Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 11, 1885, Image 1

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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal. BY STANFORD & COOPER. “Independent in Ail Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE* VOL. V. w- 4-- CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 188.5. NO. 18 CANCER ChapA Hill, DoruL.««-CorxTr. C,\..i Hrpkmber ht. 1»7!#. ) is to certify that I hare been cured of cancer on rtiy no.-c* of eight year*'Man<lm£. from fne use of on ly one small bottle of Dr. Haychv«*o«rs r ’ cat cancer remedy, star Cur roe. which piircliesed from my old friend." Mr. ramp, your a-^eflt f«*r Douglas couniy. in August, and I a»u now entirely well— this the first of November, 1*79. You can use my name in recommendinuthi.- f*reat reinody to the public if von wlalt. as 1 think it the ereatesf remedy for can- m. Yours truly. MRS. It. WILLIAMS. cers iu the.wori AND OKXD for largo Illustrated Cat.ilo.snie 1^ of the DkI.oach Water \V1h«1<. Por table Mills. Mill tunics, and all kind of Hill Supplies. Saw Mills, flins, and anything needed about a Mill. ’Water ’Wheels Atlanta (Ja., June SO, 1879. Gentlemen—i wish to Kav to you that 1 have le*en suffering widi a sore leg for prvcral years, and I have had several j doctors to }»raetice on it without wiccess. j They all said if would have to he ampu- I fated, but I could not stand that. I saw j y«»ur advertisement in the papers, and | concluded to try your Mar (’urine. 1 j have been using it for six week?, and am I now entirely well. You can use inv I name in any way you see fit in recom mMidiugyo'ur great remedy. I know it will cure any kind of chronic sores, by experience. I wish you «m re-s. gent e men. Thanking you for the medicine you saved my life with. I am Yours verv respectfully, UK iTIE Kit EE MAN. CATARRH Atlanta. (Tv., June 30, 1*79. Cientlenicn—Yon can n y o my name in reeoniuicnding Dr. Hayelwod’ e-tiir <’u- rinc for t’aneer. It ha* cured me of Can cer of six vears’ standing. Respectfully yours. * AM*RED EDWARDS. Atlanta. June 30, 1*79. Dear Sirs—You have tny eminent to use my in recommending Dr. Hay- Hw«hmV* Star Curine for Dry t’atarrh. I liHve had Catarrh for several years, and the Star Citrine has cured me. Yours truly, ( AIT. W.M McCOSNKI.b. Contractor. FRENCH WINE COCA 'i lie Evil of Eai iy Marriages. One great cause of early mar marry late should bear in mind tj»at if they get a good husband Strengthens auil Exliilerates. j riages is the |iernicions habit of they have done well by waiting; provision for her insane and deaf A Seeded 4'liariiy. While Georgia has made noble S CSI tioi j calling a girl who remains nmnaV- j and if they get a | ried until twenty five an “old This is done by many bad Suicide of a Quaker. In Philadelphia, on Saturday, f.clilia J. Draper, a Quakeress. one proof they did not wait long enough. If they never marry at all they may console themselves with the thought that they hare it is ; and dumb and blind, there is one! 50 years old, committed suicide.! hard on whisky sellers,'’ said a I Confucius: To die well i IVliy Smile Men tin into the Whiskey J Writers’ Wilirai Tronic—Cases of Necessity. | Cicero; To live long it is “Preachers ought not to be too: sary to live slowly. CURED. «ATECITY MEDICIAECOm 38 Wall Street, Atlanta. For .“ale bv J. " , J*tunfonl inay21-lv almnt half the usual price. and Portable Mills so cheap that every Farmer can af ford one. a ml they are guaranteed to make First-Class Table Meal. Sent for prleos.nml vou will be sur- prUed. A. A. DKLOACJ! A DUO.. Atlanta. La. merits of our Work, we referto the following gentlemen, vrho have bought of us; <*. A. Rarrv. Onnn ,V Stanford. .1. Y. Ivey. K. W. Pittman, and J. T. <S corse, Cuthhert, La. Also! mativ others of the bo-l citizen* nf -oath \ West La. i»»Hy2l-3m | U endorsed by ovt f 2O.0O0 eminent Medi- * I cal .Men in tlie world, and l%mbcrton'i Eiam Johnson, Son & Co., . . . pie who have used it. There ihealth Wholesale .vnd joy in every bottle. For sale bv ~ p n .. . . nil druggists, and J. W. ^TANV**.JiUb •»» Grocers & Commission Merchants, <*uthhct <.a 4. S. Pl.jlftKRTON'A tO.. diges- I maid.’’ >n. imparts tew energies to the ,, . , , , , worn ..r exhausted mind and b ,dv. and ? well meaning but thoughtless per excito every f^mneabhy action. | sons W1)U |,1 1 >C sorry u, t hiuk i, a wonderful mv:-.