100 WILL BE PAID : the other two were smaller,) | « swimming; the river was low, j ed to know mc, but looked very t| rt se<Uo ! and expected their father as usu- ^ tbe water clear; and we found i queer, or ashamed, and hot; so I j * , ^? r C Will "ma "cure. ? .'ireui'ure I al would take them up and kiss -an alligator five or six feet long: gave him a bucket of water, antlD ’ # b| . iHiant buildings is completed, but not [ j vomamuia testimonials and fullparticu-1 them, and take them in bis arms | am * we concluded to catch him i<« .1—.k l—r never drmb l»e 1 3 ' "golden SPECIFIC CO. j and carry them back, as lie f re -! and give him some of the strong je-liMy. IS.-, itaee st„ rinviwnati. O. ; m , ent i v ~,lid it: but the devil, I j man. J. Basdcn got him first, suppose, possessed him to act and of course w* all assisted him; _ _ ... rough ami rude with them, an d anl * after getting him out on the j him some water, and he began tp Joe Pruissus lo John Peene, j \Ye have in every penitcutiary in get np, but to my surpuse be At dinner: A waggish guest before whom lias been placed a dish of fish turns to bis fat’- neighbor and says: “Aliss, will you have some of this dead fish? ' Dead fish? Oh ugh—how horri- uo; none for me, thauk i you: January 22 6m. To Sportsmen! 25 round Kegs of Powder for $4. Shot. Wads and Prime!s in pro portion, at ct ALLISON 1- SIMPSON'S. he drank as bear never drank be-1 fore; and soon was able to stagger jTlic true composition is being X' ct furnished. around; about that time pig be gan to move about; and I gave carefully kept secret. ‘I see your wife's back,’ Xlormons are whining about said ; "breaking up family relations.” left the children disappointed and san ‘l bar we poured down about crying, and walked to the door and met his wife, who, hearing the children cry, came to the door saying: “John, what will become as much liquor as wc thought he could stand, and turned him loose; j begged and squealed and he made for the water; but he did not stay long before out he went lo the trough for more, and as though he must have it. I filled it with water, but no go, he wanted hon- whosc better half has been on a visit to Hastings. ‘Well,’ said Peene, if yon see anything on iny wife's back that ain’t paid for, just mention it.* thc union a lot of fellows who deeply sympathize with the senti ment for similar reasons. But they are busy learning trades all tbe same. . don- “You say be called you a key?” “Yes.” “What did you do about it?” “Nothing.” “Well, if a man shonld call n>c a donkey I'd kick him with both feet.” -Certainly, any donkey would naturally do that.”