„au.r of the genital! ll,at an T act or expression ofj escaped a world of trouble, and organs ami is a specific for all nervous* complaint^, such as sick headache. nec- KALOIA, WAiU H LSKS-S. LOSS or MEMORY. NKUVOt • TULIIOla 4 . LOSS OF AITETITE, PE- PKRS.SIOX OF sriniTs, ETC. Pembcrfoa** Hine Fora Will vitalize your blood and build your health at rtlice. lawyers. Mil ters. Teachers, Orators, Vocalists. and all \\h-i spt#k in public, will find the Wine 1‘oca.Aaken half hour before speak ing. a specific for the voice. WIAS: FIMA. theirs had ever caused one an hour * that there are some married w> of misery; yet Ibis very dread of men who envy their lot. • - - j _ _ _ being called an “old maid" liar-: , . . i driven more women into marrying 1 VP j and lifelong misery than any olio | unfortunate class of e.iir popnla- i A very old official in the Coroner's ; young man the other day. “What-; learn to live well, tion that has no protection, wtiile. j office said, at the inquest, that he 'over may lie wrong in the traffic, f Ruskin: Conceit may puff ft if possible, they are more pitiable i never before knew or beard of a ! many men are forced into it be ; man up, but never prop him up. objects for charity and public | suicide by a member of the Socie j cause those who oppose it do not! Ovid: Taken rest; a field that care than even those denominated ! tv of Friends. I lend a helping hand to young men j lias rest gives a bountiful crop. We refer to that vast army of* Jt is a remarkable fact that it i out of employment. I bad a wife! Seneca; The plant that is often er thing excepting, perhaps, pov- , ° . , ° 1 1 I best phv ertv. A girl, young, sensitive, . * , . . but said unused to the rough world, shrinks from ways of the liaviug What S. S. !S. is Doiug for Me. I have suffered a long time with cancer aid skin eruption. The sieians tested their skill, they could do taken drunkards scattered throughout the length and breadth of our State. Every community has its quota of these unfortunates, and. hence, any move looking to their care and ultimate reformation is a very unusual thing to hear of ami child depending on tne a Quaker crimind ora Quaker j bread, but I bad nothing to pauper. Quakers are not found ! 11 in lunatic asylums or places of ill . did for do, as any man ever to find employment which repute. They do not commit sui j could bring no possible reproach ide because their manner of liv-■ upon me, but no one helped me j" 7 would be felt and appreciated by j inn docs not lead to the condition j until a kind whiskey dealer, whose 12 Decatur and 13 Line .Sts., ATLANTA- GA. more for me. I have u«ru u»; , , , • ; , . , . , . , , anv. . lrl . c ... nearly every family. Medical of mind that precedes the crime; heart is as big as his body, gave - . ■ than a half dozen bottles of Swift s I * I , . , . stigma cast upou her. When she . . . ! science has discovered that drun; of suicide. me employmcn. out of pure syin , ,, ,, , , ' Specific, and to mv surprise as,. . . t . , Grst hears herself called an **° * 1 Wi }| as j - i], t woul'r of all n | kenness is nothing more or less! The Quakeress who committed i pathy lor my family-. 1 eople who maid it is ft revelation, and she j ' , * j than a disease, and can be sue suicide, on Jsaturda v, in I’hiladel-! know wliat it is to be with- blow, j .J* 13 , S ' *!'" J* 1 " 6 ,_ “Jeessfully treatdl and cured thelplda, Had been afflicted with a ! °ut money and friends, and who But it nervous disease for a loog time, 1 °* P ^ lc terrililegrind *->L 1 *I-..prietor- and Manufaelurer tn.-iyi’l-lylm ATLANTA. PA TTTK feel that our present organized ! sn > > si n « ! laugh " ^ BsSerpnse & Appeal. ’ fc ni»letlLtrilmiiiif' in the Smitli. will bo a siillirifiit jrn;:r.Tiil«-c» to Shippers of tho host rr-'iilt- nffordod by tho tiiarkot.-. Wo shall always soli here whon wo ran, and only forward Mi-Ions and Fruit when wo mil-1. 1'onsi rnnioHts soli«-itod. EhAM JOIINS(‘N, SON’ A <’t>. inay21-3m SUiLsCUH'TioN FRICK >ne copy one year .... Ki"lit months . . . “ Four months . . . advertising rati: fails under it as if it were a ahe feels as if it were ah imputa tion upon her character iq some way; and though sho may try laugh it off. the wound is sters ami corriaics ----- —j life that was once as liappv as a j bird's lias now become a skeleton, : l oo! wldcii she thinks pap oifiy be re ; . 50! mover! by man jago. jl js a mis-! — '■-~: take to vhinl; that single life is! i any less xio'ulc than marriage, es j the skin is smooth and clear, my eye is almost well, and the cancer j on mv neck is diving up. I have! same as the opium habit. requires a distinct mode of treat and her sufferings became un- ■ poverty, can never understand transplanted does not prosper. Longfellow: In this world ft tnan must either be anvil or bus* mer. Franklin: An investment ift knowledge always pays the best interest. Seneca: Enjoy present pleas ures in such a way as not to in jure future ones. Lowell: No man is born into the world w hose work is not born with him. liuuud to Bet Married. Ilenry Cole, aged seventeen. to. * * * meat from ordinary afflictions,' bearable. Site probably reached how the unfortunate turn front the there, i ~‘ l ' ne ^ * l ' e * K>11 1 18 1111 1 and it is only the Slate than can the point of irresponsibility before - church which offers no substantial j , • , ! the last month, and ain now in ,, , . ,* : , I L n <.ir m-inv wh!«kev mm! ' vas bound to marry Lucj Spier, till the |, , , , , , i > - «r should afford the outlay ncces- she commuted the crime that end help. I know many ntuskey men. _ ; better health than I have been in I . . . ’ ... ! ,, Ll™»l.«irt« ,»nnii.Hr a 2 e< ‘ fourteen. She ran away ml was once as happy as a - a i 1 I l i I sary to equip a hospital for • her life. whose hearts are quiLkiy touened j eleven years. A terrible load has been lifted off of me. 1). A- Hput-Rso*. Dunreith. Ilenry Co., lud. Laundry and Toilet Soaps, I»oii-Ton and Royal Gloss Start'll,; I or<*:u-h s»il*sv<|iic»it Launtlry Ulueing, at iVi* cca t at Ones(|aarc, (ten lines our lew 1 ^ |cj nsoftiou ......... $1l.(>0j Fcrmiltcil Va inflict its MU ► 'or esu*h suhsvom iit insortata „ «.i...i.. n ot T. S, POWER'S Drue Store. i ... . • .. » . on a wh«iie household. All personal matter attvblc price, j Obituaries will be chr.r-ed for as | ^ W«tlicr* D’eastire ther a-lvertiscnu'iita, j daughters Riorui sipvi; tu j tlu*:r inmost feelings* in a win —Taylor’s Premium (’ojagne f »r sale at J. W, Sr.wford's. Advert i.seiRwnts inserted without -])ceifieation as to the number of in- -e.rtivms "ill be jniblishod until order- and sympathetic way; r^ l >; . i luve a;id confidence by aLtm ing due when band- J ^ ! that they have beart s t were girls and often mad id, and rhariryd ; All advertisements »d in. NOTICE TO vi ) J. J. WORSHAM, DEI'S 7 ! CCTUliKRT, GA- Office over I’ostoffiee. I .eptl-slf A girl who has her mother fuy c<mtjilant is not so anxious to llie shelter of her home to for what dark? free From Malaria. |p. Hip tall of 1SS4 I was taken with a case of malarial fever whjch prostrated me both body * !l , and mind- I waE drugged afier llie o|d fashion with mercury and other mineral mixtures, lnyt with ; no goo j results. My health was . shattered and my epe.rey gone. ,,nc<- My tegs apd feet would swell, and mistakes.-= j everybody tltougbl was dropsy. These symptoms j armed rue, apd j was ready to rasp at any remedy sugu A friend advised me to try Swift' I purpose. Therefore, we suggest! The Quakers are a quiet, iu- ihat our legislature establish an dustrious economical people, inebriate asylum in Georgia, un i They aim to deal justly with cv- der the control of physicians whojeryone. They are healthy and have made the cure of drunken i fresh looking even after they have thou learn kind their ness their study, and let it he free ! entered the period of old age, be- i eluirek the poor and the unfortu- j seek scenes of' n; tte who are so often chilled by a to all classes, llie same as our other great public institutions. Such an institution would indeed lie a blessing to the State, and ils grand results would soon be felt in every town and hamlet in Gem- . not seek scenes ot ,'■•<1 a . ' in- ami got the licens and do not permit cold chanty will more readily turn j ^ TUc honey . indulge to excess in _ J® ' 1< n ' l ma “ 5 f U ‘?. T ' tinned for two entire I ause they do not excitement a themselves to the pleasures of the”table. j begging him for bread which lie It is to be regretted that the j cannot give them, lie doesn t Quakers arc pot increasing in ■ think about bis souls salvation. statistics ! TUc uppermost and all absorbing thought is for bodily welfare.— hhu :i chance to a cave - , ■ alai take gin. We know a number of bright j number. The latest and promising young men, now j show that their religious organi- filling drunkards’ graves, wlm j I!lt j oll is slowly but steadily de j Vnlil you give (dining. The rule that required ea| n bread, you needn t talk to them to marry members of their nouid io day be alive and pros perous ha and asylum for inebriates '^vated cstaldished, to which their | own society has almost fallen into fvWftdi Could have sent them, disuse, and the young people are WiM D. KIDD00, 1 *"7* 1 ■■■' -“-'taken the three nomes, , |-“““ * i society roan ot this city. lTTOP „V AT . v\V "“ l eX1>PCt l ' M> m,,Ch ,n “ ,is i have made a perfect cure, and i be(ng, \\ bn* Uquor has ; try and thrift, have a good infill-! were sitting upon a sofa tog *' . ble, and with a little sigh let the ; ,.. d ^ ^ ln . (lav . There ; co,n i ,lc ^ vonUu ' * ,in,n - ,cl j l1 ' u '° Communities in which ; am , as l|(e t . onvcrsalion pr , : ! never was a more meritorions | hi,n bo » rra, S“«‘* Ucfl,,ro lbc they live. Their homes have the K he allowC(lllis arm to r i "‘''iv“;^aU-o°K' C tr U 11 were not for the | rat . aidnc off e wl ,« suffering , U1 Ordinary of a county, and carried ni .p ea ranee of prosperity, »».: ivM a 0 wn until he Urol it a “the leap in the dark-” is jt but a leap in the oa. Kr a ^ (W eif\c. I pKieurcd thten bo.t , . , . - pecies of slavery to one ha 11 llu ‘; t | e3 an ,( c<unl r.cnced its use. The! ' 5 v-cipousildc than anv j Oliver religious organisations. swelling soon subsided. , Mvc |other roapmc, ami he should be. Their steady habits, their mo.1 taken The three bottles, which jandc*TCd for as an irres-, eration in ail things, their iudus have made a perfect cure, and 1 |^ l, hs|bjc being. When liquor has! lry and thrift, have a good influ women who maryv. Hnn* | womes; van truly say, **\V not expect Dxo much in in any mu si this want COTTON SEED OIL A Cotton Gin, A Cotton Feeder, A Cotton Condenser, A Cotton Press, or a H. SAW M ILL, Pulleys Shafting, Hangers, AND 'MILL WORK, mainly, for me. It has wrought wonders Wit ns Joses. that seems inseparable from the! W. R. THORNTON, i mind of youth, there would be' 1) E N T 1ST , probably few marriages eorojvava-[ Leesburg. Lee Countv, Ga„ rETHBEBT, GA. j Uvi ' lv - * l saw i> »»: *»« i M . m . h u . x«S5. : Wot side Il'idic «ith rational eyes, with tbej Trcatjse (m B!o>xl an<l SUin V | glamor of romance brushed **«av.; Djspase , niaH o.l free. O ffice over 1*. L. Dunn GORTATOWSKY, mmiki Jeweler Ed Enrnisr, And Dealer in Tlorks tVatclirs Jewelry un,l Si IV er « la re. forcibly, if necessary, to the bnatc a-vlom for The Dullsville Maiden. A Louisville girl who was visit ing here a short time ago scored a [signal triumph over a fresh young society roan ot this city. They were sitting upon a sofa together. progress- gradual around inc ; ibeir surroundings indicate peace j j* w .,j s t , I r I I II - with him, but wher. they applied bv appeals for help, and who will i ’ . . * , . . ... . . . for a license their united capital render assistance without tainting ... ... . , , A reached only fourteen cents. The it with a spirit of distrust and! J ... ,, f clerk was inexorable, so the bride- suspicion. \\ ben the spirit of: . . , „ ... .. , , , , i ,i ('room waited until nightfall. Christian helpfulness pervades the ■ ” . , . . 1 broke into a smoke house, stole some bacon sold it the next morn* and got the license with the moon eon- hours, when the twain were arrested for atesl- ing.— Utica (-V. I*.) Observer. • Captain, wliat was the matter with your son when he died?” “Nothing was the matter with . him when he died, except that he was very dead.” ‘T’rctly sick though before he died, wasn't he?” “Well, he wasn't as peart as he had been.” “Died a natural death, I sep- posc?” “Yes.” “Whiskey?” “Whiskey.”—Arkansav Trav eler. Dr. A. C. Mathews, of Elberton, him of heaven.”—Sashrille Jiau | in all its naked truthfulness, many 1 would be apt to say, “I would ire 1 worse off then thau I am now. It , >s better to bear mv burden alone The Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 5. Atlanta. Ga. Hundreds of valuable lives could thus lie saved annnafly, and thou amis of helpless women and chit jdren made happy. These ine hrinte asylums are no exprri ! men Is, for there are a number now i in successful operation in Europe j and America, but they are private treatment. , and happiness.-Savannah Xe,o. ] S , JC arosc verv indignant, and , Ga „ lost a pair of gold spectacles ivnc con li I ——L 1 * *- 7 * Hull, t tViiumls si the Heart. I)r. H L. Harrington, of Mon j month, HI., writes: “In your is sue id’ April 4th, under the title, ’Is Death Necessarily Instantane- ions After Bullet Wounds of the j he made the following explana tion and apology: “1 hope you will not think anything ot this.; a g a jnst whom the doctor held ft It is just a way I have. All the j no |. c for $50. On learning thftt Memphis boys act the same way,. Lite negro had found them the and you will have to get used to .foclor called on him to get them, it. I hope you will not take an.v|'pi, e negro claimed a reward for offence at it, as it s just my way. , finding them, and the doctor fin- Slie left the room, but came j a ||y agreed to give him the note in satisfaction of his claim, but I a few days since, and they wer# picked up by a negro man in town ISf~ l.l.-.l. All 1 'luck and Watch Work War- rn:irl9-(t Dress Well. j and America, but they are private Heart?' you relatea very interesl- tbnn to add another to it or add to 1 Do not disdain dress and the j institutions aud the expenses tor ing case. Let me detail another another’s.” ] little neckties of the toilet; you treatment arc greater than most , wry remarkable case, which came A very mischievous writer once ! may be a very clever woman,! families can bear. So let Georgia j ““dcr my observation while house j said: "An offer of marriage is the even intellectual, but. for all that: set l he example of inaugurating , physician in Cook County Hospit highest compliment a man can AVrito to us for PRICES anil 1 >1SC(>CNTS. make it toyour interest f<> Imydireet from its. 73 \v. E, VAN WHILE & 00., I i jA-tlanta, Greoi^gia.j Notice to the Trade—e give discounts to the trade, mnv 21 3ni. STEVENS’ POTTERY! o * 2 c 72 — x *5 r J 5* Near Milledgeville. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. Headquarters for Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer, Culvert j ■ nd Water Pipes, from 2 to ”4 inch calibre, for Draining Land. R. R. Culverts, Road and Street Crossings and Well Curbing. Fire. Grate, i Border and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Flues. Lining for Fur naces, Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Shape or | Si vie on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets. Stumps, | Cliimnev Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clay aud Sand, suitable for Fur- j naee Building or other similar purposes. Correspondence Solicited. Our prices are reasonable. AH we ask j is a trial. Stevens marl9 6m IJkos. & Co. Proprietors- r* > r> J ■ S h r\ w K* > its. % % n j c| > 0 hi Cl H b * 3 Q * — o — c* 2 2 cr x ~ p !•< j Siti I It 3 ~ i § w 2 2 i o 50 H X M tD O n r M > 2 D O X r o 53 PI 2: H n m H ww HH o H- i—1 r» Zb <1 rs tr< k*-J w- pay : ' cas'-s ! learn woman.” It is in some few A great many women have cl to their sorrow that it ! would have been nearer the truth ! if it had been written “injustice” ; instead ol compliment. Here is ! an instance: a young man decides j [that he has reached an age wIicl ' *' | back in a few minutes with a mar ried friend and sat clown on the: ifie negro would not couseftt to that w ill be l :, L Chicago, in 1875. One even- j so,a again. Soon she began to^|.,| ;u jt unless the doctor would j free to alt her citizens who need at a man aged about j- valvn an( ' gave every ostensible givc Lim a chew of tobacco al»o. .. i-norc woe l.p.viwri.t in «iti proof ot Dcmij tIioroii"l»I v bored, j — anv sense oi; its protecting care. 1 lie cost of; lllllt 3 fears was biou n ut in an t ■ ° , .. . When a bov W1 |, express wagon rapidlv driven over V‘“ally she said: “I.n dreadful-, »en a boy ' rongh pavements a distance of j •>' sleepy, and I hope you'll g< er a mile with a bullet wound in I hon «- You "nistn'l take any of as well as her position will allow. |y and social wrecks from the ex l ^ ie L'ft side; lie was in a Do not imagine that we are ad- cessive use ol intoxicating drinks, j l ” ,n profound shock, an voeating extravagance; on the | and a source of mortification and i treated accordingly, by means of heat internally applied, stiinu you cannot afford to be careless in | such an institution these matters. No woman with self respect shoal to sink into a dowdy, allow herself! its support to the tax payers but what-[ be but a mite. It can and will: ever lie her trials, she should dress transform men who are now bodi ‘ , ’ vc succeeds in con vincing liis mother that he was not swimming in the river—that HUM III * a - i • , condi- fence at this. All the Louisville il,s “an was made wet by per»p»- nd was ■ girls act the same way. You are | ration wllik ' ‘‘helping Bill Tim- xceedingly tiresome, and you had ! mins Lo oatcI ‘ a chicken just now” I better go home at once. Don’t be j—you might just as well try to it would be well for him to take a contrary simplicity is our motto, j expense to their friends and fami- j l,eat internally applied, smnu- j 0 jy ent j <M | at t lii:5. It is simply a! explain the Schleswig Holstein wile an»l settle clown. He has : which, if united in good taste, j lies* into good and sober citizens. | l ants an< ^ morphia internail}. Re* j way I havef : question as to nndertake to de- just started in life, and has enough will be found more effective in the Can we measure sneli a blessing ^ action ensued and progressed stiff, : lie stood not upon the order of: furnish a house plainly and eyes of husband, father, brother j by dollars and cents? Is there a cienlly He and all his thing lie nr lover than the most costly lire which the milliner's art at- lax payer in Georgia that will be can 1 grudge hio pittance to sustain ar,! voice, j institution that will lift his neigh-1 t -* irec wound. An autopsy made by me Llie next morning revealed the fact to admit of Ins moving, his about in bed and talking in aloud when he suddenly died, hours after receiving the comfortably, friends think the best can do is to marrv. He looks 1 invent. - I around fora wife. Does he look for one in the same station with . . himself? for one who is earning ' einating as a diamond aigrette; next session of our legislature I lhat the bullet had perforated the A simple bow iu the hair may j bore from wretchedness and de look quite as coquettish and fas- gradation? We trust that at the who has had ex-i anil a cotton dress, if fresh and some member will undertake this i a P e3C ®f ^ ,c heart, traversed the entire length of the left ventricle and auricle, and, after passing upward through the right lung. z o I have just opened at the Owen & Sealv old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE. c c H- 1 e'W w I—! > L ’ ! her cnyji livin ’ periencc in the school ol economy.! prettily made, may be as becom j great work, .and secure sneli in who has had a hard struggle and ing as silk; indeed, we have often i formation and statistics as to con , come elf conqueror, and would be seen a cotton eclipse a silk. j vince that body of the entire prac j i a true helpmate to him, and whoj We mention this to illustrate , ticability of an inebriate asylum ; become imbedded in the right ’ wants a helpmate for liersell? No.: the fact that riches are little com and we hclivethat this is all that I shoulder. 1 he c:i lie goes into society anti looks pared to taste, and that every wo ; is neccessary to secure its estab- j to ^ ,c enough importance around for the best and most at i man may dress well if she chose: bailment.—Banner Watchman. [ warrant this intrusion upou 3*011 Memphis Time,. I • cri f 1 ’? l ,hc awful expression ot , , , | that boy 3 face when Ins mother 4'11 rion.H lieu. j subsequently discovers that ho lias on another bov's shirt. A saloon keeper of Kti'eka. who had suffered from the prevailing dull times, posted a large card on his outer door bearing the in scription, “Positively no admit tance to day.” Every one who saw the notice was puzzled, and, human like, attempted to enter, which, as the door was not locked, “I tell you, sir, no woman can he fully trusted!” exclaimed ft cynical man to a friend. “Why, just look at poor Sniffson. Didn't he love that wife of his! Didn’t lie consider her an angel? Didn’t he fairly worship her? Didn't he think nothing was too good for to me to tractive girl lie can find. He : that, in fact, it is her duty to her- • meets a beautiful voting ladv, del sell and those around her to dress j ’ - j ... 1 . icately brought up. fashionably ed- as well as her position wi Very Remarkable Recovery. allow I ^ r ‘ G°o- V. Willing, of Man I Chester, Mich., writes: “My wife time ami space.”—Medieul lice- j uni. Dr. Felton, of the Carlersville was readily accomplished. The her? And how has she requited genial barkeeper was found at bis j him?” “IIow?” asked the other, post, and, with a nonchalant air,, -Gone and had twins—these hard would inquire: ‘ Well, gentlemen. ■ times.” what will you have?” Everyman! —* “Doctor,” said an old granger to a smart young physician. thus ensnared, with a sufficient amount of coin in his pocket to! ! ncated, amiable, confiding and j Those who accuse us who "rite* J hai“{^.- l Talm7iLt"l l el|jL» S 'fo r fivejcourant, goes for the State author ! I> a 3'f‘» r a drink, would imbibe,} '‘ wl ‘ at * 0,ll ‘> y°u <<o for third day helpless. He is charmed and de j of the fashions, and yon who read years, so helpless that she could ' j n Atlanta for the filthy and ! and then depart without even ! c 11 s w ,en *l H ' n ' ne *•** no more ! eides she is the one he would like [ of frivolity anil triviality, forget j not turn over in bed alone. She j un | 1M | t | ir mannpr K |,j,.|, t i, p ; mentioning the notice on the j to marry. There his reasoning j that it is just as easy to dress ■ ,,set * tvto ' stops. He “makes love.” of course, well as it is to dress badly, and and “compliments” her with the that to dress badly, and that to j offer of his hand. dress out of fashion requires as But if he would look on the oth- much expenditure of thought and ; er side for a moment, and ask him-' care as to dress in it, for who is Another Reduction self why be wants that beautiful; tastily and neatly attired is not In Buggy and Wagon Harness, girl, graceful, intelligent and love-! obliged to think of her dress at Examine onr stock before you buy ly, lie would be forced to reply: “I ail when in company while a poor- want her to cook, make my darn ct AI.LISON & SIMPSON. DRUNKENNESS , clean my house, darn ray | watch longingly for ray return, put up with ray ill humors, econo mize in every particular for mv benefit, be the mother of my ehi beds. hose. and will, as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have on 1 I t RED IS ITS VABIOI S STAGES, hand a fuli line of everything usually kept in a I Desire for stimulants entirely remov- __ _ r-, , —- _ ^ T led. Home treatment. Medicine can be -^FIRST-GLASS ESTABLISHMEMV-: -' vU1 -’ out k, ^ lrU;:c ~ of »•“- of this kind. I propose to buy in large quantities, direct from Fac tories, and will compete in style and prices with any house in Georgia. B will have full charge of the business, and will be found at his post at all times, ready to serve all in his usual fair and square manner. gtF- REMEMBER the place, Owen Ar Scaly old stand, East side Public Square, Cuthbert, Ga. Respectfully, J. w. STANFORD. January 22 fim. tient, by simply jilaoinp: it in coflec. tea or any article of food. Cures guaranteed. $100 WILL BE PAID For any case of drunkenness that Gold en Specific will not cure. Circulars containing testimonials and full particu lars sent free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. je-lJMv. ls"> Race St., Cincinnati, O. To Sportsmen! 25 Pound Kegs of Powder for $4. Shot. Wads and Primeis in pro portion, at tit ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. ly or badly dressed person always uncomfortable. feels bottles of Electric Bit^! unll - caIt,, J maDner wl ‘ itl > tlle j ters. and is so much improved, | capitol building is kept. Ilis. that siie is able now to do her own point seems well taken. The fob j Honesty the Best Policy. ... lowing is the text on which his j “Yes,” said the honest Electric Bitters will do all that of testimonials attest their great i argument is based: “It has leaked out that the basement of the farmer. “I know there are people what al ways puts the big apples at the curative powers. Only fifty cents ! Capitol is in a lamentably dirty 1 top of the bar ! but I don’t. Speaking of Simon Snvder, who was three times elected Governor] of Pennsylvania, and to whom a; a bottle at J. VT. Stanford's. m . m Avoiding a Beat. The editor of the Dcadwood Roarer attended church for the; first time last Sunday. In about 1 an hour he rushed into the offico and shouted: “What the blazes are you fel- dren. and bring them up properlvJ ^ *‘ as j uat * 5ecn erecle< '’| lows doing? How about the news , f , - the Philadelphia Record says: o ix /1 1 tv .a) 11 i.n' 1 a ** F L. a T m. .11 a*. .. 1 a and iu return for this I port her, allow her to dll sup bear Though Simon Snvder was , , , . m ' 1 tiiree times Governor of Pennsyl- name, and when she dies I 11 give , , , 1 vania, and served the people ac- j ceptably in less responsible offices, was only remarkably honest. her a Christian burial.” Now, if lie looked squarely at this side of the question, he would not be like ly to feel that he was doing such, - , _ . . , . 0 often have monuments erected in a very complimentary thing, nor ■ .1 , 1 , J their honor. If,seeing the gran go about it so complacently. And-. , .. ... . . _ 7, , , , 1 , - its shaft which after sixty five if the young ladv saw the realistic 1 - « ■ ■ ■ he ■ Honest men who die poor do not side, without the gloss and rose ate hue of poetry, she would not consider that she had been so highly complimented by the offer. Young ladle* who happen to years a grateful people have plac ed over the grave of an honest man, other office holders shall be induced to emulate bis virtues it will be a line thing for the com monwealth. j from the seat of war?” “Wliat news?” “Why, all this about tlie Egyp- lain army being drowned in the Red Sea. Why, the Gospel sharp up at the church was telling us about it just now, and not a word of it in this morning's paper. Hustle round, you fellows, and get the facts, or the Snap Shot will get a beat on us. Look spry, there, and run an extra edition, while I put on the bulletin board ‘Great English Victory in the Soudan.' ” condition. The lower corridors' arc filled with a horrible odor nearly all the time. Some of the first floor officials live in a con stant dread of disease. There has been some sickness on account of this bad state of affairs, and Mr. Frank Harralson, the Stale Librarian, attributes the death of his little daughter to the fact that she spent a great deal of time with him in tlie library, which is directly over the foulest part of the building." is Wealth. “That's right,” exclaimed the deacon admiringly. “I have al- I ways tried to convince folks that sort o" tiling don't pay in the long run.” “If they'd go to the city once in a while they’d learn something, j I put my big apples at the bot tom of the bar’l.” “That’s the way.” “Yes; you see people lias got so suspicious that they most always open the bar'l at the bottom nowa days.” It was at the baptismal font, i A farmer and bis wife went Into ; and the minister had the baby in the dentist's. | his arms. “Wbat is the name?” “How much do you charge for lie asked of the mother. “Jose- fillin’teeth?" asked the farmer. phine Newton.” “Joseph E. New “From twolo five dollars.” “An’ how much for pullin'?” “Fifty cents.” “Mariar,” he said, taming to liis wife, “you'd better git it pulled.” effect than so much clear water?” “In the first place,” answered the doctor, with a dry smile -I would call in a good physician." “Thank you,” said the granger, rising to go. “I will do as you say. I reckon I'll find Dr. SnirK in his office. Good day.” — ♦ m A Virginia pastor says that he hired a buggy and drove about ii miles to visit twoof his member-* who had not been to church for nine months, and when, after 1; good many inquiries and a long search, he found their residences, he was edified by the announce ment that they had gone to town to attend a circus. ■ • ■ “Aunt Julia,” saida bloom:-- girl of seventeen, “what is neccs sary in order to write a good love letter?” “Well,” replied the am. . “you must begin without knowing wliat you mean to say and ftnf-'i without knowing what you hate written.” ton. I baptize thee—” “no, no,” hurriedly whispered the mother in great alarm, “not Joseph E. New ton—Josephine Newton. It’s not that kind of a baby.” The open gambling Base Bail business goes on, with perhaps increasing interest, and most <4* our dailies help 00 in the dirty work.